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CCNA 2 Module 1 V4.

Posted by CCNA Exam at 10:28 AM | Saturday, April 25, 200
1! "# a router $a%%ot #i%d a &alid $o%#i'uratio% #ile duri%' t(e startup se)ue%$e, *(at *ill o$$ur+
,(e startup se)ue%$e *ill reset!
-,(e router *ill prompt t(e user #or a respo%se to e%ter setup mode!
,(e startup se)ue%$e *ill (alt u%til a &alid $o%#i'uratio% #ile is a$)uired!
,(e router *ill 'e%erate a de#ault $o%#i'uratio% #ile based o% t(e last &alid $o%#i'uratio%!
,(e router *ill mo%itor lo$al tra##i$ to determi%e routi%' proto$ol $o%#i'uratio% re)uireme%ts!
.e#er to t(e ex(ibit! ,(e %et*or/ admi%istrator (as $o%#i'ured t(e router *it( t(e i%ter#a$e "P addresses s(o*% #or t(e dire$tly
$o%%e$ted %et*or/s! Pi%'s #rom t(e router to (osts o% t(e $o%%e$ted %et*or/s or pi%'s bet*ee% router i%ter#a$es are %ot *or/i%'!
0(at is t(e most li/ely problem+
,(e desti%atio% %et*or/s do %ot exist!
,(e "P addresses o% t(e router i%ter#a$es must be $o%#i'ured as %et*or/ addresses a%d %ot (ost addresses!
- ,(e i%ter#a$es must be e%abled *it( t(e %o s(utdo*% $omma%d!
Ea$( i%ter#a$e must be $o%#i'ured *it( t(e $lo$/ rate $omma%d!
.e#er to t(e ex(ibit! 0(at $a% be $o%$luded #rom t(e routi%' table output i% t(e ex(ibit+ 2C(oose t*o!3
,(is router o%ly (as t*o i%ter#a$es!
,(e router i%ter#a$es are %ot operatio%al yet!
,(is router is $o%#i'ured to #or*ard pa$/ets to remote %et*or/s!
- ,(e 4astEt(er%et050 a%d Serial05050 i%ter#a$es o# t(is router *ere $o%#i'ured *it( a% "P address a%d t(e %o s(utdo*%
- A% "P pa$/et re$ei&ed by t(is router *it( a desti%atio% address o# 18!18!!1 *ill be #or*arded out o# t(e Serial05050 i%ter#a$e!
.e#er to t(e ex(ibit! ,(e #rame s(o*% i% t(e ex(ibit *as re$ei&ed by t(e router! ,(e router i%ter#a$es are operatio%al! 7o* *ill
t(e router pro$ess t(is #rame+ 2C(oose t*o!3
,(e router *ill $(a%'e t(e sour$e a%d desti%atio% "P address i% t(e pa$/et be#ore #or*ardi%' t(e #rame!
- ,(e router *ill $(a%'e t(e #rame type to o%e supported by t(e 0AN li%/ be#ore #or*ardi%' t(e #rame!
,(e router *ill use t(e desti%atio% MAC address to determi%e *(i$( i%ter#a$e to #or*ard t(e pa$/et!
,(e router *ill loo/ up t(e MAC address o# t(e S05050 i%ter#a$e i% t(e A.P table a%d add it to t(e #rame be#ore #or*ardi%'!
- ,(e #rame *as re$ei&ed o% t(e 4a050 i%ter#a$e o# t(e router a%d *ill be s*it$(ed to t(e S05050 i%ter#a$e!
,(e #rame *as re$ei&ed o% t(e S05050 i%ter#a$e o# t(e router a%d *ill be s*it$(ed to t(e 4a050 i%ter#a$e!
Pass*ords $a% be used to restri$t a$$ess to all or parts o# t(e Cis$o "8S! Sele$t t(e modes a%d i%ter#a$es t(at $a% be prote$ted
*it( pass*ords! 2C(oose t(ree!3
- 9,: i%ter#a$e
- $o%sole i%ter#a$e
Et(er%et i%ter#a$e
se$ret E;EC mode
- pri&ile'ed E;EC mode
router $o%#i'uratio% mode
0(i$( t*o stateme%ts $orre$tly des$ribe t(e $ompo%e%ts o# a router+ 2C(oose t*o!3
.AM perma%e%tly stores t(e $o%#i'uratio% #ile used duri%' t(e boot se)ue%$e!
- .8M $o%tai%s dia'%osti$s exe$uted o% (ard*are modules!
N9.AM stores a ba$/up $opy o# t(e "8S used duri%' t(e boot se)ue%$e!
- 4las( memory does %ot lose its $o%te%ts duri%' a reboot!
.8M $o%tai%s t(e most $urre%t a%d most $omplete &ersio% o# t(e "8S!
4las( $o%tai%s boot system $omma%ds to ide%ti#y t(e lo$atio% o# t(e "8S
.e#er to t(e ex(ibit! A#ter (ost 2 is $o%%e$ted to t(e s*it$( o% t(e >AN, (ost 2 is u%able to $ommu%i$ate *it( (ost 1! 0(at is t(e
$ause o# t(is problem+
,(e sub%et mas/ o# (ost 2 is i%$orre$t!
- 7ost 1 a%d (ost 2 are o% di##ere%t %et*or/s!
,(e s*it$( %eeds a% "P address t(at is %ot $o%#i'ured!
,(e router >AN i%ter#a$e a%d (ost 1 are o% di##ere%t %et*or/s!
,(e "P address o# (ost 1 is o% a di##ere%t %et*or/ t(a% is t(e >AN i%ter#a$e o# t(e router!
8! 0(i$( are #u%$tio%s o# a router+ 2C(oose t(ree!3
- pa$/et s*it$(i%'
exte%sio% o# %et*or/ se'me%ts
- se'me%tatio% o# broad$ast domai%s
- sele$tio% o# best pat( based o% lo'i$al addressi%'
ele$tio% o# best pat( based o% p(ysi$al addressi%'
.e#er to t(e ex(ibit! All routers (a&e a route i% its routi%' table to ea$( %et*or/ t(at is s(o*% i% t(e ex(ibit! ?e#ault routes (a&e
%ot bee% issued o% t(ese routers! 0(at $a% be $o%$luded about (o* pa$/ets are #or*arded i% t(is %et*or/+ 2C(oose t*o!3
"# .outerC re$ei&es a pa$/et t(at is desti%ed #or 10!5!1!1, it *ill be #or*arded out i%ter#a$e 4a050!
- "# .outerA re$ei&es a pa$/et t(at is desti%ed #or 12!1<8!1!16<, it *ill be #or*arded out i%ter#a$e S05051!
- "# .outer@ re$ei&es a pa$/et t(at is desti%ed #or 10!5!2=!15, it *ill be #or*arded out i%ter#a$e S05051!
"# .outer@ re$ei&es a pa$/et t(at is desti%ed #or 1=2!20!255!1, it *ill be #or*arded out i%ter#a$e S05050!
"# .outerC re$ei&es a pa$/et t(at is desti%ed #or 12!1<!5!101, it *ill be #or*arded out i%ter#a$e S05051!
,(e serial $o%%e$tio% s(o*% i% t(e 'rap(i$ %eeds to be $o%#i'ured! 0(i$( $o%#i'uratio% $omma%ds must be made o% t(e Syd%ey
router to establis( $o%%e$ti&ity *it( t(e Melbour%e site+ 2C(oose t(ree!3
- Syd%ey2$o%#i'Ai#3B ip address 201!100!51!2 255!255!255!0
- Syd%ey2$o%#i'Ai#3B %o s(utdo*%
Syd%ey2$o%#i'Ai#3B ip address 201!100!51!1 255!255!255!226
- Syd%ey2$o%#i'Ai#3B $lo$/ rate 5<000
Syd%ey2$o%#i'Ai#3B ip (ost Melbour%e 201!100!51!2
.e#er to t(e ex(ibit! 0(at $a% be $o%$luded #rom t(e output o# t(e ru%%i%'A$o%#i'uratio% o# a router+
,(e pass*ords are e%$rypted!
,(e $urre%t $o%#i'uratio% *as sa&ed to N9.AM!
,(e $o%#i'uratio% t(at is s(o*% *ill be t(e o%e used o% t(e %ext reboot!
- ,(e $omma%ds t(at are displayed determi%e t(e $urre%t operatio% o# t(e router!
.e#er to t(e ex(ibit! 7ost A pi%'s (ost @! 0(e% .6 a$$epts t(e pi%' i%to t(e Et(er%et i%ter#a$e, *(at t*o pie$es o# (eader
i%#ormatio% are i%$luded+ 2C(oose t*o!3
sour$e "P address: 12!1<8!10!12
sour$e "P address: @@@@!1111!5<==
desti%atio% "P address: 12!1<8!10!11
- desti%atio% "P address: 12!1<8!10!116
- desti%atio% MAC address: !?A?C!1216
11! 0(at is t(e out$ome o# e%teri%' t(ese $omma%ds+
.12$o%#i'3B li%e &ty 0 6
.12$o%#i'Ali%e3B pass*ord $(e$/121
.12$o%#i'Ali%e3B lo'i%
e%sures t(at a pass*ord is e%tered be#ore e%teri%' user E;EC mode
- sets t(e pass*ord to be used #or $o%%e$ti%' to t(is router &ia ,el%et
re)uires $(e$/121 to be e%tered be#ore t(e $o%#i'uratio% $a% be sa&ed
$reates a lo$al user a$$ou%t #or lo''i%' i% to a router or s*it$(
16! 0(i$( o# t(e #ollo*i%' is t(e $orre$t #lo* o# routi%es #or a router startup+
- load bootstrap, load "8S, apply $o%#i'uratio%
load bootstrap, apply $o%#i'uratio%, load "8S
load "8S, load bootstrap, apply $o%#i'uratio%, $(e$/ (ard*are
$(e$/ (ard*are, apply $o%#i'uratio%, load bootstrap, load "8S
0(at t(ree pro$esses does a router exe$ute *(e% it re$ei&es a pa$/et #rom o%e %et*or/ t(at is desti%ed #or a%ot(er %et*or/+
2C(oose t(ree!3
- de$apsulates t(e >ayer 1 pa$/et by strippi%' o## t(e >ayer 2 #rame (eader
uses t(e desti%atio% MAC Address i% t(e "P 7eader to loo/ up t(e %extA(op address i% t(e routi%' table
lea&es t(e >ayer 2 #rame (eader i%ta$t *(e% de$apsulati%' t(e >ayer 1 pa$/et
- uses t(e desti%atio% "P Address i% t(e "P (eader to loo/ up t(e %extA(op address i% t(e routi%' table
- e%$apsulates t(e >ayer 1 pa$/et i%to t(e %e* >ayer 2 #rame a%d #or*ards it out t(e exit i%ter#a$e
e%$apsulates t(e >ayer 1 pa$/et i%to a spe$ial >ayer 1 #rame a%d #or*ards it to t(e exit i%ter#a$e
,(e %et*or/ admi%istrator %eeds to $o%%e$t t*o routers dire$tly &ia t(eir 4astEt(er%et ports! 0(at $able s(ould t(e %et*or/
admi%istrator use+
- $rossAo&er
1=! 0(i$( t*o stateme%ts des$ribe $(ara$teristi$s o# load bala%$i%'+ 2C(oose t*o!3
>oad bala%$i%' o$$urs *(e% a router se%ds t(e same pa$/et to di##ere%t desti%atio% %et*or/s! >oad bala%$i%' o$$urs *(e% a
router se%ds t(e same pa$/et to di##ere%t desti%atio% %et*or/s!
- >oad bala%$i%' allo*s a router to #or*ard pa$/ets o&er multiple pat(s to t(e same desti%atio% %et*or/!
- C%e)ual $ost load bala%$i%' is supported by E"D.P!
"# multiple pat(s *it( di##ere%t metri$s to a desti%atio%s exist, t(e router $a%%ot support load bala%$i%'!
18! 0(at i%#ormatio% about t(e router a%d its startup pro$ess $a% be 'at(ered #rom t(e output o# t(e s(o* &ersio% $omma%d+
2C(oose t(ree!3
- t(e last restart met(od
t(e $omma%d bu##er $o%te%ts
t(e amou%t o# N9.AM a%d 4>AS7 used
- t(e $o%#i'uratio% re'ister setti%'s
- t(e lo$atio% #rom *(ere t(e "8S loaded
0(i$( i%ter#a$es i% t(e ex(ibit $ould be used #or a leased li%e 0AN $o%%e$tio%+ 2C(oose t*o!3
- 1
- 6
20! 4rom *(at lo$atio% $a% a router load t(e Cis$o "8S duri%' t(e boot pro$ess+ 2C(oose t*o!3
- ,4,P ser&er
setup routi%e
- 4las( memory
21! A %et*or/ admi%istrator (as Eust e%tered %e* $o%#i'uratio%s i%to .outer1! 0(i$( $omma%d s(ould be exe$uted to sa&e
$o%#i'uratio% $(a%'es to N9.AM+
.outer1B $opy ru%%i%'A$o%#i' #las(
.outer12$o%#i'3B $opy ru%%i%'A$o%#i' #las(
.outer1B $opy ru%%i%'A$o%#i' startupA$o%#i'
- .outer12$o%#i'3B $opy ru%%i%'A$o%#i' startupA$o%#i'
.outer1B $opy startupA$o%#i' ru%%i%'A$o%#i'
.outer12$o%#i'3B $opy startupA$o%#i' ru%%i%'A$o%#i'
22! 0(at is t(e de#ault se)ue%$e #or loadi%' t(e $o%#i'uratio% #ile+
N9.AM, 4>AS7, .8M
4>AS7, ,4,P,C8NS8>E
- N9.AM, ,4,P, C8NS8>E
4>AS7, ,4,P, .8M
21! 0(at (eader address i%#ormatio% does a router $(a%'e i% t(e i%#ormatio% it re$ei&es #rom a% atta$(ed Et(er%et i%ter#a$e
be#ore i%#ormatio% is tra%smitted out a%ot(er i%ter#a$e+
o%ly t(e >ayer 2 sour$e address
o%ly t(e >ayer 2 desti%atio% address
o%ly t(e >ayer 1 sour$e address
o%ly t(e >ayer 1 desti%atio% address
- t(e >ayer 2 sour$e a%d desti%atio% address
t(e >ayer 1 sour$e a%d desti%atio% address
>abels: CCNA 2, CCNA 2 Module 1 96!0

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