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The PRC is busily rushing ahead (foolishly) trying to make history by

becoming the top GDP nation in the world in the 2

century while
the !" is hell#bent on stopping it in its tracks$ !sing war if necessary$
%s the !" tightens its noose around the PRC with newer and newer
weapons and more and more warfighters including drones& stealth
aircraft& bombers& 'arines and warships entering the ring of military
bases surrounding the PRC& countries like (ietnam and others are
being encouraged to pursue and maintain a hostile stance towards the
PRC$ The !" hopes that this twin approach will create the desirable
or ripe conditions for war in east %sia with )ery ample opportunities
for the !" to participate in the fighting and to dish out terrible killings
and wanton destruction$ (There goes your super duper GDP growth$)
*hat if the !" succeeds in creating a situation where war between
the PRC + (ietnam becomes una)oidable$ ,efore fighting& the PRC
needs to bring home all its assets and all state employees from the !"
and close down its embassy there$ The whole nation must be put on a
war footing and all the spies and (suspected) sleeper agents working
for the C-% and '-.& plus all their allied agencies must be e/pelled$
0f all the nations that the !" can make use of to confront and attack
the PRC& (ietnam is possibly the easiest one to defeat$ 1leets and
fleets of stealth drones can easily cripple its military$ 2and attack
missiles can obliterate its assets& and hea)y bombers can lay waste
to entrire swathes of land containing its industries and infrastructure$
-ts political and military leadership can be hunted down and wiped
out by Predator3Reaper class hunter#killer drones$ -t is only that
hidden sinister entity acting behind the scenes that the PRC needs to
be seriously worried about$ "o& take home your assets now& today 4

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