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The Cell Cycle Control System

a. Directs the sequential events of the cell cycle
b. Made up of cyclically operating molecules
i. Cyclins
1. Regulatory proteins that control CDKs
2. Concentration fluctuates cyclically
ii. Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
1. Kinases are enzymatic but are controlled by cyclin
2. Activated by cyclins
3. Constant concentration during cell cycle
4. Activity fluctuates during cell cycle with the changing
cyclin concentrations
2. M-phase promoting factor (MPF)
a. Active cyclin-CDK complex (CDK + cyclin = MPF)
b. Responsible for entry into mitosis
ii. Chromosome condensation
iii. Spindle formation
3. Cell Cycle Checkpoints
a. Control points in the cell cycle where stop and go-ahead signals
regulate progression
b. G1 Checkpoint
i. Restriction point
ii. Typically the most important checkpoint
iii. Is the environment favorable?
1. Nutrients
2. Growth factors (mitogens)
3. Density-dependent inhibition
4. Anchorage dependence
c. G2 checkpoint
i. Regulates entry into mitosis
1. This is where MPF works (MPF is used here)
ii. Did DNA replication go properly?
iii. Is any DNA damaged
d. M Phase Checkpoint
i. Anaphase checkpoint
ii. To ensure proper distribution of sister chromatids
iii. Are all chromosomes attached to the spindle?
4. Meiotic Cell Division
a. Reduce chromosome number from 2n to n
i. Replicate DNA (ONCE!)
ii. Divide twice

b. Interphase: Replicate DNA
c. Meiosis 1: Reductional division
i. Reduce chromosome number
ii. Separate homologous chromosomes
d. Meiosis II equational division
i. Start with n number of chromosomes in each cell and end in
n=1 chromosomes
ii. This is achieved by separating sister chromatids
i. Meiosis I divides chromosomes
ii. Meiosis II divides cells

f. Interphase
i. Chromosomes duplicate
ii. Centrosome duplicates
g. Prophase I longest phase of meiosis
i. Chromosomes condense
ii. Pairing of homologs
iii. Spindle begins to form
h. Late Prophase I Prometaphase I
i. Crossing over
1. Reciprocal exchange of genetic material between
nonsister chromatids
2. Recombinant chromatids
i. Metaphase I
i. Paired homologs line up at metaphase plate
ii. Independent assortment
1. Random orientation of homologs
2. 2^n possible different combinations of maternal and
paternal chromosomes
3. Genetic diversity!
j. Anaphase I
i. Homologs separate and move to opposite poles
ii. Sister chromatids remain attached
k. Telophase I and cytokinesis
i. One set of duplicated chromosomes at each end of cell
ii. Cytokinesis generates 2 haploid daughter cells
l. Prophase II Prometaphase II
i. Spindles form
ii. Spindle UT interact with kinetochores of sister chromatids
m. Metaphase II
i. Chromosomes align on metaphase plate
n. Anaphase iI
i. Sister chromatids separate
ii. Chromosomes move to opposite poles
o. Telophase II and Cytokinesis
i. Daughter nuclei form
ii. Chromosomes decondense
iii. Spindles break down
iv. Cytokinesis generates 4 haploid daughter cells

Cell division
Binary fission
Eukaryotic cell cycle and regulation
Meiotic cell division

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