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Hepatopul monary Syndrome

David G. Koch, MD, MSCR

*, Michael B. Fallon, MD
The coexistence between chronic liver disease and alterations in lung function has
long been recognized by physicians, with the first report of cyanosis and finger club-
bing in patients with cirrhosis appearing in the medical literature in 1884.
This clinical
association was followed by confirmation that some patients with cirrhosis develop
arterial hypoxemia.
However, the vascular changes that can occur in the lung
with liver cirrhosis was not recognized until 1966 when physicians from the Royal
Free and Brompton Hospitals in London performed a postmortem examination of
the lungs from 13 patients with cirrhosis and described widespread vasodilatation
of the precapillary pulmonary arterioles, even commenting on the appearance of
lung spider nevi along the pleural surface.
A few relevant findings from the arteriog-
raphy and histologic analyses were that (1) there was an increase in the number of ves-
sels along the alveolar wall compared with patients without cirrhosis, especially in
vessels measuring less than 35 mm, caused by widespread precapillary arteriole vaso-
dilation; and (2) the primary lung structures (alveoli and connective tissues) were
normal. However, a direct correlation with the degree of vasodilatation and severity
Financial Disclosures: None.
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical
University of South Carolina, 25 Courtenay Drive ART 7100A, MSC 290, Charleston, SC 29425,
Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of Internal
Medicine, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, 6431 Fannin Street, MSB 4234,
Houston, TX 77030, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hepatopulmonary syndrome

Intrapulmonary vasodilatation


Portal hypertension

Contrast echocardiography

Liver transplantation
The hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a pulmonary complication of cirrhosis and/or
portal hypertension that occurs in up to 30% of patients and results in arterial hypoxemia.
The degree of hypoxemia does not correlate with the severity of liver disease, but patients
with cirrhosis with HPS have a higher mortality than do patients with cirrhosis without HPS.
There are no therapeutic options for HPS aside from liver transplantation.
Clin Liver Dis 18 (2014) 407420
1089-3261/14/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
of hypoxemia could not be established. The recognition of the hepatopulmonary syn-
drome (HPS) as a pathologic entity in cirrhosis came 12 years later when the concept
that intrapulmonary vasodilatation (IPVD) could cause hypoxemia was accepted.
Animal Model of HPS
Understanding of the pathogenesis of HPS is limited, and derives almost entirely from
a rat common bile duct ligation (CBDL) model that uniquely recreates the features of
human HPS.
In this model, proliferating cholangiocytes in the liver produce and
secrete endothelin-1 (ET-1),
whereas other animal models of portal hypertension
that do not result in bile duct proliferation and subsequent biliary cirrhosis do not
develop HPS (Fig. 1).
Sheer stress results in upregulation of the endothelin B recep-
tor (ET
R) in the pulmonary vasculature that subsequently binds the increased circu-
lating ET-1 and augments pulmonary nitrous oxide (NO) production via endothelial
nitrous oxide synthase (eNOS).
In addition, CBDL rats with HPS also have
increased pulmonary intravascular monocytes caused by increased pulmonary NO
levels and bacterial translocation resulting in increased blood levels of tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNF-a).
These pulmonary monocytes then contribute to IPVD by
increasing levels of NO (via inducible nitric oxide synthase [iNOS])
and carbon
monoxide (via heme oxygenase-1 [HO-1]).
Blood levels of vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF)
are also increased. The complimentary effects of ET-1,
pulmonary monocytes, and VEGF on the pulmonary vasculature not only contribute
to IPVD but also to pulmonary angiogenesis, which in turn contributes to the underly-
ing oxygen impairment.
The role of angiogenesis in HPS is supported by the
presence of neovascularization in the lungs of CBDL rats with HPS
and the
improvement in oxygenation with the antiangiogenesis therapy, sorafenib.
CBDL model has provided a possible mechanism for IPVD and HPS (Fig. 2), but these
pulmonary vascular abnormalities in humans are not exclusive to cholestatic liver dis-
ease and biliary cirrhosis because IPVD and HPS occur in cirrhosis of any cause.
Human Disease
Understanding of the pathophysiology of HPS in humans is limited. Nitric oxide has
been implicated as a mediator of IPVD in cirrhotic patients with HPS because they
have higher exhaled levels of NO compared with patients without HPS, and exhaled
NO levels normalize after liver transplantation (LT).
However, attempts to inhibit
NO production pharmacologically have given discrepant results.
angiogenesis has also been implicated in humans because single nucleotide polymor-
phisms that regulate angiogenesis are associated with the presence of HPS in patients
with cirrhosis.
Adding to the angiogenesis hypothesis is the observation that resolu-
tion of hypoxemia from HPS after LT is not immediate and may take up to 1 year,
Fig. 1. Outcomes in 3 animal models of portal hypertension. Only the rat CBDL model with
accompanying bile duct proliferation and portal hypertension develops hypoxemia.
Koch & Fallon 408
suggesting that there is remodeling of the pulmonary vasculature in addition to IPVD.
The potential role of ET-1 in human disease was also shown in a single study in which
blood levels of ET-1 in the hepatic vein were higher in patients with cirrhosis with IPVD
and HPS compared with those without IPVD, and blood ET-1 levels correlated with the
degree of bile duct proliferation in the corresponding liver biopsy specimens.
ever, whether cholangiocytes in human cirrhosis develop an endocrine capability to
produce ET-1 resulting in higher blood levels is still not known. A causal relationship
between ET-1 and impairment in oxygenation in HPS has also never been established.
Although the humoral and genetic mediators in HPS are not clearly defined in
humans, the underlying vascular pathobiology is better understood. Patients with
HPS have dilatation of the capillary and precapillary vessels up to 100 mm in diameter
as well as an increase in the number of these dilated vessels.
The vessels may also
have impaired hypoxic-induced pulmonary vascular vasoconstriction.
As a result,
mixed venous blood passes rapidly to the pulmonary veins, thereby increasing flow
in the setting of preserved alveolar ventilation. This condition results in a ventilation-
perfusion (V/Q) mismatch that is the predominant mechanism of hypoxemia, and
also oxygen diffusion impairment. The latter results from the room air concentration
of oxygen in the alveolus being insufficient to effectively oxygenate blood near the
center of the dilated alveolar capillaries and can be overcome by increasing the
amount of oxygen inspired, distinguishing HPS as a physiologic shunt rather than
an anatomic (right-to-left) shunt.
The features of HPS in patients with cirrhosis are nonspecific and typically involve res-
piratory symptoms, particularly dyspnea. However, dyspnea is a common complaint
in patients with cirrhosis, being reported in up to 70% of patients.
The symptom
may result from many causes aside from HPS, including complications of advanced
liver disease and portal hypertension (such as ascites and hepatic hydrothorax),
intrinsic lung disease, volume overload, or anemia (Box 1). These comorbid conditions
Fig. 2. Conceptual model of the pathogenesis of HPS in the rat CBDL model. CO, carbon
monoxide; ET-1, endothelin-1; ETbR, endothelin b receptor; HO-1, heme oxygenase-1; HPS,
hepatopulmonary syndrome; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; NO, nitric oxide;
p-eNOS, phosphorylated endothelial nitric oxide synthase; TNF-a tumor necrosis factor
alpha; VEGF-A vascular endothelial growth factor A.
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome 409
are prevalent in patients with cirrhosis. In addition, HPS can coexist with them and still
contribute to the hypoxemia. Because changes in position can alter pulmonary blood
flow distribution by preferentially perfusing dilated vessels in the lung bases, hypox-
emia in HPS may worsen in the upright position (orthodeoxia),
with patients reporting
increased shortness of breath while sitting as opposed to lying (platypnea). However,
these classically described manifestations of HPS are not sensitive indicators of the
Spider nevi may be a marker of IPVD and an indicator of more severe hyp-
oxemia, but this cutaneous manifestation is also common in patients with cirrhosis
without HPS.
Although patients may report shortness of breath, cough is not a com-
mon symptom. In addition, patients with significant hypoxemia may also have club-
bing in the fingers and toes as well as distal cyanosis if the hypoxemia is severe.
Formal diagnostic criteria for HPS are now accepted and include documentation of
impaired oxygenation in the setting of IPVD and liver disease or portal hypertension
(Table 1).
It is not necessary that patients be hypoxemic because milder forms of
HPS are associated solely with a reduction in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide
) caused by hyperventilation. Therefore, the alteration in oxygenation in patients
with HPS is determined by calculating the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (AaPO
from an arterial blood gas (ABG); a threshold of greater than 15 mm Hg is used except
for patients older than 64 years, in whom 20 mm Hg is appropriate. Using this
threshold of the AaPO
, the severity of HPS is then determined by the degree of hyp-
oxemia, providing a classification scheme with 4 stages from mild to very severe dis-
ease (Table 2).
Although the hypoxemia may be severe while breathing ambient air,
the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO
) usually increases to greater than 300 mm Hg by
breathing 100% oxygen.
As was also mentioned, the syndrome may occur in
Box 1
Differential diagnosis of dyspnea in patients with cirrhosis
Intrinsic cardiopulmonary disease
Congestive heart failure
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/asthma/restrictive lung disease
Complications of cirrhosis/portal hypertension
Hepatic hydrothorax
Muscle wasting
Cause-specific pulmonary complications
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency: panacinar emphysema
Cystic fibrosis: bronchiectasis
Primary biliary cirrhosis: fibrosing alveolitis, pulmonary hemorrhage, pulmonary granulomas
Sarcoidosis: interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary vascular complications of cirrhosis
Hepatopulmonary syndrome
Portopulmonary hypertension
Koch & Fallon 410
patients with comorbid primary lung diseases,
and having cirrhosis is not imper-
ative because HPS has been described in cases of acute and chronic hepatitis without
cirrhosis or portal hypertension
as well as in noncirrhotic portal hypertension
without chronic liver disease.
Several radiographic modalities exist to evaluate for the presence of IPVD.
The most sensitive is a contrast-enhanced transthoracic echocardiogram (CEE), in
which saline is agitated (creating microbubbles >10 mm in size) and infused into a pe-
ripheral vein, opacifying the right atrium and ventricle of the heart within seconds.
Under normal circumstances, the bubbles are absorbed in the lung vasculature. Early
visualization of bubbles in the left heart in fewer than 3 cardiac cycles after being seen
on the right side is a result of intracardiac shunting, whereas delayed appearance (>3
cardiac cycles) is caused by IPVD. Up to 60% of patients with cirrhosis referred for
liver transplant have a positive CEE, but only half of themhave HPS.
The clinical
significance of subclinical IPVD, namely IPVD with a normal AaPO
is not known. Con-
trasted echocardiography is a qualitative test designed to determine the absence or
presence of IPVD. A semiquantitative measurement of shunting has been developed,
but a correlation between the degree of shunting and severity of hypoxemia has not
been established.
Another diagnostic modality that is less sensitive than CEE is a nuclear medicine
lung perfusion scan, in which technetium-labeled macroaggregates of albumin
(99mTcMAA) up to 20 mmare injected in a peripheral vein. The aggregates are trapped
in the normal pulmonary vasculature but gain access to the systemic circulation in pa-
tients with IPVD or any other form of intracardiac or pulmonary venous-arterial shunt-
ing, allowing the aggregates to be detected and measured by scintigraphy. The shunt
fraction is the ratio of brain to total-body 99mTcMAA; a positive result is greater than
Table 1
Diagnostic criteria for the hepatopulmonary syndrome
Defining Criteria
<80 mm Hg
Increased age-corrected AaPO
(>15 mm Hg or >20 mm Hg if age >64 y)
while breathing ambient air
Confirmed by contrast-enhanced echocardiography or lung perfusion
scanning (brain shunt fraction >6%)
Liver disease Cirrhosis and/or portal hypertension
Abbreviation: AaPO
, alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient.
5 (FiO
, where PaO
represents partial pressure of arterial
oxygen; FiO
, fraction of inspired oxygen; P
, atmospheric pressure; PH
O, partial pressure of
water vapor at body temperature; and PaCO
, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (0.8 corre-
sponds with the standard gas-exchange respiratory ratio at rest).
Table 2
Staging severity of the hepatopulmonary syndrome
Stage Partial Pressure of Oxygen Thresholds (mm Hg)
Mild 80
Moderate 60 to <80
Severe 50 to <60
Very severe <50 (or <300 while breathing 100% oxygen)
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome 411
The lung perfusion scan is less sensitive that CEE in detecting IPVD and is most
useful in trying to determine the contribution of HPS to hypoxemia in patients with co-
morbid lung diseases. In addition, pulmonary arteriography can be done, but is not
routinely recommended unless there is poor responsiveness to 100% inspired oxygen
or if there is a suggestion of direct arteriovenous communications that might be
amenable to coil embolization because this diagnostic modality is expensive, invasive,
and insensitive in detecting IPVD.
Screening for HPS
Because the diagnosis of HPS requires an ABG, it is not practical to screen all patients
with cirrhosis using this modality. Pulse oximetry to measure arterial oxygen saturation
) can be readily obtained in the clinical setting and has been validated as a means
of screening for arterial hypoxemia in patients with cirrhosis.
Pulse oximetry over-
estimates SaO
. Therefore, an SaO
threshold of less than or equal to 97% is able to
detect patients with HPS with a PaO
less than 70 mm Hg with good sensitivity and
specificity (100% and 65% respectively), whereas an SaO
threshold of less than or
equal to 94% can be used to identify patients with HPS with more severe hypoxemia
(ie, PaO
<60 mm Hg; sensitivity 100% and specificity 93%).
Screening with pulse
oximetry is cost-effective, restricting the need for CEE and ABG testing to those pa-
tients with cirrhosis with significant hypoxemia (see Fig. 3 for an overview of the eval-
uation of hypoxemia in patients with chronic liver disease).
Pharmacologic Treatment
There are no therapeutic options that reliably improve oxygenation in patients with
HPS aside from LT. Several uncontrolled therapeutic trials have been reported, but
No further
Liver Disease
Portal Hypertension
Pulse Oximetry
Oxygen Saturation
Oxygen Saturation
> 97%
PaO2 80 mm Hg
Subclinical IPVD
Vasodilatation (+)
Vasodilatation (-)
Arterial Blood Gas
PaO < 80 mm Hg or
AaPO < 15 mm Hg
Evaluate for Intrinsic
Lung Disease:
Arterial Blood Gas
Chest X-Ray &
Pulmonary Function
Fig. 3. Evaluation of hypoxemia in patients with chronic liver disease.
Koch & Fallon 412
none have been sufficiently powered to show a durable improvement in oxygenation.
These trials have included agents that manipulate the NO pathway, such as intrave-
nous methylene blue (inhibits the effect of NO on guanylate cyclase)
and N(G)-
nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; reduces NO production by inhibiting
almitrine (pulmonary vasoconstrictor),
nase inhibitors,
propranolol (ameliorate portal hypertension),
antibiotics (se-
lective gut decontamination),
pentoxifylline (TNF-a inhibitor),
and garlic.
addition, patients with HPS are offered oxygen for severe hypoxemia, particularly
with significant exercise-induced desaturation. However, supplemental oxygen has
never been shown to reliably help dyspnea or improve quality of life in patients with
HPS. Nonetheless, it is inexpensive and without significant side effects, so it is
routinely used in clinical practice.
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
There have been 7 case reports studying the effect of transjugular intrahepatic shunt
(TIPS) in patients with HPS.
Similar to the pharmacologic therapies discussed,
TIPS has not been a consistently beneficial treatment option for HPS. Although
some patients did have an improvement in oxygenation after the TIPS was
the short duration of follow-up
and comorbid complications of cirrhosis
such as hepatic hydrothorax that are improved by TIPS placement
make it difficult to
know whether the TIPS provides a lasting benefit. Adding doubt to the therapeutic po-
tential of TIPS, there was no improvement in the pulmonary vasodilatation on the lung
perfusion scan in 1 case report,
and there are reported cases of HPS developing de
novo after TIPS placemen.
Given the potential risk for hepatic decompensation and
encephalopathy after TIPS placement, its use is not recommended to treat HPS. How-
ever, TIPS does not seem to exacerbate the oxygen impairment in HPS, so it can be
used to manage the complications of portal hypertension for which it is indicated (such
as refractory ascites and variceal bleeding) in patients with concurrent HPS.
LT is the only therapeutic option that can dependably improve oxygenation and sur-
vival in patients with HPS.
However, several reports suggest that patients with
more significant hypoxemia (PaO
<50 mm Hg while breathing ambient air) had high
post-LT mortality,
resulting in patients with severe HPS being excluded from their
only potential therapeutic option. In addition, the severity of HPS does not correlate
with the degree of liver disease, so patients with HPS might not otherwise need an
LT for the underlying cirrhosis. Although LT is an effective treatment of HPS, the hyp-
oxemia is usually slow to resolve, with most patients requiring 6 to 12 months for
oxygenation to normalize.
There are also reports of recovery times of longer
than 12 months,
especially for patients with more severe pre-LT hypoxemia.
Because HPS is progressive and is associated with high pre-LT mortality, patients
with significant hypoxemia are eligible for Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD)
exception points.
Post-LT survival may have improved in patients with HPS since
introducing the MELD exception policy,
but this has not been rigorously studied
across the transplant centers. An analysis of the data from the Scientific Registry of
Transplant Recipients (SRTR) from 2002 to 2005 compared post-LT survival between
patients with HPS listed with a MELD exception with patients with cirrhosis trans-
planted without an HPS exception. Applying MELD exception points for HPS favored
these patients in terms of overall survival.
However, the SRTR database does not
collect data to allow confirmation of the diagnosis of HPS or determination of the
severity of hypoxemia.
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome 413
Aside from this analysis of the SRTR database, the published outcomes after LT in
patients with HPS have largely been confined to single-center studies with small
numbers of patients being analyzed. To date, there have been 16 retrospective
case series that included at least 5 patients with HPS in the report
1 prospective cohort study published.
There is significant heterogeneity among
the series with regard to the criteria used to diagnose HPS, making comparisons be-
tween them difficult. The 30-day mortality in these publications ranged from 0% to
44%. As mentioned, some reports raised concern that mortality was higher in those
patients with more severe pre-LT hypoxemia,
but others did not find this rela-
The largest of these studies was a recent, retrospective,
single-center study representing patients with severe HPS (defined as a PaO
70 mm Hg) over 25 years.
The investigators determined that severity of hypoxemia
did not predict early post-LT mortality and that outcomes may have improved over
time as a result of the MELD exception policy for HPS (although this time-sensitive
analysis did not reach statistical significance),
supporting the existing HPS excep-
tion policy for LT.
HPS is a common complication of cirrhosis that results from alterations in the intrapul-
monary vasculature. The pathophysiology of HPS is not clearly defined in humans, and
this has limited the discovery of pharmacologic agents that could reverse the under-
lying process and improve oxygenation. The disorder is associated with increased
mortality compared with patients with cirrhosis without HPS, and LT is the only avail-
able treatment option. However, severity of hypoxemia does not necessarily parallel
the degree of liver dysfunction, so patients are currently eligible for MELD exception
points to permit transplantation.
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