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MAY 13, 2014


CNC Convene !iennia" Con#e$ence, %&ne 11'12, in Nation( Ca)ita"
*a+in,ton, DC--The Cuban American Nationa Counci !CNC" #i con$ene it% &'th (iennia Nationa Con)erence in
the nation*%
ca+ita on ,une &&-&2- 20&.- at the Ma/)o#er 0enai%%ance 1ote. The theme i% Latinos and the Americas:
Engagement and
Opportunity. To+ic% #i e2+ore the %tate o) immi3ration re)orm- 3oba me4ica touri%m- 5.6. +oic/ an4 tra4e #ith the
an4 the roe an4 im+act o) #omen ea4er%. Re,ite$ #o$ t+e con#e$ence at ---.cnc.o$,. 7oo# the con)erence on
T#itter at
9The to+ic% at thi% /ear*% CNC con)erence are time/ an4 ree$ant to the 5.6. an4 internationa communit/-: %ai4 CNC
;re%i4ent 6onia <o+ez. 9Thi% i% a critica time to 4ra# attention to the%e i%%ue% here an4 abroa4.:
CNC #i ac=no#e43e In4i$i4ua% #ith a#ar4% o) reco3nition )or their ea4er%hi+- achie$ement%- an4 contribution% to
the 1i%+anic communit/. >omen 3ame chan3er% )rom cor+orate America an4 the internationa communit/ #i 3i$e their
+er%+ecti$e% about ea4er%hi+ an4 ma=in3 a 4i))erence. Notabe 3ue%t %+ea=er% an4 +re%enter% at the con)erence
+enarie% incu4e?
I//i,$ation 0e$)ective: C+a""en,e 1 O))o$t&nitie
Do$i Meine$- 6enior 7eo# an4 @irector- 5.6. Immi3ration ;oic/ ;ro3ram- Mi3ration ;oic/ In%titute
F$an2 S+a$$3- 7oun4er an4 A2ecuti$e @irector o) America*% Boice
A$t&$o 4a$,a- A2ecuti$e @irector- Nationa A%%ociation o) <atino Aecte4 an4 A++ointe4 C))icia% !NA<AC"
A4ucationa 7un4
T+e I/)act o# *o/en Leade$+i): 5a/e C+an,e$
5"o$ia Rod$i,&e6- ;re%i4ent an4 CAC- Comunica4
Monica 5i"- 6enior Bice ;re%i4ent an4 Denera Mana3er- The Nie%en Com+an/
5$ace Lie7"ein- Bice ;re%i4ent- Doba ;ro4uct @e$eo+ment- ;urcha%in3 an4 6u++/ Chain- DM
La&$a Ma$itan3- @irector o) ;oic/ an4 <e3i%ati$e A))air%- Nationa A%%ociation o) <atino Aecte4 an4
A++ointe4 C))icia% !NA<AC" A4ucationa 7un4
Ma$ia de" Ca$/en A"ani Fi,&e$oa- Ma3i%trate-Tribuna Aectora 4e ;o4er ,u4icia 4e a 7e4eracion 4e <o%
A%ta4o% 5ni4o% Me2icano%
8i)anic 8e") S+a)e 9S 0o"ic3 and T$ade -it+ t+e A/e$ica
Fe$nando 0e:a- Internationa Tra4e Attorne/- 5.6. Cu%tom% an4 (or4er ;rotection
A$t&$o Eto)i:an- Chie) o) 6ta))- C))ice o) Con3re%%#omen Ieana 0o%-<ehtinen
A/7aado$ Si/on Fe$$o- 7ormer 5.6. Amba%%a4or to ;anama- 6hareho4er- Dun%ter Eoa=e/- ;.A.
A/7aado$ Nei" 0a$an, D4M, M!A, CACM, RFC- 5.6. Amba%%a4or o) the 0e+ubic o) Trini4a4 an4
Toba3o an4 Me2ico- an4 ;ermanent 0e+re%entati$e o) Trini4a4 an4 Toba3o to the Cr3anization o) American
A/7aado$ David Ne"on- 7ormer 5.6. Amba%%a4or to 5ru3ua/- 6enior Mana3er- Doba Do$ernment
A))air% F ;oic/ )or the America%- Denera Aectric
5"o7a" Medica" To&$i/: A 8i)anic A/e$ican 0e$)ective
%o;e" 5a$cia- MD- @irector- @i%trict o) Coumbia @e+artment o) 1eath
Liana 0at$icia 0adi""a M&:o6- MD- Doba Me4ica Com+iance C))icer- DM6A Me4ica- DM
Ma$io Mende6- MD- Cor+orate Doba 1eath Chie) Me4ica C))icer- (a+ti%t 1eath 6outh 7ori4a
Eneida O. Ro"dan- MD, M08, M!A- A%%ociate @ean- Internationa A))air%- A%%ociate ;ro)e%%or- @e+artment
o) ;athoo3/- Cour%e @irector- ;ro)e%%iona 6tran4- 7I5 1erbert >ertheim Coe3e o) Me4icine
T+e CNC a-a$d a$e ,iven to individ&a" -+o +ave /ade a i,ni#icant cont$i7&tion in t+e 8i)anic co//&nit3.
CNC a-a$d $eci)ient inc"&de:
Ca#< con Lec+e A-a$d: A$t&$o Eto)inan- Chie) o) 6ta))- C))ice o) 0e+. Ieana 0o%-<ehtinen
Li#eti/e Ac+ieve/ent A-a$d: Ron !"ac27&$n Mo$eno- ;re%i4ent/CAC- A6;I0A
0&7"ic Se$vice A-a$d: Ana Co"o/a$ O(!$ien- Chie) o) ;rotoco- Cr3anization )or the American 6tate%
Co//&nit3 Se$vice A-a$d: Fe"ice 5o$o$do- CAC- Cear ;ath Immi3ration
Con)erence %+on%or% incu4e? @iamon4 6+on%or% G Comca%t N(C5ni$er%a Teemun4o an4 7or4 Motor Com+an/
7un4H ;atinum 6+on%or% G AA0;- (a+ti%t 1eath 6outh 7ori4a- MierCoor% <<C- The Coca-Coa Com+an/- 5ni$i%ion
Communication%- Inc.- an4 5;6H Do4 6+on%or% G Denera Motor% <<C an4 Nie%enH 6i$er 6+on%or% G (an= o)
America- @ar4en- DA- an4 ,;Mor3an Cha%eH an4 (ronze 6+on%or% G (oehrin3er In3heim an4 @CI Drou+.
8 8 8
Established in 1972 the !uban American "ational !ouncil #!"!$ is a non%pro&it organi'ation pro(iding human ser(ices to persons in
need &rom all racial and ethnic groups. !"! assists indi(iduals to become sel&%reliant and builds bridges among America)s di(erse
communities. !"! ser(es appro*imately 12+++ people e(ery year ,ith a (ariety o& programs including education early childhood
de(elopment career orientation and ,or- preparation &or youth employment and housing counselling among others. .or more
in&ormation about !"! (isit ,,,

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