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5 NLP Techniques That Will Transform Your

October 4, 2010 By Simona Rich
In this article Ive listed some of the most impactful techniues that !ill help you chan"e
behavior, "et better results and attract more positive e#periences$

NLP Technique no 1. Dissociation
Sometimes you tend to react to somethin" in a ne"ative !ay !hich causes stress,
depression or other ne"ative emotions$ %or e#ample, the behavior of your partner drives
you cra&y or you "et an"ry !hen someone says some particular !ord$ 'his ()*
techniue !ill help you neutrali&e ne"ative emotions that "et tri""ered by such
'his ()* techniue even cures phobias because it lets the person see the situation as
an observer and that allo!s him+her to ob,ectively assess it$ 'hen the person sees ho!
he+she over e#a""erated the situation and stops overreactin" in the future$
-eres !hat you need to do to achieve the dissociation effect.
1$ Identify !hat emotion you !ant to "et rid of, be it fear of spiders, uneasiness about
some /ind of person or disli/e of some place$
2$ See yourself encounterin" the situation from start to finish, as an observer$ In other
!ords, see yourself encounterin" the situation from the second position$
0$ *lay the same mental movie bac/!ards, then fast1for!ard it and then play it
bac/!ards a"ain$
4$ *lay it bac/!ards and then add a funny music to the mental movie$ 2o this 014 times$
3$ (o! try to see in your mind the same event li/e it !as happenin" to you no!$ 'he
emotions to!ards the stimulus should have disappeared or chan"ed$ If you still feel
some /ind of ne"ative emotion, /eep repeatin" this e#ercise until the ne"ative emotion
has completely disappeared$

NLP Technique no 2. Content Reframe
'his ()* techniue !or/s "reat !hen you are in a situation !hich ma/es you feel
po!erless, an"ry or !hen somethin" ne"ative happens to you$ It chan"es the meanin"
of the situation ma/in" you thin/ about it in a different, more positive and empo!erin"
!ay$ So basically it allo!s you to put the content of the situation in a different frame$
)ets say that you have ,ust "ot fired from your ,ob$ 'hat seems very bad !hen you thin/
about it, but be !illin" to see other aspects of the situation$ Because you lost your ,ob,
you no! became open for better positions and you !ill be able to e#plore different /inds
of areas of !or/ that !ill let you develop your other s/ills$ 'his e#perience !ill also
tou"hen you up and you !ill become a more coura"eous person$ 4nd !hen you loo/
bac/ at this incident after 10 years, you !ill simply lau"h about it$
In this e#ample I simply re1framed the content of !hat has happened$ Ive chan"ed your
vie! about the situation and too/ your focus off the bad aspects to the "ood ones$ 'his
lets you see the situation in a completely ne! li"ht and you !ill be able to ma/e better
decisions because you !ill no! focus on "ood aspects of the situation$ So you !ill thin/
of solutions !ith faith and not !ith fear$
5hat people tend to do in such une#pected situations is panic and thin/ fear1based
thou"hts$ 'hat can lead only to more problems and failures$ 6ou should ta/e your focus
out of the ne"ative aspects of the situation and loo/ for the benefits of the situation$
'here are al!ays "ood and bad points of any situation and its much more useful to
focus on the "ood ones$

NLP Technique no 3. Anchoring
4nchorin" can be used for many purposes$ It is mainly used in ()* to elicit some /ind
of emotional response to somethin" that you do or say$ %or e#ample, it is possible for
the person to start unconsciously smilin" !hen you touch his+her shoulder$
It is a very useful ()* techniue because you can instantly chan"e ho! the person
feels$ 'his helps in many situations, especially !hen the person feels insecure or upset$
6ou can simply anchor a positive emotional response and fire the anchor !henever you
see the person "ettin" upset$
-eres a basic !ay of ho! to do that$
1$ Identify the state you !ant the person to e#perience, be it happiness, coura"e or
somethin" else$
2$ 2o !hatever it ta/es for the person to "et into such state 7you can, for e#ample, tell a
story that !ill lead the person to your desired emotional state8$
0$ 5hen you see that the person is completely in the state, touch him+her and hold the
position for a fe! seconds$ Remember the e#act area that youve touched$
4$ 'hen ta/e your hand off the other person and say somethin" unrelated to ta/e the
persons mind off the sub,ect$
3$ 'hen, after a fe! minutes, touch e#actly the same area a"ain and monitor the
response$ If the process has been successful, the person should have the same
emotional response as the one you !anted him+her to have$

NLP Technique no.4 Rapport
Rapport is a very important and uite easy s/ill to master that enables you to "et alon"
!ith any /ind of person$
'here are many !ays to create rapport !ith people$ 6ou can follo! the breathin"
patterns of a person, you can mirror his+her body lan"ua"e 7not too obviously, of
course8 or you can use similar !ords that the other person uses$
6ou can also assess the persons main sensory perception, be it visual, /inaesthetic or
auditory and then use the same perception yourself$ 6ou can do that by simply tal/in"
to the person and payin" attention to !hat /ind of !ords the person uses$
6ou /no! that the persons main sensory perception is auitor! !hen she uses
phrases+!ords such as.
9I hear you:
9-er voice !as loud:
9-e scratched the surface:
9Im listenin" to you:
6ou /no! that the persons main sensory perception is "isua# !hen she uses
phrases+!ords such as.
9I see !hat you mean:
9;y vision is clear:
96our future is bri"ht:
6ou /no! that the persons main sensory perception is $inaesthetic !hen he uses
phrases+!ords such as.
9I feel that its the ri"ht thin" to do:
9I have a bad feelin" about this:
9She had a pleasant vibe:

NLP Technique no.% &e#ief Change
'here are three types of limitin" beliefs.
Beliefs about cause
Beliefs about meanin"
Beliefs about identity
'hey all influence ho! you vie! the !orld and filter out the bits of reality that doesnt fit
into your belief system$ 6our beliefs allo! you to become a!are of the aspects of reality
that are in harmony !ith them$ 4s you can see, beliefs are very po!erful because they
determine !hat e#periences you !ill have in life$
Beliefs form because of the 9facts: that you encounter relatin" to some e#perience$ If
youve had some ne"ative e#perience and you d!elled on it, you !ould then start
attractin" more similar e#periences that !ould reaffirm your 9ri"htness: about the
If you could strai"ht a!ay do a content reframe, you !ill not have formed the belief in
the first place$ But !hat most people do is /eep d!ellin" on the bad stuff that happened
to them and then they are surprised !hen they /eep encounterin" similar situations$
4ny situation is neither "ood nor bad, only your thin/in" ma/es it so$ So !hen you focus
on the ne"ative aspects of !hat has happened to you, you start formin" a ne"ative
7!hich is al!ays limitin"8 belief !hich !ill cause you to attract the e#periences that
!ould only affirm your limitin" beliefs$ So you are as thou"h attractin" 9facts: that further
deepen your ne"ative beliefs$
If the e#perience !as ne"ative and you focused on it, no! youve set a filter for only
ne"ative 9facts: to come throu"h about such e#perience$ %or e#ample, if youve been in
a bad relationship you start thin/in" that all men+!omen are the same$
'o chan"e such limitin" beliefs you !ill need to "ather more positive facts about the
situation than your current ne"ative facts$ 'hen you !ill need to deal !ith ne"ative facts
and uestion if they really are 9facts:$
4nother !ay to eliminate ne"ative beliefs is to spend five minutes a day affirmin" a
completely different belief to your current one$ 'his should be done !hen its uiet and
you should completely focus on the affirmation$ 6ou should have no other thou"hts or
mental pictures in your head !hen you affirm your ne! belief$ 6ou should completely
focus on your !ords and understand their meanin", rather than thin/in" about
somethin" else !hilst affirmin" beliefs$
'his is an e#tremely effective e#ercise because it allo!s you to li"htly hypnoti&e yourself
by entirely focusin" on one sentence$ Because of the induced hypnosis all the ne!
beliefs "o directly to your unconscious mind !hich is responsible for ma/in" your beliefs
and thou"hts a reality$
If you do this effectively, after 00 days or even earlier your life !ill start reflectin" the
ne! belief$
If done properly, these five ()* techniues can chan"e many aspects of your life$ If
some techniue doesnt seem to produce the desired effect, /eep repeatin" the
e#ercise until the !anted effect is reached$
'hese ()* techniues are very effective and !or/ on everyone$ Its definitely !orth
ta/in" a fe! minutes to try at least a couple of them$ 5hen you see the results, you !ill
be more than happy to spend some time to apply them to the areas of your life that
need improvement$

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