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UC Davis

UC Davis is now a huge college, but it didnt start out that way. In the beginning,
UC Davis was established as an agricultural school. It opened in 1908 so that ar!ers
could ta"e short courses that were !ore hands on. #hey learned the latest techni$ues in
agriculture and how to use the !ost advance technology. It opened as a college with
regular classes with the courses ani!al husbandry, crops, horticulture and viticulture,
irrigation and last o all veterinary science began %anuary 18 o 1908. In 191& a wo!ens
dor! was established, allowing wo!en to attend this college. In 19'' it beca!e a our(
year university. In 19') they began a graduate instruction progra!. #oday it oers !ore
than 100 undergraduate !a*ors in our sub(divided parts o the college. It is also the
largest o all the UC schools with ),+00 acres o land. ,pea"ing o UC ,chool, each
school was govern!ent unded to give a !ore co!plete education. Dierent things
happen in dierent parts o Caliornia. ,o the govern!ent ounded schools with dierent
ocuses in the dierent parts o Caliornia. #his helps to support the econo!y because the
people who graduate can go into the ield o wor" they were trained or. #hat is only the
basics o the history o UC Davis.
I you go to UC Davis, you should !a"e an eort to be involved. #hey !ade it
easy or you by creating the center or student involve!ent where you can search or a
club you li"e a!ong the )00 clubs that are oered. -lso oered on or around ca!pus are
the recreation pool, the arboretu!, the crat center, a ar!ers !ar"et, the e$uestrian
center, the whole earth estival, e.peri!ental college /where you can e.peri!ent with
dierent ields o interests0, cultural co!!unities, intra!ural sports, and the center or
leadership learning. ,tudents can get involved in -,UDC, or otherwise "nown as
associated students o UC Davis, which is a student govern!ent. #here is the annual
picnic day, where you can invite your a!ily to co!e have lunch and visit the ca!pus.
UC Davis also oers a ca!pus union ga!e area, where students can either rela. or
sociali1e while playing video ga!es, using the pool table, going bowling and !ore. #here
is also an -ctivities and 2ecreation Center, or the -2C, which is an e.ercise center
where students can ride stationary bicycles, do 3ilates, lit weights and !ore. #he school
has a school spirit group called the aggie pac" that participates in a large variety o
events, li"e the cause way classic long standing ootball rivalry or the golden horseshoe
co!petition with cal poly 3o!ona. UC Davis even has its own radio station called
4D5,, and the Caliornia aggie, its own newspaper. -nother way to get involved would
be to *oin a sorority or raternity. #here is a !useu! on ca!pus where ite!s have been
collected, preserved and put on display. 6ou can see that there are !any !any options
or things you can do to get involved at UC Davis.
7hat would happen i you really wanted to go to UC davis, but you couldnt
aord it8 #he answer is not sad, as you !ight e.pect. #here are separate oices or
undergraduate inancial aid and graduate inancial aid. 9owever, they both oer all o the
ollowing inancial aid options !entioned. 6ou can si!ply apply or inancial aid, a
grant, a scholarship, or a loan /or !any0. #he school also oers a ,9C, which stands or
student health and counseling services. #here is also an internship and career center
located on ca!pus that gives advice and helps you decide on a *ob. #he career center is
where you can research careers. I you need a little e.tra cash or that road trip you are
ta"ing, you can apply or a *ob around the uc davis ca!pus. ,tudents can sign up or
wee"ly group tutoring so that they can pass that class they are currently ailing at the
student acade!ic success center, or ,-,C. I you cant aord to co!e to the wonderul uc
davis ca!ps, or you are at the ca!pus and need tutoring, cant ind a *ob, or need
counseling dont ret. UC Davis oers !any things that can help solve the proble!s you
have as a student.

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