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Hydrological Modeling
for Watershed Analysis

Bronwyn Fleet-Pardy

Hydrological Modeling
October 28, 2013

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Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Study Area ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Processes ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Process Description ................................................................................................................................... 2
Data Preparation ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Steps .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Project the DEM .................................................................................................................................... 3
Determining Where Sinks Exist ............................................................................................................. 4
Using the Sink tool to Identify Sinks ..................................................................................................... 5
Filling the Sinks ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Creating the Hillshade ........................................................................................................................... 7
Determine Flow Direction ..................................................................................................................... 8
Finding Flow Accumulation ................................................................................................................... 9
Extracting the Streams ........................................................................................................................ 10
Stream Threshold ................................................................................................................................ 11
Determining Stream Order ................................................................................................................. 12
Symbolizing Streams ........................................................................................................................... 13
Linking the Streams ............................................................................................................................. 14
Identifying the Streams ....................................................................................................................... 15
Creating Watershed Outlets ............................................................................................................... 16
Watershed Models .................................................................................................................................. 19
Watershed 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Watershed 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Watershed 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Watershed 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Contour Function ................................................................................................................................ 24
Comparative Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 25
Comparing Analysts Watersheds to the Provincial Watershed ......................................................... 25
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Comparing the Analysts Streams to the NTDB 1:50,000 Streams ..................................................... 29
Comparing the Analysts Contours to the NTDB 1:50,000 Contours .................................................. 31
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 33
Analysts Notes ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Software ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Data Sources ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................... a

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List of Figures
Figure 1- Southern portion of Nova Scotia at 1:2,000,000 scale. Study Area shown in bright orange. ....... 1
Figure 2 DEM. ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 3 Exporting the DEM with new coordinate system. ....................................................................... 3
Figure 4 DEM with Sinks displayed in red. ................................................................................................. 4
Figure 5 Sinks Tool result, filled sinks in study area. .................................................................................. 5
Figure 6 The DEM with all sinks removed. ................................................................................................. 6
Figure 7 Depressionless DEM with Hillshade Effect ................................................................................... 7
Figure 8 Flow Direction performed on the DEM with filled sinks. ............................................................. 8
Figure 9 The result of the Flow Accumulation equation. ........................................................................... 9
Figure 10 The streams with the threshold value over 2000. ................................................................... 10
Figure 11 The result of the Con equation yielding the streams with a threshold value of 1. ................. 11
Figure 12 Stream Order using the Shreve method. ................................................................................. 12
Figure 13 The resulting shapefile from the Stream to Feature. ............................................................... 13
Figure 14 Stream Links. ............................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 15 Streams with unique IDs. ......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 16 Creating a new shapefile. ......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 17 The digitized points with the DEM and streams displayed. ..................................................... 16
Figure 18 The Feature to Raster tool with the fields populated for the raster output. .......................... 17
Figure 19 The features on the map are too small for all to be shown, thus the Legend is displayed. .... 18
Figure 20 The first watershed containing 12 watersheds. ....................................................................... 19
Figure 21 The Basin watershed displayed with legend. ........................................................................... 20
Figure 22 Calculating the Count field. ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23 The query to achieve the selected records. ............................................................................. 21
Figure 24 The third watershed. ................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 25 The fourth watershed. ............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 26 The resulting contours with watershed 4 underneath to display. ........................................... 24
Figure 27 The first watershed. ................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 28 Basin, the second watershed. .................................................................................................. 26
Figure 29 The third watershed. ................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 30 The fourth watershed. ............................................................................................................. 28
Figure 31 The stream comparison. .......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 32 A closer look at a section of the streams comparative. ........................................................... 30
Figure 33 The whole study area with the analysts and the NTDB contours displayed. .......................... 31
Figure 34 The comparison of the NTDB contours and the analysts contours in a close up section of the
study area. .................................................................................................................................................. 32

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This report explains how the analyst expanded their knowledge of raster analysis. The analyst performed
Hydrological Modeling and the Analysis of Watersheds (using GRID Modeling) in the study area assigned
to them. Hydrological and Watershed Modeling is necessary to understand the flow direction of
waterways depending on the terrain, the waterways hierarchy compared to other waterways in the
area, and the way waterways are related. This is vital for environmental impacts, land use, ecology and
resource management.
ESRIs ArcGIS 10.1 suite was utilized for the GRID Modeling of the watersheds. The tasks were
performed in ArcMap 10.1 with the Spatial Analyst extension and the Raster Calculator tool (using Map
Algebra expressions). The base dataset used to perform the project was a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
which was obtained from the GeoBase website (See: Data Sources). Various steps had to be performed
for the final watersheds results.
Study Area
The study area assigned to the analyst was from a National Topographic Series (NTS) Map Sheet: 11E04
East, this is the Kennetcook area in Nova Scotia. The analyst was only assigned the eastern portion of
the map sheet. The analyst wanted a more detailed examination of the watersheds. As shown below in
Figure 1, the study area presides in the middle section of the province.

Figure 1- Southern portion of Nova Scotia at 1:2,000,000 scale. Study Area shown in bright orange.
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Process Description
Geoprocessing for the assignment was performed using tools derived from the Spatial Analysis toolset.
The Raster Calculator tool was used to perform raster analysis using Map Algebra expressions to create
numerous watersheds. Several of these tools included Flow Direction, Sink, Fill, Region Group, and
Stream Link. Features classes had to be created and converted from vector shapefile points to a raster
feature. All the processes in the analysis yielded the final watersheds.
Data Preparation
To perform analysis, the analyst had to download a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the GeoBase
website using the NTS map sheet number that corresponds with the DEM and study area. There are two
portions included in the download, the eastern half is used (See: Study Area). Vector copies of the
corresponding 1:50,000 National Topographic Database (NTDB) map sheets were downloaded from the
GeoGratis website. From this dataset, the contours and streams were extracted. They would be needed
for a comparison analysis in the final stage of the project and to determine if the analysis was accurate.
A third dataset was utilized for
reference when generating
point features (creation of the
watershed outlets). It is the
Canadian Watersheds Dataset
for the province of Nova Scotia.
The dataset was used also used
for the comparative analysis
(that was performed on the
four created watersheds) at the
end of the project.

Figure 2 DEM.
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Project the DEM
The first phase of the project was to change the projection of the DEM. The DEMs geographic
coordinate system was GCS North American 1983. The project required projection was NAD 1983 UTM
Zone 20 North, which is a projected coordinate system. To do this, the analyst opened an ArcMap
document and set the spatial reference to NAD 1983 UTM Zone 20 North in the Data Frame properties
Coordinate System tab. The DEM was added to the document and then exported with the Data Frames
coordinates and a cell size of 20 metres, as per project guidelines. A TIFF file format was used instead of
the traditional ESRI GRID file format. Through previous experience GRID files had caused unexplainable
geoprocessing errors. However, preforming the same procedures with a TIFF file format has been
successful with minimal errors.

Figure 3 Exporting the DEM with new coordinate system.

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Determining Where Sinks Exist
Flow Direction Creates a raster of flow direction from each cell to its steepest downslope
ArcGIS Syntax FlowDirection (in_surface_raster, {force_flow}, {out_drop_raster})
Analysis Syntax FlowDirection (dem.tif, normal)
Analysis Output dem_fd1.tif

Figure 4 DEM with Sinks displayed in red.

Result Description The Flow Direction equation was used to determine the flow course for all the
watersheds in the study area. The DEM raster result displays any values of 255 as
sinks or a data error (the computer believes it is a sink). There are many sinks
shown, all varying in size. All sinks must be filled in order to have an accurate
representation of the watersheds analysis in the study area.

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Using the Sink tool to Identify Sinks
Sink Tool Creates a raster identifying all sinks or areas of internal drainage.
ArcGIS Syntax Sink (in_flow_direction_raster)
Analysis Syntax Sink(dem_fd1.tif)
Analysis Output dem_sink1.tif

Figure 5 Sinks Tool result, filled sinks in study area.

The Sink Tool was used to identify and distinguish the areas of sinks (as displayed in
varying tones of gray). This allows the analyst to determine where the sinks in the
processes next step can be removed. Removing the sinks helps improve the data
quality and eliminates minor deficiencies in the results.

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Filling the Sinks
Fill Tool Fills sinks in a surface raster to remove small imperfections in the data.
The Fill Tool can be found in the Hydrology toolbox.
ArcGIS Syntax Fill (in_surface_raster, {z_limit})
Analysis Syntax Fill (dem.tif)
Analysis Output Dem_Fill.tif

Figure 6 The DEM with all sinks removed.
Result Description The Fill tool was used to fill all the sinks identified within the previous step. The
result is a new depressionless DEM. It is important that the sinks are filled to
provide more precise results for the procedures. The analyst can now proceed with
the next steps in the process to perform watershed analysis.

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Creating the Hillshade
Hillshade The Hillshade is not created with a tool for this step. Instead, in the depressionless
DEM Properties, (in the Symbology tab) the Use Hillshade Effect box was checked
on. The hillshade is not a requirement of the project; the analyst merely used it to
better understand the terrain in the study area.
ArcGIS Syntax N/A
Analysis Syntax N/A
Analysis Output Dem_Fill.tif

Figure 7 Depressionless DEM with Hillshade Effect
The result of using the Use Hillshade Effect generates a hillshade effect to
accentuate the elevation and terrain of the study area. This gives the analyst a
better perception for use with the Flow Direction and Connectivity of the

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Determine Flow Direction
Flow Direction Creates a raster of flow direction from each cell to its steepest downslope neighbour.
ArcGIS Syntax FlowDirection (in_surface_raster, {force_flow}, {out_drop_raster})
Analysis Syntax FlowDirection(Dem_Fill.tif)
Analysis Output demfdir.tif

Figure 8 Flow Direction performed on the DEM with filled sinks.
Flow Direction expression was performed on the depressionless DEM, determining
flow direction (the water will only flow downward) with a result of eight values
which are the compass directions for the DEM.

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Finding Flow Accumulation
Creates a raster of accumulated flow into each cell. A weight factor can optionally be
ArcGIS Syntax FlowAccumulation (in_flow_direction_raster, {in_weight_raster}, {data_type})
Analysis Syntax FlowAccumulation(demfdir.tif)
Analysis Output demfacc.tif

Figure 9 The result of the Flow Accumulation equation.
Flow Accumulation tool to calculate the flow accumulation in a downward direction
per cell in the raster. The result is all the streams found within the study area. The
higher the value of the stream, the more water course accumulation is present. The
lower values are generally branches off of larger waterways. They are displayed in
the lighter grays.

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Extracting the Streams
Con Performs a conditional if/else evaluation on each of the input cells of an input raster.
ArcGIS Syntax Con (in_conditional_raster, in_true_raster_or_constant,
{in_false_raster_or_constant}, {where_clause})
Analysis Syntax Con(demfacc.tif > 2000, demfacc.tif)
Analysis Output streams.tif

Figure 10 The streams with the threshold value over 2000.
Using the Con statement in map algebra to extract everything with a threshold value
of over 2000. This step was not necessary for the analysis. However, the analyst
performed it since they preferred to follow a step by step procedure.

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Stream Threshold
Con Performs a conditional if/else evaluation on each of the input cells of an input raster.
ArcGIS Syntax Con (in_conditional_raster, in_true_raster_or_constant, {in_false_raster_or_constant},
Con(demfacc.tif > 2000, 1)

Figure 11 The result of the Con equation yielding the streams with a threshold value of 1.
The streams threshold result is a raster containing streams with values above 2000 but
all values above that are given a 1 for the value. This is performed to benefit and
determine the waterways order in the next step.

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Determining Stream Order
Stream Order Assigns a numeric order to segments of a raster representing branches of a linear
ArcGIS Syntax StreamOrder (in_stream_raster, in_flow_direction_raster, {order_method})
Analysis Syntax StreamOrder(streams_thr.tif, demfdir.tif, SHREVE)
Analysis Output stream_ord.tif

Figure 12 Stream Order using the Shreve method.
The SHREVE method was used to determine the stream order. Higher numbers have
larger amounts of water flow, whereas smaller numbers have less water flow. Using
this method, the resulting raster displays the areas where the streams intersect with
amplified water flowage.

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Symbolizing Streams
Stream to
Converts a raster representing a linear network to features representing the linear
ArcGIS Syntax StreamToFeature (in_stream_raster, in_flow_direction_raster,
out_polyline_features, {simplify})
Analysis Syntax StreamToFeature(stream_ord.tif, demfdir.tif, stream_ord_shape.shp,
Analysis Output stream_ord_shape.shp

Figure 13 The resulting shapefile from the Stream to Feature.
The analyst created a vector shapefile in order to change the symbology. This display
a graduated line, representing the streams and where they intersect with the order
of flowage.

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October 28, 2013


Linking the Streams
Stream Link Assigns unique values to sections of a raster linear network between intersections.
ArcGIS Syntax StreamLink (in_stream_raster, in_flow_direction_raster)
Analysis Syntax StreamLink(stream_thr.tif, demfdir.tif)
Analysis Output s_link.tif

Figure 14 Stream Links.
The resulting raster displays the waterways that are linked and intersected together.
This is necessary to determine watersheds. Some watersheds are at a sub-basin
level a natural hollow place containing water, with a greater width than depth for
that particular area.

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October 28, 2013


Identifying the Streams
Region Group and
For each cell in the output, the identity of the connected region to which that cell
belongs is recorded. A unique number is assigned to each region.
Performs a conditional if/else evaluation on each of the input cells of an input
ArcGIS Syntax RegionGroup (in_raster, {number_neighbors}, {zone_connectivity}, {add_link},
{excluded_value}) and
Con (in_conditional_raster, in_true_raster_or_constant,
{in_false_raster_or_constant}, {where_clause})
Analysis Syntax RegionGroup(Con(s_link.tif, >= 0, 1), EIGHT)
Analysis Output streams_id.tif

Figure 15 Streams with unique IDs.
Result Description The Region Group expression combined with the Con statement identifies the
streams and gives each series of streams a unique ID. 25 different groupings
were produced. Each grouping contains a sequence of streams which would fall
within a watershed boundary.

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October 28, 2013


Creating Watershed Outlets
Several processes had to be conducted to create the watershed outlets. This is done to determine the
direction of the watershed drainage. Vector points were used for the digitizing and then converted into
a raster file format.
Digitizing Points
To digitize the watersheds, a vector point shapefile had to be created in ArcCatalog 10.1. This was called
pt_outlets1.shp and was not assigned a coordinate system.

Figure 16 Creating a new shapefile.
An edit session on the new shapefile was
started. The new points were positioned at
the edge of each series of streams in the
study area. The End Snapping option was
turned on to ensure the points snapped to
the correct pixel at each stream edge,
maximizing accuracy.

Figure 17 The digitized points with the DEM and streams

The new points created corresponding with the
series of streams edges, are displayed to the right.
Once the points were digitized the edit session was
saved and finished.
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Exporting to Raster
The digitized points then needed to be converted into a raster file format to complete the analysis. In
order to do this, the vector points needed to have a unique identification value assigned. A new field
called Id was added in the attribute field. The Calculate Field function was then used with an equation
(Id + 1) to label each record in the Id attribute field with a new value.
Once all the points at the streams edge of the DEM were created with the new Id field populated, the
tool Feature to Raster was used to create a GRID with a 40 metre cell size instead of a 20 metre cell size
(this was completed to make sure the study area was covered).

Figure 18 The Feature to Raster tool with the fields populated for the raster output.

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Snap Pour Point
Snap Pour Point Snaps pour points to the cell of highest flow accumulation within a
specified distance.
ArcGIS Syntax SnapPourPoint (in_pour_point_data, in_accumulation_raster,
snap_distance, {pour_point_field})
Analysis Syntax SnapPourPoint("gr_outlets2.tif", "demfacc.tif", 20)
Analysis Output

Figure 19 The features on the map are too small for all to be shown, thus the Legend is
Result Description The map algebra expression Snap Pour Point was used to make the sure
the points snapped to the cell. The step was not necessary but completed
as a counteractive step to ensure the highest accuracy for the analysis. The
analyst then examined all the points again to double check that they were
correct and matched the correct raster stream cell. This was performed by
zooming in between a 1:10 or 1:5 scale range.

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Watershed Models
Four different methods of creating watersheds were performed for the analysis. The outcomes of each
are comparable but each has its own way to display the data and the type of the watershed.
Watershed 1
Watershed Determines the contributing area above a set of cells in a raster.
ArcGIS Syntax Watershed (in_flow_direction_raster, in_pour_point_data, {pour_point_field})
Analysis Syntax Watershed ("demfdir.tif","gr_outlet2.tif")
Analysis Output wshed

Figure 20 The first watershed containing 12 watersheds.
Result Description Using the map algebra Watershed comment expression in Raster Calculator, all of
the watersheds in the study area (12 watersheds) are displayed. They all vary in
size, shape and the area they cover.

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October 28, 2013


Watershed 2
Basin Creates a raster delineating all drainage basins.
ArcGIS Syntax Basin (in_flow_direction_raster)
Analysis Syntax Basin (damfdir.tif)
Analysis Output basin1.tif

Figure 21 The Basin watershed displayed with legend.
Result Description The Basin Function was used to create the second watershed. Attributes were
selected using the equation Count >= 5000, to determine the number of cells
within each watershed that are above 5000. The Raster to Polygon tool was
then used to convert the basin1.tif feature to a shapefile. This was performed to
filter through the features. The records that retained above the 5000 pixels
would become the new polygon shapefile.
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Figure 22 Calculating the Count field.

Figure 23 The query to achieve the selected records.

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Watershed 3
Watershed Determines the contributing area above a set of cells in a raster.
ArcGIS Syntax Watershed (in_flow_direction_raster, in_pour_point_data, {pour_point_field})
Analysis Syntax Watershed(demfdir.tif, s_link.tif)

Figure 24 The third watershed.
The Watershed map algebra expression was used with the STREAMLINK method to
create the third watershed. There are 343 records displayed in the study area. Since
the Stream Link raster was used, numerous watersheds actually make up several of
the larger watersheds in the study area.

Hydrological Modeling
October 28, 2013


Watershed 4
Watershed Determines the contributing area above a set of cells in a raster.
ArcGIS Syntax Watershed (in_flow_direction_raster, in_pour_point_data, {pour_point_field})
Analysis Syntax Watershed(demfdir.tif, streams_id.tif)
Analysis Output wshed4

Figure 25 The fourth watershed.
Using the Watershed map algebra expression to create the fourth watershed with
the unique IDs for each stream carrying over the 25 stream records. These streams
are aggregated by their connectivity thus creating watersheds to represent each
series of streams from those aggregated streams.

Hydrological Modeling
October 28, 2013


Contour Function
Contour Creates a line feature class of contours (isolines) from a raster surface.
ArcGIS Syntax Contour (in_raster, out_polyline_features, contour_interval, {base_contour},
Analysis Syntax Contour(dem.tif, DEM_Contours.shp, 10, 0)
Analysis Output dem_contours.shp

Figure 26 The resulting contours with watershed 4 underneath to display.
Result Description The map algebra expression Contour was used to create 10 metre contours for
the study area. These contours were derived from the DEM and help display the
terrain and elevation of the study area. The sections were the contours are
closer together are sharper slopes and inclines, whereas the contours that are
spaced further apart display areas that are flatter.
Analysts Note: When the tool is executed, it appears to fail. However, the result
(dem_contours.shp) is produced even though the output in Raster Calculator is

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October 28, 2013


Comparative Analysis
The final outcomes for the GRID modeling project created four watersheds for the study area. Each
watershed contains some similar delineation results. Each watershed essentially displays the watersheds
at various scale ranges. Each watershed had diverse inputs which determine the final results all in the
study area. The Provincial Watersheds Boundary and the NTDB Streams and Contours vector shapefiles
were all clipped to the study area to minimize processing time.
Comparing Analysts Watersheds to the Provincial Watershed
The Provincial Watershed boundaries differ slightly from the analysts first watershed boundaries. In
some areas the analysts watershed appears to closely match the Provincial watershed (analysts
watershed 8 compared to provincial watersheds) whereas in other areas there are definitely differences
in the watersheds (analysts watershed 0 compared to provincial).
The Provincial Boundaries are displayed as the bright pink lines with no fill colour. It was overlaid on the
first watershed with the DEM hillshade underneath for graphic exhibition.

Figure 27 The first watershed.

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The second watershed produced by the analyst displays the basin watershed with the provincial
boundaries overlaid and DEM hillshade underneath. Some of the watersheds in the study area are very
similar to those in the provincial watersheds. Similar to the first watershed, there are some areas that
the provincial watersheds and the analysts watersheds differ. However, due to the manner that the
basin tool creates watersheds, the boundaries in certain areas are substantially different.
Both watersheds are correct. The provincial watershed was created to serve for a provincial level,
whereas the analysts watershed was established for just the study area in question. In combination
with the Basin tool using high points to create the boundaries for the individual watersheds, the two
results will appear different when overlaid.

Figure 28 Basin, the second watershed.
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The third watershed displays the analysts watersheds from the low value of 1 to the highest value of
343. The provincial watershed boundaries are overlaid with the DEM hillshade underneath for graphic
presentation. The third watershed was created with the Stream Links expressiong ensuring that the data
was as accurate and detailed as possible. Many of these watersheds do not mirror the boundaries
shown by the provincial dataset because they are much smaller and are meant for sub-basin analysis.
Having watersheds of this detail can be useful for many things with the most prominent being
environmental impacts such as pollutants invading the waterways.

Figure 29 The third watershed.

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The fourth and final watershed has similar results to the first and second watersheds produced by the
analyst. The fourth watershed contains the 25 series of streams from Region Group and Con statements.
This is because similar streams are linked together and given the same value. The watersheds generated
by the analyst differ in some areas of the study area compared to the provincial boundaries watersheds.

Figure 30 The fourth watershed.

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Comparing the Analysts Streams to the NTDB 1:50,000 Streams
The DEM used for the analysis was used to determine where the watersheds in the study area were. The
streams derived from DEM are displayed in dark purple. The NTDB streams are displayed in blue.

Figure 31 The stream comparison.
The streams were created with the Flow Direction and Flow Accumulation functions, although they
represent the streams well, it does not take into account that there could be lakes in the study area. The
NTDB streams display a more accurate account of how waterways wander through terrain. Whereas the
DEM is in a raster format it is based on the value of the cell (if it has a value or is null). Since natural
waterways curve more the NTDB streams represent the streams more truthfully even though the
Hydrological Modeling
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streams appear more comprehensive. Where the DEM streams remain in many areas, the NTDB streams
appear to have sections missing. This could be where a lake feature may appear in the area (as
mentioned above, since other water courses besides streams were not included in the analysis).

Figure 32 A closer look at a section of the streams comparative.

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Comparing the Analysts Contours to the NTDB 1:50,000 Contours
The NTDB contours are displayed in red, the DEM derived contours are displayed in purple. Both of the
datasets contours are at 10 metre intervals and were examined by the analyst.

Figure 33 The whole study area with the analysts and the NTDB contours displayed.

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The NTDB contours appear smoother, the analyst determined that they have been generalized and does
not represent the data accurately. In Figure 30, the NDTB contours are graphically better but the DEM
contours display the data more truthfully since it is a raster (which basis is off the pixel values). The
details of the contours display the elevation accurately, since the closer the contours are together, the
steeper the slope(s).

Figure 34 The comparison of the NTDB contours and the analysts contours in a close up section of the study area.

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October 28, 2013


The final analysts results for the Watershed Modeling project display various ways of watershed
modeling with several different steps leading up to the final project outcomes. The processes employed
for the analysis represents the features in the study area, but an on-site analysis would have improved
the results. On-site analysis could determine if the sinks in the DEM are inaccuracies in the data or actual
sinks. It would also have helped to determine the edges of the watersheds in the study area. Some
watersheds likely are attached to others that are just not in the study area. The analyst was unable to
perform on site analysis because of time and budget constraints.
Analysts Notes
As stated above (See: Project the DEM): The TIFF file format was utilized instead of the ESRI GRID format.
This was used since even though GRID files are raster. There were unexpected processing errors that
occurred, the TIFF file format did not incur these errors. A TIFF file format was used instead of the
traditional ESRI GRID file format. Through previous experience GRID files had caused unexplainable
geoprocessing errors. However, preforming the same procedures with a TIFF file format has been
successful with minimal errors.
A few of the processes did not have a TIFF file extension as a result of the analysts error.
ESRIs ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 Suite
Microsoft Office 2010
Hydrological Modeling
October 28, 2013


Data Sources

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was downloaded from the GeoBase website. The data was constructed by
the Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) which was subsequently created by the Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) Mapping Information division.
Vector copies of the streams and contours (1:50,000 NTDB) 11E04 map sheet were downloaded from
GeoGratis website.
The Canadian Watersheds Dataset for the Province of Nova Scotia was provided by Analysts Project
Manager (Mark Hebert).

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October 28, 2013

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Works Cited
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Basin (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Con (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources :
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Contour (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources :
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Fill (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Flow Accumulation (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Flow Direction (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Region Group (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources :
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Sink (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Snap Pour Point (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Stream Link (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Stream Order (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Stream to Feature (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
ESRI. (2012, 11 8). Watershed (Spatial Analyst). Retrieved from ArcGIS Resources:
Hebert, M. (2013, October). GISD 3020 Grid Modelling and Map Algebra 05 Part A. Lawrencetown,
Nova Scotia: Centre of Geographic Sciences.
Hebert, M. (2013, October). GISD 3020 Grid Modelling and Map Algebra 05 Part B. Lawrencetown,
Nova Scotia: Centre of Geographic Sciences.
Hydrological Modeling
October 28, 2013

Page b

Hebert, M. (2013, October). GISD 3020 Grid Modelling and Map Algebra 05 Part C. Lawrencetown,
Nova Scotia: Centre of Geographic Sciences.
Hebert, M. (2013, October). GISD 3020 Grid Modelling and Map Algebra 06 Watershed Assignment.
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia: Centre of Geographic Sciences.

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