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Mechanism and Machine Theory Vo[. 17, No, 4, 235-241, 1982 0094-114X/82/040235--07503.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Lt d
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
(Received 17 November 1980; in revised form 8 July 1981)
Abstract--The lateral vibrations of a uniform rotating blade have been analysed applying the Reissner and the
potential energy methods. Shear deflection and rotary inertia are taken into account. A convergence study of the
two methods is made and the effects of shear deflection, rotary inertia, rotation and stagger angle on the blade
vibration characteristics are discussed. Comparison of the results indicates a quicker convergence and better mode
shapes by the Reissner method than the classical potential energy method.
A turbomachine blade can be treated as a cantilever
beam mounted on the periphery of a disc at a stagger
angle. The cross section of the beam may be of asym-
metric aerofoil shape and it may have pretwist and
taper. Sometimes, a certain number of such blades are
packeted or they may be laced at one or two locations.
Accurate prediction of the natural frequencies and mode
shapes of such blades when rotating becomes a complex
problem. When the blades are stubby and short or when
higher modes are required to be determined, the shear
deflection and rotary inertia effects are to be considered,
which makes the analysis further complicated. Other
factors which are important are the root and disc flexi-
bility, damping and a host of aerodynamic phenomena
which enter into the blade problem when the tur-
bomachine is under operation. The designer is forced to
estimate the natural frequencies and mode shapes and
also predict the stress and the displacement distributions
in a vibrating blade as accurately as possible to avoid any
possible resonances and consequent fatigue failures.
Several methods of solution of the blade vibration
problem are well developed so far. Solution of the equa-
tions of motion is possible under simplified conditions.
The works of Rao and Carnegie[l], Rao[2] using Galer-
kin process, Rao[3] using collocation method, Carnegie
and Dawson[4] using transformation techniques, Car-
negie, Dawson and Thomas[5], Carnegie and Thomas[6]
using finite difference method are some such examples.
In the continuum model approach the potential and the
complementary energy principles have been used exten-
sively. Rayleigh-Ritz principle was applied by Lo and
Renbarger[7], Houboit and Brookes[8], Carnegie[9],
Subrahmanyam, Kulkarni and Rao[10] et al. In the dis-
crete model approach, the application of Holzer Myk-
iestad, Polynomial frequency equation, station function,
matrix and finite element methods are well known.
Targoff[ll], Rosard[12], Rao and Carnegie[13] used
Holzer-Myklestad type of procedures; Rao and
Banerjee[14] used polynomial frequency equation
method; Mendelson and Gendler[15] applied the station
function approach; Thomson[16] and Plunkett[17] used
matrix methods while Dokainish and Rawtani[18], Gupta
and Rao[19] and Putter and Manor[20] applied finite
element technique in solving the blade vibration prob-
Each of the above mentioned methods has its inherent
advantages and disadvantages. For example, direct solu-
tion of the differential equations of motion is possible
under very much simplified conditions. The solution
from the finite difference or transformation methods
requires some sort of extrapolations or interpolations to
avoid the matrix sizes becoming large, or else the round
off errors in computation make the results unreliable.
The potential and complementary energy principles do
not give a simultaneously good distribution of stresses
and displacements. The discrete model approaches yield
lower bound solutions because of the discretisation
process of the distributed mass and elasticity while the
pure collocation method, though simple, is not definitely
known to give accurate solutions and wherever it has
been applied, lower bound results were obtained.
From the foregoing discussion on the various classical
methods, it is apparent that the simultaneous deter-
mination of the natural frequencies, mode shapes and
the stress and the displacement distributions is not pos-
sible using any single method. These difficulties can be
eliminated by the application of Reissner method where
it is possible to determine accurately the stresses and the
displacements [21-23] as also the natural frequencies and
mode shapes [10, 24, 25] simultaneously. So far, the static
and the dynamic cases of uniform, pretwisted and
asymmetric blades have been studied by the Reissner
method, but its application to a rotating blade allowing
2 3 5
M M T V o l , 17, N o . 4---A
for the effects of stagger angle are not studied. The
objectives of the present paper are, thus, to apply the
Reissner method to a uniform blade mounted on the
periphery of a rotating disc at a stagger angle, allowing for
the effects of shear deflection and rotary inertia. The blade
will be assumed to have coincident mass and elastic axes so
that the torsional coupling can be eliminated, and further
that the blade is untwisted, so as to have pure flexible
vibrations. It is also proposed to develop the solution of the
problem by the potential energy approach using the shape
functions that are identical to those used in the Reissner
method, so that a direct comparison will be possible. A
convergence study is proposed to be made for the natural
frequencies obtained by these two methods, and the
present natural frequencies and mode shapes will be
compared with those available in literature.
= y cos 0 + x sin 0 t5}
u = ~ ~ [ ( x 3 2 + ( y ' f ] d Z . ( 6 )
For the present case of pure flexural vibrations in the
YZ-plane, we have the y-deflection uncoupled with x,
and thus, the total kinetic energy, T, is given by
T = T, + T2= ~ foL [pas:2+ Oh ~ z
- pa W2(R + Z) f : (y,)2 dZ + pa W2Y 2 cos 2 0 ] dZ
A uniform blade of length L, area A, Young's modulus
E, rigidity modulus G and mass density p is mounted on
the periphery of a disc of radius R, rotating at a constant
angular velocity W. xx-, yy-axes are principal centroidal
axes of inertia and I ~ is least moment of inertia, r l ~ - ~
are another set of orthogonal axes through the centroid
of the cross section at root and are placed such that
"0~7-axis lies in the plane of disc rotation and makes an
angle 0 with xx-axis, thus 0 is stagger angle.
Any point on the blade axis is measured with the
co-ordinate Z, along the longitudinal axis ZZ with the
origin at root section. The blade is assumed to perform
pure flexible vibrations in the YZ-plane. Denoting the
dynamic deflection and bending slope by y and 4' and the
bending moment and the shearing force by M and V,
with dash over a quantity representing differentiation
w.r.t. Z, and a dot over a parameter representing a time
derivative, we can write the Reissner functional IR and
Potential energy functional 7r as follows[10]
V 2 M 2
~r -- ,~ ( L [ ELAn' ) 2 + KGA( y ' - 402] dZ. (2)
In writing the above equation, we have taken the shear
deflection into account, thus K is the shear coefficient.
The kinetic energy for vibrations in YZ-plane, T1,
allowing for rotary inertia effects[10] is given by
fO L
T I = [pAy: 2 + pI~ck 21 d Z . (3)
The additional kinetic energy due to centripetal effects,
T2, as given by Carnegie[9] for the case of coupled
vibrations, neglecting higher order effects, is
T2 = rio L [2pAW2( R + Z)u + pAWZ z
+ 2pAW(~u - niJ) dZ ( 4 )
Us i ng eqns (1, 2, 7), we can f or mul a t e t he
d yn a mi c Re i s s ne r f unct i ona l and t he La gr a ngi a n
as f ol l ows
LR = T - IR (8)
L,, = T - ~r. (9)
The t i me a ve r a ge d val ues of t he a bo ve f unc-
t i onal s can be obt a i ne d by Ri t z a ve r a gi ng pr oce s s
L~ = LR dt
fO 1rIp
LTr = L~ dt .
t he f ol l owi ng I nt r oduci ng
pa r a me t e r s
( 1 o )
non- di me ns i ona l
z = - - ; 1~ =

~2= Lx/ AL2; dz d Z
a = h W 2 whe r e m = pA (12)
= mL4/ Eh~ ; ~2= GK/ E, (13)
We can r e wr i t e e qns (10, 11) as f ol l ows a f t e r
pe r f o r mi n g t he n e ce s s a r y ca l cul us and not i ng t he
t r a n s f o r ma t i o n of t he i nt egr al t e r ms unde r an i n-
tegral sign as given by Kilmister and Carnegie[26]
fo I [P2AEI,~, 2 a2EI,~
- 2 L ~ ( y ' ) ~ { / ~ ( l - z ) + ( I - z 2 ) } + M~'
~2L2 2 E~ ]
- V( y' - ~) + ~ V2+ ~dZ ( 1 4 )
Lateral vibrations of a uniform rotating blade
~rEI~, f ~ [p2Xy2 + p2A~2L2~2_ o t 2 L2 ( y, ) 2
x {/](1 - z) + (1 - z 2) + ot2y 2 cos 2 0
- L ' ( * ' ) - ~ ( y ' - * ) 2] dz. (15)
In t he a bo ve e qua t i ons , X is t he nondi me ns i ona l
f r e que n cy pa r a me t e r , a 2 i s t he r ot a t i ona l
pa r a me t e r , /~2 is t he non- di me ns i ona l s he a r
pa r a me t e r and ~ i s t he r a di us of gyr a t i on pe r uni t
l engt h.
Shape lunctions
The following shape functions for y, ~b, M and V are
assumed in series form
y = ~ {A,z' + A,+~z '+t} (16)
$ = ~ {B,z' + B,+,z '+t} (17)
M = ~ {C,(I - z)' + C,+,(I - z) '~} (18)
V = ~ {D,(1 - z)' + D,+,(1 - z) ' +' } (19)
which satisfy the boundary conditions
y = 4 ~ = 0 a t Z = 0
M= V = 0 a t Z = L . (20)
The arbitrary constants A,+I and B,+, are eliminated
from the conditions
( y ' - ~) = $' = 0 at z = 0 (21)
and C,+, and D,+t are eliminated from the conditions
M' = V; V' = 0 (22)
throughout the length of blade.
Eigen value problems
Substituting the shape functions developed above in
eqns (14) and (15), performing the necessary calculus and
applying the Ritz process, wherein
3 LR=0 ; OLR 3LR ^ 3L~
0A---~- ~ = 0; ~ = U; ~ = 0 (23)
0L~r =0; OLzr ^
OAk ~ = O; k = 1., 2 . . . . . (24)
We get the familar eigenvalue problems which can be
written in the following form
A + p 21] = 0. (25)
In the above equation, k and B are symmetric square
matrices and hence only the elements in the upper trian-
gular portion are mentioned in Appendix 1 for each
method treated, for a finite n-term solution.
The eigen value problems defined by eqn (25) are
solved using computer programs developed in fortran
language. The program evaluates the magnitude and al-
gebraic sign of the determinant A=I A+p2 BI for an
arbitrary chosen value p sufficiently lower than the fun-
damental flexible mode of standstill blade. The value of p
is increased in small steps till the determinant tends to
zero. The true natural frequency lies at the value of p
making A equal to zero, but to accelerate the frequency
evaluation, we set the accuracy such that any two suc-
cessive iterations separated by an interval equal to 0.0001
times the starting value and having opposite algebraic
signs of the determinant will give the natural frequency
of the mode. Next higher mode will be obtained in the
same fashion as above but with a starting trial value
being taken as 1.01 times the natural frequency of pre-
vious mode. In present investigation, the starting trial
frequency is taken as classical flexural frequency of the
blade (in flexible direction) in cycles per second. The
value obtained from the computer program will be in
radians per second.
The mode shapes are obtained by solving any (n - 1)
of the total n-equations in the matrix equations A+
p2B = 0 in terms of the nth one taken as unity, substitut-
ing the values of the arbitrary parameters thus deter-
mined for each natural frequency in the respective shape
functions and normalizing them to represent the relative
amplitude along the length of the blade.
The following numerical example relating to a typical
turbomachine blade [2] is chosen to check the analysis
L = 91.948 mm
A = 82.580 mm 2
p = 0.00783 kg/cm 3
E = 206.85 GPa
hx = 577.729 mm 4
W = 540.350 rad/sec
R = 263.652 mm
G = 82.74 GPa
K = 10(1+ v)/(12+ l l v)
(3.62 in.)
(0.128 sq. in.)
(0.283 Ib/in. 3)
(30 x 106 Ib/in. 2)
(0.001388 in?)
(10.38 in.)
(12 x 106 lb/in. 2)
where v is Poi sson' s ratio.
The results obtained are discussed below.
Table 1 shows the theoretical classical frequencies and
frequencies corrected for shear and rotary inertia
effects[27] for the blade example considered. Tables 2
and 3 show the convergence pattern shown by the
potential energy method and the Reissner method, res-
pectively, for various number of terms in the assumed
solution for a standstill blade. The convergence pattern
observed in the case of a rotating blade is similar to the
one shown for the standstill case and thus, the frequen-
cies obtained with the 3- and 4-term solutions of the
Reissner method and those obtained with a 5 term
potential energy solution are presented in Table 4. Two
Table 1. Theoretical natural frequencies (rad/sec)
Mode Number 1 I1 I11
classical value 5654.07 35436JX) 99231.82
Corrected for Shear
and rotary inertia
effects[27/ 5608.84 33664.20 87323.28
cases of stagger angle setting are consi dered, that is
0 = 9 0 and 0=47. 8696 . Figure 1 shows the mode
shapes obtained from the potential energy approach and
Figure 2 shows the mode shapes gi ven by the Rei ssner
met hod for a standstill blade. Figure 3 shows t he mode
shapes obtained from t he Rei ssner met hod for bot h the
stagger angle settings. Fr om t hese results, the individual
effects are discussed below.
Fr om Tables I-3(A), it can be seen that the Rei ssner
met hod indicates a qui cker convergence. The fundamen-
tal tlexural fr equency is obtained with an error of about
3.6% for both standstill and rotating blades using only
one term as compared to the exact value in t he Rei ssner
met hod and t here is negligible error with a 2-term solu-
tion. Correspondi ng errors in case of potential energy
met hod are 128% with a l-t erm solution and about 1.05%
with a 2-term solution. A 5-term Rei ssner solution gi ves
the first t hree modes accur at ely while a 6-term solution
shows a similar accur acy in the case of t he potential
energy method.
and S. V, KI I.K,',.RNI
Comparing the converged values of the naturat
fr equenci es of the standstill blade with the correspondi ng
classical values gi ven in Table 1, we obser ve that there is
a reduct i on in these fr equency values and that the
present standstill frequenci es agree closely with those
from Southerland and Goodman[27/.
Effects of shear deflection and rotary inertia
Table 3(B) gives the rotating blade frequenci es per-
taining to a 4-term Rei ssner solution of the present
i nvest i gat i ons and those by Galerkin process given by
Rao[2] neglecting shear and rotary inertia effects. Also
the squared values of t he fr equency ratio (theoretical
fr equency of rotating blade/standstill uncorrect ed clas-
sical fr equency) 2 are calculated and are compared with
t hose of Rao[2] in Table 4. This table shows also a
furt her compari son with the squared values of fr equency
ratios proposed in the form of fr equency relations for the
first t hree modes by Rao[2].
From t hese tables it can be seen that when the stagger
angle is 90 , the percent age reduct i ons in the squared
value of the fr equency ratio calculated on the basis of
the Rei ssner method results are 1. 507, 10. 508 and
22.774%, respect i vely, for the first three modes in com-
parison with the Galerkin values, which ignores the shear
and rotary inertia effects. When the stagger angle is
47.87(cos 2 0 = 0.45) the correspondi ng reduct i ons in the
fr equency ratio squared values are 1.4896, 10.4969 and
22.774%, respect i vely, for the first three modes. Fr om
t hese results, it is obvi ous that the shear and the rot ary
inertia effects when taken into account , lower the
fr equency values of the rotating blade, such reduct i on
being more predomi nant af higher modes. Further, it may
Tabte 2. Convergence pattern: potential energy
method standstill blade
Number of Natural frequency (rad/sec)
terms in
solution I Mode II Mode Ill Mode
1 12788.05 - - - -
2 5667.96 64773.1 - -
3 5612.30 3 4 2 61 . 6 154548.2
4 5612.30 3 3 8 4 3 . 7 91962.7
5 5612.30 3 3 7 0 3 . 1 90244.0
6 5612.30 33703.1 89101.4
Table 3(A). Convergence pattern, Reissner method
standstill blade
Number of Nature of frequency (rad]sec)
terms in
solution I Mode II Mode 1II Mode
1 5812.8 - - - -
2 5609. 9 38368.2 - -
3 5612.3 3 3 7 0 8 . 9 111778.2
4 5612.3 3 3 6 7 1 . 8 89581.9
5 5612.3 33671.8 89019.9
Table 3(B). Rotating blade frequencies
to = 540.35 rad/sec : ~ = 2.86743
cos 2 0 Presented results by % increase Results by
Reissner method over the Galerkin process
allowing for shear corresponding Rao[2], neglecting
and rotary inertia standstill shear and
frequency rotary inertia
% increase
over the corres-
ponding standstill
classical frequency
1 0.0 5576.83 2.58 5800.04
II 0.0 33832.0 0.313 35565.0
III 0.0 89677.6 0.107 99365.6
I 0.45 5746.09 - - 5788.73
II 0.45 33832.0 - - 35563.3
III 0.45 89677.6 - - 99365.6
Lateral vibrations of a uniform rotating blade
Table 4. Comparison of rotating blade frequencies
[ Theoretical frequency of rotating blade ]2
P r= (Pt[Ps)2 = LClassi-~al ~ ~ u e n c - ~ - d ~ blade
w = 540.35 rad/sec; J~ = 2.86743
Present results allowing for shear and rotary inertia
Reissner Method (P2r) Potential energy (P~)
Mode cos 2 0 3-term 4-term 5-term
number solution solution solution
Rao [21
Neglecting shear &
rotary inertia (p2)
Galerkin Frequency
I 0.0 1.036679 1.036679 1.036679 1.0523 1.0518
II 0.0 0.911837 0.911519 0.911519 1.0073 1.0073
III 0.0 1.271713 0.816706 0.829743 1.0027 1.0025
I 0.45 1.032815 1.032815 1.032815 1.0482 1.0478
II 0.45 0.911519 0.911519 0.911519 1.0072 1.0072
III 0.45 1.271713 0.816706 0.829743 1.0027 1.0025
also be observed that the percentage reduction in the
natural frequency due to shear and rotary inertia cor-
rection value for the stand still blade and the rotating
blade with 0 = 90 o or 0 = 47.87 is almost same, if we
compare the present results with the standard classical
values in case of standstill blade with the results of
Rao[2] using Galerkin process for the rotating blade.
This implies that the percentage reduction due to shear
and rotary inertias will be almost the same whether the
blade is standstill, or rotating with any stagger angle
Effects of rotation and stagger angle setting
Comparing the results, given by the Reissner method
with a 4-term solution, of the rotating blade with the
corresponding standstill values, we observe that the
flexural modes are stiffened due to the rotational effect.
The stiffening pattern can be understood by considering
the percentage increase in the first two modal frequen-
cies because of rotation, which are 2. 58 and 0.313%,
respectively for the first two modes as shown in Table
3(B). The corresponding values from the Galerkin
process for the rotating blade and standstill classical
frequencies are 2.58 and 0.364%, respectively.
From these results, it can be concluded that the first
bending mode is having the largest percentage increase in
the frequency value due to rotation and higher modes
show little variation in the frequency value due to rota-
tion. Further, the present results show a similar trend of
stiffening pattern as observed by Rao[2] using Galerkin
A comparison of the natural frequencies of the rotat-
ing blade with different stagger angle settings indicates
that there is a lowering of the fundamental frequency
value when the stagger angle is changed from 90 to
47.870 . The second and the third modes show in-
significant changes. Schilhansl[28], Rao[2], Rao and
Carnegi e[l], Carnegie, Stifling and Flemming[29] et al.
have observed that the frequency decrease can be
represented by a linear variation proportional to cos20
and that the effect of stagger angle setting becomes
insignificant for modes other than the fundamental
flexural mode. Present results are consistent with their
Mode shapes
Figure 1 and 2 show the mode shapes of a standstill
blade obtained from the potential energy method and the
Reissner method, respectively. The nodal location shown
by the modal curves of the Reissner method are close to
the exact ones[30] while such agreement is relatively
poor in case of the potential energy method. Considering
i 0 , t I . . . . j /
z o2~ i . . J r ' - ' ,,. /
, , '..
' f
-0"2 5612.3 r od/ see. \ I ~
"~ I l l Mode - ~' X"x j / x
06[ n Mode ~ ' ,
" " [ 89101"/., 3 rod/see. ~ - " / ~ x
J 33703"1 r a d i s h , x
. I . 0 / I I I I i i I ' ,
0 0.2 0. 4 0-6 O.O 1.0
z = Z / t
Fig. I. Rexu ral mode shapes: potential energy method (Standstill
I ~ Mode 3 . , i
~ " I~ Mo d e ~ ' \ / . ' ~
~._0.6 I. 89019'9rod/see. "\.... / ' ~f' ~
| II ModJ-3" ' , ,
_, . 0 [ . . . . . o /se t ' ,
0 0 . 2 0 " 4 0 " 6 0 . 8 1 '0
z = Z/ L
Fig. 2. Flexural mode shapes: Reissner method (Standstill blade).
1.0[ ( 5756.83 r o d / s e e /
o L-~' (~ ' ~
w : SZ, 03S rc~d/~ec co~ @: 0
1.0[ ( 33852.0 radlsec )
1 \ 1 . o
:?ol \
w : 540.35 rod/ sec , c ol ~ : 0 4 5
, o r ( 8 9 6 7 7 . ~ , r a d l s e c ) [
Y o.5o
05 1.0
1 , 0 [ ( 338 32 . 0 r a d/ s ec )
1.0 F ( 8967Z6 rctd~ec I I
/ o / , 0
Fig. 3. Model curves of rotating uniform blade: Reissner Method.
the case of rotating blade, the mode shapes obt ai ned
from the pot ent i al energy met hod are similar to those
from the Rei ssner met hod (Fig. 3) but the second mode
shown slightly less relative magni t ude at z = 0.5 and the
third mode shape, being obt ai ned with the 5-term solu-
tion where the fr equency has not converged, could not
properly be compared. Thus onl y the modal curves given
by the Rei ssner method for 0 = 90 and 0 = 47.87 are
presented. It can be seen from these mode shapes that
they resemble very closely the respect i ve standstill
modes (Fig. 2) and furt her that the stagger angle
setting does not alter the mode shapes of the rotating
The Rei ssner and the potential energy methods are
successfully applied to the case of a uni form rotating
blade execut i ng lateral vibrations. It has been observed
that the Reissner method indicates a quicker con-
vergence and gives bet t er mode shapes in compari son
with the classical potential energy approach. It is expec-
ted that the present investigation would be of consi der-
able use in developing the Rei ssner method to a more
complicated blade vi brat i on problem i nvolvi ng pretwist,
taper and asymmet ry, and i n det ermi ni ng the forced
response of the bladi ng since the met hod shows excellent
convergence for stresses [22] and displacements.
Acknowledgements--The authors gratefully acknowledge the
financial assistance rendered by the University Grants Com-
mission, Government of India, for this investigation.
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L a t e r a l v i b r a t i o n s o f a u n i f o r m r o t a t i n g bl a d e 241
Rei ssner met hod
A,.~ = T A ( T 4 + T I . c o s 2 0 ) / L
Ai, i+. = T A ( T 2 . c o s 2 0 - R4 . $ 3 . T5 )
Ai, i . 2, = - T7
A~+.,~+. --- L . T A{ R2 . $ 2 . co s 2 / ( Q + 3) - T6}
Ai+.,i+2. = T8
A i + . , i ~ 3 . = T7
A~+2.,i+3. = U I. R3. S3/(Q + I) + U 2 . R2. S2/(Q + 3)
Ai +2, , j +3, = - U1 . R3 . S21L( Q + 1)
Ai+3,,i*~. = R 3 . $ 3 . UI / L ~ ( Q+ 1)
Bi, j +. = T B . T2
Bi , j = T B . T l l L
B~+.,~+. = T B . R 2 . S2 / ( Q + 3) + 52 . T I l L
T A = a 2EL~/ L ~
TB = hEI , ~/ L ~
T I = I ( Q+ I ) - ( R I + S1) I ( Q+ 2) + R I . S I / ( Q+ 3)
T2 = S 2 / ( _ Q+ 2 ) - R 1 . S2 / ( Q + 3)
T4 = i . i [ 6R( Q - 2 ) ! / ( Q + 2 ) ! - ( Q - 2 ) ! / ( Q + 1)!
- Q ! I ( Q + 3 ) ! ]
T5 = 2 R( Q - 1) ! / ( Q + 2)! + ( Q - 1) ! / 2( Q + 1)!
- ( Q + I ) I / 2 ( Q + 3 ) !
T6 = R 3 . S3{ RQ! I ( Q + 2)! + 0 . 5 / ( Q + 1 ) - 0. 51(Q + 3)}
T7 = i ! j ! / L ( Q + 1)!
T8 = - R3 . S 3 . L . T7
U 1 = L2~21EIxxk 2
U2 = Le / ELx ; Q = ( i + j )
R1 = i(i + i ) ; R2 = 1(i + i ) i R3 = l ( i + 1); R4 = i
S1 = j / (j + 1); S2 = 1(] + 1) ; S3 = 1(] + 1); S4 = j
Pot ent i al energy met hod
Ai,~ = - c t 2 T 4 - [ z T9/~Z + a 2 T I c o s 2 O
Ai , j . = - a 2 L . R4 . $ 3 . T5 + / ~ 2 U3/ P2
+ a ~ . L . T2 . c o s 2 0
Ai ,,~+. = - a2L 2 T 6 - L ~ . T 9 - ~2, T5/~2
+ ~2 L 2 . R2 . $ 2 COS 2 O/(Q + 3)
B~, j = - h . Tl
Bi, j +. = - h. L , T2
Bi +. , i . = - ~.. L ~ , R2 . S2 / ( Q + 3) - L 2 ~ . TI
T9 = 2 . R4 . S 4 ( Q - 2 ) ! / ( Q + 1)!
u3 = 2. L . R 4 . S I ( Q- 1) ! / ( Q + 2)!
K. B. Bub~ahman~am, S. V. Kulkarni u n d J. B. Rao
K ~ G C a s s u n H - Die Beitensohwingtuagen elnez gleichmKSig rotle~enden S c h a u f e l warden un~er A n w e n -
d u n g des Ansatzes n a o h ReissneE u n d des k l a s s l s c h e n Ansatzes dee potentlellen Eme~gie analyllert.
Die 8ohubve~sohieb~ng u n d R o t & t l o n s t r ~ h e l t w e z d e n be~Gckslahtigt. Die Konvergenz der zwei M e t h o -
d e n w i E d un~e~muaht 0 u n d die Einflt~sse der 8ohubveEschiebungp der R o t a t i o n s - u n d 8 t a f f e l u n g s w l n -
k e l auf d i e Sohwingun~selgensohAften w e ~ d e n besp~ochen. E l m V e r g l e l c h der Ergebnisse zeigt~ da~
d e ~ RelssneEansatz sohnelle~e Konve~genz bzin~t u n d b e s s e ~ e 8ohwlngungsfo~men im V e r g l e i c h zum
k l a s s i s ~ h e n Ansatz de~ po~entlellen E n e ~ i e e~glbt.

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