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Requirements of Access Control as well as Visitor Management System

The issue of security system is becoming more and more complex with the advancement in the
eld of science and technology! There are latest and hi"tech so#ware have been invented and
implemented by number of organi$a%ons& it is called as face recogni%on system! 't is based on
biometric system which only occur advantages! 't is the latest so#ware which provides you
())percent safety and security at your premises! 't consists of three main applica%ons such as
face recogni%on access control system& face recogni%on visitor management system and face
recogni%on %me a*endance system! +iometric access control system is an ul%mate solu%on of
security! 't is high end applica%on which ma,es it possible of providing ()) percent security
without any disadvantage! This system provides fast and smart door access control that deals in
-.M development system& high"end biometric engineering& interac%ve system and image
processing applica%ons for both retails and security! 't can be also customi$ed for be*er
enhanced security at ban,ing& retail store& etc!
Many companies are worried about the lea,age of their private areas so they are mainly
focusing on corporate security and personal iden%ty of individual! The main thrust areas are
deploying& manufacturing& delivering& maintaining of biometric iden%ca%on so#ware and
hardware& 'ntegra%on of corporate security systems based on a universal biometric
iden%ca%on pla/orm& star%ng from elaborately planning a business concept to delivering a
turn,ey solu%on and rendering the appropriate maintenance services! So& with the help of these
systems one can easily ,eep their worries aside and wor, without any ris,! Access control
system secures the private area by capturing the facial features of individual person whom you
wanted to grant the authen%ca%on to access your private and important resources! This
informa%on is stored into the database of computer! 0hen the par%cular person appears in
front of camera& then the system starts the scanning and matching process between the real
image and the stored one! 'f the system nds match& then it grants the authen%ca%on to access
the private areas! 'f not& then it signals denial!
Another great applica%on is visitor management system! This helps in ,eeping the records of
incoming and outgoing visitors& their %mings& how much %me they stayed inside the premises& is
they s%ll inside& new appointments& etc! each and every detail of visitor is recorded and stored
into the database of computer for future references! 1ou can also set the unwanted persons as
blac, listed visitors! +y doing this& the person will not get the authen%ca%on to enter into the
premises! 1ou can also your priority level as low or high! Thus& in this way both the systems have
their individual advantages and applica%ons and you can choose as per your requirement!
Ar%cle source2" h*p233www!sooperar%cles!com3business"ar%cles3small"business"ar%cles3requirements"

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