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Toma Janei
State and revolution in the 21st
Post-Marxist view
State and revolution in the 21st century !y Toma Janei is licensed under a
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.7t is not consciousness o/ men that determines their !ein28 !ut8 on the contrary8
their social !ein2 that determines their consciousness'.
9arl Marx
:''' to will onesel/ /ree is to choose to !e in this world con/rontin2 ;thers <=
: < man /undamentally is the desire to !e >od'=
Jean-Paul Sartre
These lines are written in the time o/ the Second 2reatest economic crises8 which
a**eared as well to !e a social crisis? caused !y /inancial system8 su**osed to !e
*aid !y the *eo*le8 with devastatin2 e//ect on socioeconomic ri2hts' @et already
decades !e/ore8 under *retense o/ li!eraliAation o/ marBets it has !een 2radually
im*osed a totalitarian economic-*olitical system8 which reduced or a!olished a mass
o/ human ri2hts in name o/ :democracy=' "a*italistic democracy is C as already +enin
stressed C a democracy /or those who *ossess ca*ital8 not /or the masses'
"onsumer society does not li!erate individual8 on the contrary0 *eo*le are alienated
and *assive' "onsumer society is as well a welcome tool to a!sor! social 2rievances8
there/ore itDs not ideolo2ically neutral8 !ut it has a stron2 ideolo2ical sym*tom that is
o/ conservatism' ThereDs no sincere critiEue o/ ca*italism without com*rehensive
critiEue !oth o/ *roduction and consum*tion8 and within the latter critiEue o/ cultural
industry' There can !e no 2enuine critiEue o/ ca*italism without critiEue o/ !our2eois
conce*t o/ a su!Fect'
Guman ri2hts had also !een sus*ended in re2ard o/ so called *er*etual anti-
terroristic war C war8 which has !een caused !y Hestern (#merican 7m*erialism'
Har is 2ood !usiness C all Su*er*owers Bnow that' 7t is also 2reat /or *ro*a2anda'
Practices o/ surveillance and humiliation8 Bnown /rom *risons8 had !een a**lied in
air*orts and other *u!lic *laces' Police re*ression had increased' Iour2eois
le2islation hides !ehind a**arent *seudo-rational terms an irrational o!session with
annihilation o/ manJs individuality and /reedom in the name o/ ca*ital and !io*olitical
totalitarianism' Judicial system des*ises men'
Parties o/ the le/t8 which are su**osed to *redominately re*resent +a!or8 not "a*ital8
had vanished or remained le/t-win2 *urely in /ormal sense' +et us not /or2et that
*olitical *arties8 which la!el themselves as :le/t-win2= and want to *reserve
ca*italism8 are traitors o/ the worBin2 class' HorBin2 class has !een trans/ormed8
!ecause o/ even 2reater *redominance o/ intellectual (sym!olic-in/ormation nature
o/ *roduction in develo*ed countries? yet these new ty*e o/ intellectual-worBers have
no sta!le social *osition8 !ecause o/ neoli!eral *aradi2m o/ li!eraliAation o/ marBet o/
la!or' These even-2reater mass o/ *eo*le has no o!vious social identi/ication8 they
are dis*ersed8 they neither consider themselves as :a class= C !ut they are
(*recariat' Their social awareness o/ ex*loitation is 2rowin28 !ecause they have
some intellectual Bnowled2e8 althou2h they arenDt (*ro*erly re*resented !y trade
unions' The last even-lar2er social 2rou*8 which consist maFority8 are unem*loyed
and unem*loya!le (created mainly !y humanistic universities8 which i2nore demand
o/ la!or marBet'
$ew /ascistic *olicy a2ainst mi2rants in Hestern democracies reveals another darB
side o/ decayin2 ca*italism' S*eaBin2 a!out democracy (or *erha*s K2alitL8
/raternitL8 li!ertL in Mrench /ashion8 the same *romoters o/ /ree countries do not
hesitate to mistreat mi2rants or threat them with adversity8 similar to /ascist history'
+etJs not /or2et that !ehind *seudo-democratic8 emanci*atory discourses in
Southeastern Euro*e8 which used nationalistic a**eals to 2et rid o/ :yoBe o/
communism= were hidin2 economic interests /or creation o/ new social elites and
2lo!al ca*ital-orientated totalitarianism8 directed /rom )S# at the end o/ 5(th years8
yet national state in neoli!eral model has no si2ni/icance (directives /rom Irussels
tend toward even 2reater centralism' These nationalistic-se*aratist discourses8
orchestrated in accordance with *olitical interests o/ >reat Powers (also >erman
interest in IalBan8 caused !rutal national war0 such was the case o/ /ormer
Hithin late ca*italistic society the *lace /or exchan2e o/ social ideas and o*inions has
shrieBed to minimum8 consumer *ractices have a!sor!ed individuals' The *u!lic
sEuares8 which are ontolo2ically meant to !e /or the *eo*le8 /or 2atherin28 /or *u!lic
de!ate8 live a solitary li/e and are su*ervised !y surveillance cameras and *olice
controls C in democratic societies' Nirtual s*aces /or exchan2e o/ ideas8 social
networBs such as Mace!ooB8 Twitter8 or !lo2s8 on the other hand a**arently reduce
the distance !etween *eo*le8 !ut they canDt re*lace essential *laces /or *u!lic
de!ate8 which should also !e /ree o/ advertisin2' 7nternet had only *artly em*owered
*eo*le !y *rovidin2 EuicB8 yet o/ten not relia!le (misleadin2 in/ormation? on the
other hand it has alleviated surveillance !y tracBin2 7P num!ers and accelerated
consum*tion !eyond any measures' )ntil internet shell not !ecame truly *u!lic and
truly democratic as *lace o/ *u!lic de!ate where anyone can *artici*ate8 accordin2 to
his intellectual level8 there can !e no talBin2 a!out democratiAation o/ the we!'
%emands /or direct democracy8 which were also ex*ressed in ;ccu*y Movement and
S*anish 7ndi2nados mi2ht seem to !e uto*ia at *resent state o/ a//airs? !ut social
movements8 which raised as a res*onse to 2overnmentDs crises solvin2 with austerity
measures8 showed that re*resentative democracy doesnDt re*resent maFority o/
*eo*le8 s*ecially *recariat8 *roletariat and lower stratums o/ society' %isa**ointment
with *olitics8 which /avorites *resent /inancial domination8 is enormous8 all over the
world' Iut new ways o/ 2overnin2 are *ossi!le' 7celand exam*le is interestin2
!ecause it has o//ered a new model o/ economic crises solvin20 the *eo*le re/used to
*ay de!ts o/ !anBs8 and let them to !anBru*t and the state survived8 com*arin2 to
>reece exam*le8 where austerity measures8 directed !y E) and 7MM were en/orced
to solve !anBs C social *rice o/ crises-solvin2 was enormous' Gowever some sort o/
*artial *olicy is a necessary *assin2 which mi2ht lead to new /orm o/ socialist
democracy8 which must !e a *artici*ative one' 7n theory a new revolutionary act
seems to have8 a**arently8 conservative *olitical /orm C within *resent state o/
a//airs' # new8 radical le/t-win2 *arty should 2et the elections8 within *resent *olitical
system8 and then start to reor2aniAe the state as a whole (or8 most unliBely8
Gumiliated and 7nsulted and Ex*loited will 2ather an army which will de/eat
re*ressive a**aratus o/ the state and taBe over authority' Iut in *ractice 2enuine
le/t win2 *arty would !e at disadvanta2e at 2ainin2 *u!lic attention8 media s*ace
and *ro*a2anda8 com*arin2 to li!eral *arties8 re*resentin2 ca*ital and !our2eoisie8
which rule media' So desta!iliAation o/ the system is o/ Bey im*ortance' %emocratic
*ro*a2anda re*resents /alse alternative0 democracy or totalitarianism? yet !our2eois-
ca*italistic democracy is the most totalitarian system o/ all8 !ecause it doesnJt allow
chan2e o/ its tyrannical system8 *retendin2 to !e :democratic=8 yet only /or
ca*italistic class' Oevolution is not o**osition o/ democracy? it is a vital ste* towards
2enuine democracy8 *eo*leJs democracy' This is related with +aclauDs1Mou//eJs
conce*t o/ radical democracy (this is8 /or us8 essential democracy8 which leads to
ex*ansion o/ democratic ri2hts in domain o/ economy and multi*lication o/ *olitical
stru22les which com*rehend vast scale o/ social8 racial8 sexual stru22les within
society' 7n this sense we can s*eaB a!out *er*etual revolution8 revolution which is in
ontolo2ical sense the same8 that means in sense o/ stru22le a2ainst any Bind o/
tyranny8 yet in *olitical sense this revolution is always new8 always di//erent'
7tJ s tra2ic (and *athetic what *eo*le were *re*ared to carry out and scari/y in the
name o/ %uty8 Gonor8 Mla2 or Gymn8 Em*eror or President o/ this or that country8
durin2 last millenniums' 7/ only 2raveyards could s*eaBP Poets would remain in
silence' Gistory 2lori/ies im*erialists (#lexander the >reat8 "aesar8 $a*oleon etc' and
/or2ets the 2raves o/ their victims' He must not rely on !our2eois history too much'
)nim*ortant *eo*le are a !acB!one o/ untold history'
To !e a man means to !e /or himsel/8 not to live in vain and dye /or 2overnments8 /or
(national8 *artial ideolo2ies' : < death is newer that which 2ives li/e its meanin2s? it
is8 on the contrary8 that which on *rinci*le removes all meanin2 /rom li/e= (Sartre8
1QR&12(1(0 ST(' #ccordin2 to Sartre /reedom is ontolo2ical human *roFect? it is a
choice8 which includes resistance o/ the world and :a victory over the worldJs
resistances= (i!id'0 S25' Eternal con/rontation !etween /reedom and tyranny remains
unchan2ed durin2 millenniums8 accordin2 to ontolo2ical human *roFect8 *roFect o/
The *resent world needs a di//erent ty*e o/ 2overnment8 a di//erent ty*e o/
democracy8 *artici*ative8 social democracy and a di//erent ty*e o/ economy8 which
would !etter serve the *eo*le8 not as at the *resent8 only to economic-*olitical elites'
He need to reinvent democracy8 !ased on new socialism' He need to rede/ine a man
as socio-*olitical !ein28 !eyond historic determinism and economic o**ortunism'
This !ooB is not a hand!ooB :Gow to !ecome a 2ood revolutionary in a world
without values=? it is a re/lection a!out /erocious tyranny o/ ca*italism and neoli!eral
dema2o2y8 cultural critics o/ commercialiAation and theoretical *re*aration o/ its
alternative' 7t is also a voice o/ Gumiliated and 7nsulted8 who have !een silenced'
Minal aim o/ this essay is to re-de/ine a su!Fect in relation to ontolo2ical and social
He need a revolution o/ ideas8 social *ractice and institutions' 7n *resent situation
only a Oadical +e/t seems to *resent an o**osition to neoli!eralism and is called to
carry out her historical tasB8 and to stand /or de/ense o/ /reedom' #wareness o/ civil
society is increasin28 demonstrations are ever lar2er all over the Euro*e8 all over The
>lo!e C that si2ni/ies a new era o/ human history'
Tyrants o/ our time are *oliticians who want (in name o/ their autocratic ca*ital
:democracy= *reserve neoli!eralism8 avid !anBers and entre*reneurs and neoli!eral
a*olo2ists and their naive hel*ers8 !ureaucrats em*loyed in le2islative8 Fudicial and
re*ressive system8 who 2ive tyranny a concrete dimension and taste o/ des*air'
#lthou2h tyrants C as we Bnow /rom history C can leave 2raveyards !ehind them8
they are /inally doomed to *erish8 they8 as ShaBes*eare would *ut :leave not a racB
+e/t-win2 awareness is increasin2' #lthou2h *eo*le are dis*ersed8 hy*notiAed !y
advertisement /or 2oods which neither donDt need8 neither they canDt a//ord them8
they are awaBin2 /rom consumerist dream' +ots o/ them have nothin2 to lose'
;utcasts and outsiders o/ the Irave $ew Horld8 which canDt a**reciate !ene/its o/
western democracies8 unem*loyed and unem*loya!le8 as Marcuse stressed :they
exist outside o/ the democratic *rocess=8 within :intolera!le conditions=8 there/ore
:Their o**osition is revolutionary even i/ their consciousness is not' Their o**osition
hits the system /rom without and is there/ore not de/ected !y the system ''' Their
/orce is !ehind every *olitical demonstration /or victims o/ law and order' The /act
that they start re/usin2 the 2ame may !e the /act which marBs the !e2innin2 o/ the
end o/ the *eriod:(Marcuse8 1QTR12((20 2T1'
7ndeed we are a2ain at the turnin2 *oint' Oevolt is the hi2hest ex*ression o/ human
s*irit' Iecause inner8 undetecta!le su!stance o/ consciousness is made o/ such
matter which is meant to !e unlimited (also in meta*hysical sense8 any sort o/
tyranny C under the *retense o/ any sort o/ ideolo2y C is im*osed as an alien
re*ressive /orce to it8 and there/ore it must !e a!olished'
Gistory must !e reinvented'
Mirst *art0
%econstruction o/ ca*italist-!our2eois mytholo2y
1' 7ntroduction0
"a*italistic de/ormation o/ su!Fect and social world
Gierarchically structured society is e//icacious as lon2 as su!Fects res*ect chain o/
command and remain su!missive' Oandom violation o/ code o/ !ehavior is8
horiAontally8 within the same class8 or vertically8 *unished !y the law' System o/
values remains unmodi/ied and society sta!le' ThatJs idealistic *oint o/ view o/
!our2eois society8 with *rivate *ossession as main achievement' @et to su**ose that
all mem!ers o/ society will res*ect their social *lace and system o/ rewardin2 is
uto*ian0 social systems colla*se constantly8 !ecause o/ o**ressive social *ractice8
which masBs itsel/ in ideolo2y o/ meritocracy' %esu!Fectivation o/ individuals in
western ca*italistic-consumerist countries8 under masB o/ democracy8 had reached its
*innacle' ;utsourcin2 and /lexi!le nature o/ worB has led to un!eara!le amount o/
unem*loyment and had created new reserve army o/ worBers and slave la!or /orce
in the East'
#t /irst 2lance we mi2ht not associate revolution with to*ic o/ consumerism and
culture industry8 !ut !ecause consum*tion a!sor!s ener2y /or revolt8 deconstruction
o/ cultural *ractice o/ consum*tion with *olitical conseEuences ena!les release o/
revolutionary *otentials' Po*ular culture is a welcome means to distract ex*loited
masses /rom reco2nition o/ their de*rivation o/ material and cultural 2oods'
"onsum*tion o/ ima2es8 sounds8 o!Fects 2ives an individual8 overwhelmed with
consumerDs /reedom8 a schiAo*hrenic insi2ht in social world C and conseEuently o/
himsel/' Partici*ation in cultural industry is *assive and demands no re/lection8 no
social awareness o/ a consumer' "ele!rity *henomenon within *o*ular culture /or
instance has also a conservative /unction0 to divert social com*laints' >lori/yin2 and
worshi*in2 o/ cele!rities is the utter /orm o/ manDs alienation8 as well as technical
a**aratus' "onsum*tion8 on the 2eneral8 is strati/ied8 so we have luxurious *roducts8
aimed /or the rich (air*lanes8 shi*s8 luxury cars8 hi2h /ashion etc'8 and *roducts
aimed /or customers with lower incomes? o!Fects o/ consum*tion ranB consumers
hierarchically within the same !rands' Irands ena!le consumers to !uild an identity8
trademarBs o*erate as sym!ols o/ material society8 ideolo2y o/ *ro2ress etc' C they
uni/y socially diversi/ied su!Fects8 which *artici*ate in common rituals o/
consum*tion' MrameworB remains unchan2ed' Po*ular culture consum*tion 2oes
!eyond material consum*tion8 !ecause it is a re*resentation o/ social world0 /ilms
and musical *roducts /or instance create simulated social reality8 where social
mo!ility seams easy' "a*italistic society must *reserve an a**earance that
hierarchical *ro2ression (!ottom-u* mo!ility is *ossi!le8 throu2h educational system
and talent8 yet they /or2et three main o!stacles0
1 %omestic !acB2round (cultural8 material 2 individual talents & social selection
C a /act that social *yramid needs hu2e amount o/ *eo*le who occu*y lower
*ositions8 so called dis*ensa!le su!Fects8 which ena!le that system /unctions at all'
Gi2her an individual 2ets8 easier he des*ises those who remain !elow0 thatDs *ure
and sim*le !our2eois *resti2e8 social distinction and sel/-ima2e o/ a success/ul
individual in a !our2eois society' Iour2eois society is a society o/ contem*t'
Hithin the same level o/ hierarchy individual identi/ies himsel/ with mem!ers o/ the
same stratum8 horiAontally8 as well he !lames those who are a!ove him /or his
economic condition8 ex*loitation' +ower he is on the social scale8 2rater ra2e he
directs toward those on the to* o/ *yramid? hi2her he is8 easier he loses a sense /or
social reality' :Talent= is very dis*uta!le cate2ory? in western-ca*italistic society8
hi2hly ranBed talents are those which serve to increase or *rotect ca*ital (!anBers8
mana2ers8 marBeters or lawyers or *olitical sBills0 how to uni/y nation on the
2rounds o/ ideolo2ical a**eals (a *o*ular strate2y o/ the Oi2ht' 7n more reli2ious
societies8 hi2hly ranBed talents would !e those which deal with reli2ious ideolo2y8
*rovidin2 he2emony' 7n an intellectually-orientated society hi2hly ranBed talents
would !e those which ex*and dimensions o/ human s*irit C that Bind o/ society has
not !een created yet'
$atural /act is that *eo*le are not eEual8 they are di//erent (*hysically8 mentally?
they *ossess di//erent *otentials8 values8 *ersonal Eualities0 /ew are no!le8 some
worthless8 most are mediocre? !ut when we s*eaB a!out society as a whole8 we
must acBnowled2e that /unctionally individuals stand on eEual /ootin28 !ecause o/
indis*ensa!ility o/ all /unctions8 which ena!le a system to o*erate' Pyramidal-
hierarchical model o/ society8 which *revails /or millenniums8 re/uses this /act8 it
demands ca*ital hierarchy8 in the case o/ ca*italism' Social eEuality was a
*ro*a2anda o/ :communism=8 !ut the societies were strictly divided in two main
cate2ories0 communist *arty8 which su**osed to *resent van2uard8 and a mass'
He must not con/use Eualitative di//erence and variety with eEuality o/ ri2hts' Men
and women /or instance are di//erent8 not (!iolo2ically eEual8 yet they should have
eEual ri2hts (intellectually8 sexually8 morally8 materially8 *olitically etc'' Sexual
emanci*ation o/ woman within !our2eois society aim only at 2ainin2 material
inde*endence and 2ender emanci*ation throu2h a**ro*riation o/ *hysical1sym!olical
*ower8 within various *ro/essions' Sexes are di//erent8 there/ore com*lementary'
7tDs said that womenDs emanci*ation didnDt lead to economical and intellectual
emanci*ation /rom the men in !our2eois society8 which would conseEuently lead to
/ree sexuality (sexual revolution8 without endan2erin2 womanDs re*utation' HomenDs
emanci*ation leads mostly to imitation o/ the men (!y su**ressin2 the Eualitative
di//erence0 women occu*yin2 Fudicial and re*ressive a**aratus o/ the state (Fud2es8
*rosecutors8 *olicewomen8 and other *hallic *ositions (which deal with !io*olitical
care and disci*line which maintain ca*italist !io*olitical domination and ideolo2y
(su!consciously they !elieve they *ossess *enis8 what reveals *sychoanalysis'
MasculiniAation o/ the women and /eminiAation o/ the men is !io*olicy o/ E) and )S#
(in $orway8 /or instance8 military service is mandatory also /or women8 a state o/
vira2os' Hithout /eminine woman8 a man doesnDt have a ho*e /or transcendence
(children will have con/used identity' Iour2eois /eminists !elieve that emanci*ation
is to Foin the *olice8 instead o/ revolution' So manDs and womanDs roles should !e
rede/ined in a sense o/ hi2her reci*rocity8 taBin2 into account (sexual di//erence
!etween 2enders and (su! conscious demands o/ li!ido'
"a*italism and consumer society create *hantom-liBe-relations8 !etween non-
com*ati!le su!Fects8 or su!Fects C simulacrums8 and they nulli/y relationshi*s o/
reci*rocity' "a*italism tends toward hi**er-*roduction8 there/ore each declinin2 o/
acEuisitions is lethal to it !ecause it doesnDt Bnow homeostasis and !ecause itJs
estran2ed /rom !iolo2ical environment' There/ore it always stru22les a2ainst *ro/it-
!order' Gy*othesis a!out unlimited economic 2rowth does not consider reci*rocity o/
livin2 systems and it has devastatin2 im*act on natural and social world'
"onsumer society is a sort o/ anthro*omor*hism8 !ecause it animates dead o!Fects8
while ca*italistic system is a sort o/ contra-anthro*omor*hism8 !ecause it trans/orms
livin2 !ein2s throu2h its *roduction system into thin2s' The Su!Fect is dead and the
;!Fect is alive' To !e an (socially inte2rated individual it means to !e a!le to identi/y
with similar individuals8 horiAontally8 yet *o*-culture ena!les to identi/y throu2h
simulation vertically with *o*-stars0 so called *hantom-liBe identi/ication8 without
socialCintellectual !acB2round o/ socio-culturally di//erent 2rou*s' 7t is a result o/
alienation and it leads to *atholo2ic individualiAation'
@et in each society8 no matter how diver2ent8 within a 2rou* o/ individuals C
re2ardless their cultural !acB2round C emer2es a Euestion o/ a common8 !esides
lan2ua2e8 reli2ion or ideolo2ical sym!ols as /la28 hymn etc' ;//icial national
*ro*a2anda8 as well as *o*ular culture *roducts8 transmitted !y mass media8 serve
as some sort o/ :2lue=8 which 2ives a hint o/ a common world8 to socially8 culturally8
s*atially8 /inancially divided individuals' @et mediaDs simulation (re*resentation o/
reality is a *hantasma2oric myth with o!vious *olitical aim to maBe *assive its
audience8 to canaliAe their social discontent and to *er*etuate a myth o/ social
mo!ility8 within /rameworB o/ *resent society' Hell Bnown re*roaches to socialism on
the 2rounds o/ collectivism8 /rom the side o/ the advocates o/ ca*italism (GayeB8 /or
instance /or2et too easily cultural and material *raxis in ca*italistic system8 which
uni/ies the masses' #rtistic talent8 /or instance8 which su**osed !e a marB o/
individuality8 is in the /ield o/ *o*ular or national culture reduced to mere ca*a!ility
to convince the audience that *resent social system worBs8 throu2h use o/ ima2es8
sounds8 words8 a**eals' 7t has o!viously a conservative role8 to maintain status Euo'
So called :disru*tive voices= or :re!ellions= are care/ully incor*orated in the media
system' 7n s*ite o/ their o!vious con/ormism and their su!missiveness to the
*roducers and mass-cultural standards o/ *roduction8 *er/ormers o/ *o*ular culture
enFoy relatively hi2h social status8 not !y a coincidence' They serve as a model o/ a
hi2h level o/ sel/-realiAation0 :success story= C stars' The same lo2ic values also /or
s*ort cele!rities0 they em!ody :talent and disci*line= *aradi2m' Talent serves as an
excuse /or enormous incomes to cele!rities8 and Fusti/ied envy o/ lower class is
su**osed to !e re*laced !y identi/ication8 which has a com*ensatory /unction8 so
social di//erences and distinctions su**osed to !e an ideolo2ical 2lue o/ meritocracy'
"ultural8 reli2ious8 *olitical8 consumerist ideolo2ies try to maintain *aradi2m o/
mythical social order and hierarchy' 7nevita!le conseEuence o/ such a**roach is
individualiAation o/ su//erin28 within existent social dimension' Material reality o/
manDs existence is i2nored on the 2rounds o/ meta*hysical hy*othesis8 re2ardin2
hierarchy o/ (virtually mediated social world? social !ounds with the same material
!acB2round (stratum are !roBen8 there/ore an individual is alienated /rom the
society (lower his education is8 2reater is e//ect o/ alienation8 althou2h intellectuals in
the academic /ield are also hi2hly alienated8 with more /avora!le /inancial outcomes'
Those vocations8 which are the most disre2arded8 de*rived o/ hi2h culture8 actually
sustain *resent /orm o/ domination and society? they re*resent a !ottom o/ the
*yramid (industrial8 manual worBers and ever lar2er mass o/ *art-time worBers8
em*loyed in service sector' They /eel inFustice8 yet they have no Bnowled2e to 2et
an insi2ht into de2ree o/ their de*rivation and ex*loitation' They can !e :s*ared=
/rom u**er *oint o/ view o/ the society8 the elite' Processes o/ democratiAation in the
Eastern Euro*e and all over the world served only to esta!lish new economical elites8
not to increase amount o/ /reedom'
Those em*loyed in the cultural industry a**arently s*eaB /or dehumaniAed
individuals8 they :2ive them a voice=8 which a society tooB them8 so lower classes
donDt understand them as re*resentatives o/ the ex*loiters8 that is dominant class8
althou2h they taBe their money (on the !asis o/ cultural su*eriority' ThatDs also a
reason that lower classes donDt consume hi2h-culture *roducts (classical music8 /ilms8
!ooBs C thatDs an e//ect o/ aesthetic mutilation' The most alienated 2rou*s (a!ove
all amon2 youn2 ones /eel a sort o/ hatred towards hi2h culture8 a conseEuence o/
cultural de*rivation' Materialistic culture re*resses ima2ination and aesthetic
sensitivity' The main 2oal o/ cultural industry is to mutilate human aesthetics
sensi!ility and aesthetic su!limation o/ instincts (instead o/ that it *rovides8 as
Marcuse would say8 :re*ressive de-su!limation=' "ele!ritiesD *henomenon wouldnDt
exist without social strati/ication8 yet it *reserves itsel/ !y mythical democratic
*otential8 on *resum*tion that /ield o/ cele!rity is o*en to all social classes in mo!ile
Social !ounds are matter o/ !asic needs and in ca*italistic society ca*ital !ecomes a
*rimary media o/ communication8 which ena!les existence o/ individuals and social
hierarchy' "ommodities and luxury are not dis*uta!le' @et in a material society an
individual identi/ies himsel/ with what he *ossesses' Mrom this /act it ori2inates sel/-
*erce*tion o/ an individual0 lower on the social scale he is8 hum!ler his ex*ectations
should !e8 accordin2 to ideolo2y o/ con/ormity and o!edience' Gowever *ro*a2anda
/or consum*tion contradicts con/ormity8 in a sense that it a**eals on individualJs sel/-
esteem throu2h act o/ acEuisition C it *aradoxically calls /or revolt' "a*italismJs
*roduction *ractice is in contradiction with rhetoric o/ /reedom8 which consum*tion
Each system *roduces su!Fects o/ di//erent Bind8 usin2 their material de*rivation and
su!conscious instincts (*atholo2ies /or :dirty Fo!s= associated with re*ression
(*olice8 *rison 2uards8 army8 secret services or *reservation o/ li/e (communal
worBers8 *atholo2ists8 health ins*ections8 sur2eons or (adult entertainment industry
(*o*-culture8 *orno2ra*hy8 with hi2hly uneEual /inancial and sym!olic 2rati/ication'
Social system canDt /unction without su!-systems which are :salvin2= the *ro!lems o/
unem*loyment8 yet with very di//erent means' ;r2aniAed criminal can exist only
within hi2hly individualistic and strati/ied society8 where social conditions create
*arallel economy8 which ena!les *ros*erity /or that se2ment o/ *o*ulation8 which has
annulled social conscience? it strives /or the same indis*uta!le aims0 commodities8
luxury8 which ca*italism *ro*a2ates re2ardless social *rice' ;n the other hand8
without certain de2ree o/ delinEuency8 *ro/essional *ro/iles8 linBed with re*ression
would disa**ear'
"on/ormism isnDt innocent as mediocre minds !elieve? sometimes it is only a ste*
a*art /rom /ascism8 as Moravia showed in his 2reat novel The "on/ormist' )ni/ormed
mind C !ureaucracy8 army8 *olice and intelli2ence a2encies C is a Bey conce*t which
ena!les *yramidal-hierarchical society to worB8 meanin2 to o**ress the *o*ulation'
The rich can more ele2antly canaliAe their sadist instincts8 there/ore the most !rutal
crimes are committed !y lower classes8 yet the mem!ers o/ u**er classes have
ideolo2y and le2islation at their dis*osal8 and are also those who cause wars'
Hord :community= has !een re*laced !y such individuality which is a synonym /or
exclusion' "ommon sense or rather common ways o/ 2overnment and *roducin2
have !een re*laced !y *ure com*etitiveness' @et a word :commune= exists in
atomiAed sense even now8 as a hint o/ common8 not as a denial o/ individuality8 or
system o/ di//erences8 !ut as social consciousness o/ !elon2in2 the same world'
Hhere thereDs no coo*eration8 there can also !e no li/e' 7n this sense we can
understand new communism8 emer2in2 /rom ruins o/ ca*italism8 not in a sense o/
naive collectivism8 !ut as a new social awareness8 instead o/ *atholo2ic individualism8
as interactionism' 7/ the *resent /orm o/ society resem!les a tall *yramid8 a /airer
model would !e more /lat8 where creativity would !e a**reciated as the hi2hest /orm
o/ the mind8 !eyond utilitarian com*rehension8 society8 !ased on entirely di//erent
ty*e o/ economics and stimulations0 coo*eration8 not !rutal com*etition'
%urin2 economic crises social di//erences !ecome more evident and unem*loyment
increases8 white and !lue collars are melt to2ether8 as well as unem*loyed8
chronically unem*loya!le and students C it !ecomes evident that thereDs no
connection !etween education system8 universities and em*loyers (conseEuence o/
!our2eoisCPlatonist *erce*tion o/ hi2h education? it !ecomes evident that wealth8
*roduced !y maFority8 is un/airly divided' The situation deteriorates and authorities
res*ond with re*ression to social claims' "onditions /or social chan2e emer2e and
social disorders can lead to di//erent ty*e o/ social *aradi2m8 i/ chaos does not
*revail' #ny revolution has to !e well or2aniAed and centrally 2uided? revolutionary
!oilin28 on the other hand8 is s*ontaneous8 without 2uidance' Previously divided
individuals (!y class8 income8 culture identi/y with ideas o/ new social movement'
These ideas can !e !arely *ut in the common /rameworB? it de*ends on the
historical moment and de2ree o/ social awareness whether these social demands will
have an im*act on the /uture or whether they would /ade away'
Oevolution o/ten evoBes violent associations8 !ecause o/ the history (Jaco!in Terror8
;cto!er Oevolution' Iut let us not /or2et0 terror o/ the state had created terror o/
revolution8 not vice versa' Terror stimulates revolutionary /orces8 which can !e
contaminated with it' Hhen a tyrant /alls8 he /alls less than a man8 !ut as a *olitical
State (monarchic8 !our2eois is ori2in o/ terror8 so a!solute ne2ation includes similar
means o/ o**ression o/ o**ressors' ThatDs also a reason o/ disa**ointment with
revolutions o/ the 2(
century8 o/ which wrote "amus (+DGomme rLvoltL8 however
a!solute ne2ation nowadays is hardly *ossi!le8 there/ore neither re*etition o/ old
revolutionary terror'
"a*italistic democracy is simulation8 distortion8 mocBin2 to 2enuine human needs
and su//erin28 !ecause :in ca*italist society we have a democracy that is curtailed8
wretched8 /alse8 a democracy only /or the rich8 /or the minority= (+enin8 1Q1511QUT0
R2' +enin wanted to !rin2 to a common denominator dis*ersed revolutionary
*otential accordin2 to demands o/ *roletarian revolution8 without acBnowled2ment o/
*lurality o/ *olitical and emanci*atory stru22les and cultural diversity' ;n one hand
there was idealism o/ li!eration (communism8 on the other con/ormism8 disci*line
and *ra2matism o/ the *arty' +enin was a tra2ic /i2ure? he stru22led /or no!le cause
o/ revolution C to2ether with TrotsBy and others C8 !ut later the /ruits o/ the
revolution have !een stolen' ;ne-*arty-system reveled internal *aradox o/
emanci*atory *olitics' Stalin was not a coincidence o/ the history? he was a side
e//ect o/ Oussian *olitical system8 which didnDt have a sa/ety /use a2ainst misuse o/
*ower' +enin Bnew how to ins*ire and mo!iliAe dehumaniAed masses C aimin2 at
no!le cause o/ li!eration C8 !ut he did not consider all as*ects o/ such mo!iliAation
(diver2ent tensions o/ *artici*ants8 latent destructiveness8 contradictory e//ects etc''
#/ter all8 +enin was a man8 not a myth? a man with all his virtues and /aults'
7n %eutscherDs !ooB a!out Stalin
we can read that PleBhanov com*ared +eninDs
tou2hness with Oo!es*ierreDs' %urin2 his dis*ute with MensheviBs8 +enin as
IolsheviB8 was accused as !ein2 Jaco!in8 an o!vious misconce*tion' +enin Bnew it
was a time to act C and how to act'
7saac %eutscher0 ST#+7$ C # *olitical Iio2ra*hy' ;x/ord )niversity Press8 1QTU'
OussiaDs revolution su**osed to Foin with Euro*ean revolution8 it should ins*ire
socialists in Euro*e (TrotsByDs conce*t o/ :*er*etual revolution=8 !ut later historic
develo*ment sa**ed +eninDs *redictions' Proletariat re*resented actual minority o/
the *eo*le8 !ecause o/ maFority o/ *easant *o*ulation' Oussia su//ered /rom
underdevelo*ment8 lacB o/ industrialiAation and educational system C a semi /eudal
state8 where ca*italism develo*ed dis*ro*ortionately'
IolsheviB *arty su**osed to *ermit o**osition8 !ut durin2 civil war IolsheviBs
realiAed that that would mean *olitical suicide and !etrayal o/ revolution0 so one-
*arty system was esta!lished' +enin is sincere when he writes a!out monstrous
ca*italism and im*erialism and indi2nation o/ the masses (State and Oevolution8
7m*erialism8 the Gi2hest Sta2e o/ "a*italism? he is naive when he claims that
socialist (communist state will !e somethin2 tem*orary8 which would 2radually
winter-away in second *hase o/ communism' Ie/ore revolution IolsheviBs *romised
to a!olish *olice and army8 instead o/ that they introduced *olitical *olice' +enin was
an architect o/ centrally directed8 hierarchically structured and uni/orm communist
*arty8 what !ecame latter /ertile 2round /or a!use o/ *ower' 7ron disci*line was vital
durin2 revolution and civil war a2ainst counterrevolution and /orei2n intervention
(En2land8 Mrance8 !ut later hel*ed StalinDs am!itions' +enin has !een warnin2
a2ainst !ureaucratic arro2ance and Oussian chauvinism in his articles? !ut when he
wanted to re*lace Stalin8 it was already too late' #/ter +eninDs death *artyDs will and
StalinDs will 2radually mer2ed' Oussian communism had trans/ormed itsel/ into
tyranny o/ Stalinism' Stalin sBill/ully used tensions in the *arty to remove his *olitical
o**onents (TrotsBy and others? he was a master o/ ada*tation8 *olitical tactics and
intri2ue' "amus accused +enin in his notorious essay +Dhomme rLvoltL that with +enin
it has !een !orn an em*ire o/ Fustice8 which has !een misused /or inFustice in the
name o/ remote Fustice in the /uture8 which never a**eared (winterin2-away o/ the
state' Pseudo-revolutionary mysti/ication eliminated /reedom8 critiEue o/ the state
lead to dictatorshi* o/ the *arty8 which invi2orated the em*ire' Total slavery o/ the
individual and /inal /reedom o/ the collective man0 a *roduct o/ totalitarianism'
"amus accused revolutions o/ the 2(th century o/ nihilism' Ge com*ared /ascism and
communism8 ori2inatin2 /rom moral nihilism' Oevolution turns itsel/ into tyranny
when a revolutionary !ecomes a !ureaucrat or *oliceman' Oevolution8 in contrast
with revolt8 which is creative and moral8 is !ased on a!solute ne2ation? it is !ased on
historical movement8 it demands totality ("amus8 1QT(' Iut even "amus reco2niAed
that revolt demands some sort o/ collective action8 when it is not limited strictly to
art' Gis +Dhomme rLvoltL is asocial8 an a-historical a!straction8 without *olitical
dimension C condemned to solitaire a2ony' EEualiAin2 Stalinism8 Maoism and
communism is a common sim*li/ication and *o*ular strate2y o/ the Oi2ht' Iour2eois
universe doesnDt allow radical thou2ht? its *olicy o/ *ro2ress is re/ormism' ;**ressive
/orces reduce a man into a thin28 !ut these /orces arenDt nameless0 they are results
o/ a *olicy8 which 2overns this or that state' Main res*onsi!ility is on the elite' Iut it
is also on the side o/ o**ressed-ones0 i/ you su**ort tyranny8 you !ecame a (*assive
tyrant' So *olitical res*onsi!ility lies on every!ody' Oadical thou2ht wants to overturn
*resent re*ressive structures8 which determinate !orders o/ human mind and !ody8
there/ore /reedom and revolt must !e united in concrete *olitical action' Tyrannical
/orces and /orces o/ li!eration are *resent in human society since a man exists'
There/ore revolution is *er*etual' >ainin2 the *ower is not a revolution? *ower is a
means in the *olitical stru22le' To a!olish re*ressive system is *rimary 2oal o/
revolution? its /inal aim is li!erty' 7/ measures o/ o**ression are violent C they
normally are C8 so the measures o/ revolt shell !e violet C an un*leasant thou2h8
which "amus didnDt want to reco2niAe8 so he devaluated resistance as such on the
!asis o/ his hy*othetical re!ellious man' +et us remind o/ VolaDs novel >erminal C a
shar* exam*le o/ re!ellious dynamics o/ the man8 who has !een dehumaniAed'
"oncrete revolutions in *articular socio-historical moment have also their internal
contradictions8 misuses etc'8 !ecause o/ o**ortunism' Oevolutionaries liBe +enin
su**ose that the *eo*le are honest liBe themselves8 yet they are o/ten wron2' Iut let
allow ourselves a hy*othesis0 i/ TrotsBy would eliminate Stalin8 not vice versa8 and
#ntonio >ramsci and Oosa +uxem!our2 wouldnDt !e thwarted in the Euro*e8 a
di//erent /uture would !reaB /or the world' 7t is a vain illusion that any revolution can
create a new world order in a short *eriod (decades and centuries are necessary? it
is also an useless illusion to ex*ect that humanity will su!ordinate /orever to any
tyranny8 even i/8 !y chance8 this tyranny claims to !e a :democracy= with /inancial
elites8 $#T;8 intelli2ence a2encies and other /orms o/ :li!eration=' 7n the worst case8
western democracies canDt *roduce Stalin? however they can *roduce8 in the lon2
term8 cumulative 2lo!al e//ects o/ /inancial Stalinism C the *rice o/
2lo!alism1im*erialism' They are a!le to devaluate the value o/ human li/e (o/ li/e
itsel/8 accordin2 to social strati/ication8 and ever lar2er im*overishment o/ lower and
middle classes C a *rocess which is reachin2 its *innacle at *resent economic crisis'
Iut Hestern democracies8 under direction o/ )S# (/rom Truman doctrine till *resent
anti-terroristic war had created somethin2 /ar more dan2erous than the Stalin
e//ect0 they have created !io*olitical Stalinism0 a schiAo*hrenic surveillance system
all over the 2lo!e8 rulin2 *o*ulation' 7n the name o/ Hestern (#merican :security=
secret services actually o*erate !eyond civil laws (can also carry out executions8 i/
necessary' )S# com*elled E) to o!ey their *olicy re2ardin2 *reventive security
measures8 what is a2ainst Euro*ean values and herita2e o/ enli2htenment'
He must !e aware o/ the /act that in any state there are *eo*le who would Bill8
torture and die /or it (/unctional *sycho*aths8 re2ardless anythin28 within le2al
conce*t o/ :le2itimate use o/ /orce= (s*ecial /orces o/ *olice8 intelli2ence a2encies8
s*ecial units in the army etc'' Gowever there are also *eo*le who would liBe to
demolish it8 at any rate (terrorism' The state is not an a!solute in Ge2elian sense?
only a :tem*orary= /rameworB /or social interactions8 transactions etc'
OevolutionariesD /inal aim is to create8 even when they have to destroy ancient
re2ime' "onsciousness o/ the *olice and Fudicature is consciousness o/ watchdo2s?
consciousness o/ revolutionaries is consciousness o/ lions' #s we Bnow /rom the
history several times revolutionaries did *ost*one their no!le ends (li!eration in
/avor o/ Fustice? when virtue !ecame an excuse /or terror (Jaco!in terror8 or
revolution which has !een stolen (;cto!er revolution' Iut revolution is social8
historical necessity8 ori2inatin2 /rom indi2nation8 which however 2oes hand in hand
with manDs social sensitivity (solidarity and 2rowin2 awareness o/ inFustice8 there/ore
violent excesses /rom the *ast shouldnDt !e a 2uideline in the 21st century' He Bnow
also *eace/ul exam*les /rom 2(th century0 >andhiDs stru22le /or inde*endence o/
7ndia8 Nelvet revolution in "AechoslovaBia /or instance' Gowever8 some use o/ /orce is
hardly to avoid C sometimes itDs vital' Shallow-mind ca*italists mocB to the revolution
and their economic !utlers re/use each alternative as unreal' They C liBe the
*rimitives C Bnow no res*ect8 so they deserve no res*ect' They do not understand
elevated thou2hts a!out revolution? however they understand use o/ /orce' @et /inal
2oal o/ revolution is to chan2e8 not only state o/ a//airs8 !ut a!ove all state o/ mind C
a *roFect o/ new emanci*ation'
Hinter o/ our discontent8 as ShaBes*eare would *ut it8 can !e nowadays /elt
everywhere8 yet itDs im*ossi!le to estimate amount o/ destructive /orce which it
accumulates under the sur/ace o/ democracy (the word :democracy= has !een
misused /or con/ormism' Niolence !ursts out contin2ently8 mostly amon2 lower
stratum o/ the society' Sometimes it seems to !e no *olitical ideolo2y availa!le any
lon2er which would mo!iliAe the *eo*le' +i!eral society has no choice at all8 !ecause
li!eral democracy is true totalitarianism8 o/ the totalitarian /ree marBet8 where civil
ri2hts are reserved /or the rich8 cor*orations etc' +acB o/ alternative results in
:meanin2less violence=8 which can taBe *lace in *rotests' >lo!al ca*italism de*rives
:maFority o/ *eo*le o/ any meanin2/ul co2nitive orientation=8 !ecause it :de-totaliAes
meanin20 it is 2lo!al at the level o/ meanin2=' 7t can !e /ormulated as :truth without
meanin2=8 it ada*ts to all civiliAations on the 2lo!al dimension (WieB8 2(120 SR-SS'
#!sence o/ meanin2 causes indi2nation' Social ideolo2ies (socialism8 communism
mo!iliAe masses8 they also de/ine who the enemy is C one should always Bnow who
your enemy is' 7n a novel o/ %ino IuAAati The Tartar Ste**e the main character
doesnDt live to see the enemy in the /ortress8 where he resides /or years and years8
waitin2 /or the /inal com!at8 which newer taBes *lace' Mar2inaliAed 2enerations o/
*recariat8 chronically unem*loyed and unem*loya!le have /or2otten who the enemy
is? they cannot *ut a name to a /ace' 7nstead o/ that they can 2lare at !ill!oards and
commercials8 where cele!rities invite them to *artici*ate in consum*tion o/ 2oods
and services they canDt a//ord' Then a riot ha**ens8 without ex*lanation' Iut
indi2nation comes in waves'
The enemy is the system as a whole8 !ut the system has also its *ro*onents8
executors etc' ;n declarative level ()niversal %eclaration o/ Guman Oi2hts a!stract
reco2nition o/ human di2nity already exists8 within *resent state? the *ro!lem is
a**lication o/ this ri2hts8 !ecause they collide with ca*italistic /orm o/ ex*loitation'
#mount o/ ca*ital ena!les exercise o/ universal ri2hts' So ca*italist democracy
doesnDt have ethical-*ractical value8 and is humiliated mostly to va2ue rhetoric
dimension' $ew ty*e o/ revolutionary act must there/ore ena!le en/orcement o/
2enuine democracy8 socialist and *artici*ative democracy8 which would *revail over
ca*ital tyranny (omission o/ word :ca*ital= eludes the *eo*le that thereDs only one8
universal democracy'
ThereDs no resistance without some de2ree o/ /orce? when *olice !eats demonstrants
with !atons8 attacBs them with tear 2as8 handcu// them or even use /irearms (or
ru!!er 2ums a2ainst them8 Fusti/ia!ly re/errin2 to the law8 to *rotect :democracy=8
they should Bnow that demonstrants can also use *e**er s*rays8 shields8 helmets8
un-arrest tactics or even Molotov cocBtails as ultimate and other availa!le contra-
tyrannical means o/ li!eration8 to neutraliAe violence o/ the state' Pro*ortional and
2radual res*onse to re*ression is the most a**ro*riate strate2y' Hhen *olice or army
attacB *eo*le8 their uni/orms *ersoni/y *ure ne2ativity8 so they must /ace
conseEuences' %evelo*ment o/ the society 2oes in correlation with reduction o/
violence8 there/ore demonstrations in develo*ed countries arenJt too a22ressive'
Gowever !ehind democratic /acade o/ the west thereDs always a /ace o/ ex*loitation8
deceit8 domination' Those who *rovoBe violence8 are morally at disadvanta2e (the
system? demonstrants have this in mind' 7n s*ite o/ all !our2eois rhetoric a!out
human ri2hts8 awareness o/ downtrodden ri2hts o/ the multitude all over the world is
2rowin2? there/ore clashes with re*ressive or2ans will !e even more /reEuent'
Gowever without *olitical leadershi* these s*ontaneous revolts have no dura!le
im*act on the system C re*ression only increases' #s i/ out!ursts or riots would only
invi2orate the system' The chan2e has to !e radical and com*lete8 revolutionary and
mo!iliAation total' Oevolutionary act must !e associated with new ty*e o/ democracy8
revolution canDt !e sim*le overturn o/ the *ower8 it must aim toward li!eration8 not in
the /ar /uture8 !ut as a constant *rocess o/ 2rowin2 awareness and demands /or
social and civic ri2hts' Per*etual *ressure on the system8 *er*etual revolution' 7t is
evident C at *resent conditions C that /inal account is not *ossi!le8 as lon2 as the
system is not desta!iliAed till the colla*se' "onditions /or revolutionary situation are
/ul/illed when we have :the accumulation and exacer!ation o/ all the historical
contradictions than *ossi!le in a sin2le State= (#lthusser8 1QTS12((S0 QS8 not only
!etween "a*ital and +a!our'
9ee*in2 in mind /airer /orm o/ society8 history shows two main dan2ers1tra*s to
which human society is inclined0 destructiveness and re/ormism' %estructiveness is a
result o/ systematic mutilation o/ manDs creative *otentials? destructiveness is
reversed creativity8 unrealiAed creativity' He Bnow /rom worBs o/ Mreud ("ulture and
its %iscontent and Mromm (The #natomy o/ Guman %estructiveness how instinct
which multi*lies li/e8 can !e reversed in its annihilation (Tanathos8 destructiveness8
(a sexual sadism etc'' Iecause o/ constant ex*loitation and alienation a man o/
civiliAed society hides8 !ehind an a**earance o/ con/ormity8 enormous destructive
/orces' # multitude can !e /urious and !loodthirsty8 without adeEuate leadershi*?
manslau2hter in des*air is another ima2e o/ annulled manDs creativity and social
sensi!ility' +i!eration o/ creative /orces and manDs *otentials is there/ore true
revolution and a /inal 2oal o/ each emanci*atory act C an ontolo2ical *roFect o/
Oe/ormism is a !our2eois strate2y o/ maintainin2 status Euo under a**earance o/
im*rovement8 what means 2radual sta2nation in the lon2 term' Oevolutionary lo2ic
must maBe clear s*lit with this Bind o/ *ractice and ethic' $aive humanism is
recBless? it still hasnDt learned its lesson /rom history0 *ro*onents o/ tyranny have to
!e stoo*ed' :< revolutionary humanism could only !e a Jclass humanismJ8
J*roletarian humanismJ = (#lthusser8 1QTS12((S0 221' :Iour2eois humanism made
man the *rinci*le o/ all theory= (i!id'0 2&U8 !ut essence o/ the man is not static8
eternal' 7dealistic *hiloso*hy /reeAes essence o/ the man8 while dialectical
materialism maBes it dynamic8 althou2h there are elements o/ manJs consciousness
which have dura!le inclinations8 !ecause :Man is destined to /reedom? it is his very
!ein2= (i!id'0 22R'
Gy*ocritical *oliticians8 avid !anBers8 irres*onsi!le mana2ers8 *resum*tuous lawyers
and Fud2es mocB to the !asic needs o/ the *eo*le and dismiss any social alternative
as idiotic and uto*ian' Society needs redistri!ution o/ common wealth8 wealth which
has !een !rutally *rivatiAed8 !ased on revolutionary law' He do not s*eaB o/
ven2eance8 !ut o/ creatin2 a social eEuili!rium'
Euro*e must re2ain its inde*endence /rom #merican in/luence and /rom directions
/rom Irussels' Technocrats in Irussels donJt have a clue how the common citiAens o/
E) have to live8 neither they donJt res*ect national culture8 neither re2ional
di//erences' Euro*e is not one8 Euro*e is a *oly*hony o/ *lurality C not !ureaucratic
tri/le' X)nited States o/ Euro*eD is an #merican *ro*a2anda (7 recall President "linton
in +Fu!lFana in 1QQQ *ro*a2andiAin2 this /rom the tri!une8 the same "linton who
authoriAed the use o/ )'S' army in $#T;Ds !om!ardin2 o/ Iel2rade8 which is in
shar* contrast with Euro*ean values o/ *lurality and variety' ;nce u*on a time8
#merica was Iritish colony8 nowadays it seems vice versa? Mrance also8 !ecause o/
moral de!t /orm the Horld Har Two is /ar too much de*endent o/ #merican *olicy8
and so on'
#merica treats continental Euro*e as its colony (throu2h their *olitical and military
in/luence8 $#T; etc'' "ommercial media are *ro*a2anda /or ca*italistic and
im*erialistic values ("$$ /or instance8 o/ten /or #mericanism' They advertise sim*le
eEuation o/ ca*italism and democracy8 althou2h we Bnow that 2enuine democracy is
in essential o**osition with ca*italism and consumerism'
7tDs si2ni/icant that #merican-orientated media nevertheless donDt have coura2e to
criticiAe thorou2hly the "hinese *olitical system8 !ecause they are de*endent /rom
them economically (#merican technolo2y8 com*uters etc' are made in "hina8 how
awBward' 7tDs also not a coincidence that they donDt dare to criticiAe their own
totalitarian *olitical system' Hhen they re*ort on crises-re2ions8 Middle East
(*re/erred #merican su!Fect etc' they criticiAe their *olitical systems8 !ecause those
countries donJt have a democracy' 7t seems easy to Fusti/y im*erialist interventions in
9osovo8 Gaiti8 #/2hanistan and 7raE on !ehal/ o/ human ri2hts and democracy
(Garvey8 2((S0 2(&' )nited States /or instance insist on exclusive ri2hts concernin2
extradition0 they donJt have to res*ond /or crimes a2ainst humanity8 !ut they
demand that war criminals /rom other countries are !rou2ht to Fustice on those
courts8 where their #merican citiAens are excused to res*ond /or criminal actions
(i!id'0 2(S'
)S#8 which has made im*erialistic interventions many times8 under various
*retences8 whether in stru22le a2ainst $aAi alliances (atomic !om!in2 o/ Giroshima8
$a2asaBi8 causin2 2enocide8 a2ainst communism (2enocide in Nietnam8 war in
9orea8 in $icara2ua8 intervention in the name o/ national security8 de/ense o/
democracy C in Sudan8 recent interventions in the Middle East (7raE8 #/2hanistan
and invented new /orm o/ 2lo!al terror8 dears to 2ive lessons on democracy to the
worldP Hhat hy*ocrisyP #merican reci*e /or ex*ort o/ :democracy= and li!eraliAation
o/ the marBets has !een a disaster since "hile till +i!ya0 it caused social catastro*he8
invi2orated violence and a!use o/ human ri2hts' Guman di2nity is not a value /or
#merican *olicy8 !ecause it ran2es *eo*le o/ hi2her and lower stratums in correlation
with ca*ital' )n/ortunately Euro*e has 2radually /ollowed #merican *olicy' Iut we
must also remem!er historical dan2er /rom the East C how in2loriously ended
IaBuninDs dream o/ Slavic /ederation0 !ehind the 7ron "urtain'
Euro*e is multi-*olitical and cultural term8 which canDt !e *ut in the same /rameworB
under centraliAed 2overnment in Irussels' SwitAerland *reserved democracy /or S((
years !ecause o/ their neutrality (althou2h their democracy is dis*uta!le8 !ecause itDs
!ased on *rotestant ethic and ca*italism' Economic !ene/its within E) are extremely
unFustly distri!uted0 ineEualities !etween wealthy $orth and im*overished South'
$eoli!eral *olicy su**orts lar2e cor*orations8 /inancial marBets and commodi/ication
o/ national resources8 *lunderin2 o/ the nature and su**resses those with /lexi!le
occu*ations8 youn2 *o*ulation8 small entre*reneurs and socially weeB' 7/ E)
su**osed to !e truly democratic union8 minimum wa2es would !e assured /or all its
mem!ers at the same level8 eEual amount o/ social ri2hts would !e assured
everywhere8 and all the mem!ers would have the same amount o/ *olitical in/luence
C there would !e no outsourcin28 no ex*loitation' Iut without *ro/it o/ the
wealthiest8 there would !e no E)8 what is in contrast with elevated *rovisions written
at the !e2innin2 o/ M##STO7"GT TOE#T@8 art' 28 which *romotes :harmonious and
!alanced develo*ment=8 :sustaina!le and non-in/lationary 2rowth res*ectin2 the
environment=8 :a hi2h level o/ em*loyment and o/ social *rotection8 the raisin2 o/ the
standard o/ livin2 and Euality o/ li/e=8 and :social cohesion and solidarity=. $owadays
youn2 2eneration doesnJt have a /uture any lon2er within E)8 !ecause o/ mass
unem*loyment and lacB o/ social sa/ety' They canJt create a *ositive identi/ication8
sel/ realiAation o/ their *otentials' There/ore E) on (neo li!eral *rinci*les is in shar*
contrast with *roFect o/ 2enuine democracy' E) is not our /uture' 7nde*endent8
*olitically neutral Euro*e8 decentraliAed8 !ased on new socialism with eEuivalent
mem!er-states /rom north to south8 with *artici*ative democracy is the only Euro*e
*ossi!le0 inde*endent8 eEuivalent States o/ the Euro*e' To !e Euro*ean is somethin2
much more than mem!er o/ E)8 and /are !eyond E)1IrusselsJ *ro*a2anda'
Oenaissance was !orn in *eriod o/ *olitical diversity8 not uni/ormity? Euro*e needs a
$ew Oenaissance nowadays'
Euro*ean "onvention on Guman Oi2hts8 /rom 1QS( is /ull o/ internal contradictions
and exce*tions which a*olo2ise violation o/ human ri2hts8 meanin2 state
intervention' +etDs looB closely /ew a!surd *rovisions' #rticle 28 concernin2 ri2ht to
li/e *romises that no one shall !e de*rived o/ his li/e intentionally exce*t in case o/
:execution o/ a sentence o/ a court=C later *rotocol no' T8 /rom 1Q5& a!olishes death
*enalty8 yet *revious *rovision8 which a*olo2iAes mortal exce*tion in the case :to
e//ect a law/ul arrest or to *revent the esca*e o/ a *erson law/ully detained= or in the
case o/ law/ul action /or the *ur*ose o/ :Euellin2 a riot or insurrection= remains C this
is clearly reactionary8 /ascist intervention8 which is in contrast with article 1(8
Mreedom o/ ex*ression and art' 118 Mreedom o/ assem!ly and association' Monstrous
economic conditions and neoli!eral re/orms *ushed *eo*le in un!eara!le social
situation durin2 recession8 and the state has !een o//ended when the *eo*le
ex*ressed their /eelin2s in the streets' ThatJs also a reason why >reece *olice Billed a
1S-year old !oy durin2 demonstrations8 as we shall see in the cha*ter a!out >reeB
tra2edy' Iut that is nothin2 new0 durin2 violent demonstrations in >enoa in 2((18
durin2 >-5 meetin2 the *olice Billed "arlo >iuliani' Ge was shot in the head !y
cara!iniere (cara!ineer and crossed-over !y *olice car8 durin2 con/lict' >iulianiJs
/amily made a com*laint to Euro*ean "ourt o/ Guman Oi2hts8 on the 2rounds o/
excessive use o/ /orce8 !ut in 2(11 the court has a!solved 7talian State as did not
violate Euro*ean "onvention o/ Guman Oi2hts (HiBi*edia0 "arlo >iuliani' $ot to
mention that durin2 the same demonstrations 7talian *olice had !rutally !eaten
*eace/ul demonstrants at school #rmando %iaA' Iones o/ !oys and 2irls were
cracBin28 !lood was *ourin2 in streams C a !rilliant exam*le o/ smooth /unctionin2 o/
western democracyP +ena VuhlBe8 one o/ many severely wounded demonstrants /rom
school %iaA had /ew ri!s !roBen and *ierced lun2s (*neumothorax8 !ecause o/
*olice !eatin28 !ut she said a/terwards8 that she /elt relie/ !ecause she had to stay in
the hos*ital and so she could avoid !y her words C even worse C re*ression in
!arracBs8 where arrested demonstrants /rom %iaA are !ein2 con/ined (Mari8 2((R8
!ein2 ex*osed to torture (!eatin2 and humiliation8 and woman were sexually
threatened with ra*e and called :whores= etc'
%emocracy and /ascism resem!le Euite a lot8 concernin2 *olicin2 those who donJt
o!ey' Oi2ht to li/e is so relative8 it de*ends on how much con/orm the su!Fect is8 and
how much ca*ital he *ossesses'
#rt' &' advices that no-one should !e su!Fected to torture or de2radin2 treatment8
!ut ex*eriences /rom everyday li/e and *ractice /rom air*orts and *risons s*eaB
otherwise' 7nhuman treatment is dissuaded C !ut ; human8 too human is
de2radation and torture worldwide8 alasP
# lot o/ descri*tions o/ maltreatment8 even mayhem /rom school %iaA and !arracBs o/ IolAaneto are
availa!le at :"omitato NeritY e >ustiAia *er >enova= at htt*011www'verita2iustiAia'it1docs1diaA3*ett'*d/
#rt' R Prohi!ition o/ slavery and /orced la!our is interestin2 !ecause it is in direct
o**osition with *resent neoli!eral *olicy0 it dissuades slavery or servitude or /orced
or com*ulsory la!our' Hhat a!out /lexi!le worB8 which !ecome *redominate /orm o/
em*loyment nowadays8 what a!out under*aid worBers in E) and worldwideZ Mlexi!le
worB is /orm o/ new slavery8 not to mention under*aid worBers in the East8 sewin2
(7ndia8 or *uttin2 to2ether com*uters8 *hoto-cameras8 toys etc' (Thailand8 "hina
etc' under the /la2 o/ Hestern or Ja*anese !rands' #rt' R *ermits C as usual C
exce*tion to the rule0 worB in detention C a clear Stalinist (>ula2 a*olo2y C8 military
service8 cases o/ emer2ency etc'
#rt' S s*eaBs a!out ri2ht to li!erty and security8 which o/ course *ermits exce*tion
durin2 law/ul detention and detention o/ *ersons o/ unsound mind8 alcoholics8 dru2
addicts8 va2rants C a clear social discrimination' 7n the *resent world mind cannot !e
sound8 es*ecially o/ those in Irussels and Hashin2ton8 so they should !e *ut in
custody /irst' Peo*le search o!livion in dru2s !ecause o/ un!eara!le social conditions
and lacB o/ sel/-realiAation' The state *rovides most o/ dru2s (alcohol8 to!acco8
sweets8 so itDs indi2nation a!out dru2s is clearly hy*ocritical8 as we shall see in the
/ollowin2 cha*ters' 7/ you locB u* a va2rant or mi2rant you violate a ri2ht to mo!ility8
*rovided in )niversal %eclaration o/ Guman Oi2hts8 !ut E) *olicy is clearly
conservative re2ardin2 mi2rants8 as we shall see in the /ollowin2 cha*ter'
Oi2ht to /air trial (art' T is clearly uto*ian8 !ecause it de*ends on Euantity o/ ca*ital0
how many means an accused one will !e a!le to invest in his trial' Those who canDt
a//ord a le2al assistance are in clear disadvanta2e8 !ecause lawyers *rovided !y the
court8 are Been not to do their !est on !ehal/ o/ their client' Iut even so8 remem!er
Jose*h 9' /rom 9a/BaJs Trial0 to !e a victim o/ !ureaucratic system8 which is
incom*rehensi!le8 inhuman C *ara!ola o/ our world'
#rt' Q Mreedom o/ thou2ht8 conscience and reli2ion8 *romises that everyone has the
ri2ht to /reedom o/ thou2ht8 conviction and reli2ion8 is o!viously !ias !ecause
revolutionary thou2hts are not desira!le in the western democracies' 7/ non-
con/ormist thou2hts encoura2e an individual or 2rou* to !e disres*ect/ul to the
!our2eois laws C re2ardin2 ca*ital and *rivate *ossession8 /or instance C this Bind o/
/reedom is not *ermitted8 so thereDs no 2enuine /reedom o/ thou2ht within western
democracy' 7ndividual cannot mani/est his /reedom o/ thou2ht8 i/ it is o/ non-
con/ormist nature8 in the contrast with the holly !our2eois laws'
#rt' 1( Mreedom o/ ex*ression is limited8 nulli/ied actually !ecause it de*ends on the
ca*ital and con/ormism' #n artist without resources (or under*rivile2ed8 non-
con/ormist intellectual canDt !roadcast his creations8 ideas' ;/ course8 in similar
/ashion8 thereDs another *rovision8 which *ermits restrictions to the rule in case o/
national security C how convenient to violate human ri2hts8 common to E) and )S#
*ractice8 durin2 war a2ainst terrorism etc'8 *u!lic sa/ety8 *rotection o/ heath or
morals C how conservative8 the writers8 scri!!ler o/ the convention were8 *ro!a!ly
derivin2 /rom catholic-!our2eois or *rotestant !acB2round8 we can *resume' "lear
#rt' 11 s*eaBs a!out /reedom o/ assem!ly and association8 !ut we Bnow that this
/reedom de*ends on the ca*ital8 so maFority o/ the *eo*le can exercise this *leasant
ri2ht only under restrictions o/ their social conditions'
These were only /ew /lourishes o/ le2islative-!ureaucratic mind' He need to *ut
/undamental strivin2s /or li!eration o/ the man in much !roader context? we need to
*ut them on much hi2her level8 which !our2eois mind canJt com*rehend' Iut thereJs
an advanta2e o/ deconstruction o/ re*ressive !our2eois-ca*italistic ideolo2y' #
herita2e o/ le/t-win2 radical thou2ht is very use/ul'
7n/ormation a!out ex*loitation and misleadin2 are now more easily attaina!le
!ecause o/ mass o/ availa!le in/ormation a!out systemDs de/ormations? yet the
system *ays a lot o/ attention that these in/ormation are dis*ersed' He must not
/or2et that media are in control o/ the "a*ital (as they were once under control o/
the Party8 /ar /rom !ein2 inde*endent' #t most cases they are only an ideolo2ical
vehicle /or !our2eois way o/ li/e8 that is social conservatism' 7nde*endent sources o/
in/ormation are hardly to /ind or their s*eaBers are EuicBly silenced (HiBileaBs /or
instance' $evertheless the Bnowled2e which em*owers de*rived individuals is now
easier availa!le (classical and electronic li!raries' The true challen2e is how to
com!ine results and how to /orm an e//ective socio-*olitical movement which would
chan2e *resent state o/ a//airs' ;nly a radical thou2ht can maBe a !reaBthrou2h
/rom !our2eois lethar2y'
2' "ulture o/ ex*loitation and surveillance
"a*italism is modern slavery !ecause /ree will and /ree dis*osal o/ !ody o/ an
individual is limited !y im*erative o/ ca*ital' Prostitution8 /or instance8 is the :*urest=
a//irmation o/ *revious statement' # /actory worBer has also only his1her !ody to sell8
whiteCcollars sell their :semi-intellectual= sBills8 with very limited amount o/
autonomy' Milm stars and sin2ers have also only their !ody to sell C !ut what a
di//erence at incomesP The di//erence is so called :talent=8 evaluated !y *o*-culture
and culture-industry standards8 without cultural ca*ital' Gi2her we mount on the
social *yramid8 :mental= ca*a!ilities *revail8 yet true innovations and artistic
creations are8 !ecause o/ ri2idity o/ the system8 easily overlooBed' Gow to com*are
value o/ a sym*hony or a ro!ot or a carZ Hhat measures should we use !y
evaluationZ 7n materialistic culture the answer is o!vious8 yet material o!Fects8 no
matter how *er/ect they are8 are limited !y their one-dimensionality8 tem*orality8
while artistic creations o*en an insi2ht into human s*irit and enhance its /aculties on
universal level' $o matter how a system seems to !e ri2id8 itDs naive to *resume that
exist a value-consensus' Politicians claim that they are standin2 /or human ri2hts8 yet
these ri2hts are sus*ended !y ca*italistic totalitarianism o/ *roduction *ractice and
!our2eois hierarchy o/ values' Iecause worBers are mere ex*ense /or em*loyers8
there/ore an individual can !e re*laced at any time' He are /acin2 with dilemma to
worB8 re2ardless worBin2 conditions8 or to starve to death' Two main /orces which
o*erate in each man are0 a will to survive and /ear o/ death8 which means an
inclination towards *leasure and avoidance o/ *ain8 and ca*italism !alances these
anta2onistic /orces so8 that it maBes the result the most *ro/ita!le with some
collateral dama2e (unem*loyment8 criminal8 wars' Mear o/ death is *ro/ita!le8
there/ore ca*italism8 which canDt /unction without the /ear8 is a culture o/ death'
Social di//erences and inFustices are naturaliAed'
"a*italism8 similarly to historical Mascism8 Stalinism or Maoism8 tends to militariAe
itsel/ under the *retence o/ security8 there/ore a culture o/ /ear and surveillance8
where everyone is sus*icious' Peo*le o!serve each other8 surveillance cameras
su*ervise *u!lic and *rivate houses8 streets8 marBets8 air*orts (where neo-$aAi-
*olice surveillance dehumaniAes *assen2ers8 train stations8 universities8 li!raries etc'
Secret services are overhearin2 *hones day and ni2ht8 all over the 2lo!e? they are
tracBin2 conversations on the we! etc' Police re*ression and authoriAation had
enormously increased? !io*olitical *ower and *rivate wealth8 unFustly 2ained in
hands o/ elite8 is always in dan2er'
)nder the *retence o/ :security measures= /reedom has !een sus*ended8 reduced to
minimum? *u!lic *laces have !ecome *laces /or surveillance and extensive *olice
control' Gumiliation o/ individuals at air*orts8 Bnown /rom *risons8 has !ecome a
normal *rocedure' TechniEues o/ !rutal interro2ation are :so/tened= in new ty*e o/
correct *olitical discourse to :stressin2 *ositions= durin2 interro2ation8 all in a service
o/ :no!le= cause in a 2lo!al8 *er*etual war a2ainst terrorism' $o one dares to o!Fect'
Even "ontinental Euro*e had imitated new #merican /ascism in name o/ security' +i/e
is indeed unsa/e8 death is the most secure *lace C there/ore ca*italism is a culture o/
Permanent war a2ainst terrorism8 which is a conseEuence o/ ca*italistic (Hestern !ut
also Eastern im*erialism-2lo!alism8 which ex*loits develo*in2 countries as well as its
own *eo*le8 reEuires *ermanent dili2ence and ex*ansion o/ *reventive techniEues o/
re*ression' #t checBin2 *oints individualsD !odies are scanned8 [-rayed8 even
*al*ated8 !ecause everyone is sus*icious (human sBin8 manDs8 womanJs8 even o/ the
child can !e only an overcoat /or an Extraterrestrial or a muFahedin8 who Bnows8
everythin2 is under a Euestion8 only "a*ital not8 there/ore *oliceman are so
*resum*tuous8 their 2lances are so schiAo*hrenic' 7n a !io*olitical system *revails a
ne2ative de/inition o/ a su!Fect8 who can !e cured8 disci*lined8 re*ressed8 eliminated
even8 i/ he *resents a dan2er8 instead o/ a *ositive one (as a creative !ein2' :;ne
had the ri2ht to Bill those who re*resented a Bind o/ !iolo2ical dan2er to others=
(Moucault8 1QQ(0 1&5' Power over li/e has *rimarily two !asic /orms0 :!ody as a
machine0 its disci*linin28 the o*timiAation o/ its ca*a!ilities=8 and :the s*ecies !ody=8
related with mechanics o/ li/e8 !irths and mortality8 the health level8 li/e ex*ectancy
etc'8 which demands control and intervention C :a !io*olitics o/ the *o*ulation=(i!id'0
%i2ital technolo2ies ena!le u!iEuity o/ surveillance' :< emer2in2 trends o/
surveillance= ena!le to sustain :the existin2 o/ status Euo o/ society=8 technolo2ies as
%$# /in2er*rintin28 electronic ta22in28 health scans8 dru2 testin28 !iometric 7% cards
and *ass*orts' Su!Fectivity winters away8 there/ore also resistance (#Fana8 2((S0 1-
&' Su!Fect is dead or at least reduced to minimum' +etDs not /or2et even harder
conditions o/ ille2al mi2rants' Iio*olitics o/ !orders re*resents mana2ement o/ those
who are waitin2-to-live8 :the mana2ement o/ that non-li/e8= those who are *laced in
detention centers8 who are waitin2 to live' #ctual death is at times also *resent
(death o/ clandestine mi2rants drowned in the sea /or instance (i!id'0 5'
Mi2ration is mostly seen as a :*ro!lem=8 which demands 2reater surveillance8 what is
related also with terrorism concerns' @et controllin2 immi2ration8 in an area o/
2lo!aliAation is di//icult8 !ecause in li!eral democracies /ree marBets are vital
(>uchteneire8 PLcoud8 2((T0 U(-U1'
\uality o/ the li/e in a society can !e 2enerally measured not !y the wealthiest8 !ut
!y the most de*rived' 7n case o/ E) this are certainly ille2al mi2rants8 detained in
asylums (:concentration cam*s=8 waitin2 /or >odot in the south o/ Euro*e' The
!orderline *hiloso*hy erodes Euro*ean values? com!ined with economic crisis it can
*roduce racist e//ects (in >reece8 Mrance /or instance' # stran2er is on the !orders'
:The values that 2uide societies cannot sto* at their !orders? they must also ins*ire
attitudes toward outsiders= (i!id'0 UR' The treatment with /orei2ners re/lects values
o/ the society8 and 2reater re*ression can eventually threaten the *rinci*les o/
democratic society itsel/' # ri2ht to mo!ility is human ri2ht? emi2ration and
immi2ration do com*lement each other (althou2h %eclaration o/ Guman Oi2hts
sto**ed hal/-way in reco2nition o/ mo!ility' Mo!ility is *rivile2ed mostly /or citiAens
/rom develo*ed countries (i!id'0 UR-US' Stricter !order control does not sto*
mi2rants8 !ut /orces them to use under2round channels' Oestrictive *olicy o/ !orders
increases vulnera!ility o/ mi2rants8 2enerates smu22lin28 tra//icBin28 which in turn
demand more control' # ri2ht to mo!ility could !reaB vicious circle (i!id0 51'
Pro!lem o/ mi2rants is a *ro!lem o/ inte2ration and *aranoia o/ the Hest'
"onstant /ear o/ terrorism demands schiAo*hrenia o/ security measures' Hho is a
terroristZ 7t de*ends on *olitics' "he >uevara was a terrorist /or )S#8 !ut he was a
revolutionary hero /or South #merica? %Famila Iouhired was a terrorist /or Mrance8
!ut she was a heroine /or #l2eria etc' Security measures su**ose that everyone is a
*otential terrorist (/rom lower classes mostly8 there/ore all the *eo*le must !e
treated as *otential enemies C that leads to state terror8 which calls the revolution'
That who is o!served8 is ex*osed8 vulnera!le8 !ecause he has an illusion o/ !ein2
anonymous' @et in *u!lic *laces *eo*le Bnow to some extent that surveillance
cameras are everywhere? a matter o/ routine in *aranoiac society' Iut to !e aware o/
constant *ossi!ility o/ !ein2 su*ervised8 creates a schiAo*hrenic *ers*ective on the
society C schiAo*hrenia o/ !io*olitics' ThereDs no di//erence !etween a totalitarian
state and democratic8 accordin2 to increasin2 amount o/ surveillance techniEues and
*ossi!ilities' They have !ecome a matter o/ routine8 which alleviate *olice worB in
crime cases or in case o/ minor o//enses' Political result is /ri2htenin20 everyone can
!e a *otential criminal8 a terrorist'
Euro*ean "onvention o/ Guman Oi2hts assures ri2ht to *rivacy to everyone8 !ut
exce*tions include many cases8 which are also de/ined too va2uely (interests o/
national security8 *u!lic sa/ety8 crime *revention8 moral *rotection etc'' Gere is8 once
a2ain8 a democratic *aradox0 :secrecy is antithetical to democratic 2overnance]8
!ecause :it *rovides /ertile 2round /or a!use o/ *ower= ($athan8 2((Q0 1' Mreedom
o/ in/ormation is a touchstone /or other human ri2hts8 assured in the Oesolution o/
)nited $ations' @et intelli2ence secrecy is Fusti/ied with interests o/ national security8
which ena!les limitin2 the /reedom o/ ex*ression8 access to in/ormation' Iecause o/
elasticity o/ conce*t o/ :national security=8 its narrow meanin2 can !e used in
contrast with its *ur*ose0 measures which su**ress civil ri2hts can Feo*ardiAe
security o/ citiAens' $ational security includes also values o/ the *eo*le8 there/ore in
democratic society must tend toward o*enness' Oi2hts and /reedoms are not to !e
!alanced8 they are com*lementary0 national security must encom*ass !oth (i!id'0 2-
Sartre had 2iven a marvelous descri*tion o/ :the looB= in !our2eois society8 which
o!FectiviAes a su!Fect in Iein2 and $othin2ness' Iut society o/ surveillance is a
re*ressive and disci*linary a**roach to individual8 who can !e desu!FectiviAed a
*riori' 7t is not the Euestion who we are8 !ut what we mi2ht !ecome' He do not
mean only o/ u!iEuities cameras8 overhearin2 the (mo!ile *hones? /are more
dan2erous is *erha*s automatic 2atherin2 o/ in/ormation on the individual on the
we!8 which is nowadays *erha*s the main source o/ detectin2 individualDs *olitical8
social *ro/iles etc' The looB disci*lines8 and mirrors8 which re/lect *ower relations
must there/ore multi*ly constantly8 to neutraliAe *ano*ticon e//ect' %emonstrants do
Bnow that? lots o/ them are armed with *hoto cameras8 which annul re*ressive
discourse8 which wants to Fusti/y *olice !rutality in *u!lic media'
7ntelli2ence a2encies o*erate within too !road limits8 they lacB /rom external control8
le2islation8 what has totalitarian conseEuences' 7n case o/ law en/orcement8
a**lication o/ /orce is a matter o/ *ersonal estimation o/ a *oliceman in concrete
situation8 within the law8 which canDt *recise Euantum o/ (Binetic ener2y8 which is
used to su!due a diso!edient individual' The results are Bnown /rom media0 *olice
!rutality' @et *olice always re/ers to the law8 which is unreal in concrete situations'
7ntelli2ence a2encies are secret8 so they donDt have to Fusti/y their measures in /ront
o/ democratic *u!lic C we can only ima2ine what Euantum o/ /orce can !e used
within their :authoriAations='
The intelli2ence sharin2 networBs are Bnown /or in/ormality8 /lexi!ility and secrecy8
there/ore constrained !y *ro/essional norms8 :*ro/essional ethos8 rather than law='
Iecause they re2ulate themselves8 they re*resent a threat to li!eral democracies' 7n
democracy intelli2ence a2encies must !e su*ervised !y democratic !ody' Iut their
transnational activities remain virtually without oversi2ht' Hithin this lacB o/
re2ulation a2encies can :circumvent domestic and international le2al restraints and
collude with one another= (Se**er8 2(1(0 1S&' #!uses o/ human ri2hts8 /rom the
*art o/ intelli2ence a2encies are not :isolated exam*les !ut rather sym*toms o/ a
more systematic *ro!lem=' 7n recent years a2encies violated human ri2hts8 they
invi2orated authoritarian 2overnments8 they have :outsourced a torture and a!use=
(i!id'0 1SR' %emocracy is *rotected !y not-democracy8 which o*erates within
!orderline conditions' So is in the Hest nowadays8 so it was in #ncient >reece'
%emocracy and terror 2o hand in hand' #uthoress o/ the article on intelli2ence
networBs and democracy recommends that a2encies /rom :li!eral democracies
should acculturate less re*uta!le a2encies= (i!id08 what is exactly in o**osition with
#mericaDs *ractice' #merica did C in the *ast and recently C outsource a!use o/
human ri2hts in not-democratic countries8 althou2h it *reaches :democracy=' Mor
instance they colla!orated with colonel >adha/i in +i!ya8 as lon2 his assistance in
stru22le a2ainst 7slamic terrorism was use/ul? when their *olicy had chan2ed8 they
sent $#T; to terminate him' "7# and other Hestern intelli2ence a2encies coo*erated
closely with re2ime o/ Moammar >adha/i8 sharin2 in/ormations and coo*erated in
handin2 over terror sus*ects /or interro2ation to a re2ime Bnown /or *racticin2
torture8 as reveals a trove o/ security documents8 which were discovered a/ter the /all
o/ Tri*oli (Gu!!er8 2(11' The documents8 which were /ound in an External Security
!uildin2 in Tri*oli8 show an :increasin2ly warm relationshi*= !etween "7# and
authoritarian re2ime8 and 2ive us an insi2ht in "7# *ro2ram o/ :extraordinary
rendition=8 throu2h which terror sus*ects were secretly detained8 and sometime
underwent the so-called :enhanced interro2ation tactics liBe water!oardin2= (i!id'' 7t
is the !est to let the others to do :dirty Fo!s= and taBe all the credits'
:Production o/ /reedom= in li!eralism is always accom*anied with limitations8
controls8 coercion8 o!li2ations etc'8 !ecause =the /reedom o/ economic *rocess must
not !e in dan2er= <=The 2ame o/ /reedom and security= is characteristic /or :the
economy o/ *ower *eculiar to li!eralism= (Moucault8 2((50 TR-TS' :< one o/ the
maFor im*lications o/ li!eralism= is the /act that :individuals are constantly ex*osed to
dan2er=8 :a culture o/ dan2er= leads to extension o/ control8 coercion8 constraint'
Economic /reedom is !ound with disci*linary techniEues' $ew /orm o/ 2overnment
derives /rom *ano*ticism (i!id'0 TT-TU' 7n the name o/ economic /reedom (/or the
elite and with multi*lication o/ security measures and disci*linary discourse8 society
!ecomes ever more re*ressive? it tends toward total control8 a totalitarian state'
7deal o/ social order derives /rom !iochemistry8 an idea that that social order can !e
ruled !y 2enetic code8 :a neo-ca*italistic cy!ernetic order that aims now at total
control= (Iaudrillard8 1Q5&0 11(-111' >lori/yin2 :rule o/ law= has totalitarian
conseEuences8 which a**ear on social an marBet /ield8 where idea o/ :/reedom= is
simulated !y :/ree com*etition=8 which ends !y mono*ole or oli2o*oly (*ractically in
all vital /ields0 ener2etics8 in/rastructure8 medicine etc'
The rule o/ law /ormaliAes a rule o/ economic 2ame (in contrast with a *lan8 within
individuals en2a2e (accordin2 to *ersonal *lans8 as claims GayeB' Iut with
develo*ment o/ multi*le enter*rises the /rictions !etween them increase8 there/ore a
need /or ever more Fudicial instances (Moucault8 2((50 1U&-1US' +i!eral state has
totalitarian conseEuences' Hithin un!eara!le socio-economic conditions8 which
2radually reduce all /reedom8 individual is su!Fected to im*ersonal8 incom*rehensi!le
law o/ the marBet and new ty*e o/ 2overnment'
%ivision o/ !rains and worB (hierarchic chain o/ command8 a!olition o/ moral reason
cause dele2ation o/ res*onsi!ility8 a core o/ authoritarian society' #mount o/
re*ression is in a *ositive correlation with amount o/ ex*loitation and alienation'
Su!Fect is dead8 !ecause o/ sus*ension o/ ontolo2ical /reedom on material and
intellectual level' $ew sort o/ 2lo!al Stalinism is sustained with one ideolo2y0
Security and one *ractice0 %isci*line8 one value0 "a*ital8 one lan2ua2e0 En2lish'
Iecause !our2eois state is in crisis8 it militariAes itsel/' This /act has to !e veiled to
maintain ideolo2y o/ democracy and human ri2hts8 so the li!eral state *lays a dou!le
2ame' %isci*line and control !ecome ever more im*ortant? a**arently very di//erent
institutions8 with entirely di//erent aims resem!le even more each other8 as Moucault
mentioned0 a *rison8 a /actory8 a school8 a hos*ital (Surveiller et *unir' $aissance de
la *rison' 7n this restricted conditions human /reedom is severely limited8 there/ore a
*otential o/ creativity in the society declines' 7ma2ination is im*eded8 itDs twisted'
That is not a new social *henomenon? it would !e interestin2 to com*are human
ima2ination o/ the man /rom the Middle #2es with ima2ination o/ the /ellow /rom
nowadays? nevertheless there is a su!stantial di//erence0 we claim to live in a
democracy and have a %eclaration o/ Guman Oi2hts' Gowever8 re*ressive
desu!limation8 i/ we re/er to Marcuse (1QTR12((R has !ecome *redominate /orm o/
emotional release8 what is inevita!ly related with decline o/ /reedom o/ ex*ression8
mind8 activity8 decline o/ /ine arts and ascent o/ cultural industry'
Minimal su!Fect who is reEuired /or any maFor ideolo2y (o/ *olitical8 reli2ious8
militant8 o/ entertainment industry is truly minimal8 com*ared to alienated *roducts
o/ manDs mind8 which rise as 2i2antic authorities over him' 7n this sense we can
s*eaB o/ death o/ the su!Fect' 7deolo2y constitutes individuals as su!Fects8 !ecause
:ideolo2y inter*ellates concrete individuals as concrete su!Fect= (#lthusser8 1QU1'
%eath o/ the su!Fect means li/e o/ o!Fect8 commodi/ication o/ li/e' +i/e and death are
de*rived o/ their hi2her meanin28 o/ mystery? they !ecome !anal8 a matter o/ *ure
administration' Iodies8 or2ans8 !odily liEuids matter8 not su!Fects'
"a*italism must count on eternal stru22le /or Fo!s amon2 unem*loyed8 that is8 it
needs unem*loyed to increase need o/ worB8 re2ardless worBin2 conditions8 social
status etc' 9eynes admitted that unem*loyment is inevita!le in ca*italism8 i/ we
*ersist on classical *aradi2ms o/ ca*italistic economy8 meanin2 that consum*tion will
create its own demand' )nderem*loyment is not only a *roo/ o/ unFust social system8
it also creates un!eara!le social conditions and *resents a dan2er to esta!lish social
order' Ge stressed that unem*loyment is a!ove all associated with ca*italistic
individualism (9eynes8 1Q&T12(1(0 15Q'
9eynes also admits ill-nature o/ extreme ca*italistic individualism and admits that
only :''' somewhat com*rehensive socialiAation o/ investment will *rove the only
means o/ securin2 an a**roximation to /ull em*loyment '''= (i!id'0 15U'
;n the contrary o/ neo-li!eral economic !elieves that savin2 will solve economic
*ro!lems o/ national (and 2lo!al economy8 9eynes !elieved8 a/ter the 2reat
economic crises8 that low *ro*ensity to consume holds !acB the 2rowth o/ the
ca*ital8 !ut only in conditions o/ /ull em*loyment a low *ro*ensity to consume can
contri!ute to the 2rowth o/ ca*ital (i!id'0 15S'
@et 9eynes does not see radical dynamics in ca*italism as a whole8 which is !ased on
ex*loitation? he !elieves that is im*ortant to stimulate *rivate wealth8 !ecause it
ena!les canaliAation o/ :dan2erous human *roclivities= into :harmless< o**ortunities
/or money-maBin2 and *rivate wealth '''' 7t is !etter that a man should tyranniAe
over his !anB !alance than over his /ellow-citiAens '''= (i!id'
9eynes indicated limit o/ his hy*othesis0 tyranny over its own ca*ital is tyranny over
alienated worB o/ other hands8 so thereDs no individual tyranny which wouldnDt need
institutional and le2al /rameworB /or enactin2 its *redominance8 es*ecially in a
democratic society' #!out trans/ormation o/ a22ressiveness throu2h accumulation o/
ca*ital8 we can say that the last itDs *ossi!le only in a state o/ re*ressive *rinci*le o/
reality8 i/ we re/er to Marcuse (Eros and "iviliAation8 that means alienation and
re*ression o/ Eros on !ehal/ o/ Tanathos'
+ar2e concentration o/ ca*ital and in/ormation and di//icult a**roach to these sources
is a 2reat tra2edy o/ a man8 !ecause amount o/ availa!le ca*ital doesnDt determine
only level o/ Euality o/ the li/e8 !ut also 2ives a *ower to the man to lead out certain
ideas' #symmetric concentration o/ ca*ital means that C with /ew exce*tions C only
s*eci/ic stratum has *ower to 2overn society? it determines its content8 its !orders
and uses re*ression towards all those who would dear to thwart this domination8
which masBs itsel/ throu2h ideolo2y in a discourse o/ democracy'
Potential o/ creativity is not within domain o/ ca*ital8 mostly itDs located elsewhere8
yet concentration o/ ca*ital creates ri2id *atterns o/ actin2 and ri2id constellations o/
ideas a!out what can enlar2e *resent amount o/ ca*ital8 what can !e seen also in
intellectual underestimatin2 o/ users o/ consumer 2oods and *roducts and in mass o/
occu*ations8 connected with *resent *roduction' ThatDs a reason why creative shi/ts
are so rare C in a certain sense this lo2ic has led to cultural industry and aesthetic
de*rivation o/ *o*ulation' Oeci*rocity and /reedom are in ne2ative correlation only
under re*ressive *rinci*le o/ reality8 otherwise they no!le each other'
7n !our2eois ideolo2y a man is re*resented as universal8 eternal? reality o/ the world
!ecomes ima2e o/ it? history is trans/ormed into nature8 which is there/ore
unchan2ea!le (Iarthes8 1Q5R0 1R1-1R2' Oevolutionary s*eech excludes myth8
!ecause o/ its clarity8 !ecause o/ its trans/ormation o/ reality (dynamic dimension8
instead o/ its *reservation' =The !our2eoisie hides the /act that it is the !our2eoisie
and there!y *roduces myth? revolution announces itsel/ o*enly as revolution and
there!y a!olishes myth= (i!id'0 1RT' The +e/t *roduces myths8 when a!andons her
revolutionary dimension8 or accordin2 to Iarthes when revolution acce*ts to masB
itsel/ into :the +e/t=8 hidin2 her true name and distorts itsel/ into :nature= (i!id'0 1RT-
+aw is not a minimum o/ morality? it is a maximum o/ !our2eois terror' Hho violates
law is not amoral? itDs only amoral in !our2eois view8 not universal' Penal laws8
es*ecially those which concern with *rivate *ossession8 o//ence8 security and
sexuality arenDt universal? they are ex*ression o/ *articular (!our2eois will' Iehind
!ureaucratic discourses and *ractices o/ *enal *rocedure it hides a so*histicated
*sycholo2ical *rocedure o/ torture and de-individualiAation' Mor instance ri2ht to
slee* in *risons is o/ten violated !y im*ro*er accommodation (overcrowded *risons8
totalitarian timeta!le8 ri2ht to *ersonal inte2rity and di2nity is violated !y
humiliation8 intimidation etc'8 all that in democratic societies8 who declare to res*ect
human ri2hts C what hy*ocrisy' #n2lo-Saxon *enal-laws are even more re*ressive
than that o/ "ontinental Euro*e8 concernin2 anti-terroristic le2islation8 as we shall
see in the case o/ 7celand' Morms o/ de-individualiAation in the Hest are the most
o!vious in #merica8 notorious /or draconian *enal-laws and *enal *rocedure8 !ut also
Man is s*lit in two a!stractions0 citiAen and civil man' 7n the State8 which *rovides
citiAenJs ri2hts8 man lives in ima2ination with human community8 o/ which he is
de*rived throu2h civil ri2hts' # tasB o/ revolution cannot !e merely *olitical8 which
would mean re/orm o/ the state8 !ut communist8 i/ manJs true nature shall !e
restored8 which was alienated in /orms o/ money8 *ower and 2ods (#lthusser8
1QTS12((S0 22T' :#t the end o/ history8 this man8 havin2 !ecome inhuman
o!Fectivity8 has merely to re-2ras* as su!Fect his own essence alienated in *ro*erty8
reli2ion and the State to !ecome total man8 true man= (i!id''
+aws canDt com*rehend all su!Fects? neither can treat them as eEual' Peo*le are not
eEual? they are diverse0 creative8 and non-creative8 non-con/ormist and con/ormist8
su!lime and shallow' So to im*ose eEual rules to all it would !e in the lon2 term
dan2erous (!our2eois law is anyway inclined to !ias su!Fects on !asis o/ *ro*erty'
There/ore occasional trans2ression o/ laws must ha**en /rom the side o/ su*erior8
2enius su!Fects8 is s*ite o/ collateral dama2e8 !ecause in the lon2 term *ro2ression
o/ society is ensured8 and humanity8 unaware o/ su*erior Eualities and aims o/ certain
individuals8 una!le to understand moral dimension o/ trans2ression8 will !ene/it in
the /uture' 7n this re2ard we have to understand $ietAscheDs ;verman (%er
^!ermensch0 he is !eyond (!our2eois morality8 morality o/ the slaves? otherwise he
is a very moral *erson' The *rice8 which 2enius has to *ay8 is solitude8
misunderstandin2 or even *ersecution' #rtists and revolutionaries are classical ty*es
o/ su*erior individuals'
&' Iureaucratic mind and destructive instinct
7/ we *resume that a state is or2aniAed terror8 accordin2 to MarxistDs teachin28 we
have to add that this terror consists o/ various /orces and interests8 sometimes
contradictory' Iecause *ro/essional identity de*ends /rom identi/ication with various
institutions8 many times incom*ati!le8 social mal/unction is a conseEuence o/
*artiality o/ /unctions and alienation' 7nstitutions si2nal contradictory messa2es to
the society0 re*ression C li!eration' 7denti/ication with institutions is a matter o/
individual dis*ositions and social !acB2round' Oi2id mind and ri2id !ehavior is a ty*e
o/ institutionally sha*ed identity8 which ena!les an individual to canaliAe his sadist
instincts' #ccordin2 to Mreud8 !esides instinct which :*reserve livin2 su!stance and
Foin it into ever lar2er units=8 there is another8 contrary instinct8 :seeBin2 to dissolve
those units and to !rin2 them !acB to *rimeval8 inor2anic state= (Mreud8 1Q2U12((10
115-11Q' #22ressiveness is in a service o/ Eros8 !ecause that instinct8 rather than
destroyin2 itsel/8 it is directed outwards Eros8 and on the other side sadistic instincts
can hardly !e distin2uished8 !ecause they a**ear to2ether8 mixed in di//erent
*ro*ortions8 there/ore it is di//icult to !e distin2uished each /rom another' 7n sadism
and masochism destructive instincts are alloyed with eroticism8 whether inwards or
outwards8 yet there is also non-erotic destructiveness' Hhere sadism a**ears
without sexual *ur*ose8 as :!lindest /ury o/ destructiveness= its satis/action is related
with *ower/ul narcissistic enFoyment8 /ul/illment o/ :old wishes /or omni*otence=
(i!id'0 11Q-121' The instinct o/ destruction is moderated :inhi!ited in its aim=8
there/ore itDs directed toward o!Fects8 it :*rovides the e2o with the satis/action o/ its
vital needs and with control over nature= (i!id'0 121'
Society cannot allow /ree exercise o/ destructive instincts8 there/ore they are
culturally canaliAed' %i//erent ty*es o/ *ro/essions allow di//erent de2ree o/ controlled
sadistic !ehavior8 whether it has *redominantly mental or *hysical demonstrations'
That is o!vious at !ureaucratic *ro/essions8 whether those em*loyed in (*u!lic
2overnment8 Fudicial system8 law en/orcement etc' :7 only do my dutyP= C what a
nice *hrase8 o/ those who o!ey the #uthority (their /ather8 su!consciously in name
o/ the law' 7tDs o/ten *ractice even to Bill carryin2 out duties with a!olition o/ moral
Fud2ment8 thatDs why human history is /ull o/ cemeteries o/ the innocents' The state
tries to /ind out eEuili!rium !etween maximum o/ e//icaciousness and minimum o/
collateral dama2e8 that is8 use o/ /orce8 yet *olice authoriAations increase with
develo*ment' The /inal 2oal is to *roduce maximum o/ con/ormity8 with minimum o/
re*ression8 which only means that de2ree o/ re*ression in a society as whole
increases' Extensive le2islation8 which tries to standardiAe and or2aniAe individualDs
li/e to the maximum8 is a marB o/ totalitarian state8 in name o/ security8
e//icaciousness8 I%P8 etc'8 terms so intrinsic to western democracies' "iviliAed states
tend towards even lar2er e//icacy8 administration8 standardiAation8 that means they
increase re*ression and con/ormism' %estructive instincts are a**arently ever more
a!sor!ed in the system8 non-s*ontaneous8 what means that the system itsel/
!ecomes more and more destructive8 there/ore a !ureaucratic ty*e o/ !ehavior is
*erha*s the !est ada*ted to intrinsic destructiveness o/ system as whole' Iecause o/
dele2ation o/ moral res*onsi!ility8 accordin2 to social hierarchy C re/errin2 to
#uthority C and various ty*es o/ identi/ications8 system !ecomes ex*losive8 within
/rameworB o/ ever lar2er re*ression and con/ormity' 7ndividual is increasin2ly
alienated and :ideolo2ical 2lue= o/ values canDt su!stitute lacB o/ meanin28
understandin2 o/ the whole' #ccordin2 to Marcuse we live in a re*ressive society8
where li!ido is inhi!ited to that extent that instinct o/ death invi2orates to dan2erous
limits8 as he claimed in Eros and "iviliAation'
E//icaciousness and conseEuently con/ormity is in ne2ative correlation with creativity8
!ecause creativity demands maximum /reedom8 meanwhile re*ression and *artiality
o/ /unctions are in *ositive correlation'
7nternaliAed a22ressiveness is hostile to individualXs own e2o8 su*er-e2o o*erates as
:conscience=8 which can !e used a2ainst extraneous individuals (i!id'0 12&8 there/ore
re/erence on :morality= is a /orm o/ su*er-e2o8 which can !e used to *unish
diso!edient' Punishment is a Fudicial s*ectacle o/ su*er-e2o8 that is8 im*osin2 its law8
and at the same time the only way to conciliate with its soverei2n authority8 which is
throu2h identi/ication8 *ositive resolution o/ ;edi*us com*lex' Mi2hty su*er-e2o is
result o/ stron2 sadistic instinct8 culturally internaliAed8 and at the same time8
testimonial o/ lacB o/ li!idinal /reedom on the lar2er scale in a s*eci/ic culture'
# !ureaucrat is a *etite-!our2eois at his !est8 a !ein2 without ca*a!ility to
com*rehend social com*lexity8 the di//erence' :The *etite-!our2eois is a man una!le
to ima2ine the ;ther= (Iarthes8 1Q5R0 1S18 there/or he !linds himsel/8 i2nores8
denies each otherness8 so =the ;ther is a scandal which threatens his essence=
(i!id'8 there/ore he newer widens his *ers*ective8 *er*etuatin2 (tautolo2ically his
*etite-!our2eois myth a!out Fustice8 law and order8 sin8 la!or8 wri2ht and wron28 our
and alien8 normal and a!normal8 !lacB and white8 re/errin2 su!consciously and
consciously to his /ather1mother (they told him that it is so' Gis ima2ination is Euite
one-dimensional8 always ready to demoniAe The ;ther8 #lien8 always lurBin2 /or a
Stran2er' #rro2ance and i2norance are Bey Eualities o/ *etite !our2eoisie' Iut they
are also Euite /ri2htened and /ull o/ *reFudice' He Bnow very well so called :*olice
2aAe=8 somewhat authoritarian8 somewhat schiAo*hrenic8 and each *etite-!our2eois
is a !it o/ (amateurs *oliceman and a!ove all a Jud2e' They are Fud2es in !our2eois
society on every level8 the 2reatest are in the court and8 *aradoxically8 in the *rison8
always ready to im*ose *enalty to in/erior !ein2s8 scums etc' (a *rison only re/lects
*etite-!our2eois schiAo*hrenia in *er*etual *ursuit o/ :the 2uilty one=8 !ecause
*risoners and *rison-2uards are hi2hly moral man' Iureaucrats liBe to humiliate the
others and are extremely attached to uni/orms (uni/ormity8 which 2ives them a
sense o/ su*eriority C *resum*tuousness'
:There are8 in any *etite-!our2eois consciousness8 small simulacra o/ the hooli2an8
the *arricide8 the homosexual etc'=8 or sometimes8 !ecause heDs irreduci!le8 :The
;ther !ecomes a *ure o!Fect8 a s*ectacle8 a clown= (i!id'0 1S2'
There is a correlation !etween con/idence in reli2ious institutions8 !etween a need
/or #uthority8 !etween sacral and secular authorities8 whether incarnated in mi2hty
(*arental leader or re*ressive or2ans o/ the state8 as *olice' "onservatism8 social
distance8 intolerance8 su!missiveness to authorities many times /ind institutional
/rameworB in reli2ion8 what leads to 2reater social distance and waBens social
solidarity' )nreserved con/idence in institutions reveals mental ri2idity8 a core o/
!ureaucratic character8 with sadist instincts canaliAed throu2h !elon2in2 (unlimited
con/idence to the institutions'
"hurch invi2orates re*ressive-state8 with extra*olation o/ *enal system !eyond
!orders o/ time-s*ace8 with lo2ic o/ intimidation8 control and *enalties' "hristian-
Judaic *erce*tion o/ linear time com*rehends eternity as additional *iece o/ time?
Ginduism-Iuddhism com*rehends time as a *art o/ the wheel8 which su!mer2es
alternatively /rom time to eternity and u*side down8 !ut !oth understand time as
o!Fective /act Foined with its ne2ation' Justice in eternity *ermits (excuses terror on
the earth8 so it *er*etuates status Euo8 tyranny and disci*line C it serves as a*olo2y'
Su!Fects are *resented as monadic8 althou2h they are su!mitted to im*ersonal rules'
The /aith in all-em!racin2 su!Fect8 who survives also a roller o/ death8 is a /orm o/
naive extra*olation o/ tem*oral lo2ic into a/terli/e' Su!Fect is !ody *lus mind8 so *ost-
mortal consciousness would !e there/ore conscious o/ *ro*er a!sence8 which would
have to re-create some sort o/ su!Fectivity !eyond li/e in discontinuous way8 what is
in contrast with reli2ious1a/terli/e !elieves in continuity' %eath is disinte2ration o/ the
su!Fect8 as it is *erceived durin2 li/etime8 throu2h ideolo2y o/ :su!Fectivity='
(Oeli2ious eternity is a /orm o/ menacin28 archaic su*ere2o8 a continuation o/ Fudicial
system8 with di//erent means'
Oeli2ion and law inter*ellate individuals in su!Fects when they trans2ress a norm?
when they o!ey theyDre sha*eless entities which /ollow universalities C the a!solute'
There/ore a su!Fect is a ne2ative cate2ory8 which must !e overcome with a**lication
o/ (*enal law in a course o/ time or eternity8 accordin2 to reli2ion' "a*ital8 neoli!eral
ideolo2y and reli2ious ideolo2y instrumentaliAe /ear o/ death to su!ordinate
individuals' Hith ideolo2y o/ de!t (economic8 Barmic they Fusti/y su//erin2 and
de*rivation0 *ayin2 o// de!ts8 an a*olo2y /or ex*loitation' +on2in2 /or eternity is a
si2n o/ alienation8 Marcuse was ri2ht' # truly human lon2in2 is in /act lon2in2 /or
lastin2 ha**iness8 !ut !ecause o/ conditions o/ s*ace-time and tyranny8 this lon2in2
has !ecome hum!le8 :*ost*oned= throu2h reli2ious dema2o2y on the a/terli/e'
7nstitutions annihilate individuals and individuality8 there/ore !ureaucratic society is
condemned to su//ocate ori2inality' Totalitarianism o/ institutions8 that is
*rescri*tions8 re2ulations and le2islation in democratic societies does not leave much
s*ace /or any Bind o/ 2enuine /reedom8 which is not con/orm to ca*ital8 es*ecially in
the /ield o/ creativity (also moral creativityP8 and C !ecause o/ economic determinism
C neither in the /ield o/ sexuality' Iody and mind are only a ca*ital8 which can !e
directed8 2uided8 re*ressed or stimulated' Hithin !ureaucratic society thereDs no
*lace /or the Su!Fect' ;/ course economy8 economic mode o/ *roduction is not
a!solute determination8 it is :determination in the last instance=8 it *resents one end
o/ the chain8 which Marx descri!ed8 and :on the other relative autonomy o/ the
su*erstructures=8 what means the economy is not the only determinant /actor
(#lthusser8 1QTS12((S0 111' #lthusser develo*s term o/ :overdetermination= o/ any
contradiction and constitutive element o/ the society8 meanin2 that the revolution o/
structure does not modi/y the su*erstructure8 ideolo2y8 which survives its concrete
existence (i!id'0 11S-11T' Gowever economy is !road /rameworB where interactions
taBe *lace8 even the most intimate8 what means that various stimuli do coexist and
have an im*act on individual decisions' 7/ we isolate only one /actor8 we have a
reduced ima2e o/ the su!Fect in the society' Iut with ex*osin2 one dimension we can
ex*ose also all the /alsity o/ ideolo2ical aim o/ economy to a**ro*riate the reality and
reduce the su!Fect into a thin2' More o/ that in the /ollowin2 cha*ters'
Su!Fect *resu**oses a creative and inventive dimension and un*redicta!ility8
nevertheless re*ressive society tries to minimiAe any Bind o/ un*redicta!ility8
there/ore institutions8 /or instance8 with so called :ex*erts /or talents= underestimate
true creativity and ori2inality and /avor mediocrity (or ne*otismP C thatDs ha**enin2
also at #rt #cademies' Hithin domain o/ *o*ular culture (entertainment industry
word :talent= has lon2 a2o !een entirely disEuali/ied8 that means trivialiAed8 de*rived
o/ its su!lime meanin2' #rt doesnDt have any lon2er a *ower o/ the 2et re/usal' :<
/iction su!verts everyday ex*erience and shoves to !e mutilated and /alse' Iut art
has this ma2ic *ower only as the *ower o/ ne2ation: (Marcuse 1QTR12((20 TS'
Poetic lan2ua2e is committed to ne2ation8 as insisted Paul NalLry' Gis verses s*eaB
a!out a!sent thin2s (i!id'0 U(' Presence mutilates ima2ination' +ow a!ility o/
sym!olic and multidimensional thinBin2 is si2ni/icant /or *o*ular understandin2 o/ art
as entertainment (utilitarian use' Power o/ ne2ation8 o/ revolt8 is re*laced !y
Iureaucratic mind can !e a *art o/ dread/ul machine' Hhen she re*orted on the trial
o/ Eichmann8 Gannah #rendt used them :the Ianality o/ evil=8 which re/ers to the
:*henomenon o/ evil deeds8 committed on a 2i2antic scale=8 which are not :*roo/ o/
an ori2inal evil element in human nature=8 result o/ s*ecial wicBedness8 *atholo2y8
monstrosity8 ideolo2ical /anaticism o/ the doer8 !ut somethin2 much more trivial8
!ased on :extraordinary shallowness=8 :authentic ina!ility to thinB= (Guan28 2((T0
1&' Iureaucrats do not thinB8 they /ul/il the orders8 o!ey the authority' #re we to !e
sur*rised !y the /act that in smaller scale /ri2ht/ul acts can !e *er*etrated within
:democratic state=8 :rule o/ law=8 as we saw on exam*le o/ %iaA and IolAanetoZ
Iureaucrats are *aid not to reason8 not to ima2ine' 7n an uncertain situation8 where
authority crum!les8 !ureaucrat-*olicemen and other o//icers can sta2e a 2rotesEue
Fudicial *er/ormance o/ authority to the detriment o/ those who donDt o!ey' ThatDs
why demonstrants are o/ten !eaten' #ny le2aliAed re*ression or even !ureaucratic
automatism is an act o/ violence8 even worse8 !ecause it re/ers to :the reason='
R' Mass media *roduction and a**ro*riation o/
Mass media create one-dimensional world8 without de*th' Mass media Fournalism is
*ro*a2anda /or state terrorism and consumerism' #nalytical and re/lective sBills8
which Fournalists should *oses8 are !ein2 *ut on the side on !ehal/ o/ ca*ital
interests C which are8 at the same time8 ideolo2ical' "a*ital is not neutral? it masBs
consistent8 devastatin2 ideolo2y o/ ca*italistic totalitarianism' Mass media tries to
naturaliAe lo2ic o/ ca*ital' Serious news*a*ers8 TN-news serve as advertisin2 /or
:hard news=8 with stress on ne2ative as*ects o/ li/e8 in order to con/irm social
eEuili!rium and *er*etuate common sense' @ellow *rint serves as a vehicle /or
*romotion o/ cele!rities and idea o/ unlimited social mo!ility8 so mediates masses a
distorted *erce*tion o/ the world'
$arrative Fournalist 2enres8 includin2 television news8 try to re*resent individual as
sha*eless8 similar to multitude o/ other nameless8 with clear *etite-!our2eois
morality a!out wri2ht and wron28 and entirely i2norant a!out art and science'
Per*etuation o/ common sense8 melodramatic a**eals8 mediocrity and triviality in
Fournalism have /inancial 2oals8 !ut a!ove all ideolo2ical' Passive and towards
consum*tion orientated mind is much easier to control8 and when social crises !raBe
out8 there are always nationalistic a**les which can !e used to a**ease demands /or
2reater social /airness' 7ndividuals8 re*resented in mass media are8 i/ not cele!rities8
only victims or exam*les o/ extreme con/ormism' NictimiAation o/ anonyms is use/ul
ideolo2ical o*eration /or sustainin2 *resent state o/ a//airs and moral domination o/
!our2eoisie' # villain is8 on the other *art o/ mediaDs rain!ow8 indis*ensa!le vehicle
to draw a moral /rom story' # lulled individual is the !est *roduct o/ consumer
society' Iehind values o/ individualism8 Fusti/ia!le only throu2h ca*ital8 it uncovers a
true 2reyness o/ one-dimensional society'
Media have hu2e im*act on human mind8 ideas and emotion' That !rin2s a Euestion
o/ res*onsi!ility8 which media i2nore' Television news8 /or instance as clearly archaic8
o!viously *ro*a2andistic (conservative /orm o/ cowerin2 news8 underestimate its
audience with monta2e o/ attractions and authoritative voice o/ narrator' MediaD
stories create *arallelism o/ terror1ne2ativity (extraordinary events8 hard news all
over the world to en/orce consensus o/ common sense'
Hhen Fournalists re*ort on *rotests8 they mostly s*eaB a!out a22ression /rom the
side o/ demonstrants8 rarely /rom the side o/ *olice C thatDs not a coincidence'
Journalistic 2enres (exce*t commentary are meant to *romote Fudicature8 *olice8
etc' not in a literal sense8 o/ course8 !ut in a sense o/ ideolo2y8 ideolo2ical
conver2ence o/ *er*etuatin2 status Euo' 7n/otainment !ecame *redominant /rom o/
news covera2e in mainstream media8 !ut also nostal2ia /or serious Fournalism seems
o!solete at *resent trends' 7nde*endence /rom ca*ital (cor*orations can only assure
s*ace /or critical8 analytical Fournalism8 !ut thanBs to neoli!eral commodi/ication o/
media8 this s*ace shrinBs' "ommercial Fournalist is C !eside a !ureaucrat C a *etite-
!our2eois at his !est? inca*a!le o/ understandin2 lar2e dimension o/ social *ro!lems
and com*lexity o/ human society and its anta2onisms' # sociolo2ist or even !etter a
*hiloso*her is com*etent /or that Bind o/ Euestions? there/ore to /ree media would
mean to 2ive them in the hands o/ ex*erts with analytical stren2th and Bnowled2e
and social sensitivity' MaFority o/ mainstream Fournalist and media editors are
un/ortunately de*rived o/ these Eualities (Fournalist with socio-*hiloso*hic Bnowled2e
are rarity8 !esides they are de*endent /rom editors8 who are accounta!le to the
ca*ital' They are Been to stress a salient :*ro!lem= (i/ that is indeed8 dou!t/ully8
!ut they rarely asB themselves a!out the context? that is !ecause Fournalism is a
*ersuasive /orm o/ mass communication8 similar to advertisin2' Journalists8 em*loyed
in mass media8 mainly advertise a *etite-!our2eois way o/ li/e and social
conservatism' Their *re/erred /orm o/ narration is melodrama (human-interest
stories or *sychodrama (sensationalism' Oe*ortin2 on events8 which seems to !e
o!Fective8 is in /act ideolo2ically /ramed to*ics8 Fuxta*osition o/ events8 care/ully
selected accordin2 news-value (ne2ativity8 *rominence8 valence etc'8 which are
su**ortin2 an ideolo2ical *remise' Sensationalism and creatin2 o/ moral *anics are
common a**roaches' Journalism is either inclined to servility8 servile *olitical
discourse' Journalism is *redominately conservative re2ardin2 to society'
He canDt ima2ine a news*a*er article or TN-news sayin20 :He are 2oin2 to show you
simulations o/ reality8 what is real /ind out yoursel/'= ThereDs no (o!Fective discourse
!eyond ideolo2y? we can nevertheless distinct two ty*es o/ discourse0 re*ressive
discourse8 which is si2ni/icant /or esta!lished social structures8 tryin2 to maintain
status Euo8 and discourse o/ li!eration8 which tries to su!vert status Euo'
#dvertisin28 similar to Fournalism8 also *romotes (*etite !our2eois values and
material culture0 /etishistic o!Fects which are used to a**ease e2o-demands o/
mutilated su!Fects8 de*rived o/ #rt8 Philoso*hy8 hi2h culture8 who try to8 *athetically8
to maBe an im*ression on the society with cons*icuous consum*tion'
Po* culture8 extensively *romoted throu2h mass media8 is another /orm o/
domination8 which *assiviAes and hy*notiAes an individual8 under the *retence o/
:democratiAation o/ culture=' Iecause itDs without de*th8 itDs without reality' Oeality o/
art is newer an imitation o/ *hysical reality? itDs su*erior8 su!lime reality8 a su!limated
Eros' :Oeality=8 in a common sense o/ the word has a re*ressive and dema2o2ic
im*act? use o/ this word is a common ideolo2ical aim o/ lowerin2 standards o/
Pro!lem o/ reality has !een resolved with technical simulation8 with multi*lication o/
ima2es without meanin28 so :the hi2hest /unction o/ the si2n is to maBe reality
disa**ear8 and8 at the same time8 to masB that disa**earance= (Iaudrillard8 2((50
S' =Ielie/ in reality is one o/ the elementary /orms o/ reli2ious li/e=8 so :< the
*ro*a2andists o/ reality= had reduce :their own lives to an accumulation o/ /acts and
evidences= (i!id'0 QS-QT' That is ty*ical /or ideolo2y o/ /acts' #*olo2ists and
*ro*a2andists o/ reality (material namely !elieve that actual /orm o/ existence o/
:thin2s= (*ersons included is in accordance with their essence8 they see no
discre*ancy !etween essence and a**earance8 they i2nore contradictory nature o/
thin2s' They have one-dimensional mind' %iscourse o/ rationality8 em*iricism8 is not
ideolo2ically neutral8 on the contrary0 it has an aim o/ re*ression o/ human s*irit? it
has a conservative *olitical /orm' Hord reality in a common sense (or in natural
science is related to coercion8 *ower relations8 not to /reedom o/ mind8 to
essentialities' 7t has con/ormist8 re*ressive character8 instead o/ li!eral' He do not
live in the :reality=8 !ut in a simulation o/ reality8 which wants to *er*etuate
re*ressive society' Plural /orm :we= C and word :reality= can !e used in relation to
s*eci/ic social stratum0 social reality o/ lower middle class or the *oor or the rich in
this or that country in s*eci/ic time /or instance (it is true that the rich and the *oor
do not live in the same :reality=' That is social reality? *ersonal realities are as many
*ersons inha!it the 2lo!e' Philoso*hy seeBs /or reality which is /ree /rom di//erence
!etween *otentiality and actuality8 /ree reality' +o2os and Eros seeB /or truth !eyond
contin2ent reality? Fud2ments on reality include its su!version' Em*irical reality has
ne2ative character accordin2 to dialectic' Truth has su!versive *ower' #ll *hiloso*hy8
which examines reality8 is !ased on two dimensional thou2ht (Marcuse8 1QTR12((20
1&1-1&T' Mormal lo2ic ne2lects con/lict !etween essence and a**earance?
technolo2ical rationality is liBed with rules o/ domination and control' +o2ic o/
thou2ht !ecomes lo2ic o/ domination' %ialectical lo2ic understands the world as
historical universe8 !ased on historical reason? it o**oses the esta!lished order and
reveals irrational nature o/ social order' Two-dimensional dialectic *hiloso*hic thou2ht
is critical and ne2ative thinBin2? it stresses con/lict !etween actual and *otential
ca*a!ilities in the society' "ontradiction in dialectic is !ased on the very nature o/ the
o!Fect o/ thou2ht8 reality8 while esta!lished reality denies and /i2hts a2ainst lo2ic o/
contradictions8 retainin2 status Euo (i!id'0 1R1-1RT'
Iio*olitics and discourse o/ rationality8 control and ideolo2ical a**ro*riation o/ reality
2o hand in hand in all /ields o/ society (Fudicature8 *olice8 medicine8 *olitics8
economy8 media etc' Scienti/ic method which ena!led e//icient domination o/ nature
*rovided also means /or e//ective domination o/ a man !y man' Theoretical and
*ractical reason mer2ed (i!id'0 1T2' 7n this re2ard itDs relevant to mention that
western medicine 2lori/ies ideolo2y o/ /acts8 accumulation o/ /acts8 !io*olitical ethic
and /or2ets *ersonality (a *atient is not a sum o/ !ody or2ans' Physicians !elieve
that li/e is anythin2 that develo*s /rom the /irst till the last heart!eat8 and /or2et that
a man is transcendence8 not a /lesh8 not a !ulB o/ atoms (there/ore they /or2et
Eualitative dimension o/ li/e and sustain even un!eara!le li/e and o**ose to
euthanasia? it is also no wander why medicine and reli2ion condemn suicide C
!ecause o/ re*ressive ideolo2y'
Mor *oets they say0 They dream8 they live dreamin2' Mor realists8 it could !e said0
@ou delude yoursel/ with reality8 which is 2oin2 to reveal itsel/ to you as
disa**earance' "onsciousness seeBs *roximity8 yet *roximity reveals itsel/ mostly as
distance' To maBe a distance *roximity it is a tasB o/ artistic worB' %esire /or :radical
otherness=8 :alien *er/ection= is the only *ro/ound desire (Iaudrillard8 2((50 55-Q5'
7llusory reality is derided reality on !ehal/ o/ rationalism0 :< illusion is not the
o**osite o/ reality? it is a more su!tle reality <= (i!id'0 5U'
PirandelloDs ima2inary character /rom the *lay Sei *ersona22i in cerca dDautore (Six
"haracters Searchin2 /or an #uthor ex*lains to the director o/ the *lay that
ima2inary characters do not have other reality !esides illusion8 !ut *recisely !ecause
he (the director !elieves in his own (*hysical reality8 althou2h his *resent reality
shall a**ear as an illusion already tomorrow8 as it had that o/ yesterday8 there/ore
artistic illusion is more real than the material reality0 :< realtY sua < _ destinata a
sco*rirlesi illusione domani= (Pirandello8 1QQ&12((S0 UR2'
:Mor reality is an illusion8 and all thou2ht must seeB /irst o/ all to unmasB it=
(Iaudrillard8 2((50 1((' Oeality< is a *olysemyc word8 as words are8 !ut much more
than others' Everyone wants to a**ro*riate reality8 accordin2 to his *ersonal needs'
$on-thinBers namely mean !y this word material reality to which everythin2 is an
illusion8 !ut illusion is reality o/ thou2ht8 not that o/ senses' Iecause reality is
ex*erience o/ *henomenon8 it has *henomenolo2ical dimension and Euality'
Phenomenolo2ical reduction8 i/ we re/er to Gusserl8 is *erha*s the most real
ex*erience in :voluntary= cases? in :involuntary= cases (coercion material
circumstances reduce creative *ower o/ consciousness8 not a!olish it (resistance is
always the minimum *rove o/ consciousness' 7t is consciousness which determines
the content and sco*e o/ reality8 not vice versa8 matter exists re2ardless the
consciousness' "onsciousness structures reality8 reality is a correlate o/
consciousness' Matter is not an eEuivalent o/ reality C reality is derived conce*t C? it
is its inte2ral *art in materialism' Those who swore (The IelieversP on material
reality8 *al*a!le reality as only a!solute and only measure o/ human ex*erience8
declare that /aith only so8 !ecause it com/orts them' Oealm o/ thou2ht mi2ht /ri2hten
them' They are 2rate/ul to their senses8 they are convinced' Meelin2 o/ 2ratitude is
essential to sta!iliAe a relationshi* with 2ood o!Fect and to a**reciate the 2oodness
o/ others and itsel/' 7t derives /rom relationshi* o/ a mother with a new!orn'
Ieatitude o/ a new!orn8 sucBin2 the !reast o/ mother is !asic /or all /uture *leasures
o/ the li/e? it 2ives a /eelin2 o/ unity with other *erson (9lein8 1QSU12(120 2T-2U'
@et *sychoanalysts as 9lein or Mreud too easily succum! to their own illusion o/
reality0 it is not motherDs !reast internaliAed C the !reast is never what it a**ears to
!e C8 it is a *henomenon' Oeality de*ends on con/errin2 a sense8 there/ore it canDt
exist a *riory' # matter8 the world8 the universe exists a *riory8 while reality is our
inter*retation8 inte2ration8 construction o/ it' Oeality is Been to relativity' %ou!t is a
luxury o/ /ree mind' Oeality is a /rameworB8 de*endin2 on inter*retation? the matter
sim*ly is8 it exists8 without ex*lanation8 without our attri!utes C material matters
(material reality' Oeality related to sense is another matter0 a human reality C what
it can reality mean to me' To re/er to reality cate2orically it means sim*ly to exclude
the consciousness? reality without consciousness is not human reality8 !ut reality o/
the thin2s8 *lants8 animals8 which are not aware o/ the reality' Existence is much
more a**ro*riate word8 to descri!e what exists without re/errin2 to our
inter*retation' # stone and 78 we !oth exist8 !ut we are not the same8 althou2h we
share some elements'
%ialectic materialism reduces1de-*rivile2es the consciousness as es*ecial creative
element8 on the 2rounds o/ anti-idealistic inter*retation o/ the world' 7n his *olemics
with Ernest Mach +enin criticiAes Mach8 com*arin2 him to IerBeley C the world is
only his idea (soli*sism' #ccordin2 to Mach only sensations exist8 which /orm
elements (*sychical and *hysical' +enin calls this con/used idealism8 and says that
matter exists inde*endently /rom sensations8 consciousness' The consciousness is
the hi2hest *roduct o/ the matter (+enin8 1QST0 &U-&5' The consciousnesses
transcends the matter and is or2aniAed di//erently as atoms8 molecules or anti-
matter' The consciousness is su*erior to the matter8 accordin2 to human ex*erience8
matter which the consciousness models8 modi/ies consciously' The consciouses is
su*erior to the matter !y its essence8 not existence or stren2th' The consciousness
does not re/lect C as +enin *ro*oses C the mater8 !ut it creates8 remaBes what
encircles it8 creates and constantly re-maBes the world o/ meanin2 and *ur*ose' 7t
inter*rets the *henomenal world8 creates a unity' The world o/ the *henomenon is
not the world o/ dialectic matter' 7t is neither static8 as meta*hysic would su22est'
"ommonsense materialistic thinBin2 2oes liBe this0 matter - ima2e o/ it - meanin2 -
reality' Ietween material o!Fect and ima2e o/ this o!Fect we can not draw eEual
si2ns and *arallelisms0 consciousness creates a reality o/ *henomenons'
Materialism C in the contrast with su!Fectivism8 idealism C ori2inates /rom the
conce*t o/ o!Fective laws o/ the nature8 which re/lect in the consciousness (i!id'0
1T1' The order o/ thin2s is not the order o/ lo2os8 o/ sense8 otherwise each contrast
!etween the man and the world would disa**ear' #!surd o/ li/eJs !rie/ duration and
su//erin2 em*hasiAe this o**osition8 *aradox o/ existence' En2els a//irms in #nti-
%`hrin2 that human !rains are a *roduct o/ nature8 so they canJt !e in contrast with
it (i!id'0 1T&' "onsciousness is not the same thin2 as the !rains8 thou2h it uses
them' "onsciousness is a sur*lus o/ the matter? it enters in the contrast with it8 in a
relation o/ denial (enou2h to remem!er the illness8 death8 violence etc''
"onsciousnesses Bnows no limits8 it is o*en toward in/inity? what limits it8 is a!surd
o/ existence' "onsciousness can not !e derived dialectically? it is not a sim*le
antithesis o/ the matter8 which would /allow the synthesis' Hhat would that !eZ
"onsciousness is overdetermined'
+et us return /rom *hiloso*hical di2ression to the world o/ mass media *roduction'
Iecause masses have lost their *lace /or transcendence8 they are dominated !y
simulations o/ transcendence8 that means they are !etrayed /rom :miniature-authors=
(sin2ers8 actors8 scri!!lers0 *o*-stars and their *roducers' Entertainment had
re*laced art' The #uthor is dead' "ultural industry a!olished the #uthor8 !ecause o/
standardiAation o/ their *roducts' 7n s*ite o/ some !ri2ht exce*tions (Mrench "hanson
/or instance the result is devastatin2' 7t is very naive !elie/ that music is !eyond
ideolo2y8 only !ecause it is !our2eois? on the contrary0 under *retense o/ *olitical
neutrality it s*eaBs (it shouts a!out love and sex8 conce*ts which 2lori/y *atholo2ic
individualism and *ersuade *eo*le they should mind their own !usiness' The IeatlesD
son2 :#ll you need is love= is a 2ood exam*le o/ !our2eois ideolo2y' There can !e no
love without /ood and water and /ul/illment o/ !asic cor*oral needs? there can !e no
love without intellectual and moral /reedom? there can !e no love without esthetic
su!limation o/ Eros' So called :2ateBee*ers= in the /ield o/ culture su//er /rom lacB o/
cultural ca*ital8 there/ore true artistic creations hardly 2et due media attention'
TranEuiliAin2 e//ect o/ *o*ular-music son2s8 which use noise as *seudo :re!ellious
tone=8 is /ar too o!vious8 !ecause it dominates the audience? it overwhelms them and
!enum!s them' Truly revolutionary sound o/ IeethovenDs and ShostaBovichDs
sym*honies is unBnown to *o*ular music8 *recisely !ecause itDs conservative' ThereDs
neither true *assion nor /reedom in it as it is in NerdiDs o*eras' Gow many artists liBe
Modi2liani8 )n2aretti or #ntonioni o/ our time donDt 2et even the least chance /or
*romotion8 !ecause o/ ca*ital-orientated and shallow-minded media *olicyZ
@et a hun2er /or transcendence increases8 in s*ite o/ ever lar2er domination8 and
desire /or li!eration o/ Eros' Even Eros is twisted8 masBed8 or derided (as it is in *o*-
culture *roducts it lives !eneath the sur/ace o/ the :s*ectacle o/ !odies='
S' #lienation and hun2er /or transcendence
#lienation means that individual is *assive and estran2ed /rom the world8 which is8
as well as natural and social8 alien to him8 includin2 o!Fects8 which are creations o/
his own hands' That leads to worshi* o/ idols (in which li/e is /roAen8 to which he is
su!mitted (Mromm8 1QT112(110 RR' 7dolatry o/ everyday o!Fects8 technical
a**aratus8 cars8 mediaDs simulacrums C cele!rities etc' "once*t o/ alienation is
derives /rom distinction !etween existence and essence8 on the /act that :manDs
existence is alienated /rom his essence=' Man is estran2ed /rom his creative *owers8
durin2 the *rocess o/ worB and o!Fects o/ his creation8 to what we have to add that
Marx :did not /oresee the extent to which alienation was to !ecome=8 meanin2
:increasin2 se2ment o/ the *o*ulation which mani*ulate sym!ols and man8 rather
than machines= (i!id'0 RT-ST'
Peo*le em*loyed in marBetin2 are or2aniAin2 their conscious and su!conscious
motives only in order to 2ain money8 in mayor cases8 they have marBet-orientated
mind' Socially they are mostly mem!ers o/ lower middle class8 *etite !our2eoisie'
Semi-intellectual *roletariat (*recariat also has to sell themselves constantly
!ecause o/ unsta!le Fo!s8 tem*orary arran2ements8 *art-time contracts etc' Their
alienation has no *hysical conseEuences to the tra2ic extent o/ manual worBers
(/rom the 1Q
century8 with un!eara!le li/e conditions8 on the contrary? nevertheless
the mutilation o/ their consciousness and their *otentials is no smaller' Their identity
is mutilated' Iecause ca*italism strives to limit individualDs social awareness8 a
multitude o/ non-com*ati!le identities emer2es' They develo* a**arent *seudo-
individuality8 durin2 their worBin2 *rocess8 meanin2 that they have no *ower to
chan2e *roduction conditions and have no insi2ht in a *roduction *rocess as a
whole8 es*ecially re2ardin2 *roduction o/ ideas8 which *er*etuate *resent *ower
relationshi*s and codes o/ !ehavior8 le2islation and *olitics'
Marx was concerned with li!eration o/ man /rom :worB that destroys his individuality8
which trans/orms him into a thin2=8 maBin2 him :into the slave o/ thin2s=8 so heDs not
ca*a!le to develo* his whole humanity8 intellectually8 actively (i!id'0 R5'
Similar to reli2ion8 where individual is 2overned :!y *roduct o/ his own !rains= in
ca*italist *roduction :he is 2overned !y the *roducts o/ his hands=8 trans/ormin2
:human !ein2 into a machine=8 there/ore man is alienated /rom other men as well
/rom his s*iritual and natural Eualities (i!id'0 S(-S2'
Marx claims that risin2 o/ material o!Fects leads to 2rowth o/ alien entities to which
man is su!Fected8 with *otential dan2ers o/ deceit8 ro!!ery etc' and conseEuently
im*overishment o/ a man' Gis need /or money increases' Money is the only /orce
which can master hostile environment8 there/ore man !ecomes more and more
de*endent on money8 less inde*endent8 autonomic8 and his need /or money is the
only 2enuine need created !y modern economy (i!id'0 SR'
7n contrast with Mromm #lthusser claims that Marx !roBe in 15RS with theoretical
*retences o/ *hiloso*hical humanism8 de/inin2 humanism ideolo2y (#lthusser8
1QTS12((S0 225' 7n lan2ua2e o/ theory he s*eaBs o/ :MarxJs theoretical anti-
humanism=8 !ut this is:the a!solute (ne2ative *recondition o/ the (*ositive
Bnowled2e o/ the human world itsel/8 and o/ its *ractical trans/ormation= (i!id'0 22Q'
#lthusser admits that even classless communist society would need some ideolo2y8
!ut instead o/ !ein2 used at advanta2e o/ minority8 to the *ro/it o/ all (i!id'0 2&T'
7n ca*italist society thereJs endless circle o/ chase /or money' "a*italism creates
whores8 in meta*horical sense8 and slaves' Materialism in a sense o/ 2ainin2 material
o!Fects which dominate man8 is a 2enuine achievement o/ ca*italistic *roduction8
there/ore man is heteronomous8 not autonomous8 !ecause o/ his increasin2
de*endency' "onsumerism is 2ood exam*le o/ manDs addiction to thin2s'
"onsum*tion has no endin2' Mechanisms which su**ort escalatin2 levels o/
consum*tion are0 1 Social com*arison8 related with social discrimination8 *resti2e?
2 Sel/-identity (li/estyles8 attachment to 2rou*s' "onsumerDs choice can cause
*ersonal anxiety' "onsumers seeB in o!Fects sense o/ security and satis/action8 itDs a
sort o/ individualiAation8 2eneratin2 some sort o/ virtual community (neo-tri!alism?
& $ovelty' Social-*sycholo2ists ex*lain that *eo*le !uy *roducts !ecause they o//er
them mental stimulation8 they /i2ht a2ainst !oredom? R %iderot E//ect8 meanin2 that
items should match each other8 what leads to never-endin2 acEuisition and
re*lacement o/ items8 so demands can !e ex*onential (Shove8 Harde8 2((&0 R-T'
Iesides *athetic showin2 o// their well-state thereDs also non-realiAed creativity in
consum*tion' 7nhi!ited creativity8 sel/-realiAation and aesthetic su!limation8
destroyed social consciousness8 lacB o/ awareness o/ historical stru22le !etween
la!or and ca*ital are results o/ alienation'
Each acEuisition is an act o/ a**ro*riation o/ material o!Fects (with hi2h sym!olic
value' Iecause o!Fects communicate throu2h menin2es8 which are annotated to
them8 that is material and sym!olic a**ro*riation' The meanin2s are created !y
manu/acturer8 advertiser? a !uyer can *artly decontextualiAe them only a *osteriori8
!ut not durin2 act o/ acEuisition8 and !e/ore-acEuisition8 so we canDt s*eaB on none
democratic *otential o/ consumers' "onsumer-value has cultural *riorities and
/unctional' %ominant culture is created !y those who have economic and *olitical
*ower and consumer-culture re/lects *ower relationshi*s in a ca*italistic society'
;!Fects with hi2h meanin2-value serve C similar to love acts C to ex*ression and
transcendence' Iecause o/ its one-dimensionality8 inhi!ited creativity8 each
acEuisition is a /ailure8 which creates endless hun2er /or new and new o!Fects8 which
can never satiate *er*etual desire /or transcendence' #dvertisin28 with well *redicted
!ecomin2 o!solete enhances this eternal hun2er /or new and new o!Fects o/
Guman identity is created throu2h relationshi*s8 worB and environment' 7tDs also
created throu2h *hysical o!Fects8 those which are on the marBet' Iecause o/ a!sence
o/ dimension o/ dura!ility8 this identity constantly evades' "onsumers are related with
other consumers throu2h common sym!ols C !rands (*hysical o/ live-!rands0
cele!rities8 o!Fects o/ alienation8 there/ore consumer society creates *hantom-liBe
relationshi*s8 relationshi* which are simulated' Phantom-identity is identity created
!y identi/ication with mass mediaXs a !rands C cele!rities or 2lo!al (technical8 o/
/ashion !rands' "onsumer culture reduces and trivialiAes multidimensionality o/
manDs existential ex*erience on !anal dilemma to !uy or not to !uy8 instead o/
ShaBes*earian1GamletDs dilemma'
Products8 which emer2e on the 2lo!al marBet8 are *uri/ied o/ social history o/ their
*roduction and o/ their true social *rice (manu/actured in 7ndia8 Tailand or "hina /or
small chan2e' Iecause they a**ear to !e without history8 endless8 they8 so
transitory8 want to !ecome history itsel/'
+i/e is interacted *iece o/ worB o/ anta2onisms8 which are !ased on anta2onisms o/
time-s*ace8 which is an anta2onism o/ li/e and death' Hithin these conditions each
individual resolves these contradictions in his own way8 each /or himsel/ in interaction
with similar-thinBin2 and /eelin2 su!Fects' These contradictions taBe *lace in certain
social-*roduction /rameworB8 which essentially determines individualDs li/e-conditions?
!ecause elites 2ain hu2e social *ower8 which im*roves their existential conditions on
account o/ the others8 they Fusti/y this course o/ action and le2itimiAe and mysti/y it
throu2h dominate ideolo2y and le2islation'
# man is a social !ein28 !ecause he canDt survive alone in the nature8 yet even in a
horde o/ animals we can see some sort o/ hierarchy C similar in the society' Iut a
man is sel/-aware !ein2 and he does not taBe /or 2ranted social hierarchy8 es*ecially
when it endan2ers his existential conditions' Iecause endan2erin2 o/ existential
conditions o/ a man is one o/ Bey :Eualities= o/ ca*italism8 ca*italism un!inds a man
o/ his social consciousness and conseEuently also morality' #lienated individual8
alienated /rom his *otentials8 victim o/ his existential conditions8 who shall in a
*resent social /rameworB commit an act o/ delinEuency8 will violate norm o/
reci*rocity8 re2ardin2 :universal= hy*othetical norms? taBin2 into account ex*loitin2
society8 in which he exists8 his 2uilt is relative' "reatin2 conditions /or diver2ence
!etween reci*rocity on universal level and on the *resent social level is dan2erous'
"a*italism acce*ts this risB and *ays a hi2h *rice /or it' This situation in the lon2 run
waBens social cohesively and leads into colla*se'
"a*italism *ushes the *eo*le in conditions8 when they have no alternative? es*ecially
that is seen on the marBet o/ la!or in 2rowin2 rate o/ unem*loyment and rise o/
tem*orary or *art-time contracts8 with merit-*ay' +ess o!vious that ha**ens on
marBet o/ consumer 2oods8 where manu/acturers8 distri!utors8 and salesmen *um*
hu2e *ro/its throu2h mani*ulation with consumerDs i2norance8 so they alienate them
/rom worB o/ their hands C and those o/ their /ellows (outsourced worBers8
anonymous8 under*aid /rom %evelo*in2 "ountries' 7ncreasin2 o/ availa!le
in/ormation does not increase consumerDs Bnowled2e a!out the o//er? neither does
not am*li/y his autonomy' "onsumers are su!dued to advertisin2 storm8 which canDt
Salesmen are /orced to sell8 alon2 with a *roduct8 a *art o/ themselves8 their marBet-
develo*ed character8 and their Bindness8 which has nothin2 in common with 2enuine
human relationshi*s8 !ecause itDs arti/icial' "a*italism creates a *artial human !ein28
with a multitude o/ su!-*ersonalities8 usin2 them now it this8 now in that /unction8
!ut the main 2oal o/ theoretical Marxism was creation o/ a total man'
To destroy or to waBen individual social consciousness8 that means com*rehension o/
reci*rocity !etween *eo*le and !elon2in2 to wider social /rame8 means to de*rive a
man o/ his humanity' Social consciousness can develo* only in conditions o/ eEuality
o/ ri2hts o/ their mem!ers (what is /ar more then ca*italistic-!our2eois /lourish :He
are all eEual !e/ore the lawa' Social consciousness can neither !e created arti/icially8
throu2h constraint (cult o/ *ersonalities as this had tried some :communist systems=
(they were not communist at all8 which distorted MarxistDs teachin2? social
consciousness rises or2anically8 with *artici*ation o/ all mem!ers o/ the society8 who
reco2niAe8 a/ter consideration8 what are the :alternatives=' # dou!t is a healthy
/oundin2 o/ each society and also a necessary condition /or *ro2ress' The /inal 2oal
o/ Marxism was end o/ the state with its most *arasitic or2aniAations0 !ureaucracy
and *olice' #im o/ Marxism was end o/ distinction !etween intellectual and *hysical
worB as a source o/ endless discriminations and ex*loitation on the marBet o/ la!or'
#im o/ Marxism was end o/ ex*loitation o/ a man !y a man and his /inal li!eration o/
social constraints and all /orms o/ tyranny' 7ntermediate *hase /or achievin2 this
no!le 2oal b adictatorshi* o/ *roletariat: C has !een at so called sel/-*roclaimed
:communist-socialist= systems8 which distorted MarxistDs teachin2s an a*olo2y /or
dictatorshi* o/ another ty*e8 there is reason why norm o/ reci*rocity has !een a2ain
violated8 in di//erent /orm8 with enormous social *rice' 7deolo2ies have !een misused
durin2 human history so many times to excuse tyranny8 /or whatever reasons8 on
whatever 2rounds' This com*rehension does not untie a man /rom his historical tasB8
which is a stru22le a2ainst a tyranny8 whatever her name is'
# man is a universe /or himsel/ and had always searched related universes already in
his earliest childhood8 in slum!er o/ consciousness C there it derives a conFecture o/
his timeless core C 8 !ecause matter o/ consciousness wants to multi*ly' The man
had always /ou2ht a2ainst limits o/ time and s*ace8 a!surd8 which emer2ed as
conseEuence o/ individual incom*ati!le systems with other *eo*le and had realiAed
himsel/ in !roader social context' #ll three levels o/ manDs *erce*tion and activity C
intra-su!Fective8 inter-su!Fective and social C are interde*endent8 sometimes one side
!ecome more evident in the /ront o/ the others' 7n every society asymmetries had
raised8 which a22ravated li/e-conditions to maFority' These arti/icial conditions have
!een *ro*a2ated !y ideolo2ists o/ dominant class to excuse status Euo and their own
Garder his existential conditions are8 harder an individual transcends himsel/'
"orrelation !etween social system and human a!ility o/ sel/-ex*ression ca*italism
systematically denies' #nd so individualiAes /ailure o/ an individual in all li/e /ields'
9ey mechanism is sym!oliAation8 which includes waste *alate o/ social *ractices8 o/
which not insi2ni/icant *art is also mediaDs re*resentation and 2lori/ication o/ stars8
which incarnate ca*italistic *ros*erity and conceal ca*italistic tra2edy8 throu2h
mechanism o/ *hantom-liBe identi/ication' Nirtual identi/ication with o!Fects o/
simulation always a**eals on manDs su!conscious8 and es*ecially at less educated
stratums (where i2norance is systematically *roduced o*erates as le2itimation o/
status Euo in the society'
T' Oealm o/ naBed simulations
He live in a world o/ hi**er-*roduction o/ reality (material8 social8 and simulated
realities try to veil ontolo2ical a!sence o/ sense' Sense is cate2ory a *osteriori8 not a
*riori8 re2ardin2 human existential situation8 re2ardin2 existence8 which 2ets sense
o/ its own existence /or !acB (a *osteriori ex*lanation' Sym!olical world is a Bey
com*onent o/ human identity and a !road *alette o/ discourses o//ers a vast list o/
sym!olic meanin2s' 7n situation o/ decline o/ meanin2 o/ classical reli2ious ideolo2ies
and increase o/ ideolo2y o/ consumer society8 advertisin2 *lays an im*ortant role' He
can a2ree with common critiEues o/ advertisin2 that it encoura2es shallow instincts8
a**ealin2 on com*etitiveness8 *resti2e8 envy8 yet this critiEue is im*er/ect8 !ecause it
/or2ets that *roduction system is the one8 which *ro*a2ates certain values and
ne2lects others' #dvertisement sim*ly *er*etuates and *roli/erates materialistic
culture8 with cons*icuous commodities8 !ecause advertisement itsel/ has no moral
autonomy? advertisers serve to the ca*ital8 not ideals (they su//er /rom lacB o/ moral
Fud2ment' Iut a *ro!lem is dee*er8 it has an existentialist dimension' 7n a desire to
maBe sense and cate2oriAe a whole o/ human existence8 virtual realities are
emer2in2 within cultural *raxes o/ advertisin2 C as well in cultural industry C with its
sym!ols which are in service o/ dominant ideolo2y o/ existin2 *roduction system'
Iecause o/ alienation and ex*loitation o/ masses8 a desire /or simulations (illusions
constantly 2rows' # desire to esca*e /rom re*ressive8 alienated material reality
2rows' Iecause *o*ular culture tries to mutilate manDs aesthetic sensitivity8
ca*italism8 which *ro*a2andiAes it8 is a culture o/ mediocrity C as well were *ast
socialistic (communistic systems C !ecause ca*ital is not creative8 althou2h it
di//erentiates and ranBs *eo*le on social scale' Po*-culture and *atterns o/
cons*icuous consum*tion are not creative8 they are mediocre' "reative mind is
su*erior to others8 !ecause it ena!les *ro2ression8 aesthetical ex*ression and dee*er
understandin2 o/ ontolo2ical Euestions'
7ntoxicatin2 (ine!riatin2 su!stances also serve as means o/ distraction' #lcohol
serves as a drainin2 o/ those anti-system thou2hts which could trans/orm social
system' Pro!lem o/ consum*tion o/ dru2s is related to /undamental discontent in a
culture and with *ro!lem o/ su!limation o/ this discontent' Munction o/ a dru2 is
drainin28 trans*osition o/ discontent8 !ecause dru2s serve as drainin2 o/ destructive
ener2y8 caused !y re*ression o/ individualDs *otentials8 sexuality8 ener2y8 which could
!rin2 under Euestion a society and its relations o/ *ower (*rivate *ossession and /ield
o/ sexuality'
Presti2e8 re*utation8 re2ular worB8 accumulation o/ commodities8 love (sexual
/ul/illment as a reward8 *artici*ation within culture8 all those values8 re*resented
throu2h media *resent hi2h standards and exclusive ways /or achievin2 them are not
availa!le to all'
Oi2ht to somethin2 is in many times in ne2ative correlation with *ossi!ility to achieve
somethin2? social systems em*hasiAe only ri2hts ()niversal %eclaration o/ Guman
Oi2hts etc'8 ensured !y constitution8 not *ossi!ilities8 !ecause then they would than
admit those *ower relations8 on which they are !ased on0 relations o/ ineEualities8
ex*loitation8 which ena!les existence o/ ca*italism' "a*italism is in o**osition to
claims /rom %eclaration o/ Guman Oi2hts' ThatDs also a reason that dru2 *ro!lem8 /or
instance remains within *sychiatrist discourses8 without social dimension' Oe*ression
o/ li!idinal stimuli8 which it can in conditions [ o!tain a /orm o/ social activity8 can !e
trans/ormed throu2h ine!riatin2 su!stances into socially acce*ta!le !ehavior8 which
reconciles individuals with status Euo8 and distract them /rom reco2nition o/ dee*er
reasons o/ social ineEualities' "onseEuences o/ such *ractices are increase o/
de*endence o/ dru2s and related illness8 criminality8 medical care8 yet all
conseEuences are throu2h a *rism o/ stateDs and ca*italistic ideolo2y still acce*ta!le8
!ecause an income is still hi2h a!ove a level o/ /ixed costs' $o state can a//ord to
a!olish alcohol industry8 !ecause it would 2ive a s*ace to social 2rievances8 which
ine!riatin2 su!stances drain' @et each state *ersecutes ille2al dru2s (even
mariFuana8 what hy*ocrisyP
Society8 which is !ased on com*etitiveness8 causes un!eara!le tensions8 which is
why entertainment is ur2ent as alleviation o/ hard social /acts8 however entertainin2
industry with its *roducts is Fust another means o/ re*ression' ;ne o/ *rinci*les o/
ca*italistic society is that /ailure is an individualDs res*onsi!ility' Po*ular culture also
serves as alleviation o/ individualDs disillusions8 similar to dru2s' Simulated o!Fects o/
desire8 within cultural *raxis o/ mass mediaDs *roduction8 ena!le to reduce8 virtually8
a distance !etween social *osition o/ de*rived individuals and desired one' They
create mythical *arallel reality throu2h *seudo-democratic act o/ voyeurism in /ilms8
television8 internet8 *o*-concerts8 com*uter 2ames etc' They o//er a simulation o/
ex*erience o/ :reality=8 realty /rom the second hand' Sexual dimension o/ simulacra is
vital8 !ecause li!idinal instincts can !e trans/ormed in a virtual domain in act o/
/ictional interaction8 as su!stitute /or *hysical interaction' Guman8 es*ecially /emaleDs
!ody is re*resented a!ove all throu2h its sexual dimension8 which 2ives it a marB o/
authenticity' Iecause sexual instinct is universal8 its twisted re*resentations *retend
to have :democratic *otential=8 yet sexuality is ideolo2ically connected with
ca*italistic-orientated relationshi* !etween a man and a woman8 there/ore within
simulation in media sexuality is never li!erated' Similar to an advertisin2 *ractice8
/emale !ody is related to commodities8 ca*italistic-/etishistic o!Fects (cars8 !oats8
air*lanes8 etc'' Sexism exists even !y imitation o/ the men (*hallic vira2o-women8
who su!consciously castrate men' $o mass media 2oes !eyond stereoty*ical
re*resentation o/ sexual roles in society8 !ased on ca*ital8 only it can mocB them in
/orm o/ entertainment' That *ower o/ ne2ation and di//erentiation o/ im*osed social
world and its reality is *ower o/ art8 su!versive *ower o/ art? :art= re*resented in
mass media8 has on the contrary8 a tranEuilliAin2 e//ect8 normaliAin2' Po* culture
s*eaBs o/ myths8 simulations8 o/ what wants to !e real8 o/ /alse *resence? art on
other hand s*eaBs o/ a!sence o/ that which throu2h a!sence :haunts the esta!lished
universe o/ discourse and !ehavior= (Marcuse8 1QTR12((20 U('
Melodramatic sta2in2 o/ human *ro!lems has an ideolo2ical im*act0 that *ro!lems
can !e solved only individually8 social tra2edies have mythical causes8 not social'
Stars8 which *er/orm *u!lic melodrama8 serve as sort o/ !rands /or li/estyles'
#lthou2h they are all mem!ers o/ the same *roduction !ranch8 and they em!ody
ideas and ideal models o/ social world8 im*osed !y their *roducers8 they *ossess no
hint o/ ori2inality' Their :social activism= (charity and donations serve only as
am*li/ication o/ their :star *henomenon= C a marBetin2 strate2y which am*li/ies their
!rand8 a *ro*a2anda' 7deolo2ical messa2es are8 nevertheless o!vious0 the rich
should remain rich8 !ecause only they can hel* the *oor' This sort o/ !rain washin2
/or2ets the /act that *oor are *oor and remain *oor !ecause o/ the rich' # sum o/
social *roduction is8 durin2 a *eriod o/ time8 /inal8 it canDt !e extended0 itDs a matter
o/ distri!ution o/ the 2oods and a system o/ rewardin2 and *artici*ation8 which
matters' Em*loyed in cultural industry are rewarded !ecause they sell lies to the
masses8 rewarded8 instead o/ !ein2 *unished' 72norance o/ the masses8 antici*ated
!y system8 in/luences in return on social-aesthetic sensi!ility o/ society8 so consumer
*re/erences can distort sel/-*erce*tion and *erce*tion o/ social world' Their
discontent with their social situation8 inex*lica!le to them8 is canaliAed !y means o/
distraction8 where an im*ortant role *lays *o*ular culture' Myth o/ Fusti/ia!ility o/
rewardin2 re*resentatives and executives of cultural industry is preserved on the
hypothesis of a talent.
+i!eration o/ a22ressiveness and sexuality within the /rameworB o/ cultural industry
has dee*ly con/ormist /unction' Oe*ressive *ower o/ social system is mani/ested in
this sort o/ relie/' =7nstitutionaliAed desu!limation= serves to :a!sor! o**osition (the
Eualitative di//erenceP in the realm o/ *olitics and hi2her culture=8 so :Ga**y
"onsciousness= *revails (i!id'0 51'
7n ca*italistic-!our2eois society Eros is not /ree0 it is su!mitted to ca*ital
relationshi*s' Guman !ody8 mind and 2enitals are in a service o/ the ca*ital' 7ntimate
relationshi*s are *rimarily !ased on economic relationshi*s8 which *redestinate
individualDs sexual !ehavior and desires8 accordin2 to economic /rame' 7ntimate
relationshi*s are esta!lished !etween the same class8 and only in case o/ woman8
social mo!ility can !e vertical8 2rounded on her *rostitute-liBe !ehavior8 in a
/rameworB o/ :decent= !our2eois relationshi*s8 :2ood marria2e= and so on'
There/ore Eros is twisted8 mutilated and individualDs identity is limited !y ca*a!ilities
to 2ain money? to that end !ody and mind are used' Personal identity and sexual
desire is (su!consciously /ormatted in early childhood in !our2eois /rameworB8
which later8 durin2 li/etime reduces and trans/orms 2enuine *ersonal desires and
instincts8 to that extent that manDs sexual desire is 2rounded in correlation to ca*ital-
tyranny' 7ndividualDs identity is distorted and his sel/-realiAation as creative and social
!ein2 is twisted' 7ndividualDs li/e ex*erience is o/ten a ne2ative o/ his unrealiAed
*otentials8 instead o/ *ositive o/ his sel/-realiAation'
To /ree Eros /rom slavery o/ ca*ital-!ased relationshi*s is there/ore su*reme socio-
*olitical tasB o/ li!erated society' Peo*leDs identity shall no lon2er !e related to
commodity /etishism or cons*icuous consum*tion'
Simulation o/ reality is created !ecause o/ the lacB o/ reality' Mear o/ loss o/ reality is
ontolo2ical human /ear (related to /ear o/ death8 /ear8 related to li/eJs !rie/ duration8
and ca*italism uses this /ear at worBin2 conditions and consum*tion' Noyeurism is
not only /ascination with reality o/ o!Fect8 !ut is a!ove all reco2nition o/ viewerDs
unreality C itDs denunciation o/ its own existence' Noyeurism is a!ove all C !ecause o/
un/air con/rontation o/ two realities8 vanishin2 reality o/ a viewer and overwhelmin2
reality o/ the viewed one C a mechanism o/ alienation' Noyeurism lowers social
sensi!ility and awareness8 it maBes *assive' Porno2ra*hy8 as the most !anal exam*le
o/ simulation8 /or instance8 in s*ite o/ its :realism=8 denies reality throu2h hi**er-
*roduction o/ simulation o/ reality8 o/ what is :su**osed to !e real=8 throu2h
ideolo2ical o*eration8 commodi/ication o/ /emale !ody'
:Truth wants to 2ive hersel/ naBed' She is des*erately seeBin2 nudity8 liBe Madonna
in the /ilm which !rou2ht her /ame' That ho*eless stri*tease is the very stri*tease o/
reality8 which Xdisro!esD in the literal sense8 o//erin2 u* to the eyes o/ 2ulli!le voyeurs
the a**earance o/ nudity= (Iaudrillard8 2((50 &'
The only visi!le /ace o/ society is *er/ormance' Su*er-saturation with ima2es and
idols creates *er*etual hun2er /or new ones8 which shall never !e a!le to re*lace
manJs disa**earance' There/ore s*iritual hun2er and su*er-saturation is the most
si2ni/icant ima2e o/ modern society0 they /irst one causes the latter'
Nirtual su!stitutions create im*ersonal world' Mictitious relationshi* !etween /ictitious
and actual *ersons8 who lose their own reality8 is su!stitution o/ actual relationshi*'
More naBed this simulation is8 more real it wants to !e' ThatDs a reason why video-
s*ots are a!ove all an achievement o/ nudity8 not acoustics'
#ll voyeuristicChy*notic media demand /rom the viewer only one0 to renounce his
individuality' ThatDs a *rinci*le o/ ca*italistic alienation0 that a man would deny
himsel/ throu2h acts o/ *roduction as creative !ein2 and !ecome s*eechless !y
listenin2 all-*resent ideolo2y o/ material *roductivity and consum*tion' This
resi2nation is not denunciation o/ the will in Scho*enhauerDs sense (or Iuddhist8 !ut
is a resi2nation o/ sel/-realiAation throu2h /alse transcendence' "onsum*tion is /alse
transcendence' Ietween order o/ thin2s and cultural order itDs esta!lished
Po* culture8 as a**arent democratiAation o/ culture8 is actually a*otheosis o/ cultural
and social exclusion0 its dee* messa2e is conservative one' >enres are convertin2
and meltin2' Narious /orms o/ entertainment (movin21still ima2es8 sounds8 are su!-
2enres o/ the same 2enre0 *o*-reality' Oedem*tion throu2h consum*tion and virtual
*artici*ation is /alse consciousness'
Homen are re*resented in visual media a!ove all throu2h dimension o/ sexuality' To
!e ex*osed8 to !e stri**ed (sel/-ex*ression throu2h !odily *er/ormance8 to !e
examined8 what is womanDs tasB8 and to examine8 what is maleDs tasB8 is *olicy o/
sexism' Homan is o!Fect o/ looBin28 and maleDs looB is a *olitical *ractice8 which
dominates woman' "a*italism throu2h consum*tion o/ ima2es C voyeurism creates
mutilated social world8 where everythin2 is a *ure simulation? it alienates man /rom
social world and distorts communication !etween sexes' :Missed encounter= o/ a
voyeur and exhi!itionist re/lects a Bey *ro!lematic o/ culture o/ non-communication'
U' Sexual alienation and commodi/ication o/
Sexual instinct is a !iolo2ical need and social *ractice8 which is realiAed throu2h
constant /orms o/ manDs interactions and dialectics o/ inclusion1exclusion' Sexuality is
related to ri2id social *ractices and social s*aces' "ertainly it is a matter o/ *rivate
s*aces8 itDs not to !e *er/ormed in *u!lic8 accordin2 to !our2eois moral8 yet media
tries to *ush sexuality in *u!lic s*here8 to increase their *ro/its throu2h
sensationalism' Exclusion o/ sexuality /rom *u!lic is not sel/-evident8 itDs culturally
determined matter (althou2h various cultures a2ree on exclusion o/ sexuality /rom
*u!lic s*here'
Sexuality8 which is at the same time *hysical need and *sychical need8 and the same
time material and ima2inary *ractice8 existence and transcendence8 /orm and content
s*eaBs a!out human !ein2 as a connectedness o/ *hysical and *sychical !ein28 what
relativiAes an a!solute division on *hysical stimuli and *ure ima2inary notions'
Sexuality is extreme stron2 source o/ identi/ication' Iecause sexual desire is one o/
manDs most *ower/ul instinct and related desires /or !elon2in2 and love8 sexuality is
the most im*ortant means to !uild C throu2h intercourse C *ersonal identity' 7tDs a
way how to com*rehend the world8 to 2ain sel/-esteem8 and achieve sel/-realiAation
(the other is worB8 o/ course'
Sexual *ractices are socially routiniAed and re2ulated within socio-economic
/rameworB' More ri2id society is8 more ri2id are social interactions amon2 its
individuals8 more individualsD li/e is reduced to social /orm and con/ormity' Oi2id
societies su//er /rom lacB o/ cultural and social diversity' #lienation as diver2ence
!etween ideal and actual sel/ is created'
Guman !ein2 is a *art o/ social networB8 social environment8 where he lives' 7n a
society where social di//erences are !i22er8 social cohesively disa**ears8 social tissue
/alls a*art on multitude o/ mutual excludin2 social 2rou*s8 existin2 each in its own
social world8 with *articular traditions8 *ractices8 yet s*irit o/ time hovers a!ove all o/
them8 s*irit o/ *roductive relations'
Economical conditions determinate /rameworB o/ manDs *ersonal interactions8
individualDs social world' Marx claimed in Pre/ace to a "ontri!ution to a "ritiEue o/
Political Economy that it is not consciousness o/ men that determines their !ein28 !ut
on the contrary8 their social existence determines their consciousness (En2els1Marx8
1QS511QUU0 1(S' 7n this res*ect we can notice connection o/ social !ase and
su*erstructure in MarxistDs sense' He s*eaB a!out conditional determinism' Gowever
Marx made sim*le eEuation !etween consciousness and environment8 he reduced
*ower o/ consciousness to *ower o/ sim*le assimilation and a**ro*riation8 and
omitted others' "onsciousness has8 amon2 others8 *ower o/ a assimilation !
a**ro*riation c inte2ration d transcendence (ima2ination8 creation8 trans/ormation
etc' 7t is true that Euality o/ environment in/luences on manDs ca*a!ility o/ sel/-
realiAation and sel/-esteem8 however not to extent o/ sim*le determinism' Iecause
consciousness tends to extension8 external coercion reduces its ca*a!ilities8 yet not
a!olishes' Niolence hi!ernates creative /orces o/ consciousness' PicturesEue
descri*tions o/ worBin2 class /rom "a*ital are aimed to show human !ein2 in the
most reduced state o/ consciousness C as victim o/ circumstances? however the
*ro!lem o/ su!Fect demands a meta*hysical inEuiry' Marx :*ro*osed the ori2inal
do2ma o/ the serious8 when he asserted the *riority o/ o!Fect over su!Fect= (Sartre8
1QR&12(1(0 T(18 conseEuently *riority o/ matter over s*irit' @et :The serious man <
is hidin2 /rom himsel/ the consciousness o/ his /reedom= (i!id'0 T(1' # man is
/reedom8 a/ter all8 not to extent as Sartre *ro*oses C even on the racB C !ut he is
/ree within !order conditions' # !order (o/ li/e8 o/ the universe has its im*act on
consciousness? however it canDt a!olish its inner nature8 which tends to unlimited'
"a*ital creates an a**arent correlation !etween ca*ital and human identity' That is a
startin2 *oint /or alienation (Sartre would say the !ein2 /or others re*laces !ein2 /or
HomanDs sexuality is determined !y *atriarchal /rameworB8 as well is manJs? thereDs
no *leasure /ree /rom ca*ital transactions and su!ordination in ca*italistic society8
there/ore need /or money and *leasin2 in relation with earnin2 is /alse consciousness
and alienated *leasure8 !ecause it is created within re*ressive ca*ital /rameworB'
%istorted social /rameworB creates sexual alienation'
Prostitution :heals= alienation in strati/ied society in that sense that it invi2orates it'
Prostitution is *erha*s :the *urest= /orm o/ ca*italistic *roduction *ractice8 althou2h
it creates its own8 uniEue anomalies as are sexual slavery and *rocurement'
Homen had !een always ex*ressin2 themselves with their !eauty C !ecause they
lived in society o/ *atriarchate C and throu2h their sexuality' Iecause women had
always !een de*endent /rom men in !our2eois society8 their social consciousness8
re2ardin2 *ros*erous sexual relations with men8 has !een distorted !y economic
/rameworB? their !odies have always !een some sort o/ :ca*ital=8 and the men had
!een always evaluated !y their /inancial situation in womanDs eyes0 conce*t o/
res*ecta!le :2ood marria2e= in *etite-!our2eois or hi2h-!our2eois society' 7n this
res*ect we can s*eaB a!out constant meta*horical *rostitution o/ woman8 in s*ite o/
!ene/its o/ alle2ed womanDs emanci*ation' To *rostitute onesel/ and to !uild identity
on value /or money (in literal and meta*horical sense means !asically that :7 do not
choose to !e /or the ;ther what 7 am8 !ut 7 can try to !e /or mysel/ what 7 am /or
the ;ther= (Sartre8 1QR&12(1(0 SS(' MarBet-orientated character is a Bey *roduct o/
ca*italist society'
Hhen economic as*ects o/ relationshi* *revails over other (un/ortunately economic
stimulus are also included in *ersonDs su!-consciousness and intimate desires8
thereDs no s*ace /or 2enuine sexual and emotional /ul/illment in relationshi*s'
Iour2eois indi2nation at /act o/ *rostitution is !ecause o/ un!eara!le8 2rotesEue
similarity' +iteral *rostitution re/lects economic nature o/ relationshi*s !etween man
and woman in !our2eois society' Hhere thereDs a Euestion o/ money8 there can !e no
sexual /reedom' Prostitution is /alse consciousness8 /alse identi/ication8 and yet more
2enuine8 com*arin2 to relationshi*s o/ innumera!le !our2eois and rural relationshi*s
with material !ene/its' True love8 and true *assions8 descri!ed in classical literature8
can hardly !e develo*ed in materialistic society'
# woman which *er/orms *rostitution8 incarnates a threat to !our2eois hy*ocritical
morality and esta!lished economic interactions (which are overture to sexual
interactions8 !ecause :whores= are an admonition to society that thereDs somethin2
wron2 with their :re2ular= (sexual interactions? they remind on insu//iciency o/
sexual /ul/illment in society' The word :whore= si2ni/ies also sexual immoderateness8
which is not economic in *roductive-orientated society8 there/ore contra *roductive'
Prostitution as economic *ractice is /rom the view o/ customer an alienation throu2h
consum*tion C /rom the view o/ *rostitute itDs alienation throu2h *roduction8 in the
most intimate *art o/ human !ein28 related to sel/-realiAation' Guman !ody is a
matter o/ acEuisition8 su!Fect which !ecomes an o!Fect8 yet in ca*italism human
!ein2 is always reduced to a thin28 while the thin28 a machine is elevated to a !ein28
to su!Fect' Practice o/ *rostitution is only a clearer re/lection o/ *roduction and
consum*tion relationshi*s in ca*italistic-!our2eois society'
Production and culture *ractice in ca*italistic society trans/orms human *ersonality to
extent o/ alienation /rom its own *otentials /or /ul/illment as emotional and
intellectual !ein2' +i/e !ecomes senseless8 sense is re*laced with distraction
(consumer society constantly invents and re-invents means /or distraction'
# desire /or sense is ontolo2ical human desire' Sense is identical only with itsel/ and
unlimited8 sense can !e reco2niAed only in a sense8 and there/ore nonsense a**ears
as distur!ance !etween two senses' 7n culture o/ su*er/icial relationshi*s8 material
culture8 in culture o/ e2oism and com*etitiveness and social exclusion8 within winC
lose o*tions8 aimed to increase *ro/it8 a total-sel/-realiAed man canDt !e realiAed'
#lienation at *rostitutes has8 accordin2 to lay !elie/8 domestic ori2in8 in a sense that
this woman had already in the childhood learned to se*arate mind /rom !ody8 yet
this *ractice com*rehends a maFority o/ ca*italistic *roduction'
#t deconstruction o/ ca*italist society we have to consider the /act that a mode o/
satis/yin2 !asic manDs needs is not manDs /ree choice8 yet /rom this mode it de*ends
all /urther hierarchy o/ /ul/illment o/ human hi2her needs8 that is love8 !elon2in2 etc'
"a*italism ex*lains social di//erences !etween human !ein2s C which it 2enerates C
as cultural and /inally natural8 it naturaliAes them8 so it Fusti/ies ex*loitation also in
the states o/ The Third Horld8 throu2h outsourcin2'
Prostitution8 which alienates o//erer and receiver o/ this service8 is evident /orm o/
sexual alienation8 which !lurs hidden sexual alienation o/ immense *ro*ortions within
!our2eois society !etween a man and a woman' MarBet-orientated character is Been
to *rostitute himsel/1hersel/? it desi2nates wide s*ectrum o/ li/e-*atterns8 which have
as *riority ethics o/ sellin2'
#llusions to *rostitution are o/ten in the *o*ular culture (/ilm8 television8 music
industry etc'' Po*-cultureJs industry *roducts sym!oliAe virtual *rostitution o/ *o*-
culture stars (sexy a**eal as womanDs investment in *ersonal carrier8 /or instance'
Sexism is o!vious in mass media world8 which trans/orms 2enital stimulus in marBet
*roduct' Prostitution has in literal meanin2 very low status8 !ecause it re/lects
unsolved social anta2onisms and sexual re*ression8 and !ecause su!Fects are
com*elled to *rostitute (to sell themselves at their worB8 so they meta*horically
imitate actual *rostitution'
5' "ele!rities and social control
Social strati/ication in consumer society is adeEuate /rameworB /or stars *henomena
C *roducts o/ /ilm8 music8 television and other media *roduction' "ommon Bnown
/act that cele!rities are only !rands /or *roduction houses (/ilm8 music8 /ashion etc'
is challen2ed with conce*t o/ :talent= and meritocracy' 7/ we taBe into consideration
talent8 we must asB ourselves what are instruments /or measurin2 its scale and what
dimensions o/ creativity are under consideration' "ele!rities are used to canaliAe
instinct o/ death8 i/ we re/er to Mreud8 and su**ressed Eros8 we s*eaB a!out
re*ressive de-su!limation8 i/ we use MarcuseDs therm' They serve as com*ensation
/or individualDs lacB o/ *ower and reco2nition' So i/ we s*eaB a!out creativity8 we see
that con/ormism would !e more a**ro*riate term8 !ecause cele!rities (/ilm8 music8
TN-stars have to o!ey ideolo2icalCdema2o2ic and /inancial instructions o/ their
*roducers' They act as some sort o/ virtual ideals o/ the conce*t :what should 2ood
individual looB liBe=8 on one hand8 they act as em!odiment o/ ideal sel/8 in Mreudian
terms C on the other as social *olice8 !ecause o/ uni/ormity and con/ormism'
To maBe ex*loitation acce*ta!le0 thatDs a tasB o/ each social system throu2h
ideolo2ical a**aratus o/ the state' 7deolo2y is (overdetermined unity o/ the real and
the ima2inary relation !etween men and their real conditions o/ existence (#lthusser8
1QTS12((S0 2&&12&R' #im o/ dominant ideolo2y is to excuse violence o/ the state in
*raxis and culture' 7n case o/ culture industry the latter means *ositive
re*resentation o/ violence and law en/orcement *raxes in /unction o/ de/endin2
!our2eois values8 !ased on ca*italistic values0 *rivate *ro*erty8 re2ardless the
conseEuences and its amount'
ThereDs no ethic without violence? to *rotect certain ethic it is necessary to use /orce
a2ainst other' Myth8 which is *er*etuated !y *o*ular culture8 is that it exist a social
consensus a!out ethics C analo2ue to *ro*a2anda o/ ideolo2ical a**aratus o/ the
state8 which Fusti/ies re*ression in the name o/ the law' 9antDs cate2orical im*erative
does not count /or state o/ law8 !ased on ex*loitation'
The conce*t o/ ethics needs a /orce to !rin2 itsel/ into action8 and each /orce needs
an ethical !acB2round (social8 individual' +i/e is /acin2 o/ /orces and contra-/orces' #
/orce 2ives a li/e and taBes it0 !irth and death' This /orce has a name0 time-s*ace'
@et transcendental consciousness8 seeBs lo2ic o/ sense8 not /orce8 inde*endent o/
constraints o/ time-s*ace'
"a*italism creates conditions o/ ethic o/ natural selection8 creatin2 su*er/luous men8
on one side8 and elite on the other' Mem!ers o/ elite are in commercial culture
re*resented as re*resentatives o/ ca*ital' Gollywood cinema tries to com*ensate a
lacB o/ cultural ca*ital with mysti/yin2 marBet talents8 or *hysical attri!utes8 in case
o/ woman'
Hhen we s*eaB a!out creativity (a ca*a!ility to trans/orm and synthesiAe various
elements into new whole and individuality (ori2inal *oint o/ view o/ cele!rities in
*o*ular culture8 is close to Aero' Persons8 involved in cultural industry *oses only
ca*a!ility to *er/orm (s*ectacle or simulate social reality and !our2eois melodrama
with *seudo-em*athy (actors8 sin2ers8 TN-leaders' 7n their :discourse= (music
*er/ormance included social *henomena are naturaliAed8 not *ro!lematiAed0 sort o/
*u!lic *seudo-em*athic thera*y with o!vious aim to maintain *resent social system8
a**eal to common sense8 with tension to uni/y its *u!ic8 re2ardless their cultural and
social !acB2round'
Hhat is individuality a/ter allZ 7ndividual !ein2 in area o/ /eelin28 thinBin28
:irreduci!le core o/ !ein2=8 /rom which emanates social world8 a coherent unity8
se*arated /rom surroundin2s (%yer8 2(((0 T(Q' @et idea o/ individuality is dented !y
Marxism8 with idea that social !ein2 is determined !y economic conditions?
*sychoanalysis8 with its stressin2 on su!conscious instincts? !ehaviorism8 lin2uistic
models and also the twentieth-century literature8 reco2niAin2 an e2o as /luid8
unsta!le8 in Hol/Ds8 ProustDs worBs8 to :minimal sel/= o/ Sarrute and IecBett' 7n s*ite
o/ all an idea o/ individualism *revails8 in ca*italism8 which is throu2h *o*ular culture
seen as a 2uaranteed /reedom8 /reedom to *roduce8 to maBe money8 an o*enness o/
society in which *ersons are addressed as consumers8 as le2al su!Fects and as
*olitical su!Fects (i!id'0 T1(-T11' He Bnow how little /reedom and ori2inality is
within these limitations8 which vary de*endin2 on individualDs income'
7dea o/ ori2inality and authenticity o/ stars or cele!rities8 s*ecially /ilm ones8 is also
su**orted !y re*roducin2 their *rivate lives :!ehind the scenes=8 :!eyond the ima2e=8
where alle2edly :truth resides=' Stars 2uarantee their authenticity8 with :rhetoric o/
sincerity= (i!id'0 T11'
So called new /orms o/ entrainment8 reality shows8 which *rovide media s*ace /or
local cele!rities8 in environment o/ virtual8 simulated reality8 su//er /rom uni/ormity8
disci*line control8 con/inement8 *seudo-ori2inality8 o/ the worst Bind' They have very
much in common with /amous Vim!ardoDs ex*eriment8 when *eo*le are con/ined in
virtual *rison'
Pro2ress is connected with trans2ression o/ conventional moral' Each society consists
o/ 1 innovators 2 imitators8 accordin2 to dimension o/ creativity8 accordin2 to social
*ower to # commanders and I executors' 7nnovator is *owerless8 i/ he has no
social *ower8 yet imitator is determinin28 i/ he has on his dis*osal /ormal authorities
in name o/ duty'
Innovators Imitators
Commanders Oevolutionaries Politicians8
Jud2es8 Priests
Executors #rtists8 Scientists Police8 "ele!ritie
Narious ty*es o/ *ower do exclude each other8 !ut also com*lement' Tensions within
a culture re/lect in artistic creations and *o* culture *roducts' Mor commercial /ilms it
seems that they hesitate !etween :moral o/ the slaves= and $ietAscheDs ;verman'
Mascination with cele!rities is !ased on ex*erience o/ individuality8 *articularity in
ca*italistic society' Stars :re*resent ty*ical ways o/ !ehavin28 /eelin2 and thinBin2=8
their Eualities are re*resented as natural8 they articulate /or the audience what is to
!e an individual in western society8 they serve as :em!odiments o/ social cate2ories
in which *eo*le are *laced: (class8 2ender8 ethnicity8 reli2ion8 sexual orientation
(%yer8 2(((0 T1U' @et these re*resentations have stron2 and clear ideolo2ical aim0
to divert and to limit social *ro!lems8 to reduce them to li/estyle-choices and to hide
cultural and social de*rivation o/ the masses'
"ele!rities serve as a sort o/ shocB a!sor!er /or social claims and trans/ormations o/
an2er a2ainst the authority? a22ressive ener2y is trans/ormed into /ascination !y
myth o/ meritocracy0 success-stories (!ottom-u* mo!ility on the social scale'
"ele!rities are *layin2 a role o/ am!assadors o/ masses8 de*rived o/ voice'
Oeco2nition o/ alienation o/ a man /rom material resources8 means o/ *roduction8
natural and cultural environment and his own *otentials8 inevita!ly leads to alienation
in relation to other *eo*le' To these /indin2s ca*italism de/ies with distraction
techniEues8 where an im*ortant role *lays *o*ular culture with techniEue o/
*hantom identi/ication C identi/ication with mediaDs simulations (cele!rities'
Q' Short history o/ $eoli!eralism
c+i!eralism] re/ers to economic li!eralism o/ the 1Q
century8 associated with
Manchester system !ased on laisseA-/aire economics8 esta!lished a/ter a!olition o/
En2landDs "orn +aw8 re2ulatin2 im*ortation o/ wheat' Present neoli!eralism derives
/rom "hica2o School o/ Economics which em*hasiAes sel/-re2ulation *ower o/
marBets and ne2ative im*acts o/ 2overnment interventions' #ccordin2 to "hica2o
School marBets shall *rovide su//icient demand !y themselves and /ull em*loyment
with adFustment o/ *rices8 so monetary and /iscal *olicy do not hel* to raise
em*loyment8 their interventions in that direction rather causes in/lation' #/ter Second
Horld Har till ei2hties 9eynesianism was *redominant theory8 which !elieved that
monetary and /iscal *olicy can ensure sta!le a22re2ate demand? otherwise system is
endan2ered !y unem*loyment and de*ressions' Oe2ardin2 income distri!ution8
9eynesians had very di//erent o*inions0 #merican 9eynesians8 Bnown as neo-
9eynesians acce*ted neoli!eral *rinci*les a!out si2ni/icant wa2es ineEualities8
meanwhile *ost-9eynesians (Euro*ean 9eynesians stress im*ortance o/ institutional
arran2ements (trade unions8 laws a!out minimum wa2es8 ri2hts o/ em*loyees8 social
7n the mid-1QU(s dominant 9eynesian *aradi2m8 which develo*ed modern tools o/
monetary *olicy and /iscal *olicy8 was re*laced !y neoli!eralism' 7t was associated
with Nietnam Har era and ;PE" oil *rice shocBs' More im*ortant 9eynesianism /ailed
to *o*ulariAe its conce*ts which could not com*ete with rhetoric o/ /ree marBets'
Oadical individualism8 cele!rated in #merica8 was *romoted also !y con/lict in the
"old Har which invi2orated anti*athy a2ainst each collectivism in economic /ield
(collective economic action was identi/ied with communism' #/ter "old Har rhetoric
o/ /ree marBets inde*endent o/ 2overnments was *o*ulariAed' 9eynesianism did not
develo* analysis o/ *roduction conditions? they /ocused on the role o/ a22re2ate
demand in em*loyment' 9eynesians !elieved that lowerin2 o/ nominal wa2es would
lower *rices8 what would increase su**ly8 lowerin2 interest rates8 what would
stimulate consum*tion and solve *ro!lem o/ unem*loyment (Palley8 2((R0 1-&'
#merican neo-9eynesians ado*ted view o/ /lexi!ility o/ *rice and wa2e8 statin2 that
economic ri2idities8 such as minimum wa2es and trade unions8 were res*onsi!le /or
unem*loyment' 7n contrast *ost-9eynesian analyses hold that unem*loyment is
result o/ lacB o/ demand8 derivin2 /rom lacB o/ !usiness con/idence' 7nside divisions
!etween 9eynesians were a!out income distri!ution and nominal wa2e /lexi!ility'
$eoli!erals claim that *rice adFustment ensures /ull em*loyment8 2overnment
interventions to increase unem*loyment only causes in/lation and raise
unem*loyment' $eoli!eralism *olicy *romoted marBet dere2ulation8 which caused
/allin2 o/ minimal wa2e8 em*loyment insecurity8 what resulted as income ineEuality'
"hica2o School monetarists a!andoned :9eynesian interest-rate /ine tunin2 in /avor
o/ money su**ly tar2etin2= (i!id'0 S8 which resulted in massive layo//s8 increasin2
unem*loyment on level o/ the >reat %e*ression8 risin2 o/ 2lo!al interest rate8 maBin2
/inancial marBets unsta!le' Miscal *olicy had !een used to /avor elites'
$eoli!eralism was inau2urated with election o/ Mar2aret Thatcher and Oonald Oe2an8
and it s*read over develo*ed and undevelo*ed countries' 7n industrialiAed countries
:)'S model= had dominated with dere2ulation o/ /inancial marBets8 *rivatiAation8
waBenin2 o/ la!or unions8 a!andonment o/ /ull em*loyment 2oals (re*lacin2 it with
natural rate o/ em*loyment8 ca*ital mo!ility8 *olitics o/ macroeconomics austerity8
ex*ort-led 2rowth (Hashin2ton "onsensus' "onseEuences o/ that a**roach are seen
in marBet insta!ility8 underem*loyment and 2lo!al de/lation8 *overty8 wa2e
sta2nation' Euro*e has tried to alleviate conseEuences o/ #merican model (which
had /aster out*ut 2rowth with hi2h interest rates and /iscal austerity' 7n s*ite o/ role
o/ institutions o/ social *rotection hu2e unem*loyment was the result'
Oeasons /or marBet /ailure had !een in neoli!eral manner directed towards
2overnment8 claimin2 that 2overnmental remedies would only deteriorate
conseEuences o/ marBet /all !ecause o/ !ureaucratic ine//iciencies8 althou2h
2overnment role is essential not only in remedy o/ marBet /ailure !ut also in
sta!iliAin2 !usiness cycle8 with /iscal and monetary *olicy' 7tDs 2overnment
res*onsi!le /or educational and health and le2al system8 itDs *rovidin2 conditions /or
contract !etween a2ents on marBet8 *reventin2 destructive com*etition8 strivin2 /or
social eEuili!rium8 *reventin2 !ri!ery8 lowerin2 la!or standards etc' (i!id'0S-5'
So called :The Third Hay=8 economical a**roach o/ )'9' Prime Minister Tony Ilair
tries to overcame neoli!eral domination8 shovin2 his way !etween /irst way o/ lasses-
/aire ca*italism and centrally *lanned economics o/ second way8 seeBin2 to
:humaniAe the marBet=8 it acce*ts :maFor theoretical tenets o/ neoli!eralism
re2ardin2 income distri!ution and the sta!ility o/ ca*italist economies=8 instead o/
2overnment taBin2 control over *roduction8 :the Third Hay em*hasiAes taxation and
re2ulation as the *re/erred means o/ chan2in2 *rivate sector !ehavior= (i!id' Q'
"a*italistic economies are *rone to
:/luctuations on a22re2ate demand8 which 2ive raise to unnecessary
underem*loyment' %ownward *rice and wa2e /lexi!ility cannot resolve this *ro!lem?
in /act8 they o/ten a22ravate it' This calls /or monetary and /iscal *olicy interventions
< and institutions that *revent 2eneraliAed declines in *rices and nominal wa2es=
(i!id'0 1('
Economic neoli!eralism creates mytholo2y o/ :sel/-re2ulatin2 /ree marBets= and
avoidin2 o/ state intervention8 !ecause o/ *rotection o/ individualism' MarBet is not
/ree8 thatDs a myth? i/ it would !e /ree anyone would have eEual choices8 !ecause o/
/ree access to all essential in/ormation8 there/ore success (Hin-Hin *osition' There
would !e no unem*loyment8 no ex*loitation' Myth :*uri/ies thin2s8 it maBes them
innocent8 it 2ives them a natural and eternal Fusti/ication=8 witch *uri/ies o!Fects o/
their historical dimension8 :it a!olishes the com*lexity o/ human acts8 it 2ives them
the sim*licity o/ essences ''' it or2aniAes a world which is without contradictions8
!ecause it is without de*th. (Iarthes8 1Q5R0 1R&'
Mono*ole and oli2o*oly8 as *revailin2 /orms o/ marBet reality8 *rove total un/ree
nature o/ marBets' +etDs looB com*uter so/tware industry0 it is !asically o/ #merican
ori2ins or "anadian0 Microso/t8 #**le8 #do!e8 Thom*son >rass Nalley8 #vid8 "orel (or
*hoto cameras $iBon8 "anon8 Sony /rom Ja*an whatJs is not in accordance with
values o/ /ree marBet8 yet ca*italism is always in contrast with its so called *rinci*les8
dialectics0 /ree marBet8 /ree com*etition C mono*ole' 7/ a state a!stains /rom its
marBets8 it disa**ears C not in a MarxistDs sense8 !ut in neoli!eral'
"lassical li!eralism8 associated with earlier li!erals as John +ocBe8 #dam Smith8 #lexis
de TocEueville8 is o/ten associated with conce*t o/ minimal state (state as :ni2htC
watchman=8 which means that state should Bee* only armed /orces8 law
en/orcement and some 2oods8 otherwise it should restrain /rom intervention on the
marBet etc' (+ie8 Thorsen8 2((T0 R' This is ty*ical ne2ative de/inition o/ a state0
state as a 2uard8 !ased on (*etite !our2eois idealistic conce*tions o/ consensus o/
values8 o/ human universality' State as ultimate authority8 with maFor em*hasis on
re*ression8 is ne2ative state8 which must !e a!olished'
Society is o/ contradictory nature? otherwise there would !e no ex*loitation' +i!eral
Bind o/ conce*tion o/ the state is !ased on en/orced a2reement o/ !our2eois
conce*tion o/ the world and *ower relations' :< Fust as !our2eois ideolo2y is de/ined
!y a!andonment o/ the name :!our2eois=8 myth is constituted !y the loss o/ the
historical Euality o/ thin2s= (Iarthes8 1Q5R01R2'
Modern li!eralism (associated with theorists as "onstant8 Mill8 %ewey di//ers
somewhat /rom classical in !elie/ that the state should somewhat re2ulate the
marBet*lace and su**ly some essential 2oods and services' # state must *lay a
si2ni/icant role in the economy8 in this re2ard modern li!eralism di//ers si2ni/icantly
/rom classical8 /avorin2 laisseA-/aire economics *olicies (+ie8 Thorsen8 2((T0 S'
"ommon to all li!erals is individualistic conce*tion instead o/ collectivistic8
universalistic8 a//irmin2 the moral unity o/ humans and e2alitarian (i!id'0 T' Hhen
we s*eaB o/ individuality8 it raises an essential Euestion0 Hhat Bind o/ individualityZ
This Euestion is not *osed within li!erals o/ any Bind' 7ndividuality o/ mind8 not
individuality o/ ca*ital8 would !e an a**ro*riate answer' ThereDs no individuality8 i/
material culture causes de*rivation and encroaches /reedom' ;nly materialistic and
one-dimensional culture *resu**oses material culture8 which Fusti/ies itsel/ on !ases
o/ :/reedom= and maintains ex*loitation' :Moral unity= is a *etite-!our2eois neo-
Platonic conce*t' ThereDs no morality without culture8 thereDs no !our2eois culture
without mytholo2y8 without distortion8 which masBs ex*loitation8 and there/ore
morality is very relative' Mreedom is not !ased on /ree marBet8 /ree marBet is a myth'
Hithin GarveyDs de/inition o/ neoli!eralism it is stressed a *rivate *ro*erty ri2ht8
which should !e 2uaranteed !y /orce8 i/ necessary' Hhere marBets do not exist (land8
water8 health care8 social security they have to !e created (i!id'0 11' ThatDs
a**ro*riation o/ common 2oods8 what is ty*ical ca*italistic-im*erialistic strate2y /or
creatin2 and *er*etuatin2 dominant class' Private *ro*erty does not /all /rom the sBy8
it is not eternal0 its a**arent *urity and individuality is only a!sence1masB o/ its
social history'
$eoli!erals8 such are GayeB and Mriedman8 /i2ure alon2side conservative *oliticians
as Thatcher or Oea2an' $eoli!eralism is not a com*lete *olitical ideolo2y8 rather an
economic *ractice8 accordin2 to Garvey' #ccordin2 to neoli!eralism individuals are
:solely res*onsi!le /or the conseEuences= o/ their decisions8 :instances o/ ineEuality
2larin2 social inFustice are morally acce*ta!le8 at least to the de2ree in which they
could !e seen as the result o/ /reely made decisions= (i!id'012-1S' +acB o/ resources
and in/ormation maBes individuals *artici*atin2 on marBets hi2hly un/ree8 there/ore
they canDt !e res*onsi!le /or their economic conditions' Ex*loitation and alienation
maBe a man un/ree'
7/ an individual wants that a state re2ulates marBets or maBes re*arations to the
un/ortunate in the /ree marBet transaction8 this indicates that that *erson is :morally
de*raved and underdevelo*ed=8 :*ro*onent o/ totalitarian state= (i!id'0 1S'
Totalitarian in not a *erson8 who demands Fustice C Fustice is never totalitarian8 they
are its le2al distortions C8 totalitarian is a ca*italistic system8 claimin2 that marBet is
/ree8 mythiciAin2 the true nature o/ marBet8 *uri/yin2 its social history8 nulli/yin2 its
essence' Sense o/ inFustice is not totalitarian8 its li!ertarian8 it s*eaBs a!out
ontolo2ical desire /or /reedom o/ mind and !ody8 /reedom /rom myths8 ideolo2y8
*olice8 !our2eois law and its distortions'
: < i/ the democratic *rocess slows down neoli!eral re/orms < then democracy
ou2ht to !e sideste**ed and re*laced !y the rule o/ ex*erts or le2al instruments
desi2ned /or that *ur*ose' The *ractical im*lementation o/ neoli!eral *olicies will8
there/ore8 lead to a relocation o/ *ower /rom *olitical to economic *rocess= (i!id'0
1S8 there/ore neoli!erals *re/er autocracy than democracy'
GayeB !elieves in social evolutionism8 with res*ect that ca*italism is at *resent the
hi2hest /orm o/ social develo*ment' "a*ital is a cohesive /orce in ca*italistic society
and GayeB !elieves in s*ontaneous order8 which /orms o/ itsel/ (GayeB8 1QQ(0 22
and claims that :s*ontaneously 2enerated moral traditions underlyin2 the com*etitive
marBet order= (i!id'0 U 2enerate more wealth and Bnowled2e than centrally-directed8
socialistic economies'
S*ontaneous order is not s*ontaneous8 itDs created !y /orce' "once*t o/ social
Fustness has several !ene/its 1 ethical 2 *ra2matic8 which can !e seen in reduction
o/ or2aniAed criminal and *overty & creative0 !ecause o/ dis*ersion o/ wealth8
creativity is not a domain o/ a narrow circle o/ elite'
GayeB s*eaBs a!out :evolutionary a**roaches to ethics= (i!id'0 2T' "a*italistic
ideolo2y is8 at /irst 2lance8 more *oly*honies as socialistic8 exce*t in one *oint8
concernin2 myth a!out meritocracy and its conseEuences8 which distorts and masBs
social strati/ication related with accumulation and distri!ution o/ ca*ital and
Bnowled2e8 which is not dis*ersed8 !ut concentrated in dominant stratum o/ society'
Meritocracy is !asic axiom o/ ca*italistic ideolo2y and i/ we reverse the latter8 it
emer2es a *ossi!ility /or esta!lishment o/ di//erent strin2 o/ ideas a!out or2aniAation
o/ society'
Ietween individualistic and collectivist *aradi2m there is also interactionist which can
!e achieved with0
1' ;*timiAation o/ individual with interaction within !roader social environment?
2' Emanci*ation o/ individual8 throu2h di//erentiation /rom !roader social 2rou*?
&' 7nteraction throu2h s*eci/ic social 2rou*s8 with Bnowled2e8 ideas8 sBills8
R' Transcendence in the /ield o/ mental /orms'
:< all evolution rest on com*etition? continuin2 com*etition is necessary even to
*reserve existin2 achievements= (i!id'0 2T'8 !ut this lo2ics can !e dan2erous in lon2
terms0 re/errin2 to natural selection on the 2round o/ culture' ThereDs no /ree
com*etition' Hhen GayeB s*eaBs a!out rules that emer2e in s*ontaneous order8 he
!elieves that they tend to *romote human survival (i!id'0 2(8 yet the rules are
meant to !e /or elites8 their survival8 their wel/are'
Princi*le o/ *ower8 dominatin2 /iled o/ social8 !ecome totalitarian8 with re*ression and
ideolo2y' "om*etitiveness as a way to increase chances /or survival8 is not essence o/
ca*italism8 its essence is domination o/ ca*ital-!ased relations over individual and
social 2rou*s' "a*italistic domination is an im*ersonal *rinci*le over *ersonal8 it
tends to re*roduce itsel/ /orever8 there/ore is static8 and canJt contri!ute to variety'
"oncurrence is turned into liEuidation o/ com*etitors and domination o/ the marBets
(oli2o*olistic8 mono*olistic marBets' $othin2 is less un/ree as is /ree marBet C thatDs
a ca*italistic *aradox'
: ''' *ro*erty is the heart o/ the morals o/ any advanced civiliAation8 the ancient
>reeBs seem to have !een the /irst to see that it is also inse*ara!le /rom individual
/reedom= (i!id'0 &(' @et the >eeBs had slaves so the citiAens o/ Polis could /eel
GayeB /or2ets two thin2s0 1 Euestion o/ *ro*ortionality o/ *ersonal *ro*erty with
social context 2 eEualiAin2 o/ morality o/ *ossession with *ersonal morality (o/
*ersonal value8 what leads to tyranny o/ minority' Mreedom o/ *ossession in not
eEual to social *ro2ression'
Personal *ro*erty is not always in correlation with *ro*ortion o/ *ro*erty o/ others'
Time and s*ace o/ certain social 2rou* are limited and with it conditions o/
accumulation and distri!ution' Social com*arison is an im*ortant as*ect o/
individualDs identity? *ersonal *ossession !ecomes a crucial /actor o/ social su*eriority
or in/eriority8 within materialistic society'
He have to *ut under a Euestion means and amount o/ accumulation o/ ca*ital and
in/lation o/ status8 ori2inatin2 /rom it8 a!ove all a *ower to master social reality8
resultin2 /rom *ossession' %iametrically o**osite means /or achievin2 ca*ital can led
to *arallel social activity8 resultin2 in or2aniAed criminal8 caused !y social
GayeB !elieves that without *ro*erty there is no Fustice (i!id'0 &&8 this thesis is
(rede/ined !y *resent *ower relations? accordin2 to this attacB on individual is o/
secondary im*ortance8 only i/ he ex*eriences *rivate *ro*erty as additional *iece o/
himsel/ C that is true8 accordin2 to *resent state o/ a//airs' # man without *ro*erty
canDt !e treated unFustly8 accordin2 to this lo2ic' That is ca*italistic /ascism0 amount
o/ *ossession determines de2ree o/ human ri2hts'
GayeB !elieves in s*ontaneity in :sel/-orderin2 *rocesses o/ ada*tation=8 which
exceeds ran2e o/ any one mind8 there/ore claims /or /airness or moral attri!utes are
unreal8 !ecause they aderive /rom a naive anthro*omor*hism :(i!id'0 U&'
This re2ard is exam*le o/ social evolutionism8 which Fusti/ies and demands the
survival o/ the stron2est8 !asin2 on naive !elieve that a s*ontaneous order shall
emer2e /rom chaos' GayeB underestimates *ower o/ destructiveness in society (or
MreudDs conce*t o/ Tanathos' Myth o/ sel/-orderin2 *rocess does not acBnowled2e
the /act8 that *ower relations8 derivin2 /rom uneEual ne2otiatin2 *ositions8 are used
in /urther *er*etuation o/ social asymmetry and ex*loitation8 and there/ore inhi!itin2
creative *otentials in a society' GayeBDs cosmos does not understand reci*rocity'
S*ontaneous order is not s*ontaneous at all8 !ecause it *reserves *resent
domination o/ ca*ital relations8 trans/orms in*uts into un*redicta!le out*uts8 and this
/orce 2enerates s*iral o/ destructive e//ects o/ undreamed extent' MarBet is not a
*lay-2round or lottery /or all *roductive /actors in the same measure8 on the
contrary0 wealth re*roduces wealth8 meanwhile *overty re*roduces *overty' ThatDs
Bey *rinci*le o/ ca*italism'
Gow to *rotect society /rom strati/ication and dissolutionZ Justness has *ra2matic
conseEuences? limited Fustness8 owned !y dominant class8 which Fusti/ies
ex*loitation8 is in anta2onistic relationshi* with !roader Fustness' Hhen *articular
eEuity is owned only !y narrow8 in/luent interest 2rou*8 which 2overns the society C
declarin2 itsel/ :im*artial=8 re/errin2 itsel/ to universal values C is always turned into
tyranny' Peo*le Bnow when they are re*ressed8 even i/ ideolo2y o/ meritocracy tries
to show their situation as sel/-evident8 natural' There/ore Bnowled2e is *ower and to
have Bnowled2e at dis*osal means to have *ower C althou2h Bnowled2e canDt !e an
exclusive *rivile2e o/ institutions (universities' #t historical turnin2 *oints *ower
(and Bnowled2e is at *rocess o/ rede/inition when he2emony o/ *resent system
colla*ses and is re*laced !y another' Poverty is not a s*ontaneous e//ect within
evolutionary *rocess8 !ut itJs a systematic'
Social wel/are is !roader *ool o/ creativity as wel/are o/ elite' GayeBJs /atal conceit
was total con/idence in lasses-/aire *rinci*le8 which led to !reaBdown o/ /inancial
marBets at the second 2reatest economic crisis'
Mounders o/ neoli!eralism !elieved that central values o/ humanity were threaten
/rom /ascism8 communism8 !ut also state interventions which su!stituted individual
decisions' They !elieved that individual /reedom is 2ranted !y li!erty o/ the marBet'
ThatDs also idea how )nited States saw the world' The /irst ex*eriment o/ creation o/
neoli!eral state it has ha**ed a/ter cou* dJetat o/ Pinochet in "hile in 1QU&8 a2ainst
democratically 2overnment o/ Salvador #llende' That was or2aniAed with economic
national elite with hel* o/ "7# and Genry 9issin2er' "ou* dJetat /ollowed violence
a2ainst all le/t-win2 social movements and or2aniAations' "hilean economy was
re!uilt with hel* o/ :"hica2o Ioys=8 who acce*ted neoli!eral theories o/ Milton
Mriedman8 who tau2ht at )niversity o/ "hica2o' "hica2o Ioys reconstructed "hilean
economy !y their taste0 they revoBed nationaliAation and *rivatiAed national 2oods8
national resources were /ree to ex*loitation !eyond any rules8 and they *rivatiAed
social insurance (Garvey8 2((U0 1R-15' ThatDs classical exam*le how #merica wants
to :li!erate= other countries0 im*erialistic /ashion'
#/ter Horld Har Two /iscal and monetary *olitics called :9eynesian= was used to
alleviate e//ects o/ economic cycles and to maintain /ull em*loyment' 7t was !elieved
in 2eneral that com*romise !etween la!or and ca*ital was necessary to Bee* social
*eace' That meant state intervention and creation o/ wel/are state' That was called
Em!edded li!eralism8 what meant social-*olitical restrictions around marBet and
enter*rise activity' State interventions used to *romote social and moral economy' #t
the end o/ sixties em!edded li!eralism had started to crum!le8 !ecause o/ 2reat
crises o/ ca*italism8 concernin2 accumulation o/ ca*ital8 /ollowed !y unem*loyment
and in/lation8 so called :sta2/lation= (i!id'0 2(-21'
$eoli!eralism can !e inter*reted as uto*ian *roFect to re!uild *ower o/ *olitical elites
and to restore economic conditions /or accumulation o/ ca*ital' # circle o/ su**orters
has !een made around *hiloso*her and economist Mriedrich von GayeB8 which /ound
society o/ Mount PLle2rin in 1QRU' This circle included Milton Mriedman8 +udwi2 von
Mises and 9arl Po**er' They !elieved that human values were in dan2er8 es*ecially
those o/ *ersonal /reedom and /ree marBet' They were devoted to neoclassical
economic theories /rom the 1Q
century a2ainst those o/ 9arl Marx8 %avid Oicardo
etc' They !elieved that SmithDs conce*t o/ /ree hand o/ the marBet was the !est way
to mo!iliAe /or !ene/it o/ all8 even i/ that meant to stimulate the most low instinct o/
man' $eoli!eral doctrine was a2ainst theories which su**orted sate interventionism8
as were those o/ J'M' 9eynes8 which !ecame /amous a/ter Horld Har Two'
"onsolidation o/ neoli!eralism was de/inite in 1QUQ in )nited States and >reat Iritain'
Mar2aret Thatcher won mandate that year to re/orm national economy in >I8 and
show im*laca!le determination to liEuidate institutions and *olitics o/ social
democracy8 there/ore it was necessary to /i2ht a2ainst syndicates8 to attacB all /orms
o/ social solidarity8 to a!olish wel/are state8 to *rivatiAe *u!lic enter*rises8 reduce
taxes8 to stimulate initiatives /or entre*reneurs' Thatcher !elieved that thereDs no
society8 they are only individuals8 and so all /orms o/ solidarity had to vanish in /avor
o/ individualism8 *rivate *ro*erty8 *ersonal res*onsi!ility and /amily values' The main
2oal was8 /or Thatcher8 to chan2e souls o/ the *eo*le'
7n #merica Oea2anDs administration8 a/ter Oea2anDs victory over "arter8 who already
made some ste*s in direction o/ dere2ulation in 1Q5(8 made /urther dere2ulations8 in
all sectors8 /rom airlines to telecommunication (creatin2 new areas o/ the marBet /ree
o/ re2ulation8 /iscal cuts8 attacBs on syndicates and *ower o/ *ro/essional cate2ories'
Taxes on enter*rises were radically reduced and taxes on *hysical *ersons with
hi2hest income /rom U(-to 25 *ercent (7!id'0 2Q-&U'
7t has to !e mentioned the /act that Thatcher8 who /aced also resistance in time o/
her monstrous re/orms8 used sBill/ully Har on MalBland islands to meliorate her *u!lic
ima2e as :7ron +ady=' Media dema2o2y and *ro*a2anda served to trans/orm
simulation o/ little war in e*ic !attle' TN-re*orta2es /rom Iritain selectively showed
wounded Iritish soldiers8 and ne2lected /ar 2reater num!er o/ victims amon2
#r2entinians' Media hid the /act that that war was in /act im*erialistic war? such was
also years later #merican war in 7raE' ThatDs almost ty*ical exam*le how nationalistic
a**eals are used to hide drastic social-economic re/orms8 which have hu2e im*act
not only on national8 !ut also on 2lo!al economy' The *rice o/ this monstrosity is
!ein2 *aid /or decades8 till *resent time'
He Bnow now /rom relations o/ Iritish intelli2ence that #merica was already in 1QU&
*re*arin2 /or invasion o/ Middle East8 !ecause o/ raise o/ oil *rices in 1QU&8 South
#ra!ia8 9uwait8 to reduce *rices and to restore her oil su**ly' South #ra!ian
countries acce*ted to recycle their oil dollars throu2h #merican investment !anBs C
*ro!a!ly !ecause o/ threat o/ war C which had hu2e amounts o/ ca*ital at dis*osal8
to invest it in *ro/ita!le marBets' Iecause o/ de*ression #merica searched /or
/avora!le o**ortunities in /orei2n countries' #merican im*erialism had lon2 tradition8
!ut in contrast with tradition o/ >reat Iritain and Mrance8 im*erialism without
colonies8 esta!lished in the 2(
century8 was ty*ical #merican C such was the case o/
$icara2ua (i!id'0 &U-&5' Middle East had !een /or a2es an #merican im*erialist
*riority8 such was also South #merica'
GayeB and other neoli!erals !elieved that *lannin2 and other state re2ulation were
a2ainst /reedom' Ge2emony o/ neoli!eralism is !ased on conviction that idea o/
/reedom is *reserved i/ /reedom o/ enter*rise and *ro*riety is secured' Iut lacB o/
/reedom is o!vious !y those8 who search in vain /or their democratic ri2hts and
*rotection /rom those who *reserve *ro*riety' The only way in which neoli!eral vision
can !e sustained is with /orce8 coercion8 authoritarianism' Those who have wealth at
dis*osal8 !elieve in their ri2hts and /reedom8 and try to *ersuade all that they are
universal' Thirty years o/ neoli!eralism have !een used to re!uilt *ower o/ ca*italistic
class and *roduced immense concentrations o/ *ower in /ields o/ ener2etics8 media8
*harmacy8 trans*ort8 and retail commerce' Mreedom o/ marBet has !een used to
ex*and mono*olist *ower o/ enter*rises worldwide8 in discriminatory way (i!id'0 RQ-
7 came /rom Mormer @u2oslavia8 where values o/ /ull em*loyment and social
solidarity meant somethin2' #/ter dissolution o/ the state8 caused !y nationalismDs
and interventions /rom outside8 these values were disEuali/ied and re*laced !y values
o/ ca*ital8 *atholo2ic individualism8 nationalism (and local *atriotism and ne*otism'
$ew economic elites emer2ed and *eo*le were *ushed in !rutal neoli!eral /orm o/
economy8 what meant lowerin2 o/ li/e-standards /or maFority' Politicians with the hel*
o/ mass media !rain-washed the masses8 usin2 nationalist a**eals8 and *eo*le8 livin2
in *eace /or decades8 were ready to Bill each other' Gowever Josi* IroA Tito was a
contradictory leader8 with authoritarian /eatures (certainly not a socialist8 he was not
a nationalist and im*erialist liBe $a*oleon or Stalin or "hurchill or %e >aulle C Tito
was a/raid o/ nationalisms8 le2itimately C and Tito 2ave initiative /or $on-ali2nment
movement8 which was in time o/ "old Har a no!le cause and im*ortant
counterwei2ht in 2lo!al *ower-relations'
7nstead o/ re/ormin2 @u2oslavia a/ter TitoDs death ("on/ederation o/ Oe*u!lics or
*erha*s /ormin2 a new economic union8 a ra*id se*aration was /ollowed with !rutal
war8 /ull o/ /erocities similar to Horld Har Two' Ethical !orders did not match with
re*u!lic !orders8 yet *olitical ideolo2ists o/ inde*endence insisted on re*u!lic
!orders' 7n Slovenia intellectual circle around $ova OeviFa ($ew Ma2aAine8 "lu! o/
Hriters8 emi2rants /rom /orei2n countries8 esta!lished socialist *oliticians and new
ri2ht-win2 *oliticians *re*ared ideolo2ical terrain /or !rainwashin2 o/ the *eo*le'
They used sBill/ully social chauvinism /or *ro*a2anda' 7 recall Mrance Iuar8 the
author o/ Slovenian "onstitution how Foy/ully he associated with ;tto von Ga!s!ur28
2randson o/ Em*eror MranA Jose*h' They s*oBe on :2ood= historical #ustrian-
Slovenian relationshi*s8 and they /or2ot to mention that Slovenians were servants8
/armhands and su!Fected nation in #ustro-Gun2ary state' Iut Slovenian *olitical
leadershi* o/ that *eriod in/lamed hatred toward Ser!s and used it /or *ro*a2anda'
They thou2ht that it would !e !etter to serve #ustro->erman interests instead to
coo*erate with Ser!s and other South Slavic nations' #lso colla!orators o/ Mascism-
$aAism and their descendants had always wanted to destroy @u2oslavia8 and to Foin
>ermany8 !ut as lon2 as Tito was alive they were a/raid o/ him8 so they /led to
#r2entina8 #ustralia or >ermany' #/ter his death8 /ollowed !y a *eriod o/ lon2
economic insta!ility and /inancial crises o/ the state8 which reached its *innacle in
1QQ(8 they 2ot an o**ortunity o/ the century' Pro*a2anda /or democracy has omitted
to whom this democracy would serve0 to new esta!lished /inancial elites' %emocracy
is a !itch8 very un/aith/ul8 inclined to *rostitute hersel/ to ca*ital tyranny'
MediaDs systematic accusations and demoniAation o/ Ser!s (/rom inside and Hestern
media as exclusively res*onsi!le /or Billin28 mainly omitted #l!anian and Iosnian-
Muslim war crimes over Ser!ian *o*ulation8 and also "roatian *art o/ 2uilt in :ethnic
cleansin2= o/ Ser!ian and Iosnian-Muslim *o*ulation (ValoBar8 2((Q8 !ut also
Slovenian dema2o2y o/ cultural su*eriority8 arms trade8 and alliances o/ Slovenian
leaders with >ermany and #ustria8 who wanted to divide @u2oslavia' #s war-criminals
in Gaa2 a**eared mainly Ser!s8 /ew "roats8 almost none Iosnian-Muslim' Miloeevi
was the only *resident o/ re*u!lic8 in role o/ war-criminal? "roatian and Iosnian
*resident were never accused o/ war crimes (they died sli2htly *rematurely8 !ut
would the court have a coura2e to accuse themZ' Slovenian *resident 9uan
a**eared in the court as witness a2ainst Miloeevi? he was never interro2ated a!out
national chauvinism o/ *olitical class8 dema2o2y and rhetoric o/ inde*endence at any
rate (there was no le2al 2roundin28 how handily'
Ohetoric o/ inde*endence o/ Slovenia has ended with su!ordination to #ustro-
>erman *olitical-economic interests and su!Fection to Irussels8 $#T; and )S#'
@u2oslavia was a /ederation o/ South Slavic $ations (exce*t Iosnian-Muslims in
Iosnia and #l!anians in 9osovo8 who were never entirely inte2rated8 which was not
a 2enuine socialist country (accordin2 to scienti/ic Marxism8 yet in the Euro*e it was
the only one which has somehow striven a/ter socialism8 inde*endently /rom Soviet
)nion8 a/ter the /all o/ 7ron "urtain' #lthou2h it had authoritarian leadershi* C yet not
so much characteristically di//erent /rom leaders o/ the Hestern %emocracies C it was
a state where ca*ital and *rivate *ossession were not the only a!solute' 7t o*ened a
di//erent /rame /or articulation o/ su!Fect as social !ein2' #lthou2h cult o/ *ersonality
(namely Tito8 nicBname o/ the commander durin2 Har o/ +i!eration in Horld Har
Two8 was a /atal mistaBe in the lon2 term8 @u2oslavian economic /orm o/ 2overnin2
o/ sel/-mana2ement was an inventive conce*t8 com*arin2 to exclusive *rivate
*ossession' Pro*ortionally hi2h de2ree o/ social security re*resented a value8 which is
unBnown in the countries which had no history o/ Hel/are State'
The decom*osition o/ the state was *aid with hi2h *rice8 which reached its /inale
with $#T;Ds !om!in2 o/ Iel2rade' #**roximate 2S(( civilians died at that !om!in2'
Hhen Miloeevi8 at "ourt o/ Gaa2 asBed Hesley "larB8 commander o/ $#T; /orces at
that *eriod8 a!out !om!in2 o/ Iel2rade8 the Fud2e has /or!idden that sort o/
Euestions' "arla %el Ponte8 the *rosecutor a2ainst Miloeevi8 admitted that she would
also liBe to Bnow why the !om!in2 was necessary (ValoBar8 2((Q0 2(Q' Iom!ers
used also im*overished uranium' 7tJs interestin2 that Slovenian *hiloso*her SlavoF
WieB made a 2rotesEue a*olo2y o/ !om!in2 o/ Iel2rade in his !ooB The @ear o/
%reamin2 %an2erously on exam*le o/ Vastava /actory8 as military tar2et' Iut thatJs
nothin2 new0 in $#T;Js *hiloso*hy /irst you !om! military tar2ets to *rotect civilians8
than you !om! a little wider and wider and wider till you can s*are the civilians '''
So TitoJs dream /elled into ashes' Hhatever TitoDs am!itions were8 Socialist Mederal
Oe*u!lic o/ @u2oslavia (SMO@ was an economic unity o/ South-Eastern Slavs8 which
*rovided to some extent social-economic sta!ility' Irutal dissolution o/ the state is a
matter which youn2er 2eneration is still *ayin2'
"hildren o/ late socialism (!orn in late U(
8 5(
in @u2oslavia were *ushed into
!rutal neoli!eralism C a system without social security8 constant lacB o/ Fo!s8
merciless com*etition C they can !e truly called :lost 2eneration=' 7nde*endent state
o/ Slovenia C inde*endent o/ whomZ IrusselsZ >ermanyZ )S#Z C has learned them
only to hate'
)n!eara!le social situation and corru*tion o/ *oliticians *ushed *eo*le to the streets
in Slovenia8 in 2(12-2(1&8 where they /aced *olice !rutality8 unseen in Mormer
@u2oslavia8 which has !een la!eled as =totalitarian=' %emands /or direct democracy8
with ri2ht to recall *olitical re*resentatives8 were demanded' Iut some *rotesters
even hel*ed the *olice to arrest the diso!edient demonstrants8 and even 2ave the
*olice /lowers (what remind us on 2rotesEue ima2es /rom 7raE8 durin2 )S#
occu*ation C we Bnow this *henomenon /rom social *sycholo2y as identi/ication
with a22ressor'
1(' The >reat crises C dLFY vu
Present crisis was *receded !y *eriod o/ economic 2rowth8 /lourishin2 real sector8
excellent liEuidity' "risis !roBe in 2((U? it aroused hi2h dou!ts a!out creditworthiness
amon2 !anBs8 !ecause o/ risBy investment and over*riced /inancial *roducts8
inter!anB risB *remiums' IanBs had hu2e liEuidity *ro!lem8 !ecause o/ de!ts' #t /irst
it was !elieved that E) economy would remain immune to /inancial tur!ulence C at
that time real economy was still thrivin28 !ecause o/ ex*ort 2rowth' Situation
deteriorated in 2((58 with !anBru*tcy o/ +ehman Irothers' Panic emer2ed in stocB
marBets8 !anBs restrained credits8 and economic activity was slowed down8
dramatically' Iusiness con/idence /ell si2ni/icantly8 world trade declined' The dee*est
recession in Euro*e since 1Q&( ha**ened' >overnments *rovided /iscal stimulus and
2ranted new ca*ital8 interest rates have !een cut' Iecause investors were wary
a!out risB in !anB *ort/olios8 !anBs had *ro!lems to raise ca*ital via de*osits and
shares' They had to sell assets8 their *rices meanwhile /ell8 what reduced availa!le
ca*ital and so on' The credit risB !ecome hi2h8 !anB ca*ital was eroded' 7nsolvency
and underca*italiAation led 2overnments to ensure ca*ital loans8 there/ore *rovided
new ca*ital8 toxic assets were exchan2ed /or cash or save assets (2overnment
!onds' Minancial institutions8 which were insolvent (had toxic assets were
reca*italiAed !y 2overnments8 while they calmed tax*ayers with assurances that they
will !ene/it in the lon2 run' Euro*ean economy was also vulnera!le !ecause o/ the
!urstin2 o/ the *ro*erty !u!!le in the )nited States and contamination o/ !alance
sheets o/ /inancial institutions (Euro*ean "ommissions8 U12((Q0 5-1('
The res*onsi!ility o/ !anBers was not thorou2hly investi2ated? neither were they
su!dued to the *enal law (!ecause thereDs no law which would *rotect citiAens and
tax*ayers /rom 2reed o/ !aBers' >overnments /ocused *rimarily on rescuin2 !anBs8
at any *rice8 what led to second ste*8 /iscal consolidation8 savin28 minimiAin2 o/
*u!lic sector8 and im*osin2 o/ austerity measures8 what caused 2radual reduction o/
wel/are state'
Iesides com*arison with the >reat %e*ression in 1Q&(s the *resent crisis also
resem!les8 *artly8 to the *re-Horld Har ;ne crisis in 1Q(U-1Q(5' #ll three crises
ha**ened a/ter an economic !oom8 with credit ex*ansion8 risin2 asset *rices and
*eriod o/ investment con/idence' #ll three o/ them were in/luenced !y events in the
)S8 althou2h they were internationally s*read' Storms in /inancial sector were
transmitted to the real economy8 what lead to dee* recession' 7n 1Q(U /inancial *anic
a!out credits and risin2 o/ asset *rices was driven !y an insu//icient su*ervision o/
/inancial sector C similar to *resent situation'
%isru*tions resultin2 /rom Mirst Horld Har had weaBened world economy in the lo2
run' Oecession o/ the 1Q&(s dee*ened !ecause o/ massive /ailures o/ !anBs and
inadeEuate *olicy' The crisis8 emer2ed in )S8 !ecame 2lo!al de*ression' Gowever
the un/oldin2 o/ the recession was slower than *resent crisis (now8 downturn in the
real economy is ra*id' Peri*heral economies are more a//ected in the current crisis
than the countries o/ its ori2in8 !ecause emer2in2 economies were hi2hly de*endent
o/ /orei2n ca*ital (emer2in2 Euro*e' The 1Q&( /aced mass unem*loyment ()S
a**roached &5f in 1Q&&8 Euro*e even R&f' #lthou2h rate o/ unem*loyment in
2((Q didnDt reach such level8 the /all in world trade8 asset *rices and economic
activity reveal that *resent crisis had develo*ed /ester8 com*arin2 to that o/ >reet
%e/lationary *ressures8 as a result o/ restrictive /iscal stance o/ world economies8 in
/ear o/ losin2 2old reserves and in/lation8 were stron2ly in/luenced !y *olicy o/ the )S
central !anB8 which could !e seen as the ori2in o/ the >reat %e*ression' Horld Har
Two salved situation8 it ena!led /ull em*loyment' "om*arin2 to the *ast *resent
res*onses to The "risis are extremely ex*ansionary monetary *olicy8 massive
inFections into /inancial system8 *olicy rates close to Aero to *reclude a dou!le-di*
scenario o/ the crisis' +esions /rom the *ast can !e summariAed in /ew main *oints8
that is0 1 Maintainin2 o/ the /inancial system8 su**orted !y 2overnments8 to
*reserve con/idence in the !anBin2 system 2 maintainin2 o/ a22re2ate demand8
avoidin2 de/lation8 *rovidin2 liEuidity to the system8 lowerin2 interest rates &
maintainin2 international trade and avoidin2 *rotectionism R maintainin2
international /inance8 S maintainin2 internationalism8 avoidin2 nationalism' :E) is
now *rovidin2 a shelter /or the /orces o/ de*ression in Euro*e < throu2h its internal
marBet8 sin2le currency and its institutionaliAed system o/ economic8 social and
*olitical coo*eration= (i!id'0 1R-22'
He Bnow that mem!ers o/ E) are not eEual8 and the *rice o/ la!or varies /rom
country to country si2ni/icantly8 es*ecially the di//erence is !etween the center and
*eri*hery? there/ore im*osin2 the same measures /or all countries is only another
*retense /or /urther ex*loitation8 under*aid la!or and increasin2 o/ social di//erences'
>reed o/ the wealthy created crises8 not i2norance o/ the *oor? there/ore to im*ose
austerity measures (/iscal consolidation which would hurt mostly the maFority o/
*o*ulation8 not the wealthy8 is a terrorism o/ the /inancial elite' 7tDs not the !est
*olicy to maintain Euro at any *rice8 i/ social cost (wel/are state would !e too hi2h'
Iecause /inancial sector caused crisis8 it should also *ay /or it C i/ that means
a!andonin2 the common currency8 this *rice must !e *aid' Oe-2ainin2 *u!lic
con/idence in /inancial institutions8 throu2h !rutal austerity measures8 is a sarcastic
a**roach' Niolence canDt !rin2 con/idence' The !ill must !e *aid !y the !anBers and
*oliticians8 who are res*onsi!le /or the situation' #!sence o/ le2islation which could
im*ose *enalties /or their maneuvers only *roves a hy*ocritical-totalitarian nature o/
!our2eois-ca*italistic le2islation'
Mlexi!ility o/ la!or marBets (/lexi!le worBin2 time8 tem*orary arran2ements8 non-
standard /orms o/ worB were meant to *revent si2ni/icant unem*loyment' 7n 2((U
unem*loyment had reached a rate o/ Uf8 in 2((Q had increased !y 2'2 *ercenta2e
*oints' )nem*loyment has !een the hu2est in the Ialtic countries8 7reland and
S*ain' The "ommissionDs /orecast *redicted the unem*loyment rate to increase to
close to 11f in the E) !y 2(1( (i!id'0 &S-&T' Those ex*ectations were too
(letJs not /or2et 9eynesD warnin2s a!out unem*loyment in the *astP'
:Mlexi!le worB= is only another eu*hemism /or ex*loitation' Mlexi!le worB doesnDt 2ive
a social security8 neither sense o/ identi/ication? it has created new im*overished
social class0 *recariat' 7t had a//ected mostly the youn2 2eneration' Iut
unem*loyment is constant Euro*ean (and world *ro!lem' 7tDs si2ni/icant that
2overnment interventions are o/ Bey im*ortance to save :/ree marBets=8 what revels
total /alsity o/ neoli!eral conce*ts'
Policies o/ crisis resolution and *revention had !een /ocused on /inancial sector'
Iesides already mentioned reca*italiAations8 stressin2 tests o/ the !anBs *rovidin2
in/o' a!out !anBDs resilience and ro!ustness were used as a tool /or re-2ainin2
con/idence in /inancial sector' Oe2ulatory and su*ervisory mechanisms have !een
made /or *revention o/ crisis' %e +arosi_re >rou* recommended esta!lishin2
Euro*ean System o/ Minancial Su*ervision' Minancial su*ervisors would ti2htly
coo*erate and would have stron2 coordination /rom the center' Euro*ean Su*ervisory
#uthorities would su*ervise national su*ervisors (i!id'0 U5- 52'
This Bind o/ totalitarian-/inancial lo2ic leads to dee*er and dee*er centraliAation8
which disa!les /ree develo*ment o/ countries (and local communities8 /ine-tunin2 o/
their national economies to 2lo!al' ;nly elites will !ene/it /rom even 2reater
centraliAation' 7/ we recall #ncient >reeBDs conce*t o/ Polis8 we can *resume that
democracy was !orn *recisely !ecause o/ diversity8 not uni/ormity' Two thousand
years later Euro*ean civiliAation tends toward di//erent a**roach0 /inancial /ascism'
)nem*loyment reached hi2h levels in 2(1& in E)0 2T'TSR million in the E)-25? 1Q82Q5 m' in the euro
area (E#-1U' Euro area reached 1281 f in ;ct' 2(1&' )nem*loyment rates varied /rom S82f in
>ermany8 S'Qf in +uxem!our28 to 128Tf in 7reland8 1Uf in "y*rus8 !ut the hi2hest level reached
>reece (2U'&f in #u2ust 2(1& and S*ain (2T'Uf' #vera2e youth unem*loyment rate was 2&8Uf in
the E)-25 and 2R8Rf in the euro area' "om*arin2 to year 2(((8 2( millions in the E)-2U (Qf o/
la!or /orce were unem*loyed'
Eurostat at htt*011e**'eurostat'ec'euro*a'eu1statistics3ex*lained1index'*h*1)nem*loyment3statistics
Mem!ers o/ ;ccu*y movement8 /or instance8 would not share convictions o/
Euro*ean "ommission' The ;ccu*y movement has !een created !ecause o/ even
lar2er social ineEuity8 it was an international *rotest a2ainst 2lo!al /inancial system8
controllin2 the world and *reventin2 democracy to develo*' ;ccu*y *rotest tooB
*lace in $ew @orB "ityDs Vuccotti ParB on 1U'Q' 2(118 and it s*read across the world
in over QS cities across 52 countries' Pu!lic de!ates in 2rou*s8 where *artici*ants
could ex*ress their o*inion8 *romoted the consensus model o/ democracy
(Partici*atory democracy' #lthou2h movement was committed to nonviolence8 there
were some clashes with the *olice8 which !y end o/ the year undertooB cracBdown
and cleared out most o/ cam*s (HiBi*edia0 ;ccu*y movement'
#lso S*anish 7ndi2nados wanted *artici*atory and direct democracy' Oeal %emocracy
$ow movement or2aniAed demonstrations all over the S*ain on 1S-th May 2(11 as
an answer to S*ain economic crises and austerity measures8 which a//ected lot o/
inha!itants' 7n their Mani/esto they strove /or ethical revolution8 /or social8 cultural8
educational8 *olitical and other /undamental human ri2hts' "am*in2 in MadridDs
Puerta del Sol SEuare overni2ht trans/ormed into over a month occu*ation in several
S*anish sEuares' Protest cam* with tents had !ecome small city8 where ideas o/
solidarity were discussed' They or2aniAed the li/e around committees (/ood8 le2al
a//airs8 in/rastructure8 assem!le or2aniAation etc' :# *arallel city was created in the
heart o/ the ca*ital=8 !y those youn2 who had !een called :lost 2eneration=8 !ecause
o/ economic crisis' They had :renamed themselves as the 7ndi2nados= (SgncheA
%ionis8 2(120 11-12' 1SM movement re/used sin2le leader or Foinin2 any existin2
*olitical *arty' They considered that *resent *olitical and economic system canDt
re*resent its citiAens8 !ecause it caused *overty and unem*loyment' They demanded
real democracy8 *artici*atory and direct democracy8 !ased on consensus decision
maBin2' ;r2aniAation had a networB structure o/ worBin2 2rou*s8 without center8
with horiAontal decision-maBin2 model' "onsensus tries to include as much as
*ossi!le voices in de!ate8 then ideas are throu2h creative thinBin2 *rocess
synthesiAed in a *ro*osal8 which su**osed to suite the !est to all (i!id'0 1&-1R'
7n !oth cases we see a /orce o/ multitude8 tra2edy o/ the lost 2eneration (*recariat
and concerns o/ the common0 a communitarian a**roach' +acB o/ re*resentation8
the youn2 and mar2inaliAed es*ecially8 shows clearly that *resent ty*e o/ democracy
is more or less reserved /or ca*ital interests' Gowever orchestra without conductor
canDt sound' He can learn /rom this lesion that without *olitical or2aniAin2 within
*resent rules8 there can !e no e//ective a**lication o/ new ideas8 which would
trans/orm *resent rules' Hithout clearly de/ined 2oals there can !e no e//ective and
dura!le social !oilin2 which could trans/orm the society' ;ccu*y movement and
7ndi2nados indicated a si2ni/icant lacB o/ *olitical s*ace in late ca*italism /or
articulation o/ Bey social issues8 issues which are not re*resented !y any (*resent
*olitical *arty (or *seudo-socialist *arties8 there/ore social !ody has no adeEuate
re*resentative in the *olitical s*ace' 7t ex*osed also dee* disillusion with ca*italist-
re*resentative democracy' This ty*e o/ democracy is o!solete and does not serve to
the *eo*le' $evertheless8 a *ath toward *artici*ial democracy is throu2h ti2ht loo* o/
*arty *olicy8 whether !y0 a new ty*e o/ *olitical *arty which would 2radually dissolve
itsel/ into *artici*atory /orm o/ democracy or ! increasin2 *ressure /rom civil society
on 2overnin2 *arty (their e//icaciousness is dou!t/ul' The Bey dan2er o/ any
however transitory /orm o/ re*resentationDs *olitics is *articracy'
7/ *rotests ou2ht to !e e//ective8 they must !e massive to that extent8 that they
actually *aralyAe the whole state and economy' There is still a dan2er o/ *olice
!rutality and a Euestion o/ e//ective res*onse o/ demonstrants (civil diso!!edinace8
imitation and variation o/ *olice tactics8 diversions across the city etc''
The state has C as /inal remedy C still army at dis*osal' 7tDs a matter o/ historical
moment and social awareness how the events mi2ht develo* C whether the army will
intervene and cause massacre or it will sustain' #uthoritarian characters C as *olice
and army are C are inclined not to admit that they served to the wron2 master' (7n
this essay we donDt consider military as*ect o/ revolution? #ra!ian s*rin2 was de/ined
!y s*ecial cultural and *olitical conditions'
"ommon untruths8 which are *ro*a2andiAed !y neoli!eral economists8 are8 amon2
others8 /ollowin20
/inancial marBets are e//icient C on the contrary? *resent crises reveled that
they are ine//icient and donJt *rovide e//icient allocation o/ ca*ital? /inancial
com*etition causes desta!iliAation8 increases irrational 2rowth o/ *rices8
creates /inancial !alloons (stocB-marBet8 there/ore /inancial marBets should
!e re2ulated and !anBs mustnDt s*eculate on their account?
marBets estimate correctly solvency o/ the states C on the contrary? credit
ratin2 a2encies (Standard h PoorJs8 MoodyDs etc' have in/luence on interest
rates with their su!Fective estimations8 which cause insta!ility8 which is a
source o/ s*eculative *ro/its8 there/ore credit ratin2 a2encies mustnDt have
authoriAations to de/ine ar!itrary marBet interest rates o/ stocBs8 and so to
lower credit estimation o/ any state?
increase o/ *u!lic de!t is a conseEuence o/ overs*endin2 C on the contrary?
increase o/ *u!lic de!t is a conseEuence o/ decline o/ *u!lic-/iscal incomes8
!ecause o/ recession and lowerin2 o/ taxes8 !ecause o/ /iscal
to lower *u!lic de!t8 *u!lic s*endin2 has to !e reduced C on the contrary?
macro-economy canJt !e reduced to micro-economy and to household
economy? dynamics o/ de!t de*ends on de/icit and de2ree o/ nominal
economic 2rowth C i/ nominal economic 2rowth is lower than interest rate8
de!t increases ex*onentially? on lon2 run investments in *u!lic sector
(educational system8 health care8 research8 in/rastructure etc' stimulate
economic 2rowth' E) is more or less closed union8 there/ore reducin2 *u!lic
incomes in all E) countries only dee*ens recession8 there/ore *resent level o/
social security has to !e *ersevered or even increased as well to increase
resources /or educational system8 research8 investments in ecolo2y?
lowerin2 o/ taxes enhances economic 2rowth C on the contrary? E) /ollowed
)S# in /iscal *olicy o/ lowerin2 taxes /or ever 2reater !ulB o/ /ields (*ro/its o/
com*anies and the most wealthy8 contri!utions o/ em*loyers etc'8 what only
caused even 2reeter social ineEuality and increased *u!lic de!t' This /iscal
*olicy com*elled *u!lic authorities to run into de!ts on /inancial marBets and
at richer classes8 to cover *u!lic de!t C this strate2y ena!led hi2her incomes
/or the rich8 who saved money !y taxes8 and 2ot de!enture !onds8 which
were released to /inance *u!lic de!t (so called :FacB*ot e//ect=? there/ore
increase o/ *u!lic de!t is not a conseEuence o/ 9eynesian *olicy8 neither over
ex*endin2 o/ social *olicy8 it is a result o/ /avoritism /or elites8 so a new
redistri!ution at tax *olicy should !e introduced and income tax relie/s must
!e a!olished8 /or com*anies which do not contri!ute to em*loyment'
Since Maastricht a2reement E"I (E) "entral IanB mustnDt any lon2er /inance E)
mem!ers? they must search /or loans directly on /inancial marBets (no !ailout' @et
E"I should directly /inance E) states at low interest rates (+es Lconomistes atterrLs8
2(120 Q-2R'
Minancial elites use *resent crises /or shocB strate2y8 to a**ly radical neoli!eral ideas8
yet reducin2 o/ *u!lic ex*enses will reduce investment in research8 educational
system and 2reen economy? lowerin2 o/ social incomes will dissolve social cohesion8
lower e//ective demand8 desta!iliAe marBets etc' Maastricht contract lies on no
!ailout *olicy C no hel* !etween countries o/ E)8 !ecause o/ neoli!eral *olicy o/
/iscal disci*line in /avor o/ /inancial marBets8 there/ore states are /orced to loan
money on the marBets8 what means they must /ollow their directions0 /iscal
consolidation8 lowerin2 o/ *u!lic incomes8 /lexi!ility8 *rivatiAations < at hi2h interest
rates' "rises o/ Euro*ean area reveled that *resent mechanisms /or adFustment are
ina**ro*riate and showed lacB o/ social solidarity' E) is in /act in economic war8 in
which is8 at now8 thrivin2 >ermany8 !ecause o/ its hu2e marBet sur*luses8 !ecause o/
drastic lowerin2 o/ wa2es and :concurrence de/lation=8 yet >erman success shall
*ush entire E) in de*ression' To reduce *u!lic de/icit8 de2ree o/ taxes on /inance
sector should !e introduced8 as well on ca*ital *ro/its and hi2h incomes' Pu!lic de!ts
should !e8 in *art restructured8 !ut mostly written o//' The states should !e allowed
to /inance themselves at E"I directly8 at low inters rates' "osts o/ recession and !anB
losses should !e transmitted to stocB-holders and the wealthiest' Minancial
transactions must !e taxed8 and marBet with derivatives should !e re2ulated8 as well
activities o/ s*eculative /unds (i!id'0 &2-R5'
IottomCu* democracy movement which crises incensed awaBened slee*in2 civil
society and citiAens8 standin2 /or human ri2hts8 which state canDt 2uarantee any
lon2er' $eoli!eral state /ailed to !e soverei2n over its territory8 it has also morally
!anBru*ted' Oenaissance o/ civil society all over the world has rediscovered an active
citiAen8 standin2 /or his ri2hts' 7n S*ain 7ndi2nados movement had *romoted :a
deli!erative *rocess o/ deconstructin2 the mainstream discourse o/ the *olitical and
economic *ower around the 2lo!al crises= (SgncheA %ionis8 2(120 1T' IanB de!t
!ecame *u!lic de!t C that was a *rinci*al source o/ indi2nation in all most a//ected
southern countries o/ Euro*e (Portu2al8 S*ain8 >reece8 "y*rus8 !ut also 7taly8
Slovenia' Gowever *eo*le still !elieved in the :state o/ law=' Iut !our2eois law canJt
*rotect the *eo*le C that is a startin2 *oint /or revolution' %emocracy canJt *rotect
the *eo*le C they need a revolution' ;nly in the revolution those who were
*reviously in the *ower are com*elled to o!ey the rules o/ a new 2ame'
7ndi2nados movement mo!iliAed S*anish society8 standin2 /or human (social8
economic8 cultural ri2hts' They aimed at creatin2 a !etter world8 with sel/-or2aniAin2
o/ the *eo*le8 sel/-determination8 solidarity8 /ocusin2 attention on human ri2hts
as*ect o/ crises (adeEuate housin28 health8 nourishment8 education8 which were
Feo*ardiAed !y 2overnmentDs measures' They have o**osed *rivatiAation o/ *u!lic
services8 tax havens8 wa2es and trades dum*in28 enormous social divisions in
society8 /oreclosures and /orced eviction8 ill-timed re/orm o/ la!or marBet? they
demanded res*onsi!ility o/ the lar2est !anBs and executives and demanded
re*arations' They ex*erimented a community-orientated way o/ realiAin2 human
ri2hts8 a*art /rom state-!ased ri2hts (which /ailed them8 associated with *arallel
social structure8 alternative democracy' 7ndi2nados advocate /or de-/inancialiAation o/
*resent system in !ene/it o/ human ri2hts' Hhey /ou2ht a2ainst evictions8 they
sEuatted (occu*ied unoccu*ied !uildin2s /or cultural and other activities (sEuattin2
is !ein2 used also as a *lace to live /or homeless due to the crises' 7ndi2nados
started to act locally8 a!ut aim at 2lo!al chan2e (SgncheA %ionis8 2(12'
11' $eoli!eral devastation0 Exam*le o/ >reeB
Sim*li/yin2 theories that unem*loyment was the Bey /actor who caused u*risin2 in
>reece8 overlooB socio-economical !acB2round and *articularities o/ >reeB situation
(level o/ unem*loyment in >reece is similar to 7taly8 S*ain and Portu2al' The crisis in
>reeB *olitics in the *ast contri!uted to *eriods o/ dictatorshi* (/rom 1Q&T-R18 1QRT-
RQ and the Junta in 1QTU-UR /or instance' 7n the 2(
century a stron2 la!or
movement created a !rid2e to the state *ower' Partici*ation o/ residents at local level
hel*ed to overcome the 2a* !etween centraliAed state and local communities' 7n
1QQ( this rulin2 was eliminated in the name o/ Euro*eaniAation and economic
e//iciency' #ccordin2 to these *rinci*les local administration has !een reduced !y
5(f' %issimilation o/ citiAens /rom *olitical *ower created a void in *olitical s*ace8
which led to new8 s*ontaneous *olitical activity8 durin2 deterioration o/ social
"lientelist networBs allowed citiAens some *olitical in/luence' This hel*ed to create
*arty loyalty and to le2itimate *olitical *ower8 throu2h in/luence o/ *atrons8 who
de*utiAed common citiAens on local level' Meanwhile ca*italism in >reece develo*ed
slowly8 the state *layed a Bey role /or accumulation o/ wealth' %istri!ution o/ wealth
created loyalty to the *arty'
#/ter /all o/ Junta num!er o/ *eo*le em*loyed in the *u!lic sector dou!led' MaFority
o/ all university 2raduates were em*loyed !y the state (!etween 1QU(-1Q5(
Economic ex*ansion /rom 1QS( to mid-1Q5( trans/ormed >reece /rom rural and *oor
in a wealthy country' This was durin2 >reeB economic miracle' Gowever economic
ex*ansion did not went alon2 with trans/ormation o/ la!or marBet' This resulted also
in 2rowth o/ em*loyment within the state and sel/-em*loyment as well' The wealth
was created !y shi**in28 !anBin28 tourism and throu2h /orei2n remittances (Iratsis8
2(1(0 1Q(-1Q&'
+eadin2 *olitical *arty :$ew %emocracy= tried to re/orm >reeB educational system in
2((5 (introducin2 *rivate universities8 mana2erialism8 !ut it /aced stron2 resistance
/rom students' The re/orms were seen as an attacB on /ree hi2her education' The
hu2e amount o/ em*loyment in *u!lic sector declined /rom 1QQ(8 many o/ university
2raduated were in vain ho*in2 /or Fo!s in *u!lic sector8 !ecause it had decreased8
!ecause o/ *ressure /rom E) and im*erative o/ marBet li!eraliAation8 lot o/ *u!lic
enter*rises !ecame *rivate' "lientelism didnDt /unction any lon2er8 awareness o/
*olitical corru*tion !ecome o!vious' %ominated class has also 2ot !ene/ices /rom
clienteilst relations' #ttacB on educational system and decline o/ clienteilst networBs
had led to structural crises' The mass o/ the common citiAens werenDt re*resented in
the system any lon2er'
#t the same time8 the social *osition o/ immi2rants in >reeB society had deteriorated'
"ountry /ailed to inte2rate them in the society' #lthou2h many o/ them were !orn in
the >reece (children o/ immi2rants8 they remained without *a*ers8 le2al *rotection
and were su!Fected to extreme humiliation and mistreatment' 7n u*heaval in
%ecem!er 2((58 s*arBled !y a murder o/ 1S-year old student !y the *olice a linBa2e
!etween immi2rant8 *roletariat and the student and anarchist movement had !een
/ormed (i!id'0 1Q(-1QR'
>reeB anarchists in the streets used ant-2lo!alist tactics o/ resistance8
outmaneuverin2 the *olice very e//ectively' @et without *olitical or2aniAation8 there
could !e no social trans/ormation' 7deas o/ #ntonio >ramsci and his conce*ts o/ :war
o/ *osition= can !e very use/ul today8 althou2h >reece su//ered /rom a!sence o/
*olitical or2aniAation on the le/t (i!id'0 1QS' #uthor o/ the article :%e!ate on the
>reeB insurrection= P' Iratsis was 2uessin2 in 2(1( towards which o/ two *ossi!ilities
>reece could 2o0 towards constant le2itimation crisis and constant u*raises /rom
!ellow8 or towards !ri2hter o*tion8 that the movement will develo* and :the su!Fect
o/ a new *olitical order will emer2e=8 and accordin2 to the latter he says that
:%ecem!er events have now !rou2ht this *ossi!ility into existence= (i!id'0 1QS'
Murther develo*ment con/irmed this *resum*tion' Success o/ S@O7V#8 le/t win2-*arty
in national elections in 2(12 2ave voice to su**ressed >reeB maFority' +eader o/ this
*arty8 #lexis Tsi*ras had *romised the re*udiation o/ the loan a2reement to >reece
!y E)' Gis $o to austerity measures /or loans /rom the /orei2n lenders echoed in the
Euro*e' Mr' Tsi*ras stated that :>reeceDs *ro!lem is a Euro*ean *ro!lem that needs
a Euro*ean solution8: insistin2 on that that >reece stays in the Euro8 !ut not under
any terms (the !ailout8 !ecause8 the Euro Aone is :a chain with 1U linBs= and i/ one
is destroyed8 the wholly chain /alls a*art (#lderman8 %onadio0 2(12'
Iut let us return to economical issue' 7n >reeB economy was dee*ly involved also
>ermany8 which letter !lamed >reece as solely (mainly res*onsi!le /or its /inancial
colla*se8 *ointin2 at her as a =rotten a**le= in Euro*ean !asBet8 ine//icient at
structural re/orms and austerity measures'
>reeBDs main 2uarantor was >ermany8 and inventors were waitin2 that she would
!acB the >reeB economy' >ermany at /irst re/used that' Iecause there were no /iscal
2rantees the E)17MM rescue *lan was not seen as determinative to co*e with >reeB
!ud2ets de/icit and *u!lic de!t' >erman-led o/ economic *olicy created atmos*here
o/ am!i2uity :constructive am!i2uity=8 with s*eculation a!out !ailout8 causin2 a
moral haAard <
:< the withdrawal o/ the /iscal 2uarantee not only contri!uted to the colla*se o/ the
>reeB !onds marBet8 thus escalatin2 the crisis in was meant to contain8 !ut may
have also sown the seed o/ conta2ion to the marBets o/ other EM) *eri*hery !onds8
also o*eratin2 hitherto under the assum*tion o/ a >erman /iscal 2uarantee=
(#r2hyrou8 TsouBalas8 2(110 151'
The crisis is due to deterioratin2 /undamentals durin2 *eriod o/ 2((1-2((Q and a
shi/t in marBet ex*ectations a!out 2uaranteed /iscal lia!ilities' "risis in con/idence in
>reeceDs monetary re2ime and its a!ility to mana2e its *u!lic de!t were related also
with marBet uncertainty a!out (am!i2uous commitment o/ EM)8 o/ their res*onse
and *artici*ation in solvin2 the crisis8 de*endin2 /rom a!sence1*resence o/ /iscal
2uarantees (i!id'0 152'
Hhen E)17MM rescue mechanism was activated8 >reece declared that it wants to
remain *art o/ EM) (i!id'0 15&8 what has led to /iscal austerity and ruthless
reduction o/ social ri2hts8 unem*loyment and lowerin2 o/ standards o/ livin2' #uthors
o/ the article8 at the time o/ writin28 su22ested o*timistic and *essimistic scenarios'
Iy /irst >reece would im*lement economic re/orms and >reeB citiAens would acce*t
them without social u*heavals8 con/idence in >reece will !e re!uilt and >reece would
return to the *ath o/ 2rowth8 2radually8 i/ there would !e no maFor 2lo!al economic
shocBs8 no conta2ion to other marBets o/ E)'
The *essimistic scenario was that re/orms would !e resisted and >reeB 2overnment
would /ail to carry them out' MarBets would re/use to land >reece /unds8 and >reece
would leave EM)' $ew %rachma would !e devaluated a2ainst the euro8 crises would
s*ed to real economy' Oe/orms would anyway !e carried out8 yet in the worst case
outside o/ E)' There/ore the authors o/ the article su22est that >reeB authorities
must convince citiAens thatDs in the countryDs interest to im*lement the un*o*ular
re/orms and remain in Euro Aone' They must also in/orm the >reeBs that i/ the
country doesnDt maBe a su!stantial *ro2ress within /ew months8 marBets would
understand that they have chosen to 2o out o/ E) (i!id'0 15&-15R' The /aults o/ the
*oliticians must *ay the *eo*le C thatDs the Bey messa2e o/ austerity measures8
social re/orms in the name o/ crisis8 and !ecause we Bnow that neoli!eralism doesnDt
a**reciate *u!lic democracy8 this Bind o/ rhetoric is not a sur*rise to us' He can 2o
even /urther0 the crisis (rhetoric o/ :crisis= was caused that new authoritarian ty*e
o/ world-rulin2 would !e im*osed8 would !e le2itimiAed' Enormous *ayin2-o//s and
haAardous marBet enter*rises o/ the !anBers are within neoli!eral economic
*aradi2m acce*ta!le8 as well are unem*loyment and lowerin2 o/ wa2es /or maFority
o/ *o*ulation' Hhen !anBers 2am!le away national wealth8 this de!t must !e *aid !y
the *eo*le8 calmly8 o!ediently' $evertheless *eo*le arenDt slaves0 althou2h they are
whi**ed and !rainwashed8 they re!el' # revolt to the tyrannies is su*reme moral
o!li2ation? even i/ !ody succum!s durin2 com!at with *olice and army8 and other
watchdo2s o/ the "a*ital8 the human di2nity is re-2ained'
Tsi*ras !lamed in his MayJs interview /or The $ew @orB Times the /inancial marBets
/or drivin2 much o/ the crisis8 !ecause :they donDt have any moral scru*les8 and i/
they *ush >reece out8 theyDll Fust move on to the next country= C that is S*ain and
7taly' Tsi*ras said that he will hold to the *led2e o/ re*udiation o/ terms o/ >reeceDs
!ailout that would s*are >reeBs /rom hardshi* o/ the E)Ds loan' Euro*ean leaders8
es*ecially #n2ela MerBel8 >erman "hancellor have done maneuvers to *reserve
>reece in Euro8 !ecause they were a/raid o/ colla*se o/ !anBs across the Euro*e and
desta!iliAation (#lderman8 %onadio0 2(12' @et later events showed that some sort o/
domino e//ect /ollowed' He are still o!servin2 to what extent it would came in S*ain
and 7taly' Possi!ilities (or /ear o/ conta2ion8 o/ which #r2hyrou and TsouBalas write
in the article /rom 2(118 concern other :*eri*hery EM) countries8 7reland8 7taly8
Portu2al and S*ain:8 !ecause they ex*erienced since their Euro accession
deterioration in Bey /undamentals8 so :these countries must also *ursue8 without
delay8 /iscal consolidation and extensive structural re/orms= (#r2hyrou8 TsouBalas8
2(110 15T' Myo*ia o/ advocates o/ neoli!eral /iscal austerity a**roach o/ crisis
solvin2 canDt !e 2rater0 !ehind the words Xstructural re/ormsD and X/iscal consolidationD
it hides si2ni/icant deterioration o/ li/e standard (unem*loyment8 *overty etc'8 not o/
elites8 understanda!ly and a!ove all a *lan to save (and ideolo2ically reha!ilitate
!anBs (!anBers' $o one dares to *ro*ose1im*ose such structural re/orms8 which
would instead o/ reca*italiAation o/ !anBs demand their nationaliAation and
redistri!ution o/ un/airly 2ained money and to *ut on the court !anBers who carried
out haAardous loans (/or tycoons without covera2e' ;/ course0 that Bind o/ *u!lic
courts doesnDt exist8 this Bind o/ lawDs doesnDt exist8 !ecause elites and their
!our2eois Furists havenDt created them8 !ecause then they would *ut their own heads
under the ro*e'
There are other voices too' Tsi*ras has called /or :nationaliAin2 !anBs in order to
control their lendin2 *olitics=8 sus*ension o/ loan *ayment :until the >reeB economy
can recover= and a :reversal o/ the terms o/ the loan a2reement that call /or slashin2
wa2es <= (#lderman8 %onadio0 2(12'
>reeB exam*le showed clearly that centrally-directed Euro*ean monetary *olicy
causes hu2e dama2e on national economy o/ the *eri*hery8 and that de!t is a
cate2ory8 made !y !anBs themselves C caused with risBy loans C8 there/ore it is a
relative8 not an a!solute cate2ory (>ermany has no de!t8 !ecause itJs a he2emonic
/orce in Euro*ean country8 which can8 similarly also Mrance8 Ienelux8 en/orce its
/inancial terms to other8 weaBer countries' "ommon Euro*ean currency was at lon2
run a /atal mistaBe8 on the detriment o/ weaBer Euro*ean countries (!ut /or the
!ene/it o/ >ermany and Mrance' More cautious $ordic countries (Sweden8 %enmarB
*ersevered their own national currencies8 or they stayed out o/ E) ($orway8 7sland'
Eu will radically chan2e or /all a*art sooner or later' $o one !elieves to Irussels any
lon2er8 exce*t the *oliticians' Politics o/ *resent runnin2 into de!ts /or >reece8 !ut
also S*ain8 Portu2al and others is only a overture to decom*osition o/ social state'
#usterity measures *olicy is only another ex*ression /or ex*loitation'
7celand exam*le showed entirely di//erent way o/ crises solvin2 C towards
democracy' 7celand !anB de!t !ecome *rivate !anB de!t8 and creditors had to
assume res*onsi!ility /or non-*aid !anB o!li2ations'
Three !i22est domestic (*rivatiAed 7celand !anBs wanted to ex*and internationally
(to )98 $etherlands and $orth Euro*e8 so they used ex*ansive *olicy8 durin2 a
*eriod o/ exce*tional liEuidity on international /inancial marBet' Hith runnin2 into
de!t 7celand !anBs /inanced also individuals and domestic enter*rises and so !lew
/inancial !alloon8 there/ore 7celand !ecome more and more de*endent /rom /inancial
marBets and vulnera!le (!ecause o/ constant loanin2 and risBs o/ /orei2n currency
exchan2e rate' O;E de2ree was much hi2her than 1Sf8 it reached even S(f' 7n
2((U 7celand was S-th the wealthiest country in the worldP (+es Lconomistes
atterrLs8 2(120 1(5-112'
IanBru*tcy o/ +ehman Irothers in 2((5 enhanced colla*se o/ world !anB marBet'
7celand !anBs couldnDt loan money any lon2er on international /inancial marBet8 so it
colla*sed within a weeB' State !ecame insolvent' #ttem*t to nationaliAe the !i22est
!anB >litnir caused crises o/ trust' Standard h PoorJs a2ency8 which *reviously
2lori/ied 7celand8 has lowered its evaluation8 causin2 increase o/ risB *remiums /or
the country' @et state re/used to trans/orm *rivate de!t into *u!lic8 and decided to
divide national /rom international commitments o/ !anBs in !anBru*tcy' So they
divided domestic activities (de*osits o/ inha!itants8 domestic economic activity /rom
others8 and trans/erred them to new esta!lished !anBs' ;ther demands remained in
old !anBs8 durin2 a *eriod o/ their liEuidation' So *rice o/ /inancial crises has to !e
*aid !y steaB-holders and international creditors themselves' @et >reat Iritain used
their #nti-terrorist #ct /rom 2((18 and con/iscated all /unds o/ 7celand !anBs on
Iritish territory8 causin2 so hu2e di*lomatic crises !etween two states8 which
a22ravated 7celand crises-solvin2' 7celand was com*elled to asB /or hel* 7MM
(7nternational Monetary Mund /or 18T milliard Euro8 what meant /iscal consolidation'
Oesults were devastatin20 I%P /ell /or T8Qf8 unem*loyment increased to Qf8 wa2es
were lowered8 *urchase *ower lowered drastically'
#t that critical *oint 7celand *eo*le8 who o**osed austerity measures8 made a
*etition8 which demanded re/usal o/ *resent a2reement in 2(1(' #/ter ne2otiations
they came to new a2reement a!out *ayin2 !y installments8 which ena!led that the
de!t shall !e *aid in &( years (instead o/ *revious *rovision o/ U years8 interest
rates were lowered /rom S8Sf to &82f8 and state canJt 2uarantee over Tf o/ I%P'
So 7celand exam*le showed that 7celand *eo*le re/used demands o/ E) and 7MM8
who tried to trans/orm *rivate !anBs de!ts into *u!lic de!ts8 and to com*el 7sland
*eo*le to *ay /or !anBers' The creditors were *aid at the amount o/ availa!le means
(i!id'0 11&-125'
12' Oevolt a2ainst the *ower C tactical Euestion
Oevolt is constitutive element o/ the su!Fect' "on/ormists can never develo* their
su!Fectivity (they have *sedo-su!Fectivity' The Euestion is the strate2y and tactics
de*endin2 on situation' +o2-run and short-run strate2y o/ *olitical stru22le and
tactics o/ resistance'
#nti-2lo!aliAation movement consists o/ trade unions8 environmentalists8 anarchists8
indi2enous ri2hts activists8 or2aniAations *romotin2 human ri2hts8 o**onents o/
*rivatiAation etc' They hold res*onsi!le the *olitics o/ cor*oral 2lo!aliAation /or
enhancin2 2lo!al *overty and ineEuality' Protests are taBin2 *lace durin2 meetin2s o/
HT;8 7MM8 Horld IanB8 >58 Horld Economic Morum' They advocate *artici*atory
democracy8 2rassroots *artici*ation8 coo*erative decision maBin2 and horiAontalism'
Term :#nti-2lo!alisation movement= has !een used *rimarily !y media and
movement critics8 while many activists reFect the la!el' They as*ire to 2lo!aliAe ho*e8
resistance and li!eration' #ctivists use ex*ressions liBe :2lo!al Fustice movement= or
:2lo!aliAation /rom !elow= (En2ler8 2(110 1S(-1ST' MovementDs ori2ins can !e
derived /rom movements !e/ore *rotests a2ainst HT; in Seattle8 in 1QQQ'
Sym!olically si2ni/icant moment o/ ori2in was u*risin2 o/ the Va*atista #rmy o/
$ational +i!eration in "hia*as8 Mexico8 in January 18 1QQR8 a2ainst $orth #merican
Mree Trade #2reement' Movement was su!seEuently /ocused on land re/orm and
indi2enous ri2hts? it used internet as a vehicle /or critic8 it stands /or direct
democracy' 7t led su!seEuently to /ormation o/ Peo*leDs >lo!al #ction8 in 1QQ5 in
>eneva8 a networB o/ or2anisations8 re/usin2 ca*italism8 im*erialism and cultural
domination' The Iattle o/ Seattle in 1QQQ served as a *rototy*e /or /urther *rotests
and 2ained wides*read attention' $on-violent human !locBade o/ convention centre8
where trade ministers su**osed to o*en session o/ the meetin28 led to *olice
res*onse with tear 2as and ru!!er !ullets' +ater a IlacB IlocB o/ anarchists
vandaliAed /ronts o/ !anBs and cor*orations liBe $iBe' T(( *rotesters were arrested
/or act o/ civil diso!edience (i!id'0 S1T-S1U' :The IlacB IlocDs actions were !lamed
/or the intensi/ication o/ *olice assaults on the non-violent !locBaders= ("onway8
2((&0 S1R' Niolence is a many-layer *henomenon and is also socially structured'
Niolence is inherent attri!ute o/ the system'
Horld Social Morum (HSM was a res*onse to Horld Economic Morum8 /irst haled in
January 2((1? it *rovides a s*ace /or social movements to networB' The HSM
!ecame a re2ular event and consists o/ a committee o/ re*resentatives /rom
*rominent civil society worldwide (En2ler8 2(110 1S&'
IlacB IlocB :is the most *rominent a*olo2ist /or8 and *ractitioner o/8 *ro*erty
destruction= ("onway8 2((&0 1ST11SU' They advocate this tactics8 !ecause it
:unsettles middle-class culture and the rei/ication o/ *rivate *ro*erty=8 *ro*erty
destruction is as sort o/ :visual *unctuation=' Iut mainstream and alternative media
are alarmed !y *ro*erty destruction8 !ecause o/ :the climate o/ uncertainty and
disorder that it /osters=' The IlacB IlocDs inclination towards *ro*erty destruction8
com!ined with its doctrine o/ sel/-de/ence creates :a trou!lin2 continuum !etween
*ro*erty destruction (a non-violent tactic and more violent /orms o/ en2a2ement=
(i!id'0 S1T - S1U'
#narchist :Ilac !locB= tactics o/ *rotests include wearin2 darB clothes or sBi-masB8
scarves etc' to conceal identity o/ the marchers and maBe di//icult criminal
*rosecution' Tactics o/ a IlacB !loc can include vandalism8 riotin2 etc'8 !ut it /ocuses
mainly on de/ensive tactics8 liBe assistin2 in the esca*e o/ arrested demonstrants
(.un-arrestsJJ or JJde-arrestJJ8 administerin2 hel* to demonstrants8 su//erin2 /rom tear
2as8 resistin2 the *olice etc' Pro*erty destruction has *rimary sym!olic si2ni/icance0
it includes tar2ets as !anBs8 institutional !uildin2s8 multinational cor*orations8 video-
surveillance cameras etc' (HiBi*edia0 IlacB IlocB'
#ctivists o/ the IlacB Iloc claim that the world is in the hands o/ :moneystarved
vam*ire or2aniAations= liBe Horld Trade ;r2aniAation (HT;8 the 7nternational
Monetary Mund (7MM and the Horld IanB (HI (Nan %eusen8 Massot8 2(1(0 &Q'
They distinct *rivate *ro*erty /rom *ersonal *ro*erty0 *ersonal *ro*erty re/ers to
*ersonal needs8 meanwhile *rivate *ro*erty to needs or wants o/ the others? it
accrues *ower and control over others' Private *ro*erty and ca*italism :is
intrinsically violent and re*ressive and cannot !e re/ormed or miti2ated= (i!id'0 RS'
@et maFority o/ ur!an inha!itants do not understand destruction o/ the *ro*erty8 so
IlacB Iloc canDt count on their sym*athy' The strate2y o/ luddism is erroneous? an
attacB on the *ro*erty in the *u!lic only invi2orates myth o/ sanctity o/ *rivate
*ro*erty' This tactic is also in o**osition with JJex*ro*riation o/ the ex*ro*riatorsJJ
*hase o/ communism' Pu!lic demonstration o/ *ro*erty destruction C even in /ront o/
the cameras C (indirectly increases tensions !etween law en/orcement and
*rotesters8 and risBs victims /rom other 2rou*s o/ *rotesters C reduces solidarity8
conseEuently C8 as a result o/ moral haAard' ProvoBers have no moral reason8 they
sim*le taBe advanta2e o/ the situation to *er/orm :re*ressive desu!limation= and use
a mo! as a shield8 to hider *olice *ersecution' #narchistic tactics su//er /rom
im*rovisation and dilettantism' Pro*erty destruction is also vulnera!le to
:a**ro*riation8 mani*ulation8 and escalation !y masBed others0 the *olice or their
*aid a2itators8 /ascists8 or criminal elements8 some o/ whom a**ear to have
*artici*ated in >enoa= ("onway8 2((&0 S15' 7n >enoa there were s*ecial *olice units
com*rised o/ o//icers who derived /rom 7talian military *ersonnel8 which had tortured
Somalis (Palidda8 2(110 2' Events /rom %iaA school and !arracBs o/ IolAaneto were
com*ared to #!u >hrai! and >uantanamo Iay8 !ut *olice o//icers res*onsi!le /or
violence have even !een *romoted8 what is reminiscent to /ascist or ma/ia-run
re2ime (i!id'
Means o/ de/ence should !e discussed? accordin2 to my o!servation the !est o*tion
in most o/ cases are *assive means o/ de/ence (creativity o/ tactic0 /rom /ace
*rotection a2ainst tear-2as8 swimmin2 2lasses8 or *added-clothes /or *rotection
a2ainst !atons8 or means to *rotect a2ainst handcu//in2 etc'' (# Euestion o/ civil
arrest is to !e considered in contest o/ concrete *olitical actions durin2
demonstration' Iut i/ *olice !ecomes re*eatedly !rutal8 com!at must !e an answer'
MasBs and other identityCconcealin2 means are more dis*uta!le8 !ecause they
dismantle 2enuine revolutionary messa2e8 and envelo* demonstrants in the mist o/
anonymity' "oura2e to stand /or *olitical 2oals im*lies also trans*arency' ;n the
other hand8 one has to !e cautious8 !ecause o/ overwhelmin2 re*ression' +enin
himsel/ chan2ed his identity times out o/ num!er? once he even a**eared at *arty
con2ers dis2uised in a woman' IacB IlocB say that they hide identity (wearin2 masBs
etc'8 !ecause they Bnow we arenDt livin2 in a democracy8 !ut in a *olice state' They
!elieve C in the contrast with *aci/ists C that itDs not worthy to risB *ersecution8 they
re/use the *rivile2e to :acce*t *ersecution as a sacri/ice= (*ersecution is daily
inevita!le anyway? *ersonal /reedom must !e treasured (Nan %eusen8 Massot8 2(1(0
IlacB colour uni/orms are dis*uta!le to me8 !ecause !lacB is conservative
(!our2eois colour and it can !e in the last instance associated with church or
/ascism' Oed colour is colour o/ the revolution8 !ut also multi-colour s*ectre is
innovative (colour o/ anonymity is 2rey'
#ims o/ anarchist movements are amon2 others /i2ht8 sel/-mana2ement /rom !elow8
occu*ations8 marches8 riots8 action committees8 decentraliAed collations8 *romotin2
class-*olariAation8 solidarity with su!contracted worBers8 2lo!al !asics conditions o/
em*loyment8 2lo!al minimum wa2es8 o**osin2 *rivatiAation8 sel/-mana2ement o/
social services and in/rastructure8 internationalist worBin2 class8 sel/-mana2ement
stateless socialism (Nan der Haldt 2((112(120 U-5' $evertheless8 without
re*resentatives and leadershi*8 there can !e no *ermanent success' Iottom u*
mo!ility is vital8 !ut it canDt *roduce e//ective results without some sort o/ 2uidance'
+enin thou2ht that strict *arty-disci*line will solve all the *ro!lems8 !ut history
showed that "ommunist-*arties lived di//erent reality than masses8 what *roduced
authoritarian results' # dynamic eEuili!rium !etween massive *artici*ation and
trans*arent *olitical re*resentation must !e re*ose o/ 21
century' @es8 a total
mo!iliAation on the le/t is an answerP
#narchist a2ree with anti-2lo!aliAation as*ects !reaBin2 down closed national
cultures8 cosmo*olitan and international culture8 anarchists :reco2niAe that the
nation state is one o/ the main authors o/ 2lo!aliAation=8 !ecause the :nation state
has im*lemented neoli!eral attacBs on the worBin2 class= and allowed rise o/ 2iant
2lo!al cor*orations8 so nation state is a *art o/ *ro!lem' There/ore anarchists /i2ht
/or international la!our unity8 an international minimum wa2e8 international la!our
standards and sel/-mana2ement /orms o/ stru22le (i!id'0 R-T'
$ation state is o/ course :transitory=8 accordin2 to Marxism8 !ut durin2 im*erialistic
*retences o/ 2lo!alism it still could have a minimum role o/ a :!u//er=' 7n this context
we can remem!er *olemics !etween +enin and Oosa +uxem!our2' Gowever today all
national 2overnments which *roclaim themselves as :le/t win2= (social-democrats
worB /or 2lo!al ca*ital8 there/ore socialist-communist alternative should ex*ose their
hy*ocrisy and *resent an alternative8 which must include national and international
solution0 /ine-tunin2 !etween nei2h!ourin2 economies and introduction o/ !asic
standards o/ li/e and human di2nity worldwide' $ational Euestion is not yet dead C
alas it is also a last recourse o/ !our2eoisieP C8 it will wither away in a distant /uture8
!ut collateral dama2e is annihilation8 a!sor*tion o/ minor cultures8 durin2 *rocess o/
2lo!al :meltin2=' Iour2eois national conce*t is more or less o!solete' Iut when we
thinB o/ 2lo!al context8 we must not reduce everythin2 to economy0 di//erent
cultures attri!ute to variety'
Hhen we s*eaB o/ demonstrations8 direct violence should !e avoided? *ro*ortional
and 2radual res*onse to re*ression is the most a**ro*riate strate2y' # chain o/
events has to !e /ul/illed when :harder= means o/ active de/ence (direct actions are
to !e used' Provocation o/ the *olice with Molotov cocBtails or stones is recBless8
!ecause it 2ives the re*ression a !lanB cheEue /or !rutality8 and it causes collateral
dama2e' ;n the other hand8 commitment to non-violence to the very !itter end is
masochistic' So strate2y is im*ortant' Pro!lem o/ anarchists is that they lacB o/
disci*line8 and i2nore *sycholo2ical 2rou* dynamic' #lso *rotesters should C liBe the
*olice C maBe their homeworB0 a security estimation o/ demonstrations'
7m*rovisation can !e many times the worst answer8 !ecause it o*ens the door to
vi2ilantes and *olice !rutality' Iecause o/ /ew hot-!looded individuals8 looBin2 /or a
/i2ht8 revolutionary *otential and *olitical messa2e can !e a!solutely wasted' $ot to
mention the inFuries o/ the innocent' Iattle is an answer8 i/ *olice !rutality occurs a
*riory8 as a res*onse to occu*yin2 strate2y /or instance' Multitude will have to learn
in the near /uture new strate2ies and ada*tation to dynamical8 hostile environment
and new8 creative res*onses to re*ression' Iar!ara Ehrenreich states that :He need
to invent some new /orms o/ demonstratin2 that minimiAe the dan2er while
maximiAin2 the *ossi!ilities /or individual sel/-ex*ression <= ("onway8 2((&0 S15'
#ccordin2 to >eor2e +aBey8 *ower o/ non-violent *rotest lies in its contrast to the
violent *ower o/ the state in :the theatre o/ *rotest i solidarity and *aci/ism in the
/ace o/ naBed a22ression= (i!id'0 S15' # 2ame o/ mirrors C yet a re/lection re/ers to
/urther re/lections' Mass media a*olo2iAe *olice8 as a rule8 and the *olice is almost
newer *unished /or its misdeeds in a li!eral democracy8 as we have seen in >enoa
exam*le and elsewhere' %ominant media tended to re*resent *rotest violence
related with The !attle o/ >enoa as hideous crime a2ainst society8 as dan2erous
threat to the *revailin2 order and morals' Militant stiles o/ demonstrations were
linBed to to*ics o/ terrorism8 which a/ter Q111 had !ecome use/ully strate2y to
a*olo2iAe !rutal re*ression (Juris8 2((S0 R2&'
He do live no lon2er in a time o/ revolutionaries as +enin and TrotsBy were? >iuliani
was a s*ontaneous revolutionary' Media re*resented death o/ >iuliani as tra2ic8 yet
*ara!olic in a sense that it was his own /ault' Mor instance article in Time (&( July
2((10 22C& used *hrase cyou rea* what you sow] (i!id'0 R2S' @et media had
selected and isolated ima2ines o/ violence in >enoa8 so it could su22est a moral o/
the story0 that militant anarchist had destroyed the city8 destroyed *u!lic order and
moral values8 devaluated massa2e o/ *aci/ic demonstrants and in *arenthesis had
deserved !eatin2' This media strate2y is very common8 !ecause in wants to Fusti/y
re*ression8 and *reserve status Euo8 i2norin2 social anta2onism' That it can do
throu2h ideolo2ical monta2e8 monta2e o/ attractions8 and com!ination o/ ima2es
which are underlined with authoritative voice o/ narrator' Selection o/ dramatic
ima2es reveals a view *oint o/ narrator (Fournalist8 editor8 so it creates a causal-
conseEuential relationshi*'
Mirst ima2e0 >iuliani li/ts a /ire extin2uisher' Second0 cara!iniere *re*ares a *istol'
Third0 >iuliani is a!out to throw the extin2uisher' Mourth0 cara!iniere /ires' Mi/th0
>iuliani /alls on the 2round' Sixth0 he lies immo!ile' 7tDs a sim*le story8 exem*lar8
!ecause it lacs other *hotos8 which *recede the seEuence selected and those which
/ollowed it' # moral would !e0 :@oun2 demonstrants are liBe theseP "ara!iniere could
not act di//erently'= Iut you do not dye !ecause o/ a /ire shot o/ whom /ires /rom
secure shelter? you die !ecause o/ the law which *ermits it' Iour2eois law canDt
understand that a man is a social !ein2 and a result o/ social interactions and
historical events' Iour2eois ideolo2y i2nores dialectics and historical universe' :Hhat
*ut such an idea into his headZ= they asBed a/terwards' Erroneous Euestion cannot
2ive a ri2ht answer' Hestern democracies do not care a!out the *eo*le8 only every
/our years at elections8 where you canDt choose nothin2 exce*t sim*le @ES or $;8
+e/t or Oi2ht8 !ut system doesnDt chan2e8 and *oliticians can smile and *romise
whatever8 without o!li2ations' 7/ they arenDt elected8 they still can chan2e *olitical
S*eaBin2 a!out tactics o/ demonstrations *ro*ortionality is the !est answer' #lso
*ower o/ the ima2es is not to !e underestimated' Iut8 as Iaudrillard has warned in
his /inal account o/ The Per/ect "rime0 The Oeven2e o/ the Mirror Peo*le8 re/errin2 to
Ior2es story a!out s*ecular and human Bin2doms8 that the mirror *eo*le8
im*risoned in the mirrors8 condemned to re*eat endlessly our moves8 will /inally
!reaB the s*ell8 little !y little they will di//er /rom us8 till they shall !reaB throu2h the
2lass and invade us ultimately' :< every re*resentation is a servile ima2e8 the 2host
o/ once soverei2n !ein2 whose sin2ularity has !een o!literated' Iut a !ein2 which
will one day re!el8 and then the whole system o/ re*resentation and values is
destined to *erish in that revolt= (Iaudrillard8 2((50 1S(' Nirtual reality has its
s*eci/ic rules8 its dynamic and charm o/ violence' 7/ you watch @outu!e channel /or
instance8 virtual violence !ecomes a *ure attraction as once was in the domain o/
cinema' Hhy should documentary videos /rom demonstrations di//er /rom other
home-made videos and simulations o/ social worldZ Those who count on em*athy
/rom media are incorri2i!le najve' 7n a world o/ hy*er*roduction o/ realities8 an
essence o/ an event is lost (see also cha*ter T'
The *rotests in \ue!ec "ity a2ainst the MT## (Mree Trade #2reement o/ the
#mericas in 2((1 was accom*anied with mass demonstrations a2ainst cor*orate
:To deal with the antici*ated *lurality o/ actions8 or2aniAers o/ the *rotest in \ue!ec
"ity a2reed on demarcatin2 Aones as 2reen8 yellow8 and red accordin2 to the level o/
risB o/ con/rontation or arrest' Oed noted times or *laces where *ro*erty destruction
and sel/-de/ense would occur and *olice !rutality and un*lanned arrests could !e
ex*ected' The Aones had virtual !oundaries? they were not /ixed 2eo2ra*hically8 !ut
were assi2ned !y or2aniAers o/ s*eci/ic actions= ("onway8 2((&0 S21-S22'
Thin2s went !ad latter !ecause num!er o/ *rotesters ready to de/y *olice increased
in the red Aone8 =a diversity o/ tactics /rameworB erodes the conditions /or ex*licitly
non-violent civil diso!edience or direct action !ecause it leaves o*en the *ossi!ility
/or violent escalation on the *art o/ the activists= (i!id'0 S21' The *eace/ul activists
at the /ence (twenty thousand *eo*le over the course o/ three days8 a**roachin2
the /ence with /in2ers raised in *eace sym!ols met with noxious 2as8 water cannons8
ru!!er !ullets8 and massive and indiscriminate use o/ tear-2as8 the harassment and
snatch arrests (i!id'0 S22
7t is always liBe this' Ieatin2s8 tear-2assin2 and arrests are a *art o/ dis*ro*ortionate
and un-selective *olice res*onse' Hhen *olice decides to arrest or raid8 it will
*er/orm it :on the 2eneral=8 as an admonition8 it will not a**rehend Fust /ew
trou!lemaBers8 !ecause *olice tactics is !ased *rimarily on de/ence-and-reven2e
/ormula' 7nstead o/ creatin2 virtual Aones (red8 yellow and 2reen8 there should !e
im*lemented three de/ence lines8 three 2radual tactics8 accordin2 to *olice
!ehaviour0 red - com!at? yellow - *assive resistance8 occu*yin28 outmanoeuvrin2
etc'? 2reen - *eace/ul (*aci/ist *rotests0 tactical reci*rocity in one word'
"om!ination o/ 2reen and yellow tactics would !e the !est solution in maFority o/
cases' @ellow should also include tactical movement8 retreats and tactical
manoeuvres to *assiviAe or demo!iliAe *olice units8 i/ they *er/orm violence' 7t could
include also civil arrests' He Bnow /rom transactional *sycholo2y o/ Erich Ierne that
*sycholo2ical transactions taBe *lace !etween three levels o/ consciousness0 E2o8
Su*ere2o an 7d' #s lon2 as transactions develo* !etween two *ersons on eEual
levels8 con/licts do not occur? *ro!lem is intersection o/ di//erent levels (Ierne8
1Q51' %emonstrations have to !e *laned8 and some sort o/ communication and
hierarchy o/ command C more ex*erienced activists should !e res*ected C must !e
assured to *revent chaos and collateral dama2e'
$o /inal account8 no decisive !attle is (yet taBin2 *lace !etween la!our and ca*ital8
at *resent /orm o/ *rotests' #ny state re*resents the whole world8 revolt is 2lo!al?
revolution is develo*in2 in very slow motion C a dress rehearsal o/ the revolution C8
/rom the +eninist *ers*ective' Iut *ers*ective o/ our timeline is di//erent /rom Q(
years a2o8 !ecause o/ dynamic interconnectedness o/ the 2lo!al world and initiative
/rom !elow' +on2-run trans/ormation o/ 2lo!al world is revolutionary8 its cumulative
e//ects on /urther 2enerations' "onsciousness o/ the multitude is revolutionary' # tasB
o/ the /uture is to !rin2 this com*rehension into *ractice'
Second *art0
Oeality !eyond ca*italism
:EEuili!rio sociale immuta!ile C
%esio della tirannide la!ile?
"am!ia lJuniverso8 solo mutaAione
Oimane8 anAi di *ik la rivoluAione'=
Toma Janei8 OivoluAione *er*etua
Eternal social eEuili!rium C
%esire o/ la!ile tyranny'
The )niverse modi/ies8 only mutation
Oemains8 even more revolution'
Per*etual revolution
Sel/-2overnment8 *artici*ation and reci*rocity
Socialism is /or Marx a ty*e o/ society which allows the actualiAation o/ a man and
his inde*endence and destruction o/ idols' Mor Marx aim o/ socialism was /reedom8
!eyond democratic conce*ts and understandin28 li!eraliAation o/ the man8 who
should !e a!le to use his *owers (Mromm8 1QT112(110 T1' Marx s*eaBs o/
awareness? man is not aware o/ his 2enuine needs8 there/ore /alse consciousness
*revails C ideolo2y' #lready Meud !elieved that true manDs actions are unconscious to
him8 rooted in li!eral strivin2s' ;nly awareness o/ reality maBes man /amiliar with his
true needs and conditions' Iour2eois indi2nation a2ainst /orce :de*ends on who
uses /orce= and a2ainst whom (i!id'0 21-2&' Patholo2ic su!Fectivism and
com*etitiveness8 ty*ical /or !our2eois conce*t o/ a man can *roduce /alse
anta2onisms' 7n a social context su!Fectivism8 and o!Fectivism8 s*iritualism and
materialism sto* to !e antinomies' #lso conce*t o/ *rivate *ro*erty su**oses that an
o!Fect is in *ossession o/ individual *ro*erty only when it actually has it as ca*ital or
is directly consumed' "once*t o/ *rivate *ro*erty8 accordin2 to Marx8 exists only as
means o/ li/e8 yet is misunderstood and re*laced as li/e o/ *rivate *ro*erty C thatDs
alienation o/ *sychical and intellectual senses8 re*laced !y sense o/ havin2'
Oeduction o/ human !ein2' The more you have8 the 2reater is alienation (i!id'0 &S-
&T' Metishism o/ *rivate *ro*erty and its consecration had distorted human
*erce*tion o/ his true ori2in and reduced the man on level o/ commodity' #s 7 have
written in the third cha*ter0 %eath o/ su!Fect means li/e o/ o!Fect8 o!Fecti/ication o/
li/e' Private *ro*erty is seen throu2h !our2eois-neo-Platonist *rism0 (*uri/ied o/
social history8 *uri/ied o/ ex*loitation as an incarnation o/ ideas o/ dili2ence8 hard
worB8 honesty8 talent' Hhy there is such di//erence !etween *eo*le concernin2
wealthZ Iecause o/ mysti/ication8 distortion o/ true social conditions and ex*loitation
o/ milliards' ThatDs why most o/ *eo*le canDt a//ord *roducts o/ their own hands C
elite on the other way can !uy *roducts o/ other hands' Than the rich *ersuade
masses that they are su*erior8 !etter *ersons8 !ecause they *ossess what they have
taBen away /rom masses C what dia!olic hy*ocrisyP8 similar to $aAiDs inscri*tion over
the entrance in the #uschwitA0 #r!eit macht /rai (HorB shall li!erate you'
Social *ro*riety is well Bnown conce*t /rom socialism' 7t is a condition and essence
o/ socialistic sel/-mana2ement' Socialistic sel/-mana2ement means that a worBer
/reely and at eEual terms as others worBs to2ether with means o/ social *ro*erty and
2ains his income' That Bind o/ sel/-mana2ement is not *ossi!le where ca*ital is in the
hands o/ *rivate owner8 or where ca*ital is mono*olistic mana2ed !y the state' Social
*ro*erty is not state *ro*erty? its /orm is modi/yin2 historically' 7n certain *eriod o/
socialistic revolution state /orm o/ social *ro*erty is necessary8 es*ecially durin2
*hase8 which Marx calls :ex*ro*riation o/ ex*ro*riators=? yet state *ro*erty is still
connected with those *ro*erty /orms when worB and *roductive means were
se*arated' State-*ro*erty mono*ole is still classical *ro*riety cate2ory8 meanin2 that
*roduction means are in state hands and not in the hands o/ the worBers' 7n this
condition de/ormation can !e !orn8 where collective will o/ worBers is re*laced !y will
o/ the state or2ans' Social *ro*erty is a system o/ relations !etween *eo*le8 not a
relationshi* !etween a man and a thin2 (9ardelF8 1QU50 2&-2S' This *ro*erty is not
mono*olistic ri2ht o/ none individual su!Fect in a society8 nor state8 neither individual8
neither worBin2 collective' Social *ro*erty is there/ore common *ro*erty o/ all
worBin2 *eo*le8 as well individual *ro*erty o/ a worBer as his ri2ht to worB8 includin2
means /or *ersonal and common wel/are' Social *ro*erty re*resents a ri2ht to worB
and res*onsi!ility o/ worBer8 under terms o/ eEual ri2hts o/ worBin2 collective'
Iecause social *ro*erty is !oth *ersonal and common8 no one can a**ro*riate it or
o!tain *rivile2es resultin2 /rom it' Social *ro*riety is a system o/ institutionaliAed
mutual ri2hts and res*onsi!ilities o/ worBers and society8 not relationshi* o/ individual
or collective su!Fects with thin2s or mono*olist relationshi*'
Mor Marx a source o/ all class-di//erentiations has always !een con/lict !etween
mono*oly o/ *roduction means and sur*lus la!or8 on one side8 and a worBin2 man
who has to worB to live with this means8 on the other side' There/ore state mono*oly
o/ ca*ital canDt su!stitute *rivate *ro*riety-mono*oly? social *ro*erty has to !e
common *ro*erty o/ all worBin2 *eo*le on national and also on international level'
State *ro*erty was /or Marx only a revolutionary means in the hands o/ worBin2
class8 as startin2 *oint o/ socialism'
#mon2 sel/-mana2ement ri2hts o/ worBers are0 /ul/illment o/ worBin2 o!li2ations8
/ree decision o/ economic o*erations in their or2aniAation8 decision o/ *oolin2 o/
la!or8 mana2ement8 creatin2 o/ worBin2 *lans8 realiAation o/ *ersonal8 common
material and moral interests8 decision o/ dis*osition and distri!ution o/ income and
*ro/it' ;n the !ases o/ ri2ht to worB with social means a worBer is also a creator8 he
has material 2roundin2 on which he can develo* as creative *ersonality (i!id'0 2S-
This *rinci*les8 Bnown /orm /ormer @u2oslavia8 and ela!orated !y Edvard 9ardelF
(one o/ the most in/luent *oliticians in @u2oslavia8 !esides President Tito8 have
made social conditions /or em*owerment o/ worBer and have contri!uted to restore
his di2nity8 which has !een disEuali/ied in ca*italistic societies' (Gowever sel/-
mana2ement *rinci*le was introduced to limited extent8 !ecause em*owerment o/ a
worBer within enter*rise8 didnDt com*rehend ex*ansion o/ his civil ri2hts' Sense o/
!elon2in2 to or2aniAation and sense o/ strivin2 a/ter common 2oals8 without denyin2
individuality and individual contri!ution8 has !een a solid social 2roundin2 /or
creation o/ relationshi*s o/ reci*rocity8 and had contri!uted to creation o/ social
solidarity8 which is one o/ the Bey elements in each sane society' E//icaciousness o/
this ty*e o/ or2aniAations had varied' 7n s*ite o/ common !elie/ that socialism didnDt
create success/ul enter*rises8 in Slovenia /or instance8 /ew internationally res*ected
com*anies have !een made within @u2oslavian Mederation0 Mura C /ashion-industry8
>orenFe C household a**liances8 9rBa C *harmaceutical com*any8 Elan C s*ort
"rises o/ mana2ement and lacB o/ *artici*ation in the mana2ement /rom the *art o/
common worBer is only one *art o/ alienation? it is related to (*rimary *olitical
alienation C alienation o/ the citiAen /rom *rocess o/ *olitical decision maBin2'
Hestern democracies are in crisis8 !ecause they /ail to serve the *eo*leDs needs' @et
citiAens !ecame increasin2ly interested in *olitical *artici*ation8 !ut in unconventional
/orms' 7n >ermany8 /or instance8 local re*resentative democracy is com*lemented
with *artici*ative democracy' Terms *olitical innovation indicates a new *ractice in
democratic *rocess' %emocratic innovations are a new *ractice used to im*rove the
Euality o/ democracy' These are mainly0
1' %irect democracy0 decisions a!out *olicy !y *o*ular vote?
2' "o-and networB 2overnance0 decision-maBin2 *ower is shared amon2
*olitical re*resentatives and citiAens8 civil society and !usiness 2rou*s?
&' "onsultative-discursive *rocess0 discussion a!out *olitics in decision-
maBin2 !odies?
R' Electoral re/orms (direct election o/ the mayor8 o*en electoral list (>eissel8
2((Q0 S2-S&'
7nnovations are s*ecially seen at the local level' +e2islative *owers lie8 in >erman
case8 at the /ederal and state levels8 yet im*lementation o/ *olicy and administration
is mainly dele2ated to the local communities' +ocal 2overnment includes o!li2ations
as 2eneral education8 social services etc' They can levy taxes themselves (*ro*erty8
!usiness taxes8 yet they de*end si2ni/icantly on the income /rom /ederal level' #/ter
the reunion o/ >ermany in 1QQ( some elements o/ direct democracy8 *artici*ation
ri2hts8 were introduced to avoid any Bind o/ unauthoriAed state control' %irect
democratic o*tions are a**lied at the local level' Oe/erendums can !e launched !y
the local council or the citiAens (*o*ular initiative' \uorum o/ validity reEuired di//ers
/rom & to 1U *er cent' Petition must also include a *lan o/ coverin2 the costs o/ the
*ro*osal' Minally the issue is discussed at the local council' 7/ local council re/use the
*ro*osal8 a *o*ular vote /ollows8 where a minimum o/ *ercenta2e o/ the electors is
reEuired8 varyin2 /rom 1( to &( *er cent o/ the electorate (i!id'0 SR-SS'
"once*t o/ co-2overnance is !ased on the idea that :*olitical decisions should !e
made in coo*eration with societal 2rou*s=8 es*ecially at the local level' Ietween
other innovations8 one o/ the most recent is :*artici*atory !ud2etin28 which means
that citiAens decide on the allocation o/ local *u!lic /inances8 es*ecially o/ /inancial
investments= (i!id'0 SU' This came /rom +atin #merica8 !ut is also Bnown /rom 7taly8
S*ain8 >ermany and Mrance'
$ew /orm o/ *artici*ation (local consultative *rocedure is so called :+ocal #2enda
21=' The #2enda 21 >lo!al #ction Pro2ram8 was ado*ted at )$ con/erence on
environment in 1QQ2' The main 2oal o/ #2enda is local sustaina!ility mana2ement
!ased on *artici*atory *rocedures' 7t is decentraliAed networB o/ civil society8
economic 2rou*s8 citiAens8 *oliticians and administration'
Electoral re/orms in >ermany ena!led voters more decidin2 role /or :selectin2
candidates and diminishin2 traditional dominance o/ *olitical *arties0 direct election
o/ the mayor8 includin2 the o*tion o/ recalls and a *ersonaliAed electoral system=
(i!id'0 SQ-T2'
#ll those a**roaches reveal hi2her awareness o/ the citiAens (at the local level8
trans/ormin2 their role o/ *assive reci*ients o/ ideolo2ies and centraliAed *olitical and
economic decisions to active molders o/ their lives' ;n the other hand8 the /orm
sli2htly chan2es8 !ut 2eneral economic *olicy as well /orei2n >erman *olicy doesnDt
diver2e /rom neoli!eral tendency and a!sence o/ social solidarity in national and
international (E) level' Em*owerment o/ individual can !e only throu2h 2reater
+e2itimacy o/ democratic-*olitical system is measured !y in*ut le2itimacy8 meanin2
that *olitical decisions re/lect the *re/erences o/ the *eo*le (res*onsiveness and
inclusion o/ citiAens' ;ut*utCle2itimacy re/ers to the ca*acity o/ a *olitical system to
solve collective *ro!lems' 7/ *artici*ation is !ased on sel/-selection the 2rou* is
hardly inclusive (social-!ias8 varyin2 /rom sBills8 Bnowled2e' Partici*ative innovations
can have without care/ul desi2n detrimental e//ect8 reducin2 in*ut-le2itimacy (i!id0
Hhy it is !etter coo*eration instead o/ com*etitionZ "a*italism and neoli!eralism8
stimulate individual 2reed on *resum*tion that individuals would8 strivin2 at their
*artial8 e2oistic interests unBnowin2ly contri!ute to common wel/are' The *rice o/
this myo*ia is hi2h' Hhy is !etter to 2overn the common instead o/ individual
*ro*ertyZ Iecause this a**roach reduces risB o/ /ailure and collateral social-
ecolo2ical dama2e' Elinor ;strom discovered some similarities !etween various
endurin28 sustaina!le8 ro!ust sel/-2overnin2 institutions worldwide' Mour case studies
C SwitAerland villa2e8 Ja*an villa2es8 irri2ation institutions in the S*ain and irri2ation
communities in the Mili*inas C showed that these institutions tend to8 !y common
e//orts8 reduce level o/ uncertainty8 meanwhile they increase level o/ com*lexity'
7n s*ite o/ environmental uncertainty the *o*ulation remained sta!le in these
locations0 inha!itants have common *ast and ho*e to share common /uture'
Oe*utation is im*ortant /or individuals within these communities' They worB and live
side !y side' They have extensive norms o/ !ehavior8 amon2 them0 honest dealin2s8
relia!ility8 Bee*in2 *romises' These institutions endured /or lon2 *eriod o/ time (even
centuries while others have /ailed' ;strom identi/ies seven desi2n *rinci*les !y lon2-
endurin2 institutions0
1' "learly de/ined !oundaries (ri2hts o/ use the common resources8 common-
2' "on2ruence !etween a**ro*riation and *rovision rules and local conditions
(a**ro*riation rules restrictin2 time8 *lace8 technolo2y8 Euantity o/ resource
units accordin2 to local conditions?
&' "ollectiveCchoice arran2ements (*artici*ation o/ those a//ected !y rules in
modi/yin2 them?
R' Monitorin2?
S' >radual sanctions (those who violate rules are /aced 2raduated sanctions8
de*endin2 on seriousness o/ the o//ense?
T' "on/lict-resolution mechanisms (low costs arenas to resolve con/licts?
U' Minimal reco2nition o/ ri2hts to or2aniAe (external8 2overnmental authorities
do not challen2e institutions o/ a**ro*riators (;strom8 2(110 55-Q('
Oe2ardin2 *oint two means that no external authority can en/orce the rules'
Oe*utation o/ a**ro*riators is im*ortant' Oe2ardin2 *oint /ive means that within
ro!ust institutions sanctions are not undertaBen !y external authorities !ut !y
*artici*ants themselves' The initial sanctions are low (i!id'0 Q&- QT'
;ne o/ the most im*ortant matters in in/ormation-society is Bnowled2e' :"ommons is
a 2eneral term that re/ers to resource shared !y a 2rou* o/ *eo*le' 7n a commons8
the resource can !e small and serve a tiny 2rou* < it can !e communityClevel < or it
can extend to international and 2lo!al levels <= (Gess8 ;strom8 2((U0 R' Threats to
Bnowled2e commons are :commodi/ication or enclosure8 *ollution and de2radation8
and nonsustaina!ility=' >reatness o/ common 2ood is in correlation with wide
circulation o/ Bnowled2e' Sel/-or2aniAed commons demand collective action and sel/-
2overnin2 mechanisms and hi2h de2ree o/ social ca*ital (i!id'0 S'
7ntellectual *ro*erty licenses have !een misused on the !ehal/ o/ *u!lishers over
authorDs moral and material ri2hts' Those should !e *revalent over *u!lisherDs8 as
well to !e accessi!le to !roader *u!lic8 in case o/ common 2ood' 7n case o/
medicines a Euestion o/ intellectual *ro*erty (*atent can !e a matter o/ li/e or death
(*ro!lems o/ *harmaceutical mono*oles8 over*riced medicines8 diseases
mana2ement8 hi2h mortality in develo*in2 countries etc'
Enhancement o/ common 2ood is in shar* contrast with !our2eois-ca*italistic
com*rehension o/ Bnowled2e as *resti2e and source o/ domination8 discrimination
etc' The tra2edy o/ commons lies in :the *otential underuse o/ scarce scienti/ic
resources caused !y extensive intellectual *ro*erty ri2hts= (i!id'0 11'
Shared Bnowled2e is im*ortant' #uthors who choose that their worBs are availa!le
/or /ree (still retainin2 their ri2hts ena!le that o*en access o/ in/ormation *rovides a
common 2ood0 s*read o/ Euality in/ormation' +i!raries /or instance are Euintessential
/or democracy' Hithin the intellectual arena the conce*t o/ the commons re*resents
demands /or /ree s*eech8 universal o*en access8 sel/-2overnance etc' $owadays
there is :un*redicted access to in/ormation throu2h 7nternet=8 on the other hand
:there are ever-2reater restrictions on access throu2h intellectual *ro*erty le2islation8
over*atentin28 licensin28 over*ricin2= etc' (i!id'0 1&-1R' This is o!vious also at
com*uter-so/tware with unreasona!le *rices and overestimatin2 o/ their transitory
*roducts (com*uter so/tware is not eEuivalent o/ the !ooB8 !ecause the !ooBs ena!le
trans/ormation o/ mental /orms and their /urther ela!oration8 o*timiAation o/ the
culture etc'' Oe2ulation o/ com*uter-so/tware *rices would to some de2ree limit
dama2e o/ over*ricin2' So/tware should *reserve license and *atentDs ri2hts only /or
*resent version8 until itDs re*laced !y new one8 there/ore all older versions would
!ecame /reeware (o*en-code so/tware coexists as /reeware /or solvin2 the same
$e2ative e//ect o/ over*ricin2 and intellectual *ro*erty8 over-*atentin2 is o!vious also
at *roducts o/ cultural industry (*o*ular culture8 without intellectual and aesthetic
dura!le value' To reduce e//ect o/ cultural industry it would also !e necessary to de-
#mericaniAe the world'
To restrict ne2ative e//ects o/ license and licensee in *harmacy8 their dura!ility and
extent should !e limited on !ehal/ o/ health security o/ 2lo!al *o*ulation' Gealth is
a!ove *ro/it8 itDs a matter o/ international Fustice and security' >lo!aliAation o/ health
and *u!lic wel/are8 instead o/ ca*ital8 must !ecome *aradi2m o/ new era'
Mani/est /or /ree society
Mreedom is ontolo2ical human desire and ri2ht' "a*italism a!olishes /reedom with
totalitarianism o/ *roduction system and /aBe democracy C and consumerism'
"onsumer society is re*ressive one as well is re*resentative ty*e o/ ca*italist
democracy0 /ree choice is relative term8 c/ree election o/ masters does not a!olish
masters o/ the slaves' Mree choice amon2 variety o/ 2oods and services does not
si2ni/y /reedom o/ this 2oods and services sustain social control over a li/e o/ toil and
/ear C that is they sustain alienation= (Marcuse 1QTR12((201('
S*eaBin2 o/ totalitarianism8 within consumer society and western democracies
demands re-de/inition o/ the word :totalitarian=' Totalitarianism means a ty*e o/
2overnment o/ society which su**resses individualDs *otentials and trans/orms a li/e
in !are existence and con/ormist *atterns o/ !ehavior8 toil and one-dimensional
reality8 in name o/ whatever ideolo2y or its a**arent a!sence' He s*eaB o/
totalitarianism o/ *roduction *ractice and distri!ution *atterns8 on the level o/ social
!ase8 on the level o/ su*erstructure we s*eaB a!out structurally su*erim*osed
mytholo2y o/ social di//erentiation8 meritocracy8 social hierarchy etc'
:< /or :totalitarianism= is not only a terroristic *olitical coordination o/ society8 !ut
also a non-terroristic economic-technical coordination which o*erates throu2h the
mani*ulation o/ needs !y vested interests' Thus *recludes the emer2ence o/ an
e//ective o**osition a2ainst the whole'= (i!id0 S'
Minancial Stalinism descri!es a *rocess in which Horld "entral IanB8 7nternational
Monetary Mund and /inancial marBets determinate and re2ulate national economies8
and conseEuently lives o/ its inha!itants' There/ore as *ermanent resentment
towards su**ression8 ideolo2y8 hidden !ehind naturaliAed conce*ts o/ economic
*ro2ress8 social hierarchy8 I%P8 /iscal consolidation8 savin2 etc'8 a constant
revolutionist !oilin2 emer2es8 without adeEuate /rameworB' There/ore a new
(revolution must a!olish ca*italistic system and a!olish re*resentative democracy
with *olitical *arties8 which are all *arties o/ the ca*ital8 not o/ the *eo*le8 *arties
which re*resent only themselves and their *artial interests8 and re*lace it with
*artici*ative democracy and economic system8 !ased on sel/-mana2ement' "ommon
wealth will coexist with *rivate enter*rises8 where *ro/it o/ em*loyed will !e
*ro*ortionally shared' IanBs will !e in the hands o/ their customers with eEual ri2hts
o/ mana2ement (*u!lic !anBs'
Iour2eois society creates a culture o/ contem*t !etween hi2her and lower stratums8
and hi2hly or2aniAed !ureaucrat society with authoritarian characters8 who canaliAe
their sadism in a manner so similar to those systems they a**arently des*ise so
much (Stalinism /or instance' :State o/ law= is Fust an excuse how to disci*line and
*unish lower class8 yet even u**er classes must sacri/ice /rom time to time one or
two o/ their mem!ers' ThatDs also a reason why those em*loyed in Fudicial system
are so *resum*tuous (Fud2es8 *u!lic accusers8 advocates8 !ecause they *retence to
de/end :eternal8 universal values= which are in /act values o/ their dominant class8
values o/ minority8 o/ ca*ital8 where human li/e is only valua!le in /unction o/
investment /or enhancin2 2rowth o/ ca*ital' (Similar holds true /or those em*loyed in
medicine0 they !elieve they can mana2e li/e and death C !io*olitics' ThatDs also a
reason why ri2id !our2eois !ureaucratic society heats creativity8 es*ecially in its
hi2hest /orm0 art and *hiloso*hy8 which are the only one which can entirely li!erate
human s*irit'
7n ca*italist democracy *eo*le canJt decide a!out almost anythin20 on elections they
can decide a!out 2rou* o/ re*resentatives8 who have !een en/orced to them within
*artial *olitical system' They canDt decide a!out *olitical system8 they canDt decide
a!out a!olishin2 o/ ca*italism8 they canDt decide a!out state !ud2et8 a!out /iscal
*olicy8 a!out taxation o/ the rich8 a!out *enal and civil laws8 a!out meetin2s !ehind
:closed doors=8 a!out intelli2ence a2encies C they canDt decide a!out anythin2 vital8
so re*resentative democracy is a /arce o/ *lural decision maBin2-*rocess' Each
democracy is 2rounded on /irm /oundations o/ tyranny C similar to ancient >reece'
7llusion o/ decision-maBin2 and rational voter is dis*ersed with revelations o/
Marxism8 *sychoanalysis8 structuralism etc' Partial system o/ democracy eludes the
*eo*le that the system can chan2e8 !ut *olitical *arties resem!le each other more
and more? the 2ame never chan2es' %emocratic systems are :sta!iliAed on /ormula
o/ !i*artite alteration=8 so mono*oly is that o/ :homo2eneous *olitical class8 /rom le/t
to ri2ht=8 in contrast with one-*arty totalitarian *olitical system8 which is unsta!le8
!ecause it lacBs /eed-!acB o/ *u!lic o*inion8 /lux o/ circuit8 which constitutes the
system (Iaudrillard8 1Q5&0 1&1' Elite8 which dominates the society /rom !ehind the
*arliament (!anBers8 stocB-exchan2e s*eculators8 lo!!yists wants to *reserve the
a**earance o/ o*en-society' @et :J/ree choice o/ individualsJ=8 which is :the credo o/
democracy= leads to its o**osite0 structure o/ alternation !ecomes statistical
o*eration8 matter o/ *ro!a!ility8 as :monBeys voted= (i!id'0 1&2' Iut level o/ 2eneral
education is increasin28 and with education awareness o/ social inFustices and
*olitical ri2hts' Multitude C i/ we !orrow $e2riDs and GardtDs term C is !ecomin2 more
and more aware o/ 2lo!al inFustice and curtailment o/ human ri2hts all over the
2lo!e' Oecent u*heavals and demonstrations in the Euro*e8 Middle East and all over
the world showed clearly that social sensi!ility o/ *eo*le increased durin2 last
decades and that it will increase ex*onentially in the /uture' $one law-en/orcement
*ersonnel8 no army8 no *ro*a2anda can a!olish their ra2e in the lon2 run' E) (which
!ecame more and more de*endent /rom #merica8 )S# and maFor *layers in the
world had lost their *olitical vision8 so they militariAe themselves in ho*e that they
would *revent radical social chan2e in the next centuries' This is an illusion0 the
/uture is already BnocBin2 on the door o/ our ill-nature *resent' 7n the near /uture
societies need a *lural social mana2ement8 accordin2 to local needs and 2lo!al
di//erences8 *olitical-economic systems which re/use centraliAation8 militariAation and
ex*loitation o/ a man and nature'
%e2radation o/ human creative *otentials re/lects also in cultural industry and its
*roducts8 simulations o/ social reality and re*resentations o/ !our2eois ethical
melodramas' @et society newer /unctions entirely as a whole? there are various
interest 2rou*s which o*erate within such !road conce*t8 with a**arent hierarchy
!etween elite and the masses' ThatDs also why social chan2es are *ossi!le8 !ecause
elite is newer com*letely consolidated or :harmoniAed= or :tuned=' ThereDs a Bey role
o/ intellectuals8 whether they are institutionaliAed8 con/ormist8 or whether they
develo* social sensitivity and are a!le to reco2niAe historical moments' Even they
*ossess relatively little social *ower8 they *ossess Bnowled2e and a :voice o/
disa2reement=8 which is taBen /rom lower classes' @et intellectuals8 em*loyed at
humanistic universities canDt newer !e revolutionary? on the contrary8 mostly they are
incorri2i!le con/ormists' They canDt a//ord themselves su!versive voices' They see a
society throu2h some sort o/ (*etite !our2eoisie-*latonic *oint o/ view' (Gumanistic
universities *roduce unem*loya!le students8 !ecause they have no adeEuate
connection with *roduction system (em*loyers8 thatDs also a reason o/ emer2ence o/
humanistic universities8 !ecause !our2eoisieDs *erce*tion o/ the world is in crises8
and a state tries to save a *ro!lem o/ unem*loyment o/ its own intellectuals in such
way C collateral dama2e are unem*loya!le students C8 thatDs reason they donDt limit
inscri*tions o/ new 2enerations o/ students' 7 have di//erent intellectuals in my mind'
+et remind us o/ >ramsciDs distinction !etween two ty*es o/ intellectuals0 or2anic
intellectuals are those directly related to /orm o/ *roduction8 ty*ical o/ any class8
while traditional intellectuals *resent uninterru*ted historical continuity8 they !elieve
to !e inde*endent o/ dominant social 2rou*' The tasB in /ront o/ *roletariat is
there/ore to rise new or2an intellectuals /rom their own lines and to assimilate
traditional intellectuals' So8 new historical he2emonic !locB can !e done (Mordenti8
1QQT0 T(-T1'
"lass con/lict has latent and mani/est side' # de2ree o/ resistance and social
res*onse o/ re*ressed side are de*endent /rom amount o/ re*ression and its manner'
Manner o/ re*ression dictates strate2ies o/ resistance8 this is conditio sine Eua non o/
this con/rontation8 when re*ressed su!Fects and stratums maBe uni/orm their /iles in
common reco2nition o/ their interests in contrast with dominant class8 which
re*resses them'
Middle class8 which is su**osed to relativiAe !i*olar Marxist com*rehension o/
society8 has relative character' Gi2her middle class !elon2s already to dominant class
(with its values8 ca*ital8 while ever lar2er lower stratum is *ushed in unrelia!le
social conditions8 !ecause o/ unsta!le (/lexi!le Fo!s in late ca*italism8 without social
security in the lon2 term (*recariat' Society8 althou2h it mi2ht *reviously seem very
hetero2eneous8 it *olariAes' 7n this li2ht we have to understand dynamics o/ social
chan2e accordin2 to Marx and understandin2 o/ role o/ re*ressed class at *resent
conditions C new *roletariat'
Meltin2 lower middle-class (intellectual *roletariat8 *recariat8 without *roduction
means has !roBen identity? it is threatened /rom /lexi!le nature o/ worB8 !ut is also a
*ower/ul source o/ intellectuals8 so it could !e a *otential source /or creatin2 climate
o/ social chan2e' "a*italism is aware o/ that8 so it tries to :!uy= them with minor
!onuses and divert them /rom communication with social !acB2round' "a*italism
tries to atomiAe social consciousness o/ each individual and Bee* only *ro/essional
consciousness' 7n that way horiAontal communications are !roBen and a system
sto*s in cold sun o/ neoli!eral mercy'
"a*italism is always 2nawed !y crises8 !ecause o/8 in the !ase erroneous-*roduction
*rinci*les' 7/ crises are lon2-termed and medicine unsuccess/ul8 state seeBs 2uilty
ones8 at /irst inside8 than outside o/ the state8 what leads to nationalism and wars'
Than *roduction system launches a2ain and so on /ew decades till the next time'
$ew +e/t must !reaB this ty*e o/ lo2ic' He have to create a di//erent /rameworB o/
manJs actin28 where the !roadest /orum o/ democratic *artici*ation shall not !e
/orum o/ su*ermarBets or elections o/ *oliticians as !rands'
Presum*tion o/ ca*italism is that we cannot determine /inal !orders o/ the society
and that diametrically o**osite a**roaches are *ro/ita!le8 !ecause ca*ital is a
cohesive /orce o/ society C which is not centri/u2al8 !ecause social 2rou*s o*erate
one !y (a2ainst another8 what can es*ecially durin2 crises leads to dissolution o/ the
society' Myth o/ meritocracy is a /orm o/ ca*italistic #chillesJ *aradox'
"onsciousness mani/ests itsel/ in contact with s*ace-time? it realiAes itsel/ in concrete
su!Fectivity8 in *roximity and distance' Su!Fect is dis*osition /or activity8 aimin2 at
maximal /reedom' 7n ca*italistic society we have ne2ative /reedom8 not-/reedom
within *ro*rietorial restrictions0 /reedom o/ *ossession8 on account o/ /reedom o/
actin2' %emocracy in ca*italistic society is democracy /or those who *ossess ca*ital8
in contrast with ser/dom o/ su!Fects whose *ro*erty is minimal' There/ore
ca*italistic-!our2eois conce*t o/ su!Fect8 in correlation with *ro*erty8 in the manner
o/ attri!ute o/ *ro*erty8 means de /acto death o/ su!Fect and li/e o/ o!Fect'
"a*italistic myo*ia creates un!eara!le social and environmental dama2e8 !ecause it
doesnDt taBe into consideration so called e//ect o/ a !utter/ly' Nalues o/
com*etitiveness8 *ossessive individualism8 materialism and *ower8 have
overshadowed values o/ solidarity8 reci*rocity8 and coo*eration8 which are essential
/or each sane society'
Political /orce8 which dares to chan2e society8 must !e a!le to reco2niAe a main
source o/ asymmetry and ex*loitation8 without overlooBin2 a we! o/ other
anta2onisms and anomalies in the society? i/ now a main axes o/ con/licts is !etween
la!or and ca*ital8 there are *resent others too8 which are always within horiAon o/
*olitical activity and social awareness' So none /inal !order o/ social canDt !e
achieved and resolved o/ all anta2onisms8 once /or all0 this is a 2enerator o/ constant
social activity'
+etJs re*eat what has !een already written in the *re/ace0 %emocratic *ro*a2anda
re*resents /alse alternative0 democracy or totalitarianism? yet !our2eois-ca*italistic
democracy is the most totalitarian system o/ all8 !ecause it doesnJt allow chan2e o/
its tyrannical system8 *retendin2 to !e :democratic=8 yet only /or ca*italistic class'
Oevolution is not o**osition o/ democracy? it is a vital ste* towards 2enuine
democracy' Oevolution is inse*ara!le /rom 2enuine democracy8 *eo*leJs democracy'
Political alternative8 which shall re*resent interests o/ la!or and de*rived social
su!Fects and 2rou*s8 must 2ain maFority o/ *o*ulation on her side8 it has to awaBen
slee*in2-ones /rom their social dream8 /rom their hy*noticCcommercial trance8 has to
mutate con/ormists and *revail over reactionary /orces' 7t has to carry out anti-
he2emonic o*eration on the +e/t'
The word :community= or :common= has !een re*laced !y that sort o/ individuality8
which has !ecome a synonym /or exclusion' # sense /or common is !y *resent
individuals lulled and has !een re*laced !y *ure com*etitiveness' Iut amount o/
re*ression has reached a critical *oint8 /rustration8 misery and availa!le in/ormation
contri!ute that multitude is shaBin2 o/ slum!er and !ecomin2 aware what has !een
ha**enin2 /or last decades and who is res*onsi!le /or social de2radation' %is*ersed8
atomiAed individuals are startin2 to identi/y themselves with common stru22le
a2ainst o**ressor8 /rom the side o/ *oliticians and !anBers' @et a new *rinci*le o/
common shall newer nulli/y system o/ di//erences8 !ut it will *ractically and /ormally
raise them in a new social lo2ic8 which must overcame dichotomy *articular-2eneral8
so that !oth *rinci*les shall /ertiliAe each other and 2enerate new sam*les o/ actin2'
+aclau and Mou//e em*hasiAe stren2th o/ social anta2onisms and stands /or *roFect
o/ radical democracy8 !ased on :multi*lication o/ *olitical s*aces=8 so *ower is not
concentrated in one *oint8 and se*arate stru22les *ossess autonomy and
eEuivalence8 to achieve democratic trans/ormation'
:"lassical revolution *redicted concentration o/ *ower in one *oint8 /rom which a
society will !e reor2aniAed8 what is not com*ati!le with *lurality' Hith radicaliAation
o/ some >ramsciJs conce*ts we 2ain conce*tual tools8 which can serve us to
understand dimension o/ revolutionary act8 with conce*t o/ Xwar o/ *ositionDD (+aclau8
Mou//e8 1Q5U0 1UU-1U5'
Poly*hony o/ eEuivalences and di//erences must !ecome a new *rinci*le o/ social and
new *olitics and *ractice o/ society8 in order to accom*lish one sin2le stru22le /or
im*rovement o/ society'
Oadical (*lural democracy demands socialistic dimension8 which a!olishes re*ressive
nature o/ ca*italistic *roduction-relationshi*s (i!id'0 1UU-1U5'
:Ietween the lo2ic o/ com*lete identity and that o/ *ure di//erence8 the ex*erience
o/ democracy should consist o/ the reco2nition o/ the multi*licity o/ social lo2ics
alon2 with the necessity o/ their articulation' Iut this articulation should !e
constantly re-created and rene2otiated8 and there is no /inal *oint at which a !alance
will !e de/initively achieved= (i!id'0 155'
7t comes a moment o/ decision in social8 *olitical and existential meanin2'
"on/ormism shall dissolve itsel/ in disharmonious ode to o!solete social system8
which cannot sustain diver2ent as*irations' There can !e no *lace /or con/ormism8 in
the *resence o/ social tem*est8 which is risin2' Iy historical turnin2 *oints a man
truly shows his 2enuine nature' 7dea o/ communism has !een whi**ed out /rom the
world8 and now8 at di//erent conditions8 a *ossi!ility emer2es /or its rede/inition8
considerin2 as well identity and diversity o/ an individual and social 2rou*8 within
social /rameworB C *ro2ressive communism8 which is aware o/ di//erences'
$ew he2emonic /orce shall demand ex*ansion o/ social s*ace and esta!lishin2 o/
new /orms /or manDs sel/-actualiAation within social context' +ocal and 2lo!al8 new
interest 2rou*s emer2e8 which are not !ased on ca*ital *rinci*les8 !ut on *rinci*les
o/ common 2ood8 strivin2 to im*rove social conditions8 with entirely new conce*t o/
democracy' This democracy demands also *artial *olicy as a /orm o/ *olitical
stru22le8 !esides stron2 civil-society movements8 which !rin2 new ideas and
conce*ts8 with li!eratin2 *otential' These esta!lished /orms o/ *olitical activity have
to !e com*lemented with new cores8 *olitics8 which leads to 2enuine democracy8
economic and *olitical democracy8 which a**ears when each individual realiAes that
he is a *olitical su!Fect and has there/ore *ower in his hands'
Present ca*italistic-!our2eois state is a tyrannical /orce which limits *ersonDs
/undamental ri2ht to /reedom o/ a mind ! association c creativity d *roduction' #
*resent state is !our2eoisC!ureaucratic machinery with law en/orcement *ersonnel8
authoritarian characters8 em*loyed in *olice8 army and Fudicial system8 without moral
and intellectual reason8 a**ealin2 to le2islation8 created !y the same ty*e o/ Furists'
7nte2ration o/ individuals in such a system canDt !e done !y *ure /orce? itDs done also
with ideolo2y8 invented !y totalitarian *oliticians-ideolo2ists8 hidin2 themselves
!ehind a masB o/ :democracy= and *er*etuated with con/ormist intellectuals and
mass media (includin2 *o*ular culture as well *ro*a2anda8 there/ore a radical
revolutionary /orce must a!olish a ca*italistic-!our2eois state and its im*lications on
individualDs *erce*tion o/ himsel/ and social world and /ree him /rom o**ression'
#lthou2h some demands mi2ht seem to !e in contradiction with /reedom8 that is only
!ecause s*eci/ic rules must !e used to *rotect /reedom /rom tyranny o/ !our2eois-
ca*italistic conservative8 reactionary /orce and their conce*tion o/ su!Fect and his
su!Fu2ation to their aims' The written rules themselves are o/ transitory nature8
!ecause when ethics o/ reci*rocity shall !ecame a non-written rule and *ractice8
there would !e no need /or any Bind o/ *unitive le2islation' #t *resent state o/ mind
humanity seems to !e millenniums /rom that sta2e8 as we learned in hard school o/
history' Iecause o/ e//ects o/ a22re2ate alienation8 ex*loitation8 *artiality o/ human
/unctions8 entire 2enerations had !een lost and de*rived o/ their creative *otentials'
$evertheless to thinB revolutionary it means only to /ollow transcendental nature o/
illimita!leness o/ consciousness8 which detects tyranny o/ various ideolo2ical colors8
and use her mind to /i2ht a2ainst it' "once*t o/ an o*en8 *er*etual revolutionary act
*revents imitation o/ *revious tyrannical /orms8 under new ideolo2ical /la2'
#rticulation o/ social lo2ic should !e constantly re-invented8 as +aclau claims8
!ecause thereDs no /inal *oint /rom which a society will !e reor2aniAed' Precisely
!ecause o/ somehow anta2onistic lo2ic o/ o**osin2 to any sort o/ rulin28 some rules
must !e en/orced8 to a!olish *resent domination o/ !our2eois-ca*italistic le2islation8
which *revents *ro2ression o/ entire human develo*ment'
Several re/orms have to !e done8 i/ society wants to achieve 2reater social /airness
and inte2ration' $evertheless the most Fusti/ied re*roach to democracy is that
maFority hasnDt 2ot always ri2ht C the most advanced minds are actually !eyond any
*u!lic consent? creations in the /ield o/ art8 science and *hiloso*hy con/irm that
statement continuously' Marx or Sartre or ShostaBovich or Montale or >odard arenDt
*roducts o/ tyranny or democracy8 they are !eyond any *olitical system8 !ecause
they are su*erior to mediocre minds' There/ore illusions that communism can create
eEual *ossi!ilities /or all have to !e a!andoned' The aim is to enhance the *ro2ress
o/ the human society as a whole? *ractical !ene/it de*ends on individualJs *otential'
Hhen we thinB a!out social alternatives to *resent /orm o/ 2overnment8 we must use
availa!le discourse in unusual socio-*olitical contest' Iour2eois discourse is a tra*8
!ecause it 2enerates conce*ts /or all /ields o/ Bnowled2e8 and its discursive /rame
seems to !e /inal C it wants to a**ro*riate reality? revolutionary discourse8 on the
other hand8 seems uto*ian and najve8 idealistic8 !eyond any realistic *ossi!ility' Iut
we already Bnow enou2h to say that reality isnDt only one C reality is a state o/ mind'
IolsheviB revolution assumed state a**aratus as it was8 and only modi/ied its
ideolo2ical meanin2 C conseEuences are Bnown' So social trans/ormation has to !e
radical8 institutional and *ractical' Hhen we attem*t to su!vert !our2eois lo2ic (state
o/ a//airs8 it is inevita!le to allow ourselves certain de2ree o/ naivety8 or even to !e
contradictory8 yet history is not /inal'
Sel/-mana2ement8 to certain extant8 in !i2 and middle enter*rises should !e enacted?
as well *artici*ation o/ em*loyees in *ro/it and /urther investments' IanBs should !e
2overned !y its customers with eEual ri2hts to elect mana2ement8 to avoid risBy
credits' #s a correction o/ *resent *olicy8 *ro*erty o/ those !anBers and mana2ers
which lead cor*orations into !anBru*tcy should !e nationaliAed'
Money canDt !e a motivation /or a man? its scarcity is only a /orm o/ threat at *resent
ty*e o/ society? there/ore di//erent ty*es o/ motivations should !e introduced
(esteem8 /ul/illment o/ *ersonal8 social needs etc' So to reduce hu2e di//erences
!etween incomes (and to strive /or their eEuality in the lon2 term in *u!lic and
*rivate sector would challen2e *resent ty*e o/ domination !ased on ca*ital' "a*ital
doesnDt Bnow where creative ideas are8 so new a**roach C /or certain *eriod o/ time8
at least C would redistri!ute ca*ital to those who have creative ideas8 !ut have !een
silenced' That would !e a social dere2ulation8 which would eliminate neoli!eral
e//ects on society (ca*ital dere2ulation'
%e-outsourcin2 o/ industry would solve *artly *ro!lem o/ unem*loyment in Euro*e
and the world'
Gealth and scholastic system should !e /ree' >reen technolo2y could *rovide Fo!s8
and use o/ *rimarily renewa!le sources o/ ener2y (hydro8 solar8 wind ener2y would
taBe into consideration limited resources o/ environment' To solve the *ro!lem o/ the
*oorest8 !asic vital and cultural 2oods should !e somehow standardiAed8 as well
*rices o/ !asic sel/-*ay medicines'
Pro!lem o/ de!t (*u!lic8 individual demands social sensitivity' %e!t was a!ove all an
instrument o/ domination? so i/ we want to /ree the *oorest8 we have to write o//
their de!ts8 and a!olish im*erialist tendencies' Health o/ ca*italists8 !anBers8
*oliticians8 taFBoons must !e nationaliAed'
Monetary transaction isnDt the only way o/ exchan2e? an alternative already exists
throu2h *rinci*le o/ exchan2e (also !orrowin28 on !ase o/ /unctional8 not /inancial
value8 as com*lementary /orm o/ transaction' Monetary transactions also erode
con/idence? so alternative is vital /or survival o/ the society'
Hhen we thinB a!out le2islation and !our2eois *enal law8 we can easily see
*ro*a2anda /or mediocrity and state terrorism' 7t would !e really a challen2e to
introduce *rinci*le o/ sym!olic ineEuality in /ront o/ the law8 !ased on *ersonal
di//erences8 accordin2 to individual Eualities (not accordin2 to amount o/ ca*ital'
Penal and civil le2islation should !e re/ormed in a sense o/ 2reater reci*rocity and
*rotection o/ worB8 not (only ca*ital' Serious economic and or2aniAed crime should
!e a matter o/ *ro2ressive *enalties' Iut *ossession o/ li2ht (or hard dru2s canDt !e
matter o/ *enal law? it is to !e controlled only their distri!ution' >eneral direction
must tend toward a!olition o/ dru2-addiction and detoxi/ication o/ *o*ulation' Hhat
is /or!idden increases desire? !ut desire /or intoxicatin2 su!stances is de/ormed
desire8 it is a result o/ su**ressed desire /or !elon2in28 res*ect and sel/-realiAation'
%e/amation and virtual threatenin2 o/ sa/ety neither canDt !e matter o/ *enal law'
Mree ex*ression o/ *olitical8 social8 reli2ious views must !e unrestricted (they canDt !e
limited in name o/ reli2ion? reli2ious institutions canDt have s*ecial status8 neither can
!e matter o/ o//ense8 !ecause o/ /reedom o/ s*eech8 ex*ression etc'' 7/ we admit
universal ri2ht to /ree s*eech8 we have to admit also a ri2ht to !urn a /la2 or other
sym!ol o/ the state as an im*ortant element o/ /reedom o/ ex*ression8 i/ individual
has su//ered /rom the side o/ the state' Secular society is one o/ the most im*ortant
achievements o/ the Hest8 so institutional reli2ions canDt have es*ecial *rivile2es'
7ncreasin2 o/ Bnowled2e also reduces ne2ative e//ects o/ reli2ious orthodoxy and
ena!les 2eneration o/ social conditions /or dyin2 away o/ institutional reli2ions o/
*resent ty*e'
Iour2eois conce*t o/ sexuality is mediocre and moralist' Sexual intercourse is
su*reme human ri2ht? sexual crimes canDt !e !ased on dialectics adult-non-adult
(varia!le distinction? *unished can !e only an intercourse a2ainst /ree will8 a2ainst
sexual and *sycholo2ical immaturity' He Bnow /or millenniums that *rostitution is to
some de2ree a :com*lementary= service8 which can a!sor! some sexual ener2y8
which canDt !e ex*ressed in classical interactions !etween a man and a woman? so
somehow re2ulated *rostitution is necessary /or any society' Social conditions /or its
2radual winterin2 away are a matter o/ trans/ormation o/ ca*italC!ased society in
new ty*e o/ society'
#lcohol industry has never !een seriously threatened !y the state C thatDs not a
coincidence' #lcohol ena!les to canaliAe su!versive ener2y8 *oliticians Bnow that very
well' There/ore to /ree society and all su!versive ener2y in a society would mean
2radual winterin2 away o/ alcohol industry8 a luxury which only non-re*ressive
society8 where Eros would !e /ree8 could a//ord' The same holds true /or other le2al
Judicial system re/lects Euality or non-Euality o/ certain state' Jud2es consider
themselves to !e >ods8 almost C what is a dan2erous illusion' Everyone maBes
himsel/ a >od8 accordin2 to Sartre8 so Fud2es canDt !e an exce*tion' So it would !e
ur2ent to limit worBin2 *eriod o/ Fud2es (sus*ension o/ li/elon2 mandate o/ Fud2es
in order to *rotect society !e/ore concentration o/ *ower in Fudicial !ranch o/ *ower'
Hhat has !een said /or Fud2es is also true /or Pu!lic Prosecutors' They want only to
condemn the accused8 re2ardless his 2uilt or innocence8 his *ersonal Eualities etc'8
!ecause o/ careerism8 so their sense o/ o!Fectivity and em*athy should !e achieved
throu2h trans/ormation o/ roles o/ *rosecution and de/ense throu2h *rinci*le o/
exchan2in2 roles8 that is circulation o/ layers and Pu!lic Prosecutors8 several yeas on
each side'
Jud2e or *rosecutor or advocate canDt have immunity in /ront o/ their own mistaBes'
7/ they commit a si2ni/icant mistaBe on account o/ the accused8 their licenses must
!e sus*ended and they must /ace *enal conseEuences'
Judicature has o/ten !een misused /or *u!lic s*ectacle o/ *unishment8 humiliation8
o/ the accused8 o/ demoniAin2 o/ the accused? that is ethically unacce*ta!le8
re2ardless his1hers crime' Every!ody has a ri2ht to *reserve his di2nity8 a ri2ht to
*rivacy and closed trials'
Police authoriAations have constantly increased durin2 last decades8 what is
dan2erous and leads to ever lar2er re*ression' So *olice authoriAations should !e
reduced8 external control over the *olice must !e introduced8 new codes o/ !ehavior
and *ractice must !e introduced8 which would *revent sadist excesses' Hhen we aim
at chan2in2 the re*ressive system o/ any :democratic state= we should also thinB o/
the weaBest8 there/ore ri2hts o/ sus*ects durin2 detention must !e increased' $o
intimidation o/ sus*ects neither humiliation is *ermitted' 7nvasive !odily
examinations8 which serve /or dehumaniAation8 canDt !e *ermitted' Prisons must !e
centers o/ re-socialiAation8 learnin2 centers8 which *rovide sa/ety and association o/
inmates with o**osite sex'
Police canDt carry /irearms at any occasions? /irearms are stored at a *olice station8
and can !e used only in emer2ency' Preventive ta**in28 tracBin2 and surveillance can
!e a!le only in strictly limited cases8 and an accused-one8 who is /ound innocent8
must have ri2ht that all ta*es8 *hotos etc' are destroyed' 7ntelli2ence a2encies must
!e under strict control o/ re*resentative !ody and their authoriAations must !e
reduced to minimum (de-militariAation o/ intelli2ence a2encies'
#ir*orts and other *u!lic *laces canDt !e *laces /or surveillance and wantonness o/
sa/ety services' ;ne o/ essential 2oals o/ /ree society is to de-*olice *eo*le' >lo!al
tasB is to demilitariAe the world'
Mree society *resu**oses also /ree media8 !eyond ca*ital-orientated mass media'
Mass media must !e in service o/ *u!lic8 not to serve as *ro*a2anda /or *olitical
*arties8 cele!rities or reli2ion' @ellow *rint should !e taxed severely8 !ecause o/ social
un*roductive activity' Media canDt serve neither as commercial /or *olice re*ression
and 2lori/ication o/ the state' Media must !e intellectual8 interactive and analytical'
Media s*ace must !e availa!le to *eo*le o/ di//erent social environment'
"inema must !e *u!lic8 not a vehicle /or cultural industry *roducts8 there/ore
nationaliAation o/ cinemas would maBe them a vehicle o/ art'
"ulture must !e a common 2ood? it canDt !e a commodity or a matter o/ elite' So
state must increase su!ventions /or culture8 as well /or scienti/ic researches'
Education canDt !e *rivile2e o/ the rich' Educational system should a!sor! *eo*le
/rom all classes as well *rovide hi2her Euali/ication' Educational system must also
re/lect demands o/ em*loyers0 to educate with accordance o/ em*loyment demands'
9nowled2e and culture most !e redistri!uted all over social !ody throu2h educational
a**aratus o/ the state8 to that extent that unEuali/ied *ersons canDt re*resent a
social *ro!lem'
#rt and science must Bee* their *lace in society? their tasB is to create a culture o/
excellence in continuity with su*reme creations o/ the civiliAation' "ulture mustnDt !e
exclusive? there/ore cultural *oly*hony should !e ena!led' 7tDs a naive idea that art is
a matter o/ rare individuals? thatDs only a conseEuence o/ cultural industry' There/ore
aesthetic sensi!ility o/ *eo*le should !e increased throu2h education'
"han2es in the /ield o/ *olitical system should *redict0
1 #!olition o/ re*resentative democracy and introducin2 o/ *artici*ative
democracy0 dele2ates in the re*resentative !ody and re*resentatives o/ local
communities are directly res*onsi!le to their voters? to introduce local sel/-
2overnment and direct *artici*ation throu2h (electronic deli!erative decision
maBin2 *rocess?
2 To eliminate *oolin2 o/ *olitical /unctions on di//erent levels8 local and state?
& To stimulate *lurality o/ decision-maBin2 and to res*ond to civil-society
R To reduce !ureaucracy8 to reduce *u!lic administration and to increase
amount o/ *u!lic worB?
S Trans/er o/ decision-maBin2 *rocess /rom (international to local level0
decentraliAin2 o/ 2overnment?
T To ena!le social develo*ment8 which stimulate constant learnin28 eEui/inality
and systematic develo*ment8 with conce*t o/ o*en system?
7) 7n $ew "onstitution to write ri2hts to manDs universal develo*ment (social8
intellectual8 aesthetic and intimate and multidimensionality o/ interests? /or
those ri2hts it has to !e *rovided /lexi!le8 simulative social /rameworB (not on
detriment o/ others8 there/ore a *artici*ative (not re*resentative democracy
must !e enacted' Iasic human ri2hts are8 amon2 others0 ri2ht to association8
ex*ression8 *ersonal8 sexual8 intellectual8 moral8 *olitical and economic
/reedom C which can !e *artly limited only in case o/ trans2ression (durin2
incarceration !asic ri2hts are *reserved within limited /rameworB o/ *enal
institution8 which has no ri2ht to intimidate or de-individualiAe an individual'
#mon2 !asic human ri2hts is also a ri2ht to o**osition8 which is inaliena!le8
su*reme human ri2ht8 which however does not un!ind a man o/ reci*rocity'
:Mor to !e /ree is not to choose the historic world in which one arises < !ut to
choose onesel/ in the world whatever this may !e= (Sartre8 1QR&12(1(0 SR2' @et
Sartre 2ave ne2ative de/' o/ /reedom8 under re*ressive *rinci*le o/ social reality?
*ositive de/inition o/ /reedom is0 Mreedom is *ossi!ility to com!ine those elements
which are 2oin2 to o*timiAe yoursel/' Mreedom is a *ath towards *er/ection'
;ntolo2ical *roFect o/ /reedom has its historical8 tem*oral side' %e2ree o/ /reedom in
a society de*ends on the *ower and Euality o/ the ;ther8 and on ty*e o/ reci*rocity
which *revails0 *ositive or ne2ative' Pure cor*oral existence is *assive /reedom8
mental is active' Iody and mind united strive /or /reedom8 within limits o/ time and
s*ace' "onsciousness is active determination? it can antici*ate resistance to its
2rowth' Iecause /reedom as *ure *ossi!ility is liBe a sea0 itDs unlimited8 althou2h
!elon2s to every!ody' 7t canDt have contrary e//ects8 !ecause itDs common8 individual
and universal' ;nly i/ someone wants to a**ro*riate whatDs common8 then /reedom
turns into its o**osition C a tyranny'
Society shall !e reinvented'
Mirst *art0 %econstruction o/ ca*italist-!our2eois mytholo2y<<<<'5
1' 7ntroduction0
"a*italistic de/ormation o/ su!Fect and social world<<<<<<<<<Q
2. "ulture o/ ex*loitation and surveillance<<<<<<<<<<<''2&
3. Iureaucratic mind and destructive instinct <<<<<<<<<''&1
4. Mass media *roduction and a**ro*riation o/ reality<<<<<'&S
5. #lienation and hun2er /or transcendence<<<<<<<<<<''R1
6. Oealm o/ naBed simulations<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<''RS
7. Sexual alienation and commodi/ication o/ desire<<<<<<''RQ
8. "ele!rities and social control<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<S&
9. Short history o/ neoli!eralism<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<''SS
10. The >reat crises C dLFY vu<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'TT
11. $eoli!eral devastation0 Exam*le o/ >reeB tra2edy <<'''''''''U2
12. Oevolt a2ainst the *ower C tactical Euestion''''''''''''''''''''''''UU
Second *art0 Oeality !eyond ca*italism<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'5R
1' Sel/-2overnment8 *artici*ation and reci*rocity<<<<<<<'''''''5T
2' Mani/est /or /ree society'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Q2
1. #Fana8 ItihaF (2((S0 Surveillance and Iio*olitics' Electronic Journal o/
Sociolo2y8 at htt*011www'sociolo2y'or21content12((S1tier11aFana3!io*olitics'*d/
2. #lthusser8 +ouis (1QU10 :+enin and Philoso*hy= and ;ther Essays' +ondon0
3. #lthusser8 +ouis (1QTS12((S0 Mor Marx' Translated /orm Mrench !y Ien
Irewster' +ondon? $ew @orB0 Nerso'
4. #lderman +iA8 %onadio Oachel0 Oisin2 >reeB Political Star8 Moe o/ #usterity8
Puts Euro*e on Ed2e' The $ew @orB Times8 May 15-th8 2(12 at
5. #r2hyrou Michael >' and TsouBalas John %' (2(110 The >reeB %e!t "risis0
+iBely"auses8 Mechanics and ;utcomes? in The Horld Economy' ;x/ord8
Malden0 IlacBwell Pu!lishin2 +td' at
6. Iarthes8 Ooland (1Q5R0 Mytholo2ies' $ew @orB0 Gill and Han2'
7. Iaudrillard8 Jean (1Q5&0 Simulations' The Mit *ress0 Semiotextlem'
8. Iaudrillard8 Jean (2((50 The Per/ect "rime' +ondon8 $ew @orB0 Nerso'
9. Ierne8 Eric (1Q5R0 >ames *eo*le *lays' The *sycholo2y o/ human
relationshi*' Garmondsworth0 Pen2uin IooBs'
10. IlacB IlocB at htt*011en'wiBi*edia'or21wiBi1IlacB3!loc
11. Iratsis8 Peter (2(1(0 %e!ate on the >reeB 7nsurrection0 +e2itimiAation "risis
and the >reeB Ex*losion' 7nternational Journal /or )r!an and Oe2ional
Oesearch' Nolume &R'1'8 March 2(1(8 *a2e0 1Q(-1QT at
12. "amus8 #l!ert (1QT(0 +Jhomme rLvoltL' Paris0 Gallimard.
13. "arlo >iuliani at htt*011it'wiBi*edia'or21wiBi1"arlo3>iuliani
14. "omitato NeritY e >iustiAia *er >enova at
15. "onway8 Janet (2((&0 "ivil Oesistance and the :%iversity o/ Tactics= in the
#nti-2lo!aliAation movement0 *ro!lems o/ violence8 silence8 and solidarity in
activist *olitics' ;s2oode Gall +aw Journal8 vol' R18 nos' 2 h &8 at
16. %eutscher8 7saac (1QTU0 ST#+7$ C # Political Iio2ra*hy' ;x/ord )niversity
17. %yer8 Oichard (2(((0 Geavenly Iodies0 Milm stars and Society in
Oo!ert Stam and To!y Miller (Editors0 Milm and theory0 an antholo2y' Malden?
;x/ord0 IlacBwell Pu!lishers'
18. En2els8 Mriedrich? Marx8 9arl (1QS511QUU0 7A!rana dela8 R' AveAeB' +Fu!lFana0
"anBarFeva Aalo!a'
19. En2ler8 MarB0 .#nti->lo!aliAation Movement'. Encyclo*aedia o/ #ctivism and
Social Justice' S#>E Pu!lications' 1Q Mar' 2(11'8 at
20. Euro*ean commission8 Euro*ean "ommunities (2((Q0 Economic "risis in
Euro*e0 "auses8 "onseEuences and Oes*onses' +uxem!our20 Euro*ean
economy Un2((Q at
21. Euro*ean "ommission' Eurostat (2(1&8 at
22. Euro*ean "ourt o/ Guman Oi2hts8 "ouncil o/ Euro*e0 Euro*ean "onvention on
Guman Oi2hts8 M-TU(US Stras!our28 Nilnus8 2((2 at
23. Moucault8 Michel (2((&' Surveiller et *unir0 naissance de la *rison' Paris0
24. Moucault8 Michel (2((5' The Iirth o/ Iio*olitics' +ectures at the "olle2e de
Mrance' $ew @orB0 Picador'
25. Moucault8 Michel (1QQ(0 The Gistory o/ Sexuality8 Nolume 78 #n 7ntroduction'
translated /rom the Mrench !y Oo!ert Gurley. $ew @orB0 Ninta2e IooBs'
26. Mreud8 Si2mund (2((10 The standard edition o/ the com*lete *sycholo2ical
worBs o/ Si2mund Mreud' Nol' 210 The /uture o/ an illusion8 "iviliAation and its
discontents8 and other worBs0 (1Q2U-1Q&1' +ondon0 Ninta2e0 The Go2arth
Press0 The 7nstitute o/ Psycho-#nalysis'
27. Mromm8 Erich (1QT112(110 MarxJs "once*t o/ Man, with a translation /rom
MarxXs Economic and Philoso*hical Manuscri*ts' Martino *u!lishin28 Mans/ield
"enter' $ew @orB0 MredericB )n2ar Pu!lishin2 "o'
28. >eissel8 Iri2itte (2((Q0 Gow to 7m*rove the \uality o/ %emocracyZ
Ex*eriences with Partici*atory 7nnovations at the +ocal +evel in >ermany'
>erman Politics h Society? 121&(12((Q8 Nol' 2U 7ssue R8 *S1-U1' at
29. >uchteneire8 Paul de? PLcoud8 #ntoine (2((T0 7nternational Mi2ration8 Iorder
"ontrols and Guman Oi2hts0 #ssessin2 the Oelevance o/ a Oi2ht to Mo!ility'
Journal o/ Iorderlands Studies Nolume 218 $o' 18 S*rin2 2((T' at
30. GayeB8 Mriedrich8 #u2ust (1QQ(0 The Matal "onceit0 The Errors o/ Socialism'
The "ollected worBs o/ Mriedrich #u2ust GayeB Nolume 7'
+ondon0 Outled2e'
31. Garvey8 %avid (2((U0 Ireve storia del neoli!eralismo' TraduAione di Pietro
Mene2helli0 # Irie/ Gistory o/ $eoli!eralism' Milano0 7l Sa22iatore'
32. Gess8 "harlotte and ;stromm8 Elinor (Editors (2((U0 )nderstandin2
Bnowled2e as a commons0 /rom theory to *ractice' "am!rid2e ()S#0 M7T
Press8 co*'
33. Guan28 Ma! (2((T0 Gannah #rendt on Ianality o/ Evil' Soochow Journal o/
Political Science' 2((T1$o'2&1**'1-2&8 at
34. Gu!!ard8 Ien (2(110 Moammar >adda/iJs "7# Ties0 %ocuments Su22est +i!ya
#nd Hashin2ton HorBed To2ether' Gu//in2ton *ost Q'&'2(11 at
35. Juris8 Je//rey S' (2((S0 Niolence *er/ormed and 7ma2ined in "ritiEue o/
anthro*olo2y8 Nol' 2S(R R1&CR&2' S#>E Pu!lications0 +ondon8 Thousand
;aBs8 "#8 at htt*011www'Fe//reyFuris'or21articles1"ritiEue'Niolence'*d/
36. 9ardelF8 Edvard (1QU50 Svo!odno Adrueno delo' +Fu!lFana0 %ravna Aalo!a
37. 9eynes8 John Maynard0 The >eneral Theory o/ em*loyment8 7nterest and
Money (1Q&T12(1(' The )niversity o/ #delaide0
38. 9lein8 Melanie (1QSU12(120 7nvidia e 2ratitudine' Tradutione di +aura Veller
Tonetino Envy and 2ratitude' MirenAe0 >iunti'
39. +aclau8 Ernesto? Mou//e8 "hantal (1Q5S12((10 Ge2emony and Socialist
Strate2y' Towards a Oadical %emocratic Politics' +ondon0 Nerso'
40. +enin8 N' 7' (1QST0 MaterialiAem in em*irioBriticiAem' +Fu!lFana0 "anBarFeva
41. +E$7$ N' 7' (1Q1511QUT0 The State and revolution' PeBin20 Morei2n +an2ua2es
Press8 at0 htt*011www'cym'ie1documents1State3Oev'*d/
42. +es Lconomistes atterrLs (2(120 Mani/est? 2( let sle*ote' +Fu!lFana0
Valo!a 1dc/'
43. +ie8 #mund? Thorsen8 Einar8 %a2 (2((T0 Hhat is $eoli!eralismZ )niversity o/
;slo8 %e*artment o/ Political Science8 at
44. Marcuse8 Ger!ert (2((T0 Eros and civilization: a philosophical inquiry
into Freud. +ondon0 Ooutled2e'
45. Marcuse8 Ger!ert (1QTR12((20 ;ne-%imensional men' +ondon and $ew @orB0
46. Mari8 >iovanni (2((R0 Pericu0>enova in de!ito con voi' Sindaco Pericu
2T1(T12((R8 at
47. Mordenti8 Oaul (1QQT0 :\uaderni dal carcere= di #ntonio >ramsci' Torino0
Einaudi' #t htt*011www'ristretti'it1areestudio1cultura1li!ri1Euaderni3dal3carcere'*d/
48. $athan8 +aurie (2((Q0 +i2htin2 u* the 7ntelli2ence "ommunity0 # %emocratic
#**roach to 7ntelli2ence Secrecy and ;*enness' Policy Pa*er8 #*ril 2((Q8 at
49. ;ccu*y movement at htt*011en'wiBi*edia'or21wiBi1;ccu*y3movement
50. ;strom8 Elinor (2(110 >overnin2 the "ommons0 the evolution o/ institutions
/or collective action' "am!rid2e? $ew @orB0 "am!rid2e )niversity Press'
51. Palidda8 Salvatore (2(110 Ten years a/ter the >5 Summit in >enoa' Statewtch
52. Paalley8 Thomas 7' (2((R0 Mrom 9eynesianism to $eoli!eralism0 Shi/tin2
*aradi2ms in Economics8 at0
53. Pirandelolo8 +ui2i (1QQ&12((S0 Maschere nude' Milano0 Mondadori'
54. SgncheA %ionis8 Marta (2(120 S*ainJs stru22le /or human ri2hts' # human
ri2hts a**roach to the conseEuences o/ the economic crisis in S*ain and the
demands o/ the 7ndi2nados movement' $MOV8 $`rm!er2er
MenschenrechtsAentrum8 at
55. Sartre8 Jean-Paul (1QR&12(1(0 Iein2 and $othin2ness' +ondon and $ew @orB0
56. Se**er8 EliAa!eth (2(1(0 %emocracy8 Guman Oi2hts8 and 7ntelli2ence Sharin2'
7n Texas 7nternational +aw Journal8 Nol' RT0 1S18 at
57. Shove8 EliAa!eth and Harde8 #lan (2((&0 X7ncons*icuous consum*tion0 the
sociolo2y o/ consum*tion and the environmentD' %e*artment o/ Sociolo2y8
+ancaster )niversity8 +ancaster +#1 R@$8 )98 at
58. The Maastricht Treaty' Provisions amendin2 the treaty esta!lishin2 the
Euro*ean Economic "ommunity with a view to esta!lishin2 the Euro*ean
"ommunity' U Me!ruary 1QQ28 Maastricht8 at
59. Nan der Halt8 +ucien (2((112(120 Oevolutionary #narchism and the #nti-
>lo!aliAation Movement' The #narchist +i!rary at
60. Nan %eusen8 %avid? Massot8 [aviar (Editors (2(1(0 The IlacB Iloc Pa*ers'
#n #ntholo2y o/ Primary Texts Mrom The $orth #merican #narchist IlacB Iloc
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>lass Press8 #lternative Media ProFect8 at
61. ValoBar8 JuriF (2((Q0 7Ai2rani narodi Ju2oslaviFe' TrAin0 #mi'
62. WieB8 SlavoF (2(120 The @ear o/ %reamin2 %an2erously' +ondon8 $ew @orB0

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