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MOT 621 Research Methods & advanced statistics- course outline Page 1


Nile University
Graduate School of Management of Technology

Master of Management of Technology

MOT 606 Research Methods and Advanced Statistics
Spring 2014
Professors: Dr. Mohamed Mamdouh Awny
Dr. Mohamed Wahby Shalaby

Office hours: 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Telephone number: 01222106397
E-mail address:

Course Description and objectives

This course provides the students with the basic concept and nature of research and gives them a
clear understanding of research philosophies and approaches. It provides methodologies for
formulating the research problems, constructing hypotheses, conceptualizing the research design,
checking the validity and reliability of the research instrument and collecting data for analyses.
Statistical tools are discussed these include: probability theory, random variables and their
distributions, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, statistical modeling and linear and
non-linear regression.

Course Prerequisites
No prerequisite

Text and other reading materials

Text books:

1- Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, and Adrian Thornhill. Research Methods for Business
Students, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall.

MOT 621 Research Methods & advanced statistics- course outline Page 2

2- Barry Render, Ralph M. Stair, and Jr. Michael E. Hanna. Quantitative analysis for
manager, 9
Edition, Prentice Hall.

Other reading material:

Frederick Betz. Scientific Totality: Research Methodology and Administration, Scientific and
Technology Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 2009.

Rinjit Kumar. Research Methodology: A Step-By-Step Guide for beginners, Sage Publications.

David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, and Thomas A. Williams. Quantitative Methods for
Business, 9
Edition, South-Western College Publishing.

Additional teaching materials (PPT presentations, references ) can be downloaded from the
course Moodle site accessible via the following URL: The enrolment
key to access the site will be provided by the NU IT or registrar Department prior to the first

Course Format

The class involves a mixture of lectures, class discussions, group exercises, project, and case
Students are expected to revise the chapters/reading materials pertaining to the subject of each
lecture before attending each class and be prepared to discuss them during the lecture. In this
respect lecturer will mainly play the role of a facilitator rather than traditional knowledge
Students are expected to have completed all assignments and be prepared to discuss them in
class. Participation in class discussions is important and enters into total evaluation.
Preparation includes reading, online search, and personal observations.
Students will be asked to sit for quizzes, mid-term exam/assignment, and a final exam/project.


Evaluation of the performance of each student will be based on multiple factors: the participation
in the class room, the quality and depth of the accomplishment of the assignments, the group
discussions, quizzes and examinations, case studies and presentations. The details are as
1- A term exercise will be done by individual students and will constitute 10% of the course
2- Exams will be given as a closed-book in class -- to ensure that the key concepts in research
methodology and infrastructure were carefully read and understood and retained. (35% of
course grade).
3- Assignments and quizzes will constitute 15% & 15% of the course grade.
4- The class will be organized into presentation groups to present the case examples in the text
and to lead class discussion about the text cases. This will constitute 15% of the course
5- Class participation will constitute 10% of the course grade.
MOT 621 Research Methods & advanced statistics- course outline Page 3

Following is a summary of the grade distribution:
Assignments 15%
Quizzes 15%
Projects, Cases studies, and presentations 15%
Class participation 10%
Term exercise 15%
Examinations 30%
Classroom Performance
Classroom performance is evaluated individually and covers both attendance and participation.
Students are expected to attend classes regularly and punctually. Any absence or delay in
attending classes or in returning back from breaks will be sanctioned.

Moreover, class participation is an integral part of the learning experience in this course. Every
session should be considered as a business meeting where participants will use their collective
knowledge, experience, and brain-power not only to discuss theoretical concepts, but also and
mainly to analyze, discuss and solve complex business issues and problems. This means you
cannot remain as a passive observer. You have to come to class prepared to analyze and act in
genuine managerial situations.

Credit Hours
Coursework, grading and graduation requirements are all functions of the credit hour. In general,
a credit hour represents a one-hour class period and three hours of individual study each week
for one semester.

Class Attendance
Class sessions are considered not only academic but also professional activities. As such,
students are expected to attend classes regularly and punctually. If a class must be missed, for
whatever reason, the student should notify the instructor and the program director, giving as
much advance notice as possible.

In all cases, it will be the student's responsibility to make up for work missed. Under no
circumstances will job interviews, fieldwork for any course, or personal circumstances that are
not absolutely exceptional, be accepted as sufficient grounds for absence. Absences, even when
justified, may be taken into account in the grading process at the discretion of the instructors who
will keep the program director informed of absences and late arrivals.

If class attendance in any course is less than 80% and with the approval of the instructor, the
student will automatically get a maximum grade of C on that course. Exceptions may be given
with permission from the professor teaching that course and approval of the program director
upon a prior notification.

Failure to comply with these policies is considered serious misconduct leading to potential
dismissal or other action as deemed appropriate by the instructor and the program director.
MOT 621 Research Methods & advanced statistics- course outline Page 4

Nile University uses the credit hour system for its curriculum, and the following grading system
is adopted for this course:

Letter Grade Grade Point
A+ 4.0 Excellent
A 4.0 Excellent
A- 3.7 Excellent
B+ 3.3 Very Good
B 3.0 Good
B- 2.7 Conditionally Pass
C+ 2.3 Conditionally Pass
C 2.0 Conditionally Pass
F 0.0 Fail

Academic Integrity
All students are expected to comply with Nile University Academic Integrity Policy. According
to this policy, dishonest submission of documents for grade, example: plagiarizing
reports/cases; cheating on exams or assignments; multiple submissions of the same work for
grades; fabrication of data or documents is severely sanctioned. Disciplinary action, in this
case, may cover the range from reprimand to F for the course grade. The instructor may also
recommend suspension or dismissal from the university.

Students should carefully read the University Academic Policies for more details on this section.
You can download such a policy from the Nile University website:

Course Schedule

MOT 621 Research Methods & advanced statistics- course outline Page 5

Subjects to be Covered Assignment/Reading

W 1
5 March

Lecture: Course outline and objectives
Lecture: Overview and general concepts
Lecture: the nature of research, its philosophy,
approaches, types, and steps

txt 1 ch. 1 & 4 of


a- Formulating a research problem (topic)
b- Writing the research proposal
c- Critically reviewing the literature
d- Class discussions of case study 3 (pp
Assignment 1 : case study 2 (pp52-54) of

txt 1 ch. 2
txt 1 ch. 2
txt 1 ch. 3
case study 3 (pp
102-104) txt 1


Discuss: Conceptualizing a research design:
a- The research design
b- Selecting a study design
c- Class discussions of case study 5 (pp

Txt 1 ch. 5

Case study 5 (pp
164- 166) txt 1

W4 &

2 April&
9 April

Case studies by groups

Discuss: Constructing an instrument for data
a- Selecting a method for data collection
b- Collecting data
- secondary data
- primary data through:
i- observations
ii- interviews
iii- questionnaires
c- Constructing Hypotheses
d- Ethical Considerations in research

Quiz 1

txt 1 ch. 8

txt 1 ch. 9
txt 1 ch. 10
txt 1 ch. 11
txt 1 ch. 6
MOT 621 Research Methods & advanced statistics- course outline Page 6

W6, W7

19 April,

Discuss: Processing data (quantitative analysis)
1. Definingthepopulation(domain),and
2. Advanced Statistics: Probability and non
probability sampling, Random variables and
their distributions, Parametric tests (z-test & t-
test), ANOVA Parametric tests, Nonparametric
tests (Kolmogorov- Smirnov, Mann-Whitney,
Kruskal-Wallis), Chi-square test (association of
2 variables), Regression Models, Cronbach's
Alpha Coefficient (assessing the internal
3. Software package (example SPSS)
Assignment 2:
4. Quiz 2

txt 1 ch.12
txt 2 ch.1,2 &4
Other reading
materials will be


Discuss: Qualitative Analysis
Discuss: Solving a Multi-Criteria Decision Problem

txt 1ch. 13
Assignment : Case
13 (pp 520- 523) of
text 1


Discuss: Writing and presenting a research report

Final Exam

txt 1 ch.14

Term exercise: Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process to solve a multi-criteria decision

All the details related to the schedule of classes, the topics to be covered, the readings for each
session, and the course materials will be available on Moodle. So, please make sure to regularly
consult the site for updated information about the course.

Good Luck Dr. M.M. Awny


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