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Nature Cure

The following prospectus outlines Indian naturopath, Dr. Jacob Vadakkancherys

philosophy, Nature Cure, with support from various authors, revealing the ins and outs
of natural hygiene, cellular strength, and physical stamina. Subject matter, including
pain, medications, naturally detoxifying the body, nutrition, and overall health and
wellness are all interconnected and discussed in this paper.
Nature Cure


Nature Cure
By Erica Figueiredo

Part I. Disease and Medications

Our Natural Healing Intelligence

We are taught to dread the bodys natural cleansing mechanisms and encouraged to
fear disease. Conditioned to believe that the body is vulnerable to the constant attack
of bacteria, infectious germs, and viruses, we view the body as a hapless victim that
must be safeguarded through the use of allopathic medications.

This is a lethal falsehood that fortifies pharmaceutical companies and
terminates billions of lives.

Our bodies are healers, not victims. Let us consider common sense: When a bone is
broken and the doctor places a cast around the injury, who heals the bone? When a
doctor stitches a wound, does he also create a scab and magically put the skin back
together? Who is the true healer?

Our bodies have instinctive and eternal healing intelligence that is light years
beyond human comprehension. Why do we think we know more than our body?
Do we tell our heart how to beat? Do we tell our body how to digest our food? First
and foremost, it is imperative that we reconsider the aptitude of the human body and
recognize that our insignificant brain power cannot possibly ascertain the intelligence
of our bodies.

Believing that we need to fix our bodies with medication is working against the bodys
intelligence and causes nothing but cellular damage. The key to health and longevity,
therefore, is to allow the bodies to perform its healing power without uselessly
intervening. Consequently, we must aim at listening to our bodys commands and
responding accordingly.
Nature Cure


Pain & Discomfort

Pain is our bodys way of communicating with us and diseases are the cleansing steps
of the body. Pain is your friend, indicating that we need to change our life-styles in
order to maintain wellness. If we didnt have pain, we would die. Dr. Jacob likes to
use the example which supposes you are watching a movie and someone sneaks up
behind you and stabs you in the back. If you could not feel pain, you would continue
to enjoy the movie until all the blood had drained from your body and you died.

Pain wakes us up and calls our attention to physical problems, which need to be
addressed. Headaches, for example, are the bodys message that we are over-exerting
ourselves mentally and physically, and require a dark, tranquil or silent environment
that will allow us to relax. Likewise, inflammation warns us not to overwhelm certain
parts of the body and necessitates rest. Pain and discomfort, it seems, are the only
signs we listen to and consequently, run away from. Doctors capitalize on our fear
of pain and tell us that pain is bad and must be silenced with their costly medications.

Be aware that you can never escape the punishment of your body when you violate
natural laws. We cannot run away from pain with medications and degenerating food
or the consequences will be greater. When a prisoner escapes from jail and is caught,
his punishment is double. The same rule of thumb applies to your body. So be
humble and accept your punishment of unpleasant or prolonged healing crises.

There is no miracle cure. The only thing that can heal an organic system is

Sickness, or rather,
The Bodys Natural Cleansing Methods

Only humans suffer from disease. Do we ever hear of wild bears with tonsillitis?
Otters with Gastro-Intestinal Disorder? Do tigers have PMS or General Anxiety
Disorder? Only domesticated animals receiving vaccinations and medical treatments,
or on diets where food was processed from a factory, suffer from cancer and diseases.
We bring diseases on ourselves when we eat degenerating foods, live unhealthy
lifestyles, and suppress our natural healing systems with poisonous medications.
Humans are disconnected from their bodies. Animals understand their bodies natural
laws and methods of cleansing.

Step 1: Our body detoxifies normally everyday using the following Ordinary
Cleansing Methods:

1. Exhalation
2. Sweat
3. Urine
4. Stools
5. Menstruation

Obviously, the inability to breathe will lead to death in a matter of minutes; however
the inability to breathe properly leads to tiredness, asthma, and oftentimes, cancer.
Problems with sweating occur when we block our pores with lotions, powders,
Nature Cure

creams, and cosmetics and leads to kidney damage, liver damage, and allergies.
Constipation or problems urinating cause hemorrhoids, heart problems, high blood
pressure, liver damage, and blood problems. Lastly, the inability to menstruate causes
harm to the hormones and reproductive system.

Step 2: When blockages occur and the ability to utilize our Ordinary Cleansing
Methods is obstructed, the body must employ Extraordinary Cleansing Methods in
order to save the body from permanent damage.

1. Vomit
2. Diarrhea
3. Skin Rashes
4. Cold/Cough
5. Fever

Being sick does not indicate that something is wrong, but rather insinuates that the
bodys natural healing process is currently taking place. So what is sickness? Stomach
ache, vomiting, fever, sore throat, to name a few, are not indicators that our bodies are
weak and under attack, but rather signs that reveal strength and the ability to detoxify
our systems. While the body eliminates waste everyday, through sweat, urine, and
stools, it occasionally calls for emergency detoxification such as vomiting, diarrhea,
skin rashes, colds, or fever. Lets examine each:

Vomiting Toxins collected in the stomach are eliminated
Diarrhea Toxins collected in the intestines are eliminated
Skin Rashes, irritations, acne the body eliminating toxins through the pores of
the skin. Itching occurs when there is a need to release toxins and will subside
when the toxins are removed. Creams, sunscreens, and medications suppress
the removal of toxins and cause liver and kidney damage.
Cold, Cough, Flu-like symptoms toxins in the stomach and lungs being
eliminated through the mouth and nose in the form of mucus.
Fever the body heats itself up to the point where it can burn its toxins.
Nobody has ever died strictly from a high fever unless there was a chemical
interaction with painkillers or anti-inflammatory medication. The body is too
intelligent to burn itself to death.

When experiencing these Extraordinary Cleansing Methods, doctors will tell you to eat
as much as possible (especially protein) to build strength and take expensive
medications. On the contrary, both suggestions are counter-productive due to the fact

1. Digesting food takes the most amount of physical effort. When the body is
cleaning itself, why would we make it work overtime just to stop detoxifying
and start digesting our food? Do we want to remain at a standstill in the
detoxification process or would we rather give our bodies the opportunity to
finish cleansing before giving it another task? If you dont know the answer,
your body will tell you:
No Appetite = Dont eat (the most common indicator that the body needs
Sore Throat = Dont eat
Loss of Taste = Dont eat
Itchy Tongue = Dont eat
Indigestion = Dont eat
Stomach Ache = Dont eat

Listen to your body it will tell you how to proceed.
Nature Cure


2. Why would we take medication to stop the detoxifying process? Do our
stomachs want to keep the excess mucus? Is it better to let the vomit and
diarrhea settle back down in our system after the body worked so hard to
organize the detox?

The Dangers of Medications

How does medicine work? Lets take a patient with arthritis. The joint pain is an
indicator, letting the patient know that toxic material has built up in the body, and
encourages the individual to rest. Pain also indicates that the body is healing that
particular area. However, if the patient takes a deadly painkiller, the focus of the body
will immediately rush from healing the injured joints to attacking the foreign poison.
Therefore, the natural detoxification procedure must stop in order to fight off the toxic
pollutants that have just entered the body. While the bodys focus leaves the joints,
physical comfort is experienced. Yet, not only is the build-up of accumulated toxins
prohibited from being released, but new toxins from the medication will cause further
harm to the cells and organs.

There is absolutely no medicine that helps the body, including herbal remedies,
homeopathy, and Ayurvedic treatments. All treatments are cheating you.
Pharmaceutical companies know it; medical students learn it. In fact, the medical
student textbook, Microbiology, published in England, explains that all medical tests
and equipment are unreliable and dangerous, including mammography, ultrasound, x-
rays, blood tests, etc. and admits that the body only needs air, food, and water. The
medical textbook not only warns students against allopathic intervention, but
acknowledges that the body can heal on its own. It even states that the common cold
is a blessing, which cleans the lungs and sinuses and creates interferons and
postaglandis (produced in the mucus) that fight against cancer.

The British Medical Association published medical student textbook, Davidsons
Principles and Practice of Medicine 20
ed. which verifies that the popular painkiller,
Paracetamol, (other brands known as Tylenol, Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Advil, Panadol,
or Ibuprofen) causes death of the liver, increases liver damage in alcoholics, nausea,
vomiting, hemorrhage, and death. In fact, if just two tablets of Paracetamol are
crushed and mixed with rice and left for a couple of days, the mixture will become a
deadly rat poison. The textbook quotes that

"As little as 10-15 g (20-30) tablets or 150mg/kg of
Paracetamol taken within 24 hours may cause severe
hepatocellular necrosis, and less frequently, renal
tubular necrosis. Nausea and vomiting are the only
features of poisoning and usually settle within 24 hours.
Persistence beyond this time is often associated with
the onset of right subcortical pain and tenderness,
usually indicating development of Hepatic necrosis.
Liver damage is maximal 3-4 days after ingestion and
may lead to encephalopathy, hemorrhage,
hypoglycemia, cerebral edema, and death" (pg 23,
Emergency Treatment of Poisoning, British National
Formulary 43, March 2002, Published by the British
Medical Association).

Furthermore, Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia explains that the number of accidental
self poisonings and suicides from Paracetamol has grown in recent years. The
Encyclopedia also adds that Paracetamol toxicity is, by far, the most common cause of
Nature Cure

acute liver failure in both the United States and the United Kingdom and is often used
in suicide attempts.

Lastly, in addition to Paracetamol, the British Medical Association textbook comments
on diagnostic procedures, stating that many tests are potentially hazardous and none
are completely reliable. All diagnostic tests can produce false positives (an abnormal
result in the absence of disease) and false negatives (a normal test in a patient with a
disease). The diagnostic accuracy of a test can be expressed in terms of its sensitivity
and specificity (pg 7).

Drug Data:

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs increase the toxemia and acidity of the

2.2 million hospital admissions per year in America are due to the adverse
effects of drugs. 220,000 of these result in death. Many of these reports were
investigated and verified by the American Medical Association.

Suppressing headaches and migraines with pain killers causes brain tumors.
Headaches were the warning sign, forcing its person to rest so that it may
correct its inner problems. Conclusively, all pain killers are dangerous to liver
and kidney functions and suppress the production of bone marrow.

Fever medications can cause death. The fever was designed to protect the
overloaded cells from permanent damage; however drug interactions and
suppression of fever cause encephalopathy, hemorrhage, brain damage, and

Five years of diabetes medication causes high blood pressure. Five years of
blood pressure medication causes enlarged heart. Heart medication for five
years causes and kidney failure. Dialysis performed to correct kidney failure
often leads to the need for leg amputation and organ transplants.

Only five percent of drugs for newborns and infants have been clinically

Anger, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, and impulsivity, are a common side-effect
of anti-depressant drug interactions. The gunman who killed students at
Northern Illinois University was taking Xanax (Anxiety), Ambien (Sleep), and
Prozac (Depression) simultaneously.

Antibiotics and immunizations are dangerous and unnecessary. Bacterial infections
are a medical excuse for selling drugs or explaining a death, when in fact bacteria
grows only after the accumulation of toxic matter, providing a favorable atmosphere
for their growth. In addition, most bacteria actually clean the body. All doctors
receive patients with contaminated bodies, yet proceed to increase the bodys toxicity
with medications. Quite often, the increase of dosages is prescribed so that the body
cannot possibly eliminate the poison and because new symptoms will appear; thus
necessitating more costly visits to the clinic.

CBC News Canada reported that more than one million seniors were prescribed
atypical antipsychotics, regardless of the known side effects of convulsions, stroke,
twice the risk of heart failure, and a 60 percent increase in risk of death. These drugs
include Risperidone (Risperdal), Quetiapine (Seroquel), Olanzapine (Zyprexa) and
Clozapine (Clozaril), all of which have never been tested on seniors.

Nature Cure

Indeed, doctors are always looking for justifiable reason to prescribe medications or
perform unnecessary surgeries. Removing the tonsils and appendix are perfect
examples of excuses to profit financially. If truth be told, the tonsils and appendix are
the systems body guards to our two openings, the mouth and anus. Removing either
will ensure that the patient permanently remains weak, thus encouraging repeat
clientele. In reality, when tonsils are removed, the lungs go into overdrive with the
new responsibility of having to transport blood to the brain system. Precisely, the
lungs, must assume the exhausting and abnormal responsibility of sending the brain
extra-purified blood.

Keep in mind that yesterdays health treatments are todays poisons. During the 19

century, doctors practiced and swore by electroshock therapy. In the early 20

century, doctors recommended smoking to relieve stress. Thalidomide was prescribed
by thousands of pregnant women to cure morning sickness in the 1960s. Conversely,
20-30 percent of children whose mother had taken the drug were born with severe
limb and organ defects. If yesterdays remedies are todays poisons, is it not safe to say
that todays remedies are tomorrows poisons?

Our Trusty Pharmaceutical Companies
While medical texts warn medical students of the deadly consequences of taking
medications, who is paying their student loans and providing them with bonuses and

Each of the 7,500 multinational pharmaceutical companies employ
Hundreds of thousands of medical students to perform research and devise
new medications
Thousands of researchers to perform drug experiments
Hundreds of scientists to design diseases

Pharmaceutical companies employ disease designers to create diagnoses
and assign special names to diseases that are nothing but normal bodily

Drug designers try to aim for only long-term side effects, so that the lethal
consequences are difficult to trace back to the medication. Even deadly infectious
diseases are often created. While it takes a drug approximately 12 years to become
established and approved the by FDA, the vaccination for Bird Flu, for example, was
created before the disease. The whole point of broadcasting and advertising infectious
diseases is to scare the public into purchasing protective measures such as flu shots
and vaccinations.

The Approval of Medications

Step 1: Each year 30 million animals just in the UK are tortured and put to death to
carry out lab studies and test new medications. The average length of time to
complete the lab studies phase is three to five years.

Step 2: Once the lab study is approved, the FDA hands the research team, funded by
the pharmaceutical company, a New Drug Application license, or an NDA, to begin
three clinical trials:

Trial 1: The pharmaceutical companies pay 100 healthy people who are not
currently taking any other medications to volunteer as guinea pigs for drugs that have
yet to be tested on humans. Once the test is performed, the short-term follow-up of
Nature Cure

three to six months is recorded; however no long-term follow-up on the side-effects is

Trial 2: After passing the first trial, the medication must be tested on 5,000
healthy participants. This is when the pharmaceutical companies feel generous and
donate free vaccinations and medicines to orphanages and childrens foundations.

Trial 3: The third trial calls for 50,000 victims to participate in a blind and
double blind study. This research takes place in third world countries and is disguised,
again, as an act of help and kindness.

Due to the high risk of testing these medications, the pharmaceutical company gives a
scholarship to one lucky medical student (the scapegoat, often a minority with poor
English speaking skills) to conduct the study. Consequently, the pharmaceutical
company is absolved of all deaths and serious side effects if any problems should
occur. Indeed, why not blame the student and argue that youre simply funding the
charitable deed?

So who judges whether or not the NDA is safe to distribute to the public? The panel is
made up of pharmacists, chemists, physicians, and statisticians, as well as employees
of the FDA, who have a deadly partnership, as Dr. Ray D. Strand puts it, with the
pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical Company Merk & Co. Fun Facts

Pharmaceutical company, Merck and Co., was punished $630 million in 2007
for concealing the fact that the anti-depressant, Paxil, causes suicidal
tendencies. While proven in the clinical trial, the information was withheld
and led to the gruesome death of countless individuals.
Merck and Co. again was charged $651 million in February 2008 for bribing
doctors to sell their medications.
Merck and Co. was forced to take arthritis medications, Vioxx and Celebrex off
the market for causing heart attack, stroke, blood clots, angina, nonbacterial
meningitis, severe intestinal damage, ulcerations, internal bleeding, and kidney
damage. Mercks liability could reach $50 billion.

Medicine Discarded by World Health Organization

Analgin headache medicine
Novalgin headache medicine
Cisapride Joint medicine
Nimesulide (pain & inflammatory medication created in the US
in 1994 but never given authorization to sell) banned in 180
countries for killing hundreds of children


Cancer is the end result of years of terminating the bodys natural detoxification
process with dangerous poisons allopathic medications & vaccines. Cancer is also
caused by chemically engineered poisons such as processed food, refined sugar,
preservatives, and artificial additives that the body can no longer eliminate.

The cycle looks something like this: Suppress a cold with cold medicine and six
months to a year later, a cough develops (the bodys next attempt to organize a
Nature Cure

detox). Suppress the cough with inhalers and remedies for bronchitis and eventually
the patient ends up with symptoms of allergies. Suppress the allergies with
medications and the individual develops headaches. Suppress the headaches and
migraines follow. Suppress the migraines and the outcome is asthma. The cycle of
medical complaints and physical weakness, to allopathic medications, to more
dangerous illnesses, eventually ends the with cancer and/or auto-immune diseases.

There is no localized health problem. The body is one system - all parts function
together. High blood pressure is not a separate problem from chronic fatigue or acne
all physical ailments and irritations are indicators that the body needs to eliminate

Contrary to popular belief, tumors actually indicate strength, given that the body has
collected all of the toxic materials and trapped the poisons into one cluster, so as to
contend with them more efficiently. In fact, cancer patients are often healthier than
individuals with toxins spread throughout their entire body. Thus, chemotherapy and
radiation therapy are far more dangerous than the actual tumors.

Part II Achieving and Maintaining Proper Health

Our Fuel: The Five Elements

Take a look at nature. What gives us life? How are we physically empowered? What
is they key to physical health and wellbeing? It has been understood for centuries that
the body derives its energy from the five elements air, water, fire, vital force, and

Air: Without air or the ability to breathe, we cannot live for more than a few minutes.
Thus, we can assume then that the health of the body depends largely upon the
strength and capacity of the lungs to breathe properly.

Millions of people breathe incorrectly. If youre not guilty of it yourself, youve
probably heard others with shallow, wheezy, uncontrolled oxygen intake. It has been
preached for centuries, the benefits of yoga, meditation, and Pranayama breathing, yet
the majority of Westerners turn to inhalers, dehumidifiers, and oxygen tanks, rather
than the $10 yoga mat. If people simply scrapped the cigarettes and spent 15-30
minutes per day sitting and focusing on their breath, a large number of respiratory
problems would easily be eliminated.

Water: While we cannot live for more than a few days without water, proper
hydration is essential for maintaining health. However, everyone needs different
amounts of water. The body will tell you through thirst how much water it needs.
The myth that we should drink 50-75 percent of our body weight in ounces of water
per day overwhelms the kidneys and hinders its ability to purify the blood. Dont
drown yourself; just listen to your bodys command. Additionally, mineral water is
unnatural and difficult to assimilate. Drink clean, regular tap or bottled water.

Nature Cure

Vital Force: Vital force is derived from living foods and cosmic energy that is
commonly experienced through meditation and other spiritual and religious practices.
The mind-body-spirit connection is extremely important when considering health and
wellness and experienced on a personal-individual level.

Fire: The fire in our bodies is used to perform digestion and organize a fever when
the body is under toxic overload. We derive this power from the sun by absorbing
direct sunlight during sunrise and sunset. 30 minutes to one hour per day is sufficient.

Earth: Direct from the ground fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the only
foods the body needs to maintain proper health. Yet, the majority of physical
problems are a result of eating incorrectly. If achieving good health is as easy as
eating only earth foods, why is it that we have so many degenerative diseases and
health issues?

We have been given the wrong information regarding health. Indeed, we must
familiarize ourselves with ancient knowledge, which we can find everyday by
observing nature.

The five elements provide us with energy; however, they do not heal the body.
Healing is the life force of the body. The quality of your food produces the quality
of your blood. The quality of your blood produces the quality of your cells, enzymes,
bodily fluids, and hormones, which produce the quality of the organs. The quality of
your organs produces the quality of your energy. Therefore, good air, good food,
good water = good health. Food, when consumed correctly, can detoxify and act as
medicine to the body. So let us examine weight loss, nutrition and detoxification,
which undeniably stand as one.

Food is your medicine. Medicine is not your food.

Weight Loss

Essentially, fat is the overload of toxic material, which the body can no longer
eliminate, that is stored in the fat cells to keep the organs safe. While the
discriminatory stigma that individuals with a weight problem lack motivation and
willpower, the fact of the matter is that not only are we conditioned to believe myths
and lies about nutrition, but much of the food we consume is poisonous and
addictive. The additives in food that we find at our friendly grocery store are as deadly
as street drugs, encouraging dependence, cravings, and depression. In fact, we only
psychologically crave food that degenerates and degrades the body. Additionally,
those who eat vegetarian diets, yet are still fatigued and battling unwanted pounds, are
perhaps eating the right foods but combining them incorrectly, which will also lead to
toxicity and weight gain.

Examining Hunger: Hunger is the appestat in the brain believing that the body has
not been fed because it does not have sufficient nutrients. Some people always feel
hungry or find themselves standing in front of the refrigerator after a meal because
their food was devoid of nutritious content. This means that the food was not only
unusable, but required a tremendous amount of energy to digest and store that which
could not be eliminated in the fat cells (as far away from the organs as possible).
Eating incorrectly inevitably leads to cravings, over-eating, exhausting the bodys
enzymes, and the build-up of toxins in the system. Indeed, diets high in acidic content
will cause hunger only one hour after eating (false hunger).

The Friendly Sweet Tooth: Humans naturally have a sweet tooth because the body
uses glucose for energy. Refined sugars have manipulated our taste buds into no
Nature Cure

longer craving fruit. However, after several weeks of eating only natural foods, fruit
tastes wonderfully sweet again.

Why Detox?

What is the first step before repainting your house? Removing the old chipped paint,
dust particles, and corrosion, right? Similarly, we must remove the toxic materials from
our body before we can regain strength and acquire a healthy body composition. Yet
why is it that we shower and scrub our outer bodies on a regular basis, while never
give a thought to cleansing the insides?

Instinctively, our bodies attempt to detox in order to rid ourselves of unwanted
poisons. We feel like vomiting when taking medication on an empty stomach because
the body immediately tries to reject the toxic material. Yet, by taking medications with
food, as doctors suggest, we can sneak the drugs into the body while it is focused on

Who vomits more frequently - adults or children? Naturally, the latter babies and
children have stronger cells and are more inclined to regurgitate and vomit, so as to
eliminate foreign pollutants through detoxification. In fact, infants scream and fight for
their lives when their parents or doctors force medications down their throats or give
them injections and vaccinations. Infants understand that nothing, especially poison,
should enter their system when their bodies are contending with toxins.

Lets take a look at nature. What does your dog do when it is sick? You feed it, it
wont eat. You try to give it medicine, it refuses. The dog takes total rest and
instinctively reduces its food intake so that its body may correct the problem. If it
cannot vomit on its own, it will eat some grass to promote vomiting, and once the
detoxification is complete, your dog is back to its old self again. Animals understand
balance they rest when tired, eat when hungry, stretch and exercise when feeling
stiff, fast when the body is detoxifying, and know how to preserve their energy.
Diurnal animals wake up at sunrise, rest at sunset, sunbathe before the sun is too hot
or otherwise rest in the shade. Yet the human ego likes to be heroic, enjoys
sympathy, thrive on excuses, and escapes discomfort or pain. Doctors and
pharmaceutical companies take full advantage of this.

Detoxifying is a natural, instinctive healing mechanism that keeps the body alive.
However, when taking medications and consuming only degenerating, toxic foods, the
body can only try to contend with and store the poisonous material. The key to health
and longevity is to allow your body to follow through with its healing power, rather
than suppress it, like we are advised by physicians.

Nature Cure Detoxification -- Dietary Options

Losing weight and cleansing the body, as previously stated, occur simultaneously. In
fact weight loss is one of the first symptoms of cellular purification, given that fat is
essentially toxic build-up. Again, the elimination of pollutants must take place before
the cells can be rejuvenated. Therefore, following Nature Cures nutritional guidelines,
ordered from intense (requiring one to three months) to gradual cleansing (requiring
one to three years), ensures weight loss while simultaneously promoting health and

Nature Cure

No matter how many years you have of polluting your body, as long as you
are still alive, you may reverse the damage by adhering to these dietary

I. One Month Intense Detoxification Program
(For severe patients or individuals with strong willpower and light work
Days 1-3: eat only fruit, 3-4 times per day
Day 4: only coconut water (if you dont have fresh coconuts, split the day into
50% fruit juice and 50% water) 3-4 times per day
Day 5-10 or 13: water fasting. (By the 3
, 4
, and 5
day of fasting, you will no
longer feel hunger. By the 6
day, you will develop an abundance of power
and gain back your appetite. This is also the period in which healing crises
may occur.)
For the following one or two days, only drink coconut water
Next, the number of days you fasted should be the number of days you take
only fruit.
For the following week, have only one cooked meal, and two meals of fruit or
raw vegetables per day.

**False hunger is a heavy, painful, empty sensation due to the acidity in the stomach.
Eat only fresh natural fruit juice or coconut water when experiencing false hunger.

II. Become a Fruitarian or eat only raw fruits and vegetables a fast and effective
way to cleanse the inside of the body.

Thats right - eat fruit. Eat only fruit for as long as possible two weeks, two months,
or longer consume ONLY fresh natural fruit and REAL fruit juices (that youve
squeezed yourself) and take total rest. Your body will contend with any physical
ailments and imbalances on its own. Eating only fruit (which is 90% water) will
cleanse the system and flood the body with vitamins and minerals, allowing the liver
and other organs to relax and rejuvenate. This method essentially washes out
accumulated waste in the digestive track. Fructose (natural sugar from fruit) does not
require digestion and is absorbed naturally, thus giving rest to the digestive system.
Feeling tired occurs only when the body needs to shut its person down in order to
focus on internal problems and clean out its toxins. Healthy individuals do not feel
tired on a fruit diet because they have adequate vitamins to keep them going strong
throughout their day.

FYI: Quite contrary to popular thinking, a fruit diet does in fact cure hypoglycemia as
well as thrush, and does not cause diabetes. Patients with diabetes should take a one
to three month raw vegetable diet and then slowly introduce sour fruits.
Subsequently, according to the patients blood sugar levels, he/she may have sweet
fruits as an alternative.

Fruit has a relationship with the tongue in which it knows how to select the fruits it
needs. There are times when pineapple or kiwi leaves the tongue with a burning or
itching sensation, as well as times when bananas for some reason taste like heaven.
The tongue selects the fruit the body needs. While it is advised not to mix sweet fruits
with sour fruits and to eat melon and cantaloupe separately, it is best to leave the fruit
selecting to your taste buds! On the contrary, the tongue does not have this
relationship with meat, and people have no indication that they are eating incorrectly
until indigestion kicks in.

Nature Cure

For patients on extended fruit diets, it is imperative that the individual gradually eases
his/her way back onto a regular vegan diet by slowly introducing raw vegetables and
subsequently, cooked food. The process should be as follows:

From extended fruit diet to
! 3-5 days of fruit for breakfast & dinner, raw vegetables for lunch
! 2-3 days of fruit for breakfast, raw vegetables for lunch and dinner
! 2-3 days of fruit for breakfast, cooked meal for lunch, either fruit or raw vegetables
for dinner
* Healthy individuals may occasionally take two cooked meals per day, provided the
meals are consumed with raw vegetables or a fresh salad.

III. Strict Food Combinations a less intense, yet detoxifying diet

Unquestionably, the key to health and longevity is fundamentally the constant,
uninterrupted flow of energy in the body. While the energy we use originates from
the five elements, a large amount of what fuels our body derives from food
consumption. Thus, the uninterrupted flow of absorption, utilization, and elimination
of food, or in other words, digestion, are the foundation for physical health and well-
being. Whenever that flow of energy is disturbed, imbalance results and illness occurs.

In order to achieve digestive health, it is imperative that food is consumed
and combined properly.

To begin with, proteins and carbohydrates should not be eaten together, due to the
fact that the enzymes used to digest each group neutralize when working concurrently
in the stomach and prolong the digestion process. More accurately, digesting protein
uses acid based enzymes and takes approximately three hours, however digesting
carbohydrates, employing alkaline based enzymes, requires about two to three hours
to leave the body. In addition, protein is digested in the intestines, unlike
carbohydrates, which are digested in the stomach.

Suppose you consume rice with almonds, both of which are healthy and nutritious.
However, once the acid-based enzymes encounter the alkaline-based enzymes, the
result is often physical discomfort (indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, etc.), and calls for
8-24 hours to digest one meal. Thus, the nutritious food will have gone rancid in the
stomach, and rather than being beneficial to the body, the food becomes toxic to the
system and is accordingly stored in the fat cells. Furthermore, when eating three
incorrectly combined meals per day, the food is constantly entering the stomach
before the digestion process is finished. The outcome is added confusion, discomfort,
and digestive disorders.

Combing food correctly preserves energy and prevents digestive disorders as
well as diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, kidneys, thyroid,
blood, bones, and muscles.

Additionally, fruit must be eaten alone, given that fruit is 90% water and requires only
20-30 minutes to digest. When eaten with protein or carbohydrates, necessitating 2-3
hours to digest, the food will again be useless to the body as a result of digestive
chaos. For this reason, choose to eat fruit 20-30 minutes before a meal or 2-3 hours

To sum up:
Mix carbohydrate with vegetables
Mix protein with vegetables
Nature Cure

Eat fruit alone. Try not to mix sour fruits with sweet fruits and eat melons and
cantaloupe separately.
Wait 5 hours after eating protein & vegetables OR 2 hours after eating
carbohydrates & vegetables before eating fruit. Wait 30 minutes after eating
fruit or fruit juice before eating a meal.

Consume ONLY natural, fresh, unprocessed food. Do not eat refined sugar or artificial
sweeteners, white flour, salt, or animal products (including dairy). Be natural, follow
your instincts - there is no set diet other than the recommended one cooked and two
raw meals per day. Do what works best for you.

IV. Regular Nature Cure Diet
Same as above, however, you may mix your fruit with the rest of your food, as
long as you eat your fruit first.

***Apart from taking complete rest during the detoxification process, patients should
also perform intestinal enema once or twice daily, as well as nasal wash using a neti
pot with lukewarm water (add a very small pinch of salt and lemon or lime), throat
wash (use the same mixture as the nasal wash liquid, but make it slightly stronger),
and eye wash. It is also important to get 30 minutes to one hour of sunlight daily and
to perform yoga regularly. Enema should be performed after your morning bowel
movement and before bed during the detoxification process. Avoid liver and colon
cleanses, as the machines kill the off good bacteria, causing more problems than

Healing Crises

Oftentimes, when the body is highly toxic, healing crises will occur during the
detoxification process. Essentially, many of our old ailments and health problems
come back to haunt us when we finally allow our body to rid itself of the toxic
material. Healing crises, such as vomiting, diarrhea, stomach or intestinal pain, skin
irritation and ulcers, vertigo, headache, body aches, fever, etc, vary depending upon
the age, amount of cellular strength, and severity of the disease of each patient.
Healing crises are, in fact, a blessing and indicate inner strength as well as the
elimination of toxic materials. Normally the healing crises during Nature Cure practice
will be mild and last a short period of time.

It is extremely important, that if healing crises should occur, the patient does
not suppress the bodys natural and safe detoxification process with
medications or food.

Individuals experiencing healing crises should take complete rest and fast on water or
coconut water until the symptoms subside. Diarrhea may last from 12-24 hours. (High
acidic content in the body causes mouth, stomach, and intestinal ulcers.)

During the water fasting, a patient might vomit acidic water or yellow toxic waste,
depending on the severity of his/her physical condition. A common healing crisis,
false hunger, is a burning, empty sensation due to the acidity in the stomach. True
hunger should be a light, pleasant feeling. When the healing crises pass, the mouth
will feel clean, the body light, and the stomach will feel settled.

Nature Cure

Additional Nature Cure treatments, which alleviate symptoms, but again, do not cure
physical problems, are mud pack, hip bath, spinal bath, wet pack, sea-salt bath, head-
rinsing, and self-massage.

Have you ever been told to eat bland starchy foods on an upset stomach? When
feeling nauseous, people stay far away from fruits and vegetables (so as to avoid
vomiting) and fill their stomachs with toast and crackers. Eating starch, however, puts
the body back to work on digestion, when it was already in the process of organizing
a detox. The truth of the matter is that it is wise to fast on an upset stomach, however
uncomfortable it may be.

Indeed, when sick or rather, when the body is detoxifying via fever, cold, vomiting,
diarrhea, etc., it is best to fast completely drinking only water or fresh coconut water
until the symptoms subside. When feeling hungry (which is usually psychological or
false/acidic hunger), the patient may take fruit juice. This provides the body with
the opportunity to fully cleanse the system and allow the cells to rejuvenate. The first
thing that happens during fasting is that the body will neutralize its pH and begin
cleansing the cells and eliminating fat. We feel less energized because the body shuts
us down, forcing us to rest, in order to finish its work. When the detoxifying process is
over, however, the body will experience an abundance of energy.

Fasting is a spiritual practice, which promotes healing. During food intake, the mind
focuses on chewing and digesting, which in fact is the most exhausting and difficult
process for the body. When food enters the mouth, blood rushes to the salivary
glands to produce the first stage of digestive juices (there are over 500 types of
digestive juices). Clearly, digestion is not a simple process. Giving the body a holiday
from digestion, frees the mind and allows the Self to be active. All spiritual leaders
and yogis practice and encourage fasting. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and became
enlightened, due to elevated atomic power of the body.

Additional Nutritional Info
The Three Food Groups

Dr. Jacob breaks down food into three categories:
1. Food that is Alive: Raw fruits and vegetables, brown rice, nuts, legumes fresh
uncooked whole grains & oats.
2. Food that is Dead: Cooked vegetables, dried fruits, whole grain bread & pasta,
unprocessed whole foods.
3. Ghost Food: Refined sugars, refined salt and flour, animal products, deep fried
or processed food, coffee, tea, colas, alcohol, canned or concentrated fruit

The first category, food with life, revitalizes, cleanses, and strengthens the body.
The second group, food that is dead, is not bad for the body, yet not particularly good
either. This is due to the fact that the body must use its own energy and enzymes in
order to break down and utilize its nutrients. Lastly, Ghost Food attacks the bodys
cells and organs and exhausts enzymes and vital nutrients. Pepsi and Coca Cola, for
example, cause liver, kidney, and skin damage.

What happens when you throw a tomato out the window? It germinates!
Overwhelmingly, the food has life properties that prosper in the body. If you put
Nature Cure

white rice in a glass of water, it rots. However, if you leave brown rice in a glass of
water, it will sprout. Essentially, if you want to be lively, eat living foods

Nutrition Tips
Drink beetroot juice to purify the blood and sunbathe to purify the skin. Carrot
juice, tomato juice, and other vegetable juices are just as effective in cleansing
the body.
Avoid drinking hot and cold drinks. Using a straw hinders the signal in the
mouth to release enzymes and the individual drinks more than the body wants,
causing bloating.
Avoid eating too much lemon due to its acidic content. This is apparent when
biting into a lemon an excessive blast of saliva and enzymes rush to the
tongue to begin digestion and require more physical effort than necessary.
Avoid spicy foods spicy foods are NOT good for you and do not clean out
the body. The sweat and mucus that is generated when trying to break down
spicy foods is the emergency detoxification process trying to rid the body of
the toxins through the pores of the skin and through the nose.
o Listen to your tongue tastes that are too strong (including garlic &
onion) are warning signs that the body cant handle its content.
All acquired tastes are harmful to the body (coffee, alcohol, spicy
food, etc).
Thirst after eating insinuates that the food was toxic to the body, given that its
asking for water to flush out the poison.

Under all circumstances, avoid the Five White Poisons
1. Medications
2. White Sugar
3. White Flour
4. Milk
5. Salt

Raw vs. Cooked Foods

As our bodys pH is made up of 80% alkaline and 20% acidic content, our food intake
should be consistent with the inside of our bodies - 80% raw fruits and vegetables
and only 20% cooked foods (considered acidic to the body).

Food must satisfy the needs of the cells.

The bodys cells are designed to cook raw food and are not meant to handle food
which, to the body, has already been digested. While a cooked meal may still have
some vitamins and minerals, it is devoid of enzymes and therefore, requires that the
body use its own enzymes, produced in the liver, to digest the cooked food. Seasonal
changes should not influence the amount of cooked food we eat.

Dr. Brian Clements provides evidence in support of the raw fruits and vegetable diet,
concluding that when we eat a cooked meal,

Vital enzymes and vitamins are destroyed. That which survives exists in an
altered form and cannot be utilized by the body.
Proteins are coagulated and become difficult to digest.
Pesticides become more toxic.
Free radicals are generated.
Nature Cure

Proteins are half as likely to be utilized.
Hormones, oxygen, and phytonutrients, are destroyed.

Lastly, cooking food above 200 degrees F causes a pathogenic response in the body
called leukocytosis, whereby white blood cells are used to digest food as much as
they wood attack a foreign substance.
-2007, Brian R. Clement, PhD, NMD, LNC.

Ever hear people complain, I cant eat cooked food because I get stomach aches.
Or, I cant eat broccoli because Ill get diarrhea. Exactly! Thats the whole point!!!
Eating life foods encourages the body to clean and detoxify the system. Any doctor
who tells you otherwise is looking out for your money, not for your health. Pain in
any organ insinuates cleansing, and does not mean that something is wrong.
Accept your punishment and eat to clean your cells, not to avoid pain.

Thus, a healthy diet should consist of two meals that are alive (breakfast and dinner)
and one meal that or cooked (lunch). In addition, when consuming a cooked meal,
always have a fresh vegetable salad. Completely eliminate all ghost foods.


When closely observing human anatomy, it is apparent that we are physically
designed as herbivores. Resembling apes and gorillas, our strength derives not from
flesh, but rather from plants. Our intestines are the same size as a cows. What do
cows eat? Grass.
Examining nature, a carnivores intestines are three to six feet the length of its body,
whereas human intestines, like other herbivores, are 10-12 times the length of its body.

Categorically, from facial muscles, jaw type, jaw joint location, jaw motion, jaw
muscles, mouth opening vs. head size, to incisors, molars, and canine teeth, chewing,
saliva, stomach type, stomach acidity, stomach capacity, length of small intestines,
colon, liver, kidneys, and nails, human beings are not carnivores not even
omnivores, but distinctly herbivores.

Human beings have the gastrointestinal tract structure of a "committed" herbivore.
Humankind does not show the mixed structural features one expects and finds in
anatomical omnivores such as bears and raccoons. Thus, from comparing the
gastrointestinal tract of humans to that of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores we
must conclude that humankind's GI tract is designed for a purely plant-food diet.
- The Comparative Anatomy of Eating by Milton R. Mills, M.D.

Taking a look at natures meat eaters, it is apparent that a carnivores body is designed
for violence. A tiger, for example, has muscles designed to jump from trees and for
explosive movement to chase down its prey. Its claws can slice through an animals
body and tear apart its flesh. Lastly, the tigers razor-sharp teeth can rip through bone
and hide, and its stomach can digest skin, hair, bones, and raw flesh of another

When we see a baby deer, is our first instinct to jump out of a tree, pounce on the
deer, and bite it? Can we claw at it with our fingernails and tear its skin with our
teeth? Can we chase it down when it runs away?
Nature Cure


Humans are instinctively non-violent creatures with hands designed to stroke and pet
baby animals. However, the degree of animal cruelty that takes place in labs and
slaughter houses for the pockets of pharmaceutical companies and the Meat and Dairy
Industry is of immeasurable injustice.

The Protein Myth

Meat, dairy, and egg industries have done a fabulous job brainwashing the public into
believing that we need to consume a large portion of animal protein. They even got
their hands on the creators of the Food Pyramid before publishing their original study,
revealing that the body can only handle a moderate consumption of protein. Today
the pyramid stands ashamed with its meat and dairy groups presented equally
important as the fruits and vegetable groups.

Protein produces energy! Carbohydrates produce fat! A plan fit for everyone! Meat,
dairy, and egg industries become rich! Pharmaceutical companies have reason to
create and sell drugs for all of the countless side effects of a high protein diet! More
patients for the doctors! More clientele for health insurance companies! Gyms and
athletic centers, weight loss solutions, weight machines, and supplements, protein
drinks, powders, and patches, Low Carb diets, diet pills, cookbooks, etc. can all join
the game and everybody profits!

Yet, while corrupt businesses live happily ever after, what happens to the rest of the
world? Billions of innocent animals are tortured and slaughtered, while billions of
innocent people are ill with degenerative diseases. The truth of the matter is that
animal protein takes the hardest toll on our bodies, overwhelming us with an
abundance of unusable protein. Whilst the misperception that animal flesh builds
muscles, the truth of the matter is that amino acids build protein and amino acids are
derived from fruits and vegetables.

Our bodies cannot assimilate the muscles of another organism into our own

In addition, meat is devoid of fiber and enzymes because they are lost during the
cooking process. As a result, the body must exhaust its own enzymes, produced in the
liver, to digest the animal protein. Again, the outcome is increased acidity in the body
and toxic overload, stored in the fat cells.

Accordingly, our diet should consist of approximately 2.5% protein per day.
This Includes Athletes. Not only does digestion need to flow properly,
uninterrupted, but digestion should also be as easy as possible, given that digestion
requires an extraordinary amount of physical output. Eating 5-10 nuts per day (or
according to your digestive power), in addition to fruits and raw vegetables, will
provide the body with adequate protein for the day.

Tofu is processed and unusable to the body. If you find tofu tree in the forest,
then you may eat its fruit. Otherwise, leave it out of your diet!

While eating protein, we often feel a surge of false energy, which is our bodys
desperate attempt to rid ourselves of the unusable food. Similar to Coke, Pepsi,
Redbull, coffee, and refined sugar, we feel a rush of power after consuming meat
because the body is in overdrive, trying to eliminate the toxins. Additionally, animal
protein actually causes osteoporosis because it increases the bodys uric acid and
utilizes the bodys storage of calcium to maintain balance.
Nature Cure


Feeling lethargic when beginning a vegetarian diets is entirely due to the fact that the
body is not being forced to remove waste from the system; therefore, the artificial
stimulation does not occur. On the contrary, fruits and vegetables cleanse the body of
toxins, which results in the body devoting more energy to cleaning the cells and
organs (making as much use of the revitalizing food as possible) and giving less
energy to your muscles and outer body.

Furthermore, when an animal is slaughtered, it experiences an immeasurable amount
of fear and anxiety. The animal naturally releases toxic adrenaline, which travels
throughout the body before its death and is preserved in its muscles and organs.
Successively, this adrenaline is directly transferred to our bodies when we consume
animal flesh, causing hormonal imbalances and an elevated predisposition to anxiety,
anger, and irritation.

Other facts supporting vegetarianism found in Lifelong Health & Vitality Through
Food: Intuitive Eating by Humbart Smokey Santillo;

1. Animal products contain chemicals that act like estrogen in the body, causing
hormonal imbalances and increasing the risk of cancer.
2. Meat has age-accelerating effects and is toxic to the digestive system
o The result is constipation, gas, bloating, cramps, and skin rashes
3. Meat produces free radicals, which increases plaque in the blood vessels,
leading to heart attack or stroke.
4. Animal protein causes poor assimilation of nutrients, insomnia, depression,
impotence, CHRONS Disease, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, leukemia, TB, and
5. Animal protein burdens the kidneys and increases the bodys acidity, disrupting
the liver, neuro-muscular, heart, and respiratory functions.
6. Toxicity in the blood creates physical imbalances such as anemia, which is not
a result of eating too little red meat. This lie was funded by the meat & dairy
industry researchers. Millions of vegans do not suffer from anemia. The
condition can be ameliorated by taking gooseberries.

Circadian Rhythms

When referring back to nutrition, the body functions in circadian rhythms, or in 8-hour
cycles, explained more thoroughly in Fit For Life: A New Beginning, by Harvey

From 4am-12 noon, the body is in its elimination process and the lymphatic system is
busy collecting waste from the cells to be eliminated by the digestive organs.
Therefore, one should not eat a heavy breakfast, so as not to interfere with the
elimination process. Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. Taking only
fruit or fruit juice for breakfast will help the body eliminate as much waste as possible
and make a tremendous difference in the weight loss / detox process. Consequently,
fruit tastes extra delicious in the morning, given that fruit is the most nourishing

The next 8-hour cycle is from 12 noon to 8pm, in which the body is in the
assimilation process, taking in food and absorbing and contending with what enters
the body. Clearly, this is the 8 hours of the day when we should consume food.

Lastly, from 8pm to 4am the body is in its utilization process, working on correcting
problems and employing the nutrients it was given that day. Thus, this is the period
Nature Cure

we should be taking complete rest and getting a proper nights sleep. No food should
be consumed, although water and natural, fresh fruit juice may be taken.

To summarize:
4am-12 noon - Elimination - Take only fruit & fruit juice
12 noon- 8pm - Assimilation - Take food
8pm 4am - Utilization - Sleep & rest, no food

In addition, Dr. Jacob explains that sun directly influences digestion, while the moon
directly influences our mood. This is why we are not very hungry when we first wake
up because the sun has just risen. Therefore, we should eat our heaviest meal (or
cooked meal) during lunch hours because the suns strength is very powerful,
increasing the fire in our bodies and causing the greatest appetite. At 6pm, the body
begins to tire, as the sun sets. Eating lightly or fasting at this time gives rest to the
digestive organs before bed. It is best not to eat after 8pm and to sleep before 10pm.
At 10:30 we get a rush of energy in order to repair the brain and organs. It is
imperative that we do not use this energy for physical or mental work.

As previously stated, you will have more energy if you eat less. The myth that you
need to eat large meals to build strength has laid up countless individuals. Be aware
that digestion requires the most energy and takes more out of the body in a lifetime
than any other activity. Those who eat three heavy meals per day and snack in
between will be drained of energy and suffer serious health consequences. Contrary to
the myth that eating more food produces more energy, its eating less thats the key to
health and longevity.

Again, when the body is cleansing and detoxifying, it is best to fast completely. When
you wash the floors in your home and a group of people come to the door and asked
to be let in, wouldnt you rather they waited until the floor is dry? Ok, perhaps you
can let family in if they promise to walk on the wet floor wearing only their socks.
The same theory applies to your body. When cleaning the cells, your body does not
want food to enter. Allowing fruit or fruit juice to come in is acceptable but having no
visitors at all is best.

Seasonal Changes

Food habits should change according to the season and the fruits and vegetables that
are available. Plain and simple - eat less when its cold and dark (mainly dried fruits
and nuts). Observe animals during the winter months. What do they do? They
hibernate! Naturally, with less sunshine, our digestive power will decrease and our
bodies sort of shift into neutral. But when were bored of the darkness and sick of the
weather, we find ourselves eating more in the winter than during any other season.
This is exactly why weight gain is so common in colder climates.

Are you wondering why people also get sick with colds during the winter months?
Precisely because mucus is directly linked to the stomach! When we eat incorrectly, an
abundance of mucus is created in order to remove the toxic material and is eliminated
through the mouth and nose. The most notorious mucus maker bakery items! Yes,
bakery items are responsible for colds and sinus problems.

Nature Cure


Vitamins and Dietary Supplements
Another Booming Business

All vitamins and dietary supplements, including vitamin B-12, are worthless, as the
body cannot absorb them. In fact, they are even dangerous because they damage the
kidneys and liver by overwhelming the organs with eliminatory work. Labels will tell
you not to overdose on supplements or to take them for an extended period of time.
In addition the labels often advise people to inform their doctors before taking the
supplement so as not to dangerously interact with other supplements or medications.
Lastly, herbal remedies often come from fruit extracts which are highly dangerous, as
they are refined (similar to white sugar) and will unavoidably cause side effects

Feeling any sort of physical jolt after consuming supplements is the bodys frantic
attempt to rid itself of the toxic waste (often occurring with Spirulina or Blue-Green
Algae). The overall I feel better impression after taking supplements is almost always

Go to the natural source fruits and vegetables. Have you ever felt compelled to buy
foods like strawberry-banana flavored yoghurt with colorful advertisements stating,
Extra Calcium! Added Vitamin C! or the weight loss drinks with supplementary
carrots and beetroot! Athletes must have sports drinks to replenish electrolytes! Lets
consider evolution if we needed supplementary vitamins, why would humans have
evolved thousands of years without them? Did cavemen drink Powerade or Gatorade?

Lets get back to the proclaimed origins of vitamins and supplements eat fruits and
vegetables! For electrolytes, drink freshly squeezed prune juice or grape juice (no
sugar added!).

Doctors and researchers like to pretend they have the answers as far as which fruits
and vegetables have which vitamins and minerals. This is another mechanism to push
the sales of their supplements. For example, Vitamin D is difficult to come by in
cloudy climates. Or, those who do not get enough iodized salt in their diets should
take iodine supplements to support their thyroid function.

The body knows what nutrients to extract from the food it is given in order to
maintain proper health.

There is also the seasonal-climate excuse, Buy pomegranate and mangosteen juice or
powder! Remember, if its not fresh, dont buy it. Whats more, those who sell
supplements employ fear as a mechanism for selling their products. Pregnant women
need extra folic acid to reduce homocysteine levels and reduce the risk of heart
disease! Post-menopausal women need extra calcium to avoid osteoporosis! Ignore
the fear tactics.

Also, ignore the rumors that revitalizing fruits and vegetables, such as coconuts, olives,
and avocadoes are fattening. The only fruit we should avoid is durian, as it increases
the temperature of the body. Consequently, the foul odor of durian should be enough
to keep us away.

Fruits and vegetables which contain ALL amino acids that are not produced in the
body are: carrots, bananas, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers,
eggplant, kale, okra, peas, potatoes, summer squash, sweet potatoes, & tomatoes. The
Nature Cure

nuts with all amino acids are sunflower and sesame seeds, peanuts, and beans. Take
these as your vitamins!


Calcium and magnesium supplements are unnecessary. The key to increasing calcium
is to eliminate refined sugars from the diet this includes all labels from sucrose,
fructose, dextrose, brown sugar, molasses, corn syrup, raw sugar, and turbinado, as
well as all sugar substitutes.

Sugar: From Fresh to Refined: Fresh, raw sugar cane is wonderful life food for the
body. When we cook the sugar cane, however, we turn it into a dead food. Next, if
industrial processing refines the sugar cane, it turns into a ghost food. Devoid of
calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin B complex, it robs the body of its vital force,
extracting calcium from the teeth and bones.

More accurately, refining sugar is a process that removes all vitamins, minerals,
proteins, fats, nutrients, and enzymes from its source, destroying 64 elements, and is
subsequently bleached to achieve its white color. (At Nature Life Hospital in India,
white sugar is referred to as white poison.) When digesting the sugar, the body
recognizes it as an incomplete food, and therefore must use the bodys vital nutrients
from healthy cells (sodium, potassium, magnesium, & calcium) in order to break down
the poison. This not only leads to tooth decay and osteoporosis, but to a weakened
physical state. By eliminating refined sugars from the diet, one may lose around 20 lbs
in one month; however, this includes giving up yogurt, sugary cereal, crackers,
biscuits, cough-drops, white bread, white pasta, ice cream, etc.)

Milk: Does the Body Good?? Milk is extremely toxic for the human body. Cows
milk is meant to fatten calves with fast growing steroids and hormones to become full-
sized cows in two years. Are two year old humans full-sized? No? Then why do we
consider cows milk suitable for humans? Oversized people with abnormal hormones,
emotional symptoms, and aggressive, uncontrollable tempers are just about how
good milk does the body.

Excess calcium in milk creates acidity in the mouth, causing dental decay, and is
vitamin deficient for humans. The excess protein in milk brings about digestion
problems and stores calcium deposits in the bones, organs, and arteries. The following
diseases are attributed to drinking milk: colic pain and gas, insomnia, constipation,
diarrhea, vomiting, cold, cough, cholera, pneumonia, bronchitis, measles,
poliomyelitis, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart problems, renal stones,
eczema, convulsions, scarlet fever, whooping cough, mumps, diphtheria, allergies, and
typhoid fever.

Soy milk is too acidic and vitamin deficient and is known to cause flatulence, rickets,
allergies, and enlarge the thyroid gland. In fact all soy products have absolutely no
benefits to the human body. Nut milk and butters are best.


Avoid soft drinks and caffeine under all circumstances. Even decaffeinated teas and
coffees stain the inside of the body and lead to cellular dehydration (all diuretics cause
cellular dehydration, initiating sickness of the cells, producing free radicals, increasing
Nature Cure

cellular acidity and oxygen starvation, accelerating ageing, and DNA damage.). When
cells are properly hydrated, the bodys healing mechanisms are triggered, which burns
fat and repairs DNA.

But herbal teas and coffee beans are natural! Yes, herbal teas and the coffee bean
(and cocoa bean) are natural, yet simply being natural does not automatically classify
something as being fit for human consumption. Even the natural form is beset with

The Chinese and Japanese consumed tea for centuries and look at how healthy
they are! Yes, tea traditionally originated from Asia and became a popular drink.
When examining the Asian diet, however, it is clear by their intake of fresh fruits,
vegetables, and rice that such healthy eating habits would somewhat offset their
overestimation of tea drinking.

Other Drinks:
For every glass of carbonated soda, we must drink 24 glasses of water to flush
out the poison.
The reason alcohol causes drowsiness is because the body needs to shut its
person down in order to contend with the overwhelming toxicity. Being
drunk is when the body can no longer give energy to the individual because
the poisonous content is too high, often resulting in deep sleep, vomiting, or
Never buy juice from your grocery store as
1. The juice is most likely polluted with refined sugar
and possibly additives and preservatives.
2. Juice goes rancid 20 minutes after it is prepared
(whereas food goes rancid three hours after
cooking). Storing juice in cans, plastic containers,
and boxes only increases the juices toxicity. Buy a
juicer and make juice yourself.

Menstruation, as women like to complain about, actually provides an advantage over
men, affording them an extra ordinary cleansing method. Each month women
eliminate toxins through menstrual blood. The heavier the flow and the blacker the
blood, the more poisons are being expelled from the body. Suppressing and
restricting menstruation with hormone replacement and birth control pills is extremely
dangerous and leads to reproductive problems and infertility. In addition, without the
fifth ordinary cleansing method, women are at higher risks for degenerative diseases
and cancer.

Do not use tampons. Keeping the toxins inside the body with tampons, which
are often bleached and contain dangerous chemicals, further irritation is added
to the body.

It is helpful to perform enema twice daily during menstruation.

The best diet during menstruation is as follows:
o Two days before menstruating, have only fruits
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o Day One: have only three to four glasses of coconut water or fresh fruit
juice. Women naturally lose their appetite during the week of their
period, so as to focus the bodys energy on flushing the system clean of
o The following three days have only fruit
o Continue with one meal of fruit for breakfast and dinner and one
cooked vegetarian meal for lunch.

The aim of this diet is to encourage as much elimination of toxic material, or blood
flow, as possible, and symptoms of pain and mood disturbances will subside after
three menstrual cycles. Do not take any pain medications or use hot or cold packs on
the abdomen, as this will suppress the flow of blood.

PMS is psychological and any mood disturbances are a result of physical irritation due
to toxic overload. Pain indicates that the body is focusing on cleansing that particular


What kind of diet should women take while pregnant?

First and foremost, do not eat double!! Do women get an extra stomach when
pregnant? Do they receive extra digestive juices? No. So why should pregnant women
twice as much? Weve all seen the results massive weight gain after childbirth,
followed by depression. However, doctors encourage women to eat as much as
possible, in order to double the size of the child so that the doctors can make money
on performing cesarean sections. Doctors even have the nerve to tell women that if
their first baby was removed by cesarean section, all children to follow will also have
to be unnaturally ripped from their mothers womb the birth date of each child
decided by the doctor. The baby should always decide its own date of birth.

During pregnancy, the mother should eat only living foods to ensure that her child
will grow and develop properly. During delivery, it is best that the mother consumes
only fruit. Otherwise, one cooked meal per day and two fruit or raw vegetable meals
is also beneficial. The mother should also consume several glasses of coconut water.

All infertility treatments are dangerous to mother and child.

Frequently Asked Questions

What about an accident or broken bone? Shouldnt we go to the hospital?

Most accidents do not necessitate hospital visits. In the past, people who were
attacked by animals or had fallen from trees went to specialists who set the bones
back into place and the body healed its injury. Clearly, however, as naturopaths are
not equipped to handle serious life-threatening accidents, following through with
medical procedures can sometimes be unavoidable. What is important to remember,
however is that medicine DOES NOT CURE patients. Once the allopathic intervention
Nature Cure

is complete and the patient discharged, the individual must also discharge the toxins
from his/her system. In other words, all medications must be stopped and the body

Ok, what about Eskimos? They live without fruit and sunlight and consume
high protein diets.
Yes, they do live but only a third of the life-span when compared to people living in
climates where fresh fruit, vegetables, and sunlight are abundant. In fact, the life
expectancy of American Eskimos is under 35 years old.

If illness isnt contagious, why to people catch colds from each other?

They dont catch colds from each other. People living and working in the same
environment are often eating the same poisonous foods and experiencing the same
stress and climate changes. Therefore, their bodies react accordingly and often in the
same way.

How long do I have to tolerate the Nature Cure diet?

Nature Cure is not a diet, but rather a lifestyle. Those who exercise willpower and
adhere to the dietary guidelines will undeniably reap excellent results after only one or
two months. As far as how long it may take to actually heal the body, patients must
multiply every year of damage the body has suffered by 1.5 in order to derive the
number of months it will take to repair all physical problems. However, once your
health goal is reached, it is imperative to continue eating correctly, so as to avoid
relapses. Moreover, the body heals according to mindset as well as the medical and
drug history of each patient.

Why do I feel so tired when I eat this way?

You feel tired because the body is putting all if its energy into cleansing your organs.
Keeping you alive, quite frankly, is more important then giving you energy to run off
and attend to your personal business. Because fruits and vegetables have all of the
enzymes and nutrients you could possibly need to feel strong and active, the only
reason you should be feeling tired is because a large amount of energy is required
internally. Blackouts and dizziness when standing occur when the body is
concentrating solely on cleaning its organs and was not ready to respond to the
sudden standing position.

Can you fix a car while its running? Can you pull into the parking lot of your
mechanics shop with the car running and say, Hey, I dont have time to turn my car
off Im on my way to work. Can you just fix my car within the next couple of
minutes? Obviously your mechanic would call you crazy. So why do we do this with
our bodies? The body needs to basically turn off so that the healing process can

We must respect this fact. When healing, the body shuts you down in order to
fix the problems you imposed on yourself.

Moreover, the organs must be strong before considering your muscles and outer body.
Yet pharmaceutical companies have us believing that a lack of energy insinuates
disease, physical problems, and catastrophe that only medication can remedy.

Nature Cure

So Nature Cure is basically a one size fits all way of examining health. What
about differences in blood type or body build? Why should we all eat the

Blood type, Ayurvedic doshas, Yin & Yang are theories designed by doctors for
authority, respect, importance, and fame. Cows have different blood type and yet they
all eat grass. Its none of your business what your inner structure is like that is up to
your body to handle and you will acquire a taste for the natural foods you need
accordingly. Why do some people prefer broccoli instead of carrots? Because your
body is letting you know what it needs. Let me repeat this theory does not apply to
the taste-bud manipulation of refined sugars and unnatural food.

Indeed, the individual must listen to his or her own body, understand what it is asking
for and eat correspondingly. However, we are all human beings with the same organs,
circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, etc. and should therefore
follow the same nutritional guidelines, devoid of animal products and degenerating

What about autism, down syndrome, or genetic diseases?

Considering natural selection and the intelligence of the life itself, the body would
eliminate faulty offspring via miscarriages and stillbirths before reproducing offspring
with problems. All birth defects are a result of exposure to toxins or drugs taken by
the mother during pregnancy, as well as complications during birth. The push for
unnatural births through caesarian section, often result in the child being mishandled
by doctors and tools and causes the baby emotional and psychological distress.

Miscellaneous Facts & Tips

Sleep on a hard surface and without a pillow, so as to promote healthy breath
and blood circulation.
Hair Loss is remedied by reducing body heat, eating fruit, and taking in
Showering when sick is not advised, as it alters the bodys temperature and
slows the healing process. Cells have their own cleaning mechanism.
When you cool down the body, the cells will live longer. Hot showers, hot
drinks, acidic foods, chili, and intense exercise cause the body to overheat.
When changing time zones, it is better to fast. Ask for fruits on your flight
(with the skin). Otherwise your fruit will have come from a two week stay in
the refrigerator (which Dr. Jacob nicknames, the morgue, for preserving dead
bodies). All living food dies in the refrigerator.
You can improve your sight with sunlight, eye exercises, and by rinsing your
eyes with lukewarm water, rain water, coconut water, or carrot juice with eye
wash cups.
Diabetes is a result of toxicity in the body overloading the pancreas and
producing diluted, low-grade, polluted insulin.
Depression and anxiety are often a result of cellular irritation. Distress is a
result of poor digestion and cellular sickness.
Green gram, or mung bean, when dried and crushed into a powder is the best
soap. Boiled Kaffir fruit is the best shampoo. If you dont have 100% natural
organic soap, use only water to wash your body.

Nature Cure


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