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On Levity

Of the issues surrounding free energy devices at this time.

A limited response to a popular social network group interest
on the OM Festival organization Facebook page in Toronto, Canada.
Mateusz M. Kujawski - May 2014

A shift in consciousness is necessary to perceive, understand and act on the information
presented in this paper and in the described experiences. Many have taken the leap and
everyone is capable of this transformation. It is a continuous transformation because one
returns to daily life knowing the work to be done: reconnect and help others. Increasingly
more help is available, such as through the healing modalities called Reconnective
Healing and Quantum Healing Hypnosis, as seen in this 5 minute video by Dolores
Cannon from May 16 2014:
A deeper understanding of ones psychology is necessary for receiving knowledge from
expanded cosmologies. Failure to digest thoughts can lead to disharmony in the mind,
which is the root of dis-ease. In 2009 I recorded a reading-lecture series for anyone
seeking guidance on crossing this bridge:
Recommended is personal experiential guidance corresponding to ones individual
needs in order to be able to verify everything presented here.

Free energy is the end of fossil fuels, it is the elimination of poverty, and the onset of
ecological sustainability. This movement can attune humanity to a blossoming new
spiritual level leading to sustained harmonious development.

The following is a link to the North American internationally broadcast disclosure of free
energy, extraterrestrial people and their vehicles, and the emergence of a realistic
spirituality with witness testimony and evidence:

In 2013 the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence produced the #1 most
crowdfunded documentary on the planet (current as of May 2014): http://sirius-

I recorded Dr. Steven Greer introducing the film at a premiere:

The most up to date information from this source is an April 14
3hr33min video lecture
from near the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. - on the state of the world-wide free
energy movement:

Everything written in this paper is verifyable and much of the new information requires a
new cosmology based on truth. This is a summary of experiential agreement
(understanding) between various communities of people who have been doing the work
for at least a couple of decades. My work and theirs has aligned at some points and this
is an introductory perspective on the result. This is a summary of the general
understanding. I am not interested in theory or philosophy for its own sake. I am
interested in what is and can be universally experienced by all people. Despite having
studied ordinary academic approaches to expression and writing, such as logical
philosophical argumentation, meaning itself, communication theory, art and design and
so on, I am most fond of allowing myself to write as I please and to simply state that the
following is not my opinion or something I have read as a conspiracy theory
disconnected from reality.


A $100,000 award has been set up in April of 2014 for a free energy proof of principle by
a group of people who have been stopped many times over 20 years when thy were
successful. Quite possibly, free energy science and spirituality have existed on the planet
in esoteric communities which have been of help to humanity throughout all of time,
waiting for the corresponding moment to be released again after Atlantis much like the
re-emergence of yoga and meditation in the 1960s by people designated over centuries
to keep the teachings in pure form until a conscious threshold was attained by humanity.
However, there is evidence that free energy had been obtained by people who have
militarized it over the last 100 years in covert transnational operations beyond any
science fiction. In this paper we can call such people shadowy people. They have
messed up and they need help. They cant be responsible for the transformations to take
place on the planet if they were to disclose the truth which is, for example, that we have
not needed the combustion engine for 100 years. This is a call for the ordinary
99.99999999999% of people to come together, keep together, work together. The people
must do the transformation themselves and that is the Work!

We have not needed fossil fuels for 100 years and now because every technological
breakthrough in energy and propulsion since the 40s has been classified we have a
geopolitical and geophysical crisis, which is really an ecological crisis which is really a
spiritual crisis. Spirituality is simply defined as the extent to which we allow ourselves to
experience. The advances in science come from advances in spirituality, in human
consciousness. It is a great misleading of contemporary education systems to lead young
people astray in spiritual understanding. When we dismiss the innate universally
experientiable fact that human beings are born to continually evolve, to heal, to grow up
in the fullest sense, then we are limiting experience, limiting spirituality. Religions are
therefore points of view onto experiences, like windows of an apartment. Spirituality is
the levity party on the rooftop.

The definition of a free energy device in this case is an energy-producing technology
that is outside the usual main-stream consideration or awareness, as defined in this
briefing document recently given to the US President and Members of Congress:

The three points of this write-up are the following: first; there are many kinds of people
among us with various understanding, some do know, second; there exist successful
shadowy people much beyond science fiction conspiracy theories, and third; few people
understand anything of the situation as it unifies all world issues and affects all of
humanity, all living beings here and elsewhere, even throughout the universe.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

Not hearing about the disclosure from friends, family, mass media newspapers,
television, radio etc simply can indicate that there are millions of people one does not
know who do know by direct experience.


This is an effort to begin assisting in the creation of clarity in communication. The issue
of clear communication in the free energy movement is a crisis on the planet and exists in
microcosmic form on [the forum discussion which instigated this paper]. This is central
to all world issues on the planet today because this is where universal spirituality and
universal science meet. This is what we must work on together for the disclosure of
reality as it is. We have people from all sorts of experiences and points of view coming
together and all interactions are valid and appreciated.

If I were to offer an opinion from deep sources of experiential evidence with the aim of
clarity in understanding free energy devices on the planet today, I would find that it is
significantly helpful to have one particular piece of knowledge which is not commonly
mentioned, and which at first may seem unnecessary, while later, it allows for the
movement of efforts to continue building further bridges towards the manifestation of a

The important information can be simplified into the following by referring to the
seemingly most powerful ORDINARY scientific intelligence community on the planet,
namely the USA: the US military and their joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, FBI, the US
President and Congress, MIT, Harvard, even the US Treasury, for the most part, do not
know what is really going on with free energy and have not known for about 60 years.
They are not lying when they say that free energy is not possible and that ET life is not
possible and that they do not know where 3 trillion dollars has gone missing and that we
need pharmacies, fossil fuels, genetic interventions, oil and wars. These are mostly
ordinary people. When they see the truth, get briefed or when they question too far, they
are stopped. The Owners of mass media corporations are stopped from transmitting any
news of reality also. They do not know what is going on with free energy. All these
people have a role they are playing well. So these are not the people who we are dealing
with when we try to bring out a free energy device. We are dealing with people about
which not even the US President and the US military know about, nor do most other
people in responsible positions of other nations acting as puppets in a play. So if one
knows what is gonig on, one knows more than the CIA and FBI and that is a national
security threat. If one is a lonewolf with a free energy device...

Free energy is free energy. It is free and freely available. It is everywhere and in
everything, one. No device is needed . No understanding of physics is necessary to access
free energy. Devices are needed to power things that are designed to be powered. The
physics becomes necessary in order to connect free energy with a camera or a weapon or
equivalent, which is the primary interest of any one of the 25 people in power, as it would
be to a being at a young counsciousness age. Because humanity is young and is still
attached to materiality, weaponization acts like a safety perimeter for power and material
control: free energy can make one more powerful than the military of all nations
combined if that is the consciousness from which it emerges.

Humanity is growing up and the denser vibrations of what brought us here are being left
behind. Hence the raising of vibration on the planet in order to simply shake off the old,
as a dog shakes off water. It is happening naturally by new frequencies transceiving
through our DNA, a natural occurance at this time of the continuous 2012 galactic
alignment, a measurable event explained by the sciences of biophotonic remnance,
epigenetics, morphic resonance and so on. An online query for the word remnance does
not bring any significant results yet it forms the basis by which oil companies have been
finding oil fields for a century because big corporate entities do not get hung up on using
advanced knowledge of the human being. With the spiritual science of free energy
devices it is possible to tune into any object in the universe - while most people remain
oblivious even tuning into themselves, which is actually the most powerful form of
tuning and makes a wizard from a fantasy movie into childs play.

The material industrial realm of contemporary civilization needs devices at the moment
but human bodies do not need them. By asking me to prove anything substantial such as
the workings of a free energy device is a question with a built-in limit. Moreover, I have
no need to know at this time. I did not state that I can prove anything about a device as an
individual, only together when we are at the same level of understanding does the
information come. At this time it is not possible to be a civilian who knows more than the
others in a group developing a free energy device. All such people continually disappear.
Perhaps 2014 may be different but the implications of the public broadcast of the
harmonious harvest of free energy from the fabric of spacetime expands ordinary
cosmology to such an extent that combustion engine vehicles all cease to have validation
for existence on that same day.

The human physical body has access to free energy innately, which is where the
knowledge of the energy being used in devices comes from. Many people are feeling
something new in all their relationships at this time, May 2014 - this is the reality of the
planet aligning with the solar system aligning with the galaxy in a new part of the
universe bringing scientifically measurable frequencies which are flowing through DNA.
This is needed for the transformative shift in consciousness which can enable planetary
loving peace. One cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it.
Moreover, all ideas come from the field, the same field of free energy. A free energy
device by its very nature can not be patented, privatized, monetized, corporatized Our
current consciousness of greed, avarice, threat, fear and suppression does not allow for
the emergence of free energy. There is a responsibility of people with such a device not
to allow it to fall into unbalanced hands.


The only way to bring out a free energy device is to do this transparently and in an open
source attitude in public view from the start. It may help to use non-government land,
such as with the genuine sincere collaboration of a First Nations people. It must be live
on camera with many people watching, and many groups around the world
simultaneously doing the work. This has only now become possible in the last few years.
That way, those forces which have for 100 years made free energy disappear will be
disclosed to everyone watching instead of just the lonewolf about whom no one will ever
hear about again. Those shadowy covert transnational people have a motto: "We own the
Night." Our motto can be "We own the light." Shine the light on what is happening.

The following videos are a part of hundreds of hours of witness testimony by military,
government, intelligence, corporate, scientific and institutional representatives with
supporting evidence of a cover up of New Free Energy, Extraterrestrial Spacecraft, and
Extraterrestrial People: Originally some of
these people testified at the National Press Club event in May of 2001:

I find the most intriguing aspect to be that the majority of people do not care. And it is up
to the majority of people to do the work, not the higher-ups in positions of responsibility.
The shadowy people want to meet us half way when we bypass and walk around the
bureaucracies, laws, governments and corporations... It makes sense that no individuated
entity wants to be responsible for the major transformations. The transformation itself can
be responsible by the people, in this case all of humanity coming together, keeping
together and working together.

We live in a time when it will seem like the free energy devices that are coming out now
are the first ones since Tesla. Aside from true esoteric circles which work for humanity,
the reality is that some people have been working on improving the militarization of free
energy devices for the last 100 years. That is a long time and they have kept their
successful progress hidden because it is a secret that has vast implications for human
beings on the planet today. Those that have had free energy devices for the last 100 years
are so powerful and so hidden that even the CIA can't imagine they exist. They have
ways of knowing if one is thinking about free energy in any way that would be a threat to
their power. While the US military uses datamining of smartphone usage and the internet
to track all conversations on this topic, this is childish games compared to covert
transnational Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.

There is one people in the universe. We are united through cosmic consciousness, a
natural attainable threshold of experience in which the awareness of awareness is the
conduit for communication between beings. Extraterrestrial vehicles of spiritually-
scientifically mature people have been obtained by people from planet Earth. In order to
interact in the physical realm of our planet, a spaceship requires materialization, a
shifting into resonance with the material world. This is after transluminal travel which is
necessary for the vast interstellar distances. This is possible with the advanced scientific
knowledge of the astro-quantum fabric of spacetime, the knowledge of free energy
devices. The shift into physical reality creates a mark on specialized radars. Air forces
immediately deploy towards anything that is a threat to their nation because that is their
duty agreed to by the people of that nation.

Spiritual knowledge of this fabric of spacetime has existed in esoteric communities on the
planet and there exists evidence of sciences having been derived from this kind of
knowing prior to contemporary civilization. When a shadowy person from a young
irresponsible consciousness believes only in what is visible and attainable by violence
they can shoot down spacecraft with ET people and reverse engineer whatever they can
understand. [This is another bridge to an even deeper level of the understanding of the
situation not approached by this paper.] This is how lasers, integrated circuits and night
vision appear to the public military all from the shadowy peoples trash which they
consider unthreatening to their power. ETs are at one with their technologies and
spacecraft have been reported to appear as if they were living entities capable of self-
healing. The shadowy people then reconstruct this self-healing into militarized
Consciousness-Assisted Technology and Technology-Assisted Consciousness. Some of
this knowledge leaks into the public sphere in scraps of information assembled
chaotically into misunderstandings in the form of science fiction films about hostile
cosmic visitors.

If one is a free energy genious hired for unlimited untraceable income in a rogue
transnational military group, the progress one can do spanning 70 years is literally
unbelievable. There is evidence of invisible weapons beyond science fiction. This is to
stop any meta-government or para-military from seizing control.

Yet civilian people continue to try making free energy devices. Garage lone-wolves
developing new energy fail because they begin to be subtly-invisibly influenced by
psychological warfare weapons which can detect a persons thoughts at a distance [This
is another bridge to an even deeper level of the understanding of the situation not
approached by this paper.] What we call advanced technology where the police remotely
access a smartphone camera at a distance is not even technology to the shadowy people.
That is why it is important to know what is already known about this, even in theory, so
that it is not a mystery when it happens. This is then an incentive for peace because at a
certain threshold attainable by a human being, namely Unity Consciousness, one is one
with everything and invisible to such weapons. A weapon cannot find an individual that is
not an individual.

"Absence of proof is not the proof of absence." I studied wireless telecommunications
engineering and I have a degree in New Media (experimental digital arts with a focus on
abstract electronics). However I do not know what electrons are because no one knows!
The shadowy people and some professors appear to know but they have families and a
reputation. My thesis was a civil disobedience project which was a cell phone jammer
built in silent collaboration with an MIT grad, and various hacker communities such as
The Cult of The Dead Cow. Here is the website from 2006:

I have been working forward on related projects since that time and for the last ten years.
I currently work in the film industry as a technician and practice new forms of conscious
healing arts which can release all disease and illness if it is most appropriate on that
persons life path. Here is my website:

I am helped. All this does not make me special, I just know what I am writing about and
have many communities I am a part of to back me up at any level of work or evidence I
need. The planet is riddled with misinformation from decades of planning of
misinformation. I come here after a journey within a few communities around North
America which includes many connections with people, on the quest for a taste of reality.
Returning to the question of advanced technologies: in a school that is not based on lies it
is possible to learn what Ben Rich meant when he explained in simple terms, as the CEO
of Lockheed-Martin Skunkworks, what kind of technologies are possible when one
knows the missing information in Maxwell's equations. Maxwell's equations are wrong.

I'm an ordinary kid who likes to grind to fluxboom dubstep and eat sour gummie worms.
I do not know anything - How do I know that I do not know anything? I go to the source.
What is the source? The source is the same for us as it is for free energy devices. It is
possible to sense the quantum fabric of space-time in ones hands! If one does not have
hands, one can sense it in other ways.

There is a way of seeing that everything in the universe is a gift. All from the one source.
Since it is a gift, it is good. The movement towards the source, our natural birthright
not taught in contemporary education is therefore bad and even evil to some. This is
the essence of the witch-hunts which continue this day.


I did write, "when you see the spacecraft". One can register for a Close Encounters of
the 5
Kind (CE-5) workshop this summer in order to experience initiating contact with
spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings: I
have participated in such a gathering in 2013.

In March of 1997, Steven Greer asked certain extraterrestrials to make a presence when
he was briefing the US Congress. That night, the Phoenix Lights were witnessed by
thousands of people including the governor of Arizona: It is also the night Bill Clinton fell
down some stairs.

A free energy device will disappear from anyone's hands who tries to make money from
its understanding or from its weaponization. If one is a space-hippy and wants to make
such a device with ones friends - it is a nave and dangerous operation. An incompetent
person at a young consciousness age can steal it using the greatest available militarization
available and further destroy the planet by reverse-engineering the parts into a more
powerful device. Such devices have already been understood and weaponized by
shadowy people unknown to the CIA and FBI. These are people in control of most
people, thus perpetuating a world view that values unnecessary aggressive competition,
invasion, persuasion, disconnection, distraction, deception and scarcity. This limits
spirituality, the human experiencing of being human! This is where the $2.3 Trillion was
reported missing from the Pentagon by the US Secretary of Defence on September 10th
2001, which is noticeably the day before September 11

Man-made spacecraft have been made which can appear and travel like extraterrestrial
spacecraft. The original idea of the shadowy people involved is to instill fear of
extraterrestrial invasion on the public critical mass in order for people to unite for even
greater unnecessary wars.

Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are going. Enter a new
planet by abundance, transparency, directness, connection, inspiration, invitation
and collaboration.


For deeper continuation into the matters surrounding free energy at this level, everyone is
invited to use a scrap page I set up called Paranormal Peace:

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