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The University Of Asia Pacific

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

ECE 202
EXPE!"E#T #O$%&0
Name of the Experiment: Small circuit Simulation using PSPICE.
Introduction to SPICE:
The acronym SP!CE stan's for Simu(ation Program )ith !ntegrate' Circuit Emphasis$ The stu'ent
version of SP!CE is ca((e' Pspice$ !t is a genera( purpose circuit program that simu(ate e(ectrica(
an' e(ectronic circuits$ !t can eva(uate the effects of variations ! e(ements * such as resistors*
transistors* transformers an' so on$
A circuit is 'escri+e' to a computer type' from a ,ey+oar' +y using a fi(e ca((e' the circuit fi(e$ !t is
the input fi(e$ The circuit fi(e contains the circuit 'etai(s of components an' e(ement* the
information a+out the sources an' the comman's for )hat to ca(cu(ate an' )hat to provi'e as
output$ After e-ecuting the input fi(e .comman's/* it pro'uces the resu(ts in the output fi(e$
Sym+o(s of Circuit e(ements%
Capacitor0C* Dio'e0D* Current source0!* !n'uctor01* 2ipo(ar 3unction transistor04*
esistor5$* 6o(tage source06
The sca(e suffi-% To represent a very (arge or sma(( num+er sca(e suffi- is use'$ They are% Pico
0P .&E5&2/* #ano0#.&E5&2/* "icro0U.&E57/* "i((ie0".&E58/* 9i(o09.&E8/* "ega0
"E:.&E7/* :iga0:.&E;/* Tera0T.&E&2/$
The 'escription an' ana(ysis of a circuit re<uire specifying the fo((o)ing%
&$ E(ement va(ues
2$ #o'es
8$ Circuit E(ements
=$ E(ement mo'e(s
>$ Sources
7$ Types of ana(ysis
?$ Output varia+(es
@$ PSpice output comman's
;$ Aormat of circuit fi(e .!nput fi(e/
&0$ Aormat of output fi(e
To simu(ate a circuit%
The format for a circuit fi(e .!nput/ is as fo((o)s
BCircuit 'escription
BAna(ysis 'escription
BOutput 'escription
BEn' of fi(e Statement .$E#D/
The first (ine shou(' +e tit(e (ine an' it may contain any type of te-t$
Circuit Description:
Airst(y the passive e(ements .resistors* capacitors* in'uctor/ are 'escri+e' in the fo((o)ing specific
.e(ement name/ . positive no'e/ . negative no'e/ . va(ue/
.e(ement name/ C or C or 1 etc$
. positive no'e/ C #o of the positive no'e to )hich the e(ement is connecte'$
. negative no'e/ 55 #o of the positive no'e to )hich the e(ement is connecte'$
. va(ue/ C The va(ue of the e(ement

Then the active e(ements . vo(tage or current source/ are 'escri+e'%
.source name/ . positive no'e/ . negative no'e/ . source mo'e(/
.Source mo'e(/% for simp(e 'c source is% DC .va(ue/
E-amp(e% A &0 6o(t DC +attery is mo'e(e' as% $DC &0
.Source mo'e(/% for simp(e transient or ac source is% sin .60 6A AE4 TD A1P TDETA/
Ehere 60 F Offset vo(tage
6A F Pea, vo(tage
AE4 F Are<uency
TD F De(ay time
A1P F Damping factor
TDETA F Phase De(ay
E-amp(e% To mo'e( a simp(e sinusoi'a( ac source 10 sin (2500t + 30) is sin (0 10v 500 0 0
30). !t can +e simp(y )ritten as* sin (0 10v 500 30)
!n this case Offset vo(tage* De(ay time* Damping factor is not specifie'$ This terms are use' for
transient source$
n!l"sis Description:
1. .DC S#$%E SST&T SE$D SI$C
'for 'c ana(ysis over a range of vo(tage
S#$%E ( T)e s*eep v!ri!+le n!,e- eit)er volt!.e o/ current source
SST&T ( T)e s*eep st!rt v!lue
SE$D ( T)e s*eep end v!lue
SI$C ( T)e s*eep incre,ent v!lue
not)er /or, o/ dc !n!l"sis:
.DC S#$%E 0IST (1!lues)
#)ere- 0IST ( ! 2e" *ord
(1!lues) ( list o/ v!lues
E-amp(e% $DC 6s &0v 80v &0v
!t )i(( pro'uce the a(( output va(ues of 'ifferent specifie' vo(tage or current varia+(es for the range
of 6s* &0v to 80v )ith &0v increment$
2. .3P
'' 'c operating point to o+tain a(( no'e vo(tage an' the current an' po)er 'issipation of a((
the vo(tage sources$
3. .T&$S
''circuit +ehaviors on response to time varying sources
4. .C
'' circuit response over a range of source fre<uencies
3utput Description:
.P&I$T (output v!ri!+les) : The va(ue of the output varia+(es are printe' as a ta+(e )ith each
co(umn correspon'ing to one output varia+(e$ The ma-imum num+er of output varia+(e is @$
$P03T DC (3utput v!ri!+les) ((lo*er li,it) v!lue)- (upper li,it) v!lue) :
This comman' is for DC ana(ysis$ The range an' increment of the X5a-is is fi-e' +y the 'c ana(ysis
comman'$ The range of the y5a-is is set +y a''ing ..(o)er (imit/ va(ue/* .upper (imit/ va(ue/ at the
en' of a $P03T statement
E-amp(e% $P1OT DC 6.>/ 6.8*2/ .0* &0v/ !2.4&/ .0* >0"A/ !C.4&/ .5>0"A* G>0"A/
This statement states that* the range for vo(tage 6.>/ an' 6.8*2/ is 06 to &06$ The range for current
!2.4&/ is 0 "A to >0"A$ An' for the current !C.4&/ is 5>0"A to >0"A$
.P&35E (3ne or ,ore output v!ri!+les):
!t is graphic ana(yHer$ The varia+(es are sho)n in the screen an osci((oscope output$ Aor the first
statement a(( the output varia+(e are sho)n in the output fi(e$ Aor the secon' statement on(y the
specifie' varia+(es is sho)n$
#$2$% The $OP comman's nee's no output comman's
Tr!nsistor %odel:
This transistors can +e mo'e(e' as% #C #2 #E #S 4#A"E ..area/ va(ue/
Ehere #ame of the transistor
#C % Co((ectors no'e
#2 % 2ase no'e
#E % Emitter no'e
#S % Su+strate no'e* if not specifie' if 'efau(ts to groun'$
4#A"E% !s a name representing the transistor mo'e($
4& & 2 8 4#222
$"ODE1 4#222 #P#.!SF8$&0@E5&7 2AF&?8 6AF@8$86 CIEF2;$7PA CICF&;$=PA
G TAF=@;$@@PS TF=$;#S /
!t can a(so +e mo'e(e' as %
4& & 2 8 4#222
$"ODE1 4#222 #P#
!n this mo'es * the va(ue of these particu(ars are 'efau(t va(ue$
!SF p5n saturation current
2AF !'ea( ma-imum for)ar' +eta
6AF Ear(y vo(tage
CIEF 2ase5emitter Hero +ias p5n capacitance
CICF 2ase5co((ector Hero +ias p5n capacitance
TAF !'ea( for)ar' transit time
TF !'ea( reverse transit time
Steps o/ si,ul!tion:
1. #ritin. code:
Start0Design1a+ Eva( @0Accessories0"icroSim Te-tE'it
Save the input fi(e
2. Co,pil!tion:
Open the input fi(e through%
Start0Design1a+ Eva( @0PS AJD
3. 3utput:
Open the output fi(e* create' +y the PSpice$
Si,ul!tion o/ ! si,ple circuit:
T)e si,ul!tion is !s /ollo*s:
r& & 2 &0
r2 2 8 =0
v& & 0 &0
/ter runnin. t)e pro.r!, t)e output *ill +e !s /ollo*:
LLLL 07M27M&02 &>%08%&@ LLLLLLLL #T Eva(uation PSpice .Iu(y &;;?/ LLLLLLLLLLLL
r& & 2 &0
r2 2 0 =0
r8 2 0 20
v& & 0 &0
LLLL 07M27M&02 &>%08%&@ LLLLLLLL #T Eva(uation PSpice .Iu(y &;;?/ LLLLLLLLLLLL
LLLL S"A11 S!:#A1 2!AS SO1UT!O# TE"PEATUE F 2?$000 DE: C
. &/ &0$0000 . 2/ >$?&=8
v& 5=$2@7E50&
LLLL 07M27M&02 &>%08%&@ LLLLLLLL #T Eva(uation PSpice .Iu(y &;;?/ LLLLLLLLLLLL
TOTA1 IO2 T!"E $0=
Tr!nsistor circuit /or co,,on'e,itter output c)!r!cteristics:
T)e si,ul!tion is !s /ollo*s:
!2 0 & DC &"A
6CE 2 0 DC &26
4& 2 & 0 4#2222A
$"ODE1 4#2222A #P#.!SF8$&0@E5&7 2AF&?8 6AF@8$86 CIEF2;$7PA CICF&;$=PA
G TAF=@;$@@PS TF=$;#S /
$DC 6CE 0 &06 $026 !2 0 &"A 200UA
T)e output *ill +e :
Simu(ate the fo((o)ing circuit an' sho) the output $

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