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1.1 Origin of the Report:
Term Paper report is a practical part of academic studies. This is a reflection of academic
knowledge through practical work experience. Thus this Term Paper report aims to reflect the
professional view of real world working environment.
The Department of Business Administration of National University offers four years BBA
program maoring in different related fields. This BBA program is the !uilding up of the
theoretical knowledge a!out !usiness administration that is the !ase of practical knowledge. This
Term Paper is an attempt to provide !usiness students an orientation to a real life !usiness
situation in which we can o!serve and evaluate the use and applica!ility of the theoretical
concepts which were taught in the classrooms.
" have prepared this Term Paper with the mentioned topic that was suggested and supervised !y
my academic supervisor #d. Ashfa$ur %ahman& Assistant Professor& Department of Business
Administration& "nstitute of 'cience and Technology ("'T).
1.2 Objectives:
Primary *!ectives+
To Present a Background and "ntroduction of ,rameenPhone -td.
To .ocus on the Business and *perations of the /ompany.
To .ocus on Products 0 'ervices
To analy1e the growth and determine the impact.
"dentify the findings of analysis and recommend !ased on the findings.
"dentify the /orporate social %esponsi!ility of ,rameenPhone.
'econdary *!ectives+
To have 2nowledge on ,rameenPhone -td.
To improve corresponding and report writing a!ility.
To fulfill re$uirement of the Term Paper.
1.3 Methodology :
Type of %esearch +
The research focuses the customer services offered !y ,rameenPhone which has !een recently
improved to a !etter extent for gaining positive experience from our su!scri!ers. This type of
research !asically covers +
/ompany "nformation
Analy1ing the industry
Products 0 'ervices
/ustomer 'ervice aspects !y the company
'ample Design +
.or analy1ing the whole telecommunication industry all the existing six mo!ile operators are
taken as sample num!er for analy1ing growth& market share 0 other related factors.
'urvey #ethods +
The overall method of collecting data can !e divided into two categories +
Primary Data /ollection
'econdary Data /ollection
.or the purpose of the study data and information have !een collected from !oth primary and
secondary sources. The relevant information collected from primary sources is collected in an
informal way. Besides this& regular conversations with many ,P employees also a source of
related data. " have interviewed and taken some suggestions orally from the personnel of
,rameen Phone -td. The secondary sources for data collection were pu!lished annual reports&
monthly financial newsletters of ,P and monthly newsletters of ,rameenPhone -td.
Data Analysis and "nterpretation +
All the data that are presented through charts 0 ta!les are also presented through graph3ical
presentation. These graphs are interpreted !y analy1ing the scenario that acts as an indicator for
different analysis.
'e$uence Tasks for Arranging %eport +
The report has !een arranged !y maintaining the following se$uence +
4. "ntroduction of The %eport
*rigin of the %eport
*!ective of the %eport
#ethodology of the report
%ationale of the %eport
'cope 0 -imitations
5. /ompany "nformation
6. "ndustry "nformation
7. Analysis of different sectors
8. /onclusion and %ecommendation
1.4 Rationale of the tudy :
This report aims at reflecting the real life working environment to the fresh graduate or master9s
students. This is very helpful as this helps to understand different aspects of a company. "t also
makes an introduction to professionalism that is vital in the working life. 'o& Term Paper can !e
visuali1ed as a guideline for starting up o! i.e. career life.
1.! cope :
The scope of the study is limited within telecommunication !usiness in Bangladesh. "t is also
limited within the organi1ation of ,rameen Phone -td. and especially within corporate social
%esponsi!ility of the /ompany. :ere " discuss with the topics related to the financial
performance and %evenue of ,rameenPhone.
1." #i$itations :
The company does not have sufficient source of secondary data and collecting of data
was not smooth.
Analy1ing financial data is much more confusing and complicated than any other data.
" was assigned in a unit with the o!s related to the /all center which is the vastest sector
of an organi1ation so it was really difficult for me to accumulate such lots of data and
also it was hard to accumulate confidential financial data from other divisions.
2.1 %ra$een&hone 'orporate %overnance :
"n the fast3paced world of telecommunications& vi!rant and dynamic /orporate ,overnance
practices are an essential ingredient to success. ,rameenphone !elieves in the continued
improvement of corporate governance. This in turn has led the /ompany to commit considera!le
resources and implement internationally accepted /orporate 'tandards in its day3to3day
Being a pu!lic limited company& the Board of Directors of ,rameenphone have a pivotal role to
play in meeting all stakeholders9 interests. The Board of Directors and the #anagement Team of
,rameenphone are committed to maintaining effective /orporate ,overnance through a culture
of accounta!ility& transparency& well3understood policies and procedures. The Board of Directors
and the #anagement Team also persevere to maintain compliance of all laws of Bangladesh and
all internally documented regulations& policies and procedures.
,rameenphone is a truly transparent company that operates at the highest levels of integrity and
accounta!ility on a glo!al standard.
2.2 hareholders :
The shareholders of ,rameenphone contri!ute their uni$ue& in3depth experience in !oth
telecommunications and development.
The international shareholder !rings technological and !usiness management expertise while the
local shareholder provides a presence throughout Bangladesh and a deep understanding of its
economy. Both are dedicated to Bangladesh and its struggle for economic progress and have a
deep commitment to ,rameenphone and its mission to provide afforda!le telephony to the entire
population of Bangladesh.
2.3 (bout )elenor :
Telenor is emerging as one of the fastest growing providers of mo!ile communications services
worldwide with ownership interests in 45 mo!ile operators across ;urope and Asia.
Telenor is organi1ed into three !usiness areas< #o!ile operations covering 45 countries& and
.ixed3line and Broadcast services covering the Nordic region.
Telenor holds =5 percent of ,rameenphone& with ,rameen Telecom /orporation owning the
remaining 6> percent. Telenor has played a pioneering role in development of cellular
communications in Bangladesh.
The Telenor ,roup
#ore than 48? million mo!ile su!scri!ers worldwide
'trong su!scription growth& particularly in our Asian operations
-isted as No.4 on Dow @ones 'ustaina!ility "ndex 5??>
%anked as the world9s seventh largest mo!ile operator
%evenues 5??A+ N*2 4?8 !illion
Borkforce 5??A+ 68 >?? man3years
-isted on the *slo 'tock ;xchange& with head$uarters in Norway
2.4 (bout %ra$een )eleco$ :
,rameen Telecom /orporation& which owns 6>C of the shares of ,rameenPhone& is a not3for3
profit company and works in close colla!oration with ,rameen Bank.The internationally reputed
!ank for the poor& has the most extensive rural !anking network and expertise in microfinance. "t
understands the economic needs of the rural population& in particular the women from the
poorest households.
,rameen Telecom& with the help of ,rameen Bank& administers the Dillage Phone Program&
through which ,rameenPhone provides its services to the fast growing rural customers. ,rameen
Telecom trains the operators& supplies them with handsets and handles all service3related issues.
,rameen Bank currently covers more than =A&??? villages which are serviced !y 5454 !ank
!ranches all over the countryside. As of may 5??=& the !ank had =.66 million !orrowers& EA
percent of whom were women.
,rameen Telecom9s o!ectives are to provide easy access to ,'# cellular services in rural
Bangladesh& creating new opportunities for income generation through self3 employment !y
providing villagers with access to modern information and communication !ased technologies.
3.1 'R at %ra$een&hone :
Around the world& development is attri!uted to myriad factors. .rom education to sta!le
governance& hundreds of issues are directly linked with the process of growth. /uriously&
connectivity has never !een canoni1ed in the same vein and has often !een viewed as a
peripheral tool rather than a genuine factor towards development. That perspective must change
as we& at ,rameenphone& understand the essential correlation !etween connectivity and
development. Be reali1e that when a rural farmer purchases a '"# card& he has purchased more
than ust a means of communication. Bhat he has actually done& is to open up a gateway of hope
and possi!ilities. The Fmere9 '"# card offers the farmer a level of connectivity that can steer him
out of poverty.
But things have not always !een this way. .or decades& our people were deprived of access to
convenient low cost communications. .rom the ashes of those pro!lems arose mo!ile telephony
and Bangladesh has never !een the same since. As the pioneers of mo!ile telephony in
Bangladesh& we have connected more than 5? million people across the country& many of whom
previously had little or no access to such communication. The ripple effects of such connectivity
can !e felt in the larger picture of development in Bangladesh. Access to information transforms
lives every day and generates !usiness opportunities through direct and indirect employment.
This is where connectivity meets development.
The village phone helps to !ring !oth social and economic empowerment to the rural women as
they take center stage in earning a living and setting an inspiring example. /onnectivity also
!rings with it entrepreneurship& such as setting up /ommunity "nformation /enters (/"/s). "t
drives people to invest in technology and !ridge the digital divide& thus helping !oth individuals
and the communities along the way towards development. /onnectivity also assists towards
making informed !usiness decisions as well as reducing the dependency on middlemen.
/ellBa1aar G an electronic marketplace G facilitates traders with necessary market information
and thus contri!utes towards !usiness growth.
"n connecting the unconnected& we have contri!uted towards !ringing the ur!an to the rural and
the rural to the ur!an& generating employment& increasing ,DP& empowered millions and
generally making life easier. "n our march towards development& no one is left !ehind and every
day we hope to keep connecting the unconnected.
3.3 *illage &hone +,very freedo$ counts-:
"n rural areas& where isolation and poor infrastructure services are often the norm&
telecommunications can play an extremely important role in enhancing social and economic
development. The Dillage Phone (DP) initiative has made tremendous social and economic
impact in the rural areas of Bangladesh& creating a Fsu!stantial consumer surplus9 for the users.
*n the other hand& it has created an income3earning opportunity for the DP operators& mostly
poor women and !orrower mem!ers of ,rameen Bank& who are now a!le to make their opinions
-aunch Date+
5= #arch& 4EEA& the same day commercial service of ,rameenphone was launched.
:ow "t Borks+
,rameen Telecom supervises the village phone activities in cooperation with ,rameen Bank and
The Dillage Phones work as an owner3operated pay phone. A mem!er of ,rameen Bank takes a
loan to !uy a handset and a ,P su!scription and she is trained !y ,rameen Telecom on how to
operate it. The DP operators then retails the mo!ile phone service among her fellow villagers&
thus earning an income.
Proect #ilestone+
H 5A?&??? Dillage Phone *perators in 8?&??? villages.
H %eplicated in a num!er of countries including Uganda and %wanda.
H %eceived F,'#A in the /ommunity Award9 in 5???.
H %eceived F/ommonwealth "nnovation Award9 in 5??6.
H %eceived IPeters!urg Pri1eJ awarded !y the ,ateway .oundation in 5??8.
3.4 'o$$unityInfor$ation'enter +,very opportunity counts-:
The ,rameenphone /ommunity "nformation /enter (/"/) is a shared premise where rural
people may access a wide range of state of the art services such as "nternet& voice
communications& video conferencing and other information services.
"t aims to !ridge the Idigital divideJ !y providing access to information3!ased services to under3
served and underprivileged rural people& as well as to !uild local entrepreneurships and create
employment opportunities for the unemployed youth.
-aunch Date+ .e!ruary 5??=
:ow it Borks+
"t is designed to !e run independently as small !usinesses !y local entrepreneurs. ;ach /"/ is
e$uipped with a computer& a printer& a scanner& a we!cam and a modem to provide internet3!ased
services. /"/ entrepreneurs are trained and are provided with continuous support from
,rameenphone so that they can extend their knowledge and service to the communities they
serve. /"/s also provide other ,P services& such as payphones and electronic recharge for pre3
paid and post3paid mo!ile accounts.
"n order to achieve its vision& ,rameenphone has united with N,*s and development
organi1ations as strategic partners. The rollout partners are ,rameen Telecom& 'ociety for
;conomic and Basic Advancement (';BA)& and ;agle for nationwide implementation& and
2alikapur Daridro 2allan 'angsta (2D2')& 'ocio3;conomic Development Association (';DA)&
2armakutir& ,ori!er Asroy& and ''TD /ommunication for divisional implementation.
Proect #ilestone+ 8?= /ommunity "nformation /enters in 74A Upa1illas.
3.! 'ell.a/ar +,very enterprise counts-:
-imited communication has always !een a hindrance for performing !usiness& especially in
developing countries. "n Bangladesh& the isolated and uninformed farmers and traders have little
!argaining power with exploitative middlemen.
Using ,rameenphone /ellBa1aar& !uyers and sellers are a!le to trade goods (e.g. rice&
motorcycle& electronics& etc.) through their mo!ile phones& !ringing the !enefits of information
exchange& community networking and one3to3many trading to a previously unwired rural
population. "t facilitates the system of trading& so that the traders can gather market information
for smart and informed decision3making while staying at home and grow their !usiness.
/ellBa1aar simply connects and empowers.
-aunch Date+ @uly 5??=
:ow it Borks+
;very imagina!le product is listed on /ellBa1aar& from ,rameenphone /ellBa1aar proect is
a!out using the mo!ile phone to create an electronic market place. /ellBa1aar users register via a
simple procedure and can then post items for sale via the mo!ile phone or a computer. .or
!uyers interested in purchasing items or services& the process is ust as easy. A simple search
through an '#'& or !rowsing with BAP (Bireless Application Protocol) and B;B
(www.cell! or even through "D% (call 6>6>) gives access to the listed availa!le items
with their respective price and the address of purchase.
Poultry in :a!igan to fridges in %angamati& opening up a world of possi!ilities for all involved.
Proect #ilestone+
*ver a million su!scri!ers have accessed its service since its inception.
*n an average& there are =?? new postings and E?&??? hits per day.
%eceived 6,'#A ,lo!al #o!ile Award 5??> for IBest Use of #o!ile for 'ocial and
;conomic DevelopmentJ.
Doted IAsian Telecom "nnovation of the KearJ in the Telecom Asia Awards 5??>.
3." 0ealthcare +,very life counts-:
I:e& who has health& has hope. And he& who has hope& has everything.J G An Ara!ian prover!.
:ealth is& indeed& our greatest capital. "t fosters our potential and harnesses our a!ilities towards
greater e$uality and prosperity. Bithout good health& the challenge of progress !ecomes one that
is almost insurmounta!le. "n light of this& pu!lic health indicators for Bangladesh paint a
disconcerting picture. *nly 6?C of the poorest of the poor (those who make less than U'L 4 a
day) can avail the primary healthcare services& only 46C women get 'killed Attendants during
delivery and millions have to suffer the agony of preventa!le !lindness. The magnitude of the
challenge necessitates the engagement of all those who are a!le& and not ust those who are
assigned& such as the government and non3governmental !odies& in the health sector. Be must all
contri!ute& no matter how hum!le our contri!utions may !e.
Thus I:ealthJ is one of the key focus areas where ,rameenphone has consolidated its social
investments. Be !elieve we should work together to create means through which we will not
only assist in raising awareness !ut also take the availa!le services door to door and reach the
mass population of the country. .or this& we are committed to work with the Bangladesh
,overnment and development agencies to make every life count and are focused on improving
!asic service $uality& developing infrastructure and ensuring access to healthcare for all.
To that end& we have undertaken a num!er of healthcare proects. Through U'A"D9s network of
64> 'miling 'un /linics in =4 districts& we launched the I,rameenphone 'afe #otherhood and
"nfant /are Proect&J giving free and comprehensive safe motherhood and infant care services
essentially to all economically disadvantaged mothers and their infants nationwide. Be have also
!een conducting free eye3care camps in rural areas where people have little or no access to
$uality healthcare< carried out mass3media campaigns on National "mmuni1ation Days and to
raise awareness and advocate for necessary policy reforms on :"DMA"D' in Bangladesh. Be also
sponsored the development and upkeep of five wards and one operation theatre at the under
construction Dhaka Ahsania #ission /ancer and ,eneral :ospital. The :ealthline proect& a 573
hour #edical call center manned !y licensed physicians& provides access to healthcare
information through interactive teleconference.
3.1 afe Motherhood and Infant 'are &roject:
#otherhood is rightly cele!rated as the most extraordinary time in a woman9s life& and ideally&
there possi!ly cannot !e any experience that is more gratifying. :owever& reality sometimes
differs. "n Bangladesh only 46C women get 'killed Attendants at Delivery. The country has one
of the highest maternal mortality rates (65 per 4?&???) and infant mortality rates (85 per 4&???) in
'afe motherhood is not only vital to avoid untimely and painful maternal and child deaths& !ut to
nurture a healthy and prosperous nation too. :enceforth& reducing infant mortality and improving
maternal health have !een identified as two of the eight millennium development goals.
,rameenphone 'afe #otherhood 0 "nfant /are Proect is thus designed to ensure free& yet
$uality& safe motherhood and infant care services to poor mothers and their infants throughout
the country. "t also aims to assist in necessary infrastructure development and extension of !asic
healthcare services& especially in the hard3to3reach and remote areas.
-aunch Date+ #ay 5??A
:ow it Borks+
"n partnership with Pathfinder "nternational and through U'A"D9s network of 'miling 'un
clinics in =4 districts& free primary healthcare services are !eing provided !y health professionals
via 64> static clinics& >??? satellite clinics and =??? community3!ased health3workers across the
country. "n addition& we have introduced clinic3on3wheels (i.e. mo!ile mini3hospital) to
complement these existing service touch3points to enhance the accessi!ility of services in remote
Proect #ilestone+
A total of E7?&584 economically disadvantaged mothers and infants received free
healthcare service so far.
Patiya and Bhola clinics of .D'% and 'wanirvar Bangladesh respectively& are !eing
upgraded to emergency o!stetric care centers.
8 motori1ed vans are !eing provided to facilitate !etter patients9 referral.
5 clinic3on3wheels are !eing given to increase the accessi!ility of services in the hard3to3
reach areas.
3.2 3ree ,ye 'a$ps +,very sight counts-:
Bangladesh has the highest num!er of !lind people in terms of its population. There are a!out
A8?&??? adults and 7?&??? children& who live !lind due to cataract or other ocular diseases that
could have easily !een cured with timely and proper intervention.
The maor challenge in eliminating !lindness in Bangladesh is reaching the rural and
underserved population as the maority of country9s eye3care facilities are !ased in the !ig cities.
>? percent of Bangladeshis living in rural areas are almost completely deprived of all eye3care
services. Bangladesh is a signatory of the D"'"*N 5?5?+ %ight to 'ight& a glo!al initiative ointly
launched in 4EEE !y B:* and "APB to eradicate !lindness from the world !y the year 5?5?.
:ence& with a mission to com!at !lindness& ,rameenphone& in partnership with 'ightsavers
"nternational& organi1es free eye3care camps in different parts of the country where eye3care
services are not readily availa!le.
-aunch Date+ @uly 5??A.
:ow it Borks
,rameenphone& ointly with 'ightsavers "nternational& organi1es the eye camps and pro3vides
associated actual cost for organi1ing the camps and also provides surgery costs which includes
transportation and follow3up visit cost of patients.
Proect #ilestone+
H Around 4>&A65 patients received free eye3care support and 5&5?= cataract surgeries !eing
performed so far.
H 45 eye camps have !een conducted in different parts of Bangladesh.
3.4 3ight against 0I*5(I6 +,very voice counts-:
Bith a prevalence rate of less than 4C& :"DMA"D' in Bangladesh may not look like a maor
threat. :owever& with a population of nearly 48? million& a mere 4C rise would mean an
addition of more than a million victims to the num!ers. The first case of :"D in Bangladesh was
detected in 4E>E. According to a 5??7 UN study& :"D infections have tripled glo!ally in the last
six years. UNA"D' estimated that 46&??? adults and children were living with :"D at the end of
5??5 in Bangladesh.
Again& one of the eight #illennium Development ,oals for Bangladesh is to halt the spread of
:"D and A"D' !y 5?48. :ence& ,rameenphone is committed to work closely with Bangladesh
,overnment and concerned development agencies to achieve that target& with the aim to raise
awareness and advocate for necessary policy reforms on :"DMA"D' through different
communication channels.
-aunch Date+ 'eptem!er 5??A
:ow it Borks+
,rameenphone& ointly works with UNA"D'& an initiative of the United Nations which !rings
together the efforts and resources of ten UN agencies i.e. UN:/%& UN"/;.& B.P& UN.PA&
UN*D/& "-*& UN;'/*& B:*& and the Borld Bank& to help prevent new :"D infections& care
for those already infected& and mitigate the impact of the epidemic. This partnership works
through the Asia Pacific -eadership .orum (AP-.) with the aim to create an ena!ling
environment in support of policy actions on :"D and A"D'.
AP-. is a ground3!reaking advocacy platform of UNA"D' to promote enhanced leadership roles
in response to :"D and A"D'. The initiative involves high3level leaders from different sectors of
the country& including governance& education& development& !usiness& media and women& and
engages them in helping to create an ena!ling environment in support of action on :"D and
A"D'& as per the glo!al directive from the UN. A maor focus of the initiative is to feature these
leaders through various communication platforms& with customi1ed messages targeting specific
segmenting of the society& as high profile advocates for the necessary policy reforms. The
campaign highlights their messages with an o!ective to raise awareness and encourage an open
and candid social dialogue on this crucial issue.
The current AP-. am!assadors are+ Prof. @afar "$!al (educationist)& Bi!i %ussel (fashion
designer and activist)& %una -aila and Alamgir (cultural personalities)& and #amun %ashid
(Banker and economist).
Proect #ilestone+
H /arried out a month3long media campaign in 5??A and 5??> (Nov3Dec) including television
commercials& press advertisements& radio announcements and !ill!oards to raise awareness on
the issue.
H 'ponsored the screening of a Telefilm titled UT':* (The 'ource) to raise awareness on
:"DMA"D' issue.
H "nternal awareness sessions were organi1ed for ,P employees.
H Awareness sessions in various university campuses will !e held in the near future.
3.17 'ancer Manage$ent for the &oor +,very fight counts-:
"t is estimated that there are around 4 million cancer patients in Bangladesh and a!out 5??&???
new cases are !eing added every year. Around 48?&??? cancer patients die annually. The
pro!lem of cancer in Bangladesh is particularly acute !ecause cancer receives neither recognition
nor funds as addressing the primary healthcare issues and ensuring associated services to the
nation have still remained a challenge. As a result& the treatment facilities are lacking& trained
doctors are scarce and the inade$uate infrastructure in place is ill3maintained. *nly 48&???
patients receive right treatment every year.
"n this situation& the Dhaka Ahsania #ission /ancer and ,eneral :ospital !rings hope to all and
,rameenphone is proud to !e a part of the initiative to ensure cancer treatment for the
disadvantaged people of the country.
-aunch Date+ /onstruction of the hospital is currently ongoing.
:ow it Borks+
,rameenphone sponsors the complete development and upkeep of five wards and an *peration
Theatre (*T) at the under construction Dhaka Ahsania #ission /ancer and ,eneral :ospital.
*ne third of the !eds sponsored !y ,P will !e reserved for more economically3disadvantaged
patients who will receive free admission and full treatment. *ther disadvantaged patients
screened will also receive treatment& which will !e significantly su!sidi1ed !y ,rameenphone.
,rameenphone also works closely with Dhaka Ahsania #ission towards technical capacity
!uilding for cancer management.
Proect #ilestone+
H .unding for necessary construction has !een duly facilitated.
H /o3organi1ed a half3day capacity !uilding workshop with Dhaka Ahsania #ission /ancer
:ospital& with active participation !y the :arvard #edical 'chool and Tata #emorial :ospital&
in which over =? cancer physicians participated.
H 'ponsored a pilot vaccination program for cervical cancer patients& which is first of its kind in
the developing world. The pilot program is to !e conducted ointly !y :arvard #edical 'chool
and Banga!andhu 'heikh #ui!ur %ahman #edical University.
3.11 8I6 (9areness 'a$paign +,very drop counts-:
'ince 5??=& no new cases of polio have !een reported in Bangladesh. There is strong reason to
!elieve that the disease can !e completely eradicated from the country if all children in
Bangladesh can !e !rought within the "mmuni1ation program. :owever& almost one3third of
Bangladeshi children still do not receive the seven essential vaccines re$uired for immuni1ation
within their first year of life under the routine ;xpanded Program of "mmuni1ation& and while a
large cohort of children remain unvaccinated& we have little hope of eliminating potentially
deadly diseases as polio.
But it is vaccine3preventa!le. The ,lo!al Polio ;radication "nitiative (,P;")& spearheaded !y
Borld :ealth *rgani1ation& works with governments around the world to reduce the incidence of
"n an effort to eradicate and stop the re3emergence of polio& Bangladesh has o!served several
rounds of the National "mmuni1ation Days (N"Ds) in 5??A to immuni1e 57 million children
under the age of five. ,rameenphone& along with the ,overnment and the B:*& was a proud
partner of the mass awareness campaign during the N"Ds in #arch& April and *cto!er 5??A. The
main o!ective of this uni$ue campaign was to raise awareness on immuni1ation and help the
,overnment of Bangladesh to eradicate polio from the country.
-aunch Date+ #arch 5??A.
:ow it Borks+
As part of the campaign& radio and newspaper announcements urged parents to !ring their
children to vaccination centers across the country& free '#' alerts were send to all
,rameenphone su!scri!ers& and the occasion was specially promoted at the @apan3Bangladesh
.riendship :ospital& a ThankKou partner of ,rameenphone. As a result& E>.AC (as per
independent o!servers9 checklist) of the targeted children were covered during those N"Ds.
Proect #ilestone+
H Both AT- and BT- awareness campaign conducted in #arch& April& and *cto!er 5??A.
H 'imilar country3wide awareness campaign will !e organi1ed in Novem!er 5??>.
3.12 .lood .an: at Rafatullah'o$$unity0ospital +,very s$ile counts-:
'afe !lood transfusion is one of the most important pre3conditions for health safety. Ket& more
than 8?C of the total !lood needed every year in Bangladesh is donated !y professional donors
who pose serious health risks of many contagious diseases. *n the other hand& a mere ?.?8C of
the total population donates !lood voluntarily in the country. "f the num!ers would rise to even
?.5C& the total re$uirement of !lood could !e fulfilled.
"n view of this& ,rameenphone launched a full3fledged !lood !ank at one of Thengamara #ohila
'a!u 'angha (T#'') health initiatives& the %afatullah /ommunity :ospital (%/:) in Bogra.
This is the first and the largest !lood !ank in the northern region of the country funded !y a
private organi1ation.
The %afatullah /ommunity :ospital is located in Bogra right next to the Dhaka3%angpur
:ighway& which is also an accident prone area with a high incidence of need for surgeries and
!lood transfusion. "n 5??=& %/: transfused 45=? !ags of !lood to its patients. The surgery
department of the hospital now takes complete shape with the esta!lishment of this !lood !ank.
-aunch Date+ August 5??>
:ow it Borks+
,rameenphone provided the financial assistance to set up the !lood !ank at the hospital& which
will ensure ade$uate resources re$uired for safe and hygienic !lood transfusion for every patient
re$uiring !lood at %/:& especially the underprivileged. ,rameenphone also aims to create
awareness among the mass for voluntary !lood donation through this proect.
Proect #ilestone+
H .unding for necessary construction had !een duly facilitated.
H The !lood !ank has !ecome fully operational since August 5??>.
3.13 124 0ealth line:
;nsuring access to !asic healthcare is a maor development challenge in Bangladesh& as there is
lack of ade$uate medical practitioners and infrastructure. ,rameenphone is offering
communication solutions using its core services to address this challenge.
*ur :ealthline service is thus launched with the aim to enhance access to primary healthcare
services using mo!ile communications technology.
-aunch Date+ *cto!er 5??=
:ow it Borks
The :ealthline service& first of its kind& is designed to extend primary healthcare information and
services to people in !oth rural and ur!an areas. "t is a 573hour #edical call center which
provides services through an interactive teleconference !etween a ,rameenphone mo!ile user
and a licensed physician.
,rameenphone su!scri!ers may seek medical advice on emergency& non3emergency or regular
medical situation !y simply dialing FA>E.9 A A>E3caller will also enoy additional medical
information services& such as doctor and medical facility information& interpretation of la!oratory
test reports and data& and emergency support information.
Proect #ilestone+
H :as answered 6.8 million calls till *cto!er 5??>.
H %eceived ,'#A Award 5??A for FBest use of #o!ile for 'ocial and ;conomic
3.14 ,$po9er$ent:
,$po9ering the 6ise$po9ered
-ack of empowerment and poverty is a chronic and complex pro!lem for Bangladesh. According
to the UNDP :D" report (5??=)& which measures the average progress of a country in human
development in terms of life expectancy& adult literacy and enrolment at the primary& secondary
and tertiary level& Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)& etc.& Bangladesh ranks 46Ath among 4AA
countries. #oreover& 8?C of the total population of Bangladesh lives !elow the poverty line&
defined as an income of less than a dollar a day.
'ome of the maor factors contri!uting to this situation are ine$uality in income distri!ution& lack
of access to resources& lack of access to information and inade$uate infrastructure. The rural
people of Bangladesh especially are deprived of these facilities& which is a maor issue to !reak
out from the shackles of poverty prevailing in the country.
;mpowerment is a key constituent towards poverty reduction& and it is a key driver for
sustaina!le development. "t is a process where!y the capacity of individuals or groups are
enhanced to make important choices and decisions& and to transform those choices and decisions
into desired actions and outcomes. This& in turn& helps them to secure a !etter and more
prosperous life.
Be firmly !elieve that we have significant contri!ution to make on this key issue. "n our /'%
ourney& we have !ecome the proud sponsor of Bangladesh 'pecial *lympics team& which won
A4 medals in the 'pecial *lympic ,ames 5??A in Beiing& /hina. 'ix acid survivors have !een
assisted in their reha!ilitation process with employment opportunities in ,rameenphone. Be
have initiated the "nformation Boat proect with /are Bangladesh with an aim to empower
riverine rural communities with digiti1ed livelihood contents and internet access while the /'%
partnership with Ashokti Punor!shon Ni!ash (AP*N) aims to support treatment and
reha!ilitation of economically3disadvantaged drug addicts.
Be acknowledge that development and poverty reduction depend on holistic economic
prosperity. Therefore& our aim is to increase development opportunities& enhance development
outcomes and contri!ute towards improvement of the $uality of life of the people through our
/'% initiatives and innovative services. Be are committed to facilitate empowerment
opportunities to the vulnera!le people of Bangladesh& so that it ena!les them to !etter influence
the course of their lives and live a life of their own choice.
3.1! &artnership 9ith pecial Oly$pics .angladesh +,very 9in counts-:
Ten percent population of Bangladesh is challenged with some form of disa!ility or the other&
and& outside the initiatives of the ,overnment and a handful of private and non3profit
organi1ations& there is very little done for the welfare of the disa!led.
Thus& ,rameenphone& in association with 'pecial *lympics Bangladesh& aims to empower
intellectually3challenged athletes !y nurturing and nourishing their sporting capa!ilities. This
will help them !ecome independent and confident in themselves& so that they can not only !e a
part of the society in which they live& !ut also play an active role with their own achievements to
stand upon.
-aunch Date+ August 5??A
:ow it Borks+
As the sole sponsor& ,rameenphone provided necessary support and training for the athletes for
participation in the 'pecial *lympic ,ames 5??A in Beiing& /hina. 'pecial *lympics
"nternational is the world9s largest program of sports training and athletic competition for
children and adults with intellectual disa!ilities. ,rameenphone also organi1es national talent
hunts throughout the regions to form a Inational talent poolJ and to ensure sustaina!le supply of
new talent. The National talent pool will !e further groomed and nurtured centrally preparing
them for the next "nternational 'pecial *lympic ,ames in 5?44.
Proect #ilestone+
H *rgani1ed a 63month long training program in B2'P in August 5??A for =8 athletes and
H Bas the sole sponsor of the Bangladesh Team at the 5??A 'pecial *lympics Borld 'ummer
H The team won A4 medals in different categories at the 5??A 'pecial *lympics.
H A series of regional talent hunts in all = divisions has !een kicked off from %ashahi in
Novem!er 5??>.
3.1" Infor$ation .oat &roject +,very infor$ation counts-:
"nformation is a powerful ena!ling tool that opens up a wide range of opportunities. But in
reality& a farmer from rural Bangladesh can hardly relate to the words+ information technology.
As the current scenario stands& less than 48C of the population has access to satellite or ca!le
!roadcasts and approximately =?C of the population does not have access to electricity. Thus& it
is not surprising that information communication technologies ("/T) are generally restricted to a
handful of the elite.
To !reak that ta!oo& the "nformation Boat Proect sailed out of a partnership !etween
,rameenphone and /A%; Bangladesh where!y information hu!s are !eing created to meet the
communication needs of rural communities& especially in the /har and :aor areas.
-aunch Date+ Decem!er 5??A
:ow it Borks+
The "nformation Boats will work as information hu! to meet the communication needs of rural
communities& especially in the /har and :aor areas& as people of these areas have limited access
to up3to3date livelihood and other information owing to their remote presence from the mainland.
A typical "nformation Boat will !e e$uipped with computers& "nternet and email facilities&
photocopiers& fax machines& printers& we!cams and video machines& scanners and much more&
depending on the needs of a specific community. These !oats will also !e e$uipped with digital
content& such as livelihood and agricultural information& suited for the specific areas served !y
the designated !oats. At the same time& skilled trainers from /A%; Bangladesh will provide
training to the local community people on different livelihood options.
Proect #ilestone+
H ,rameenphone provides support to !uild four such "nformation Boats and also provides
necessary technological support for providing information.
H 4st "nformation Boat initiated servicing the community in Dhirai& 'unamgan in 'eptem!er
3.11 :ill6evelop$ent'enter +,very hand counts-:
There is no denying the fact that& drug addiction has !ecome a growing phenomenon glo!ally.
Bangladesh& as a part of the glo!al village& is affected !y it with an estimated 5 million drug
users& including women and children. The issue of drug a!use touches the most vulnera!le+ the
maority of drug users in 'outh Asia !elong to the poorest strata of society and& unfortunately&
most of the victims of drug a!use in our country are the youth who could have !een actively
contri!uting to the economic and social development of the country.
Drug reha!ilitation centers play a significant role in this fight towards a drug3free society& as they
are aimed at helping people get over their dependency on drugs and arming them with the
techni$ues and willpower to ensure they stay drug3free. Therefore ,rameenphone formed a /'%
partnership with Ashokti Punor!shon Ni!ash (AP*N)& to support reha!ilitation of economically
disadvantaged drug addicts.
-aunch Date+ 'eptem!er 5??A
:ow it Borks+
Through this partnership& ,rameenphone provided financial support for the construction of a
skill development center at AP*N,aon to assist in the reha!ilitation and social integration
process of these lost souls. Be also esta!lished a computeri1ed information center on its
premises& which serves as an alternative income stream for AP*N,aon. The information center
is e$uipped with a computer& a printer& a scanner& a we!cam and a modem to render internet3
!ased services to the local community. "t also provides other ,P services& such as payphones and
electronic recharge for pre3paid and post3paid mo!ile accounts.
Proect #ilestone+
H The skill development center and the computeri1ed information center have started providing
services since Decem!er 5??>.
3.12 Rehabilitation of (cid *icti$s +,very confidence counts-:
Acid throwing is an extreme form of violence in Bangladesh. Though !oth sexes are victims to
this heinous crime& maority of victims are women and girls. The assaulters are& however& always
men seeking retri!ution& motivated !y hatred or ealousy. They throw acid not only to destroy the
victims9 faces& !ut their hopes and dreams of ever !eing happy. "t is meant to !reak their spirit
and confidence.
But& with proper encouragement and support& these survivors can still stride forward leading a
life in their own terms and hence escape the social stigma of !eing a Fvictim.9 ,rameenphone is
lending support to the Acid 'urvivors9 .oundation (A'.) in the reha!ilitation and reintegration
of these victims into the society.
-aunch Date+ 'eptem!er 5??A.
:ow it Borks+
,rameenphone has so far recruited six individuals who had !een supported !y the Acid
'urvivors9 .oundation. These individuals have !een provided with the training !y ,P to help
them develop the necessary skills to take on their new responsi!ilities at ,rameenphone.
Proect #ilestone+
H = acid victims are now working in ,rameenphone and earning their own living.
3.14 ,ducation:
3unding the 3uture
;ducation is a !asic human right. Article 5= of The Universal Declaration on :uman %ights
(4E7>) recogni1es education along with other necessities such as food& shelter& and water as a
fundamental human right. At the Borld ;ducation .orum in Dakar in 5???& participants from
4=7 countries pledged to provide education for all !y 5?48 and Bangladesh is a signatory to that
;ducation works as a catalyst for human development. "t provides people with the tools and
knowledge they need to understand and participate in today9s world& and !enefit from
glo!ali1ation and technological change. "t is one of the most effective weapons against
:"DMA"D' and other diseases& and raises awareness of living conditions and environmental
protection. -ife expectancy rises !y as much as 5 years for every 4 per cent increase in literacy.
;ducation also plays an active role in economic development and eradicating poverty. "t allows
people to !e more productive& to play a greater role in economic life& and to earn a !etter living.
"t has !een found that& an adult with a primary education earns twice as much as an adult without
any schooling. ;ducation ena!les people to !e responsi!le and informed citi1ens& and to have a
voice in politics and society& which is essential for sustaining democracy. A report shows that in
Bangladesh& women with a secondary education are three times more likely to attend a political
meeting than are women with no education.
/onse$uently& education is considered as one of the key focus areas of ,rameenPhone9s social
investments. Be aim to work with the ,overnment and development agencies& to achieve the
#illennium Development ,oal of ensuring universal primary education for all. "n colla!oration
with ,rameen 'hikkha& an organi1ation of the ,rameen Bank family& we provide scholarship to
some 4?? !right !ut underprivileged students at different academic levels through a scholarship
fund annually. Be also provide educational support to a num!er of special schools G Tauri
.oundation& :AN'& /D/& and ';"D Trust G with an o!ective to aid in the learning process of
the gifted children in our society. ,rameenphone is also a proud partner of the ;nrichment
Program of Bishsho 'hahitto 2endro through which free !ooks are distri!uted. Be recently
initiated a /'% proect to pu!lish and distri!ute illustrated pu!lications on the -i!eration Bar for
school3going children& with the o!ective to inspire them with the heroics of our freedom3
Be are aware that the initiatives still serves less than what the nation needs. But& we are
committed to keep contri!uting in whatever way we can towards achieving an enlightened
Bangladesh. This dream is one that we all share as a nation.
3.27 cholarship &rogra$ +,very drea$ counts-:
Today9s children are tomorrow9s gilded reality. ;ducation opens up unlimited possi!ilities for
them and !uilds the foundation for a prosperous future. But in reality& =8 percent of our people
live in the darkness of illiteracy& 7? percent of our children have never gone to school& and E6
percent of primary school3going students will never progress !eyond the primary education
level. Poverty is the main cause !ehind this.
,rameen 'hikkha 'cholarship #anagement Program has made it possi!le for the !right !ut
underprivileged students to reali1e their educational endeavor. ,rameenphone is honored to !e
participating in that program.
-aunch Date+ Decem!er 5??6.
:ow it Borks+
,rameenphone& in colla!oration with ,rameen 'hikkha& an organi1ation of ,rameen Bank
.amily& provides financial assistance to 4?? !right !ut underprivileged students through a
scholarship fund at different academic levels annually. *f these scholarships& =?C are for female
students. The fund is !eing managed directly !y ,rameen 'hikkha.
Proect #ilestone+
H /urrently& == scholarships are !eing managed under ,P9s fund.
H By end of 5??>& the total scholarship num!er will reach 4??.
3.21 )rue #iberation ;ar tories +,very inspiration counts-:
The -i!eration Bar is the central component of Bangladesh9s history. "t sym!oli1es the glorious
sacrifice of our heroes for the independence of our country.
Thus& ,rameenphone& in partnership with /entre for Bangladesh -i!eration Bar 'tudies&
sponsors the pu!lication and free distri!ution of a series of illustrated !ooks on -i!eration Bar.
The stories in these pu!lications are !ased on true events of the heroics of our freedom fighters&
essentially during frontal !attles fought in the !attle3fields of Bangladesh.
-aunch Date+ @uly 5??A
:ow it Borks+
The series consists of a total of six !ooks. The targeted !eneficiaries are school children& from
class "D to class D"""& who will !e provided with copies free of cost. The aim of these !ooks is to
familiari1e children with the country9s -i!eration Bar of 4EA4& and& in the process& create a
sense of love and pride in them for their motherland. The !ooks will !e distri!uted in all six
divisions of the country.
Proect #ilestone+
H FTagra9& the first !ook of the series& pu!lished which will !e distri!uted among the students of
Dhaka division only.
H Distri!ution process initiated of a total num!er of 5?&??? copies.
3.22 &artnership 9ith .ishsho hahitto <endro +,very $ind counts-:
Koung people are argua!ly the principal resource of a country9s future. They are the leaders of
tomorrow. They represent prospects for economic and social development and the potential for
change. "n order to reali1e their full potential& the country needs to invest in them and make way
for new opportunities for them. "t is not simply the commitment of one generation to another to
respond to their dreams and aspirations and translate them into reality& !ut indeed it is essential
for the very survival of the country to do so.
Thus& ,rameenphone launched a strategic partnership with Bishsho 'hahito 2endro& to support
two of B'29s programs+ the ;nrichment Program (Book %eading Program) and the F2now
Bangladesh9 (Deshke @ano) program& with the o!ective to enlighten the youth of the country.
-aunch Date+ .e!ruary 5??>
:ow it Borks+
As a part of the partnership& ,rameenphone will !e donating !ooks to Bishsho 'hahito 2endro
for its I;nrichment ProgramJ. "n addition& ,P will also sponsor the Pri1e ,iving /eremony of
B'29s Book %eading Program in three locations across the country G Dhaka& /hittagong and
*n the other hand& the I2now BangladeshJ program is a !icycle tour initiative across
Bangladesh !y the youth. Participants will !e assigned with places to visit and will learn a!out
the relevant demographics& hardships and lifestyle of rural people in their assigned localities& and
prepare write3ups on their experiences. Through the whole process& the participants will get to
know Bangladesh !etter G a process towards !ecoming an enlightened human !eing.
Proect #ilestone+
H Donated 5?&??? !ooks to the I;nrichment ProgramJ.
H 'o far& 8 teams comprising of 68 Persons participated in the I2now Bangladesh ProgramJ.
3.23 ,ducation'enter cu$ 'yclone helter +,very help counts-:
/yclone 'idr& a category 7 storm& struck Bangladesh on Novem!er 5??A. The cyclone first hit
the offshore islands and then swept across the southern coast east to west. This caused extensive
damages. #ore than 6.4 million people in the 5> southern districts are reported to have !een
directly affected !y the cyclone. "t has !een estimated that more than6& 8?? people died& with
extensive damages !een done to roads and pu!lic !uildings& including the destruction and partial
destruction of 7&6?= educational institutions. The most affected areas include Bagerhat& Barguna&
Barisal& Bhola& ,opalgan& 2halkathi& 2hulna& #adaripur& Patuakhali& Piropur& 'hatkhira and
'hariatpur districts.
:ence& ,rameenphone as part of the company9s reha!ilitation plans in the '"D% affected areas is
to provide financial assistance to !uild education center cum cyclone shelters in the southern !elt
of the country.
-aunch Date+ August 5??>
:ow it Borks+
The cyclone shelters will !e used as education centers throughout the year to provide non3formal
primary education to underprivileged children of the locality. %D. and 'hushilan& local N,*s
that operate in the selected areas& will !e responsi!le for the overall management of the proect&
including the construction and operation of the schools. ;ach primary school cum cyclone3
shelter will !e a two storied !uilding along with an adacent playground.
A co3ordination committee& comprising local ,overnment official (UN* office)& %D. official
and representatives from the community and ,rameenphone& will monitor the progress of the
construction work and supervise the school3cum3shelter after its construction.
Proect #ilestone+
H Bill !uild four such centers in Bagerhat and Barguna districts.
4. 'onclusion and Reco$$endation
As a corporate rule& in order to achieve the !usiness o!ective of the company& individual
divisions should have their own o!ectives to support this. The divisional o!ectives are far
different compared to each other& according to their nature of o! and functional role. No dou!t it
is a great !ig teamwork which makes the !usiness o!ective happens. And considering ,P9s
success we can confidently say that we have such a winning team to !e proud of.
/orporate social responsi!ility& as we see it& is a Fcomplementary9 com!ination of ethical and
responsi!le corporate !ehavior& as well as a commitment towards generating greater good for the
society !y addressing the development needs of the country.
A!ove all ,rameen Phone should extension the activities of /orporate 'ocial %esponsi!ility are
,P can create awareness among the people to control over population through '#'.
Among the young generation ,P do awareness through the '#' !y writing the demerits
of drug.
,P can create awareness among the people against corporation.

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