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New Futures of Exchange 2010:

Mail Tips functionality

Shadow Redundancy
E-mail tracking (through ECP)
RPC Client Access Service (Moved all the MAPI Connections to CAS Server)
Introduction of RPC Client Access Array (Day-3)
Mailbox Replication service introduced (Mailbox movement)
ECP Console to perform the basic troubleshooting/ tasks from user end &
Minimize the administration task
Permissions A new permission structure based upon roles (called Role-
Based access Control or RBAC) has been put into effect.
Introduced Database Availability Group (Day-3)
Less dependency on Clustered services
Database Level Failover is possible
Increased page size from 8KB to 32KB, which result High performance
Online defragmentation is moved out of the Mailbox database
maintenance process. Online defragmentation now runs in the background
16 Copies can support for each database in cluster for high availability
Photo can be placed in user account GAL (Image should be JPG format
96x96 , size should be less than 10KB). It will be saved in NTDS.DIT
Transaction log shipping between DAG nodes will happens through TCP/IP
protocol Port no. 64327 (in exchange 2007 log shipping happens through
SMB protocol -445)
Archiving mailbox (Day-2)
DR setup made easier

New Futures of HUB Transport Server on Exchange 2010:
Shadow Redundancy
E-mail tracking (through ECP)
New Futures of Client Access Server on Exchange 2010:
Mail Tips functionality
RPC Client Access Service (Moved all the MAPI Connections to CAS Server)
Address book Service (Manage the client address book connections)
Introduction of RPC Client Access Array
Mailbox Replication service introduced (Mailbox movement)
ECP Console to perform the basic troubleshooting/ tasks from user end &
Minimize the administration task
Permissions A new permission structure based upon roles (called Role-
Based access Control or RBAC) has been put into effect.
The CAS Role is now handle all client communication (OWA, EAS, Outlook
RPC, Outlook Anywhere, EWS, POP,IMAP)

New Futures of Mailbox Server on Exchange 2010:
Removed the Storage group concept
Introduced Database Availability Group
Less dependency on Clustered services
Database Level Failover is possible
Increased page size from 8KB to 32KB, which result High performance
Online defragmentation is moved out of the Mailbox database
maintenance process. Online defragmentation now runs in the background
16 Copies can support for each database in cluster for high availability
Archiving mailbox
DR setup made easier

Exchange 2010 CAS setup changes dynamic port range for outgoing
connection to 6005 to 59530 (MAPI and Directory access)

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