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Whitten, K.W., Davis, R.E and Peck, .!.," General Chemistry with Quantitative
Analysis", #th Ed., $aunders %ollege Publishing, &''(
)rady, *.E., and +olum, *.R., Fundamentals of Chemistry
Whitten, K.W, Davis R.E and Peck, .!., ,---, .General Chemistry with Qualitative
Analysis, (th Ed
$tratton, W.*., )unce, D.., $chwart/, 0.1., $ilberman, R.2., $tanitski, %.!. and
3i44,0.P. !aboratory anual: %hemistry in %onte5t
Resnick, R6D +alliday, &'78, Fisika Jilid I 9ter:: $ilaban P6E $uci4to;, Erlangga
2iancolli D.%, ,---. Physics Princi!les "ith A!!lications,
0lonso, 6 E.*. <inn, &'',, #asar$dasar Fisika %niversitas, *ilid == edisi kedua 9ter::
Prasetyo. ! 6 K. +adi;, Erlangga
$aro:o, 2ani:anti 0by, Gelom&an' dan Alat (!tik, $alemba 1eknika
1i4ler, P0, Fisika I ) II edisi II 9ter:emahan Prasetyo. !; Erlangga
0ngelici, R.*. "$ynthesis and 1echni>ue in =norganic %hemistry", ,nd ?niv. $cience
Day R.0. *R dan 0.!. ?nderwood , Quantitative Analysis, (th ed
argalis E.*, %hemical Princi4le in %alculations of =onic E>uilibria
<essenden R.* 6 <essenden *.$, Kimia @rganik
0ddisonAwesley, Calculus and Analytical Geometry
=nstitut Pendidikan dan Pembinaan ana:emen, &'7', )ahan Pelatihan ana:emen,
Pen'antar *onse! +ana,emen
!ivingstone *.!. , &''B, -he Porta&le +.A *euan'an dan Akuntin', translated by D.R.
Permatasari, )inaru4a 0ksara
Cogel D &'7#, .uku -eks Analisis Anor'anik *ualitatif/ +akro dan 0emimakro,direvisi
oleh 2. $vehla, ?n.Eueen, )elfast, P.1 Kalman edia Pustaka *akarta
Day,R.0 *r 6 0.! ?nderwood., &''7, Analisis *imia *uantitatif ed ke 1, alih bahasa oleh
Dr,=r =is $o4yan . Eng. Penerbit Erlangga
)assett, Denney, et al.,&'87, 2o'el3s -e4t&ook of Qualitative inor'anic Analisys , B
$awyer D.1,+einemen W.R )eebe, &'7B., Chemistry 54!eriments for Instrumental
+ethods, *ohn Wiley 6 $ons
Eugene eyer., &'88, .%hemistry of +a/ardous aterials".,Prentice +all
!.)retherick., 04ril &'7&, .+a/ards in 1he %hemistry !aboratory"
*.<. Fewman., &''G, .+andling 1o5ic %hemicald Environmental %onsideration"
*esse R %onner., Can Fostrand Reinhold., &''-, .%hemical <i5ation and $olidification
of +a/ardous Waste"
)a4edal !egal andate Enforcement 0nd %om4liance Program., <ebruary &''(. +ealth
6 $afety 1raining anual
%otton, <.0., 2. Wilkinson and P.!. 2aus, &''(, H)asic =norganic %hemistryH I *ohn
Wiley and $ons, =nc. Grd Ed., &''B
ackay, K.., R.0. ackay and W. +enderson, &''(,H=ntroduction to odern =norganic
%hemistryH A #th Ed
Douglas, cDaniel and 0le5ander, &''B,Conce!ts and +odels of Inor'anic Chemistry,
*ohn Wiley and $ons, Grd Edition
<essenden 6 <essenden, &'78, Kimia @rganik, Penerbit Erlangga
)ell, %.E., %lark, 0.K., &''-, @rganic %hemistry !aboratory $tandard and icroscale
e54eriment, +arcourt )race Publisher
Pavia,D.!.,!am4man, 2.., Kri/, 2. $., &''-, Engel, =ntroduction to @rganicD
!aboratory 1echni>ues : 0 icroscale 044roach $aunders %ollege Publishing
Pasto, D., *ohnson %. R., &'',, iller, .*., E54eriments and 1echni>ues in @rganic
%hemistry, Prentice +all.
Krane, Kenneth, &''(, " odern Physics", ,nd Ed., *ohn Wiley 6 $ons
)eiser, 0itheir, &''-, Konse4 <isika odern, Penerbit Erlangga
0ustin , 2.1. &'7B, $hreveJ $ %hemical Process =ndustries, #th edition c 2raw +ill
$te4henson, R., &'((, =ntroduction to the %hemical Process =ndustries, Can
Forstrand, Reinhold , +olland
Kumar, +.D., "+odern Conce!ts of 5colo'y", Cikas Publ. +ouse !td., Few Delhi, &''(
cFaughton, $.*., 6 =!. !. Wolf," 5kolo'i %mum", Edisi kedua, ?2APress, Kogyakarta,
Febel, ).*.," 5nvironmental 0cience -he "ay the "orld "orks", ,nd Edition, PrenticeA
+all =nc., Few *ersey, &'78
@tt, W.R., "5nvironmetal Indeces -heory ) Practice", 0nn 0rbor $cience Publisher, 0nn
0rbor, &'87
Rasidi, $. 6 0di )asukriadi," 5kolo'i 5kosistem", De4t. )iologi <=P0A?=, De4ok
$tling, @., "5colo'y -heories and A!!lication", ,nd Ed., Prentice I+all =nternational,
=nc., Few *ersey, &''(
0ndrews D 9Eds;: .Pers!ective in +odern Chemical 0!ectrosco!y
Co:utsky, $. Colloid Chemistry. =R Publisher, oscow
*oycock, .*. D E.D. Panfitc. &'7&. Chemistry of Interface. *ohn Wiley 6 $ons
0tkins P.W. 90lih bahasa : Dra. =rma =. Kartohadi4rod:o; &''8. *imia Fisika *ilid ,, Edisi
keem4at. Penerbit Erlangga
2arret, R.+. and 2risham, %.. &''#. .iochemistry. $aunders %ollege Pub. <ort Wort
William E, Elementary Differential E>uation and )oundary Calue Problems
D. +irst, &'8(, athematics for %hemists, (th ed., acmilland Press
Pryde, !.1., &'8G., 5nvironmental Chemistry An Introduction, Publishing %om4any,
cEuarrie, Donald 0., &'7G, Quantum Chemistry, ?niversity $cience )ooks @5ford,
?niversity Press
2reen, F.*.)., &''8, Quantum +echanics & : <oundation, @5ford $cience Publications
0lberty, R. 0., Daniels, <., *imia Fisik, ter:emahan, Edisi C, Penerbit Erlangga, *akarta
Coyetsky. $., &'87, Colloid Chemistry, &st ed, =R Publisher oscow
ackie, R.K, $mith, D.., 0ither, R.0., 2uidebook to @rganic %hemistry, ,
Eliel, E.!, &'7G, $tereochemistry of %arbon %om4unds, 1ata c2rawA+ill Pub.%o. !1D,
Few Delhi
*uaristi,E, &''&, $tereochemistry and %onformational 0nalysis, *ohn Wiley 6 $ons,
=nc.,Few Kork, )risbane, 1oronto, $inga4ore
Kagan,+.2., &'88, @rganische $tereochemie, 2eorge 1hieme Cerlag, $tuttgart
Fasir , &''', +etode Penelitian, 2halia =ndonesia
Wali/er, . +, Wienir P. !, 6esearch +ethods and Analysis 0earchin' for 6elationshi!,
+ar4er 6 Row, Publisher
iller 6 iller, .$tatistic for 0nalytical %hemistry
)arrow, 2.. &'(,. Introduction to +olecular 0!ectrosco!y, =nternational $tudent
Edition, ac2rawA+ill Kogakusha, !td. 1okyo
%lausen ===. &'87. Princi!les of Industrial Chemistry. *ohn Wiley 6 $ons
0braham, R.*., !oftus P., &'7&, Proton and %arbonA&G FR $4ectrosco4y, 0n
=ntegrated 044roach, +eyden
Fakanishi, K., $olomon P.+.,&'88, =nfrared 0bsor4tion $4etrosco4y,+oldenADay
Wehrli <.W., Wirthlin 1., &'7-, =nter4retation of %arbonA&G FR $4ectra, +eyden
William, D.+., <leming, =, &'7#, $4ectrosco4ic ethods =n @rganik %hemistry,
Devlin, 1.. &''7. -e4t&ook of .iochemistry with clinical correlation/ *ohn Willey 6
$ons, =nc. Few Kork
urray, R.K., 2ranner, D.K., ayes, P.0., Rodwell, C.W. ,---. A 7an'e +edical .ook
8ar!er3s .iochemistry. ,#th ed, c2rawA+ill, Few Kork
. 2rant Forton dan %. $uryanarayana, &''7., 9$6ay #iffraction$A Practical A!!roach,
Plenum Press
+. +. Willard, !. =. erret *r., *. 0. Dean dan <. 0. $ettle *r., &''7., Instrumental
+ethods of Analysis, Wadsworth Publishing %om4any, )elmont
Robert D. )raun,&'78/, Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, c2rawA+ill Editions
Calvarcel, 6 !u>ue de castro, .D.,&'78., Flow In,ection Analysis/ Princi!les and
A!!lications, English Edition , Ellis +orwood !imited
Ru/cka, *., +ansen, E. +., &'77., Flow in,ection Analysis, second edition, *ohn Wiley
and $on, Few Kork
ermet, *.A., @tto, . Windmer, +.., &''7., Analytical Chemistry :-he A!!roved -e4t
to the Federation of 5uro!ean Chemical 0ocieties Curriculum; , WileyAC%+
West, 0nthony R, &'7B, 0olid 0tate Chemistry and Its A!!lications, *ohn Willey 6 $on
!td. %hichester
1urton, R., ,---, 1he Physics of 0olids. &st Published, @5ford ?niversity Press =nc.,
Few Kork
2 <aure., &''G, .Princi!les and A!!lication of Inor'anic Geochemistry", cillan
Publsh. %o
0 1e5tbook of ineralogy, Grd Edition, with an e5tended treatise on crystallogra4hy and
4hysical mineralogy, by E. $. &77&, 1he book was 4ublished by *ohn Wiley 6 $ons, FK.
Do4ke, W., &'7-, Einfuhrung in Die %hemie der 0lkaloide, 0kademic Cerlag )erlin
+esse, ., &'87, 0lkaloid %hemistry, 2eorg 1hieme Cerlag )erlin
ann, *.&'',, $econdary etabolism, %larendon Press, @5ford
Robinson 1., &''#, $enyawa @rganik 1umbuhan 1ingkat 1inggi. Penerbit =1)
%rueger, WD %rueger, 0. &'7B. .iotechnolo'y A -e4t&ook of Industrial +icro&iolo'y.
$cience 1ech, =nc, adison
cKane, !. 6 Kandel, *. &''( ,+icro&iolo'y 5ssentials and A!!lication, ,
edition.c2raw +ill =nc. Few Kork
Pelc/ar, .*. 6 %han E.%.$ ,&'7( 5lements of +icro&iolo'y/ c2raw hill, ?$0
+arley, *.P. 6 Klein, D.0. &''- +icro&iolo'y/ Wm.%. )rown Publishers. ?$0
$eeley, *r. +.W. and Demark, P.*.C. &'8,. 0election e4ercises from micro&es in action/
A la&oratory manual of micro&iolo'y. ,nd ed. W+ <reeman and %o, $an <ransisco
oo Koung, ., 9Ed.;, &'7#, Com!rehensive .iotechnolo'y, Col. &, 8 I &', Pergamon
Press, @5ford, 9?K;
Primrose, $.). &'7G. +odern .iotechnolo'y. )lackwell $cientific Publ. @5ford, !ondon
+arley, *.P. 6 Klein, D.0. &''- +icro&iolo'y, / Wm.%. )rown Publishers. ?$0
$mith 6 Wood, &''&. +olecular .iolo'y and .iotechnolo'y, %ha4man 6 +all !imited,
Wilson, K and Wlaker, *.. &'''. Princi!les and techni<ue of Practical .iochemistry. #th
ed., %ambridge ?niversity Press, %ambridge
+erbert, R.)., &'7', -he .iosynthesis of 0econdary +eta&olites, ,nd Ed., %ha4man
and +all, Few Kork,
ann *., &''#, 0econdary +eta&olism , ,nd Ed., %larendon Press, @5ford
Kumar, 0. D R.K. 2ru4a. &''7. Fundamentals of Polymers, c2rawA+ill, $inga4ore
<.W. !am4e. &'7'. Contem!orary Polymer Chemistry, ,nd Edition, PrenticeA+all =ntern.
=nc., !ondon
2rulke, E.0. &''B. Polymer Process 5n'ineerin', P1R PrenticeA+all, Few *ersey
D.W. +adley. &''G. An Introduction to the +echanical Pro!erties of 0olid Polymers,
*ohn Wiley 6 $ons, %hichester
Woodward, 0.E. &''#. %nderstandin' Polymer +or!holo'y, +anser Publishers, unich
+iggins, R.0. &''B. -he Pro!erties of 5n'ineerin' +aterials, ,nd Edition, Edward
0rnold, a division of $t. Edmundsbury Press, !ondon
%allester *r., W.D. &''B. +aterial 0cience and 5n'ineerin'. An Introduction. *ohnA
Wiley, Few Kork
<ried, *.R. &''#. Polymer 0cience and -echnolo'y, Prentice hall, Few *ersey.
Dekant, W. 6 Camvakas, $. &''B. -o4ikolo'ie f=r Chemiker und .iolo'en, $4ektrum
0kademischer Cerlag 2mb+, @5ford, +eidelberg, )erlin
+ughes, W. &'8#D !u, <. &''&. .asic -o4icolo'y 1aylor 6 <rancis, Washington, D.%
ar>uardt, + and $chafer.$.2. &''B. 7ehr&uch der -o4ikolo'ieD
1eaf, %.. &'7#. +uta'enesis, in Industrial -o4icolo'y, 0afety and 8ealth A!!lications
in the
"ork!lace, P.!. Williams, dan *.!. )urson 9ed;, Can Fostrand Reinhold %om4any, Few
Weisburger, *.+., dan Williams, 2.. &'7B. .ioassay of Carcino'ens in vitro and in
vivo tests, in Chemical Carcino'ens, second edition, volume ,
)a5evanis, 0.D., @ulette, ).<.<. ,--&. )ioinformatics 0 Practical 2uide 1o 1he 0nalysis
of 0nalysis of 2enes and Proteins. ,nd ed. Willey =nterscience
)iorin $oftware, ,--B, FederlandD %roft, !.R. &'8(. 8and&ook of !rotein se<uence
analysis. *ohn Willey 6 $ons. Few Kork. ?$0

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