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Biller Direct provides an online view of a customer's account.

This is aimed at two markets.
1. Client who have lots of small customers, like utility clients or telecommunication sector clients.
This offers the customer an online view of their account, ability to make payments, update master data and
dispute open items.
2. Clients with lare and difficult customers. By providin lare and difficult customers with an
online view of their account, they can raise their own disputes, removin the need for the client to do this as
well as pull off copy invoices. Certain customers may make lare re!uests, and rather than ask the clients
cash collectors they can do this all themselves.

Technical Architecture:

About Biller Direct Web Application:

"#C$ %resentation &ayer'
This is a (eb )pplication containin set of *#% files usin #)% *C+ for communicatin back to
the #)% backend systems.
The application is based on $,C2 -$odel ,iew Controller. )rchitecture and this architecture
confiurations are held by a file named /webbase0confi.1ml2.
The *#%s -*ava #erver %aes. are used for dynamic creation of 3T$&.
3T$& paes can be individually adapted accordin to customer brandin.

&ink between "ront and Backend'
#)%0specific communication protocol 4"C and #)% *ava Connector -*Co..
*Co is a toolkit for communication between *ava and )B)% Components.

Modification options:

555 6ote' Thins to do before we start7
a. The confiurations for "80)4 and9or "80C) are completed.
b. The confiurations for (eb )pplication are completely finished.
c. 3ave knowlede of 3T$&, C##, *2:: and *ava #erver %aes -*#%..

Adapting the Web Application

Area Function Comments
FI-CA Scenario
Customer "ields 8nsert
+nly possible for totals
information -table T;T+T)&#,
see documentation of sample
function module
FI-A Scenario
Customer "ields 8nsert
Custom fields added to the
e1istin structures or tables in the
back end and that you fill in
Business )dd08n -B)d8.
B:"+4:;+@T%@T. on the (eb
Common for all scenarios
8nterface Te1ts
8nterface Desin Colors
(eb user documentation
Chane, delete, or insert
te1t Check stronly recommended
Deactivate individual
documentation type
Deactivate entire web
user documentation
Desin of (eb user
(eb paes
Deactivatin an :ntry in
)pplication menu

Steps to customi!e Web Application of Biller Direct:

8dentify the version of Biller Direct.
4ead throuh #)% 6otes for Biller Direct source code before proceedin with customiAations.
8dentify the version of the #)% 6( *ava stack on which Biller direct is hosted.
8dentify the *D< ,ersion of the #)% 6( *ava stack.

Biller Direct
Supported SA# "W
$a%a stac& releases $D' (ersions ele%ant SA# "otes
1 =.B1 6( 2BBC -D.CB.
1.C.B;12 or
EB=C22 F Composite note' #)% Biller
Direct =.B #%>
G1=>CB 0 #)% Biller Direct =.B
installation note -*ava component.
GC>CE>' "#C$ Biller Direct' )dditional
info concernin security
ECC1CC 0 Biller Direct Documentation
G1=>=D 0 #)% Biller Direct =.B'
8nstallation -"80C) component.
G1=>=C 00 #)% Biller Direct =.B'
8nstallation -Component "80)4.
2 D.B1 6( 2BBCs, 6( G.B, 1.C.B;12 or ECH>12 0 #)% Biller Direct D.B
6( G.B :3% 1 hiher
installation note
E>E>D= F #)% Biller Direct D.B 6ote on
source code
1CD1E=D F Biller Direct :nhancements
12CCE2H F 4e!uired #C) "iles for Biller
1BD1>>2 00 #)% Biller Direct D.B2'
8nstallation -component "80)49)%.
1BD1E=> 00 #)% Biller Direct D.B2'
8nstallation -component "80C).
1BD1>>= 00 #)% Biller Direct D.B2
8nstallation 6ote -*),) component.
ECH>11 00 #)% Biller Direct D.B and D.B2'
)dditional 8nformation on #ecurity

Download and install the re!uired *D< ,ersion on local machine.
Download and install #)% 6et(eaver Developer #tudio usin the *D< installed above.
)fter installation of 6(D#, open the same and ensure re!uired *4: versions are selected as 8nstalled *4:s in
6(D# %references -(indows 00I %references 00I *ava.
8dentify the #)% 6et(eaver Development 8nfrastructure -6(D8. track that has the modifiable source code
#C) "iles of Biller Direct setup.
#et up the &andscape Directory @4& of 6(D8 system in 6(D# preferences. -(indows 00I *ava
Development 8nfrastructure 00I Development Confiuration %ool.. Check if the @4& is reachable by clickin on %in
@4& here.
Connect to 6(D8 from 6(D# usin valid credentials havin 6(D8 Developer access.
8mport the Development Confiurations for the iven 6(D8 Track with the Biller Direct #ource code #C)

Create &ocal %roJects for each Development Component %roJect -that need customiAation. inside the #C)
files of Biller Direct, once the above import is successful and files are visible in Development 8nfrastructure
%erspective 00I 8nactive DCs view.
$odify the code as per need in the respective perspective of that proJect.
)fter chanes are done, build the modified DCs.
Deploy the chanes on #)% 6( *ava #tack and test the same from Biller Direct web application in browser.

Some of the SA# Bac&end BADIs

BADIs related to Direct Baseline BAdIs:
Badi Definition - A#A)*B##)+*T)DATA
This B)D8 will be triered when we loin to the Biller Direct and every time we come to main pae. 8n
this B)D8 we can write code to loic on the data to be fetched and displayed for invoices.

Badi Definition - *B##)I"(,IC*D*TAI-
This B)D8 will et triered when the user clicks the hyperlink of any invoice. (e can write code to fetch
the necessary additional invoice details and web application @8s can then display same in iven layout with
supportin customiAation.

BADIs related to *.ternal eference:
Badi Definition - FDM)A)D*F)*/T)*F
This B)D8 ets triered when a dispute case is created from Biller Direct for any invoice. Can be used to
for performin additional manipulation of data to the field ':1ternal 4eferenceK in this B)D8.

Badi Definition - FDM)A)D*F)CAS*)TIT-
This B)D8 ets triered when a dispute case is created from Biller Direct for any invoice. Can manipulate
the value of the field LCase TitleK in this B)D8.

BADIs related to 0pdate #rocessor:
Badi Definition - FDM)A)D*F)#,C*SS,
This B)D8 ets triered when a dispute case is created from Biller Direct for any invoice. @sable to
manipulate data in the %rocessor field.

Badi Definition - FDM)A)D*F)*S#,"SIB
This B)D8 ets triered when a dispute case is created from Biller Direct for any invoice.

0ser "otification:
"unction $odule where we more validation can be added durin @ser creation'

,alidations that are needed before creation of user in Biller Direct, can be added here.


*nhancement #oint to sho1 the Ban& details 1hich are created onl2 through Biller Direct 3in the
Function Module A#A)*B##)+*T)DATA4:
6ormally in the Biller Direct, @ser can see all the Bank data assined to him. 8f we need to restrict the
Bank Data to be viewed we can do that in this way.

*nhancement #oint 3in the Function Module A#A)*B##)ADD)BA"'4:
To manipulate data of the fields, when the bank data is created from Biller Direct.

*nhancement #oint 3in the Function Module A#A)*B##)C5A"+*)BA"'4:
To manipulate data of the fields, when the bank data is chaned from Biller Direct.

*nhancement #oint 3in the Function Module A#A)*B##)+*T)BA"'-IST4:
Code' To display the bank data details which ot created only throuh biller direct.

*nhancement #oint 3in the Function Module A#A)*B##)ADD)CAD4:
To manipulate data of credit card data fields when the Card data is created from Biller Direct.

*nhancement #oint 3in the Function Module A#A)*B##)C5A"+*)CAD4:
To manipulate data of credit card data fields when the Card data is chaned from Biller Direct.

*nhancement #oint 3in the Function Module A#A)*B##)+*T)CAD-IST)"*W4:
Code' To display the Credit Card data details which ot created only throuh biller direct.

SA# 5elp -in&s:
1. Biller Direct D.B #ecurity ?uide
2. Biller Direct D.B
=. Biller Direct confiuration uide from #D6 0 http'>
C. $edia &ibrary for Biller Direct in #$% -can find all the modification uides here for all
components. 0https'99websmp2B=.sap0a.de9Qform9sapnetM;#3+4T<:ROB11BBB=>EGBBBBDH=DE2P
>. "#C$ Component in #$% 0 https'99websmp2B=.sap0a.de9fscm

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