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In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 1

Balancing of the 1
bending mode of high-speed rotors.
Balancing of high-speed rotors is in most cases conducted on balancing machines (e.g.
Schenck), with the rotor supported at two locations in prisms or in sliding bearings. Rotor
excursions in bearing support locations are followed by sensitive velocity sensors and at the
same time optic sensor scans the phase marker, to which is the unbalance position related.
Unbalances are compensated in two planes either by removing the material or on the contrary
by adding known mass. So-called modal balancing is carried out with elastic rotors passing
through bending critical speeds, which corrects pertinent bending mode.
Sometimes it is necessary to correct bending mode on already completed machines in
cases when:
1) At operation speed one can observe growing of vibration amplitude due to
approaching the 1
bending mode of the rotor.
2) Some inaccuracies occur during machine assembly, which deteriorate accuracy of
balancing achieved on individual parts.
Let us present examples of solution of cases sub 1) a 2).

1. In-situ balancing of helium expansion turbines
Expansion turbines for helium liquefaction (Fig. 1) have operation speed in range of
220.000 to 350.000 rpm. With regard to extremely high sliding speeds the rotors had to be
supported in aerodynamic bearings lubricated by process media. Rotor 1 is supported in two
aerodynamic tilting pad journal bearings 2, axial forces are taken up by aerodynamic spiral
groove thrust bearings 3, which are equipped with pressurized gas inlet for easing the run up.
Expansion turbine impeller 6 is located at overhang rotor end; rotor speed is controlled by
brake 5, working on eddy current principle.

Fig. 1 Helium expansion turbine
The 1
bending critical speed of these rotors is situated in the range of 400.000 to 480.000
rpm, i.e. relatively high above operation speed. Rotors are very accurately dynamically
balanced at speed about 10.000 rpm on balancing machine Schenck. However, relative rotor
vibrations of most tested rotors start to grow already at roughly 60% of maximum operating
speed. At operation speed relative vibration amplitudes achieve values exceeding 50% of
bearing clearance, which is unacceptable for long-term operation. That is why it was
In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 2
necessary to develop a method, which would enable to correct the 1
bending mode of the
rotor [1]. For this purpose it is inevitable to run the rotor at least to 75% of operation speed
and to determine its deviations at two planes along the rotor length. Special facility shown in
Fig. 2 was designed for this objective. The facility enables to drive the rotor by compressed
air to the required speed and to measure relative vibrations at two locations together with the
phase marker.

Fig. 2 Facility for in-situ balancing of expansion turbine rotors
Rotor 1 is supported in two aerodynamic tilting pad journal bearings 3, which are
practically identical with those used in expansion turbine (see Fig. 1). Axial rotor position is
secured by two aerodynamic thrust bearings 4, which are once more the same as in expansion
turbine. Rotor excursions are followed by miniature relative sensors 5, 6, located as close to
rotor ends as possible. Unbalance phase is determined from the shift of deviation vector
relative to phase marker, which is scanned by optic sensor 8.
Relative sensors Micro-epsilon U05 work on eddy current principle and with active part
diameter of 2 mm have measuring range of 0,5 mm. Sensitivity of these sensors ranges about
20 mV/m, so that their resolution is better than 0,1 m. Phase marker, created by tarnishing
one halve of glossy perimeter of rotor, is scanned by optic sensor 2,5mm in diameter. Transfer
of infrared signal from photodiode and its reflection to phototransistor of optic sensor
TECHLAB is realized by optic fibres. Signals from sensors of vibration and phase are led to
the input of balancing apparatus TECHLAB, which by means of orthogonal filtration method
generates vector of deviation with the rotational frequency and determines its components
relative to phase marker. Balancing apparatus is one channel, so that it is necessary to
evaluate unbalances in both planes one after the other.
With regard to run-out, deviations in low reference speed of about 60.000 rpm are
evaluated as the first step. Evaluation of unbalance vector is carried out at the highest
attainable speed usually at 280.000 to 350.000 rpm. It shows, that the higher the speed, the
more obvious is deformation of the rotor according to the 1
bending mode; rotor deviations
have not only high amplitude, but they are at both rotor ends practically in-phase. When
evaluating the deviations it is necessary to take into account bending stiffness of the rotor,
because balancing process corrects deflection of the rotor. Relevant unbalance is determined
on the basis of calculation of the rotor forced vibration with unit unbalances in locations of
material removal. Rotor stiffness is very high, so that the amount of removed material is
relatively big. In order to be able to quantify the take-off, the material is drilled of. Orifices
are drilled in three planes at rotor ends in-phase and in mid plane out-of phase.
Theoretically thus can be preserved dynamic balancing of rigid rotor (in two planes). Practical
In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 3
experience show, that removal of material by drilling is not sufficiently accurate and that final
balancing of rotor as a rigid body on Schenck balancing machine is needed.
Determination of phase and amount of removed material in three balancing planes is
relatively complicated. That is why computer program was elaborated, which provides
following tasks:
- evaluates magnitude of relative deviations in both measuring planes,
- determines, if magnitude of deviations is acceptable or if rebalancing is necessary,
- determines phase of unbalance, diameter and depth of drilled orifices in three planes,
- generates file with balancing protocol.
Input values of the program are vectors of deviations in two measured planes at reference and
maximum speed, provided by balancing apparatus.
Fig. 3 to 5 show vibration signals of expansion turbine rotor, at reference speed of 60.000
rpm, at speed of 280.000 rpm and at maximum attainable speed of 335.000 rpm. Already
from signals in time domain it is apparent, that while at reference speed rotor ends are almost
out-of-phase (Fig. 3), at speeds of 280.000 (Fig. 4) and 335.000 rpm (Fig. 5) they are already
practically in-phase. This, together with increasing amplitude (see Table 1), indicates classical
deformation of the rotor according to the 1
bending mode, when overhang ends of rotor
vibrate in-phase and its central part out-of-phase. The peaks on the signal in plane at the
impeller (upper curve), which are caused by grinding of material in vicinity of the sensor
when balancing the rotor as a rigid body, have no impact on balancing proces.

Fig. 3 Relative rotor deviations at reference speed of 60.000 rpm

Fig. 4 Relative rotor deviations at speed of 280.000 rpm
In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 4

Fig. 5 Relative rotor deviations at speed of 335.000 rpm
Table 1 Amplitudes of helium expansion turbine rotor vibration
plane 1 (impeller side) plane 2 (free end of rotor) speed
(m) A
(m) A
(m) 2A
(m) A
(m) A
60.000 8,7 1,55 - 5,0 0,87 -
280.000 11,2 1,78 7,1 1,41
335.000 12,8 2,38 7,0 13,8 2,36 8,1
double-amplitude of vibrations,
RMS value of amplitude,
vibration amplitude with frequency of rotation.
RMS value of amplitude is statistic quantity determined from relatively long record and it is
therefore the most relevant. In given case it indicates progressive increase of amplitude at
speeds above 280.000 rpm.
Effect of balancing is apparent from Table 2, which includes given amplitudes of vibration
of 6 rotors before and after balancing. The table gives synchronous amplitudes of vibrations
(with frequency of rotation) evaluated by program.
Table 2 Vibration amplitudes of helium expansion turbine rotor before and after balancing
amplitude in plane 1 (m) amplitude in plane 2 (m) rotor speed
initial final initial final
330.000 4,5 2,1 4,1 1,1
330.000 4,2 2,4 5,9 2,6
331.000 3,8 1,7 5,7 3,2
330.000 5,0 3,4 3,6 1,4
329.000 6,5 2,6 7,7 1,7
335.000 5,8 2,5 7,8 3,0
It is evident from the table, that in most cases the deviation is reduced to roughly one halve of
original value; in some cases the reduction is even greater. If needed, accuracy of balancing
can be increased in further step.

In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 5
Above described technology of in-situ balancing was devised in 1997 for rotors with
operating speeds up to do 270.000 rpm and step-by-step it was extended to other rotor types
with higher speeds. Contemporary possibilities of measuring and computer techniques would
enable more sophisticated approach with direct connection of balancing apparatus and
computer, similar as in the second described case.

2. In-situ balancing of small turbochargers produced in Z Strakonice
Turbochargers (further on TCH) for passenger vehicles have operation speeds often
exceeding 200.000 rpm (Fig. 6)

Fig. 6 Cross section of typical turbocharger
Individual parts of the rotor (Fig. 7), i.e. turbine impeller with the shaft, thrust bearing runner
1, distance ring 2, oil retainer ring 3, compressor impeller and in some cases even impeller nut
4, are very accurately dynamically balance prior to assembly. However, due to manufacturing
inaccuracies and their cumulation, some deflection of rotor end with the impeller occurs.
Deflection of centre of gravity of the order of several m invokes significant unbalance,
which excites the 1
bending mode of the rotor situated within operational range. When
passing this critical speed this unbalance results in marked increase of vibration level and
noise, which unfavourable affects driving comfort.
In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 6

Fig. 7 Rotor of small turbocharger
It was therefore necessary to devise balancing procedure of completed TCH. The only
place, which stays accessible for balancing after assembly, is location of compressor impeller
TCH [2]. As unbalance rises basically from deviation of impeller centre of gravity from
rotational axes, balancing in one plane is sufficient. The most effective would be of course
removal of material from impeller meridian, because correction mass is at the big radius and
close to impeller centre of gravity. During balancing test intervention in this location always
led to significant decrease of vibration level. Removal of material from impeller is though
problematic, namely from the standpoint of adjustment of correct position, because in location
of blade is the take-off impossible and there is a danger of damaging the blade surface. That is
why as a place of material take-off was chosen the impeller nut, which has much lower
diameter, but unlike impeller is made of steel. The same removed volume of material has
therefore due to greater density the same mass as 3 times greater volume of aluminium alloy
removed from the impeller. Also manipulation of steel cuttings is simpler then those of
aluminium. The prize that should be paid for this simplification are parasitic moments due to
big distance of balancing plane from impeller centre of gravity, i.e. from the place where
unbalance originates.
To verify correctness of suggested methodology, an attempt to balance several TCH was
carried out on improvised test stand, with TCH fixed to the elastically supported table.
Absolute vibrations of the table in the soft direction were recorded together with phase
marker scanned by optic sensor. Unbalance phase was evaluated by balancing apparatus,
developed for balancing of helium expansion turbines. Using this method, optimum balancing
speed was found and several rotors were successfully balanced. These results led to
development of the stand for in-situ balancing and vibration control of TCH in the whole
operating speed range.
Design of main parts of the test stand is apparent from photograph in Fig. 8. Balancing
table with turbine casing is supported by elastic members. Balanced TCH is clamped to the
turbine casing with help of cams or hydraulic cylinders. After start-up of balancing cycle
pneumatic cylinder puts on compressor impeller cover, which is also pneumatically clamped
to the casing. Elastically supported table with TCH is provided with accelerometric vibration
sensor TECHLAB and inductive speed sensor is mounted in impeller cover, which serves at
the same time as phase sensor. Signals from sensors of vibrations and phase marker are
elaborated by special balancing apparatus TECHLAB, which evaluates components of
vibration signal with frequency of rotation relative to reference mark on impeller.
Accelerometric sensor B&K, evaluating vibration level in the range from balancing to
maximum speed, is fixed to turbine casing. B&K sensor is oriented in vertical direction and
In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 7
was utilized, because this type sensor is in Z used as a standard for evaluation of TCH

Fig. 8 Stand for in-situ balancing of TCH detail of balancing table
Balancing is governed by program, created in Control Web 2000 environment. The cycle
is started by reading the bar code, which unambiguously identifies pertinent TCH. Closing the
door starts balancing cycle with the rotor driven by pressurized air. Position of unbalance at
given speed (optimised for certain TCH type) is determined as first, followed by controlled
run-up of the rotor to maximum speed. Opening of the valve, through which pressurized air is
led to turbine, is governed in such a way, that the TCH run-up is uniform. Vibration level in
dependence on speed is recorded during the whole run-up. After reaching maximum speed the
air supply is shut off, rotor runs down and magnitude and phase of unbalance appears at PC
display (numerically and in polar diagram). Diagram of acceleration versus speed with
designated maximum value is also displayed (see Fig. 9). In case, that maximum vibration
level exceeds given limit, material from impeller nut is removed by high-speed grinder and
balancing cycle is repeated.

Fig. 9 Sample of display after termination of balancing cycle
In-situ balancing of high-speed rotors 8
Sample of display after termination of balancing cycle is shown in Fig. 9. At the left lower
end of display is a panel with polar diagram, which shows unbalance phase, above it is a
panel with numerical data of phase and magnitude (acceleration) of unbalance. Upper right is
a diagram of acceleration versus speed with numerical values of maximum acceleration and
pertinent speed. Below this diagram there is decision-making panel, which determines, if
balancing by grinding off material from the impeller nut is needed, or if the cycle will be
terminated by saving the data.
After end of balancing process the data of vibration versus speed are archived and can be
whenever again displayed. Fig. 10 shows sample of the real vibration record of series C1

Fig. 10 Sample of series C1 TCH run-up record
Two control and balancing stands are in operation in Z Strakonice, the 1
one was put
into operation in 2004, the 2
one in 2006. Mechanical part of the stand was designed and
manufactured in DIOSS Nany, the firm TECHLAB supplied balancing apparatus and PC
with relevant software. Operational experience is generally positive, after debugging of the
program and adjusting of inlet parameters no major modifications were necessary.

[1] imek, J. - Korec, L.: Development of balancing technology of expansion turbine rotors
Technical report TECHLAB No. 97-2401
[2] imek, J. - Korec, L.: Stand for vibration control and in-situ balancing of C1 series of Z
Strakonice turbochargers
Technical reports TECHLAB No. 04-402, 06-408

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