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The Life Drive Newsletter

May 2014

Year 2, Volume 5
The Chair-borne warrior
We often talk about various challenges and obstacles that come in the way of our journey of growth. And every once in a
while we come across true heroes who show absolutely indomitable spirit to overcome the most difficult obstacles
imaginable. Every such story makes us take a pause and think honestly about the excuses that we often give ourselves as
the reasons why we cant work on our journey of growth. The story of the Chair-borne warrior is story of one such hero

MP Anil Kumar graduated from the Indian National Defense Academy as the Best Air Force Cadet
He then graduated from the Air Force Academy with awards for Best in aerobatics
In 1988, before taking up his first official posting he met with a motorcycle accident that left him completely
paralyzed neck downwards.
And this was the beginning of his journey as the chair-borne warrior
After many years of efforts, he learnt to write by holding a pen in his mouth and started writing regularly for
various periodicals on wide range of subjects including cricket and the Indian armed forces
After a few years he started writing with help of a computer by holding a stylus in his mouth ( as seen in the
picture above )
His writing and his blog provided inspiration to many his writing also
got included in a State Board textbook in Maharashtra
His friends and everyone who know him talk about his amazingly positive spirit and desire to contribute he
supported a few underprivileged children for their education and made it a point to meet with them.
After 26 years of his accident, this warrior breathed his last on 20
May 2014, after a brief battle with cancer.
His life will continue to provide inspiration to many for a long long time to come ..

The Life Drive Newsletter
May 2014
The Life Drive Newsletter
May 2014

Year 2, Volume 5
8 rules for creative communities : By David Ogilvy

Click on the link below to see short video about these 8 rules relevant for anyone who wishes to do some
great work ..

The Life Drive Newsletter
May 2014

Year 2, Volume 5

the life drive
a tri angl e has three di recti ons,
each aski ng for a deci si on.
i t can exi st even wi thout thi s deci si on.

l i fe i s made of thousands of such
tri angl es.
choi ces. i nterests. abi l i ti es. dri ver s.
val ues. responsi bi l i ti es.

sor t out these tri angl es. di rect them.

know, devel op and express.
create a whol e, one, i ntegrated - you.

exi st ver sus create.
the di f ference i s the l i fe dri ve.
The Life Drive Newsletter
May 2014

Year 2, Volume 5

About The Life Drive Newsletter
This newsletter is for anyone who is interested in working on his or her journey of personal growth.
I believe this journey is about becoming the best that you can be and expressing yourself in a manner that is most
meaningful to you.
Each one of us has two inbuilt and perpetual drives that influence everything that we do (and dont do) - The Life
Drive inspires us to create new things, seek out our true selves and engage with external world with zest and
affection. At the same time, The Death Drive within us scares us, makes us harm ourselves, makes us find comfort in
the lazy status quo and gets us to look at external world and other people with suspicion and violence.
The Death Drive does anything and everything it can do to stop and derail our journey of personal growth. To
succeed in its objective, the Death Drive throws many traps at us, such as convincing us that the problem is not within
but outside us and convincing us that the comfortable life of status quo is better than risking the challenges of self-
exploration and self-expression.
How well, and whether at all we progress on this Journey is entirely dependent on whether we constantly honor our
Life Drive by giving life to newer expressions of our core self and whether we succeed in defeating that enemy within
( The Death Drive) every day. Nobody and nothing outside of us can make us do this - it can happen if and only if we
take complete personal responsibility of staying true to our precious and sacred Life Drive.
This newsletter is meant to be a small reminder- that hopefully will make each of us take a pause and ask this to
The Creation Question: Did I generate and grow creations from my core today?
If we are able to answer this question in affirmative every day, we can be sure that we are moving well on our
The Life Drive Newsletter is circulated every month. In case you wish to add someone to the circulation list, please send me his or her
email address.
The older editions of the newsletter (from March 2013) are available at:

You can reach me at

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