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CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1060 of 2007
Sanjay Dutt (A-117) .... Appellant(s)
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB (ST!), Bo"#ay $.
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1102 of 2007
'usuf Mohs(n )ul*alla (A-11+) .... Appellant(s)
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB (ST!), Bo"#ay $.

Page 2
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 16)7 of 2007
,ers( Bapuj( A&ajan(a (A-1-.) ....
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB (ST!), Bo"#ay $.
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. *+6 of 2011
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 110, of 2007
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1026 of 2012
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1001 of 2007
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. -+2 of 2011
Page 3
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1060 of 2007
Sanjay Dutt (A-117) .... Appellant(s)
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB (ST!), Bo"#ay $.
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1102 of 2007
'usuf Mohs(n )ul*alla (A-11+) .... Appellant(s)
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB (ST!), Bo"#ay $.
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 16)7 of 2007
,ers( Bapuj( A&ajan(a (A-1-.) ....
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB (ST!), Bo"#ay $.
Page 4
P. S%/0%1"2%#3 J.
1) Mr. /ar(sh Salve, Mr. Suren&ra S(ngh, Mr. B./. Marlapalle
learne& sen(or 0ounsel appeare& for A-117, A-11+, A-1-.
respe0t(vely an& Mr. %aval, learne& AS1 &uly ass(ste& #y Mr.
Satya2a", learne& 0ounsel appeare& for the respon&ent-CB.
-) The a#ovesa(& appeals are &(re0te& aga(nst the f(nal
ju&g"ent an& or&er of 0onv(0t(on an& senten0e &ate&
-+.11.-334 an& 51.37.-337 respe0t(vely #y the Des(gnate&
Court un&er TADA for the Bo"#ay Bo"# Blast Case, 1reater
Bo"#ay (n B.B.C. )o.161775.
5) A 0o""on 0harge of 0onsp(ra0y *as fra"e& aga(nst all
the 0o-0onsp(rators (n0lu&(ng the appellants. The relevant
port(on of the sa(& 0harge (s repro&u0e& hereun&er8
9Dur(ng the per(o& fro" De0e"#er, 177- to Apr(l, 1775 at
var(ous pla0es (n Bo"#ay, D(str(0t %a(ga& an& D(str(0t
Thane (n n&(a an& outs(&e n&(a (n Du#a( (:.A.;.) <a2(stan,
entere& (nto a 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an&6or *ere "e"#ers of
the sa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y *hose o#je0t *as to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts (n n&(a an& that you all agree& to 0o""(t
follo*(ng (llegal a0ts, na"ely, to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts *(th
an (ntent to overa*e the 1overn"ent as #y la*
Page 5
esta#l(she&, to str(2e terror (n the people, to al(enate
se0t(ons of the people an& to a&versely affe0t the har"ony
a"ongst &(fferent se0t(ons of the people, (.e. /(n&us an&
Musl("s #y us(ng #o"#s, &yna"(tes, han&grena&es an&
other e=plos(ve su#stan0es l(2e %D> or (nfla""a#le
su#stan0es or f(re-ar"s l(2e A,-?4 r(fles, 0ar#(nes, p(stols
an& other lethal *eapons, (n su0h a "anner as to 0ause or
as l(2ely to 0ause &eath of or (njur(es to any person or
persons, loss of or &a"age to an& &(srupt(on of suppl(es of
serv(0es essent(al to the l(fe of the 0o""un(ty, an& to
a0h(eve the o#je0t(ves of the 0onsp(ra0y, you all agree& to
s"uggle f(re-ar"s, a""un(t(on, &etonators, han&grena&es
an& h(gh e=plos(ves l(2e %D> (nto n&(a an& to &(str(#ute
the sa"e a"ongst yourselves an& your "en of 0onf(&en0e
for the purpose of 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& for the
sa(& purpose to 0on0eal an& store all these ar"s,
a""un(t(on an& e=plos(ves at su0h safe pla0es an&
a"ongst yourselves an& *(th your "en of 0onf(&en0e t(ll (ts
use for 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& a0h(ev(ng the o#je0ts
of 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& to &(spose off the sa"e as nee&
ar(ses. To organ(@e tra(n(ng 0a"ps (n <a2(stan an& (n n&(a
to ("port an& un&ergo *eapons tra(n(ng (n han&l(ng of
ar"s, a""un(t(ons an& e=plos(ves to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts.
To har#our an& 0on0eal terror(sts60o-0onsp(rators, an& also
to a(&, a#et an& 2no*(ngly fa0(l(tate the terror(st a0ts
an&6or any a0t preparatory to the 0o""(ss(on of terror(st
a0ts an& to ren&er any ass(stan0e f(nan0(al or other*(se for
a00o"pl(sh(ng the o#je0t of the 0onsp(ra0y to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts, to &o an& 0o""(t any other (llegal a0ts as
*ere ne0essary for a0h(ev(ng the aforesa(& o#je0t(ves of
the 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& that on 1-.35.1775 *ere
su00essful (n 0aus(ng #o"# e=plos(ons at Sto02 ;=0hange
Bu(l&(ng, A(r n&(a Bu(l&(ng, /otel Sea %o02 at Ban&ra, /otel
Centaur at Auhu, /otel Centaur at Santa0ru@, Baver(
Ba@aar, ,atha Ba@aar, Century Ba@aar at Corl(, <etrol
<u"p a&jo(n(ng Sh(v Sena Bhavan, <la@a Theatre an& (n
lo##(ng han&grena&es at Ma00h("ar /(n&u Colony, Mah("
an& at Bay-?-, Sahar nternat(onal A(rport *h(0h left "ore
than -?7 persons &ea&, 715 (njure& an& property *orth
a#out %s.-7 0rores &estroye&, an& atte"pte& to 0ause
#o"# e=plos(ons at )a(gau" Cross %oa& an& Dhanj( Street,
all (n the 0(ty of Bo"#ay an& (ts su#ur#s (.e. *(th(n 1reater
Bo"#ay. An& there#y 0o""(tte& offen0es pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& Se0t(on 1-3-
B of <C rea& *(th Se0t(ons 5(-)(()(((), 5(5), (.), ? an& 4 of
TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& rea& *(th Se0t(ons 53-, 537, 5-4,
Page 6
5-., .-7, .5?, .54, -31 an& -1- of n&(an <enal Co&e an&
offen0es un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -? (1-
A), (1-B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7, Se0t(ons 7B (1)(a)(#)(0)
of the ;=plos(ves A0t, 1++., Se0t(ons 5, .(a)(#), ? an& 4 of
the ;=plos(ve Su#stan0es A0t, 173+ an& Se0t(on . of the
<revent(on of Da"age to <u#l(0 <roperty A0t, 17+. an&
*(th(n "y 0ogn(@an0e.D
n a&&(t(on to the a#ove-sa(& pr(n0(pal 0harge of
0onsp(ra0y, the appellants *ere also 0harge& on other
0ounts *h(0h are as un&er8
S%$6%7 D8// 9A-117:5
A/ 0(%; S(<o$;&7= The appellant, (n pursuan0e of the
aforesa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& &ur(ng the per(o& fro"
Aanuary, 1775 to Apr(l, 1775, agree& to 2eep (n h(s
possess(on an& a0Eu(re& 5 A,-?4 r(fles an& (ts a""un(t(on,
one 7"" p(stol an& (ts 0artr(&ges an& han&grena&es,
unauthor(se&ly, *h(0h *ere part of the 0ons(gn"ents
s"uggle& (nto the 0ountry #y Da*oo& #rah(" ,as2ar an&
h(s asso0(ates 2no*(ngly an& (ntent(onally that these *ere
s"uggle& (nto the 0ountry for the purpose of 0o""(tt(ng
terror(sts a0ts an& that he there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e
pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA.
A/ 0(%; T0"!;&7= The appellant, #y &o(ng the aforesa(&
a0t, unauthor(se&ly, (n 1reater Bo"#ay *h(0h (s spe0(f(e&
as a )ot(f(e& Area un&er Clause (f) of Su# Se0t(on (1) of
Se0t(on - of TADA an& there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e
pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on ? of TADA.
A/ 0(%; Fo8!/0&7= The appellant possesse& the a#ove
"ent(one& ar"s an& a""un(t(ons *(th an (ntent to a(&
terror(sts an& 0ontravene& the prov(s(ons of the Ar"s A0t,
17?7 an& the Ar"s %ules, 174-, the ;=plos(ve Su#stan0es
A0t, 173+ an& the ;=plos(ves %ules, -33+ an& there#y
0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 4 of TADA.
A/ 0(%; F"f/0&7= The appellant, #y &o(ng the aforesa(&
a0t, 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(ons 5 an&
7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?(1-A) (1-B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t,
>818f N8&?%&&% 9A-11):5
Page 7
A/ 0(%; S(<o$;&7= The appellant a0Eu(re& A,-?4 %(fles
an& (ts 0arr(&ges an& one 7"" p(stol an& (ts 0artr(&ges
*h(0h *ere s"uggle& (nto the 0ountry for 0o""(tt(ng
terror(st a0ts an& &estroye& the sa(& A,-?4 %(fle *(th the
ass(stan0e of ,ers( A&ajan(a (A-1-.) an& entruste& h(" the
7"" p(stol an& (ts 0artr(&ges for safe 0usto&y an& there#y
0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of
A/ 0(%; T0"!;&7= The appellant a0Eu(re& the
a#ove"ent(one& ar"s an& a""un(t(ons fro" the house of
Sanjay Dutt (A-117) an& possesse& the sa"e,
unauthor(se&ly, (n a not(f(e& area of 1reater Bo"#ay an&
there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on ?
of TADA.
A/ 0(%; Fo8!/0&7= The appellant a0Eu(re& an& possesse&
the a#ove"ent(one& ar"s an& a""un(t(ons an& fa(le& to
g(ve (nfor"at(on to <ol(0e6Mag(strate *(th an (ntent to a(&
terror(sts an& there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on 4 of TADA.
A/ 0(%; F"f/0&7= The appellant, #y &o(ng the aforesa(&
a0t, 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(ons 5 an&
7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?(1-A), (1-B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t,
A/ 0(%; S"@/0&7= The appellant 0ause& &estru0t(on of the
a#ove"ent(one& ar"s an& a""un(t(ons *(th an (ntent(on
to s0reen h(" an& other 0o-0onsp(rators fro" legal
pun(sh"ent an& there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on -31 of the <C.
A(!1" A;%6%$"% 9A-12,:5
A/ 0(%; S(<o$;&7= The appellant a(&e& an& a#ette&
'usuf )ul*alla (A-11+) (n &estroy(ng A,-?4 r(fle an&
&(spos(ng of 7"" p(stol an& (ts 0artr(&ges *h(0h *ere
s"uggle& (nto the 0ountry for 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an&
there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on
5(5) of TADA.
A/ 0(%; T0"!;&7= n the f(rst *ee2 of Apr(l, 1775, the
appellant ha& (n h(s possess(on one A,-?4 r(fle, one 7 ""
p(stol an& (ts roun&s (n a not(f(e& area of Bo"#ay an&
there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on ?
of TADA.
Page 8
A/ 0(%; Fo8!/0&7= The appellant possesse& the sa(& ar"s
an& a""un(t(ons *(th an (ntent(on to a(& terror(sts an&
there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 4
of TADA.
A/ 0(%; F"f/0&7= The appellant, #y possess(ng the
a#ove"ent(one& ar"s an& a""un(t(ons, unauthor(se&ly,
0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7
rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?(1-A), (1-B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7.
A/ 0(%; S"@/0&7= The appellant 0ause& &estru0t(on of the
a#ove"ent(one& A,-?4 r(fle, 7"" p(stol an& (ts
a""un(t(ons *h(0h *ere s"uggle& (nto the 0ountry for
0o""(ss(on of terror(st a0ts *(th the (ntent(on of s0reen(ng
h("self an& the other 0o-0onsp(rators fro" legal
pun(sh"ent an& there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on -31 of the <C.
.) The appellants have #een 0onv(0te& an& senten0e& for
the a#ove sa(& 0harges as un&er8
Co$2"</"o$ %$; S($/($<(5
S%$6%7 D8// 9A-117:5
A-117 has #een 0onv(0te& for the offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?(1-A), (1-B)(a)
of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7 an& senten0e& to suffer % for 4 years
along *(th a f(ne of %s. -?,3336-, (n &efault, to further
un&ergo % for a per(o& of 4 "onths. /o*ever, the appellant
*as not foun& gu(lty of all other offen0es for *h(0h he *as
0harge& an&, a00or&(ngly, a0Eu(tte& for all the sa(& offen0es.
>818f Mo01"$ N8&?%&&% 9A-11):5
Page 9
(() A-11+ has #een 0onv(0te& for the offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?(1-A), (1-B)(a)
of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7 an& senten0e& to % for ? years along
*(th a f(ne of %s. -?,3336-, (n &efault, to further un&ergo %
for a per(o& of 4 "onths.
((() The appellant has #een further 0onv(0te& for the
offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on -31 of <C an& senten0e&
to suffer % for - years. /o*ever, the aforesa(& a00use&
#e(ng foun& not gu(lty of all other offen0es for *h(0h he *as
0harge& at tr(al.
A(!1" B%'86" A;%6%$"% 9A-12,:5
(() A-1-. has #een 0onv(0te& for the offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?(1-A), (1-B)(a)
of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7 an& senten0e& to suffer % for - years
along*(th a f(ne of %s. -?,3336-, (n &efault, to suffer further
% for a per(o& of 4 "onths.
((() The appellant has #een further 0onv(0te& for the
offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on -31 of <C "ent(one& at
hea& s(=thly an& senten0e& to suffer % for - years.
Page 10
/o*ever, the aforesa(& a00use& also #e(ng not foun& gu(lty
of all other offen0es for *h(0h he *as 0harge& at tr(al.
B!"(f F%</15-
?) Before a&vert(ng to the &eta(le& analys(s of the
ev(&en0e an& the 0ontent(ons urge&, the story of the
prose0ut(on (s as un&er8
(a) Ba#r( Masj(& at Ayo&hya *as &e"ol(she& on
34.1-.177-. After (ts &e"ol(t(on, v(olen0e #ro2e out
throughout the 0ountry. T(ger Me"on (AA) an& Da*oo&
#rah(" (AA), a res(&ent of Du#a(, (n or&er to ta2e revenge of
the sa(& &e"ol(t(on, for"ulate& a 0onsp(ra0y to 0o""(t
terror(st a0t (n the 0(ty of Bo"#ay. n pursuan0e of the sa(&
o#je0t, Da*oo& #rah(" agree& to sen& ar"s an&
a""un(t(ons fro" a#roa&. T(ger Me"on, (n asso0(at(on *(th
h(s "en, part(0ularly, the a00use& persons, re0e(ve& those
ar"s an& a""un(t(ons through sea-0oasts of Bo"#ay. The
ev(&en0e on re0or& esta#l(shes that the sa(& 0ons(gn"ent
*as a result of a 0onsp(ra0y #et*een Da*oo& #rah("
Page 11
,as2ar, Moha""e& Dosa an& T(ger Me"on (all three
a#s0on&(ng a00use&).
(#) Fn 1?.31.1775, Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5), /an(f ,an&a*ala
(A-.3), #rah(" Musa ChauhanGBa#a (A-.1) an& A#u Sale"
(A-157) - then a#s0on&(ng, 0a"e to the res(&en0e of the
appellant (A-117) at <al( /(ll, Ban&ra, Bo"#ay an& tol& h("
that they *oul& &el(ver the *eapons to"orro* (.e., on
14.31.1775. Fn 14.31.1775, A-?5, A-.1 an& A-157 &el(vere&
5 A,-?4 %(fles an& -?3 roun&s of a""un(t(ons an& so"e
han&grena&es at the res(&en0e of A-117. Fn 1+.31.1775,
out of the a#ovesa(& 5 A,-?4 %(fles an& a""un(t(ons, - r(fles
an& so"e a""un(t(on *ere ta2en a*ay #y 0o-a00use&
persons (n0lu&(ng one Mansoor Ah"e& (A-+7).
(0) Fn 1-.35.1775, #o"# e=plos(ons too2 pla0e at var(ous
pla0es (n Bo"#ay 0aus(ng &eath of -?7 persons, (njur(es to
715 an& &estru0t(on of property *orth a#out %s. -7 0rores.
(&) Fn 1+.3..1775, A-+7 *as ta2en (n pol(0e 0usto&y
*hereas A-117 *as arreste& fro" the Mu"#a( nternat(onal
A(rport on 17.3..1775 upon h(s arr(val fro" Maur(t(us. Fn
Page 12
the sa"e &ay, at a#out 1?853-1?8.3 hrs., he "a&e a
state"ent to the pol(0e that the r(fle an& the p(stol an& (ts
roun&s thereof have #een 2ept *(th A-11+ an& that he *oul&
(&ent(fy h(" an& h(s house (n Dongr(, :"ar2har(. /e also le&
the pol(0e party to the house of A-11+ at 1?8.? hrs. Chen
*here#aouts of A-11+ *ere sear0he&, (t *as foun& that he
*as &eta(ne& #y the Dongr( <ol(0e Stat(on (n 0onne0t(on *(th
the non-rene*al of Ar"s l(0en0e.
(e) A-11+ *as su""one& fro" Dongr( <ol(0e Stat(on an&
pro&u0e& #efore DCB-CD. /e "a&e a state"ent
"ent(on(ng the na"e of A-1-. an& le& the pol(0e party to h(s
(f) Dur(ng (nvest(gat(on, A-1-. pro&u0e& a spr(ng an& a ro&
re"anent of the #urnt A,-?4 an& also "a&e a further
state"ent regar&(ng 7"" p(stol an& le& the pol(0e party to
A-1-?. A-1-? "a&e a state"ent an& after that the pol(0e
party pro0ee&e& to the house of A-1-3.
Page 13
(g) A-1-3 pro&u0e& a #ag 0onta(n(ng #o= *here(n the p(stol
an& (ts 0artr(&ges *ere foun&. /(s state"ent *as re0or&e&
an& the art(0les *ere se(@e& an& a <an0hna"a *as &ra*n.
(h) All the a#ove fa0ts for" part of the 0o"pla(nt
0ul"(nate& (nto the reg(strat(on of a Ho0al A0t Case (HAC)
#ear(ng )o. -1 of 1775 (n respe0t of the a#voesa(& ?
persons, na"ely, A-117, A-11+, A-1-., A-1-? an& A-1-3.
The sa(& 0o"pla(nt "ent(one& that the (nvest(gat(on #e(ng
0arr(e& out (n furtheran0e of C.%. )o. 73 of 1775. The
seEuen0e of events after the arrest of A-117 t(ll the re0overy
of p(stol fro" A-1-3 for"e& part of an un#ro2en 0ha(n
(nsepara#ly 0onne0te& *(th ea0h other.
(() Fn --.3..1775, Mr. ,r(shan Hal B(shno(, the then DC<
(<C-175), *ho *as (nvest(gat(ng Corl( Blast fro" 15.35.1775
*as *(th&ra*n fro" (nvest(gat(on. Fn -4.3..1775, A-117
e=presse& h(s &es(re to "a2e a 0onfess(on an&, a00or&(ngly,
he *as pro&u0e& #efore <C-175, *ho after re0or&(ng the
prel("(nary state"ent (!(rst part), a*ar&e& h(" a per(o& of
.+ hours for 0ool(ng off.
Page 14
(j) Fn -7.3..1775, the 0onfess(on of A-11+ *as re0or&e&
#y Mr. B(shno( (<C-175) (n f(rst part an& a further t("e for
refle0t(on *as a*ar&e& to h(".
(2) Fn -+.3..1775, <C-175 re0or&e& the se0on& part of the
0onfess(on of A-117. S("(larly, on -7.3..1775, the
0onfess(on of A-11+ *as re0or&e& #y <C-175 *h(0h
re"a(ne& un-retra0te&.
(l) Fn 35.3?.1775, A-117 *as sent to the ju&(0(al 0usto&y.
Fn 3?.3?.1775, A-117 f(le& a *r(t pet(t(on #efore the Bo"#ay
/(gh Court an& the /(gh Court release& h(" on (nter(" #a(l
*(th the &(re0t(on that the #a(l grante& to A-117 *oul&
0ont(nue t(ll the f(l(ng of 0harge sheet (n the Des(gnate&
Court an& after that the sa(& Court *oul& 0ons(&er h(s #a(l
(") Bet*een 1+
an& -3
May, 1775, an& -.
an& -4
1775, 0onfess(ons of A-?5 an& A-+7 respe0t(vely *ere
re0or&e& #y <C-175.
(n) Fn 3..11.1775, a 0onsol(&ate& 0harge sheet *as f(le&
aga(nst all the a00use& persons (n0lu&(ng the appellants (A-
Page 15
117, A-11+ an& A-1-.). Fn 17.34.177., A-117 appl(e& for
#a(l #efore the Des(gnate& Court. By or&er &ate&
3..37.177., the Des(gnate& Court &(s"(sse& the sa(&
(o) Aga(nst the sa(& or&er, A-117 f(le& a spe0(al leave
pet(t(on #efore th(s Court an& praye& for grant of #a(l. After
hear(ng the #a(l pet(t(on, th(s Court, #y or&er &ate&
1+.3+.177. (n Sanjay Dutt vs. State (I), (177.) ? SCC .3-,
referre& the "atter to the Const(tut(on Ben0h on the
Euest(on of (nterpretat(on an& 0onstru0t(on of the prov(s(ons
of TADA, na"ely, Se0t(on ? as *ell as Se0t(on -3. By or&er
&ate& 37.37.177., the sa(& referen0e *as ans*ere& #y the
Const(tut(on Ben0h (n Sanjay Dutt vs. State (II), (177.) ?
SCC .13. After the referen0e *as ans*ere&, the "atter *as
pla0e& #efore the regular Ben0h for 0ons(&erat(on of the #a(l
appl(0at(on. By or&er &ate& -5.37.177., th(s Court reje0te&
the appl(0at(on for #a(l f(le& #y A-117. Fn 37.11.177., A-117
f(le& a &eta(le& retra0t(on.
Page 16
(p) n Aune, 177?, (n v(e* of the &(re0t(ons of th(s Court (n
Kartar Singh vs. State of Punjab, (177.) 5 SCC ?47, the
Central an& State 1overn"ent set up a %ev(e* Co""(ttee (n
or&er to (n&(v(&ually rev(e* the 0ases of the a00use& persons
(nvolve& (n the Bo"#ay #o"# #lasts 0ase to 0ons(&er
*hether or not the prov(s(ons of TADA are appl(0a#le aga(nst
(n&(v(&ual a00use& persons an& *hether or not any of the
a00use& persons ought to #e ent(tle& to #a(lI Fn
3+.3+.177?, the report of the %ev(e* Co""(ttee
re0o""en&e& that the pu#l(0 prose0utor, on 0erta(n
para"eters, "ay re0o""en& 0erta(n 0ases for #a(l. The
0ase of A-117 *as one su0h 0ase that *as 0ons(&ere& for
grant of #a(l #y the pu#l(0 prose0utor. The sa(& report *as
f(le& #y the prose0ut(on #efore the tr(al Court on 37.3+.177?.
The CB, (n M.A. )o. 51- of 177?, f(le& an appl(0at(on #efore
the Des(gnate& Court stat(ng that they have no o#je0t(on for
grant of #a(l to A-117 an& 11 others.
(E) Fn 11.37.177?, (n v(e* of the report of the %ev(e*
Co""(ttee, A-117 rene*e& h(s prayer for #a(l #efore the
Des(gnate& Court #ut the Des(gnate& Court aga(n &(s"(sse&
Page 17
the sa(& appl(0at(on. n Septe"#er, 177?, 0halleng(ng the
sa(& or&er, A-117 f(le& Cr("(nal Appeal )o. 1174 of 177?
#efore th(s Court an& praye& for grant of #a(l. Fn
14.13.177?, th(s Court grante& #a(l to h(" t(ll the 0o"plet(on
of h(s tr(al. (177? (4) SCC 1+7).
(r) By or&er &ate& -+.11.-334 an& 51.37.-337, the
appellants (A-117, A-11+ an& A-1-.) *ere 0onv(0te& an&
senten0e& #y the Des(gnate& Court as "ent(one& earl(er.
4) The prose0ut(on rel(e& on the follo*(ng ev(&en0e *h(0h
(s (n the for" of8-
(() the ev(&en0e of the(r o*n 0onfess(onsJ
((() 0onfess(ons "a&e #y other 0o-0onsp(ratorsJ (0o-
(((() Depos(t(on of <rose0ut(on *(tnesses, v(@., K Shr( ,r(shan
Hal B(shno( (<C-175), the then DC<, <an&har(nath /. Sh(n&e
(<C--1+)- *ho *as on guar& &uty at the #ungalo* of Sun(l
Dutt, Manohar Lasu&ev Sh(r&o2ar (<C--17)-Sr. nspe0tor of
<ol(0e, Suresh S. Cal(shetty (<C-4+3), %ajara" %a"0han&ra
Page 18
Aosh( (<C-.7?), A<, <an0h C(tness Shash(2ant %ajara"
Sa*ant (<C--11), 1angara" Bajoj( (<C--4?)-(n&epen&ent
*(tness an& ,ar"ega" Algappan, <C-.7- atta0he& *(th
0o"puter 0ell of MT)H, Mala#ar /(ll an&J
((v) &o0u"entary ev(&en0e.
S8B#"11"o$1 #%;( B7 M!. H%!"10 S%&2(3 &(%!$(; 1($"o!
<o8$1(& fo! /0( %''(&&%$/ 9A-117:
7) Mr. /ar(sh Salve, learne& sen(or 0ounsel for A-117, at
the fore"ost, su#"(tte& that rel(an0e on the 0onfess(onal
state"ent "a&e #y A-117 (s ("per"(ss(#le. /e po(nte& out
that the 0ontent(on that the ju&g"ents of th(s Court have
hel& that the prose0ut(on 0an rely on the 0onfess(on of an
a00use& "a&e #efore a pol(0e off(0er (n every 0ase *here
the a00use& (s 0harge& of a TADA offen0e, as long as the
tr(al (s jo(nt, has #een "(s0on0e(ve&. /e also po(nte& out
that (f the language of the prov(s(ons le& to a s(tuat(on that a
0onfess(on to the pol(0e #e0o"es a&"(ss(#le (rrespe0t(ve of
the fate of the TADA 0harge, then (t *oul& lea& to (nv(&(ous
&(s0r("(nat(on #et*een the a00use&, *ho *ere 0harge& (#ut
Page 19
a0Eu(tte&) un&er TADA along *(th other offen0es an& those
*ho *ere a00use& only of non-TADA offen0es.
+) Mr. /ar(sh Salve further po(nte& out that (n Prakash
Kumar @ Prakash Bhutto vs. State of Gujarat (-33?) -
SCC .37, (t *as 0onten&e& #efore the Court that rigours of
Section 12 are discriminatory and attract the wrath of
Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution as it empowers the
Designated Court to try and convict the accused for the
offences committed under any other law along with the
offences committed under TADA thereby depriving the rights
available to the accused under the ordinary law! Th(s
0ontent(on *as reje0te& #y hol&(ng that Section 12 is to
ta"e care of the offences connected with or incidental to
terrorist activities The other offences being connected and
ine#tricably intertwined with the terrorist act!
7) /e further po(nte& out that a Ben0h of f(ve Au&ges of
th(s Court (n Sanjay Dutt vs. State (177.) ? SCC .13, ha&
o#serve& (n paragraph 1. that the construction made of
any provision of this Act must therefore be to promote the
ob$ect of its enactment to enable the machinery to deal
Page 20
effectively with the persons involved in% and the associated
with% terrorist and disruptive activities while ensuring that
any person not in that category should not be sub$ect to the
rigors of the stringent provisions of the &Act 't must%
therefore% be borne in mind that any person who is being
dealt with and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions
of the TADA must ordinarily have the opportunity to show
that he does not belong to the category of persons governed
by TADA Such a course would permit e#clusion from its
ambit of persons not intended to be covered by it&&! n
paragraph 17, th(s Court 0(te& *(th approval an earl(er
&e0(s(on, v(@., Niranjan Singh Karam Singh Punjabi vs
Jitenra Bhimraj BijayaI, (1773) . SCC 74 (n *h(0h (t *as
o#serve& that when a law visits a person with serious penal
conse(uences% e#tra care must be ta"en to ensure that
those whom the )egislature did not intend to become by the
e#press language of the Statute are not roped in by
stretching the language of the law! Th(s Court rea& &o*n
the prov(s(ons of Se0t(on ? of TADA an& hel& that the
presu"pt(on un&er the sa(& se0t(on (n relat(on to possess(on
Page 21
of *eapons *as a re#utta#le presu"pt(on an& an a00use&
0oul& al*ays esta#l(sh h(s (nno0en0e (n relat(on to that
13) A00or&(ng to h(", only *here the transa0t(ons (n
respe0t of *h(0h an a00use& (s 0onv(0te& are (nterrelate&
(ne=tr(0a#ly *(th the transa0t(ons *h(0h fall un&er TADA,
then Se0t(on 1- *oul& ena#le the prose0ut(on to rely upon
the 0onfess(on of the a00use& "a&e to a pol(0e off(0er. /e
further po(nte& out that (t *oul& #e a travesty to apply th(s
pr(n0(ple (n the present 0ase.
11) By po(n(ng out the 0onfess(on of the appellant (A-117),
learne& sen(or 0ounsel 0onten&e& that even (f *e #el(eve the
state"ents "a&e, (t *oul& s("ply esta#l(sh a 0ase of
v(olat(on of the Ar"s A0t, there (s no suggest(on of any
terror(st a0t. Fn the 0ontrary, the a0t *as the resultant of
the personal as *ell as the se0ur(ty nee& of the fa"(ly of the
appellant. /e further 0onten&e& that ju&(0(al not(0e "ust #e
ta2en of the state of affa(rs (n Bo"#ay &ur(ng the post Ba#r(
Masj(& &e"ol(t(on per(o&, part(0ularly, (n Aanuary, 1775. t (s
further po(nte& out that the Heg(slature &(& not (nten& to
Page 22
0over su0h persons ever (n a la* &eal(ng *(th terror(s". The
v(0t("s of terror(s" of a 2(n& (v(0(ous 0o""unal r(ots)
0annot an& shoul& not #e treate& at par *(th perpetrators.
1-) /e further po(nte& out that the un0hallenge& f(n&(ng of
the tr(al Court (n the present 0ase (s that the allege&
a0Eu(s(t(on of - (llegal *eapons #y the appellant (A-117) *as
at a &(fferent po(nt of t("e, "u0h #efore even the 0onsp(ra0y
(n relat(on to the Bo"#ay #lasts *as 0o""en0e&. /e
further 0onten&e& that the provo0at(on for the allege&
a0Eu(s(t(on *as not the 0onsp(ra0y or any a0t or o"(ss(on
relate& to the Bo"#ay #lasts, #ut relate& to an ent(rely
&(fferent event, (.e., the r(ots (n Aanuary 1775 an& the
appellant (A-117) allege&ly, out of fear for h(s o*n l(fe an&
for the se0ur(ty of h(s fa"(ly, a0Eu(re& those *eapons.
:n&er su0h 0(r0u"stan0es, the Euest(on of any 0onne0t(on
leave alone the a0Eu(s(t(on of *eapons or any a0t or
o"(ss(on relat(ng to the Bo"#ay #lasts (s 0onsp(0uous #y (ts
15) C(th regar& to the ev(&en0e (n or&er to esta#l(sh that
the appellant *as (n 0onversat(on *(th Anees over phone,
Page 23
learne& sen(or 0ounsel 0onten&e& that the allege&
0onfess(on of Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5) as *ell as of /an(f
,an&a*ala (A-.3) (h(s partner) to the effe0t that the
appellant (A-117) *as (n 0onversat(on *(th Anees relates to
A-?5Ms v(s(t to the house of the appellant (A-117) on the
n(ght of 1?
Aanuary *hereas the 0all re0or&s rel(e& on *ere
of 14
Aanuary, 1775.
1.) Hearne& sen(or 0ounsel also po(nte& out that the
prose0ut(on has not appeale& the f(n&(ngs of the Des(gnate&
Court an& the allege& 0onfess(on *h(0h suggeste& that the
appellant (A-117) *as (n 0onversat(on *(th Anees (s, (n fa0t,
un#el(eva#le. Fne s(gn(f(0ant reason for the sa"e (s that (t
&oes not e=pla(n as to ho* Sa"(r 0oul& have 2no*n that the
appellant *as (n 0onversat(on *(th so"eone on a lan&l(ne
telephone *h(0h *as (ns(&e h(s house. Th(s atte"pt of the
prose0ut(on to unne0essar(ly 0reate preju&(0e aga(nst the
appellant (A-117) (s #aseless an&, therefore, "er(ts su""ary
reje0t(on. The ju&g"ent of th(s Court (n Sanjay Dutt!s
"ase (supra) &ealt *(th a pure (nterpretat(on of Se0t(on ? of
TADA. t 0learly lays &o*n that the possess(on of a *eapon
Page 24
(s not per se a TADA offen0e. Se0t(on ? "early ra(ses a
presu"pt(on that a person, *ho (s (n possess(on of
unauthor(@e& ar"s or a""un(t(ons of the spe0(f(e& var(ety,
*oul& #e l(a#le to #e pun(she& un&er TADA. A00or&(ng to
h(", th(s Court, (n fa0t, rea& &o*n the pla(n language of
Se0t(on ? to "a2e (t appl(0a#le only as a presu"pt(ve rule of
ev(&en0e. Th(s (ssue (s no longer open #e0ause (t has #een
0on0lus(vely foun& that the allege& a0Eu(s(t(on of the *eapon
ha& a#solutely noth(ng to &o *(th any of the allege& terror(st
a0t(v(t(es of the other a00use& (n the 0onsp(ra0y. Hearne&
sen(or 0ounsel for the appellant further 0onten&e& that the
State has not f(le& an appeal (n the "atter, hen0e, stan&s
1?) n a&&(t(on to the a#ove argu"ents, Mr. Suren&ra
S(ngh, learne& sen(or 0ounsel for A-11+ 0onten&e& that
everyth(ng *as "anufa0ture& at the Cr("e Bran0h <ol(0e
Stat(on. /e further 0onten&e& that even (f A-11+ *as hav(ng
possess(on of A, ?4 r(fle, "e"oran&u" for the sa"e *as
not s(gne& #y h(" an& Se0t(ons 1- an& 1? of TADA have no
appl(0at(on (n h(s 0ase. /e further su#"(tte& that h(s
Page 25
0onfess(on (s h(t #y Se0t(on -? of the ;v(&en0e A0t, 1+7- an&
h(s allege& state"ent (s 0o"pelle& one *h(0h (s h(t #y Art(0le
-1 of the Const(tut(on.
14) S("(lar to the 0ontent(ons of Mr. Salve an& Mr. S(ngh,
Mr. B./. Marlapalle, learne& sen(or 0ounsel for A-1-. also
0onten&e& that there *as no 0onstru0t(ve possess(on of any
*eapon an& A-1-. *as not hav(ng any 2no*le&ge a#out (t.
/e also 0onten&e& that he *as 0harge& only un&er the Ar"s
a0t an& <C *h(0h has noth(ng to &o *(th TADA an& the
offen0e aga(nst h(", (f any, ought to have #een referre& to
the nor"al 0r("(nal 0ourt an& for that reason, the 0onfess(on
re0or&e& un&er TADA ought to have #een erase&. /e also
very "u0h rel(e& on the &e0(s(ons of th(s Court (n Sanjay
Dutt (su#ra), Prakash Kumar (su#ra) an& $oh% &min
vs. 'BI (-33+) 1? SCC .7.
17) Hearne& AS1 "et all the 0ontent(ons an& too2 us
through the relevant "ater(als rel(e& on #y the prose0ut(on.
Co$f(111"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of S%$6%7 D8// 9A-117:
1+) The 0onfess(onal state"ent of A-117 *as &uly re0or&e&
un&er Se0t(on 1? of TADA on -4.3..1775 at 1?.53 hrs. (!(rst
Page 26
<art) an& on -+.3..1775 at 1433 hrs. (Se0on& <art) #y Shr(
,r(shan Hal B(shno( (<C-175), the then DC<, Bone ,
Bo"#ay. The follo*(ng e=tra0ts fro" the 0onfess(on of the
appellant are pert(nent8
9(() a" hav(ng three val(& l(0ense for f(re ar"s an&
possess 5 f(re ar"s as "ent(one& #elo*8
(a) -73 %(fle of B%:)F "a2eJ
(#) 57? Magnu" Dou#le #arrele& %(fleJ an&
(0) 1- Bore 1un of Dou#le Barrel.
((() pur0hase& these *eapons &ue to "y fon&ness for
hunt(ng. nor"ally go for hunt(ng *(th one fr(en&
of "(ne, v(@., Mr. 'usuf )ull*ala as he (s an
e=per(en0e& hunter. also 2no* one fr(en& of
'usuf )ull*ala #y na"e ,ers( Bapuj( A&ajen(a an&
"et h(" three t("es.
(((() n De0e"#er, 1771, ha& g(ven &ates for shoot(ng
to a0tor pro&u0er !(ro@ ,han for h(s f(l" 'algar.
/e ha& ta2en the *hole un(t for shoot(ng (n Du#a(.
Dur(ng one of the shoot(ngs, !(ro@ ,han (ntro&u0e&
Page 27
"e to one Mr. Dau& #rah(" an& also to h(s
#rother Anees &ur(ng another shoot(ng sess(on.
After that, Anees use& to v(s(t us regularly &ur(ng
the shoot(ngs an& also at the pla0e of our stay.
((v) S(n0e Anees use& to 0o"e freEuently, #e0o"e
*ell a0Eua(nte& *(th h(".
(v) also 2no* the propr(etors of Magnu" L(&eo,
na"ely /an(f ,an&a*ala an& Sa"(r /(ngora. also
s(gne& for a0t(ng (n one of the(r f(l" Sana". Sa"(r
(s treasurer of n&(an Mot(on <(0ture Asso0(at(on
(M<A). /an(f an& Sa"(r use& to 0o"e Eu(te
freEuently to "y house for ta2(ng &ates for
shoot(ng fro" "y Se0retary.
(v() /an(f tol& "e that (f so &es(re, he *oul& "a2e
(""e&(ate arrange"ents to prov(&e an auto"at(0
f(re ar" to "e for "y prote0t(on. n(t(ally, &(& not
sho* any (nterest #ut *hen /an(f an& Sa"(r
starte& repeate&ly tell(ng "e to a0Eu(re a f(rear"
fro" the", gra&ually fell prey to the(r pers(stent
suggest(on an& e=presse& "y &es(re to /an(f an&
Page 28
Sa"(r. They sa(& that they *oul& (""e&(ately
prov(&e "e *(th an auto"at(0 f(re ar".
(v(() Fne &ay, (n "(& Aan., (n the even(ng, aroun& 7.33
to 7.53 p."., /an(f an& Sa"(r 0a"e to "y house
along *(th one person #y na"e Sale". ha& "et
th(s Sale" on0e or t*(0e earl(er also.
(v((() Then these 5 fello*s tol& "e that they *ere
0o"(ng to"orro* "orn(ng *(th the *eapons to #e
&el(vere& to you. Then they *ent a*ay.
((=) )e=t &ay "orn(ng Sa"(r, /an(f an& Sale" all three
0a"e to "y house along *(th one other person
*ho (s not 2no*n to "e.
(=) They 0a"e (n a Marut( Lan an& par2e& (t (n a T(n
she& *h(0h (s use& #y us for par2(ng our veh(0les.
Fne person *as s(tt(ng (ns(&e the Marut( Lan.
After a#out 1?--3 "(n., he too2 out three r(fles
an& they sa(& (t (s A,-?4 r(fles.
(=() got so"e 0loth fro" "y house an& gave (t to
the". Sale" an& the person *ho has 0o"e *(th
Page 29
h(" *rappe& those r(fles (n the 0loth an& gave (t to
(=(() Chen opene& an& sa* (t, there *ere three r(fles
so"e "aga@(nes an& roun&s, they have tol& "e
that there are -?3 roun&s. The roun&s *ere 2ept
(n another han& #ag fet0he& #y "e.
(=((() Fn see(ng three r(fles, got s0are& an& tol& the"
that *ante& only one *eapon. Then /an(f an&
Sale" tol& "e to 2eep (t for the t("e #e(ng an& (n
0ase (t (s not reEu(re&, *e *(ll ta2e a*ay the rest
of the t*o *eapons.
(=(v) They have also sho*n "e so"e #ro*n 0oloure&
han&-grena&es an& as2e& "e *hether *ant that
also. &o not *ant these grena&es an& you "ay
please leave "y house (""e&(ately, tol& the".
(=v) 2ept these r(fles an& a""un(t(on (n the &(02ey of
"y !(at Car )o. MM: .57- an& lo02e& (t.
(=v() Fn the sa"e n(ght, re"ove& the three r(fles an&
a""un(t(on, 2ept the sa"e (n a han&#ag *h(0h
Page 30
2ept (n "y pr(vate hall *h(0h *as on the -
of our #ungalo*.
(=v(()T*o &ays thereafter, s(n0e ha& 0ons(&era#le
"ental tens(on, 0onta0te& /an(f ,an&a*ala an&
reEueste& h(" to ta2e a*ay the *eapons. /e sa(&
that he *oul& arrange to sen& so"e#o&y to 0olle0t
the sa"e. After t*o &ays, /an(f ,an&a*ala an&
Sa"(r /(ngora along *(th Sale" 0a"e to "y
house (n the even(ng (n a 0ar. returne& t*o A,-
?4 r(fles an& a part of the a""un(t(on to the" #ut
reta(ne& one A,-?4 r(fle an& so"e a""un(t(ons
*(th "e.
(=v((() Aroun& Sept. 177-, &ur(ng one of "y
shoot(ng at %.,. Stu&(o, one ,ayyu", *ho (s a
"e"#er of Da*oo& #rah(" gang, *ho ha& also
"et "e (n Du#a( at the t("e of shoot(ng of the f(l"
'algar approa0he& "e *(th a stranger. They
offere& "e a 7 "" p(stol *(th a""un(t(on. Chen
sa* (t, l(2e& (t an& ha& a strong &es(re to
pur0hase the sa"e. They offere& (t to "e for a
Page 31
su" of %s..3,3336-. pa(& the sa(& a"ount (n 0ash
to the" at "y house an& pur0hase& the sa"e.
&o not 2no* the na"e of that person *ho *as
#rought #y ,ayyu". /o*ever, he *as age& a#out
5?-5+ years, apparently, Musl(", &ar2 0o"ple=(on,
he(ght a#out ?M+D, fat #u(lt, "ousta0he, "e&(u"
0urly ha(r, *ear(ng sh(rt an& pant. *(ll #e a#le to
(&ent(fy h(" (f #rought #efore "e. /e also han&e&
over + roun&s of the sa(& p(stol.
(=(=) Fn -
Apr(l, left for Maur(t(ous for shoot(ng of the
f(l" NAat(shM. There *as (nfor"e& #y a 0asual
0onta0t that /an(f an& Sa"(r have #een arreste&
#y the Bo"#ay <ol(0e for the(r 0o"pl(0(ty (n #o"#
(==) Fn hear(ng the ne*s, got fr(ghtene& as these
fello*s ha& g(ven "e the A,-?4 r(fles an& they
"ay tell "y na"e to the pol(0e to (nvolve "e (n
the #o"# #lasts 0ase. 0onta0te& "y fr(en& Mr.
'usuf )ull*ala on telephone an& as2e& h(" that
so"eth(ng (s ly(ng (n a #la02 0oloure& #ag *h(0h (s
Page 32
2ept (n "y hall at the se0on& floor of "y house
an& (t shoul& #e ta2en a*ay (""e&(ately an&
&estroy the th(ngs 0o"pletely *h(0h are there (n
the #ag, other*(se, shall #e (n a great trou#le.
By th(s t("e, the ne*s a#out "y possess(on of A,-
?4 r(fles ha& appeare& (n the press an& on 0o"(ng
to 2no* a#out th(s, "y father as2e& "e a#out the
truthfulness of th(s ne*s, #ut &en(e& the sa"e.
My an=(ety a#out the *hole ep(so&e #e0a"e
un#eara#le an& &e0(&e& to return to Bo"#ay (n
#et*een. My father (nfor"e& "y fl(ght &eta(ls to
the <ol(0e an& *as p(02e& up #y pol(0e as soon as
lan&e& at Bo"#ay an& 0onfesse& the *hole
th(ngs to the".D
17) The a#ovesa(& 0onfess(on h(ghl(ghte& the 0r("e for
*h(0h the appellant-Sanjay Dutt has #een 0harge&. The
follo*(ng fa0ts e"erge fro" the a#ovesa(& 0onfess(on8
() /e *as alrea&y hav(ng three l(0ense& f(rear"s.
Page 33
(() /e &evelope& a0Eua(ntan0e *(th Anees #rah(" -
#rother of Da*oo& #rah(" &ur(ng a f(l"-shoot(ng (n
((() /e e=presse& h(s &es(re to Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5) an&
/an(f ,an&a*ala (A-.3) to have an auto"at(0 f(re-ar".
(v) They 0a"e *(th one Sale" *(th *ho" Sanjay Dutt *as
alrea&y a0Eua(nte& *(th an& they assure& h(" of the
&el(very of *eapons the ne=t &ay (n the "orn(ng.
v) They 0a"e (n the "orn(ng of 14.31.1775 *(th one other
person an& &el(vere& 5 A,-?4 %(fles an& -?3 roun&s.
v() After - &ays, he returne& - A,-?4 an& a""un(t(ons #ut
reta(ne& 1 A,-?4 an& so"e a""un(t(on.
v(() n Apr(l, *h(le he *as shoot(ng at Maur(t(us, he hear&
the ne*s of the arrest of Sa"(r an& /an(f, on *h(0h, he
got fr(ghtene& an& reEueste& h(s fr(en& 'usuf )ul*alla
to &estroy the *eapons.
-3) The appellant (A-117) not only ("pl(0ates h("self (n the
a#ove sa(& state"ent #ut also a"ongst others the appellant-
'usuf )ul*alla (A-11+). The a#ovesa(& 0onfess(on has #een
&uly re0or&e& #y <C-175 *ho has prove& the 0o"pl(an0e
Page 34
*(th the prov(s(ons of la* *h(le re0or&(ng the 0onfess(on.
The a#ovesa(& 0onfess(on (s a su#stant(ve p(e0e of ev(&en0e
an& (t has #een hel& (n a ser(es of ju&g"ents that the
0onfess(on 0an #e the sole #as(s of 0onv(0t(on, (f re0or&e& (n
a00or&an0e *(th the prov(s(ons of TADA. !urther, the
0onfess(onal state"ent esta#l(shes the unauthor(@e&
possess(on of *eapons (n the not(f(e& area of Bo"#ay.
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/1 of <o-%<<81(;5
-1) The 0onfess(on of the appellant (A-117) (s su#stant(ate&
an& 0orro#orate& *(th the 0onfess(on of other 0o-a00use&,
na"ely, Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5), Ba#a G #rah(" Musa
Chauhan (A-.1), Mansoor Ah"e& (A-+7), /an(f ,an&a*ala
(A-.3), 'usuf )ul*alla (A-11+) an& ,ers( Bapuj( A&ajan(a (A-
1-.) *h(0h are as un&er.
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of S%#"! A0#(; H"$4o!% 9A-
Confess(onal state"ent of A-?5 un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA *as re0or&e& on 1+.3?.1775 (17833 hrs.) an&
-3.3?.1775 (17853 hrs.) #y Shr( ,r(shan Hal B(shno( (<C-175),
Page 35
the then DC<, Bone , Bo"#ay. The sa(& 0onfess(on reveals
as un&er8
() /e starte& a L(&eo H(#rary an& Mustafa Dossa G
Mustafa Majnoo (A-15+) - #rother of Moh&. Dossa (AA)
*as a "e"#er of h(s L(&eo H(#rary an& he ha& --5
shops (n the sa"e "ar2et.
(() T(ger Me"on use& to *or2 *(th Mustafa Dossa an&
#e0a"e a fr(en& of A-?5.
((() A-?5 starte& f(l" &(str(#ut(on an& pro&u0t(on #us(ness
#y the na"e of NMagnu"M (n partnersh(p *(th /an(f
,an&a*ala (A-.3 K s(n0e &(e&).
(v) An(s #rah(" (AA) #e0a"e a "e"#er of h(s L(&eo
H(#rary an& *as referre& to #y everyone as An(s#ha(
s(n0e he *as the #rother of Da*oo& #rah(".
v) A-?5 re0e(ve& a pay"ent of %s. -1.73 la0s fro" Ayu#
Me"on sent through so"eone on 15.35.1775 (one &ay
after the #lasts) as a&van0e for pur0has(ng r(ghts of
v() A-?5 ha& v(s(te& Du#a( an& "et An(s #rah(" "any
t("es an& sol& the r(ghts of "any f(l"s to M6s ,(ngs
Page 36
L(&eo, "anage& #y An(s. An(s also 0ontrols Al-Mansoor
L(&eo Co"pany through Chota %ajan.
v(() Fn 1?.31.1775, A-.1 an& A-157 "et A-?5 at h(s off(0e.
An(s #rah(" 0alle& h(" fro" Du#a( an& sa(& that A-.1
an& A-157 are h(s "en an& they have so"e *eapons
*h(0h have to #e &el(vere& to A-117 at h(s res(&en0e.
v((() A-?5 an& A-157 *ent to Sanjay DuttMs (A-117) house
*here he hugge& A#u Sale" an& as2e& h(" a#out the
*eapons. A-117 then tol& A-157 to #r(ng the *eapons
ne=t &ay at 7 a".
(=) Fn 14.31.1775, A-?5 le& A-157 an& A-.1 to the house of
Sanjay Dutt. A-157 an& A-.1 *ere (n a #lue "arut( van
*h(le A-?5 *as (n h(s o*n 0ar.
=) At the res(&en0e of A-117, A-?5 sa* that the #lue van
*as 0onta(n(ng 7 A,-?4 r(fles an& han& grena&es an&
they gave 5 A,-?4 r(fles an& so"e "aga@(nes to A-117.
A-117 also as2e& for so"e han& grena&es *h(0h *ere
put (n a #la02 #ag #y A-157.
=() A-157 2ept the r(fles (n a f(at 0ar #elong(ng to A-117.
The han& grena&es *ere 2ept (n the 0ar of A-?5 an& he
Page 37
left the 0ar at A-117Ms res(&en0e an& too2 an auto
=(() A-?5 0olle0te& h(s 0ar fro" A-117Ms res(&en0e after 5
&ays *hen he 0alle& h(" an& sa(& that grena&es have
#een ta2en out.
Co$f(11"o$%& 1/%/(#($/ of B%B% C IB0!%0"# M81%
C0%80%$ 9A-,1:
Confess(onal state"ent of A-.1 *as re0or&e& un&er
Se0t(on 1? of TADA on -5.3..1775 (1-8.? hrs.) an&
-?.3..1775 (1583? hrs.) #y Shr( <re" ,r(shna Aa(n (<C-1+7),
the then DC<, Bone >, Bo"#ay. The sa(& 0onfess(on sho*s
(() A-.1 *as (ntro&u0e& to Anees #rah(" ,as2ar (AA)-
#rother of Da*oo& #rah(" an& A#u Sale" *hen he ha&
#een to Du#a( an&, thereafter, he &evelope& goo&
a0Eua(ntan0e *(th #oth of the".
((() Fn 1?.31.775, A-157 telephone& A-.1 an& as2e& h(" to
arrange for a garage hav(ng fa0(l(ty of 0los(ng (t #y
Page 38
(((() A#u Sale" (s an e=tort(on(st an& *or2e& for Anees
((v) Thereafter, A-157 *ent to the off(0e of A-.1 an&
(nEu(re& (f he ha& re0e(ve& a phone 0all fro" Anees
#rah(". Fn reply(ng (n the negat(ve, A-157 *ent to a
near#y STD #ooth an& 0alle& Anees an& then "a&e A-
.1 tal2 to h(", at that t("e, A-.1 tol& h(" that the
garages, as reEu(re&, 0annot #e arrange& #y h(".
(v) Thereafter, at the #ehest of Anees #rah(" (AA), A-.1
along *(th A-157 *ent (n sear0h for garages (n Ban&ra
an& <al( /(lls area an& Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5) an& /an(f
,an&a*ala (A-.3) also jo(ne& the".
(v() S(n0e they &(& not f(n& any garage, A-157, A-?5 an& A-
.1 (nfor"e& the sa"e to Anees over phone *ho *as (n
Du#a( an& (t *as &e0(&e& that the *or2 of f(n&(ng out
the garage *oul& #e 0arr(e& out the ne=t &ay. n the
"ean*h(le, A-157 tol& A-.1 that he *(ll 2eep - to 5 A,-
?4 r(fles *(th h(" for -65 &ays.
(v(() Fn the ne=t &ay (.e. 14.31.1775, A-157 *ent to the
house of A-.1 an& tol& h(" to ta2e a *h(te 0oloure&
Page 39
Marut( van #ear(ng reg(strat(on nu"#er of 1ujarat,
*h(0h *as par2e& near the Arsha Shopp(ng Centre, an&
to rea0h the off(0e of Magnu" L(&eo. A00or&(ngly, he
*ent to the sa(& pla0e an& fro" there he along *(th A-
157 an& A-?5, *ent to the house of A-117.
(v((() At that t("e, A-157 (ntro&u0e& A-.1 to A-117.
((=) A-.1 par2e& the a#ove *h(te 0oloure& Marut( Lan *h(0h
he ha& &r(ven to rea0h the house of Sanjay Dutt (n h(s
(=) There *ere 7 A,-?4 r(fles, +3 han& grena&es,
1?336-333 0artr(&ges an& ?4 "aga@(nes (n the 0av(t(es
#eneath the rear seat of the aforesa(& Marut( Lan as
*ell as (ns(&e the l(n(ng near the front an& rear s(&e
&oors, out of *h(0h, 5 r(fles, 7 "aga@(nes, .?3 #ullets
an& -3 han& grena&es *ere as2e& to #e 2ept #y A-157
(n Sanjay DuttMs !(at 0ar.
(=() A00or&(ngly, A-.1 sh(fte& the 0artr(&ges an& "aga@(nes
to a sports #ag an& 2ept (t (n Sanjay DuttMs 0ar.
(=(() A-?5 pa02e& the a#ove "ent(one& -3 grena&es (n
another sports #ag an& 2ept (t (n Sanjay DuttMs 0ar an&
Page 40
gave another long sports #ag to A-.1 (n *h(0h he f(lle&
5 r(fles, 14 "aga@(nes, -? han& grena&es an& 7?3
0artr(&ges. A-.1 too2 the sa(& #ag to h(s house an& h(&
(t #eneath h(s #e& an& on the ne=t &ay, A-.1 loa&e& all
the #ullets (n the "aga@(nes of the r(fles.
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of M%$Doo! A0#(; S%77(;
A0#(; 9A-)+:
Confess(onal state"ent of A-+7 un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA *as &uly re0or&e& on -..3?.1775 (1181? hrs.) an&
-4.3?.1775 (17853 hrs.) #y Shr( ,r(shan Hal B(shno( (<C-175)
the then DC<, Bone , Bo"#ay. The sa(& 0onfess(on reveals
as un&er8
() A-+7 *as a goo& fr(en& of A#u Sale".
(() /e o*ns a Marut( 1333 #ear(ng )o. M< -5 B-7-4..
((() Fn --6-5
Aanuary, 1775, A-+7 "et A-157. A-157 gave
the 2eys of h(s 0ar to A-.1 *ho 2ept a #la02 #ag of
*eapons (n (t.
(v) A-157 an& A-+7 then *ent to the f(rst floor of -- Mount
Mary, L(&hyan0hal Apts. They gave the #ag to an ol&
Page 41
la&y, v(@., Ba(#un(sa An*ar ,a@( (A-117) an& tol& her
that the ar"s *ere for the purpose of 0aus(ng r(ots, an&
*ere sent #y Anees #rah(" - #rother of Da*oo&
v) A-117 loo2e& at the 0ontents of the #ag an& then 2ept
(t at her res(&en0e.
v() After + &ays, A-157 0alle& A-+7 aga(n an& together *(th
A-.3, they *ent to the res(&en0e of A-117 *here he
gave the" a #lue re=(n #ag an& a 0arton.
v(() A#u Sale" an& A-+7 then *ent to the house of A-117
an& gave the 0arton an& the #ag to her. A#u Sale"
tol& A-117 to 2eep those *eapons safely as they *ere
to #e use& for or0hestrat(ng #o"# #lasts.
--) The a#ovesa(& 0onfess(onal state"ents of the 0o-
a00use& 0learly esta#l(sh the 0ase aga(nst the appellant-
Sanjay Dutt an& also 0orro#orate *(th ea0h other (n "ater(al
part(0ulars. The follo*(ng fa0ts e"erge fro" the a#ovesa(&
0onfess(onal state"ents8-
(() The appellant ha& a0Eu(re& 5 A,-?4 r(fles an& (ts
a""un(t(ons unauthor(se&ly.
Page 42
((() Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5), /an(f ,an&a*ala (A-.3) an&
Sale" (A-157) prov(&e& the a#ove sa(& ar"s an&
a""un(t(ons to the appellant at h(s res(&en0e.
(((() Fn #e(ng fr(ghtene& after see(ng the *eapons, the
appellant 0onta0te& /an(f ,an&a*ala (A-.1) an& reEueste&
h(" to ta2e a*ay the *eapons.
((v) A#u Sale" 0a"e after fe* &ays an& the appellant
returne& - A,-?4 r(fles an& also a""un(t(ons, #ut reta(ne&
one A,-?4 r(fle an& so"e of (ts a""un(t(ons.
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of /0( %''(&&%$/ - >818f
Mo01"$ N8&?%&&% 9A-11):
-5) Confess(onal state"ent of A-11+ un&er 1? of TADA *as
re0or&e& on -7.3..1775 at (1.8-3 hrs.) an& -7.3..1775 at
(14833 hrs.) #y Shr( ,.H. B(shno(, the then DC<, Bone-,
Bo"#ay. The follo*(ng e=tra0ts fro" the 0onfess(on of the
appellant are pert(nent8-
9So"e*here aroun& the year, 1773, 0a"e (n 0onta0t *(th
one person #y na"e A@har /ussa(n an& later on #e0a"e
very fr(en&ly *(th h(". /e *as 0ous(n of Sanjay Dutt
through h(" "et Sanjay Dutt an& &evelope& fr(en&sh(p
*(th h(" as he *as also fon& of hunt(ng, f(sh(ng an&
stay(ng (n 0a"p l(fe. After th(s "yself an& Sanjay Dutt
use& to go out for hunt(ng *(th other fr(en&s o00as(onally.
0a"e (n 0onta0t *(th Sanjay DuttMs father an& other fa"(ly
"e"#ers &ue to "y fr(en&sh(p *(th Sanjay Dutt an& h(s
0ous(n A@har /ussa(n. Hater on Sanjay Dutt ha& starte&
Page 43
ta2(ng on &rugs an& #e0ause of th(s he use& to re"a(n out
off fro" us an& starte& avo(&(ng "e. /o*ever, "y 0onta0t
*(th SanjayMs father an& other fa"(ly "e"#ers *as as (t (s
an& they nor"ally use& to as2 "e to 0onv(n0e Sanjay to
g(ve up the &rugs #ut "y 0onv(n0(ng an& persuas(on &(&
not help h(".D
9So"e*here (n the year 17+., Sanjay has ta2en "e out to
one of h(s fr(en& #y na"e Tar(E #rah("Ms pla0e (n ,anpur.
!ro" there h(s fr(en& ha& ta2en us out of h(s far" (n Tara(
an& *e staye& there for one *ee2. Dur(ng the stay,
0asually "ent(one& to Tar(E #rah(" that a" Eu(te fon& of
guns #ut a" not gett(ng ar"s l(0ense. Then he tol& "e
that &onMt *orry "y #rother (s Sup&t. of <ol(0e at %atla"
an& he *(ll get you ar"s l(0ense as an& *hen you *ante&.
Hater on, 0onta0te& h(s #rother As(f #rah(", *ho *as
Sup&t. of <ol(0e, %atla" to g(ve "e ar"s l(0ense, he &(& (t
an& su#seEuently he gave "e t*o "ore ar"s l(0enses.
After gett(ng these l(0enses, *as g(fte& t*o guns #y Sun(l
Dutt out of *h(0h one *as 1- Bore DBBH gun an& another
*as -- %(fle. pur0hase& the 5
*eapon, *h(0h (s s(ngle
#arrel 57? Magnu" %(fle.D
9n the "ean*h(le, ha& 0o"e (n 0onta0t *(th one ,es(
Bapuj( A&ajen(a, *ho *as also (n steel fa#r(0at(on #us(ness
an& *as also an ol& hunter so *e #e0a"e fr(en&s. /e also
use& to g(ve "e su# 0ontra0ts for steel fa#r(0at(on. ha&
(ntro&u0e& h(" to Sanjay Dutt also an& later on he *ent
*(th us for hunt(ng to a pla0e near Surat on0e.D
9Hater on Sanjay Dutt #e0a"e Eu(te popular (n /(n&(
"ov(es an& "ost of the t("es he use& to re"a(n #usy (n
h(s shoot(ngs. Many t("es, also use& to get to the pla0e
for shoot(ng to "eet Sanjay Dutt. /e ha& ta2en "e to
Bangalore, Mysore, Foty, ,o&a( ,anal an& var(ous other
pla0es &ur(ng th(s out&oor shoot(ng to these pla0es.
)or"ally, use& to "eet Sanjay t*o to three t("es (n a
*ee2 e(ther at h(s house or at the pla0e of shoot(ngs.D
9n the f(rst *ee2 of Apr(l, he left for Maur(t(us an& got
#usy *(th "y nor"al #us(ness. Then one &ay, rea& (n
ne*spaper the ne*s (te" that 9Sanjay &utt (s (n possess(on
of A,-?4 %(fles.D
n the sa"e &ay even(ng, re0e(ve& a telephone 0all at "y
res(&ent(al telephone fro" Sanjay &utty, *ho *as spea2(ng
Page 44
fro" Maur(t(us. /e tol& "e that there (s so"eth(ng *h(0h
(s 2ept (n a #la02 0oloure& #ag 2ept (n h(s roo" at h(s
res(&en0e ((.e. ?+, <al( /(ll Ban&ra, Bo"#ay-?3) an& shall
ta2e that #ag fro" h(s roo" an& &estroy the th(ngs (ns(&e
(t (""e&(ately other*(se he *(ll #e (n a great trou#le.
)e=t &ay "orn(ng, *ent to SanjayMs res(&en0e an& too2
the #la02 #ag fro" h(s se0on& floor roo" an& opene& (t
there only.
Chen opene& (t foun& (t 0onta(n(ng one A,-?4 r(fle, t*o
e"pty "aga@(nes an& appro=("ately t*o hun&re& f(fty
roun&s of A,-?4, one p(stol an& one loa&e& "aga@(nes of
too2 out the A,-?4 r(fle there only an& 0utte& (t (n p(e0es
*(th a he=a, *h(0h ha& ta2en along *(th "e then put all
the 0ut p(e0es (n the #ag an& 0a"e to "y fr(en& ,ers(
Bapuj( A&ajen(aMs house as he use& to 2eep all the tools of
h(s steel fa#r(0at(on (n the go&o*n (n h(s house.
tol& h(" the *hole story an& also that Sanju (s (n great
trou#le, so reEu(re& your help (n "elt(ng an& &estroy(ng
the 0utte& p(e0es of A,-?4 r(fles. Both of us 0a"e to h(s
go&o*n an& tr(e& to "elt the 0utte& p(e0es of A,-?4 *(th
the help of 0utter, #ut 0oul& not su00ee&, then "y fr(en&
A&ajen(a "elte& all the p(e0es of A,-?4 r(fle *(th the help
of gas 0utter.
After that gave the p(stol to ,ers( Bapuj( A&ajen(a as2e&
h(" to #urn (t also after so"et("e. 0olle0te& the "elte&
re"a(ns of A,-?4 %(fle an& thre* (t (n the sea at Mar(ne
)e=t &ay "orn(ng, 2ept the roun&s of A,-?4 (n t*o
separate #un&les *rappe& (n papers an& thre* (t (n the sea
(n front of F#ero( To*ers an& returne& to "y ho"e.
)e=t &ay (n the early "orn(ng, got telephone 0all fro"
Sanjay Dutt at "y res(&en0e )o. 57??37- an& (nfor"e&
h(" that your *or2 (s &one an& ha& nor"al tal2 *(th
Sanjay Dutt.
After th(s, spo2e to ,ers( Bapuj( A&ajen(a on0e an& tol&
h(" that you #urn the p(stol also #ut he tol& "e that you
&o no *orry a#out th(s. *(ll ta2e 0are of th(s. Then
Page 45
staye& at "y house an& &(& "y nor"al #us(ness t(ll *as
p(02e& up #y the <ol(0e.D
-.) !ro" the a#ovesa(& 0onfess(on, the follo*(ng fa0ts
() 'usuf Mohs(n )ul*alla (s an ol& an& *ell 2no*n fr(en&
of Sanjay Dutt.
(() n the "onth of Apr(l, *hen Sanjay Dutt *as (n
Maur(t(us, A-11+ *as as2e& to &estroy 0erta(n o#je0ts
2ept at h(s res(&en0e.
((() Fn rea0h(ng there, he &(s0overe& A,-?4 an& a p(stol
an& a""un(t(on.
(v) /e tr(e& to &estroy the".
v) /e too2 all these o#je0ts to a fr(en& of h(s, na"ely,
,ers( Bapuj( A&ajan(a (A-1-.)
v() A-1-. helpe& h(" to &estroy the sa"e #ut he reta(ne&
the p(stol *(th h(".
v(() :pon #e(ng re"(n&e& a#out &estroy(ng the p(stol, A-1-.
assure& A-11+ that he *oul& ta2e 0are of (t.
-?) n v(e* of the a#ove, (t (s seen that the appellant (A-
11+), upon (nstru0t(ons, 0ause& &estru0t(on of ev(&en0e
Page 46
relate& to an offen0e, *h(0h *ere unauthor(se&ly possesse&
auto"at(0 f(rear"s6*eapons (n a not(f(e& area, attra0t(ng the
prov(s(ons of the Ar"s A0t. The 0onfess(on of A-11+ not only
(nvolves an& ("pl(0ates h(", #ut also ("pl(0ates ,ers(
A&ajan(a (A-1-.). The 0onfess(on of A-11+ 0orro#orates *(th
the 0onfess(on of A-117 as *ell as A-1-..
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of /0( %''(&&%$/ - A(!1" B%'86"
A;%6%$"% 9A-12,:
-4) The 0onfess(onal state"ent of A-1-. un&er Se0t(on 1?
of TADA *as re0or&e& on -7.3..1775 (1?813 hrs.) an& on
53.3..1775 at (14833 hr.) #y Shr( ,.H. B(shno(, the then DC<,
Bone-, Bo"#ay. The follo*(ng e=tra0ts fro" the 0onfess(on
of the appellant-,ers( Bapuj( A&ajen(a are relevant8-
9 a" ,ers( Bapuj( A&ajen(a, age 45 years. stay at 43?,
,ar(" Man@(l, ASS %oa&, Bo"#ay-- *(th "y fa"(ly.
nor"ally ta2e 0ontra0ts for steel fa#r(0at(ons an& the *or2
(s &one at the s(tes of the part(es only. nor"ally 2eep the
eEu(p"ents an& the tools for steel fa#r(0at(ons at the
te"porary go&o*n (n "y house an& ta2e these
eEu(p"ents to the s(tes as an& *hen (t (s reEu(re&. Due to
the *or2 loa&, have pur0hase& t*o or three sets of all the
eEu(p"ents an& tools. Chenever there (s a heavy *or2
loa&, g(ve the e=0ess *or2 on su#-0ontra0ts to other
persons. So"et("es, prov(&e "y o*n tools an&
eEu(p"ents to su#-0ontra0tors. 'usuf Mohs(n )ull*ala *as
"y one su0h su#-0ontra0tor. ha& 0o"e (n 0onta0t *(th
h(" a#out ten years #a02. S(n0e then, use& to g(ve h("
su#-0ontra0ts regularly.
Page 47
Dur(ng the &ays of "y youth, use& to #e very fon& of
hunt(ng an& use& to go out for hunt(ng o00as(onally *(th
"y fr(en&s. But ha& g(ven up th(s ho##y (hunt(ng) s(n0e
1747 on*ar&s. Th(s, 'usuf )ull*alla *as also very fon& of
hunt(ng an& he use& to tal2 a lot a#out hunt(ng an& a#out
h(s fr(en& 0(nea0tor Sanjay Dutt. /e (ntro&u0e& "e *(th
h(" a#out seven years #a02 an& they ha& ta2en "e out
on0e for hunt(ng to a pla0e near Surat, staye& *(th
Sanjay, 'usuf an& three K four the(r other fr(en&s there for
t*o &ays an& *e all 0a"e #a02. After that "et Sanjay
Dutt for t*o or three t("es "ore.
So"e*here aroun& the en& of f(rst *ee2 of Apr(l, 1775,
one &ay 'usuf Mohs(n )ull*alla 0a"e to "y house aroun&
13.33 a.". (n the "orn(ng, he *as hav(ng a #la02 0oloure&
%e=(n #ag hung to h(s shoul&er *(th h(" an& he sa(& to "e
that Sanjay Dutt ha& telephone& h(" say(ng that on A,-?4
r(fle an& other th(ngs are ly(ng at th(s house an& pol(0e ha&
0o"e to 2no* a#out h(s an& he (s (n great trou#le an& he
has as2e& "e to 0olle0t (t an& &estroy (t, so ha& gone to
h(s house an& 0olle0te& (t an& have also 0ut (t (nto p(e0es
an& no* *ant gas 0utt(ng set to 0o"pletely &estroy (t,
then he sho*e& "e the 0ut p(e0es of A,-?4 r(fle #y
open(ng the #ag.
S(n0e have rea& a#out Sanjay DuttMs possess(on of A,-?4
r(fle an& pol(0e #e(ng after h(" (n the ne*spaper a#out a
&ay or t*o earl(er. So (n(t(ally, tol& h(" that &o not *ent
to get (nvolve& (n th(s th(ng. Then 'usuf sa(& to "e that (n
0ase he goes out to so"e other pla0e for &estroy(ng (t he (s
l(2ely to #e 0aught an& reEueste& "e to aga(n to g(ve "y
gas 0utter, so agree&. Then he *ent to "y go&o*n an&
starte& &estroy(ng the 0ut p(e0es of A,-?4 r(fle *(th the
help of gas 0utter.
also *ent to the pla0e to see that no "(shap ta2es pla0e.
Chen *ent there sa* that he *as fu"#l(ng *(th the gas
0utter an& *as (n no pos(t(on to &estroy the p(e0es
properly. Then a&juste& the gas an& starte& "elt(ng the
p(e0es of A,-?4 r(fle "yself *(th the gas 0utter. These
parts *ere hav(ng lot of grease on the" so lot of s"o2e
*as 0o"(ng out. So"eho*, "anage& to &estroy all the
parts of A,-?4 *h(0h he ha& #rought (n the #ag.
Then he too2 out one p(stol fro" the #ag an& *ante& "e
to &estroy that alo #ut *as Eu(te t(re& an& ha& so"e
Page 48
#reath(ng pro#le" &ue to the s"o2e *h(0h *as 0o"(ng out
*h(le the p(e0es of A,-?4 re(fle *ere #e(ng &estroye&. So
tol& h(" to leave te *eapon *(th "e an& *(ll &estroy (t
so"e other t("e. Then he 0olle0te& the "ete& re"a(ns of
A,-?4 r(fle (n a plast(0 #ag, gave the p(stol to "e for
&estru0t(on an& he *ent a*ay. After t*o &ays, he
telephone& "e an& enEu(re& *hether have &estroye&
p(stol or not. tol& h(" not to *orry a#out that.
As *as to go to Cal0utta on 7
Apr(l "orn(ng so
telephone& an& 0alle& a fr(en& of "(ne, #y na"e %us(
!ra"rose Mulla to "y house. /e 0a"e to "y house ne=t
&ay "orn(ng an& gave the p(stol to h(" an& as2e& to
2eep (t (n sae 0usto&y as *as go(ng out to Cal0utta. &(&
not tell h(" anyth(ng a#out the h(story of the p(stol an&
tol& h(" that *(ll 0olle0t (t as soon as 0o"e #a02 fro"
-7) !ro" the a#ove 0onfess(on, the follo*(ng fa0ts e"erge8-
(() A-11+ *as a su#-0ontra0tor of A-1-.. A-1-. *as also
a0Eua(nte& *(th A-117. All three of the" *ere fon& of
hunt(ng an&, (n fa0t, *ent together for hunt(ng on0e.
((() A-1-. ha& h(s *or2shop (n h(s house *here he *as
2eep(ng all h(s tools (n0lu&(ng the gas 0utter.
(((() n or aroun& Apr(l, A-11+ 0onta0te& A-1-. (n or&er to
&estroy an A,-?4 an& a p(stol #elong(ng to Sanjay Dutt
((v) A-1-. per"(tte& h(" to &o so.
(v) A-1-. personally &estroye& A,-?4.
(v() A-1-. 2ept *(th h("self the p(stol.
Page 49
-+) The a#ovesa(& 0onfess(on esta#l(shes the 0harge
fra"e& aga(nst A-1-. that he 2no*(ngly &estroye& ev(&en0e
relate& to an offen0e. A-1-. *as thereafter (n unauthor(@e&
possess(on of the f(re-ar". The a#ovesa(& 0onfess(on also
0orro#orates (n "ater(al part(0ulars, the 0onfess(on of A-11+.
-7) The a#ovesa(& 0onfess(ons of the appellants, v(@., A-
117, A-11+ an& A-1-. have #een re0or&e& #y <C-175, *ho
has prove& that the sa(& 0onfess(ons *ere re0or&e& after
follo*(ng the reEu(re"ents of the prov(s(ons of Se0t(on 1? of
TADA. t (s relevant to po(nt out that not*(thstan&(ng
v(gorous 0ross-e=a"(nat(on of the *(tness (<C-175), he
stoo& f(r"ly *(thout #e(ng sha2en. A long l(ne of argu"ents
*as pla0e& #efore the Des(gnate& Court atta02(ng the
voluntar(ness of the 0onfess(on on var(ous o00as(ons, *h(0h
ha& #een 0ons(&ere& (n &eta(l #y the tr(al Court an& *e fully
agree *(th the sa"e.
L%? !(&%/"$4 /o Co$f(11"o$1 8$;(! TADA
53) t (s 0onten&e& on #ehalf of the appellants that the(r
0onfess(onal state"ents, an& the 0onfess(onal state"ents of
the 0o-a00use& rel(e& upon #y the prose0ut(on aga(nst the",
Page 50
are 0onfess(ons re0or&e& #y a pol(0e off(0er, an& (t (s hen0e
not proper to #ase the 0onv(0t(on on the #as(s of the sa(&
0onfess(ons un&er Se0t(on 1? of TADA. Se0t(on 1? of TADA
rea&s as un&er8
1*. C(!/%"$ <o$f(11"o$1 #%;( /o 'o&"<( off"<(!1 /o B(
/%E($ "$/o <o$1";(!%/"o$.- (1) )oth*(thstan&(ng
anyth(ng (n the Co&e or (n the n&(an ;v(&en0e A0t, 1+7-,
#ut su#je0t to the prov(s(ons of th(s se0t(on, a 0onfess(on
"a&e #y a person #efore a pol(0e off(0er not lo*er (n ran2
than a Super(nten&ent of <ol(0e an& re0or&e& #y su0h
pol(0e off(0er (n *r(t(ng or on any "e0han(0al &ev(0e l(2e
0assettes, tapes or soun& tra02s fro" out of *h(0h soun&s
or ("ages 0an #e repro&u0e&, shall #e a&"(ss(#le (n the
tr(al of su0h person

or O0o-a00use&, a#ettor or 0onsp(ratorP
for an offen0e un&er th(s A0t or rules "a&e thereun&er8
<rov(&e& that 0o-a00use&, a#ettor or 0onsp(rator (s 0harge&
an& tr(e& (n the sa"e 0ase together *(th the a00use&.
51) n Jaya(ant Dattatray Suryarao vs. State of
$harashtra, (-331) 13 SCC 137, th(s Court 0ons(&ere& (n
&eta(l the ev(&ent(ary value an& a&"(ss(#(l(ty of a
0onfess(onal state"ent re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? of TADA
an& hel& that (t (s settle& legal pos(t(on that a 0onfess(onal
state"ent re0or&e& #y a pol(0e off(0er (s (n fa0t, su#stant(ve
ev(&en0e, an& that the sa"e 0an #e rel(e& upon (n the tr(al of
su0h person or of a 0o-a00use&, an a#ettor or a 0onsp(rator,
Page 51
so long as the reEu(re"ents of Se0t(on 1? an& of the TADA
rules are 0o"pl(e& *(th. t *as o#serve&8
943. $. Confess(onal state"ent #efore the pol(0e off(0er
un&er Se0t(on 1? of the TADA (s su#stant(ve ev(&en0e an&
(t 0an #e rel(e& upon (n the tr(al of su0h person or 0o-
a00use&, a#ettor or 0onsp(rator for an offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er the A0t or the %ules. The pol(0e off(0er #efore
re0or&(ng the 0onfess(on has to o#serve the reEu(re"ent of
su#-se0t(on (-) of Se0t(on 1?. rregular(t(es here an& there
*oul& not "a2e su0h 0onfess(onal state"ent (na&"(ss(#le
(n ev(&en0e. f the leg(slature (n (ts *(s&o" has prov(&e&
after 0ons(&er(ng the s(tuat(on preva(l(ng (n the so0(ety that
su0h 0onfess(onal state"ent 0an #e use& as ev(&en0e, (t
*oul& not #e just, reasona#le an& pru&ent to *ater &o*n
the s0he"e of the A0t on the assu"pt(on that the sa(&
state"ent *as re0or&e& un&er &uress or *as not re0or&e&
truly #y the off(0er 0on0erne& (n *ho" fa(th (s repose&.D
t *as further hel& #y th(s Court, that "(nor (rregular(t(es &o
not "a2e the 0onfess(onal state"ent (na&"(ss(#le as
su#stant(ve ev(&en0e an& o#serve& as un&er8
F*0. n th(s v(e* of settle& legal pos(t(on, 0onfess(onal
state"ent (s a&"(ss(#le (n ev(&en0e an& (s su#stant(ve
ev(&en0e. t also 0oul& #e rel(e& upon for 0onne0t(ng the
0o-a00use& *(th the 0r("e. M(nor (rregular(ty *oul& not
v(t(ate (ts ev(&ent(ary value$$..D
5-) n )a*iner Singh @ Bittu vs. State of
$aharashtra, (-33-) 7 SCC ??, th(s Court, *h(le
0ons(&er(ng the rel(a#(l(ty of a 0onfess(on re0or&e& un&er
Se0t(on 1? of TADA aga(nst the "a2er, as *ell as the 0o-
a00use&, hel& that after State vs. Na+ini, Ka+#nath )ai vs.
Page 52
'BI, (t &oes not refle0t the 0orre0t pos(t(on of la*. t *as
G1-. n *alpnath +ai v. State ,through C-'. (t *as o#serve&
that the 0onfess(on "a&e #y one a00use& (s not
su#stant(ve ev(&en0e aga(nst a 0o-a00use&. t has only a
0orro#orat(ve value. n the present 0ase, *e are, ho*ever,
pr("ar(ly 0on0erne& *(th the 0onfess(on "a&e #y the
"a2er (.e. the appellant h("self. Bes(&es th(s 0onfess(on,
there (s also a 0onfess(on "a&e #y 0o-a00use& )(shan
S(ngh *h(0h too ("pl(0ates the appellant (n 0o""(ss(on of
the offen0e of the #o"# #last (n the tra(n. The o#servat(ons
"a&e (n *alpnath +ai case *ere 0ons(&ere& (n State
through Supdt of /olice% C-'0S'T v. 1alini, a &e0(s(on #y a
three-Au&ge Ben0h. t *as hel& that the 0onfess(on
re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? of the TADA A0t (s to #e
0ons(&ere& as a su#stant(ve p(e0e of ev(&en0e not only
aga(nst the "a2er of (t #ut also aga(nst (ts 0o-a00use&. n
th(s v(e*, the o#servat(ons (n *alpnath +ai case &o not
represent the 0orre0t pos(t(on of la*.
17. t (s thus *ell esta#l(she& that a voluntary an& truthful
0onfess(onal state"ent re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? of the
TADA A0t reEu(res no 0orro#orat(on. /ere, *e are
0on0erne& pr("ar(ly *(th the 0onfess(onal state"ent of the
"a2er. The *e(ght to #e atta0he& to the truthful an&
voluntary 0onfess(on "a&e #y an a00use& un&er Se0t(on 1?
of the TADA A0t 0a"e to #e 0ons(&ere& aga(n (n a re0ent
three-Au&ge Ben0h &e0(s(on (n Devender /al Singh v. State
of 1CT of Delhi. t *as hel& (n the "ajor(ty op(n(on that the
0onfess(onal state"ent of the a00use& 0an #e rel(e& upon
for the purpose of 0onv(0t(on an& no further 0orro#orat(on
(s ne0essary (f (t relates to the a00use& h("self.
1). There 0an #e no &ou#t that a free an& voluntary
0onfess(on &eserves the h(ghest 0re&(t. t (s presu"e& to
flo* fro" the h(ghest sense of gu(lt. /av(ng e=a"(ne& the
re0or&, *e are sat(sf(e& that the 0onfess(on "a&e #y the
appellant (s voluntary an& truthful an& *as re0or&e&, as
alrea&y not(0e&, #y &ue o#servan0e of all the safeguar&s
prov(&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? an& the appellant 0oul& #e
0onv(0te& solely on the #as(s of h(s 0onfess(on.D
Page 53
55) n $ohme &min vs. 'entra+ Bureau of
In*estigation, (-33+) 1? SCC .7, (t *as o#serve&8
G2). n Devender /al Singh case "ajor(ty of three-Au&ge
Ben0h "a&e a referen0e to 2urdeep Singh case an& 1alini
case an& hel& (at SCC pp. -41-4-, para 55) that *henever
an a00use& 0hallenges the voluntary 0hara0ter of h(s
0onfess(on re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1?(1) of the A0t, the
(n(t(al #ur&en (s on the prose0ut(on to prove that all the
0on&(t(ons spe0(f(e& (n that se0t(on rea& *(th %ule 1? of the
%ules have #een 0o"pl(e& *(th an& on0e that (s &one, (t (s
for the a00use& to sho* an& sat(sfy the 0ourt that the
0onfess(on *as not "a&e voluntar(ly. The Court further
hel& that the 0onfess(on of an a00use& 0an #e rel(e& upon
for the purpose of 0onv(0t(on an& no further 0orro#orat(on
(s ne0essary (f (t relates to the a00use& h("self. /o*ever,
as a "atter of pru&en0e the 0ourt "ay loo2 for so"e
0orro#orat(on (f 0onfess(on (s to #e use& aga(nst a 0o-
a00use& though that *(ll #e aga(n *(th(n the sphere of
appra(sal of ev(&en0e.
2+. n 3ameel Ahmed case a t*o-Au&ge Ben0h after
&(s0uss(ng, 0ons(&er(ng an& analys(ng several pre0e&ents
on the su#je0t, (n0lu&(ng Devender /al Singh case, 0ulle&
out the follo*(ng propos(t(ons8 (3ameel Ahmed case, SCC
pp. 4+7-73, para 5?)
9(i) f the 0onfess(onal state"ent (s properly
re0or&e&, sat(sfy(ng the "an&atory prov(s(on of
Se0t(on 1? of the TADA A0t an& the %ules "a&e
thereun&er, an& (f the sa"e (s foun& #y the 0ourt as
hav(ng #een "a&e voluntar(ly an& truthfully then the
sa(& 0onfess(on (s suff(0(ent to #ase a 0onv(0t(on on
the "a2er of the 0onfess(on.
(ii) Chether su0h 0onfess(on reEu(res 0orro#orat(on
or not, (s a "atter for the 0ourt 0ons(&er(ng su0h
0onfess(on on fa0ts of ea0h 0ase.
(iii) n regar& to the use of su0h 0onfess(on as aga(nst
a 0o-a00use&, (t has to #e hel& that as a "atter of
Page 54
0aut(on, a general 0orro#orat(on shoul& #e sought for
but in cases where the court is satisfied that the
probative value of such confession is such that it
does not re(uire corroboration then it may base a
conviction on the basis of such confession of the co4
accused *(thout 0orro#orat(on. But th(s (s an
e=0ept(on to the general rule of reEu(r(ng
0orro#orat(on *hen su0h 0onfess(on (s to #e use&
aga(nst a 0o-a00use&.
(iv) The nature of 0orro#orat(on reEu(re& #oth (n
regar& to the use of 0onfess(on aga(nst the "a2er as
also (n regar& to the use of the sa"e aga(nst a 0o-
a00use& (s of a general nature, unless the 0ourt
0o"es to the 0on0lus(on that su0h 0orro#orat(on
shoul& #e on "ater(al fa0ts also #e0ause of the fa0ts
of a part(0ular 0ase. The &egree of 0orro#orat(on so
reEu(re& (s that *h(0h (s ne0essary for a pru&ent "an
to #el(eve (n the e=(sten0e of fa0ts "ent(one& (n the
0onfess(onal state"ent.
(v) The reEu(re"ent of su#-rule (?) of %ule 1? of the
TADA %ules *h(0h 0onte"plates a 0onfess(onal
state"ent #e(ng sent to the Ch(ef Metropol(tan
Mag(strate or the Ch(ef Au&(0(al Mag(strate *ho, (n
turn, *(ll have to sen& the sa"e to the Des(gnate&
Court (s not "an&atory an& (s only &(re0tory.
/o*ever, the 0ourt 0ons(&er(ng the 0ase of &(re0t
trans"(ss(on of the 0onfess(onal state"ent to the
Des(gnate& Court shoul& sat(sfy (tself on fa0ts of
ea0h 0ase *hether su0h &(re0t trans"(ss(on of the
0onfess(onal state"ent (n the fa0ts of the 0ase
0reates any &ou#t as to the genu(neness of the sa(&
0onfess(onal state"ent.D
-0. n Abdulvahab Abdul 5a$id Shai"h case th(s Court
reje0te& the argu"ent ra(se& on #ehalf of the appellant
that the 0onfess(on "a&e #y h(" 0annot #e treate& as
voluntary #e0ause the sa"e ha& #een retra0te& an&
96. $ The pol(0e off(0er *as e"po*ere& to re0or&
the 0onfess(on an& (n la* su0h a 0onfess(on (s "a&e
a&"(ss(#le un&er the prov(s(ons of the TADA A0t. The
"ere fa0t that A-7 Musa2han G Ba#a2han retra0te&
Page 55
su#seEuently (s not a val(& groun& to reje0t the
0onfess(on. The 0ru0(al Euest(on (s *hether at the
t("e *hen the a00use& *as g(v(ng the state"ent he
*as su#je0te& to 0oer0(on, threat or any un&ue
(nfluen0e or *as offere& any (n&u0e"ent to g(ve any
0onfess(on. There (s noth(ng (n the ev(&en0e to sho*
that there *as any 0oer0(on, threat or any un&ue
(nfluen0e to the a00use& to "a2e the 0onfess(on.D
-1. The rat(o of the a#ovenote& ju&g"ents (s that (f a
person a00use& of an offen0e un&er the A0t "a2es a
0onfess(on #efore a pol(0e off(0er not #elo* the ran2 of
Super(nten&ent of <ol(0e an& the sa"e (s re0or&e& #y the
off(0er 0on0erne& (n *r(t(ng or on any "e0han(0al &ev(0e
l(2e 0assettes, tapes or soun& tra02s fro" out of *h(0h
soun&s or ("ages 0an #e repro&u0e&, then su0h 0onfess(on
(s a&"(ss(#le (n the tr(al of the "a2er as also the 0o-
a00use&, a#ettor or 0onsp(rator not only for an offen0e
un&er the A0t #ut also for offen0e(s) un&er other
ena0t"ents, prov(&e& that the 0o-a00use&, a#ettor or
0onsp(rator (s 0harge& an& tr(e& (n the sa"e 0ase along
*(th the a00use& an& the 0ourt (s sat(sf(e& that
reEu(re"ents of the A0t an& the %ules have #een 0o"pl(e&
*(th. Chether su0h 0onfess(on reEu(res 0orro#orat(on
&epen&s on the fa0ts of the g(ven 0ase. f the 0ourt (s
0onv(n0e& that the pro#at(ve value of the 0onfess(on (s
su0h that (t &oes not reEu(re 0orro#orat(on then the sa"e
0an #e use& for 0onv(0t(ng the "a2er an&6or the 0o-
a00use& un&er the A0t an&6or the other ena0t"ents
*(thout (n&epen&ent 0orro#orat(on.D
After 0ons(&er(ng the 0onfess(ons of the a00use& (n the
aforesa(& 0ase, (t *as hel& as follo*s8
G)1. Therefore, 2eep(ng (n v(e* the prov(s(ons of Se0t(on
1? of the A0t as (nterprete& #y th(s Court (n 2urprit Singh
case, 1alini case, S1 Dube case, )al Singh case,
Devender /al Singh case an& 3ameel Ahmed case, *e hol&
that the appellants are gu(lty of offen0e un&er Se0t(on 53-
rea& *(th Se0t(on 1-3-B <C an& no (n&epen&ent
0orro#orat(on (s reEu(re& for susta(n(ng the(r 0onv(0t(on.D
Page 56
5.) n Jamee+ &hme , &nr% vs. State of )ajasthan,
(-335) 7 SCC 475, th(s Court hel& that Se0t(on 53 of the
;v(&en0e A0t has no role to play (n &e0(&(ng the a&"(ss(#(l(ty
of 0onfess(on re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? of TADA. Th(s Court
hel& that8
G2-. $. (t (s relevant to note that Se0t(on 1? of the TADA
A0t #y the use of non o#stante 0lause has "a&e 0onfess(on
re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? a&"(ss(#le not*(thstan&(ng
anyth(ng 0onta(ne& (n the n&(an ;v(&en0e A0t or the Co&e
of Cr("(nal <ro0e&ure. t also spe0(f(0ally prov(&es that the
0onfess(on so re0or&e& shall #e a&"(ss(#le (n the tr(al of a
0o-a00use& for offen0e 0o""(tte& an& tr(e& (n the sa"e
0ase together *(th the a00use& *ho "a2es the 0onfess(on.
Apart fro" the pla(n language of Se0t(on 1? *h(0h e=0lu&es
the appl(0at(on of Se0t(on 53 of the ;v(&en0e A0t, th(s Court
has (n "any ju&g"ents (n spe0(f(0 ter"s hel& that Se0t(on
53 of the ;v(&en0e A0t has no role to play *hen the 0ourt
0ons(&ers the 0onfess(on of an a00use& "a&e un&er
Se0t(on 1? of the TADA A0t e(ther (n regar& to h("self or (n
regar& to h(s 0o-a00use&.D
5?) n &hme -ussein .a+i (su#ra), th(s Court, *h(le
rely(ng upon Na+ini (su#ra), hel& that (f the 0onfess(on
"a&e #y an a00use& (s voluntary an& true, then (t (s
a&"(ss(#le aga(nst the 0o-a00use& as a su#stant(ve p(e0e of
ev(&en0e, an& that "(nor an& 0ura#le (rregular(t(es (n the
re0or&(ng of the 0onfess(on l(2e o"(ss(on (n o#ta(n(ng the
0ert(f(0ate of 0o"petent off(0e *(th respe0t to 0onfess(on &o
Page 57
not affe0t the a&"(ss(#(l(ty of the sa(& ev(&en0e. t *as
further o#serve&8
G7,. $ As far as the a&"(ss(#(l(ty of the 0onfess(onal
state"ent of A--7 (s 0on0erne& *(th regar& to h(s 0o-
a00use& (n th(s 0ase, (t (s not v(t(ate& #e0ause of the
a"en&"ent an& (t (s r(ghtly use& as a "ajor ev(&en0e for
the tr(al of h(s 0o-a00use& #y the Des(gnate& Court. As th(s
0onfess(onal state"ent *as "a&e 0o"ply(ng *(th all the
pro0e&ural essent(als as prov(&e& for #y the TADA A0t an&
the %ules (t 0an #e a val(& groun& for the 0onv(0t(on *hen
0orro#orate& *(th the 0onfess(onal state"ent of the other
four a00use&, na"ely, A-1, A--, A-5 an& A--3 respe0t(vely
*h(0h have #een "a&e pr(or to the a"en&"ent of the
54) n $oh% /aroo0 &bu+ Gafur vs. State of
$aharashtra (-313) 1. SCC 4.1, th(s Court has uphel& the
0onv(0t(on, inter alia, rely(ng upon the 0onfess(on of the
a00use&, as *ell as the 0onfess(on of the 0o-a00use& (n
&eter"(n(ng the gu(lt of the a00use&. The relevant
o#servat(ons (n the ju&g"ent are as un&er8-

G76. The 0onfess(onal state"ents of A00use& ? an& 4 are
also relevant to prove an& esta#l(sh the (nvolve"ent of
A00use& 1 *(th the (n0(&ent. n the sa(& 0onfess(onal
state"ent, A00use& ? ha& state& that on --5-1777, !ahee"
(nfor"e& A00use& ? on the phone that he *oul& #e sen&(ng
t*o p(stols *(th A00use& 1. n fa0t, A00use& 1 0a"e to the
house of A00use& ? to &el(ver the sa(& p(stols.
77. t has also 0o"e out (n the sa(& 0onfess(onal state"ent
(of A00use& ?) that out of the t*o p(stols one *as not (n or&er
an& so the sa"e *as returne& to A00use& 1 an& that on ?-5-
1777 A00use& ? 0alle& A00use& 1 *ho (nfor"e& h(" that he
(A00use& 1) has spo2en to Chhota Sha2eel over the phone
an& (nfor"e& h(" a#out the (n0(&ent on the prev(ous &ay.
Page 58
7). A00use& ? has also state& (n h(s 0onfess(onal
state"ent that A00use& 1 (nfor"e& h(" that Chhota
Sha2eel ha& as2e& A00use& 1 to pay A00use& ? so"e "oney.
Thereupon, A00use& 1 pa(& %s -3,333 to A00use& ? at
La2ola an& A00use& ? an& 4 together (nfor"e& A00use& 1 that
they *ere go(ng to ,ol2ata.
)1. The /(gh Court &(s#el(eve& the aforesa(& 0onfess(onal
state"ents of A00use& ? an& 4 on the groun& that the sa(&
0onfess(onal state"ents *ere (na&"(ss(#le (n ev(&en0e
there#y (t reverse& the f(n&(ngs of the tr(al 0ourt. The /(gh
Court 0a"e to the aforesa(& 0on0lus(on on the #as(s that there
(s no ev(&en0e to sho* that any prel("(nary *arn(ng *as
g(ven pr(or to the re0or&(ng of the 0onfess(onal state"ents
an& that (n the a#sen0e of proof of the fa0t that a *arn(ng *as
g(ven pr(or to the re0or&(ng of the 0onfess(onal state"ents,
the sa"e *ere (na&"(ss(#le (n ev(&en0e. n our 0ons(&ere&
op(n(on the /(gh Court (gnore& the fa0t that there (s ev(&en0e
of <C 4., the typ(st *ho ha& &epose& that the prel("(nary
*arn(ng *as (n fa0t g(ven *h(0h *as so re0or&e& on -5-7-
)2. Cons(&er(ng the fa0ts an& 0(r0u"stan0es of the 0ase
*e f(n& no reason not to a00ept the sa(& state"ent of <C 4.,
the typ(st. Ce also hol& that the aforesa(& 0onfess(onal
state"ent of the 0o-a00use& 0oul& #e the #as(s of 0onv(0t(on
un&er the prov(s(ons of MCFCA.
)-. Ce, therefore, hol& A00use& 1 gu(lty of all the 0harges
*h(0h *ere alrea&y foun& to #e prove& an& esta#l(she& #y the
tr(al 0ourt an& aff(r"e& #y the /(gh Court. So far as the
senten0e (s 0on0erne& *e, ho*ever, uphol& an& 0onf(r" the
senten0e passe& #y the /(gh Court an& also restore the
pun(sh"ent a*ar&e& #y the tr(al 0ourt un&er Se0t(on -1- rea&
*(th Se0t(on ?--A rea& *(th Se0t(on 1-3-B <C.
),. So far as the 0onv(0t(on (of A00use& 1) un&er MCFCA (s
0on0erne&, (t (s Eu(te 0lear that 0onv(0t(on 0oul& #e #ase&
solely on the #as(s of the 0onfess(onal state"ent (tself an&
su0h 0onv(0t(on (s also per"(ss(#le on the #as(s of the
0onfess(onal state"ent of the 0o-a00use& *h(0h 0oul& #e use&
an& rel(e& upon for the purpose of 0onv(0t(on.
)*. n State v. 1alini
(t *as hel& #y th(s Court (n the
0onte=t of Se0t(on 1? of the Terror(st an& D(srupt(ve
A0t(v(t(es (<revent(on) A0t, 17+7 (no* repeale&), *h(0h (s par(
"ater(a *(th Se0t(on 1+ of MCFCA that the ev(&en0e of a 0o-
a00use& (s a&"(ss(#le as a p(e0e of su#stant(ve ev(&en0e an&
(n v(e* of the non o#stante 0lause, Cr<C *(ll not apply.D
57) t (s 0lear that a 0onfess(onal state"ent &uly re0or&e& #y
a <ol(0e Fff(0er (s a su#stant(ve p(e0e of ev(&en0e an& the
Page 59
sa"e 0an #e rel(e& upon (n the tr(al of su0h person or of the
0o-a00use&, a#ettor or 0onsp(rator (f the reEu(re"ents of
Se0t(on 1? of TADA, an& the rules fra"e& thereun&er are
0o"pl(e& *(th. The pol(0e off(0er, #efore re0or&(ng the
0onfess(on, has to o#serve the reEu(re"ent of Se0t(on 1?(-)
of TADA. A voluntary an& truthful 0onfess(onal state"ent
re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? of TADA reEu(res no
0orro#orat(on. /o*ever, as a "atter of pru&en0e, the 0ourt
"ay loo2 for so"e 0orro#orat(on (f 0onfess(on (s to #e use&
aga(nst 0o-a00use&. t (s "a&e 0lear that *hether su0h
0onfess(on reEu(res 0orro#orat(on or not (s a "atter for the
0ourt to 0ons(&er su0h 0onfess(on on the fa0ts an&
0(r0u"stan0es of ea0h 0ase. f the 0onfess(on "a&e #y an
a00use& (s voluntary an& true, (t (s a&"(ss(#le aga(nst 0o-
a00use& as a su#stant(ve p(e0e of ev(&en0e an& "(nor an&
0ura#le (rregular(t(es (n re0or&(ng of 0onfess(on, su0h as
o"(ss(on (n o#ta(n(ng the 0ert(f(0ate of the 0o"petent off(0er
*(th respe0t to the 0onfess(on &o not affe0t the a&"(ss(#(l(ty
of the sa(& ev(&en0e.
R(/!%</(; Co$f(11"o$15
Page 60
5+) t has #een 0onten&e& that s(n0e the 0onfess(on of the
appellant - Sanjay Dutt (A-117) has #een retra0te&, hen0e, (t
(s not trust*orthy an& (t *oul& not #e safe to pla0e rel(an0e
upon (t. t (s settle& la* that a voluntary an& free
0onfess(on, even (f later retra0te&, 0an #e rel(e& upon.
57) n the 0ase of the appellant - Sanjay Dutt (A-117), the
retra0t(on state"ent *as not "a&e at the f(rst ava(la#le
opportun(ty. After the re0or&(ng of h(s 0onfess(on, *(th(n 13
&ays, the a00use& *as release& on #a(l #y the /(gh Court,
an& the a00use& re"a(ne& free for a 0ons(&era#le per(o& of
t("e. n fa0t, the ju&g"ent &el(vere& #y the Const(tut(on
Ben0h on 37.37.177. also note& &o*n that the sa(&
0onfess(on of the a00use& re"a(ne& un-retra0te&. The
retra0t(ons *ere "a&e "any "onths after the re0or&(ng of
the 0onfess(on.
.3) n State of $aharashtra vs. Bharat 'hagan+a+
)aghani, (-331) 7 SCC 1, th(s Court *h(le sett(ng as(&e the
ju&g"ent of a0Eu(ttal re0or&e& #y the Des(gnate& TADA
Court, o#serve& as un&er8
Page 61
9?+. $. There (s no &en(al of the fa0t that the ju&(0(al
0onfess(ons "a&e are usually retra0te&. %etra0te&
0onfess(ons are goo& 0onfess(ons (f hel& to have #een
"a&e voluntar(ly an& (n a00or&an0e *(th the prov(s(ons of
la*$. Corro#orat(on of the 0onfess(onal state"ent (s not a
rule of la* #ut a rule of pru&en0e. Chether (n a g(ven 0ase
0orro#orat(on (s suff(0(ent *oul& &epen& upon the fa0ts an&
0(r0u"stan0es of that 0ase.D
.1) n $oh% &min (su#ra), th(s Court 0ons(&ere& t*o
(ssues, v(@., (() *hether the 0onfess(on of an a00use& 0an #e
rel(e& upon or use& aga(nst the 0o-a00use& *(thout
0orro#orat(on, an& ((() *hether 0onfess(onal state"ents 0an
#e rel(e& upon to 0onv(0t the a00use& (n sp(te of the(r
su#seEuent retra0t(on. t *as hel& that (n so far as the
retra0t(on of 0onfess(onal state"ents (s 0on0erne&, (t (s 0lear
that the allegat(ons of torture, 0oer0(ons an& threats et0. #y
a00use& *ere not ra(se& at the f(rst ava(la#le opportun(ty,
an& that the retra0t(ons *ere "a&e after al"ost a year an&
*ere therefore only an afterthought an& a result of the
(ngenu(nty of the(r a&vo0ates. A00or&(ngly, the retra0te&
0onfess(ons *ere rel(e& upon. t *as o#serve&8-
9f the 0onfess(ons of the appellants are s0rut(n(@e& (n the
l(ght of the a#ove enu"erate& fa0tors, (t #e0o"es 0lear
that the allegat(ons regar&(ng 0oer0(on, threat, torture, et0.
after "ore than one year of re0or&(ng of 0onfess(ons are an
afterthought an& pro&u0ts of (ngenu(ty of the(r a&vo0ates.
The state"ents "a&e #y the" un&er Se0t(on 515 of Cr<C
Page 62
*ere also the result of an afterthought #e0ause no tang(#le
reason has #een put for*ar& #y the &efen0e as to *hy
Appellants A-. to A-+ &(& not retra0t the(r 0onfess(ons *hen
they *ere pro&u0e& #efore the Mag(strate at Ah"e&a#a&
an& thereafter &esp(te the fa0t that they ha& a00ess to
legal ass(stan0e (n "ore than one *ay. Therefore, *e hol&
that the tr(al 0ourt &(& not 0o""(t any error #y rely(ng
upon the 0onfess(ons of the Appellants A-. to A-+ an& A-13
an& *e &o not f(n& any val(& groun& to &(s0ar& the
0onfess(ons of Appellants A-. toA-+ an& A-13.D
.-) n $anjit Singh vs. 'BI, (-311) 11 SCC ?7+, th(s Court,
*h(le 0ons(&er(ng the Euest(on *hether retra0te&
0onfess(ons of the 0o-a00use& 0oul& #e rel(e& upon to
0onv(0t the a00use&, hel& that the retra0te& state"ents 0an
#e use& aga(nst the a00use& as *ell as the 0o-a00use&
prov(&e& su0h state"ents *ere truthful an& voluntary *hen
"a&e. n the sa(& 0ase, t*o a00use& persons "a&e
0onfess(onal state"ents an&, su#seEuently, they retra0te&
fro" the(r state"ents. Th(s Court o#serve&8
9+7. A 0onfess(onal state"ent g(ven un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA shall not #e &(s0ar&e& "erely for the reason that the
sa"e has #een retra0te&$.D
t (s po(nte& out that the 0onfess(on (n the present 0ase *as
truthful an& voluntary an& has #een re0or&e& after str(0tly
follo*(ng the la* an& the pres0r(#e& pro0e&ure, the
su#seEuent retra0t(on an& &en(al of su0h 0onfess(onal
Page 63
state"ents (n the state"ent of the a00use& un&er Se0t(on
515 *as only as a result of an afterthought.
Co!!oBo!%/"o$ of Co$f(11"o$5
.5) A 0ontent(on *as ra(se& #y learne& sen(or 0ounsel for
the appellant that there *as no suff(0(ent 0orro#orat(on of
the 0onfess(onal state"ents "a&e #y the a00use&. n reply
to the a#ove, the prose0ut(on rel(e& upon the follo*(ng
..) n 1ariyam Singh vs. State of 2%P%, (177?) 4 SCC
.?+, th(s Court rel(e& upon the 0onfess(on "a&e #y an
a00use& for 0onv(0t(ng h(". The 0onfess(on *as allege& to
have #een fa#r(0ate&. n para 14 of the ju&g"ent, (t *as
hel& that a part of the 0onfess(on stoo& 0orro#orate& #y the
test("ony of a *(tness, an& hen0e there *as no reason to
#el(eve that the 0onfess(on *as fa#r(0ate&. Th(s Court hel&
that the allegat(on of the 0onfess(on #e(ng fa#r(0ate& *as
*(thout any #as(s an& the 0onfess(on 0oul& #e ta2en (nto
a00ount *h(le re0or&(ng the 0onv(0t(on.
.?) n S%N% Dube vs. N%B% Bhoir , 3rs%, (-333) - SCC
-?., th(s Court (n para 5. o#serve& that the 0onfess(ons of
Page 64
t*o a00use& #e(ng su#stant(ve ev(&en0e are suff(0(ent for
0ons(&er(ng the" an& (t also re0e(ve& 0orro#orat(on fro" the
0onfess(ons of other a00use& an& also general 0orro#orat(on
as regar&s the other (llegal a0t(v(t(es 0o""(tte& #y the"
fro" the ev(&en0e of other *(tnesses. Fn the #as(s of these
0onfess(onal state"ents, th(s Court reverse& the or&ers of
a0Eu(ttal passe& #y the /(gh Court.
.4) n 4a+ Singh vs. State of Gujarat, (-331) 5 SCC --1,
th(s Court uphel& the 0onv(0t(on of the a00use& on the #as(s
of the 0onfess(ons. t *as hel& that the )at(on has #een
Nfa0(ng great stress an& stra(n #e0ause of "(sgu(&e&
"(l(tants an& 0ooperat(on of the "(l(tan0yM *h(0h *as
affe0t(ng the so0(al se0ur(ty, pea0e an& sta#(l(ty. S(n0e the
2no*le&ge of the &eta(ls of su0h terror(st 0onsp(ra0(es
re"a(ns *(th the people &(re0tly (nvolve& (n (t an& (t (s not
easy to prove the (nvolve"ent of all the 0onsp(rators, hen0e,
the 0onfess(onal state"ents are rel(a#le p(e0es of ev(&en0e.
Th(s Court, (n para +., o#serve& as un&er8
9+.. $.. /en0e, (n 0ase of 0onsp(ra0y an& part(0ularly su0h
a0t(v(t(es, #etter ev(&en0e than a0ts an& state"ents
(n0lu&(ng that of 0o-0onsp(rators (n pursuan0e of the
0onsp(ra0y (s har&ly ava(la#le. n su0h 0ases, *hen there (s
Page 65
0onfess(onal state"ent (t (s not ne0essary for the
prose0ut(on to esta#l(sh ea0h an& every l(n2 as
0onfess(onal state"ent gets 0orro#orat(on fro" the l(n2
*h(0h (s prove& #y the prose0ut(on. n any 0ase, the la*
reEu(res esta#l(sh"ent of su0h a &egree of pro#a#(l(ty that
a pru&ent "an "ay on (ts #as(s, #el(eve (n the e=(sten0e of
the fa0ts (n (ssue. !or assess(ng ev(&en0e (n su0h 0ases,
th(s Court (n Collector of Customs v. D -hoormall &eal(ng
*(th s"uggl(ng a0t(v(t(es an& the penalty pro0ee&(ngs
un&er Se0t(on 147 of the Sea Custo"s A0t, 1+7+ o#serve&
that "any fa0ts relat(ng to (ll(0(t #us(ness re"a(n (n the
spe0(al or pe0ul(ar 2no*le&ge of the person 0on0erne& (n (t
an& hel& thus8 (SCC pp. ??5-??, paras 53-5- an& 57)
978. ... that the prose0ut(on or the Depart"ent (s not
reEu(re& to prove (ts 0ase *(th "athe"at(0al pre0(s(on
to a &e"onstra#le &egreeJ for, (n all hu"an affa(rs
a#solute 0erta(nty (s a "yth, an&Qas <rof. Brett
fel(0(tously puts (t Q Nall e=a0tness (s a fa2eM. ;l Dora&o
of a#solute proof #e(ng unatta(na#le, the la* a00epts for
(t pro#a#(l(ty as a *or2(ng su#st(tute (n th(s *or2-a-&ay
*orl&. The la* &oes not reEu(re the prose0ut(on to
prove the ("poss(#le. All that (t reEu(res (s the
esta#l(sh"ent of su0h a &egree of pro#a#(l(ty that a
pru&ent "an "ay, on (ts #as(s, #el(eve (n the e=(sten0e
of the fa0t (n (ssue. Thus, legal proof (s not ne0essar(ly
perfe0t proofJ often (t (s noth(ng "ore than a pru&ent
"anRs est("ate as to the pro#a#(l(t(es of the 0ase.
71. The other 0ar&(nal pr(n0(ple hav(ng an ("portant
#ear(ng on the (n0(&en0e of #ur&en of proof (s that
suff(0(en0y an& *e(ght of the ev(&en0e (s to #e
0ons(&ere& Q to use the *or&s of Hor& Mansf(e& (n
-latch v. Archar (177.) 1 Co*p 458 7+ ;% 747 (Co*p at
p. 4?) Na00or&(ng to the proof *h(0h (t *as (n the po*er
of one s(&e to prove, an& (n the po*er of the other to
have 0ontra&(0te&M.D
.7) n State of $aharashtra vs. Bharat 'hagan+a+
)aghani, (-331) 7 SCC 1, th(s Court "a(nly rel(e& on the
0onfess(onal state"ents of the a00use& *h(0h *ere also
retra0te&. t *as hel& that there *as suff(0(ent general
Page 66
0orro#orat(on of the 0onfess(onal state"ents "a&e #y the
a00use&. The Court foun& suff(0(ent 0orro#orat(on (n the
test("ony of the *(tnesses an& the re0over(es pursuant to
the state"ents g(ven #y the a00use&. t *as also hel& that
on0e the 0onfess(onal state"ents *ere foun& to have #een
"a&e voluntar(ly, the test (&ent(f(0at(on para&e *as not
s(gn(f(0ant. t *as further hel& that 0orro#orat(on (s not a
rule of la* #ut a rule of pru&en0e.
.+) n De*ener Pa+ Singh vs. State of N'5 of De+hi,
(-33-) ? SCC -5., th(s Court *as 0ons(&er(ng, a"ong other
th(ngs, *hether the a00use& "a2(ng the 0onfess(onal
state"ent 0an #e 0onv(0te& on the #as(s of the 0onfess(on
alone *(thout any 0orro#orat(on. t *as hel& that on0e (t (s
foun& that the 0onfess(onal state"ent (s voluntary, (t (s not
proper to hol& that the pol(0e ha& (n0orporate& 0erta(n
aspe0ts (n the 0onfess(onal state"ent *h(0h *ere gathere&
&ur(ng the (nvest(gat(on 0on&u0te& earl(er. t *as hel& that
the so-0alle& retra0t(on #y the appellant, *as "a&e long
after he *as ta2en (nto ju&(0(al 0usto&y.
Page 67
.7) n )a*iner Singh vs. State of $aharashtra, (-33-)
7 SCC ??, th(s Court hel& that a 0onfess(on &oes not reEu(re
any 0orro#orat(on (f (t relates to the a00use& h("self. t *as
further hel& that there *as enough ev(&en0e to prov(&e
general 0orro#orat(on to the 0onfess(onal state"ent. t *as
also hel& that "(nor 0ontra&(0t(ons (n the state"ents of the
a00use& *ere of no 0onseEuen0e on0e the 0onfess(ons *ere
hel& to #e rel(a#le.
?3) n Jamee+ &hme vs. State of )ajasthan, (-335) 7
SCC 475, the pos(t(on of la* *as su""e& up #y th(s Court as
G-*. $..(i) f the 0onfess(onal state"ent (s properly
re0or&e&, sat(sfy(ng the "an&atory prov(s(on of Se0t(on 1?
of the TADA A0t an& the %ules "a&e thereun&er, an& (f the
sa"e (s foun& #y the 0ourt as hav(ng #een "a&e
voluntar(ly an& truthfully then the sa(& 0onfess(on (s
suff(0(ent to #ase a 0onv(0t(on on the "a2er of the
(ii) Chether su0h 0onfess(on reEu(res 0orro#orat(on or not,
(s a "atter for the 0ourt 0ons(&er(ng su0h 0onfess(on on
fa0ts of ea0h 0ase.
(iii) n regar& to the use of su0h 0onfess(on as aga(nst a 0o-
a00use&, (t has to #e hel& that as a "atter of 0aut(on, a
general 0orro#orat(on shoul& #e sought for #ut (n 0ases
*here the 0ourt (s sat(sf(e& that the pro#at(ve value of
su0h 0onfess(on (s su0h that (t &oes not reEu(re
0orro#orat(on then (t "ay #ase a 0onv(0t(on on the #as(s of
su0h 0onfess(on of the 0o-a00use& *(thout 0orro#orat(on.
Page 68
But th(s (s an e=0ept(on to the general rule of reEu(r(ng
0orro#orat(on *hen su0h 0onfess(on (s to #e use& aga(nst a
(iv) The nature of 0orro#orat(on reEu(re& #oth (n regar& to
the use of 0onfess(on aga(nst the "a2er as also (n regar&
to the use of the sa"e aga(nst a 0o-a00use& (s of a general
nature, unless the 0ourt 0o"es to the 0on0lus(on that su0h
0orro#orat(on shoul& #e on "ater(al fa0ts also #e0ause of
the fa0ts of a part(0ular 0ase. The &egree of 0orro#orat(on
so reEu(re& (s that *h(0h (s ne0essary for a pru&ent "an to
#el(eve (n the e=(sten0e of fa0ts "ent(one& (n the
0onfess(onal state"ent.
(v) The reEu(re"ent of su#-rule (?) of %ule 1? of the TADA
%ules *h(0h 0onte"plates a 0onfess(onal state"ent #e(ng
sent to the Ch(ef Metropol(tan Mag(strate or the Ch(ef
Au&(0(al Mag(strate *ho, (n turn, *(ll have to sen& the sa"e
to the Des(gnate& Court (s not "an&atory an& (s only
&(re0tory. /o*ever, the 0ourt 0ons(&er(ng the 0ase of &(re0t
trans"(ss(on of the 0onfess(onal state"ent to the
Des(gnate& Court shoul& sat(sfy (tself on fa0ts of ea0h 0ase
*hether su0h &(re0t trans"(ss(on of the 0onfess(onal
state"ent (n the fa0ts of the 0ase 0reates any &ou#t as to
the genu(neness of the sa(& 0onfess(onal state"ent.D
?1) n Na6ir Khan vs. State of De+hi, (-335) + SCC .41,
th(s 0ourt hel& that the 0onfess(onal state"ents "a&e #y the
0o-a00use& 0an #e use& to 0onv(0t a person, an& that (t (s
only as a rule of pru&en0e that the Court shoul& loo2 for
0orro#orat(on else*here. t *as hel& that8
G27. Apply(ng the pr(n0(ples *h(0h 0an #e 0ulle& out fro"
the pr(n0(ples set out a#ove to the fa0tual s0enar(o, the
(nev(ta#le 0on0lus(on (s that the tr(al 0ourt *as just(f(e& (n
(ts 0on0lus(ons #y hol&(ng the a00use&-appellants gu(lty.
Chen an a00use& (s a part(0(pant (n a #(g ga"e planne&,
he 0annot ta2e the a&vantage of #e(ng (gnorant a#out the
f(ner &eta(ls appl(e& to g(ve effe0t to the 0onsp(ra0y
Page 69
hat0he&, for e=a"ple, A-7 (s state& to #e (gnorant of the
0onsp(ra0y an& the 2(&napp(ng. But the fa0tual s0enar(o
&es0r(#e& #y the 0o-a00use& (n the state"ents re0or&e&
un&er Se0t(on 1? of the TADA A0t sho*s h(s &eep
(nvolve"ent (n the "et(0ulous plann(ng &one #y :"ar
She(2h. /e organ(@e& all the a0t(v(t(es for "a2(ng
arrange"ents for the a00use& an& other terror(sts.
?-) n Sukh(ant Singh vs. State, (-335) + SCC 73, th(s
Court uphel& the 0onv(0t(on solely on the #as(s of the
0onfess(on of the 0o-a00use&, *(thout any 0orro#orat(on, that
too (n a s(tuat(on *here the a00use& h("self ha& not
0onfesse&. The ju&g"ent (n the 0ase of Jamee+ &hme
(su#ra) *as rel(e& upon. t *as hel&8
G-. n the present 0ase *e are a*are of the fa0t that the
appellant has not "a&e any 0onfess(onal state"ent nor (s
there any 0orro#orat(on of the 0onfess(onal state"ent of
the 0o-a00use& ("pl(0at(ng th(s appellant fro" any other
(n&epen&ent sour0e #ut then *e have hel& (n the a#ove-
reporte& 0ase that (f the 0onfess(onal state"ent of a 0o-
a00use& (s a00epta#le to the 0ourt even *(thout
0orro#orat(on then a 0onfess(on of a 0o-a00use& 0an #e the
#as(s of 0onv(0t(on of another a00use& so ("pl(0ate& (n that
0onfess(on. Therefore the fa0t that the appellant here(n has
not 0onfesse& or the 0onfess(onal state"ents "a&e
("pl(0at(ng h(" #y A-1 an& A-- are not (n&epen&ently
0orro#orate&, *(ll not #e a groun& to reje0t the ev(&en0e
pro&u0e& #y the prose0ut(on (n the for" of 0onfess(onal
state"ent of 0o-a00use& prov(&e& the 0onfess(on rel(e&
aga(nst the appellant (s a00epta#le to the 0ourt.D
?5) n $ohamme &min (su#ra), th(s Court 0onv(0te& the
a00use& on the #as(s of the(r 0onfess(ons an& 0onfess(onal
state"ents of 0o-a00use&. t *as hel& that there (s no
Page 70
reEu(re"ent of 0orro#orat(on (f the 0onfess(ons are prove& to
#e "a&e voluntar(ly, an& the %ules appl(0a#le have #een
0o"pl(e& *(th. The follo*(ng o#servat(ons are pert(nent8
G-1. The rat(o of the a#ovenote& ju&g"ents (s that (f a
person a00use& of an offen0e un&er the A0t "a2es a
0onfess(on #efore a pol(0e off(0er not #elo* the ran2 of
Super(nten&ent of <ol(0e an& the sa"e (s re0or&e& #y the
off(0er 0on0erne& (n *r(t(ng or on any "e0han(0al &ev(0e
l(2e 0assettes, tapes or soun& tra02s fro" out of *h(0h
soun&s or ("ages 0an #e repro&u0e&, then su0h 0onfess(on
(s a&"(ss(#le (n the tr(al of the "a2er as also the 0o-
a00use&, a#ettor or 0onsp(rator not only for an offen0e
un&er the A0t #ut also for offen0e(s) un&er other
ena0t"ents, prov(&e& that the 0o-a00use&, a#ettor or
0onsp(rator (s 0harge& an& tr(e& (n the sa"e 0ase along
*(th the a00use& an& the 0ourt (s sat(sf(e& that
reEu(re"ents of the A0t an& the %ules have #een 0o"pl(e&
*(th. Chether su0h 0onfess(on reEu(res 0orro#orat(on
&epen&s on the fa0ts of the g(ven 0ase. f the 0ourt (s
0onv(n0e& that the pro#at(ve value of the 0onfess(on (s
su0h that (t &oes not reEu(re 0orro#orat(on then the sa"e
0an #e use& for 0onv(0t(ng the "a2er an&6or the 0o-
a00use& un&er the A0t an&6or the other ena0t"ents
*(thout (n&epen&ent 0orro#orat(on.D
?.) n $oh% &yub Dar vs. State of Jammu an
Kashmir, (-313) 7 SCC 51-, (t *as hel& that even though
the gu(&el(nes (n Kartar Singh (su#ra), have not #een
str(0tly follo*e&, the 0onfess(on of the a00use& re0or&e& (s
a&"(ss(#le aga(nst h(" an& 0an #e rel(e& upon solely to
0onv(0t h(". The follo*(ng o#servat(ons of th(s Court are
Page 71
G*+. t *oul&, therefore, #e 0lear, as r(ghtly 0onten&e& #y
Shr( %a*al that "erely #e0ause the gu(&el(nes (n *artar
Singh v. State of /un$ab *ere not fully follo*e&, that #y
(tself &oes not *(pe out the 0onfess(on re0or&e&. Ce have
alrea&y g(ven our reasons for hol&(ng that the 0onfess(on
*as re0or&e& #y A.,. Sur( (<C -) ta2(ng full 0are an&
0aut(ons *h(0h *ere reEu(re& to #e o#serve& *h(le
re0or&(ng the 0onfess(on.
60. n +avinder Singh v. State of 5aharashtra (t has #een
o#serve& (n para 17 that (f the 0onfess(on "a&e #y the
a00use& (s voluntary an& truthful an& relates to the
a00use& h("self, then no further 0orro#orat(on (s ne0essary
an& a 0onv(0t(on of the a00use& 0an #e solely #ase& on (t.
t has also #een o#serve& that su0h 0onfess(onal state"ent
(s a&"(ss(#le as a su#stant(ve p(e0e of ev(&en0e. t *as
further o#serve& that the sa(& 0onfess(on nee& not #e
teste& for the 0ontra&(0t(ons to #e foun& (n the 0onfess(on
of the 0o-a00use&. t (s for that reason that even (f the
other oral ev(&en0e goes 0ounter to the state"ents "a&e
(n the 0onfess(on, oneRs 0onfess(on 0an #e foun& to #e
voluntary an& rel(a#le an& (t 0an #e0o"e the #as(s of the
61. n th(s 0ase, there (s a"ple 0orro#orat(on to the
0onfess(on (n the oral ev(&en0e as *ell as the &o0u"entary
ev(&en0e (n shape of a 0h(t, *h(0h (s referre& to (n the sa(&
0onfess(on. There (s a 0lear referen0e that the <ersonal
Ass(stant, *ho *as a non-,ash"(r( an& 2ept a #ear&, ha&
sent a sl(p (ns(&e. :lt("ately, that sl(p *as foun& #y the
pol(0e, *h(0h 0orro#orates the 0ontents (n the 0onfess(on.
n our op(n(on, that (s a suff(0(ent 0orro#orat(on to the
6,. All these 0ases suggest that the only test *h(0h the
0ourt has to apply (s *hether the 0onfess(on *as voluntary
an& free of 0oer0(on, threat or (n&u0e"ent an& *hether
suff(0(ent 0aut(on (s ta2en #y the pol(0e off(0er *ho
re0or&e& the 0onfess(on. Fn0e the 0onfess(on passes that
test, (t 0an #e0o"e the #as(s of the 0onv(0t(on. Ce are
0o"pletely 0onv(n0e& that the 0onfess(on (n th(s 0ase *as
free fro" all the afore"ent(one& &efe0ts an& *as
Page 72
??) n $anjit Singh vs. 'BI, (-311) 11 SCC ?7+, the
follo*(ng o#servat(ons of th(s Court regar&(ng the
a&"(ss(#(l(ty of 0onfess(onal state"ents are pert(nent8-
+1. n +avinder Singh case, the Court rely(ng on State v.
1alini, S1 Dube v. 1- -hoir an& Devender /al Singh v.
State ,1CT of Delhi., hel& that8 (+avinder Singh case, SCC p.
?7, para 17)
919. t (s thus *ell esta#l(she& that a voluntary an&
truthful 0onfess(onal state"ent re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1?
of the TADA A0t reEu(res no 0orro#orat(on.D
Th(s appos(te o#servat(on #y the Ben0h of t*o learne&
Au&ges (n )a*iner Singh "ase (su#ra) shoul& #e
0ons(&ere& *(th "easure& 0aut(on an& *e #el(eve, ta2(ng
(nto a00ount the groun& real(t(es that (t *oul& #e pru&ent to
e=a"(ne the authent(0(ty of a 0onfess(on on a 0ase-#y-0ase
?4) The 0orro#orat(on as reEu(re& (n the a#ovesa(&
ju&g"ent 0an also #e foun& (n the 0ase at han&, #oth (n the
nature of su#stant(ve ev(&en0e (n the for" of the 0onfess(ons
of the 0o-a00use&, as *ell as (n the oral test("ony of
*(tnesses, (n0lu&(ng the eye *(tnesses to the (n0(&ent *ho
have (&ent(f(e& the appellant-Sanjay Dutt (A-117), as *ell as
the 0o-a00use& persons, v(@., A-.1 an& A-?5.
Page 73
?7) Apart fro" the ev(&en0e 0onte"poraneous to the arrest
of the a#ovesa(& three a00use& an& the re0overy "a&e fro"
A-1-. an& su#seEuent re0overy at the (nstan0e of A-1-.
fro" A-1-3, are also relevant (n respe0t of all the three
a#ovena"e& appellants.
?+) t (s 0lear that the seEuen0e of events after the arrest of
Sanjay Dutt t(ll the re0overy of p(stol fro" A-1-3, for"s part
of an un#ro2en 0ha(n (nsepara#ly 0onne0te& to ea0h other.
)o foul play 0an #e assu"e& (n v(e* of the fa0t that the
events happene& (n Eu(02 su00ess(on one after the other,
len&(ng 0re&(#(l(ty an& truthfulness to the *hole ep(so&e.
The role an& the part playe& #y A-11+ an& A-1-. (s also 0lear
fro" the ev(&en0e rel(e& upon #y the prose0ut(on (n respe0t
of A-117, *h(0h 0orro#orates *(th ea0h other (n "ater(al
part(0ulars an& (s thus a su#stant(ve p(e0e of ev(&en0e.
D('o1"/"o$ of P!o1(<8/"o$ "/$(11(15
?7) Apart fro" the aforesa(& ev(&en0e, the (nvolve"ent an&
the role of the appellant (n the 0onsp(ra0y as state& a#ove (s
&(s0lose& #y the &epos(t(on of var(ous prose0ut(on *(tnesses
*h(0h are as follo*s8
Page 74
D('o1"/"o$ of S0!" A.L. B"10$o" (P-1+-:
<C-175, the then DC<, &epose& as un&er *(th regar& to
the 0onfess(on "a&e #y A-1178-
(() Fn -4.3..1775, at a#out 581? p."., A-117 *as
pro&u0e& #y A.<.. Shr( Sanjay ,a&a" #efore h(" (n the
roo" g(ven #y Sen(or <.. Shr( ,u"#har, (n the off(0e of
DCB, CD, Cr("e Bran0h, for re0or&(ng of h(s 0onfess(on
an& he too2 the pro0ee&(ngs #y as2(ng A-117 0erta(n
Euest(ons (n ;ngl(sh an& &ur(ng the sa"e, a"ongst
other repl(es g(ven #y h(", he tol& h(" that he *ante&
to "a2e a state"ent.
((() Dur(ng the sa(& pro0ee&(ngs, a"ongst other, he ha&
e=pla(ne& to A-117, that he *as not #oun& to "a2e a
0onfess(on an& the sa"e 0an #e use& aga(nst h(" (n
ev(&en0e an& *hen A-117 st(ll (nten&e& to g(ve the
0onfess(on, <C-175 gave h(" .+ hours t("e to
re0ons(&er h(s &e0(s(on.
(((() ;=h(#(t +4+ #e(ng the true an& 0orre0t re0or& of the
sa(& pro0ee&(ngs "a&e #y h(" *(th the help of a typ(st
(n h(s presen0e *h(0h *as rea& over to A-117 an&
Page 75
0onf(r"e& #y h(" as of #e(ng 0orre0tly re0or&e&, an&
#ear(ng the s(gnatures of A-117 as *ell as of <C-175.
((v) Fn -+.3..1775, at a#out 14833 hours, A-117 *as aga(n
pro&u0e& #efore <.C. 175 (n the 0ha"#er of Sen(or <..
DCB,CD, (n the off(0e of Cr("e Bran0h, C.<. off(0e #y
A.<.. Shr( S.A. ,here for further pro0ee&(ngs, an& he
follo*e& all the pro0e&ures "ent(one& a#ove an&
re0or&e& the sa"e *h(0h (s ;=h. +4+-A.
(v) <C-175 &epose& that A-117 0onfesse& that he alrea&y
ha& three l(0ense& f(rear"s.
(v() /e &evelope& a0Eua(ntan0e *(th Anees #rah("-#rother
of Da*oo& #rah(" &ur(ng a f(l"-shoot(ng
(v(() /e e=presse& h(s &es(re to have an auto"at(0 f(re-ar"
to Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5) an& /an(f ,an&a*ala (A-.3).
(v((() Sanjay Dutt *as alrea&y a0Eua(nte& *(th Sale" an& he
ha& assure& h(" of &el(very of the *eapons.
((=) C(th the help of a#ove na"e& persons, 5 A,-?4 %(fles
an& -?3 roun&s *ere &el(vere& to A-117.
Page 76
(=) After - &ays, he returne& - A,-?4 r(fles an&
a""un(t(ons, an& reta(ne& 1 A,-?4 an& so"e
(=() A-117 2ept the sa"e (n a han&#ag an& pla0e& (t (n the
pr(vate hall on the -
floor of h(s #ungalo*.
(=(() Fn hear(ng the ne*s of the arrest of 0o-a00use&
persons, v(@., Sa"(r /(ngora (A-?5) an& /an(f
,an&a*ala (A-.3), A-117 0onta0te& 'usuf )ul*alla over
telephone an& as2e& h(" that so"eth(ng (s ly(ng (n a
#la02 0oloure& #ag 2ept (n the hall on the se0on& floor
of h(s house, an& (t shoul& #e ta2en a*ay (""e&(ately
an& to &estroy the o#je0ts 0o"pletely.
(v) /e *as p(02e& up #y the pol(0e as soon as he lan&e&
at Bo"#ay.
D('o1"/"o$ of P-1+- ?"/0 !(4%!; /o /0( <o$f(11"o$
#%;( B7 A-11)5-
(() A-11+ (s an ol& an& *ell 2no*n fr(en& of Sanjay Dutt (A-
Page 77
((() n the "onth of Apr(l, *hen Sanjay Dutt *as (n
Maur(t(us, A-11+ *as as2e& to &estroy 0erta(n o#je0ts
2ept at h(s res(&en0e.
(((() Fn rea0h(ng there, he &(s0overe& one A,-?4 r(fle, t*o
e"pty "aga@(nes, appro=("ately -?3 roun&s of A,-?4,
one p(stol an& one loa&e& "aga@(ne.
((v) A-11+ 0utte& the r(fle (nto p(e0es *(th the help of a
he=a-0utt(ng "a0h(ne.
(v) A-11+ too2 all those th(ngs to ,ers( A&ajan(a (A-1-.),
*ho *as hav(ng a gas-0utter, (n or&er to "elt the sa"e.
(v() A-11+ 0ause& &(sappearan0e of ev(&en0e of an offen0e
*h(0h *ere also unauthor(se&ly possesse& auto"at(0
(v(() )e=t &ay, he (nfor"e& A-117 a#out the 0o"plet(on of
the *or2 ass(gne& to h(".
D('o1"/"o$ of P-1+- ?"/0 !(4%!; /o /0( <o$f(11"o$
#%;( B7 A-12,5-
(() A-1-. *as very *ell a0Eua(nte& *(th A-117 an& A-11+.
((() A-1-. ha& h(s *or2shop (n h(s house *here he 2ept all
h(s tools (n0lu&(ng the gas 0utter.
Page 78
(((() A-11+ 0onta0te& A-1-. an& sa(& that he *ante& to
&estroy A,-?4 an& a p(stol #elong(ng to Sanjay Dutt (A-
((v) A-1-. per"(tte& h(" to &o so.
(v) A-1-. personally &estroye& A,-?4.
(v() A-1-. 2ept *(th h("self the p(stol.
D('o1"/"o$ of P%$;0%!"$%/0 H. S0"$;( 9P-21):
The &epos(t(on reveals as un&er8
(() Fn 11.31.1775, he *as poste& on guar& &uty at the
#unglo* of Sun(l Dutt at <al( /(ll, ,har, Bo"#ay.
((() /e ha& *or2e& as a <rote0t(on 1uar& at the sa(&
#unglo* fro" 11.31.1775 to 17.31.1775. /e *as on
&uty &ur(ng that per(o& for -. hours.
(((() Fn the sa(& &ay, at a#out 7853 a."., one *h(te "arut(
van 0a"e to gate )o. - of the sa(& #unglo* an& three
persons *ere s(tt(ng (n the sa(& van.
((v) /e (&ent(f(e& #rah(" Musa Chauhan (A-.1) an& Sa"(r
/(ngora (A-?5) as the persons *ho *ere s(tt(ng at the
#a02 of the sa(& van.
D('o1"/"o$ of M%$o0%! V%18;(2 S0"!o;E%! 9P-21+:
Page 79
At the relevant t("e, <C--17 *as Sen(or nspe0tor of
<ol(0e at ,har <ol(0e Stat(on, Bo"#ay. /(s &epos(t(on
esta#l(shes that <C--1+ *as poste& on <rote0t(on Duty at
the #unglo* of Sun(l Dutt.
D('o1"/"o$ of S8!(10 S. %&"10(//7 9P-6)0:
<C-4+3, the nvest(gat(ng off(0er reveale& as un&er8-
(() /e &epose& that Sanjay Dutt (A-117) e=presse& h(s
&es(re to "a2e a voluntary state"ent. Thereafter, he
(nstru0te& h(s staff to "a2e arrange"ent of t*o
persons to a0t as pan0h *(tnesses. The sa(& persons
*ere Shr( Tava&e an& Shr( Sa*ant (<C -11).
((() <C-4+3 (nstru0te& Shr( %ajara" %a"0han&ra Aosh( (<C-
.7?), Ass(stant nspe0tor of <ol(0e to re0or& the
(((() Sanjay Dutt "a&e a voluntary state"ent (n /(n&(
Hanguage, *h(0h *as re0or&e& (n the "e"oran&u"
<an0hna"a ;=h(#(t 134+ #y <C-.7?.
((v) As per the sa(& &(s0losure, Sanjay Dutt le& the <ol(0e
party to the /ouse of 'usuf )ul*ala (A-11+).
Page 80
(v) 'usuf )ul*ala *as pro&u0e& #y the off(0ers of Dongr(
pol(0e stat(on after a#out half an hour after the(r return
to the off(0e of DCB-CD.
(v() 'usuf )ul*ala "a&e a &(s0losure state"ent an& le& the
pol(0e party to the house of ,ers( A&ajan(a (A-1-.).
(v(() ,ers( A&ajan(a "a&e a &(s0losure state"ent an&
pro&u0e& a spr(ng an& a ro& *h(0h *as se(@e& #y the
pol(0e an& also le& the <ol(0e party to A-1-?.
(v((() A-1-? "a&e a &(s0losure state"ent an& le& the pol(0e
party to the /ouse of A-1-3 *herefro" a p(stol an& (ts
roun&s *ere re0overe&.
D('o1"/"o$ of R%6%!%# R%#<0%$;!% Jo10" 9P-,7*:
At the relevant t("e, <C-.7? *as *or2(ng as the
Ass(stant nspe0tor of <ol(0e. n h(s &epos(t(on, he
0orro#orates *(th the &epos(t(on of <C-4+3 that he ass(ste&
h(" (n the (nvest(gat(on relat(ng to Sanjay Dutt an& others.
D('o1"/"o$ of S0%10"E%$/ R%6%!%# S%?%$/ 9P-211:
Page 81
<C--11 a0te& as an (n&epen&ent *(tness an& prove& the
&(s0losure state"ents "a&e #y the appellants po(nt(ng out
the re0over(es therefro". The &epos(t(on reveals as un&er8
(() At a#out 5833 p."., he along*(th Ta*a&e *as as2e& #y
5-. haval&ars to a0t as pan0h *(tnesses to *h(0h they
((() They *ere ta2en to the off(0e of the Cr("e Bran0h at
Cra*for& Mar2et.
(((() /e sa* Sanjay Dutt present (n the sa(& pol(0e stat(on.
((v) /e *as as2e& to hear *hat Sanjay Dutt ha& to say.
(v) /e refers to the &(s0losure "a&e #y Sanjay Dutt to the
(v() <an0hna"a *as &ra*n #y Aosh( Sahe# (<C-.7?).
(v(() Sanjay Dutt le& the pol(0e party to the house of 'usuf
)ul*alla (A-11+).
(v((() /e prove& the <an0hna"a ;=h(#(t 134+-A.
Page 82
((=) 'usuf )ul*ala *as pro&u0e& #y the t*o 0onsta#les *ho
*as then arreste& #y Call(shetty (<C-4+3).
(=) The *(tness prove& the state"ent "a&e #y 'usuf
)ul*ala to the <ol(0e.
(=() 'usuf )ul*ala lea& the pol(0e party to the house of A-
1-. *ho *as then arreste& #y the <ol(0e.
(=(() ,ers( "a&e a &(s0losure state"ent.
(=((() The *(tness prove& the <an0hna"a ;=h(#(t 134+-C.
(=(v) /e also (&ent(f(e& the art(0les, v(@., the %o& an& the
spr(ng pro&u0e& #y A-1-..
(=v) ,ers( le& the pol(0e party to %us( Mulla (A-1-?).
(=v() %us( Mulla le& the <ol(0e party to Ajay Mar*ah (A-1-3).
(=v(()Ajay Mar*ah pro&u0e& the #ag 0onta(n(ng a p(stol
loa&e& *(th Maga@(ne.
(=(=) The *(tness also prove& the pan0hna"a ;=h. 134+-;.
Page 83
D('o1"/"o$ of H%$4%!%# B%6o6" 9P-26*:
<C--4? a0te& as an (n&epen&ent *(tness an& prove&
;=h(#(t )os. 1133, 1133A, 1131 an& 1131 A. n h(s
&epos(t(on, he reveals as un&er8-
(() The *(tness *as approa0he& on 1.?.1775 #y <ol(0e
/aval&ars to a0t as <an0h *(tnesses to *h(0h he
agree&. /e *ent to the Cr("e Bran0-CD, Cra*for&
((() /e "et <C 4+3 an& <C .7? there.
(((() ,ers( A&ajen(a "a&e a state"ent.
((v) <ursuant to the sa(& state"ent, ,ers( A&ajen(a
pro&u0e& 1as Cyl(n&er, 1as Cutter, fro" h(s *or2pla0e-
(v) <ol(0e se(@e& those art(0les v(&e se(@ure "e"o ;=h(#(t
(v() :pon h(s return to the <ol(0e stat(on, 'usuf )ul*ala
"a&e a state"ent #efore h(", <C 4+3 an& <C .7?.
(v(() A pan0hna"a *as &ra*n as ;=h(#(t 1131.
Page 84
(v((() The sa(& a00use& le& the <ol(0e party to "ar(ne &r(ve
an& as2e& the jeep to #e halte& (n front of Shant(
)(2etan #u(l&(ng.
((=) The a00use& then too2 the pol(0e party to the stoney
area an& too2 out a plast(0 #ag 0on0eale& (n the gap of
one of the stones. /e han&e& over the sa"e to <C 4+3.
The sa(& #ag *as foun& to #e 0onta(n(ng ?5 #ullets an&
he also prove& ;=h(#(t 1131A.
D('o1"/"o$ of A%!#(4%# A&%4%''%$ 9P-,72:
The &epos(t(on of <C .7- reveals as un&er8
(() The 0all re0or&s of Telephone )o. 4.4-7+4 *ere
prov(&e& #y h(".
((() Fut of 7-+ nu"#ers prov(&e& #y the nvest(gat(ng
off(0er, only 4.4-7+4 has STD an& SD 0alls.
(((() > ?7- 0onta(ns the pr(ntout of 0all re0or&s prov(&e& #y
((v) After the o#je0t(ons *ere &e0(&e&, the sa(& 0all re0or&s
*ere "ar2e& as ;=h(#(t -?5- 0olle0t(vely.
Page 85
43) The ent(re seEuen0e of a#ovesa(& events have #een
prove& Shr( Suresh S. Cal(shetty (<C-4+3)-the nvest(gat(ng
Fff(0er an& Sh. %ajara" %a"0han&ra Aosh( (<C-.7?)-the
Ass(stant nspe0tor of <ol(0e. The a#ove sa(& (n0(&ent has
also #een *(tnesse& an& prove& #y an (n&epen&ent *(tness,
v(@. <C--11. !urther, the 0re&(#(l(ty of the *(tness has not
#een sha2en &esp(te v(gorous 0ross e=a"(nat(on.
S(</"o$ 27 of /0( I$;"%$ E2";($<( A</5
41) Th(s Court, *h(le &eal(ng *(th the la* relat(ng to
Se0t(on -7 of the n&(an ;v(&en0e A0t o#serve& a#out the
poss(#(l(ty an& plaus(#(l(ty of su0h re0over(es as follo*e& (n
State (N'5 of De+hi) vs. Na*jot Sanhu, (-33?) 11 SCC
433 *h(0h are as un&er8-
91.-. There (s one "ore po(nt *h(0h *e *oul& l(2e to
&(s0uss (.e. *hether po(nt(ng out a "ater(al o#je0t #y the
a00use& furn(sh(ng the (nfor"at(on (s a ne0essary
0on0o"(tant of Se0t(on -7. Ce th(n2 that the ans*er shoul&
#e (n the negat(ve. Though (n "ost of the 0ases the person
*ho "a2es the &(s0losure h("self lea&s the pol(0e off(0er to
the pla0e *here an o#je0t (s 0on0eale& an& po(nts out the
sa"e to h(", ho*ever, (t (s not essent(al that there shoul& #e
su0h po(nt(ng out (n or&er to "a2e the (nfor"at(on a&"(ss(#le
un&er Se0t(on -7. t 0oul& very *ell #e that on the #as(s of
(nfor"at(on furn(she& #y the a00use&, the (nvest(gat(ng off(0er
"ay go to the spot (n the 0o"pany of other *(tnesses an&
re0over the "ater(al o#je0t. By &o(ng so, the (nvest(gat(ng
off(0er *(ll #e &(s0over(ng a fa0t v(@. the 0on0eal"ent of an
Page 86
(n0r("(nat(ng art(0le an& the 2no*le&ge of the a00use&
furn(sh(ng the (nfor"at(on a#out (t. n other *or&s, *here the
(nfor"at(on furn(she& #y the person (n 0usto&y (s ver(f(e& #y
the pol(0e off(0er #y go(ng to the spot "ent(one& #y the
(nfor"ant an& f(n&s (t to #e 0orre0t, that a"ounts to &(s0overy
of fa0t *(th(n the "ean(ng of Se0t(on -7. Ff 0ourse, (t (s
su#je0t to the r(&er that the (nfor"at(on so furn(she& *as the
(""e&(ate an& pro=("ate 0ause of &(s0overy. f the pol(0e
off(0er 0hooses not to ta2e the (nfor"ant a00use& to the spot,
(t *(ll have no #ear(ng on the po(nt of a&"(ss(#(l(ty un&er
Se0t(on -7, though (t "ay #e one of the aspe0ts that goes (nto
evaluat(on of that part(0ular p(e0e of ev(&en0e.
1.?. Before part(ng *(th the &(s0uss(on on the su#je0t of
0onfess(ons un&er Se0t(on -7, *e "ay #r(efly refer to the
legal pos(t(on as regar&s jo(nt &(s0losures. Th(s po(nt assu"es
relevan0e (n the 0onte=t of su0h &(s0losures "a&e #y the f(rst
t*o a00use& v(@. Af@al an& Shau2at. The a&"(ss(#(l(ty of
(nfor"at(on sa(& to have #een furn(she& #y #oth of the"
lea&(ng to the &(s0overy of the h(&eouts of the &e0ease&
terror(sts an& the re0overy of a laptop 0o"puter, a "o#(le
phone an& 0ash of %s 13 la2hs fro" the tru02 (n *h(0h they
*ere foun& at Sr(nagar (s (n (ssue. Hearne& Sen(or Counsel Mr
Shant( Bhushan an& Mr Sush(l ,u"ar appear(ng for the
a00use& 0onten&, as *as 0onten&e& #efore the /(gh Court,
that the &(s0losure an& po(nt(ng out attr(#ute& to #oth 0annot
fall *(th(n the 2en of Se0t(on -7, *hereas (t (s the 0ontent(on
of Mr 1opal Su#ra"an(u" that there (s no ta#oo aga(nst the
a&"(ss(on of su0h (nfor"at(on as (n0r("(nat(ng ev(&en0e
aga(nst #oth the a00use& (nfor"ants. So"e of the /(gh Courts
have ta2en the v(e* that the *or&(ng 9a personD e=0lu&es the
appl(0a#(l(ty of the se0t(on to "ore than one person. But, that
(s too narro* a v(e* to #e ta2en. Ao(nt &(s0losures, to #e "ore
a00urate, s("ultaneous &(s0losures, per se, are not
(na&"(ss(#le un&er Se0t(on -7. 9A person a00use&D nee& not
ne0essar(ly #e a s(ngle person, #ut (t 0oul& #e plural(ty of the
a00use&. t see"s to us that the real reason for not a0t(ng
upon the jo(nt &(s0losures #y ta2(ng resort to Se0t(on -7 (s the
(nherent &(ff(0ulty (n pla0(ng rel(an0e on su0h (nfor"at(on
suppose& to have e"erge& fro" the "ouths of t*o or "ore
a00use& at a t("e. n fa0t, jo(nt or s("ultaneous &(s0losure (s a
"yth, #e0ause t*o or "ore a00use& persons *oul& not have
uttere& (nfor"atory *or&s (n a 0horus. At #est, one person
*oul& have "a&e the state"ent orally an& the other person
*oul& have state& so su#stant(ally (n s("(lar ter"s a fe*
se0on&s or "(nutes later, or the se0on& person *oul& have
Page 87
g(ven uneEu(vo0al no& to *hat has #een sa(& #y the f(rst
person. Fr, t*o persons (n 0usto&y "ay #e (nterrogate&
separately an& s("ultaneously an& #oth of the" "ay furn(sh
s("(lar (nfor"at(on lea&(ng to the &(s0overy of fa0t. Fr, (n rare
0ases, #oth the a00use& "ay re&u0e the (nfor"at(on (nto
*r(t(ng an& han& over the *r(tten notes to the pol(0e off(0er at
the sa"e t("e. Ce &o not th(n2 that su0h &(s0losures #y t*o
or "ore persons (n pol(0e 0usto&y go out of the purv(e* of
Se0t(on -7 altogether. f (nfor"at(on (s g(ven one after the
other *(thout any #rea2, al"ost s("ultaneously, an& (f su0h
(nfor"at(on (s follo*e& up #y po(nt(ng out the "ater(al th(ng
#y #oth of the", *e f(n& no goo& reason to es0he* su0h
ev(&en0e fro" the reg("e of Se0t(on -7. /o*ever, there "ay
#e pra0t(0al &(ff(0ult(es (n pla0(ng rel(an0e on su0h ev(&en0e. t
"ay #e &(ff(0ult for the *(tness (generally the pol(0e off(0er),
to &epose *h(0h a00use& spo2e *hat *or&s an& (n *hat
seEuen0e. n other *or&s, the &epos(t(on (n regar& to the
(nfor"at(on g(ven #y the t*o a00use& "ay #e e=pose& to
0r(t(0(s" fro" the stan&po(nt of 0re&(#(l(ty an& (ts ne=us *(th
&(s0overy. A&"(ss(#(l(ty an& 0re&(#(l(ty are t*o &(st(n0t
aspe0ts, as po(nte& out #y Mr 1opal Su#ra"an(u". Chether
an& to *hat e=tent su0h a s("ultaneous &(s0losure 0oul& #e
rel(e& upon #y the Court (s really a "atter of evaluat(on of
t *as 0onten&e& that un&er Se0t(on -7 of the ;v(&en0e
A0t, only re0overy of o#je0t (s per"(ss(#le an& (&ent(f(0at(on
of the person (nstea& of the pla0e *here the art(0le (s to #e
foun& 0annot attra0t the prov(s(ons of Se0t(on -7.
4-) The very sa"e s(tuat(on has #een 0ons(&ere& #y th(s
Court (n Jaffar -ussain Dastagir vs. State of
$aharashtra, (1747) - SCC +7-, +7? *here(n the follo*(ng
o#servat(ons are pert(nent8-
Page 88
9.$..n or&er that the se0t(on "ay apply the prose0ut(on
"ust esta#l(sh that the (nfor"at(on g(ven #y the appellant le&
to the &(s0overy of so"e fa0t &epose& to #y h(". t (s ev(&ent
that the &(s0overy "ust #e of so"e fa0t *h(0h the pol(0e ha&
not prev(ously learnt fro" other sour0es an& that the
2no*le&ge of the fa0t *as f(rst &er(ve& fro" (nfor"at(on g(ven
#y the a00use&. f the pol(0e ha& no (nfor"at(on #efore of the
0o"pl(0(ty of A00use& 5 *(th the 0r("e an& ha& no (&ea as to
*hether the &(a"on&s *oul& #e foun& *(th h(" an& the
appellant ha& "a&e a state"ent to the pol(0e that he 2ne*
*here the &(a"on&s *ere an& *oul& lea& the" to the person
*ho ha& the", (t 0an #e sa(& that the &(s0overy of the
&(a"on&s *(th the th(r& a00use& *as a fa0t &epose& to #y the
appellant an& a&"(ss(#le (n ev(&en0e un&er Se0t(on -7.
/o*ever, (f (t #e sho*n that the pol(0e alrea&y 2ne* that
A00use& 5 ha& got the &(a"on&s #ut &(& not 2no* *here the
sa(& a00use& *as to #e foun&, (t 0annot #e sa(& that the
(nfor"at(on g(ven #y the appellant that A00use& 5 ha& the
&(a"on&s an& 0oul& #e po(nte& out (n a large 0ro*& at the
*a(t(ng hall le& to the &(s0overy of a fa0t prov(ng h(s
0o"pl(0(ty *(th any 0r("e *(th(n the "ean(ng of Se0t(on -7.
The fa0t &epose& to #y h(" *oul& at #est lea& to the
&(s0overy of the *herea#outs of A00use& 5.
*. :n&er Se0t(on -? of the ;v(&en0e A0t no 0onfess(on
"a&e #y an a00use& to a pol(0e off(0er 0an #e a&"(tte& (n
ev(&en0e aga(nst h(". An e=0ept(on to th(s (s ho*ever
prov(&e& #y Se0t(on -4 *h(0h "a2es a 0onfess(onal state"ent
"a&e #efore a Mag(strate a&"(ss(#le (n ev(&en0e aga(nst an
a00use& not*(thstan&(ng the fa0t that he *as (n the 0usto&y
of the pol(0e *hen he "a&e the (n0r("(nat(ng state"ent.
Se0t(on -7 (s a prov(so to Se0t(on -4 an& "a2es a&"(ss(#le so
"u0h of the state"ent of the a00use& *h(0h lea&s to the
&(s0overy of a fa0t &epose& to #y h(" an& 0onne0te& *(th the
0r("e, (rrespe0t(ve of the Euest(on *hether (t (s 0onfess(onal
or other*(se. The essent(al (ngre&(ent of the se0t(on (s that
the (nfor"at(on g(ven #y the a00use& "ust lea& to the
&(s0overy of the fa0t *h(0h (s the &(re0t out0o"e of su0h
(nfor"at(on. Se0on&ly, only su0h port(on of the (nfor"at(on
g(ven as (s &(st(n0tly 0onne0te& *(th the sa(& re0overy (s
a&"(ss(#le aga(nst the a00use&. Th(r&ly, the &(s0overy of the
fa0t "ust relate to the 0o""(ss(on of so"e offen0e. The
e"#argo on state"ents of the a00use& #efore the pol(0e *(ll
not apply (f all the a#ove 0on&(t(ons are fulf(lle&. f an a00use&
0harge& *(th a theft of art(0les or re0e(v(ng stolen art(0les,
*(th(n the "ean(ng of Se0t(on .11 <C states to the pol(0e, 9
*(ll sho* you the art(0les at the pla0e *here have 2ept
Page 89
the"D an& the art(0les are a0tually foun& there, there 0an #e
no &ou#t that the (nfor"at(on g(ven #y h(" le& to the
&(s0overy of a fa0t (.e. 2eep(ng of the art(0les #y the a00use&
at the pla0e "ent(one&. The &(s0overy of the fa0t &epose& to
(n su0h a 0ase (s not the &(s0overy of the art(0les #ut the
&(s0overy of the fa0t that the art(0les *ere 2ept #y the
a00use& at a part(0ular pla0e. n pr(n0(ple there (s no
&(fferen0e #et*een the a#ove state"ent an& that "a&e #y
the appellant (n th(s 0ase *h(0h (n effe0t (s that 9 *(ll sho*
you the person to *ho" have g(ven the &(a"on&s e=0ee&(ng
-33 (n nu"#erD. The only difference between the two
statements is that a named person! is substituted for the
place! where the article is "ept 'n neither case are the
articles or the diamonds the fact discovered!
45) The ro& an& the spr(ng re0overe& fro" the possess(on
of A-1-. *ere sent to !SH for e=a"(nat(on. The e=perts
op(ne& that the sa(& art(0les 0orrespon& to that of an A,-?4
type r(fle, #ut &(& not 0orrespon& to s("(lar 0o"ponents use&
(n A,-.7 r(fle.
4.) The (n&epen&ent *(tness *as g(ven a tape to "easure
the ro&, an& the "easure"ent 0a"e to #e 1? (n0hes *h(0h
(s not one an& a half feet, as *as re0or&e& an& &epose& to
#y the prose0ut(on *(tness. A 0ontent(on *as also ra(se&
*(th regar& to the re"oval of the seal fro" the pa02et. The
reEu(s(t(on an& the report sho* that the seal on the pa02et
0onta(n(ng the o#je0t *as perfe0t an& ha& not #een
Page 90
te"pere& *(th. n that event, the sa(& ano"aly "ay not #e
of "u0h 0onseEuen0e.
4?) The prose0ut(on has also esta#l(she& through one
(n&epen&ent *(tness <C--4? that A-11+ an& A-1-. further
"a&e state"ent to the pol(0e an& pursuant *hereof the gas
0yl(n&er use& (n &estroy(ng A,-?4 *as re0overe& at the
(nstan0e of A-1-. an& so"e of the a""un(t(on of A,-?4
*ere re0overe& at the (nstan0e of A-11+.
44) The relevant 0onfess(on of A-?5, *here(n he state& that
*hen they rea0he& the house of Sanjay Dutt, he *as
spea2(ng to Anees over phone, the sa(& 0all &eta(ls along
*(th a 0ert(f(e& 0opy of the relevant &(re0tory *h(0h 0onta(ns
the telephone nu"#er of Anees #rah(" (n Du#a( has #een
f(le&. The 0all re0or& *as perta(n(ng to Tel. )o. 4.4-7+4.
;=h. )o. >-?7- sho*s that the sa(& nu"#er #elongs to
Sanjay Dutt. The :n(te& Ara# ;"(ratesM Telephone D(re0tory
*h(0h (s also e=h(#(te& (n&(0ates the nu"#er as ..+?+? (n
the na"e of Anees Sha(2h #rah(".
47) t *as 0onten&e& on #ehalf of Sanjay Dutt that s(n0e he
has #een a0Eu(tte& of all the 0harges, the 0onfess(on ought
Page 91
not to have #een rel(e& upon for 0onv(0t(ng h(" for offen0es
other than TADA offen0es. The ans*er to the sa(&
0ontent(on l(es (n rea&(ng together the t*o ju&g"ents of the
Const(tut(on Ben0h of th(s Court. Fne (s (n the 0ase of
Sanjay Dutt (II) (su#ra) *here(n th(s Court 0ons(&ere& the
ent(re 0ase of the appellant-Sanjay Dutt at that stage an&
op(ne& that although the offen0e (s 0o"plete #y the
unauthor(@e& possess(on of a *eapon (n the not(f(e& area, a
&efen0e *oul& #e ava(la#le to the a00use& to #e ta2en at the
t("e of the tr(al an& the Tr(al Court 0an 0ons(&er the sa"e #y
v(rtue of Se0t(on 1- of TADA. The other 0ase (s of Prakash
Kumar (su#ra), *here(n th(s Court hel& that even (f the
a00use& *as to #e a0Eu(tte& of the TADA 0harges, st(ll (n a
jo(nt tr(al, the 0onfess(ons re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA 0an #e rel(e& upon (n respe0t of the sa(& a00use&. t
*as further hel& that the stage at *h(0h the tr(al 0an #e
separate& (s at the stage of 0ogn(@an0e an& not
4+) The follo*(ng o#servat(on of th(s Court (n the a#ovesa(&
ju&g"ent (s as un&er8-
Page 92
n Sanjay Dutt (Su#ra), th(s Court hel&8-

G27. There (s no 0ontroversy a#out the fa0ts ne0essary to
0onst(tute the f(rst t*o (ngre&(ents. !or prov(ng the non-
e=(sten0e of fa0ts 0onst(tut(ng the th(r& (ngre&(ent of the
offen0e, the a00use& *oul& #e ent(tle& to re#ut the a#ove
statutory presu"pt(on an& prove that h(s unauthor(se&
possess(on of any su0h ar"s an& a""un(t(on et0. *as *holly
unrelate& to any terror(st or &(srupt(ve a0t(v(ty an& the sa"e
*as ne(ther use& nor ava(la#le (n that area for any su0h use
an& (ts ava(la#(l(ty (n a 9not(f(e& areaD *as (nno0uous.
Chatever #e the e=tent of #ur&en on the a00use& to prove
the non-e=(sten0e of the th(r& (ngre&(ent, as a "atter of la*
he has su0h a r(ght *h(0h flo*s fro" the #as(0 r(ght of the
a00use& (n every prose0ut(on to prove the non-e=(sten0e of a
fa0t essent(al to 0onst(tute an (ngre&(ent of the offen0e for
*h(0h he (s #e(ng tr(e&. f the a00use& su00ee&s (n prov(ng
non-e=(sten0e of the fa0ts ne0essary to 0onst(tute the th(r&
(ngre&(ent alone after h(s unauthor(se& possess(on of any su0h
ar"s an& a""un(t(on et0. (n a not(f(e& area (s prove& #y the
prose0ut(on, then he 0annot #e 0onv(0te& un&er Se0t(on ? of
the TADA A0t an& *oul& #e &ealt *(th an& pun(she& un&er the
general la*. t (s o#v(ously to "eet s(tuat(ons of th(s 2(n& that
Se0t(on 1- *as (n0orporate& (n the TADA A0t.
2). The non-o#stante 0lause (n Se0t(on ? of the TADA A0t
sho*s that *(th(n a not(f(e& area, the general la* relat(ng to
unauthor(se& possess(on of any of the spe0(f(e& ar"s an&
a""un(t(on et0. (s superse&e& #y the spe0(al ena0t"ent for
that area, na"ely, the TADA A0t. f ho*ever the th(r&
(ngre&(ent to 0onst(tute the offen0e un&er Se0t(on ? of the
TADA A0t (s negat(ve& #y the a00use& *h(le the f(rst t*o
(ngre&(ents are prove& to "a2e out an offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er the general la*, na"ely, the Ar"s A0t, then the
Des(gnate& Court (s e"po*ere& to &eal *(th the s(tuat(on (n
a00or&an0e *(th Se0t(on 1- of the TADA A0t. Se0t(on 1- (tself
sho*s that <arl(a"ent env(sage& a s(tuat(on (n *h(0h a person
tr(e& un&er the TADA A0t of any offen0e "ay ult("ately #e
foun& to have 0o""(tte& any other offen0e pun(sha#le un&er
any other la* an& (n that s(tuat(on, the Des(gnate& Court (s
e"po*ere& to pun(sh the a00use& for the offen0e un&er su0h
other la*. The offen0e un&er Se0t(on ? of the TADA A0t (s
graver an& v(s(te& *(th "ore severe pun(sh"ent as 0o"pare&
to the 0orrespon&(ng offen0e un&er the general la*. Th(s (s
#e0ause of the greater propens(ty of "(suse of su0h ar"s an&
Page 93
a""un(t(on et0. for a terror(st or &(srupt(ve a0t *(th(n a
not(f(e& area. f the assu"e& propens(ty of su0h use (s
negat(ve& #y the a00use&, the offen0e gets re&u0e& to one
un&er the general la* an& (s pun(sha#le only thereun&er. n
su0h a s(tuat(on, the a00use& (s pun(she& (n the sa"e "anner
as any other person foun& to #e (n unauthor(se& possess(on of
any su0h ar"s an& a""un(t(on et0. outs(&e a not(f(e& area.
The presu"pt(on (n la* (s of the greater an& natural &anger
ar(s(ng fro" (ts unauthor(se& possess(on *(th(n a not(f(e& area
"ore prone to terror(st or &(srupt(ve a0t(v(t(es.
-7. t (s a settle& rule of 0r("(nal jur(spru&en0e that the
#ur&en on an a00use& of prov(ng a fa0t for re#utt(ng a
statutory presu"pt(on (n h(s &efen0e (s not as heavy as on the
prose0ut(on to prove (ts 0ase #eyon& reasona#le &ou#t #ut
the l(ghter #ur&en of prov(ng the greater pro#a#(l(ty. Thus, the
#ur&en on the a00use& of re#utt(ng the statutory presu"pt(on
*h(0h ar(ses aga(nst h(" un&er Se0t(on ? of the TADA A0t on
proof #y the prose0ut(on that the a00use& *as (n
unauthor(se& possess(on of any of the spe0(f(e& ar"s an&
a""un(t(on et0. *(th(n a not(f(e& area, (s of greater
pro#a#(l(ty. Chen the prose0ut(on has prove& these fa0ts, (t
has to &o noth(ng "ore an& 0onv(0t(on un&er Se0t(on ? of the
TADA A0t "ust follo* unless the a00use& re#uts the statutory
presu"pt(on #y prov(ng that any su0h ar"s an& a""un(t(on
et0. *as ne(ther use& nor *as "eant to #e use& for a terror(st
or &(srupt(ve a0t(v(ty. )o further ne=us of h(s unauthor(se&
possess(on of the sa"e *(th any spe0(f(0 terror(st or &(srupt(ve
a0t(v(ty (s reEu(re& to #e prove& #y the prose0ut(on for
prov(ng the offen0e un&er Se0t(on ? of the TADA A0t. The
ne=us (s ("pl(0(t, unless re#utte&, fro" the fa0t of
unauthor(se& 0ons0(ous possess(on of any su0h *eapon et0.
*(th(n a not(f(e& area an& the (nherent lethal an& ha@ar&ous
nature an& potent(al of the sa"e. The o#servat(ons of Saha(, A.
alone (n *artar Singh
0annot #e rea& to enlarge the #ur&en
on the prose0ut(on to prove the ("pl(0(t ne=us #y ev(&en0e
aliunde, or to reEu(re the prose0ut(on to prove anyth(ng "ore
than *hat *e have (n&(0ate&.D
47) S("(lary, (n Prakash Kumar (su#ra), th(s Court hel&
as un&er8-
Page 94
91+. The Euest(ons pose& #efore us for the ter"(nat(on are
no "ore res integra. n our v(e*, the sa"e have #een set at
rest #y the three-Au&ge Ben0h &e0(s(on ren&ere& (n 1alini. The
r(gours of Se0t(ons 1- an& 1? *ere 0ons(&ere& (n 1alini case
an& a f(n&(ng ren&ere& (n paras +3, +1 an& +- (SCC p. 53.) as
9:8. Se0t(on 1- of TADA ena#les the Des(gnate& Court
to jo(ntly try, at the sa"e tr(al, any offen0e un&er TADA
together *(th any other offen0e N*(th *h(0h the a00use&
"ay #e 0harge&M as per the Co&e of Cr("(nal <ro0e&ure.
Su#-se0t(on (-) thereof e"po*ers the Des(gnate& Court to
0onv(0t the a00use&, (n su0h a tr(al, of any offen0e Nun&er
any other la*M (f (t (s foun& #y su0h Des(gnate& Court (n
su0h tr(al that the a00use& (s foun& gu(lty of su0h offen0e.
'f the accused is ac(uitted of the offences under TADA in
such a trial% but convicted of the offence under any other
law% it does not mean that there was only a trial for such
other offence under any other law.
:1. Se0t(on 1? of TADA ena#les the 0onfess(onal
state"ent of an a00use& "a&e to a pol(0e off(0er spe0(f(e&
there(n to #e0o"e a&"(ss(#le N(n the tr(al of su0h a personM.
t "eans, (f there *as a tr(al of any offen0e un&er TADA
together *(th any other offen0e un&er any other la*, the
admissibility of the confessional statement would continue
to hold good even if the accused is ac(uitted under TADA
:2. The aforesa(& ("pl(0at(ons of Se0t(on 1- v(s-S-v(s
Se0t(on 1? of TADA have not #een a&verte& to (n -ilal
Ahmed case
. /en0e the o#servat(ons there(n (at SCC p.
.5., para ?) that
N*h(le &eal(ng *(th the offen0es of *h(0h the appellant
*as 0onv(0te& there (s no Euest(on of loo2(ng (nto the
0onfess(onal state"ent attr(#ute& to h(", "u0h less
rely(ng on (t s(n0e he *as a0Eu(tte& of all offen0es un&er
0annot #e follo*e& #y us. The correct position is that the
confessional statement duly recorded under Section 1; of
TADA would continue to remain admissible as for the other
offences under any other law which too were tried along
with TADA offences% no matter that the accused was
ac(uitted of offences under TADA in that trial.D
(e"phas(s suppl(e&)
Page 95
Ce are (n respe0tful agree"ent *(th the f(n&(ngs re0or&e&
#y a three-Au&ge Ben0h (n 1alini case.
55. Se0t(on 1- e"po*ers the Des(gnate& Court to try any
other offen0e *(th *h(0h the a00use& "ay #e 0harge& un&er
the Co&e at the sa"e tr(al prov(&e& the offen0e (s 0onne0te&
*(th su0h other offen0e. Th(s se0t(on has #een #rought to the
statute-#oo2 (n 0onsonan0e *(th the prea"#le of the A0t,
*h(0h says 9for the prevent(on of, an& for 0op(ng *(th,
terror(st an& &(srupt(ve a0t(v(t(es an& for matters connected
therewith or incidental theretoD. (e"phas(s suppl(e&)
Therefore, Se0t(on 1- (s (ntro&u0e& to ta2e 0are of the "atters
0onne0te& *(th or (n0(&ental to terror(st a0t(v(t(es.
5.. A 0onjo(nt rea&(ng of the t*o se0t(ons as a *hole
leaves no "anner of &ou#t that one prov(s(on (s to #e
0onstrue& *(th referen0e to the other prov(s(on an& v(0e versa
so as to "a2e the prov(s(on 0ons(stent *(th the o#je0t sought
to #e a0h(eve&. The s0he"e an& o#je0t of the A0t #e(ng the
a&"(ss(#(l(ty of the 0onfess(on re0or&e& un&er Se0t(on 1? of
the A0t (n the tr(al of a person or 0o-a00use&, a#ettor or
0onsp(rator 0harge& an& tr(e& (n the sa"e 0ase together *(th
the a00use&, as prov(&e& un&er Se0t(on 1- of the A0t.
5?. Counsel 0onten&s that Se0t(on 1- (s only an ena#l(ng
prov(s(on e"po*er(ng the Des(gnate& Court to try an& 0onv(0t
for the offen0es 0o""(tte& un&er any other la* along *(th
the offen0es un&er TADA so as to avo(& "ult(pl(0(ty of the tr(al
an& &oes not e"po*er the Des(gnate& Court to try an&
0onv(0t for other offen0es, even (f the offen0es un&er TADA
are not "a&e out. Does (t "ean8 9Thou shalt have teeth, #ut
not #(teID Ce th(n2 not. Chen the 0ourts have the po*er to
try, (t (s ("pl(0(t (n (t that they have the po*er to 0onv(0t also.
n the present 0ase, su#-se0t(on (-) of Se0t(on 1- e=pressly
e"po*ere& the Des(gnate& Court to 0onv(0t the a00use&
person of su0h other offen0e an& pass any senten0e
author(se& #y the A0t Q (f the offen0e (s 0onne0te& *(th su0h
other offen0e an& Q (f (t (s foun& that the a00use& person has
0o""(tte& any other offen0e.
54. Se0t(on 1-(1) as Euote& a#ove author(ses the
Des(gnate& Court to try offen0es un&er TADA along *(th
another offen0e *(th *h(0h the a00use& "ay #e 0harge&
un&er Cr<C at the sa"e tr(al. The only e"#argo ("pose& on
the e=er0(se of the po*er (s that the offen0e un&er TADA (s
0onne0te& *(th any other offen0e #e(ng tr(e& together.
!urther, Se0t(on 1-(-) prov(&es that the Des(gnate& Court
Page 96
"ay 0onv(0t the a00use& person of offen0e un&er that A0t or
any rule "a&e thereun&er or under any other law and pass
any sentence authorised under that Act or the +ules or under
any other law% as the case may be for the punishment
thereof% if in the course of any trial under TADA the accused
persons are found to have committed any offence either
under that Act or any rule or under any other law
57. The leg(slat(ve (nten&"ent un&erly(ng Se0t(ons 1-(1)
an& (-) (s 0learly &(s0ern(#le, to e"po*er the Des(gnate&
Court to try an& 0onv(0t the a00use& for offen0es 0o""(tte&
un&er any other la* along *(th offen0es 0o""(tte& un&er the
A0t, (f the offen0e (s 0onne0te& *(th su0h other offen0e. The
language 9(f the offen0e (s 0onne0te& *(th su0h other offen0eD
e"ploye& (n Se0t(on 1-(1) of the A0t has great s(gn(f(0an0e.
The ne0essary 0orollary (s that on0e the other offen0e (s
0onne0te& *(th the offen0e un&er TADA an& (f the a00use& (s
0harge& un&er the Co&e an& tr(e& together (n the sa"e tr(al,
the Des(gnate& Court (s e"po*ere& to 0onv(0t the a00use& for
the offen0e un&er any other la*, not*(thstan&(ng the fa0t that
no offen0e un&er TADA (s "a&e out. Th(s 0oul& #e the only
(nten&"ent of the leg(slature. To hol& other*(se, *oul&
a"ount to re*r(te or re0ast leg(slat(on an& rea& so"eth(ng
(nto (t *h(0h (s not there.
.1. The other leg of the su#"(ss(on (s r(gours of Se0t(on 1+
of the A0t. Se0t(on 1+ &eals *(th the po*er to transfer 0ases
to regular 0ourts. t rea&s8
91+. Chere, after ta"ing cogni<ance of any offen0e, a
Des(gnate& Court (s of op(n(on that the offen0e (s not
tr(a#le #y (t, (t shall, not*(thstan&(ng that (t has no
jur(s&(0t(on to try su0h offen0e, transfer the 0ase for the
tr(al of su0h offen0e to any 0ourt hav(ng jur(s&(0t(on un&er
the Co&e an& the 0ourt to *h(0h the 0ase (s transferre&
"ay pro0ee& *(th the tr(al of the offen0e as (f (t ha& ta2en
0ogn(@an0e of the offen0e.D
(e"phas(s suppl(e&)
.-. t (s 0onten&e& that the *or&s 9after ta"ing
cogni<anceD e"ploye& (n Se0t(on 1+ of the A0t *oul& (n0lu&e
any stage of tr(al (n0lu&(ng the stage *hen the ju&g"ent (s to
#e &el(vere&. Th(s su#"(ss(on (s also "(s0on0e(ve&. f (t ought
to have #een the (ntent(on of the leg(slature they 0oul& have
sa(& so. The leg(slature &el(#erately uses the *or&s 9after
ta2(ng 0ogn(@an0e of any offen0eD to "ean that Se0t(on 1+
*oul& #e attra0te& only at the stage *here the Des(gnate&
Court ta2es 0ogn(@an0e of offen0e (.e. after the (nvest(gat(on (s
Page 97
0o"plete an& 0harge-sheet (s f(le&. The prov(s(ons of Se0t(on
-37 Cr<C on *h(0h the 0ounsel for the appellants sought to
rely are not (n pari materia *(th Se0t(on 1+. n Se0t(on -37
Cr<C the *or&s 9after ta2(ng 0ogn(@an0eD are a#sent
0onsp(0uously. Se0t(on 1+ (s a f(ltere& prov(s(on. The se0t(on (s
attra0te& only at a stage the Des(gnate& Court ta2es
0ogn(@an0e of the offen0e. t (s at the stage of ta2(ng
0ogn(@an0e, the Des(gnate& Court (s e=pe0te& to s0an the
&o0u"ents an& ev(&en0e 0olle0te& there*(th. f the
Des(gnate& Court (s of the op(n(on that the offen0e (s not
tr(a#le #y (t, (t shall then, not*(thstan&(ng that (t has no
jur(s&(0t(on to try su0h offen0e, transfer the 0ase for the tr(al
of su0h offen0e to any 0ourt hav(ng jur(s&(0t(on un&er the
Co&e an& the 0ourt to *h(0h the 0ase (s transferre& "ay
pro0ee& *(th the tr(al of the offen0e as (f (t ha& ta2en
0ogn(@an0e of the offen0e. n our v(e*, there (s no a"#(gu(ty
(n the language use& (n Se0t(on 1+. f the su#"(ss(ons of the
0ounsel for the appellant are a00epte&, (t *oul& a"ount to
rea&(ng so"eth(ng (nto the statute *h(0h (s not there.D
73) n the 0ase on han&, at the t("e of ta2(ng 0ogn(@an0e
#y the Des(gnate& Court, there *ere suff(0(ent ev(&en0e
aga(nst the appellants to pro0ee& aga(nst the" (n the jo(nt
tr(al. n the 0ase of Sanjay Dutt, the Des(gnate& Court too2 a
v(e* on the #as(s of h(s o*n 0onfess(on that the *eapons
*ere not a0Eu(re& for any terror(st a0t(v(ty #ut they *ere
a0Eu(re& for self-&efen0e, therefore, a0Eu(ttal *as re0or&e&
(n respe0t of 0harge un&er Se0t(on ? of TADA. Ce fully agree
*(th the sa"e.
71) !or the sa"e reasons &(s0usse& a#ove, *e are (n
agree"ent *(th the 0on0lus(on arr(ve& at #y the Des(gnate&
Page 98
Court an& reje0t the argu"ents of the 0ounsel for the other
appellants, v(@., A-11+ an& A-1-.. n the l(ght of the a#ove
&(s0uss(on, *e are of the v(e* that the 0ourse a&opte& #y
the tr(al Court *as 0orre0t (n v(e* of #oth the a#ovesa(&
ju&g"ents of th(s Court.
7-) Co"(ng to senten0e, A-117 has f(le& an a&&(t(onal
aff(&av(t &ate& -..37.-31- h(ghl(ght(ng the 0(r0u"stan0es
un&er *h(0h he *as ("pl(0ate&, relat(onsh(p of h(s fa"(ly
"e"#ers *(th the v(0t("s et0. t (s not (n &(spute that
though the appellant *as also 0harge& un&er TADA A0t, the
fa0t re"a(ns that he *as a0Eu(tte& of those 0harges an&
a&"(tte&ly the CB has not f(le& an appeal aga(nst the sa"e.
As sa(& earl(er, the Des(gnate& Court 0onv(0te& h(" for the
offen0es un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?(1-A)
an& (1-B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7. ConseEuently, (n h(s
a&&(t(onal aff(&av(t, the appellant has asserte& that he (s
Page 99
ent(tle& to see2 the #enef(t of Se0t(on . of <ro#at(on of
Fffen&ers A0t.
75) The appellant (A-117) asserte& that though the
prose0ut(on (nvolve& h(" (n Bo"#ay Bo"# Blast Case that
he ha& 2no*le&ge as to the 0onsp(ra0y an& ha& 2ept (n h(s
possess(on f(re ar"s an& a""un(t(ons as *ell as han&
grena&es 2no*(ng that the sa"e *ere fro" the 0ons(gn"ent
that ha& lan&e& for use (n the sa(& Blasts, the fa0t re"a(ns
that the Des(gnate& Court &(& not a00ept the prose0ut(on
story aga(nst h(" an& reje0te& h(s (nvolve"ent (n the
0onsp(ra0y as *ell as any 2no*le&ge of the events as
0harge&. The TADA Court has also hel& that the prose0ut(on
has fa(le& to prove that the allege& ar"s (n possess(on of the
appellant *ere fro" the sa"e allege& 0ons(gn"ent that *as
use& (n the sa(& #lasts.
7.) t *as also 0onten&e& fro" the s(&e of the appellant
that (n the year 177--75, the appellant an& h(s fa"(ly
"e"#ers *ere (nvolve& (n help(ng people res(&(ng (n r(ots
affe0te& areas, "ore part(0ularly, Behra"pa&a,
pre&o"(nantly hav(ng a Musl(" populat(on *h(0h *as
Page 100
o#je0t(ona#le to 0erta(n group of persons *ho *ere of the
op(n(on that the Dutt fa"(ly *as sy"path(@ers of only the
Musl(" 0o""un(ty. n fa0t, th(s lea&s to an atta02 on Sun(l
Dutt (n Aanuary, 1775 as *ell as threaten(ng phone 0alls
*ere #e(ng re0e(ve& at the(r res(&en0e, (n0lu&(ng threats to
the fa"(ly "e"#ers #e(ng 2(lle& as *ell as the s(sters of the
appellant #e(ng 2(&nappe& an& rape&. Th(s lea& to a great
an& ser(ous apprehens(on that an atta02 0oul& #e
perpetrate& upon the Dutt fa"(ly (n v(e* of the fa0t that Shr(
Sun(l Dutt ha& alrea&y #een atta02e&. Th(s apprehens(on
*as 0learly set out (n the letter of Shr( Sun(l Dutt to the then
DC< of Bone L &ate& 34.31.1775, *here(n he as2e& for
enhan0(ng se0ur(ty arrange"ents further an& for "ore pol(0e
prote0t(on at h(s house as &epose& #y <C--17 (n th(s 0ase.
7?) t (s state& that A-117 ha& no prev(ous (nvolve"ent or
0onv(0t(on pr(or to one (n 177- *h(0h en&e& (n a0Eu(ttal.
Thus, a00or&(ng to h(", he (s not a prev(ous offen&er or a
0onv(0t. n the event, th(s Court releases the appellant on
<ro#at(on un&er the prov(s(ons of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers
A0t, ne(ther any (njust(0e *oul& o00as(on to anyone as the
Page 101
offen0e (n *h(0h he *as 0onv(0te&, (s not even a so0(al
offen0e nor any preju&(0e #e 0ause& to the prose0ut(on. /e
asserte& that he (s not a ha#(tual offen&er, an& (s not l(2ely
to 0o""(t any offen0e (n future. The TADA Court &(& not get
any opportun(ty to 0o"pla(n a#out the 0on&u0t of the
appellant (n 17 years. /e further su#"(tte& that he has also
suffere& the agony of long tr(al of 15 T (th(rteen an& a half)
years. The stress an& trau"a of the sa"e, #es(&es the fa0t
that he has 0arr(e& the tag of an allege& terror(st for 15 T
(th(rteen an& a half) years though un*arrante&, an& has
#een &epr(ve& of the 0o"pany of h(s &aughter, (s a
pun(sh"ent (n (tself. /e has also state& that he ha& suffere&
"entally, phys(0ally an& e"ot(onally (n the last several
74) /e also (nfor"e& th(s Court that he got "arr(e& aga(n (n
the year -33+ an& (s #lesse& *(th t*o 0h(l&ren age& 1 an& T
years an& they nee& the(r fatherMs presen0e (n the(r l(fe. /e
further su#"(tte& that he has #een a0t(vely (nvolve& (n an
ADS 0har(ty an& ra(ses fun&s for the free treat"ent of a(&s
pat(ents *ho 0annot affor& the sa"e, #es(&es v(s(t(ng the
Page 102
hosp(tals60entres. t (s further su#"(tte& that he (s on the
Boar& of D(re0tors of 9Save the Ch(l&ren !oun&at(onD an&
help(ng (n ra(s(ng fun&s for 0h(l&ren *ho are nee&y,
orphane& an& &est(tute as the(r Bran& A"#assa&or for a long
t("e, even pr(or to h(s #e(ng 0harge& (n th(s 0ase.
77) n v(e* of the a#ove, learne& sen(or 0ounsel for A-117
&ra*s attent(on of th(s Court to*ar&s the follo*(ng &e0(s(ons,
v(@., .e Prakash vs. State of -aryana, 17+1 (1) SCC
..7, th(s Court o#serve& that the so0(al #a02groun& an& the
personal fa0tors of the 0r("e-&oer are very relevant although
(n pra0t(0e Cr("(nal Courts have har&ly pa(& attent(on to the
so0(al "(l(eu or the personal 0(r0u"stan0es of the offen&er.
7+) n Juga+ Kishore vs. State of Bihar, (177-) - SCC 455
th(s Court o#serve& that the "o&ern 0r("(nal jur(spru&en0e
re0ogn(@es that no one (s a #orn 0r("(nal an& that a goo&
"any 0r("es are the pro&u0t of so0(o-e0ono"(0 "(l(eu.
77) Th(s Court (n )atan+a+ vs. State of Punjab, (174.) 7
SC% 474 has o#serve& to the effe0t that the <ro#at(on of
Fffen&ers A0t, *as ena0te& *(th a v(e* to prov(&e for the
release of offen&ers of 0erta(n 0ategor(es on <ro#at(on or
Page 103
alter &ue a&"on(t(on an& for "atters 0onne0te& there*(th.
The o#je0t of the A0t (s to prevent the 0onvers(on of
offen&ers (nto o#&urate 0r("(nals as a result of the(r
asso0(at(on *(th har&ene& 0r("(nals. The a#ove o#je0t (s (n
0onsonan0e *(th the present tren& (n the f(el& of penology,
a00or&(ng to *h(0h, efforts shoul& #e "a&e to #r(ng a#out
0orre0t(on an& refor"at(on of the (n&(v(&ual offen&ers an&
not to resort to retr(#ut(ve just(0e. Although, not "u0h 0an
#e &one for har&ene& 0r("(nals, 0ons(&era#le stress has
#een la(& on #r(ng(ng a#out refor" of offen&ers not gu(lty of
ser(ous offen0es an& of prevent(ng the(r asso0(at(on *(th
har&ene& 0r("(nals. The A0t g(ves statutory re0ogn(t(on to
the a#ove o#je0t(ve. t (s, therefore, prov(&e& that offen&ers
shoul& not #e sent to ja(l, e=0ept (n 0erta(n 0(r0u"stan0es.
+3) The s0ope of Se0t(on . of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t
(s "u0h *(&er. t appl(es to any person foun& gu(lty of
hav(ng 0o""(tte& an offen0e not pun(sha#le *(th &eath or
("pr(son"ent for l(fe. The sa"e has also #een hel& #y th(s
Court (n 'hhani vs. State of 2%P%, (-334) ? SCC 574.
Page 104
+1) Se0t(on 543 of the Co&e of Cr("(nal <ro0e&ure &oes not
prov(&e for any role for pro#at(on off(0ers (n ass(st(ng the
0ourts (n relat(on to superv(s(on an& other "atters *h(le the
<ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t &oes "a2e su0h a prov(s(on.
Ch(le Se0t(on 1- of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t states
that a person foun& gu(lty of an offen0e an& &ealt *(th un&er
Se0t(on 5 or . of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t, shall not
suffer &(sEual(f(0at(on, (f any, atta0he& to the 0onv(0t(on of
an offen0e un&er any la*. The Co&e of Cr("(nal <ro0e&ure
&oes not 0onta(n parallel prov(s(on. T*o statutes *(th su0h
s(gn(f(0ant &(fferen0es 0oul& not #e (nten&e& to 0o-e=(st at
the sa"e t("e (n the sa"e area. Su0h 0o-e=(sten0e *oul&
lea& to ana"olous results. The (ntent(on to reta(n the
prov(s(ons of Se0t(on 543 of the Co&e an& the <ro#at(on of
Fffen&ers A0t as appl(0a#le at the sa"e t("e (n a g(ven area
0annot #e gathere& fro" the prov(s(ons of Se0t(on 543 or
any other prov(sons of the Co&e.
+-) ,eep(ng those (nfor"at(on (n the for" of an a&&(t(onal
aff(&av(t, let us 0ons(&er h(s 0la(" an& el(g(#(l(ty of apply(ng
Se0t(on . of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t.
Page 105
+5) Su#-se0t(on . of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t 0onta(ns
the *or&s 9)ot*(thstan&(ng anyth(ng 0onta(ne& (n any other
la* for the t("e #e(ng (n for0eD. The a#ove non obstante
0lause po(nts to the 0on0lus(on that the prov(s(ons of Se0t(on
. of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t *oul& have an overr(&(ng
effe0t an& shall preva(l (f the other 0on&(t(ons pres0r(#e&
there(n are fulf(lle&. Those 0on&(t(ons are8
(() The a00use& (s foun& gu(lty of hav(ng 0o""(tte& an
offen0e not pun(sha#le *(th &eath or ("pr(son"ent for
((() The Court f(n&(ng h(" gu(lty (s of the op(n(on that
hav(ng regar& to the 0(r0u"stan0es of the 0ase,
(n0lu&(ng the nature of the offen0e an& the 0hara0ter of
the offen&er, (t (s e=pe&(ent to release h(" on
(((() The a00use& (n su0h an event enters (nto a #on& *(th or
*(thout suret(es to appear an& re0e(ve senten0e *hen
0alle& upon &ur(ng su0h per(o& not e=0ee&(ng three
years as the 0ourt "ay &(re0t an&, (n the "eant("e, to
2eep the pea0e an& #e of goo& #ehav(our.
Page 106
+.) The un&erly(ng o#je0t of the a#ove prov(s(ons o#v(ously
(s that an a00use& person shoul& #e g(ven a 0han0e of
refor"at(on, *h(0h he *oul& lose (n 0ase he (s (n0ar0erate&
(n pr(son an& asso0(ates *(th har&ene& 0r("(nals. t (s
su#"(tte& that the prov(s(ons of the sa(& A0t are #enef(0(al
prov(s(ons an&, therefore, they shoul& re0e(ve *(&e
(nterpretat(on an& shoul& not #e rea& (n a restr(0te& sen0e
v(&e Ishar Das vs. State of Punjab, 1775 (-) SCC 4?.
+?) Se0t(on . of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t appl(es to all
2(n&s of offen&ers, *hether un&er or a#ove the age of -1
years. Th(s se0t(on (s (nten&e& to atte"pt poss(#le
refor"at(on of an offen&er (nstea& of (nfl(0t(ng upon h(" the
nor"al pun(sh"ent of h(s 0r("e. t (s su#"(tte& that (t (s
settle& la* that *h(le e=ten&(ng #enef(t of the sa(& prov(s(on,
th(s Court has to e=er0(se (ts &(s0ret(on hav(ng regar& to the
0(r0u"stan0es (n *h(0h the 0r("e *as 0o""(tte&, v(@., the
age, 0hara0ter an& ante0e&ents of the offen&er. t (s also
settle& la* that su0h e=er0(se of &(s0ret(on nee&s a sense of
respons(#(l(ty. The se0t(on (tself (s 0lear that #efore apply(ng
Page 107
the sa"e, th(s Court shoul& 0arefully ta2e (nto 0ons(&erat(on
the atten&ant 0(r0u"stan0es.
+4) The 0(r0u"stan0es an& the nature of the offen0e as
analyse& an& &(s0usse& a#ove are so ser(ous an& *e are of
the v(e* that they &o not *arrant A-117 the #enef(t of the
prov(s(ons of the <ro#at(on of Fffen&ers A0t, ho*ever, ta2(ng
note of var(ous aspe0ts, *e re&u0e the senten0e to "(n("u"
per(o&, v(@., 4 years to ? years. The appeal (s &(spose& of on
the a#ove ter"s.
+7) n respe0t of A-11+, (n v(e* of the &(s0uss(on an& the
a#ove 0on0lus(on, *e 0onf(r" the 0onv(0t(on an& senten0e
a*ar&e& to h(" #y the Des(gnate& Court. ConsEuently, the
appeal (s &(s"(sse&.
++) nsofar as A-1-. (s 0on0erne&, the Des(gnate& Court
has 0onv(0te& h(" un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons
-?(1-A)(1-B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7, as *ell as un&er
Se0t(on -31 of <C an& senten0e& h(" to un&ergo % for -
years on #oth the 0ounts separately. A perusal of all the
"ater(als relat(ng to A-1-. sho*s that the Des(gnate& Court
(tself 0onv(0te& an& senten0e& h(" un&er Se0t(on -?(1-B)(a)
Page 108
of the Ar"s A0t along *(th Se0t(on -31 of <C. Ch(le
0lar(fy(ng the sa"e, *e hol& that there (s no su#stant(ve
ev(&en0e for 0onv(0t(ng h(" un&er Se0t(on -?(1-A) of the
Ar"s A0t, though the Des(gnate& Court has referre& to the
sa"e *h(le a*ar&(ng senten0e to h(". Also, 0ons(&er(ng h(s
age, (.e. +- years as on &ate an& ta2(ng note of the fa0t that
the "(n("u" senten0e for the offen0e un&er Se0t(on -?(1-B)
(a) #e(ng one year, *h(le 0onf(r"(ng h(s 0onv(0t(on, *e
re&u0e the senten0e a*ar&e& to A-1-. un&er Se0t(on -?(1-
B)(a) as *ell as un&er Se0t(on -31 <C to 1 year *h(0h shall
run 0on0urrently. The appeal (s &(spose& of on the a#ove
Page 109
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. *+6 of 2011
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB $. Appellant(s)
Aja( 'ash <ra2ash Mar*ah (A-1-3) $. %espon&ent(s)
+7) /ear& Mr. /.<. %a*al, learne& AS1 &uly ass(ste& #y Mr.
Satya2a", learne& 0ounsel for the appellant (CB). )one
appeare& for the respon&ent.
73) The (nstant appeal (s &(re0te& aga(nst the ("pugne&
ju&g"ent an& or&er &ate& 3-.3+.-337 passe& #y the
Des(gnate& Court un&er TADA for the Bo"#ay Bo"# Blast
Case, 1reater Bo"#ay (n B.B.C. )o.161775 *here#y the
appellant (A-1-3) has #een a0Eu(tte& of all the 0harges
fra"e& aga(nst h(".
71) A 0o""on 0harge of 0onsp(ra0y *as fra"e& aga(nst all
the 0o-0onsp(rators (n0lu&(ng the appellant. The relevant
port(on of the sa(& 0harge (s repro&u0e& hereun&er8
9Dur(ng the per(o& fro" De0e"#er, 177- to Apr(l, 1775 at
var(ous pla0es (n Bo"#ay, D(str(0t %a(ga& an& D(str(0t
Thane (n n&(a an& outs(&e n&(a (n Du#a( (:.A.;.) <a2(stan,
entere& (nto a 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an&6or *ere "e"#ers of
Page 110
the sa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y *hose o#je0t *as to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts (n n&(a an& that you all agree& to 0o""(t
follo*(ng (llegal a0ts, na"ely, to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts *(th
an (ntent to overa*e the 1overn"ent as #y la*
esta#l(she&, to str(2e terror (n the people, to al(enate
se0t(ons of the people an& to a&versely affe0t the har"ony
a"ongst &(fferent se0t(ons of the people, (.e. /(n&us an&
Musl("s #y us(ng #o"#s, &yna"(tes, han&grena&es an&
other e=plos(ve su#stan0es l(2e %D> or (nfla""a#le
su#stan0es or f(re-ar"s l(2e A,-?4 r(fles, 0ar#(nes, p(stols
an& other lethal *eapons, (n su0h a "anner as to 0ause or
as l(2ely to 0ause &eath of or (njur(es to any person or
persons, loss of or &a"age to an& &(srupt(on of suppl(es of
serv(0es essent(al to the l(fe of the 0o""un(ty, an& to
a0h(eve the o#je0t(ves of the 0onsp(ra0y, you all agree& to
s"uggle f(re-ar"s, a""un(t(on, &etonators, han&grena&es
an& h(gh e=plos(ves l(2e %D> (nto n&(a an& to &(str(#ute
the sa"e a"ongst yourselves an& your "en of 0onf(&en0e
for the purpose of 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& for the
sa(& purpose to 0on0eal an& store all these ar"s,
a""un(t(on an& e=plos(ves at su0h safe pla0es an&
a"ongst yourselves an& *(th your "en of 0onf(&en0e t(ll (ts
use for 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& a0h(ev(ng the o#je0ts
of 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& to &(spose off the sa"e as nee&
ar(ses. To organ(@e tra(n(ng 0a"ps (n <a2(stan an& (n n&(a
to ("port an& un&ergo *eapon tra(n(ng (n han&l(ng of
ar"s, a""un(t(ons an& e=plos(ves to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts.
To har#our an& 0on0eal terror(sts60o-0onsp(rators, an& also
to a(&, a#et an& 2no*(ngly fa0(l(tate the terror(st a0ts
an&6or any a0t preparatory to the 0o""(ss(on of terror(st
a0ts an& to ren&er any ass(stan0e f(nan0(al or other*(se for
a00o"pl(sh(ng the o#je0t of the 0onsp(ra0y to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts, to &o an& 0o""(t any other (llegal a0ts as
*ere ne0essary for a0h(ev(ng the aforesa(& o#je0t(ves of
the 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& that on 1-.35.1775 *ere
su00essful (n 0aus(ng #o"# e=plos(ons at Sto02 ;=0hange
Bu(l&(ng, A(r n&(a Bu(l&(ng, /otel Sea %o02 at Ban&ra, /otel
Centaur at Auhu, /otel Centaur at Santa0ru@, Baver( Ba@ar,
,atha Ba@ar, Century Ba@ar at Corl(, <etrol <u"p a&jo(n(ng
Sh(v Sena Bhavan, <la@a Theatre an& (n lo##(ng
han&grena&es at Ma00h("ar /(n&u Colony, Mah(" an& at
Bay-?-, Sahar nternat(onal A(rport *h(0h left "ore than
-?7 persons &ea&, 715 (njure& an& property *orth a#out
%s.-7 0rores &estroye&, an& atte"pte& to 0ause #o"#
e=plos(ons at )a(gau" Cross %oa& an& Dhanj( Street, all (n
the 0(ty of Bo"#ay an& (ts su#ur#s (.e. *(th(n 1reater
Page 111
Bo"#ay. An& there#y 0o""(tte& offen0es pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& Se0t(on 1-3-
B of <C rea& *(th Se0t(ons 5(-)(()(((), 5(5),(.), ? an& 4 of
TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& rea& *(th Se0t(ons 53-, 537, 5-4,
5-., .-7, .5?, .54, -31 an& -1- of n&(an <enal Co&e an&
offen0es un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?
(1A), (1B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7, Se0t(ons 7B (1)(a)(#)(0)
of the ;=plos(ves A0t, 1++., Se0t(ons 5, .(a)(#), ? an& 4 of
the ;=plos(ve Su#stan0es A0t, 173+ an& Se0t(on . of the
<revent(on of Da"age to <u#l(0 <roperty A0t, 17+. an&
*(th(n "y 0ogn(@an0e.D
n a&&(t(on to the f(rst 0harge, the appellant (A-1-3) *as also
0harge& for hav(ng 0o""(tte& the follo*(ng offen0e (n
pursuan0e of the 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y &es0r(#e& at 0harge
A/ 0(%; S(<o$;&75 The appellant, (n pursuan0e of the
aforesa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y, *as foun& to #e 0onne0te&
*(th the ep(so&e of possess(on of unauthor(@e& ar"s an&
han& grena&es #y A-117, A-11+, A-1-. an& A-1-? an&
0o""(tte& the follo*(ng overt a0ts8
(a) The appellant, #y re0e(v(ng an& 2eep(ng (n h(s
possess(on one 7"" p(stol an& (ts 0artr(&ges, *h(0h
*ere s"uggle& (nto the 0ountry for 0o""(tt(ng
terror(st a0ts, there#y a(&e& the 0o-0onsp(rator an&
0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 5(5)
of TADA.
A/ 0(%; T0"!;&78 The appellant possesse& the a#ove
"ent(one& p(stol an& (ts a""un(t(on (n 1reater Bo"#ay
*h(0h (s spe0(f(e& as a not(f(e& area un&er 0lause (f) of su#-
se0t(on (1) of Se0t(on - of TADA an& there#y 0o""(tte& an
offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on ? of TADA.
A/ 0(%; Fo8!/0&75 The appellant, #y possess(ng the
a#ove "ent(one& ar"s an& (ts a""un(t(ons *(th (ntent to
Page 112
a(& terror(sts 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er
Se0t(on 4 of TADA.
A/ 0(%; F"f/0&75 The appellant, #y possess(ng the a#ove
"ent(one& ar"s an& (ts a""un(t(ons, 0o""(tte& an
offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th
Se0t(on -?(1-A)(1-B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7.
Co$2"</"o$ %$; S($/($<(5
7-) The Des(gnate& Court, #y ("pugne& ju&g"ent &ate&
3-.3+.-337, after 0ons(&er(ng the "ater(als pla0e& on re0or&
an& after a&vert(ng to all the 0ontent(ons ra(se& an&
su#"(ss(ons "a&e, a0Eu(tte& h(" of all the 0harges fra"e&
aga(nst h(".
75) Aga(nst the or&er of a0Eu(ttal (n respe0t of all the
0harges aga(nst the respon&ent (A-1-3), the CB has f(le& the
present appeal. The only po(nt for 0ons(&erat(on (n th(s
appeal (s *hether the or&er of a0Eu(ttal ren&ere& #y the
Des(gnate& Court (s just(f(a#le or reEu(res (nterferen0e #y
th(s Court. ,eep(ng the #as(0 pr(n0(ples (n "(n&, (n a "atter
*hen a0Eu(ttal (s re0or&e& #y the tr(al Court an& the groun&s
on *h(0h the Appellate Court 0an (nterfere, let us 0ons(&er
an& &(spose of the a#ove appeal.
Page 113
7.) t (s not (n &(spute that A-1-3 has not "a&e any
0onfess(on an& h(s 0o-a00use& A-1-? rel(e& on #y the
prose0ut(on has also not "a&e any 0onfess(on an& even the
0onfess(onal state"ents of other 0o-a00use& fa(le& to
&(s0lose any (nvolve"ent of A-1-3 (n any "anner. The only
allegat(on aga(nst the present a00use& (s that of se(@ure of a
#o= 0onta(n(ng a p(stol fro" h(s house. The Des(gnate&
Court, after 0ons(&er(ng the ev(&en0e of pan0h *(tness (<C-
-11) regar&(ng the state"ent "a&e #y A-1-? an& after
f(n&(ng that there *as lot of var(at(on (n the(r state"ents an&
#ereft of "ater(als a#out the role of A-1-3 an& further
f(n&(ng that &(fferent stor(es have #een proje0te& #y the
prose0ut(on, refuse& to a00ept the sa"e. After analy@(ng the
ent(re state"ent of A-1-?, the tr(al Court 0a"e to a
0on0lus(on that the sa"e are (nsuff(0(ent to 0onne0t A-1-3 as
#e(ng the person *ho ha& re0e(ve& the sa"e p(stol an&
7?) As has #een r(ghtly o#serve& #y the Des(gnate& Court,
"ere re0over(es of a .7"" p(stol an& the roun&s fro" the
#ungalo* of A-1-3 *oul& not #e suff(0(ent to 0onne0t h("
Page 114
*(th the sa(& art(0les. t (s settle& la* that the re0over(es
"a&e "ust #e foun& to have #een "a&e as a 0onseEuen0e
to the state"ent "a&e #y the a00use& (n 0usto&y. n other
*or&s, (f the ne=us (n #et*een (s not esta#l(she&, the sa(&
state"ent "a&e *oul& #e (na&"(ss(#le (n ev(&en0e. The
Des(gnate& Court, after 0ons(&er(ng the *ell settle&
pr(n0(ples an& the "ater(als pla0e& 0on0lu&e& that 9(t *(ll #e
further ne0essary to say that s0rut(ny of the ev(&en0e also
&oes not reveals A-1-3 hav(ng pur0hase& .7"" p(stol an&
roun&s$$D The Des(gnate& Court has also 0on0lu&e& that
even (f the state"ent "a&e #y A-1-? (s a00epta#le, (n the
a#sen0e of any support(ng oral an& &o0u"entary ev(&en0e
an& ta2(ng note of the ("prove"ent "a&e #y pan0h *(tness
as *ell as (n the state"ents of *(tnesses stage #y stage
9har&ly there *oul& #e any ev(&en0e to 0onne0t A-1-3 *(th
the relevant 0ontra#an& art(0lesD an& r(ghtly &(s0ar&e& the
74) n the l(ght of the 0ategor(0al f(n&(ng #y the tr(al Court
an& after analy@(ng the "ater(als pla0e& #y the prose0ut(on,
*e fully 0on0ur *(th the sa(& 0on0lus(on an& a00or&(ng to us,
Page 115
*(th the a#ove sa(& (nsuff(0(ent ev(&en0e, the or&er of
a0Eu(ttal 0annot #e l(ghtly (nterfere& (n the present appeal,
0onseEuently, the appeal f(le& #y the CB fa(ls an& the sa"e
(s &(s"(sse&.
Page 116
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 110, of 2007
Sa"(r Ah"e& /(ngora (A-?5) .... Appellant(s)
The State of Maharashtra,
thro. Super(nten&ent of <ol(0e,
CB (ST!), Bo"#ay $.
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1026 of 2012
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB (ST!), Bo"#ay ....
Sa"(r Ah"e& /(ngora (A-?5) $.
77) /ear& Mr. Mu2ul %ohtag( an& Mr. L.,. Bal(, learne&
sen(or 0ounsel for A-?5 an& Mr. /.<. %a*al, learne& AS1 for
the CB.
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 110, of 2007
7+) The present appeal (s &(re0te& aga(nst the f(nal
ju&g"ent an& or&er of 0onv(0t(on an& senten0e &ate&
Page 117
-7.11.-334 an& 31.34.-337 respe0t(vely *here#y the
appellant (A-?5) has #een 0onv(0te& an& senten0e& #y the
Des(gnate& Court un&er TADA for the Bo"#ay Bo"# Blast
Case, 1reater Bo"#ay (n B.B.C. )o.161775.
77) A 0o""on 0harge of 0onsp(ra0y *as fra"e& aga(nst all
the 0o-0onsp(rators (n0lu&(ng the appellant. The relevant
port(on of the sa(& 0harge (s repro&u0e& hereun&er8
9Dur(ng the per(o& fro" De0e"#er, 177- to Apr(l, 1775 at
var(ous pla0es (n Bo"#ay, D(str(0t %a(ga& an& D(str(0t
Thane (n n&(a an& outs(&e n&(a (n Du#a( (:.A.;.) <a2(stan,
entere& (nto a 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an&6or *ere "e"#ers of
the sa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y *hose o#je0t *as to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts (n n&(a an& that you all agree& to 0o""(t
follo*(ng (llegal a0ts, na"ely, to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts *(th
an (ntent to overa*e the 1overn"ent as #y la*
esta#l(she&, to str(2e terror (n the people, to al(enate
se0t(ons of the people an& to a&versely affe0t the har"ony
a"ongst &(fferent se0t(ons of the people, (.e. /(n&us an&
Musl("s #y us(ng #o"#s, &yna"(tes, han&grena&es an&
other e=plos(ve su#stan0es l(2e %D> or (nfla""a#le
su#stan0es or f(re-ar"s l(2e A,-?4 r(fles, 0ar#(nes, p(stols
an& other lethal *eapons, (n su0h a "anner as to 0ause or
as l(2ely to 0ause &eath of or (njur(es to any person or
persons, loss of or &a"age to an& &(srupt(on of suppl(es of
serv(0es essent(al to the l(fe of the 0o""un(ty, an& to
a0h(eve the o#je0t(ves of the 0onsp(ra0y, you all agree& to
s"uggle f(re-ar"s, a""un(t(on, &etonators, han&grena&es
an& h(gh e=plos(ves l(2e %D> (nto n&(a an& to &(str(#ute
the sa"e a"ongst yourselves an& your "en of 0onf(&en0e
for the purpose of 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& for the
sa(& purpose to 0on0eal an& store all these ar"s,
a""un(t(on an& e=plos(ves at su0h safe pla0es an&
a"ongst yourselves an& *(th your "en of 0onf(&en0e t(ll (ts
use for 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& a0h(ev(ng the o#je0ts
Page 118
of 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& to &(spose off the sa"e as nee&
ar(ses. To organ(@e tra(n(ng 0a"ps (n <a2(stan an& (n n&(a
to ("port an& un&ergo *eapon tra(n(ng (n han&l(ng of
ar"s, a""un(t(ons an& e=plos(ves to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts.
To har#our an& 0on0eal terror(sts60o-0onsp(rators, an& also
to a(&, a#et an& 2no*(ngly fa0(l(tate the terror(st a0ts
an&6or any a0t preparatory to the 0o""(ss(on of terror(st
a0ts an& to ren&er any ass(stan0e f(nan0(al or other*(se for
a00o"pl(sh(ng the o#je0t of the 0onsp(ra0y to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts, to &o an& 0o""(t any other (llegal a0ts as
*ere ne0essary for a0h(ev(ng the aforesa(& o#je0t(ves of
the 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& that on 1-.35.1775 *ere
su00essful (n 0aus(ng #o"# e=plos(ons at Sto02 ;=0hange
Bu(l&(ng, A(r n&(a Bu(l&(ng, /otel Sea %o02 at Ban&ra, /otel
Centaur at Auhu, /otel Centaur at Santa0ru@, Baver(
Ba@aar, ,atha Ba@aar, Century Ba@aar at Corl(, <etrol
<u"p a&jo(n(ng Sh(v Sena Bhavan, <la@a Theatre an& (n
lo##(ng han&grena&es at Ma00h("ar /(n&u Colony, Mah("
an& at Bay-?-, Sahar nternat(onal A(rport *h(0h left "ore
than -?7 persons &ea&, 715 (njure& an& property *orth
a#out %s.-7 0rores &estroye&, an& atte"pte& to 0ause
#o"# e=plos(ons at )a(gau" Cross %oa& an& Dhanj( Street,
all (n the 0(ty of Bo"#ay an& (ts su#ur#s (.e. *(th(n 1reater
Bo"#ay. An& there#y 0o""(tte& offen0es pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& Se0t(on 1-3-
B of <C rea& *(th Se0t(ons 5(-)(()(((), 5(5)(.), ? an& 4 of
TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& rea& *(th Se0t(ons 53-, 537, 5-4,
5-., .-7, .5?, .54, -31 an& -1- of n&(an <enal Co&e an&
offen0es un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?
(1A), (1B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7, Se0t(ons 7B (1)(a)(#)(0)
of the ;=plos(ves A0t, 1++., Se0t(ons 5, .(a)(#), ? an& 4 of
the ;=plos(ve Su#stan0es A0t, 173+ an& Se0t(on . of the
<revent(on of Da"age to <u#l(0 <roperty A0t, 17+. an&
*(th(n "y 0ogn(@an0e.D
n a&&(t(on to the a#ove-sa(& pr(n0(pal 0harge of
0onsp(ra0y, the appellant *as also 0harge& on other 0ounts
*h(0h are as un&er8
A/ 0(%; S(<o$;&7= The appellant 0o""(tte& an offen0e
pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA #y &o(ng the
follo*(ng overt a0ts8-
Page 119
(a) The appellant suppl(e& 5 A,-?4 r(fles, (ts "aga@(nes,
a""un(t(ons an& han& grena&es to Sanjay Dutt (A-
117) at h(s res(&en0e at the (nstan0e of Anees
#rah(" ,as2ar (AA).
(#) The appellant arrange& 7 a(r t(02ets fro" ;ast Cest
Travels #y "a2(ng 0ash pay"ent at the (nstan0e of
A-1 to fa0(l(tate the es0ape of "e"#ers of Me"on
fa"(ly to <a2(stan v(a Du#a(.
A/ 0(%; T0"!;&7= The appellant a0Eu(re& an& fa0(l(tate&
transport of the a#ove "ent(one& ar"s an& a""un(t(ons
to A-117 *(th (ntent to a(& terror(st an& there#y 0o""(tte&
an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 4 of TADA.
133) The Des(gnate& Court foun& the appellant gu(lty on the
0harges "ent(one& at hea& f(rstly (s"aller 0onsp(ra0y) an&
0lause (a) at hea& se0on&ly. The appellant has #een
0onv(0te& an& senten0e& for the a#ove sa(& 0harges as
Co$2"</"o$ %$; S($/($<(5
(() The appellant has #een 0onv(0te& for the offen0e of
0onsp(ra0y rea& *(th the offen0es &es0r(#e& at hea& f(rstly
an& senten0e& to % for 7 years along*(th a f(ne of %s.
1,33,3336-, (n &efault, to further un&ergo % for 5 years for
the 0o""(ss(on of offen0e un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA.
(<0%!4( f"!1/&7:
Page 120
((() The appellant has #een 0onv(0te& for the offen0e un&er
se0t(on 5(5) of TADA for 0o""(ss(on of a0ts "ent(one& at
0lause (a) of hea& se0on&ly, an& senten0e& to % for 7 years
along*(th a f(ne of %s. 1, 33,3336-, (n &efault, to further
un&ergo % for 5 years. (<0%!4( 1(<o$;&7)
131) The ev(&en0e aga(nst the appellant (A-?5) (s (n the for"
(() h(s o*n 0onfess(onJ
((() 0onfess(ons "a&e #y other 0o-0onsp(ratorsJ (0o-
a00use&)J an&
(((() test("ony of prose0ut(on *(tness.
Co$f(111"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of S%#"! A0#(; H"$4o!% 9A-
13-) Confess(onal state"ent of A-?5 un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA has #een re0or&e& on 1+.3?.1775 (17833 hrs.) an&
-3.3?.1775 (17853 hrs.) #y Shr( ,r(shan Hal B(shno( (<C-175),
the then DC<, Bone , Bo"#ay. A perusal of h(s
0onfess(onal state"ent states as un&er8-
Page 121
(() The appellant starte& a L(&eo H(#rary an& Mustafa
Dossa G Mustafa Majnoo (A-15+)-#rother of Moh&. Dossa
(AA), *as a "e"#er of h(s H(#rary.
((() T(ger Me"on use& to *or2 *(th A-15+ (n h(s shops at
Man(sh Mar2et an& #e0a"e a fr(en& of A-?5.
(((() The appellant starte& the #us(ness of f(l" &(str(#ut(on
an& pro&u0t(on #y the na"e of Magnu" (n partnersh(p *(th
/an(f ,an&a*ala (A-.3)-s(n0e &e0ease&.
((v) Anees #rah(" ,as2ar (AA) #e0a"e a "e"#er of h(s
L(&eo H(#rary an& *as referre& to #y everyone as An(s#ha(
s(n0e he *as the #rother of Da*oo& #rah(".
(v) A-?5 an& T(ger Me"on use& to "eet freEuently an&
&(s0uss "atters relat(ng to the #us(ness.
(v() A-?5 re0e(ve& a pay"ent of %s. -1.73 la2hs fro" Ayu#
Me"on sent through so"eone on 15.35.1775 (one &ay after
the #lasts) as a&van0e for pur0has(ng r(ghts of f(l"s.
(v(() A-?5 ha& v(s(te& Du#a( an& "et An(s #rah(" "any
t("es an& sol& the r(ghts of "any f(l"s to M6s ,(ngs L(&eo,
"anage& #y An(s. An(s also 0ontrols Al-Mansoor L(&eo
Co"pany through Chota %ajan.
Page 122
(v((() Fn 1?.31.1775, #rah(" Musa Chauhan (A-.1) an& A#u
Sale" (A-157) "et A-?5 at h(s off(0e, an& gave h(" a
"essage that they have #een &(re0te& #y An(s#ha( to see
the appellant regar&(ng the han&(ng over of *eapons to A-
117 at h(s res(&en0e.
((=) An(s #rah(" 0alle& the appellant fro" Du#a( an& tol&
h(" that A-.1 an& A-157 are h(s "en an& that they *(ll #r(ng
one veh(0le loa&e& *(th *eapons an& the appellant has to
"a2e arrange"ents for off-loa&(ng an& han&(ng over the
*eapons to A-117, an& the rest *(ll #e ta2en #y the" for
&(str(#ut(on to other persons.
(=) nsp(te of the un*(ll(ngness of /an(f ,an&a*ala, h(s
partner, (n or&er to 0arry out the (nstru0t(ons, A-?5 too2 A-
157 to the res(&en0e of A-117, *here A-117 hugge& A#u
Sale" an& as2e& h(" a#out the *eapons. A-117 then tol& A-
157 to #r(ng the *eapons the ne=t &ay at 7 a".
(=() Fn 14.31.1775, A-?5 le& A-157 an& A-.1 to the house of
Sanjay Dutt. A-157 an& A-.1 *ere (n a #lue "arut( van *h(le
A-?5 *as (n h(s o*n 0ar.
Page 123
(=(() At the res(&en0e of A-117, A-?5 sa* that the #lue van
*as 0onta(n(ng 7 A,-?4 r(fles an& so"e han& grena&es an&
gave 5 A,-?4 r(fles an& so"e "aga@(nes to A-117. A-117
also as2e& for so"e han& grena&es *h(0h *ere put (n a
#la02 #ag #y A-157.
(=((() A-157 2ept the r(fles (n a f(at 0ar #elong(ng to A-117.
The han& grena&es *ere 2ept (n the 0ar of A-?5, an& he left
the 0ar at A-117Ms res(&en0e an& too2 an auto r(02sha*.
(=(v) A-?5 0olle0te& h(s 0ar fro" A-117Ms res(&en0e after 5
&ays *hen he 0alle& h(" an& (nfor"e& h(" that grena&es
have #een ta2en out.
135) A perusal of the aforesa(& 0onfess(on sho*s that the
appellant *as a*are a#out the goo&s *h(0h *ere to #e off-
loa&e& an& also a#out the purpose for *h(0h the sa"e *ere
to #e use& *h(0h fa0t (s 0lear fro" h(s 0onfess(on, v(@.,
9Anees -hai telephone to me from Dubai saying that -aba
and Saleem are his men They will bring one vehicle loaded
with weapons =ou ma"e arrangements for off4loading and
hand over weapons to A4119 and the rest will be ta"en by
them for distribution to other persons! !urther, (nsp(te of
Page 124
the un*(ll(ngness of /an(f ,an&a*ala, he pro0ee&e& to help
the 0o-a00use&. So the 0ontent(on of the appellant that he
*as a "ere nav(gator (s "(spla0e& an& (n0orre0t.
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/1 of <o-%<<81(;5
13.) Apart fro" h(s o*n 0onfess(on, the (nvolve"ent of the
appellant has also #een &(s0lose& (n the 0onfess(onal
state"ents of the follo*(ng 0o-a00use&. The legal(ty an&
a00epta#(l(ty of the 0onfess(ons of the 0o-a00use& has
alrea&y #een 0ons(&ere& #y us (n the earl(er part of our
&(s0uss(on. The sa(& 0onfess(ons (nsofar as they refer to the
appellant (A-?5) are su""ar(@e& here(n#elo*8
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of IB!%0"# M81% C0%80%$ C
B%B% 9A-,1:
Confess(onal state"ent of A-.1 un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA *as re0or&e& on -5.3..1775 (1-8.? hrs.) an&
-?.3..1775 (1583? hrs.) #y Shr( <re" ,r(shna Aa(n (<C-1+7),
the then DC<, Bone >, Bo"#ay. The sa(& 0onfess(on sho*s
Page 125
(() Fn 1?.31.1775, A-.1 an& A-157 *ent to the off(0e of
Magnu" (n or&er to "eet A-?5 upon the (nstru0t(ons of
Anees *ho *as (n Du#a(.
((() A-?5 along *(th A-.1, A-157 an& later *(th A-.1
sear0he& for garages (n <al( /(ll areas, Ban&ra as
suggeste& #y Anees #rah(".
(((() A-?5 an& A-157 left together on 1?.31.1775.
((v) Fn 14.31.1775, A-157 0a"e to h(s house (n the "orn(ng
an& they rea0he& the off(0e of A-?5 at aroun& 34853-
348.? a.". A-157 an& A-.1 sat (n one 0ar follo*e& #y
the 0ar of A-?5 to the house of Sanjay Dutt (A-117).
(v) A-157 opene& the van at the res(&en0e of A-117 an&
too2 out 7 A,-?4 r(fles, a#out +3 han& grena&es an&
aroun& 1?336-333 #ullets (n the presen0e of A-?5 an&
(v() A-157 2ept 5 r(fles, 7 "aga@(nes, .?3 #ullets an& -3
han& grena&es (n the 0ar of A-117.
(v(() A-?5 2ept -3 han& grena&es (n h(s 0ar. A-?5 also gave
a long sports #ag to A-.1 (n *h(0h 5 r(fles, 14
Page 126
"aga@(nes, -? han& grena&es an& 7?3 #ullets *ere
((=) A-?5 &roppe& A-.1 to h(s 0ar an& after that they left the
res(&en0e of A-117.
A perusal of the 0onfess(onal state"ent of A-.1 sho*s that
the appellant helpe& the 0o-a00use& persons to loo2 for a
garage *here the *eapons 0oul& #e off-loa&e& an& after
that they *ere to #e &(str(#ute& to var(ous persons.
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of MoB"$% C B%7% Moo1%
B0"?%$;"?%&% 9A-+6:
(() Fn the &(re0t(ons of T(ger Me"on, o*ner of Magnu"
L(&eos (A-?5) ha& sent %s. ?3,3336- to her res(&en0e on
one or t*o o00as(ons.
(((() After the #last, the o*ner of Magnu" L(&eos (A-?5) ha&
sent %s. ?3,3336- for help.
The a#ove 0onfess(on of A-74 sho*s that the appellant *as
(n tou0h *(th T(ger Me"on even after the #lasts an& on h(s
(nstru0t(ons, he sent %s. ?3,3336- to A-74 for help.
Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of S%$6%7 D8// 9A-117:
Page 127
Confess(onal state"ent of A-117 un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA *as re0or&e& on -4.3..1775 (1?853 hrs.) an&
-+.3..1775 (14833 hrs.) #y Shr( ,r(shan Hal B(shno( (<C-175),
the then DC<, Bone , Bo"#ay. The sa(& 0onfess(on reveals
as un&er8
(() A-117 2ne* A-?5 an& he *as a0t(ng (n one of h(s f(l"s.
A-?5 use& to freEuently 0o"e to h(s house for ta2(ng &ates.
((() A-?5 an& A-.3 repeate&ly tol& A-117 to a0Eu(re a
f(rear" fro" the".
(((() n "(&-Aanuary, A-?5, A-.3 an& A-157 0a"e to the
house of A-117 at aroun& 37853 p.". an& tol& h(" that the
*eapons *(ll #e &el(evere& the ne=t &ay. )e=t &ay, they
aga(n 0a"e (n the "orn(ng *(th one "ore person to the
res(&en0e of A-117.
((v) At the res(&en0e of A-117, (n the presen0e of A-?5, A-
157 too2 out *eapons an& han&e& (t over to h(".
(v) A-?5 0a"e to h(s house along *(th A-.3 after --5 &ays
*hen A-117 returne& - A,-?4 r(fles to the".
The 0onfess(on of A-117 0orro#orates (n "ater(al part(0ulars
*(th the 0onfess(on of other 0o-a00use& persons.
Page 128
D('o1"/"o$ of P!o1(<8/"o$ "/$(115
13?) Apart fro" the aforesa(& ev(&en0e, the follo*(ng
prose0ut(on *(tness &epose& as un&er8
D('o1"/"o$ of P%$;0%!"$%/0 H%$8#%$/0 S0"$;( (P-21):
The relevant "ater(al (n h(s ev(&en0e (s as follo*s8-
(() <C--1+ (&ent(f(e& A-?5 (n the T< hel& on -7.3?.1775 at
the off(0e of Cr("e Bran0h.
((() <C--1+ (&ent(f(e& A-?5 (n the Court.
134) :pon perusal of the ent(re ev(&en0e, (t (s 0lear that the
appellant *as 0losely asso0(ate& *(th T(ger Me"on an&
Anees #rah(" ,as2ar (AA). !urther, (nsp(te of the
un*(ll(ngness sho*n #y h(s partner - /an(f ,an&a*ala (A-.3),
the appellant helpe& the 0o-a00use& sear0he& for garages
*here the *eapons *ere to #e off-loa&e& an& 0on0eale&
*hereafter they *ere to #e &(str(#ute& to A-117 an& other
persons. n a&&(t(on to the sa"e, the appellant *as also
asso0(ate& *(th 0o-a00use& even after the #lasts *h(0h fa0t
(s 0learly &(s0ern(#le fro" the 0onfess(on of A-74 *here(n she
state& that after 0o"(ng #a02 to her house, her father
Page 129
(nfor"e& her that o*ner of Magnu" L(&eos (A-?5) ha& 0o"e
an& gave %s. ?3,3336- for help.
137) Mr. %ohtag(, learne& sen(or 0ounsel for the appellant
po(nte& out that *(thout esta#l(sh(ng the pre-reEu(s(tes as
hel& (n the 0ase of State vs. Na+ini, (1777) ? SCC -?5, (t (s
only on the groun& of a0Eua(ntan0e *(th the "a(n
0onsp(rators an& allege& 2no*le&ge a0Eu(re& on phone that
after han&(ng over *eapons to A-117, the #alan0e *oul& #e
ta2en for &(str(#ut(on, for *h(0h the appellant has #een
erroneously 0onv(0te& un&er Se0t(on 5(5). Ce are una#le to
a00ept the sa(& 0la(". Ce have alrea&y po(nte& out the
appellantMs pro=("(ty *(th Anees #rah(". t *as on the
(nstru0t(ons of Anees that the ar"s *ere &el(vere& to Sanjay
Dutt an& #e0ause of the relat(onsh(p of Anees an&
T(ger6Da*oo& #rah(", (t esta#l(shes a strong l(n2 #et*een
A-?5 an& Anees. Though (t *as argue& that there *as no
pro=("(ty #et*een the appellant an& Anees, "ater(als rel(e&
on #y the prose0ut(on 0learly prove the(r relat(onsh(p.
!urther, the(r relat(onsh(p 0annot #e s("ply 0onstrue& as a
#us(ness relat(onsh(p. The "ater(als pla0e& on re0or& #y the
Page 130
prose0ut(on, rel(e& on an& a00epte& #y the Spe0(al Au&ge
sho* that the appellant *as gu(lty of &(str(#ut(ng ar"s to
persons other than Sanjay Dutt. The f(n&(ng re0or&e& #y the
tr(al Au&ge (s that A-?5 not only &(str(#ute& *eapons to A-117
#ut also to th(r& part(es.
13+) The CB has su00essfully pla0e& "ater(als to sho* that
the appellant *as respons(#le for arrang(ng garages for the
storage of *eapons. Ce have alrea&y a&verte& to the
0onfess(onal state"ent of A-.1 *here(n (n 0ategor(0al ter"s
(t *as asserte& that A-?5, the present appellant, along *(th
A-.1 an& A-157 sear0he& for garages (n <al( /(ll areas,
Ban&ra *here the *eapons 0oul& #e off loa&e& an& after
that they *ere to #e &(str(#ute& to var(ous persons as
suggeste& #y Anees #rah(". n v(e* of the sa"e, the
argu"ent of the learne& sen(or 0ounsel for the appellant (s
l(a#le to #e reje0te&. The 0onfess(onal state"ent of A-.1
also sho*s that the appellant helpe& the 0o-a00use& persons
to loo2 for garages. n su0h 0(r0u"stan0e, (t 0annot #e
0la("e& that at no po(nt of t("e A-?5 *as ever a*are of *hat
*as to #e store& (n the garages.
Page 131
137) Mr. %ohtag(, learne& sen(or 0ounsel &(spute& the
a&"(ss(#(l(ty of 0onfess(on "a&e #y the appellant an&
voluntar(ness of h(s state"ent. The Des(gnate& Court, on
go(ng through the ev(&en0e of the off(0er *ho re0or&e& h(s
0onfess(on, the pro0e&ure follo*e&, opportun(ty g(ven to the
appellant, reje0te& the s("(lar o#je0t(on ra(se& #efore h(".
:pon go(ng through all the "ater(als, *e agree *(th the
reason(ng of the Spe0(al Au&ge an& *e are of the v(e* that
there (s no fla* (n the pro0e&ure *h(le re0or&(ng the
0onfess(on of the appellant.
A''(%& B7 /0( S/%/( of M%0%!%10/!% /0!o840 CBI5
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1026 of 2012
113) Though Mr. %a*al, learne& AS1, praye& for 0onv(0t(on
of A-?5 for the 0harge fra"e& at hea& f(rstly, (.e., larger
0onsp(ra0y, (n v(e* of the a#ove &(s0uss(on, *e are sat(sf(e&
that the "ater(als ava(la#le esta#l(sh h(s (nvolve"ent only to
the e=tent of the s"aller 0onsp(ra0y an& the Des(gnate&
Court *as just(f(e& (n arr(v(ng at su0h 0on0lus(on an& *e fully
agree *(th the sa"e, hen0e, the appeal f(le& #y the State (s
l(a#le to #e &(s"(sse&.
Page 132
111) A00or&(ng to learne& sen(or 0ounsel for A-?5, out of 7
years of senten0e a*ar&e&, he has 0o"plete& 4 T (s(= an& a
half) years an& there are several e=tenuat(ng 0(r0u"stan0es
for re&u0t(on of the senten0e. They are8
(() The appellant (s a s(02 person suffer(ng fro" 0ar&(a0
pro#le"s s(n0e -331J
((() /e has 4 stents (n h(s arter(esJ
(((() The appellant, (n a&&(t(on to heart &(sease, (s a &(a#et(0
pat(ent (on (nsul(n). Ch(le &(a#etes on (ts o*n "ay not
#e a "ajor a(l"ent, (t assu"es far greater ser(ousness
*hen 0ouple& *(th a ser(ous heart a(l"ent.
((v) The appellant has alrea&y fa0e& protra0te& tr(al for 15
T (th(rteen an& a half) years on &ay to &ay #as(s. n
fa0t, he has 0ont(nue& atten&an0e after 0onv(0t(on as
per #a(l 0on&(t(ons for further ? yearsJ
v) The ent(re #us(ness an& goo&*(ll of the appellant has
#een lost.
v() The appellant has alrea&y serve& a#out 4 T (s(= an& a
half) years (*(thout re"(ss(on).
Page 133
11-) Ta2(ng note of all these aspe0ts an& of the fa0t that the
CB *as not a#le to esta#l(sh the 0harge relat(ng to "ajor
0onsp(ra0y an& also that out of the per(o& of 7 years, A-?5
has serve& nearly s(= an& a half years of senten0e an& (n the
l(ght of the a(l"ents an& ta2(ng note of the fa0t that the
"(n("u" senten0e pres0r(#e& (s ? years, *h(le 0onf(r"(ng
the 0onv(0t(on, *e re&u0e the senten0e to the per(o& alrea&y
115) The appeal f(le& #y the a00use& (s &(spose& of on the
a#ove ter"s. The appeal f(le& #y the CB (s &(s"(sse&.
Page 134
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1001 of 2007
Ba(#un(sa An*ar ,a@( (A-117) ... Appellant(s)
The State of Maharashtra,
through Super(nten&ent of <ol(0e,
CB-ST!, Bo"#ay ... %espon&ent(s)
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. -+2 of 2011
The State of Maharashtra,
through CB $. Appellant(s)
Ba(#un(sa An*ar ,a@( (A-117) $.
11.) Mr. Sush(l ,u"ar, learne& sen(or 0ounsel appeare& for
the appellant (A-117) an& Mr. %a*al, learne& AS1 &uly
ass(ste& #y Mr. Satya2a", learne& 0ounsel appeare& for the
respon&ent (CB).
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. 1001 of 2007
11?) The (nstant appeal (s &(re0te& aga(nst the f(nal
ju&g"ent an& or&er of 0onv(0t(on an& senten0e &ate&
Page 135
-+.11.-334 an& 1..34.-337 respe0t(vely *here#y the
appellant (A-117) has #een 0onv(0te& an& senten0e& to
r(gorous ("pr(son"ent for ? years #y the Des(gnate& Court
un&er TADA for the Bo"#ay Bo"# Blast Case, 1reater
Bo"#ay (n B.B.C. )o.161775.
114) A 0o""on 0harge of 0onsp(ra0y *as fra"e& aga(nst all
the 0o-0onsp(rators (n0lu&(ng the appellant. The relevant
port(on of the sa(& 0harge (s repro&u0e& hereun&er8
9Dur(ng the per(o& fro" De0e"#er, 177- to Apr(l, 1775 at
var(ous pla0es (n Bo"#ay, D(str(0t %a(ga& an& D(str(0t
Thane (n n&(a an& outs(&e n&(a (n Du#a( (:.A.;.) <a2(stan,
entere& (nto a 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an&6or *ere "e"#ers of
the sa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y *hose o#je0t *as to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts (n n&(a an& that you all agree& to 0o""(t
follo*(ng (llegal a0ts, na"ely, to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts *(th
an (ntent to overa*e the 1overn"ent as #y la*
esta#l(she&, to str(2e terror (n the people, to al(enate
se0t(ons of the people an& to a&versely affe0t the har"ony
a"ongst &(fferent se0t(ons of the people, (.e. /(n&us an&
Musl("s #y us(ng #o"#s, &yna"(tes, han&grena&es an&
other e=plos(ve su#stan0es l(2e %D> or (nfla""a#le
su#stan0es or f(re-ar"s l(2e A,-?4 r(fles, 0ar#(nes, p(stols
an& other lethal *eapons, (n su0h a "anner as to 0ause or
as l(2ely to 0ause &eath of or (njur(es to any person or
persons, loss of or &a"age to an& &(srupt(on of suppl(es of
serv(0es essent(al to the l(fe of the 0o""un(ty, an& to
a0h(eve the o#je0t(ves of the 0onsp(ra0y, you all agree& to
s"uggle f(re-ar"s, a""un(t(on, &etonators, han&grena&es
an& h(gh e=plos(ves l(2e %D> (nto n&(a an& to &(str(#ute
the sa"e a"ongst yourselves an& your "en of 0onf(&en0e
for the purpose of 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& for the
sa(& purpose to 0on0eal an& store all these ar"s,
a""un(t(on an& e=plos(ves at su0h safe pla0es an&
Page 136
a"ongst yourselves an& *(th your "en of 0onf(&en0e t(ll (ts
use for 0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& a0h(ev(ng the o#je0ts
of 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& to &(spose off the sa"e as nee&
ar(ses. To organ(@e tra(n(ng 0a"ps (n <a2(stan an& (n n&(a
to ("port an& un&ergo *eapon tra(n(ng (n han&l(ng of
ar"s, a""un(t(ons an& e=plos(ves to 0o""(t terror(st a0ts.
To har#our an& 0on0eal terror(sts60o-0onsp(rators, an& also
to a(&, a#et an& 2no*(ngly fa0(l(tate the terror(st a0ts
an&6or any a0t preparatory to the 0o""(ss(on of terror(st
a0ts an& to ren&er any ass(stan0e f(nan0(al or other*(se for
a00o"pl(sh(ng the o#je0t of the 0onsp(ra0y to 0o""(t
terror(st a0ts, to &o an& 0o""(t any other (llegal a0ts as
*ere ne0essary for a0h(ev(ng the aforesa(& o#je0t(ves of
the 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y an& that on 1-.35.1775 *ere
su00essful (n 0aus(ng #o"# e=plos(ons at Sto02 ;=0hange
Bu(l&(ng, A(r n&(a Bu(l&(ng, /otel Sea %o02 at Ban&ra, /otel
Centaur at Auhu, /otel Centaur at Santa0ru@, Baver(
Ba@aar, ,atha Ba@aar, Century Ba@aar at Corl(, <etrol
<u"p a&jo(n(ng Sh(v Sena Bhavan, <la@a Theatre an& (n
lo##(ng han&grena&es at Ma00h("ar /(n&u Colony, Mah("
an& at Bay-?-, Sahar nternat(onal A(rport *h(0h left "ore
than -?7 persons &ea&, 715 (njure& an& property *orth
a#out %s.-7 0rores &estroye&, an& atte"pte& to 0ause
#o"# e=plos(ons at )a(gau" Cross %oa& an& Dhanj( Street,
all (n the 0(ty of Bo"#ay an& (ts su#ur#s (.e. *(th(n 1reater
Bo"#ay. An& there#y 0o""(tte& offen0es pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& Se0t(on 1-3-
B of <C rea& *(th Se0t(ons 5(-)(()(((), 5(5)(.), ? an& 4 of
TADA (<) A0t, 17+7 an& rea& *(th Se0t(ons 53-, 537, 5-4,
5-., .-7, .5?, .54, -31 an& -1- of n&(an <enal Co&e an&
offen0es un&er Se0t(ons 5 an& 7 rea& *(th Se0t(ons -?
(1A), (1B)(a) of the Ar"s A0t, 17?7, Se0t(ons 7B (1)(a)(#)(0)
of the ;=plos(ves A0t, 1++., Se0t(ons 5, .(a)(#), ? an& 4 of
the ;=plos(ve Su#stan0es A0t, 173+ an& Se0t(on . of the
<revent(on of Da"age to <u#l(0 <roperty A0t, 17+. an&
*(th(n "y 0ogn(@an0e.D
n a&&(t(on to the f(rst 0harge, the appellant (A-117) *as also
0harge& for hav(ng 0o""(tte& the follo*(ng offen0es (n
pursuan0e of the 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y &es0r(#e& as un&er8
Page 137
A/ 0(%; S(<o$;&75 The appellant, (n pursuan0e of the
aforesa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y, has 0o""(tte& the follo*(ng
overt a0ts8
(a) The appellant, (n 0onn(van0e *(th other 0o-
0onsp(rators 2ept (n her possess(on A,-?4 r(fles, (ts
a""un(t(ons an& han& grena&es *h(0h she store& at
her res(&en0e at the (nstan0e of Anees #rah("
,as2ar (AA) *h(0h *as #rought to her res(&en0e #y
*ante& a00use& A#u Sale" Uayu" Ansar( (then
a#s0on&(ng no* A-157) an& Man@oor Ah"e& Saye&
Ah"e& (A-+7) an& there#y a(&e& an& fa0(l(tate& the
&(str(#ut(on of f(rear"s, a""un(t(on an& e=plos(ves
s"uggle& (nto n&(a #y other 0o-0onsp(rators for
0o""(tt(ng terror(st a0ts an& there#y 0o""(tte& an
offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 5 (5) of TADA.
A/ 0(%; T0"!;&78 The appellant, (n pursuan0e of the
aforesa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y, ha& (n her possess(on,
unauthor(se&ly, A,-?4 r(fles, (ts a""un(t(ons an& han&
grena&es (n 1reater Bo"#ay *h(0h (s spe0(f(e& as a
not(f(e& area un&er 0lause (f) of su#-se0t(on (1) of Se0t(on -
of TADA an& there#y 0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le
un&er Se0t(on ? of TADA.
A/ 0(%; Fo8!/0&75 The appellant, (n pursuan0e of the
aforesa(& 0r("(nal 0onsp(ra0y, *(th an (ntent to a(&
terror(sts an& fa(le& to g(ve (nfor"at(on to
pol(0e6"ag(strate 0ontravene& the prov(s(ons of the Ar"s
A0t, 17?7, the Ar"s %ules, 174-, the ;=plos(ve Su#stan0es
A0t, 173+ an& the ;=plos(ves %ules, 17+5 an& there#y
0o""(tte& an offen0e pun(sha#le un&er Se0t(on 4 of TADA.
Co$2"</"o$ %$; S($/($<(5
117) The appellant (A-117) has #een 0onv(0te& an&
senten0e& as un&er8
Page 138
(() % for ? years *(th a f(ne of %s. -?,3336-, (n &efault, to
further un&ergo % for 4 "onths un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of
TADA 9<0%!4( 1(<o$;&7:
(() % for ? years along *(th a f(ne of %s. 7?,3336-, (n
&efault, to further un&ergo % for a per(o& of 1 T (one
an& a half) years. 9<0%!4( fo8!/0&7:
11+) The Des(gnate& Court a0Eu(tte& the appellant (A-117)
on the f(rst an& th(r& 0harge. Challeng(ng the 0onv(0t(on A-
117 f(le& Cr("(nal Appeal )o. 13316-337 an& Cr("(nal Appeal
)o. 57-6-311 has #een preferre& #y the prose0ut(on
0halleng(ng the a0Eu(ttal of the appellant on the 0harge of
0onsp(ra0y alone.
117) The ev(&en0e aga(nst the appellant (A-117) (s (n the
for" of8-
(() 0onfess(ons "a&e #y other 0o-0onsp(ratorJ (0o-
a00use&)J an&
((() test("ony of prose0ut(on *(tnesses.
Page 139
1-3) Co$f(11"o$%& S/%/(#($/1 of <o-%<<81(;5
A #r(ef a00ount of the ev(&en0e #rought on re0or& (n
respe0t of A-117 (s su""ar(@e& as un&er8
Co$f(111"o$%& S/%/(#($/ of M%$Doo! A0#(; S%7(;
A0#(; 9A-)+:
Confess(onal state"ent of A-+7 un&er Se0t(on 1? of
TADA has #een re0or&e& on -..3?.1775 (1181? hrs.) (<art )
an& -4.3?.1775 (<art ) (17853 hrs.). The 0onfess(on of A-+7
*(th respe0t to the appellant (s su""ar(@e& hereun&er8
9A-+7 an& A-157 *ent to the f(rst floor of -- Mount
Mary, L(&hyan0hal Apart"ent an& han&e& over the #ag
to a la&y an& tol& that the #ag 0onta(ns ar"s for
0aus(ng r(ots an& they *ere sent #y An(s Bha( an& that
they *oul& ta2e the #ag after so"e &ays. After say(ng
so, he gave the #ag to that "(&&le age& la&y. The la&y
opene& the #ag an& after see(ng (ts 0ontents, 0lose&
the sa"e an& too2 (t (ns(&e the roo"D.
1-1) :pon perusal of the aforesa(& 0onfess(on, (t (s 0lear that
the appellant *as (n 0ons0(ous possess(on of ar"s an&
Page 140
a""un(t(ons an& e=plos(ves (n a not(f(e& area of Bo"#ay,
an& *as also a*are a#out the purpose for *h(0h they *ere
to #e use&, that (s, to 0ause r(ots (n Bo"#ay. Fn the other
han&, a00or&(ng to 0ounsel for the appellant (A-117), the
0onfess(on of A-+7 0annot #e rel(e& upon s(n0e (t has no
ev(&ent(ary value. Fn the other han&, Mr. %a*al, learne&
AS1 *h(le rely(ng on the &e0(s(on of th(s Court (n $oh%
&yub Dar vs. State of Jammu an Kashmir, (-313) 7 SCC
51- 0onten&e& that the 0onv(0t(on an& senten0e un&er
0harge se0on&ly an& fourthly (s fully just(f(e&. /e rel(e&
heav(ly on the follo*(ng 0on0lus(on arr(ve& at #y th(s Court
*h(0h rea&s thus8
G*+. t *oul&, therefore, #e 0lear, as r(ghtly 0onten&e& #y
Shr( %a*al that "erely #e0ause the gu(&el(nes (n *artar
Singh v. State of /un$ab *ere not fully follo*e&, that #y
(tself &oes not *(pe out the 0onfess(on re0or&e&. Ce have
alrea&y g(ven our reasons for hol&(ng that the 0onfess(on
*as re0or&e& #y A.,. Sur( (<C -) ta2(ng full 0are an&
0aut(ons *h(0h *ere reEu(re& to #e o#serve& *h(le
re0or&(ng the 0onfess(on.
60. n +avinder Singh v. State of 5aharashtra (t has #een
o#serve& (n para 17 that (f the 0onfess(on "a&e #y the
a00use& (s voluntary an& truthful an& relates to the
a00use& h("self, then no further 0orro#orat(on (s ne0essary
an& a 0onv(0t(on of the a00use& 0an #e solely #ase& on (t.
t has also #een o#serve& that su0h 0onfess(onal state"ent
(s a&"(ss(#le as a su#stant(ve p(e0e of ev(&en0e. t *as
further o#serve& that the sa(& 0onfess(on nee& not #e
teste& for the 0ontra&(0t(ons to #e foun& (n the 0onfess(on
of the 0o-a00use&. t (s for that reason that even (f the
Page 141
other oral ev(&en0e goes 0ounter to the state"ents "a&e
(n the 0onfess(on, oneRs 0onfess(on 0an #e foun& to #e
voluntary an& rel(a#le an& (t 0an #e0o"e the #as(s of the
n a&&(t(on to the propos(t(on of la* "ent(one& a#ove, the
a00epta#(l(ty of 0onfess(on of 0o-a00use& has alrea&y #een
&(s0usse& an& 0ons(&ere& (n the earl(er part of our ju&g"ent,
there (s no nee& to repeat the sa"e on0e aga(n.
O/0(! (2";($<(5
D('o1"/"o$ of D"&"' B0%$;8! Ho10 9P-2)-:
1--) <C--+5 &epose& as un&er8
(() At the relevant t("e, he *as *or2(ng as the *at0h"an
(n the L(&hyan0hal So0(ety.
((() /e further &epose& that he *(ll #e a#le to (&ent(fy the
o00upants of the sa(& so0(ety (n the year 1775
(((() /e state& that the appellant *as res(&(ng on the f(rst
floor of B C(ng of the sa(& so0(ety
((v) /e (&ent(f(e& the appellant #efore the 0ourt.
The aforesa(& ev(&en0e 0orro#orates the fa0t that the
appellant *as stay(ng on the f(rst floor of the L(&yan0hal
Page 142
1-5) :pon appre0(at(on of the ent(re ev(&en0e, the
Des(gnate& Court hel& as un&er8
95-) C(th regar& to the 0ase of A-117 there appears
s("(lar(ty (n "any of the aspe0ts *(th A-+7. C(th regar& to
the &efen0e 0r(t(0(s" of the "ater(al ev(&en0e aga(nst her
#e(ng (n shape of "ater(al (n 0onfess(on of A-+7 all the
&(lat(on "a&e a#out the su#"(ss(ons 0anvasse& that
0onv(0t(on 0annot #e "a&e on the #as(s of "ater(al (n
0onfess(on of 0o-a00use& *oul& #e appl(0a#le. n the sa(&
0onte=t, (t *(ll #e ne0essary to a&& that "ater(al (n the
0onfess(on of 0o-a00use& #e(ng no* hel& to #e su#stant(ve
p(e0e of ev(&en0e an& 0ons(&er(ng the 0(r0u"stan0es
relevant to the role playe& #y A-117 (.e. only 5 persons
#e(ng present *hen the relevant a0t of ta2(ng an& stor(ng
the *eapons *as effe0te& an& thus there #e(ng no other
0orro#orat(ve "ater(al, *h(0h 0oul& have #een ava(la#le
the sa(& "atters (n the 0onfess(on *(ll not #e l(a#le to #e
&(s0ar&e& on the 0ount of there #e(ng no 0orro#orat(ons as
state& earl(er. )o* 0ons(&er(ng the per(o& (n *h(0h the
relevant ha& o00urre& an& the per(o& after *h(0h the pol(0e
ha& re0e(ve& the (nfor"at(on, "erely #e0ause ev(&en0e
&oes not reveal of any "ater(al #e(ng foun& at the house of
A-117 *(ll not #e a groun& for &(s0ar&(ng the sa(& "ater(al
(n the 0onfess(on of A-+7. As a "atter of fa0t, event the
sa(& "ater(al (tself reveals that the sa(& *eapons *ere to
#e 2ept *(th her an& *ere to #e 0olle0te& #a02 #y A#u
Sale"J non-f(n&(ng of *eapon *(th her 0learly appears to
#e (ns(gn(f(0ant 0(r0u"stan0e.
55) Thus the ev(&en0e hav(ng 0learly &enote& that
*eapons *ere 2ept *(th her for storage purpose an& they
*ere to #e 0olle0te& #a02, A-117 0annot #e sa(& to #e (n
possess(on of 0ontra#an& "ater(al as all the t("e the
possess(on of the sa(& *eapons *oul& have #een that of
"a(n 0onsp(rator *ho ha& 2ept the sa"e *(th her. n v(e*
of the sa"e, al(2e A-+7 she 0annot #e sa(& to #e gu(lty for
0o""(ss(on of offen0e un&er Se0t(on ? of TADA an& the
relevant se0t(ons un&er the Ar"s A0t, for *h(0h she (s
0harge& at the tr(al. S("(larly, for the sa"e reasons
#e0ause of *h(0h A-+7 0annot #e sa(& to #e gu(lty for
offen0e of 0onsp(ra0y. She also 0annot #e sa(& to#e gu(lty
for 0o""(ss(on of su0h offen0e. t (s (n&ee& true that
0ons(&er(ng the role playe& #y her (n stor(ng the *eapons
Page 143
(n her house or even for A-+7 #e(ng also (nstru"ental for
ta2(ng the sa(& *eapons &oes 0reate a strong susp(0(on of
#oth of the" #e(ng "an of 0onf(&en0e of pr("e
0onsp(rator. /o*ever, s(n0e shrou&(ng of susp(0(on 0annot
ta2e the pla0e of proof an& there #e(ng pau0(ty of "ater(al
that #oth of the" ha& 2no*le&ge of o#je0t of any
part(0ular 0onsp(ra0y #oth of the" 0annot #e hel& gu(lty for
0o""(ss(on of offen0e of 0onsp(ra0y. Thus, al(2e A-+7 she
*(ll #e also reEu(re& to #e hel& not gu(lty for 0o""(ss(on of
offen0e for *h(0h she *as 0harge& at hea& f(rstly.
5.) /o*ever, 0ons(&er(ng the repeate& part(0(pat(on of A-
117 (n allo*(ng a#s0on&(ng a00use& Anees #rah(" to store
the *eapons at her house or *(th her, herself ta2(ng up the
*eapons (n sp(te of 2no*(ng the purpose for *h(0h the
sa"e *ere sent #y Anees, the ev(&en0e perta(n(ng to
se0on& o00as(on 0learly reveal(ng that the *eapons *ere -
A,-?4 %(fles an& the a""un(t(on an& there#y all the
ev(&en0e esta#l(sh(ng that the sa"e #e(ng #rought to n&(a
for 0o""(ss(on of terror(sts A0t (.e. #y an& for the
terror(sts, a0t 0o""(tte& #y her *(ll 0learly fall *(th(n the
four 0orners of Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA. S("(larly, her a0t of
2eep(ng su0h a "ater(al (n the house, even after 2no*(ng
the purpose for *h(0h the sa"e *ere #rought to n&(a
0learly reveals that #y the sa"e she *as a(&(ng an&
a#ett(ng the terror(sts #y 0ontraven(ng the prov(s(ons of
the Ar"s A0t. As su0h she *(ll #e reEu(re& to #e hel& gu(lty
for 0o""(ss(on of offen0e un&er Se0t(on 4 of TADA.
5?) As a result of the aforesa(& &(s0uss(on, <o(nt )o. 145
to 144 an& so also relevant po(nts fra"e& for offen0e of
0onsp(ra0y *(ll #e reEu(re& to #e ans*ere& (n 0onsonan0e
*(th 0on0lus(ons arr(ve& &ur(ng the aforesa(& &(s0uss(on (.e.
aff(r"at(ve for hol&(ng A-+7 an& A-117 gu(lty for offen0e
un&er Se0t(on 5(5) of TADA an& A-117 also gu(lty for
offen0e un&er Se0t(on 4 of TADA an& negat(ve *(th regar&
to the other 0harges fra"e& aga(nst the" at a tr(al. Thus
<o(nt )o. 145 to 144 stan&s ans*ere& a00or&(ngly.D
1-.) The a#ove &(s0uss(on sho*s that the Des(gnate& Court
0onv(0te& the appellant un&er Se0t(on 5(5) an& Se0t(on 4 of
TADA only on the #as(s of the 0onfess(onal state"ent of A-+7
Page 144
an& the ev(&en0e of <C--+5 Cho*2(&ar (*at0h"an (n the
#u(l&(ng). A&"(tte&ly, the appellant, at no po(nt of t("e, ha&
"a&e any 0onfess(on a&"(tt(ng her gu(lt. ;Eually, (t (s not (n
&(spute that no re0overy has #een affe0te& fro" her house.
The only (n0r("(nat(ng 0(r0u"stan0e aga(nst her (s the
state"ent of A-+7 that *h(le han&(ng over a plast(0 #ag, he
"ent(one& that (t 0onta(ns A,-?4 r(fle an& other ar"s. t (s
also h(s 0la(" that after 2no*(ng the 0ontents, she re0e(ve&
the sa"e an& 2ept (t (n her house.
1-?) Ta2(ng note of all these aspe0ts, a#solutely, there (s no
0ase (nsofar as the "a(n 0onsp(ra0y aga(nst her an& *e are
sat(sf(e& that the Des(gnate& Court has r(ghtly a0Eu(tte& her
of the "a(n 0harge (.e. 0harge f(rstly. /o*ever, upon perusal
of the ent(re ev(&en0e, the ju&g"ent passe& #y the
Des(gnate& Court (s uphel& to the e=tent of Charge se0on&ly
an& fourthly.
1-4) n v(e* of the "(n("u" senten0e of ? years pres0r(#e&
un&er Se0t(ons 5(5) an& 4 of TADA, *e have no other opt(on,
#ut to 0onf(r" the 0onv(0t(on an& senten0e as a*ar&e& #y
Page 145
the Des(gnate& Court. ConseEuently, the appeal fa(ls an& (s
a00or&(ngly &(s"(sse&.
A''(%& B7 /0( S/%/( of M%0%!%10/!% /0!o840 CBI5
C!"#"$%& A''(%& No. -+2 of 2011
1-7) Though Mr. %a*al, learne& AS1, praye& for 0onv(0t(on
of A-117 for the 0harge fra"e& at hea& f(rstly, (.e.,
0onsp(ra0y, (n v(e* of the a#ove &(s0uss(on, *e are sat(sf(e&
that the Des(gnate& Court *as just(f(e& (n arr(v(ng at su0h a
0on0lus(on an& *e fully agree *(th the sa"e. /en0e, the
appeal f(le& #y the State (s l(a#le to #e &(s"(sse&.
1-+) The appellants-a00use& 0on0erne& are &(re0te& to
surren&er *(th(n a per(o& of . (four) *ee2s fro" to&ay (n
or&er to serve the re"a(n(ng per(o& of senten0e. The
Des(gnate& Court (s &(re0te& to ta2e appropr(ate steps for
the(r 0usto&y (n 0ase of fa(lure to 0o"ply *(th the a#ove sa(&
1-7) !or 0onven(en0e, *e have repro&u0e& the 0on0lus(on
arr(ve& at (n respe0t of all the appeals &ealt *(th un&er th(s
part (n Anne=ure NAM appen&e& hereto.
Page 146
153) Ce "ust (n the en& e=press our &eep grat(tu&e to
learne& sen(or 0ounsel60ounsel for #oth s(&es *ho ren&ere&
relentless ass(stan0e an& support to the Ben0h (n arr(v(ng at
(ts &e0(s(on. The(r efforts are salutary an& *e re0or& our
appre0(at(on for the sa"e.

);C D;H/J 9DR. B.S.
MA%C/ -1, -315.
Page 147
A$$(@8!( IAJ
Criminal Appeal Accused Name and Number Sentence by
Award by
Supreme Court
1. 1060/2007 Sanjay Dutt (A-117) RI for 6 year Re!u"e! to RI for
5 year
2. 1102/2007 #uuf $o%&n 'u()a((a (A-118) RI for 5 year *onf&r+e!
3. 1687/2007 ,er& -a.uj& A!ajan&a (A-124) RI for 2 year Re!u"e! to RI for
1 year
4. 596/2011
(-y State)
Aja& #a% /ar0a% $ar)a% (A-120) A"1u&tte! State a..ea(
5. 1104/2007

(-y State)
Sa+&r 2&n3ora (A-53) RI for 9 year Re!u"e! to t%e
.er&o! a(rea!y
6. 1001/2007

(-y State)
4a&5un&a An)ar ,a6& (A-119) RI for 5 year *onf&r+e!

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