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Michael Trimm
M. Abutayeh
EGN 3000 – Foundations of Engineering
12 November 2009
Extra Credit Paper – IEEE-CS
On Thursday, November 5th, 2009 I attended the general meeting of the Institute

of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society (IEEE-CS). It was a great

opportunity to get involved with the group and find out about upcoming events and


The first thing the group discussed was the financial report. Because of budget

cuts in the University, Student Government only allotted IEEE-CS eight hundred dollars

for the entire year. This has forced IEEE-CS to cut down on expenditures and eliminate

food at meetings, which was a great disappointment to all in attendance.

After discussing finances, we discussed a new idea called IEEE-CS Ninjaneers.

This is an idea that is still in the planning stages. The idea is to provide free basic

technical support to students through IEEE-CS. Some of the things we discussed for this

idea were how to publicize the service, how to receive requests, how to decide who

would respond to the requests and how to notify the student that their request has been

answered. We brainstormed briefly and it was announced that further discussions would

be taking place on Blackboard.

The next item discussed was the CLW Realty Webpage Design Contest. IEEE-

CS will be hosting a webpage design contest for CLW Realty. Unlike previous contests

IEEE-CS has attempted to host, this time they have secured a contract to ensure that the

prizes will be received by students who submit contest entries. They have also secured

around $1200 in prize money, which will be distributed between first prize and runner up.
The information and guidelines for the contest will be announced soon through various


The IEEE-CS just ended a programming contest, but received no entries for it.

They discussed possibly opening up for extra time or re-doing the contest in the near

future. We brainstormed and discussed ideas to get the word out further and get more

entries. It was suggested that the prizes for the contest be announced.

The IEEE-CS has a Distinguished Visiting Person talk they host and the next

person will be Dr. Mazin Yousif. They are still arranging for his trip, but tentatively have

it planned for the week of November 30th. It was not mentioned what he will be


There are several software and system tools available and needed for use by

Computer Science students and those in related disciplines. IEEE-CS is planning a

presentation of the best software out there to get the job done for students so that students

do not have to learn the hard way what software is not as good and which is better. The

committee is discussing everything on Blackboard.

The final thing we discussed was upcoming officer elections and which positions

there are to be elected to. The current president, Ransford Hyman, Jr., will be drafting up

and e-mailing out descriptions of each officer’s duties to the entire club. Officer elections

will be taking place either at the end of the current semester or early next semester.

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