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Disclaimer: The English language text below is provided by the Translation and Terminology Centre for information only;

; it confers no
rights and imposes no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the legislation formally adopted and published. Only the
latter is authentic. The original atvian text uses masculine pronouns in the singular. The Translation and Terminology Centre uses the
principle of gender!neutral language in its English translations. "n addition# gender!specific atvian nouns have been translated as gender!
neutral terms# e.g. chairperson.
Text consolidated by Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) with amending
laws of:
*+ October ,++*;
,- October ,++.;
/+ 0ovember ,++1;
/1 2une ,++3.
"f a whole or part of a section has been amended# the date of the amending law appears in s4uare brac$ets at the
end of the section. "f a whole section# paragraph or clause has been deleted# the date of the deletion appears in
s4uare brac$ets beside the deleted section# paragraph or clause.
The Saeima
has adopted and the
5resident has proclaimed the following aw:
Maritime Administration and Marine Safety Law
Division A
General Provisions
Section 1. Purpose of this Law
The purpose of this aw is to specify the 6tate administration institutional system
concerning maritime matters and to ensure the implementation of and compliance with the
re4uirements of international agreements and standards binding on the 7epublic of atvia in
the field of maritime safety and protection in order to prevent environmental pollution from
ships and ensure the efficiency of maritime traffic.
[28 October 2004]
Section 2. Application of the Law
(/) This aw shall be applied to all means of navigation included in the 6hip 7egister of
atvia (hereinafter 8 6hip 7egister) notwithstanding their location# foreign ships# while in
waters under the 'urisdiction of the 7epublic of atvia (hereinafter 8 atvian waters)# ports
and port facilities# and to all natural persons and legal persons# as well as other legal entities
associated with maritime safety that shall be guaranteed in conformity with re4uirements of
international agreements and includes the safety of personnel# cargo# navigation and ships.
(,) The norms of this aw regarding the safety of ships shall not apply to the ships of the
0ational 9rmed :orces and personnel thereof# as well as to the warships of other 6tates and
personnel thereof.
[28 October 2004]
Section 3. orms of !nternational Law
"f the norms of international law# which are binding on atvia provide for other
provisions than those included in this aw# the norms of international law shall apply.
The 5arliament of atvia
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre)
Division "
Maritime Administration
Section #. !nstitutions of Maritime Administration
(/) The <inistry of Transport shall perform the general 6tate administration in maritime
matters. The functions provided for in 6ection 3 of this aw shall be performed by the 6tate
stoc$ company =atvi'as 2>ras administr?ci'a@ A<aritime 9dministration of atviaB
(hereinafter ! <aritime 9dministration of atvia).
(,) "ndividual functions of maritime matters in accordance with their competence shall be
performed by the 0ational 9rmed :orces 0aval units that carry out coast guard functions
(hereinafter 8 Coast Cuard)# the 6tate Environment 6ervice# 6ecurity 5olice# 6tate Dorder
Cuard and port authorities.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section $. %ompetence of the Ministry of &ransport
(/) The <inistry of Transport in conformity with the competence thereof in maritime matters
/) implement the 6tate policy and development strategy;
,) ensure the development of drafts for regulatory enactments in conformity with the
legislative acts of the "nternational <aritime Organisation# Eelsin$i Commission#
"nternational abour Organisation and other international organisations# as well as the
European Fnion;
*) represent the 6tate in the "nternational <aritime Organisation# "nternational
Eydrographic Organisation# institutions of the European Fnion and other institutions# and
participate in the wor$ of the Eelsin$i Commission regarding navigation safety matters;
.) ensure compliance with international agreements binding on atvia and other norms
of international law;
1) provide supervision and control of the implementation of the functions transferred
to the <aritime 9dministration of atvia;
3) in cases provided for in this aw determine the procedures for the utilisation of
atvian waters in order to ensure navigation safety and prevent pollution from ships;
;) issue a conformity certificate to seafarers professional training programmes;
-) issue a conformity certificate to classification societies (recognised organisations)
and publish the list of the classification societies (recognised organisations);
G) issue a special permit (licence) to merchants that staff ship crews on behalf of ship
owners and place persons in wor$ on ships;
/+) A/1 2une ,++3B
//) A,- October ,++.B
/,) determine and publish a list of physicians and the medical treatment institutions
thereof which perform examinations of the health of seafarers in conformity with the
re4uirements specified in the /G;- "nternational Convention on 6tandards of Training#
Certification and Hatch$eeping for 6eafarers;
) ensure the management# control and supervision of seafarer training and
assessment of competence in conformity with the re4uirements specified in the /G;-
"nternational Convention on 6tandards of Training# Certification and Hatch$eeping for
6eafarers with amendments;
) ensure the continual supervision of the training# assessment of competence# issue
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,
of documents certifying professional 4ualifications of seafarers# as well as the approval
thereof utilising 4uality standard systems;
/*) develop and co!ordinate international relations; and
/.) perform other functions related to safety at sea.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 15 June 2006]
Section '. %ompetence of the Maritime Administration of Latvia
(/) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia in compliance with regulatory enactments and
other legal norms# as well as their competence in maritime matters shall:
/) monitor the conformity of ships included in the 6hip 7egister to safety
re4uirements# approve shipbuilding and modernisation technical pro'ects and issue ship
,) approve ship documentation;
*) implement port 6tate control regarding foreign ships;
.) control implementation of the re4uirements specified in the "nternational 6afety
<anagement Code (hereinafter 8 "6< Code) on ships included in the 6hip 7egister;
1) investigate and analyse marine accidents# as well as perform seafarer competence
assessments if a violation has occurred# which is associated with the improper fulfilment or
non!fulfilment of professional duties;
3) control observance of reporting procedures in atvian waters regarding passengers
on board# and dangerous and polluting cargoes;
;) harmonise port regulations regarding navigation safety issues and control
compliance therewith;
-) issue certificates to pilots and operators of the vessel traffic services (IT6)# as well
as perform pilot and operator of the vessel traffic services (IT6) training and supervision of
4ualification examinations;
G) register# issue# exchange# seiJe# cancel and recognise as invalid seamenKs boo$s and
perform the accounting thereof# perform personal data processing in relation to seamenKs
boo$s and the issuing of professional 4ualification certificates for wor$ on ships# as well as
maintain a seafarer certification database;
/+) evaluate and co!ordinate the conformity of professional training programmes and
training courses of seafarers to international legal enactments# organise the assessment of
seafarer 4ualifications and issue professional 4ualification certificates for wor$ on ships;
//) A/+ 0ovember ,++1B
/,) perform registration of ships and ship mortgages# and issue documents related
/*) maintain the database of the 6hip 7egister and the 7egister of :ishing Iessels;
/.) supervise the setting up and operation of lighthouses# floats# other navigation
means and systems in atvian waters;
/1) control depth measurements# as well as hydrographic surveys and research in
atvian waters;
/3) organise the preparation# printing and distribution of navigation publications;
/;) publish and distribute navigation warnings and notices# as well as carry out the
duties of a national co!ordinator;
/-) co!ordinate the raising of sun$en property in atvian waters from the point of
view of navigation safety;
/G) co!ordinate hydro!technical construction pro'ects of ports and fairways from the
point of view of navigation safety and participate in the wor$ of the pro'ect acceptance
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) *
,+) participate in the wor$ of the "nternational <aritime Organisation# Eelsin$i
Commission# "nternational Eydrography 9uthority and other international organisations;
,/) prepare recommendations for the development of drafts of regulatory enactments;
) certify recognised security organisations;
,,) supervise the activities of recognised security organisations# as well as the
classification society (recognised organisation);
,*) perform the implementation and control of the re4uirements of the specified
responsible organisation functions in the "nternational 6hip 9nd 5ort :acility 6ecurity Code
(hereinafter 8 "656 Code);
,.) co!ordinate the conformity of the training programme of ship# shipping company#
port and port facility security personnel to the re4uirements of the "656 Code;
,1) supervise the conformity of ship owners# as well as merchants# that staff ship
crews on behalf of ship owners and place persons in wor$ on ships to the specified
re4uirements in the /G;- "nternational Convention on 6tandards of Training# Certification and
Hatch$eeping for 6eafarers with amendments;
,3) issue certificates to seafarer professional training instructors and seafarer
professional 4ualification evaluators# which certify their conformity to the re4uirements
specified in the /G;- "nternational Convention on 6tandards of Training# Certification and
Hatch$eeping for 6eafarers with amendments; and
,;) issue conformity certificates to merchants who perform inspections of ship safety
(,) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall receive payment for the public services
provided thereby in the amount specified by the <inister for Transport. The Cabinet shall
determine the procedures by which the prices for the public paid services shall be calculated.
Charges for navigation services shall be determined in conformity with the aw On 5orts.
(*) "n order to perform the functions referred to in 5aragraph one of this 6ection# the <aritime
9dministration of atvia shall ensure the operation of the 6eamenKs 7egister# the 6hip
7egister# the 0avigation 6afety "nspection# the 9ccident "nvestigation Division# the 6hip and
5ort 6ecurity inspection and the Eydrography 6ervice.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005; 15 June 2006]
Section (. %ompetence of the %oast Guard
(/) "n conformity with their competence the Coast Cuard shall control compliance with
regulatory enactments and norms of international law# which are determined by the
procedures for utilisation of atvian waters. :or this purpose the Coast Cuard shall perform
the following functions:
/) in co!operation with the 6tate Environment 6ervice# control environment protection
and compliance with the regulatory enactments regulating fishery# and to arrest ships in
atvian waters in accordance with 6ection .. of this aw;
,) eliminate the conse4uences of ship accidents and disasters# conse4uences of the
spillage of oil# dangerous and haJardous substances into the sea and to co!ordinate the wor$
related to the elimination of such conse4uences in atvian waters in compliance with the
national contingency plan in respect of cases of oil pollution in the sea approved by the
Cabinet# and the emergency action plans;
*) co!ordinate and perform marine search and rescue of persons (<7CC activities) in
the area of responsibility for search and rescue of the 7epublic of atvia (hereinafter 8
atvian area of responsibility) in conformity with the /G;G "nternational Convention on
<arine 6earch and 7escue (hereinafter 8 697 Convention)# other regulatory enactments and
emergency action plans# as well as perform assistance service functions (<96 functions) and
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) .
grant vessels a sheltered location;
.) ensure the operation of the coastal communication networ$ of the Clobal <aritime
Distress and 6afety 6ystem (hereinafter 8 C<D66)# 9utomatic "dentification 6ystem
(hereinafter 8 9"6) and the operation of the vessel traffic monitoring and information data
exchange system# as well as the interoperability of this system with the European Community
maritime information exchange system; and
1) in co!operation with <aritime 9dministration of atvia control compliance with the
navigation regime.
(,) The cabinet shall determine the procedures for the utilisation of atvian waters and the
navigation regimes therein.
(*) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for ensuring the operation of the ship security
alert communication networ$.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005; 15 June 2006]
Section ). %ompetence of the State *nvironment Service
(/) The 6tate Environment 6ervice in accordance with its competence shall control
compliance with regulatory enactments and the norms of international law# which are
determined for the protection of the marine environment. :or this purpose the 6tate
Environment 6ervice shall perform the following functions:
/) control environment protection in atvian waters and port areas;
,) issue a special permit (licence) to commercial companies for the reception and
recovery of ship waste in ports;
*) issue the technical regulations of hydro!technical constructions and co!ordinate
pro'ects in the field of environmental protection;
.) co!ordinate dredging and soil burial wor$ pro'ects to be performed in sea waters
and ports# and issue permits for the performance of this wor$;
1) co!ordinate implementation of the national contingency plan for cases of oil
pollution in the sea;
3) develop standard re4uirements for ports# berths and terminals regarding plans for
the elimination of the conse4uences of accidents involving oil;
;) develop guidelines for the collection of oil products;
-) approve plans for the elimination of the conse4uences of oil accidents for ports#
berths and terminals and control the introduction and implementation thereof;
G) organise the investigation of environmental pollution incidents;
/+) formulate recommendations for the final placement (disposal) of oil collected
during the process of the elimination of the pollution;
//) participate in the wor$ of the "nternational <aritime Organisation# Eelsin$i
Commission and the /GG, "nternational :und for Compensation for Oil 5ollution Damage
regarding marine environment protection matters and co!ordinate implementation of the
Eelsin$i Commission recommendations in respect of maritime matters;
/,) compile data on marine environment pollution;
/*) control compliance with regulatory enactments regulating fishery in atvian
waters and port areas;
/.) control the utilisation of natural resources in atvian waters and port areas;
/1) control the reception and management of ship generated waste in ports;
/3) co!ordinate port regulations in the field of environmental protection and control
compliance with these regulations;
(,) The Cabinet may specify additional functions for the 6tate Environment 6ervice.
[10 November 2005]
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) 1
Section +. %ompetence of Port Authorities
The competence of port authorities in the field of safety of navigation and
environmental protection shall be determined by this aw# the aw On 5orts and the
regulations of the relevant port.
Division %
Marine Safety
%hapter !
Ship Safety and Supervision of Ship Safety
Section 1,. Procedures for -e.istration of Ships
5rocedures for registration of ships shall be determined by the <aritime Code.
Section 11. Safety -e/uirements for Ships
(/) The safety re4uirements for ships and procedures for the supervision of ship safety ta$ing
into account the tonnage# length thereof# and type of ship# construction year and navigation
area shall be determined by this aw# and international agreements binding on atvia and
further amendments thereof# including:
/) the /G33 "nternational Convention on oad ines and the /G-- protocol thereof;
,) the /G;. "nternational Convention for the 6afety of ife at 6ea (hereinafter 8
6O96 Convention) and the /G-- protocol thereof;
*) the /G;* "nternational Convention for the 5revention of 5ollution by 6hips and the
/G;- protocol thereof (hereinafter 8 <975O Convention;
.) the /GG, Convention On the 5rotection of the <arine Environment of the Daltic
6ea 9rea (hereinafter 8 Eelsin$i Convention);
1) the /G;, Convention on the "nternational 7egulations for 5reventing Collisions at
6ea (hereinafter 8 CO7EC Convention);
3) the /G3G "nternational Convention on Tonnage <easurement of 6hips (hereinafter 8
TO009CE Convention);
;) the "nternational abour Organisation /G;3 <erchant 6hipping (<inimum
6tandards) Convention;
-) the /G;- "nternational Convention on 6tandards of Training# Certification and
Hatch$eeping for 6eafarers# as amended (hereinafter 8 6TCH Convention); and
G) the "nternational Eealth Organisation /G3G "nternational Eealth 7egulations.
(,) "n determining the application of ship safety re4uirements and procedures for ship safety
supervision# the re4uirements of international regulatory enactments shall be ta$en into
account as regards:
/) the safety and standards of passenger ships;
,) the system of mandatory inspections in order to ensure safe operation of ships with
horiJontal and vertical cargo handling (hereinafter 8 ro!ro ships) and high speed passenger
*) safe administration of ro!ro passenger ships;
.) the organisation of ship inspections and supervision# as well as the activities of the
6tate administration;
1) the safety of ports and ships;
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) 3
3) the registration of fishing vessels;
;) the wor$ safety and health protection minimum re4uirements for wor$ on ships;
-) the training# certification and watch$eeping of seafarers;
G) other issues related to navigation safety# elimination of environmental pollution and
training# 4ualification and certification of persons;
/+) the construction and machinery of the ship;
//) the systems and e4uipment of ships;
/,) the fire safety of ships;
/*) environmental pollution prevention;
/.) the stability of ships including damage stability
/1) practical training of shipsK crews in response to emergency situations;
/3) the application of "6< Code and "656 Code;
/;) the tonnage of the ships;
/-) the load line of ships;
/G) the loading# stowing and securing of the cargoes on ships# and ballast operations;
,+) the safety of passenger ships# ro!ro passenger ships and high!speed passenger
crafts# and passengers;
,/) the safety of ships# terminals and offshore platforms;
,,) the training# certification and 4ualification examinations of pilots and operators of
the Iessel Traffic 6ervice (IT6);
,*) navigational charts# documentation and informative materials of ships;
,.) the responsibility of a ship!owner for the compliance of the ship with safety
,1) the maritime communication and networ$ systems;
,3) the safety of ship radio and navigation e4uipment; and
,;) investigation of maritime accidents and incidents.
(*) The <inister for Transport is entitled to specify the procedures for the implementation of
the international regulatory enactments referred to in 5aragraphs one and two of this 6ection.
(.) The Cabinet may determine the safety and security re4uirements for ships to which# ta$ing
into account the tonnage# length thereof# type of the ship# construction year and navigation
area# the re4uirements specified in the international regulatory enactments referred to in
5aragraphs one and two of this 6ection do not apply.
(1) The Cabinet may determine procedures by which the re4uirements that are set by the
Eelsin$i Convention in the field of environmental pollution prevention for commercial
companies# the activity of which is not connected with marine means of transport# shall be
implemented .
(3) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia or the authorised ship classification society thereof
(recognised organisation) shall certify the conformity to the international re4uirements of
atvian shipbuilding and modernisation pro'ects documentation and the e4uipment of ships.
The supervision of the building# modernisation and repair of ships shall be performed by the
<aritime 9dministration of atvia or the authorised ship classification society thereof
(recognised organisation).
(;) On atvian ships there shall be documentation regarding the stability of a ship#
calculations of the tonnage and load line# the action plans for pollution elimination in case of
an accident# as well as the handboo$s and other documents specified in international
regulatory enactments referred to in 5aragraph one of this 6ection the conformity to the
international re4uirements of which has been certified by the <aritime 9dministration of
atvia or the authorised ship classification society (recognised organisation) thereof.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005; 15 June 2006]
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ;
Section 12. 0la. State Supervision of Ships
(/) Hithin the meaning of this aw flag 6tate supervision of ships is the control regarding the
conformity of ships to the re4uirements of regulatory enactments including re4uirements
specified in 6ection //# 5aragraphs one# two# three and four of this aw.
(,) The purpose of flag 6tate supervision of ships is to ensure that the construction# technical
state# e4uipment and crew of atvian ships guarantee the protection of human life and health#
environment and cargo# as well as to not allow ships# which do not conform to international
standards to operate.
(*) "n order to implement flag 6tate supervision of ships the <inister for Transport may
specify the application of international regulatory enactments in relation to:
/) inspections of ships and periodicity thereof;
,) certificates of ships to be issued# suspension of operation thereof or cancellation of
*) recognition of shipsK certificates issued by foreign states;
.) inspections of shipsK e4uipment;
1) inspections in relation to the shipsK classification; and
3) supervision of classification societies (recognised organisations)# and the
supervision and certification of recognised security organisations.
;) A,- October ,++.B
[28 October 2004]
Section 13. !nspections and %ertificates of Ships
(/) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia or its authorised classification society (recognised
organisation) and recognised security organisation shall issue ship certificates specified in the
international regulatory enactments to ships# which due to their tonnage# length# and type of
the ship# construction year and navigation area re4uire such certificates.
(,) 9 national ship certificate shall be issued to ships# which do not conform to the
re4uirements of 5aragraph one of this 6ection.
(*) A*+ October ,++*B
(.) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia may perform the surveys of foreign ships and
issue ship certificates thereto provided for in the relevant international agreement# if it has
been re4uested by a ship!owner and approved by a competent maritime administration
authority of the relevant flag state. Each certificate shall contain information that it has been
issued upon the re4uest of the competent authority of such state in which the ship is
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004]
Section 1#. Duty to Maintain Ships in %onformity with Safety -e/uirements
(/) The owner and the master of a ship have a duty to maintain the hull# machinery and
e4uipment of the ship# and to ensure that the cargo loading# stowage# securing on board and
ballast operations are performed in compliance with safety re4uirements in conformity with
the re4uirements of 6ections //# /, and /* of this aw.
(,) 9 atvian ship!owner shall notify the <aritime 9dministration of atvia regarding any
changes in the hull# mechanisms# machines and e4uipment of the ship that do not correspond
to the specifications indicated in certificates issued to the ship# as well as regarding damage
caused in the case of an accident and due to which the seaworthiness of the ship is not
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) -
(*) 9 ship!owner shall be held liable in accordance with the law for non!compliance with the
re4uirements specified in 5aragraphs one and two of this 6ection.
[30 October 2003]
Section 1$. Port State %ontrol
(/) Hithin the meaning of this aw# port 6tate control is the control of foreign ships in
atvian ports.
(,) The purpose of port 6tate control is to prevent the operation of foreign ships for navigation
purposes# which do not conform to international standards.
(*) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for port 6tate control in compliance with the
re4uirements of regulatory enactments of the "nternational <aritime Organisation and other
international organisations.
[15 June 2006]
Section 1'. */uipment of Ships
(/) Only such e4uipment of ships may be utilised on atvian ships# which is certified and
complies with the re4uirements of navigation safety# human life and health protection# as well
as environmental protection.
(,) :or the performance of inspections of ship safety e4uipment# the <aritime 9dministration of
atvia shall issue conformity certificates according to the procedures specified by the Cabinet.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 15 June 2006]
Section 1(. Ship and Port %ontrol !nspectors
(/) :lag 6tate supervision and port 6tate control shall be performed by inspectors of the
<aritime 9dministration of atvia who have been issued with an inspectorKs identity card in
accordance with procedures specified by the <inister for Transport.
) "n order to perform flag 6tate supervision and port 6tate control# inspectors of the
<aritime 9dministration of atvia presenting their service identity card have the right to enter
the territory of atvian ports and to attend to merchants in the territory of the ports.
(,) "n performing the duties of flag 6tate supervision and port 6tate control# the ship control
inspectors have the right to arrest a ship in the port or suspend the operation thereof in the port
if non!compliance with the re4uirements of this aw and other regulatory enactments has
been determined.
(*) 9 ship control inspector shall revo$e the decision regarding the arrest of a ship or
suspension of operations thereof in the port only after the elimination of those deficiencies#
which were the basis for the arrest of the ship in the port or suspension of operations thereof.
(.) The Cabinet shall determine the functions and rights of ship and port inspectors.
(1) "n all cases where# in relation to the ship flag 6tate supervision and port 6tate control# the
un'ustified arrest or delay of the ship is referred to# the duty of proof is upon the ship owner#
bare boat charterer or operator.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005; 15 June 2006]
Section 1). %lassification Societies 1-eco.nised 2r.anisations3 and -eco.nised
Security 2r.anisations
(/) Classification societies (recognised organisations) are commercial companies# which
perform the technical supervision of ships in conformity with an authorisation agreement
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) G
entered into with the <aritime 9dministration of atvia. The <aritime 9dministration of
atvia may enter into authorisation agreements only with those classification societies# which
have been recognised and the scope of authorisation of which has been approved in
accordance with procedures specified by the <inister for Transport in conformity with
re4uirements of international regulatory enactments. 9 list of classification societies
(recognised organisations) shall be published in the newspaper Latvijas Vstnesis Athe official
CaJette of the Covernment of atviaB.
(,) 5ort authorities shall provide free access of representatives of classification societies
(recognised organisations)# as well as recognised security organisations to the ships to be
(*) 7ecognised security organisations are commercial companies# which perform the
functions provided for in the "656 Code. The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for the
recognition# certification and supervision of activities of classification societies (recognised
(.) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for the supervision of classification societies
(recognised organisations).
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section 1).
Limitation of the 0inancial Lia4ility of %lassification Societies 1-eco.nised
Classification societies (recognised organisations) may limit the maximum amount#
which they pay out to the <aritime 9dministration of atvia in accordance with a court or
arbitration court decision that has come into effect# but this amount may not be less than:
/) . million euros in claims# which are associated with in'ury to persons or death; and
,) , million euros in claims# which are associated with the loss of property or damage
done thereof.
[15 June 2006]
Section 1+. %ompliance with -e/uirements of !SM %ode and !SPS %ode
(/) atvian ships# to which Chapters "L and "L!, of the 6O96 Convention apply# shall
comply with the re4uirements of the codes referred to in these chapters.
(,) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia or the authorised classification society thereof
after an audit of the relevant navigation commercial company and the ship shall issue the
conformity document of safe administration specified in the "6< Code to the navigation
commercial companies# which administer the atvian ship and a certificate to the atvian
(*) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall perform general supervision of compliance
with the "6< Code and "656 Code re4uirements.
(.) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia in co!operation with the 6ecurity 5olice# 6tate
Dorder Cuard# Coast Cuard and other 7epublic of atvia institutions in conformity with the
regulatory enactments which regulate the operations thereof# shall ta$e measures to ensure the
implementation of the re4uirements specified in the "656 Code and other regulatory
enactments for ship# shipping company# port and port facility security.
(1) The cabinet shall determine the division of functions# procedures for implementation and
supervision of ship# shipping company# port and port facility security specified in
international regulatory enactments.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004]
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /+
Section 2,. -adio %ommunications
9ll atvian ships shall be e4uipped with radio e4uipment conforming to the
re4uirements of regulatory enactments and international agreements binding on atvia
including e4uipment for the provision of radio communications in cases of a ship accident and
rescue operations.
Section 21. Ship Lo.4oo5s
(/) On all atvian ships there shall be a ship logboo$ and engine logboo$. On ships the
tonnage of which is less than 1++ DT a combined form of ship logboo$ may be utilised in
which entries regarding the operation of ship engines are provided for. The Cabinet shall
determine the procedures regarding the storage of the ship logboo$ and engine logboo$. The
format of a ship logboo$ and engine logboo$ shall be approved by the <aritime
9dministration of atvia.
(,) atvian ships# which participate in international navigation# shall have an oil record boo$#
a garbage record boo$ and a C<D66 logboo$# the format of which is specified in
international regulatory agreements and other documents and certificate originals specified in
other international regulatory enactments. "f a ship carries harmful li4uid substance bul$
cargoes# it shall also have a cargo operations logboo$.
(*) A/+ 0ovember ,++1B
(.) A/+ 0ovember ,++1B
(1) Earbour masters shall register the ship logboo$s of atvian ships# but in foreign states 8
by the diplomatic or consular missions of the 7epublic of atvia# ma$ing an entry in the
7egister of 6hip ogboo$s and the ship logboo$s being registered.
[28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section 22. Action Plans in %ase of *mer.ency and Muster List
(/) atvian ships shall have a muster list# which shall include the following entries: =Mu&a
$opN'? trau$smeO@ ACeneral 9larm on 6hipB# =CPQa ar uguniO@ A:ire fightingOB# =CilvN$s aiJ
bortaO@ A<an overboardOB# =9tst?t $u&iO@A9bandon shipOB# as well as a description of the
duties of each crew member in case of emergency# action plans in case of emergency and
management documents for emergency situations in compliance with the re4uirements
specified in 6O96 Convention and <975O Convention
(,) The <inister for Transport is entitled to specify re4uirements in relation to action plans in
case of emergency and muster lists.
%hapter !!
%rew of the Ship and La4our Protection of Seafarers
Section 23. %rew and Master of a Ship
(/) 9 master of a ship is a person authorised by a ship!owner who is responsible for the
general administration of the ship# as well as navigation safety and security. Orders of the
master of a ship in compliance with his or her authorisation shall be obligatory to all persons
on board the ship.
(,) The composition of the crew of a ship shall include officers# ratings and trainees.
(*) 9 trainee is a person who is on board a ship in accordance with a seafarers professional
training programme.
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) //
(.) The composition of the crew of a ship may not include a person who has been convicted
for an intentional serious or especially serious crime.
(1) 5ersons who have not been trained and who do not have the necessary 4ualification
certified documents for fulfilling the relevant wor$ duties in conformity with the re4uirements
of regulatory enactments and international legal enactments may not wor$ on a ship.
[28 October 2004]
Section 2#. -ecruitment of the %rew of a Ship
(/) :or atvian ships appropriate crews shall be recruited# which shall ensure safety and
security at sea and in ports having regard to the re4uirements of the 6O96 Convention and
6TCH Convention.
(,) 9 crew of a ship shall be recruited in conformity with the specifications of a minimum
manning certificate. This certificate shall be issued to atvian ships by the <aritime
9dministration of atvia in accordance with procedures specified by the <inister for
(*) 9 ship!owner shall be responsible for the recruitment of a crew. The crew of the ship shall
be recruited with the consent of the master of the ship.
(.) 6eafarers and other persons who perform specific tas$s in relation to the operation and
maintenance of atvian ships shall have professional 4ualification supporting documentation
conforming to regulatory enactments and the 6TCH Convention.
(1) 9ctivities regarding the recruitment of persons for wor$ on ships shall be permitted by
merchants who have received a special permit (licence) issued by the <inistry of Transport.
The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which the licensing of merchants occurs# as
well as the supervision of compliance with the regulations of the special permit (licence)
issued to such merchants# who on behalf of the ship owner recruits persons for wor$ on ships.
(3) The Cabinet shall determine the rights# duties and liability of ship owners and merchants
who recruit persons for wor$ on ships.
(;) Compensation shall not be demanded and received for the recruitment of a person for
wor$ on a ship.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004]
Section 2$. 6atch5eepin. and 2peration of a Ship
(/) "n order to guarantee the safety of persons# ships# cargoes# navigation and the
environment# the master of a ship shall organise the watch$eeping and operation of the ship in
conformity with the re4uirements of this aw and other regulatory enactments.
(,) atvian ship!owners have a duty to ensure safe navigation and engine room watches on
their ships and the operation of the ship by issuing appropriate instructions to each master#
officers $eeping a navigational watch# chief engineer officer# officers $eeping an engineering
watch and ratings of their ship. These instructions shall provide for the measures necessary for
safe operation of the ship# environmental protection against pollution# conformity of
4ualification and state of health of seafarers to safe watch conditions.
Section 2'. Preparation of Seafarers and Drivers of 7essels
(/) The conformity of the contents of professional education and training programmes of
seafarers to international regulatory enactment re4uirements# as well as the implementation of
the professional education and training of seafarers shall be supervised by the 7egistry of
6eamen of <aritime 9dministration of atvia in accordance with the procedures and criteria
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /,
determined by the Cabinet.
(,) The certification of seafarers shall be performed by the 7egistry of 6eamen of <aritime
9dministration of atvia in accordance with the procedures and criteria determined by the
(*) The <inister for Transport is entitled to specify the procedures and criteria for the
application of 6TCH and other international regulatory enactments binding on atvia.
(.) The certification of drivers of vessels intended for recreation and sport in conformity with
the competence thereof shall be performed by the <aritime 9dministration of atvia and the
7oad Traffic 6afety Directorate. The Cabinet shall issue regulations regarding the training and
certification of drivers of vessels intended for recreation and sport.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section 2(. Seaman8s "oo5
(/) 9 seamanKs boo$ is a seafarerKs identity document in compliance with the "nternational
abour Organisation /G1- Convention On 6eafarerKs "dentity Documents. "t shall serve as a
seafarerKs travel document and it shall contain information on the 4ualifications of the seafarer
and his or her wor$ on ships.
(,) 9 seamanKs boo$ shall be issued to seafarers registered in the seafarer certification
database who have been posted on ships engaged on international voyages and who have a
personal identity document issued by atvian competent institutions 8 foreign nationals shall
have a personal identity document issued by the competent institutions of the foreign state and
a permanent residence permit issued by atvian competent institutions. 9 seamanKs boo$ shall
also be issued to persons who are studying in the maritime educational institutions of atvia
and are placed in traineeships on ships.
(*) A/+ 0ovember ,++1B
(.) The Cabinet shall determine the information to be included in the seamanKs boo$ and the
procedures by which the <aritime 9dministration of atvia 6eamanKs 7egister shall perform
the drawing up# issue# use# exchange# seiJure# cancellation# recognition as invalid and
accounting of seamanKs boo$s.
(1) "nformation on invalid seamanKs boo$s and forms thereof shall be included in the register
of invalid documents in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section 2). *nsurin. La4our Protection -e/uirements on Ships
(/) abour protection re4uirements# ship operational re4uirements and good navigation
practice shall be complied with on atvian ships.
(,) The master of a ship shall be liable for compliance with labour protection and safety
re4uirements on the ship. 9 member of the crew of the ship assigned by the master of the ship
shall be responsible for the safety of individual operations of the ship.
(*) 9 ship!owner shall provide the master of the ship with labour safety instructions# which
shall be drawn up in compliance with the re4uirements of the "nternational abour
Organisation Convention# the abour 5rotection aw and other regulatory enactments.
Section 2+. %onformity of 9ealth of Seafarers for 6or5 on a Ship
(/) 9 seafarer who intends to receive 4ualification!supporting documentation or who has been
assigned for wor$ on a ship shall have an opinion issued by a doctor regarding the conformity
of his or her health for wor$ on the ship.
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /*
(,) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which health examinations of seafarers
shall be performed# and the procedures by which a doctorKs opinion shall be issued regarding
the conformity of the health of a seafarer for wor$ on a ship.
(*) The Cabinet shall specify criteria according to which the conformity of health of seafarers
for wor$ on a ship shall be determined in the health examination of seafarers.
[28 October 2004]
Section 3,. 6or5 and -est -ooms of the %rew of a Ship
(/) 6hip!owners shall ensure that the wor$ and rest rooms of the crews of atvian ships
comply with the re4uirements of the "nternational abour Organisation Convention and other
international regulatory enactments in relation to:
/) minimum area intended for each person in the sleeping 4uarters of seafarers and
maximum number of persons therein;
,) facilities in sleeping 4uarters# mess rooms of seafarers# sanitary bloc$s and galleys;
*) protection of the crew of a ship against in'uries# humidity# heat# cold and noise; and
.) provision of a ship with water and e4uipment for heating# lighting# ventilation and
e4uipment for facilities.
(,) 9 shipKs officer# who has been authorised by the master of the ship for this purpose# shall
periodically inspect the premises of the crew of the ship and record the results in the logboo$
of the ship.
Section 31. -estriction on use of Alcohol and Prohi4ition to use Dru.s and
Psychotropic Su4stances
(/) The blood alcohol concentration (D9C) may not exceed +.1 promils for seafarers on a ship
during free time outside of watch$eeping
(,) 6eafarers shall refrain from the use of alcohol at least two hours before watch$eeping and
shall not use alcohol during the time of watch$eeping or performance of other service duties.
(*) 6eafarers on ships may not be under the effect of drugs and psychotropic substances.
(.) The provisions of this 6ection do not prohibit the owners of atvian ships to specify more
restrictive re4uirements for seafarers in relation to norms of allowable alcohol usage.
(1) The master of a ship# harbour master or a marine accident investigation inspector shall
re4uest the police that they# for persons involved in marine accidents or incidents# determine
the influence of alcohol intoxication# narcotic or other intoxicating substance or send such
persons for the performance of analysis if there are grounds to suspect that they have used
alcohol or narcotic or other intoxicating substances.
[30 October 2003; 10 November 2005]
Section 32. 9ealth Protection -e/uirements on Ships
(/) The Cabinet shall determine the minimum labour safety and health protection
re4uirements for the provision of medical aid on a ship.
(,) Each atvian ship shall have a specially trained officer who shall be permanently
responsible for the provision of first aid and the use of medicine.
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /.
%hapter !!!
avi.ation Safety and Security in Ports
[28 October 2004]
Section 33. 9ar4our Master
(/) 9 harbour master is an official of the port authority who# in accordance with regulatory
enactments# the regulatory enactments of the "nternational <aritime Organisation# Eelsin$i
Convention and the re4uirements of the recommendations of the Eelsin$i Commission# shall
organise and control ship traffic in a port and the service routes of the port# and perform the
functions of navigation safety control in relation to ship traffic in ports# the port area# shipping
routes# berths and terminals. The Cabinet may issue regulations regarding harbour masters.
(,) The port authority may establish the following services necessary for the provision of
navigation safety# which shall be managed by the harbour master: a vessel traffic service# pilot
service and other port services.
(*) "f the services referred to in 5aragraph two of this 6ection are not established# an
administrator of the port may carry out the duties of a harbour master or another person
assigned by the administrator of the port.
(.) 9 harbour master shall conduct the icebrea$ing operations in the service routes of the port
during the ice navigation period.
(1) 9 harbour master shall manage the operations for elimination of the conse4uences of
accidents occurring in a port and person rescue operations if such operations have been
determined in the emergency action plans.
(3) "f a marine accident has occurred in a port or in the approaches to the port# a harbour
master shall notify the Coast Cuard and the <aritime 9dministration of atvia thereof and# in
case of pollution# also the 6tate Environment 6ervice and commence the collection of
evidence and documents necessary for the investigation of the accident without delay.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section 3#. Pilots and 2perators of 7essel &raffic Services 17&S3
[10 November 2005]
(/) 9 pilot is an employee of the relevant port authority who has received an appropriate
professional 4ualification certificate. 9 pilot shall perform advisory functions to the master of
a ship during the shipKs manoeuvring# entering into the port# leaving the port or moving within
the port. The master of a ship is liable for safe navigation of the ship during the operations of
a pilot on the ship.
(,) 5ilots may provide pilot services also in waters outside the port.
(*) The Cabinet ta$ing into account the re4uirements of international regulatory enactments
shall determine the areas where pilot services are available# the procedures by which pilots
shall be utilised on ships# as well as the procedures for the training# certification and
4ualifications examination of pilots.
(.) The master of a ship who has an exemption certificate shall be discharged from a duty to
use a pilot in a pilot service area if it has not been otherwise provided for in international
regulatory enactments binding on atvia.
(1) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for the training# certification and 4ualifications
examination of operators of vessel traffic services (IT6).
[28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /1
Section 3$. -e.istration of Passen.ers of a Ship
(/) On a passenger ship that carries out a voyage of more than ,+ nautical miles from a
atvian port passengers shall be registered before leaving the port. The master of a ship# ship
operator or agent shall submit a list of passengers and a list of the crew of the ship to the
harbour master. The list of passengers and list of the crew of the ship shall be accessible to the
<aritime 7escue Co!ordination Centre Ahereinafter 8 Co!ordination Centre (<7CC)B.
(,) The Cabinet shall determine procedures for the registration of passengers of a ship.
[30 October 2003]
Section 3'. otification re.ardin. Dan.erous and Pollutin. %ar.oes
(/) "f a ship with a dangerous or polluting cargoes wishes to enter atvian waters or port# the
master of the ship or his or her authorised person shall notify the harbour master sending a
notice before leaving the port in which such cargoes were loaded.
(,) Defore a ship with a dangerous or polluting cargoes leaves a atvian port or atvian
waters# the master of the ship# ship operator or agent shall submit a notification regarding such
cargoes to the harbour master.
(*) The Cabinet may specify procedures by which notifications regarding dangerous and
polluting ship cargoes shall be provided. "nformation regarding dangerous and polluting ship
cargoes shall be accessible to the Co!ordination Centre (<7CC).
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004]
Section 3(. Ship %ar.o 2perations
(/) Cargo loading and unloading operations shall be performed in accordance with a ship
cargo plan# which shall be co!ordinated with a stevedore company and for which the master of
a ship shall be liable. The cargo plan of the ship shall ensure the safety of a ship in port and at
(,) Cargo operations on a ship shall be performed and the cargo shall be stowed and secured
in compliance with the re4uirements of the "nternational <aritime Organisation in relation to
the type of the relevant cargo (timber# cargoes carried on dec$# grain cargoes# bul$ cargoes
and other cargoes the carriage of which are regulated by special codes of the "nternational
<aritime Organisation).
(*) 9ny person who suspects non!compliance with the re4uirements specified in 5aragraph
two of this 6ection in a port shall notify the harbour master thereof. "f necessary the harbour
master shall transfer such information to the <aritime 9dministration of atvia.
[30 October 2003]
Section 3). 2perations with Dan.erous and Pollutin. %ar.oes in Ports
(/) "n performing operations with dangerous and polluting cargoes a berth operator# a shipper
and the master of a ship shall# within their competence depending on the type of the cargoes#
ensure compliance with the re4uirements of the 6O96 Convention# <975O Convention
and codes# including the "nternational <aritime Dangerous Coods Code ("<DC Code)# Code
for 6afe 5ractice for 6olid Dul$ Cargoes (DC Code)# "nternational 6afety Cuide for Oil
Tan$ers and Terminals ("6COTT)# the Oil Companies "nternational <arine :orum (OC"<:)
6afety Cuide for Terminals Eandling 6hips Carrying i4uefied Cases in Dul$ and other
international regulatory enactments in relation to:
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /3
/) oil and oil products;
,) cargoes of li4uefied gases in bul$;
*) cargoes of harmful li4uid substances in bul$;
.) pac$aged dangerous cargoes; and
1) solid bul$ cargoes.
(,) The <inister for Transport is entitled to specify the procedures for the application of
international regulatory enactments in relation to cargo operations and cargo operations in
ports with dangerous and polluting cargoes in compliance with the re4uirements and
recommendations of international regulatory enactments specified in 5aragraph one of this
6ection and the "nternational <aritime Organisation# as well as the re4uirements and
recommendations of the Eelsin$i Convention and Eelsin$i Commission.
(*) Every shipper of a dangerous and polluting cargo in atvia# in preparing the cargo for
carriage by sea# shall ta$e into consideration the re4uirements of the international regulatory
enactments specified in 5aragraph one of this 6ection.
(.) The Cabinet may issue regulations regarding the movement and control of dangerous and
polluting cargoes in ports.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004]
Section 3+. */uipment for -eception of 6astes Generated 4y Ships
(/) The port authority shall ensure the reception of wastes generated by ships# but a berth
operator 8 the reception of wastes generated by the cargo of a ship.
(,) E4uipment for the reception of waste in ports shall comply with the re4uirements of the
<975O Convention# Eelsin$i Convention and other international regulatory enactments.
Section #,. &an5ers with "allast &an5s
(/) "n atvian ports the port payment discounts and discounts of payment to be collected for
navigation service shall be applied to tan$ers with segregated ballast tan$s in conformity with
the reduced gross tonnage.
(,) 5rocedures by which the tonnage of segregated ballast tan$s is calculated shall be
determined in accordance with the norms of international law.
%hapter !7
avi.ation -e.ime in Latvian 6aters
Section #1. Ship &raffic Mana.ement and !nformation Systems
(/) "n order to ensure effective and safe ship traffic and information exchange in atvian
waters where intensive ship traffic ta$es place# the <inister for Transport shall determine
areas in which ship traffic management and information systems shall be established.
(,) The <inister for Transport shall determine the procedures for navigation and notification
in the areas referred to in 5aragraph one of this 6ection.
(*) 9ny ship located in the operating area of a vessel traffic management and information
system shall observe the procedures for navigation and reporting specified thereto.
Section #2. otifications -e.ardin. Ship %ollisions
"f a ship has been damaged in a collision or caused a collision in atvian waters# the
master of the ship# an owner of the ship# an agent or other person who has information
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /;
regarding the collision of the ship# shall without delay notify the Coast Cuard or the nearest
harbour master thereof.
Section #3. -e.ulations for Preventin. %ollisions at Sea
(/) <asters of ships and hydroplanes shall comply with the re4uirements of the CO7EC
Convention in atvian waters.
(,) The Cabinet may in compliance with the re4uirements of the CO7EC Convention
specify special navigation procedures in separate areas in ports and waters related thereto
without reduction of navigation safety.
[28 October 2004]
Section ##. Arrest of a Ship at Sea
(/) "n order to ensure the fulfilment of regulatory enactments and international agreements
binding on atvia in atvian waters outside the port area# the Coast Cuard may control#
inspect and arrest a ship in compliance with the /G-, Fnited 0ations Convention On the aw
of the 6ea.
) "n order to ensure the fulfilment of regulatory enactments and international agreements
binding on atvia# as well as to strengthen 6tate security and defence capabilities# 0orth
9tlantic Treaty Organisation (09TO) and European Fnion (EF) warships may become
involved in the control# inspection and arrest of ships in atvian waters outside the port area.
"n performing the referred to tas$s# the 0orth 9tlantic Treaty Organisation (09TO) and
European Fnion (EF) warships and the officials thereof have all the rights and duties of the
Coast Cuard and the officials thereof.
(,) The Cabinet shall specify the procedures for the control# inspection and arrest of ships in
atvian waters.
[15 June 2006]
Section #$. -adio -eports
(/) "n C<D66 areas included in atvian coastal waters the Coast Cuard shall ensure the
emergency (<9RD9R)# urgency (590!590) and regular marine safety (6ECF7"TEE)
messages# as well as meteorological forecasts in compliance with the re4uirements of 6O96
Convention# 697 Convention# "nternational 9eronautic and <aritime 6earch and 7escue
<anual and "nternational 7adio 7egulations. The Co!ordination Centre (<7CC) shall receive
the ship security alert signal and the security information provided by the ship.
(,) A,- October ,++.B
(*) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which the operation of the 9"6 coastal
communications networ$ within the scope of the vessel traffic monitoring and information
data exchange system shall be ensured.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004; 10 November 2005; 15 June 2006]
Section #'. Search and -escue of Persons
(/) The operations for search and rescue of persons# as well as the co!ordination of the
provision of assistance and the granting of shelter locations for vessels shall be performed by
the Coast Cuard in accordance with the re4uirements of the 697 Convention and the
"nternational 9eronautic and <aritime 6earch and 7escue <anual.
(,) The Cabinet shall issue regulations regarding search and rescue in cases of aeronautic and
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /-
maritime accidents. The referred to regulations shall prescribe the procedures by which co!
operation between the Coast Cuard and other authorities# the operation of the Co!ordination
Centre (<7CC)# sub!centres thereof and the 9eronautic 6earch and 7escue Co!ordination
Centre (97CC) shall be conducted# and specify the atvian area of responsibility.
(*) The Coast Cuard shall ensure the operation of the Co!ordination Centre (<7CC) and
C<D66 coast communications networ$# and utilise the ships and aircraft of the 0ational
9rmed :orces# the 9eronautic 6earch and 7escue Co!ordination Centre (97CC)# as well as
other technical means in conformity with the emergency action plan.
(.) The Coast Cuard may establish sub!centres of the Co!ordination Centre (<7CC). The
Iessel Traffic 6ervice (IT6) of a port shall be regarded as such a sub!centre in cases of
(1) The Co!ordination Centre (<7CC) and sub!centres thereof shall have emergency action
plans that prescribe the procedures and the authorities involved in search and rescue of
persons# as well as the co!ordination of the provision of assistance and the granting of shelter
locations for vessels in the atvian area of responsibility including port areas.
(3) "n the case of a maritime or aeronautic accident# the Co!ordination Centre (<7CC) has the
right to permit foreign ships and warships to enter atvian territorial waters# as well as aircraft
and military aircraft to enter atvian air space above the territorial waters thereof notifying
operationally thereof the <inistry of Defence and the <inistry of :oreign 9ffairs.
(;) 5assenger ships# which are engaged in regular traffic for more than six months and cross
the atvian area of responsibility# shall have a co!operation plan for search and rescue of
persons. The Coast Cuard in compliance with the recommendations of the "nternational
<aritime Organisation shall develop the referred to plan.
[28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section #(. *mer.ency and Distress Si.nals
(/) "n cases of emergency and distress the signals complying with the re4uirements of the
CO7EC Convention and 6O96 Convention shall be used.
(,) "t is prohibited to use the emergency and distress signals referred to in this 6ection without
need. :or such violations# persons at fault shall be sub'ect to administrative liability.
Section #). otices to Seafarers and avi.ational 6arnin.s
(/) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall compile information regarding changes in the
navigation regime and navigation e4uipment in atvian waters and shall publish this
information in the navigation publication =5aJiQo'umi '>rnie$iem@ A0otices to <arinersB.
(,) The Coast Cuard shall partly or fully include the information specified in 5aragraph one of
this 6ection in the regular safety (6ECF7"TEE) reports.
[30 October 2003; 10 November 2005]
%hapter 7
%asualties -elated to avi.ation
Section #+. Marine %asualties
9 marine casualty is an accident conforming to the specifications set out in the
"nternational <aritime Organisation Code for the "nvestigation of <arine Casualties and
"ncidents# including cases where:
/) a ship is lost# abandoned at the sea# missing or possible loss of the ship;
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) /G
,) ,) a person has lost his or her life# is missing or serious personal in'ury has
occurred during the operation of a ship;
*) material losses have been caused to a ship;
.) fire or explosion has occurred on a ship;
1) a ship has run aground or touched thereto;
3) a ship has been involved in a collision with another ship or ob'ect;
;) a ship has lost its seaworthiness due to damage to the hull# machinery# e4uipment or
due to other reasons; and
-) the environment has been polluted due to the escape of dangerous substances.
Section $,. !nvesti.ation of Marine %asualties
(/) 9 ship!owner or his or her authorised person# as well as any atvian 6tate institution# a
natural or legal person who has received information regarding a marine casualty shall notify
the Coast Cuard thereof immediately. The Coast Cuard shall submit this information to the
<aritime 9dministration of atvia# but in the case of environmental pollution# also to the
6tate Environment 6ervice.
(,) <arine casualties related to marine (ship) accidents shall be investigated by the <aritime
9dministration of atvia involving the 6tate Environment 6ervice if pollution has occurred.
(*) "f a foreign ship has been involved in a marine casualty# the <aritime 9dministration of
atvia shall notify the competent authority of the shipKs flag state regarding this casualty and
the investigation process thereof# which state may participate in further investigation of the
marine casualty. The competent authorities of other interested states may participate in the
investigation of the marine casualty.
(.) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for the investigation of marine casualties from
the point of view of marine safety in compliance with the "nternational <aritime Organisation
Code for the "nvestigation of <arine Casualties and "ncidents. "f a casualty has the nature of a
criminal offence# the investigation thereof shall be performed in accordance with criminal
procedural process.
(1) The <inister for Environmental 5rotection and 7egional Development shall determine the
procedures for investigation of cases of environmental pollution.
[30 October 2003; 10 November 2005]
%hapter 7!
Prevention of Marine Pollution
Section $1. Pollution Prevention
(/) 9 ship!owner# the master of a ship and the operator of an offshore platform shall ensure
compliance with the regulations on pollution prevention in conformity with the norms of the
<975O Convention and 9nnexes thereof# Eelsin$i Convention and other norms of
international law.
(,) The master of a ship shall ensure that before the ship leaves the port# the waste generated
by the ship and ship cargo is placed in the relevant port waste reception facilities in
accordance with international regulatory enactment re4uirements.
(*) "t is prohibited to discharge waste or other substances into the sea from ships and offshore
e4uipment in atvian waters. This prohibition does not apply to:
/) the dumping of soil ac4uired in dredging wor$ into the sea if the dumping is
performed in accordance with a permit issued by the 6tate Environment 6ervice;
,) dumping of by!catch and over!catch into the sea; and
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,+
*) cases when a person# a ship or offshore e4uipment is in danger of being lost and the
dumping of substances into the sea is the only possibility of eliminating these threats. "n
dumping substances into the sea it shall be observed that possible harm to human life and
health# as well as the harm to marine environment is reduced to minimum. 9ny person who
determines such a case of dumping shall notify the 6tate Environment 6ervice thereof.
(.) "t is prohibited to incinerate waste# as well as chemicals and chemical products in atvian
(1) Cargo# passenger and bun$er operations if a ship is at sea shall be permitted only at
anchorages# which have been notified in the navigation publication =5aJiQo'umi '>rnie$iem@
A0otices to <arinersB# informing the Coast Cuard. Transhipment of haJardous and polluting
cargo operations from ship to ship shall be co!ordinated with the Coast Cuard# 6tate
Environment 6ervice# the relevant customs authority# <aritime 9dministration of atvia and
the nearest harbour master to the anchorage. Each ship in performing the referred to
operations shall be ensured with plans for the elimination of conse4uences of an accident and
e4uipment# which shall be sufficient for the prevention of conse4uences of possible spillage
of haJardous substances in the sea.
(3) 5ort authorities shall ensure that ports have an operation plan approved by the 6tate
Environment 6ervice for cases of unforeseen pollution.
(;) Operators of oil or chemical terminals# a berth or a group of berths shall ensure the
drawing up a plan for cases of unforeseen pollution. The 6tate Environment 6ervice shall
approve this plan.
(-) The plans referred to in 5aragraphs six and seven of this 6ection in relation to ports shall
be drawn up by the port authorities# but in relation to terminals 8 by their owners ta$ing into
account the re4uirements of the /GG+ "nternational Convention on Oil 5ollution 5reparedness#
7esponse and Co!operation (hereinafter 8 O57C Convention) and standard re4uirements laid
down by the <inistry of Environmental 5rotection and 7egional Development# which shall be
complied with in preparation of an operational plan for unforeseen cases of pollution.
[28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
Section $2. otifications -e.ardin. Pollution
(/) Every person has a duty to notify the Coast Cuard or the nearest harbour master regarding
each case# which is related to the spillage or the possible spillage of oil or other haJardous
substances in atvian waters from a ship# offshore e4uipment# a port terminal or any other
ob'ect. The Coast Cuard or the harbour master shall notify the 6tate Environment 6ervice
(,) The master of a atvian ship whose ship is in foreign waters upon determining the cases
referred to in 5aragraph one of this 6ection shall notify immediately the competent authority
of the nearest coastal state thereof.
[10 November 2005]
Section $3. *limination of Marine Pollution
(/) The elimination of conse4uences of oil and dangerous or haJardous substances spilled into
the sea due to a marine casualty in atvian waters or in the proximity thereof shall be
performed in accordance with the O57C Convention# Eelsin$i Convention and the national
contingency plan for cases of oil pollution in the sea approved by the Cabinet.
(,) The Coast Cuard shall ensure and co!ordinate the wor$ of pollution elimination# but the
relevant harbour master shall co!ordinate such wor$ in the port area in compliance with the
port operational plan for the case of oil pollution.
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,/
(*) "n case of the marine pollution referred to in 5aragraph one of this 6ection the Co!
ordination Centre (<7CC) has the right to permit foreign ships and warships to enter atvian
territorial waters# but in respect of civil and military aircraft entering atvian air space above
the territorial waters thereof shall operatively notify the <inistry of Defence and the <inistry
of :oreign 9ffairs of such permission.
[28 October 2004]
Section $#. Action in %ase of Marine Pollution
(/) "f a marine casualty has occurred# which has caused pollution or threat of pollution to
atvian waters or the seacoast of atvia or caused a threat to any other 6tate interest related to
atvian waters or seacoast# the Coast Cuard in co!operation with other competent institutions
shall ta$e such measures as it considers necessary to prevent# reduce or eliminate the
pollution# as well as any measures in relation to the ship involved and the cargo thereof. These
measures may include the following with regard to the ship and the cargo thereof:
/) relocation;
,) rescue;
*) sin$ing or destruction; and
.) ta$ing over control of the ship
(,) The Coast Cuard after co!ordination with a ship!owner may issue an order to the master of
a atvian ship to proceed to the place of an accident and perform necessary activities for the
prevention# reduction or elimination of marine pollution.
(*) "n implementing the orders referred to in this 6ection each person shall ma$e every effort
to eliminate or reduce the danger# which threatens human life.
(.) "n ta$ing the measures referred to in this 6ection the Coast Cuard# the 6tate Environment
6ervice and other competent institutions shall comply with the re4uirements of the /G3G
"nternational Convention 7elating to "ntervention on the Eigh 6eas in Cases of Oil 5ollution
Casualties# its /G;* 5rotocol relating to "ntervention on the Eigh 6eas in Cases of <arine
5ollution by 6ubstances other than Oil and 9nnexes thereof.
[10 November 2005]
Section $$. %ondition for the -eceipt of %ompensation
(/) 9 person who has suffered losses due to pollution or incurred expenditures during the
process of pollution elimination in conformity with the conditions of the /GG, "nternational
Convention on the Establishment of an "nternational :und for Compensation for Oil 5ollution
Damage (hereinafter 8 :und Convention) may re4uest compensation from this fund.
(,) "n all cases when the :und Convention is not applied# including the case of prevention of
pollution threats# a person who has incurred expenditures related to the participation in
measures ta$en in conformity with the orders specified in 6ection 1. of this aw is entitled to
re4uest reimbursement from the generators of pollution threats in accordance with the
procedures specified in the Civil 5rocedure aw.
%hapter 7!!
Section $'. 9ydro.raphic Surveys and -esearch
(/) The following hydrographic research and geodesic wor$ shall be performed in atvian
waters in conformity with the recommendations of the "nternational Eydrographic
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,,
/) depth measuring in conformity with the international hydrographic survey
re4uirements in waters# which are actively utilised for navigation;
,) depth measuring and general hydrographic research in atvian waters for
cartographic and other economic needs;
*) depth measuring for planning# performing and control of dredging wor$s;
.) searching for sun$en ob'ects;
1) data collection and systemisation regarding variations in currents and water level#
soil sediments and earth magnetism;
3) geodesic research of coastal# hydro!technical and hydrographic constructions;
;) hydrographic wor$ related to the utilisation of the sea for the needs of 6tate
authorities; and
-) development and maintenance of a database of hydrographic surveys and
(,) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall perform the hydrographic research and
geodesic wor$ specified in 5aragraph one of this 6ection. The <inister for Transport may
specify the procedures for fulfilment of re4uirements and recommendations of the
"nternational Eydrography Organisation.
(*) The surveys made by the <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall be considered as official
hydrographic surveys in the 7epublic of atvia.
[30 October 2003; 28 October 2004]
Section $(. avi.ational Pu4lications and *lectronic %harts
(/) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall organise the preparation# printing and
distribution of the following navigational publications to seafarers and hydrography services
of other states.
/) a catalogue of the maritime navigation charts of the 7epublic of atvia;
,) maritime navigation paper charts in conformity with the catalogue of the maritime
navigation charts of the 7epublic of atvia including the maintenance of corrections thereof;
*) a pilots of atvian waters# the publication =Fgunis un JPmes atvi'as 7epubli$as
>deQos@ Aist of 9ids to 0avigation in the Haters of the 7epublic of atviaB; and
.) a navigational publication =5aJiQo'umi '>rnie$iem@ A0otices to <arinersB.
(,) 0avigational publications issued by the <aritime 9dministration of atvia in conformity
with the re4uirements specified in 5aragraph one of this 6ection are official navigational
publications of the 7epublic of atvia.
(*) Electronic charts of atvian waters prepared by the <aritime 9dministration of atvia
shall be considered as e4uivalent to paper charts if they are utilised in relevant certified
electronic chart display and information systems (hereinafter 8 ECD"6 systems). The
<aritime 9dministration of atvia shall prepare and maintain the electronic charts of atvian
waters and corrections thereof.
(.) "f electronic charts produced by hydrographic services of other states comply with the
standard 6!1; in effect and are utilised in the relevant certified ECD"6 system# these charts
shall be recognised as the e4uivalent to paper charts.
(1) Electronic maritime navigation charts# which are e4uivalent to paper charts# may be used
for navigation without the corresponding maritime navigation paper chart collections in such
navigation districts# where there is such electronic chart coverage.
[30 October 2003]
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,*
Section $). otifications -e.ardin. on:conformity of Aids to avi.ation and
24stacles to avi.ation
(/) 9ny ship# which has determined the non!conformity of aids to navigation and obstacles to
navigation indicated in the charts# the pilot or the navigational publication =Fgunis un JPmes
atvi'as 7epubli$as >deQos@ Aist of 9ids to 0avigation in the Haters of the 7epublic of
atviaB shall notify thereof the Coast Cuard or the nearest harbour master who shall provide
this information to the <aritime 9dministration of atvia.
(,) 0atural or legal persons who administer and supervise the aids to navigation shall notify
the <aritime 9dministration of atvia without delay regarding any changes in the operation
of the aids to navigation. The referred to persons shall be liable in accordance with regulatory
enactments for failure to provide such notification in a timely manner.
(*) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall carry out the duties of the national co!
ordinator on the basis of the special publication 6!1* =Clobal 0avigational Harning 6ystem@
of the "nternational Eydrographic Organisation# "nternational <aritime Organisation and the
Horld <eteorological Organisation ("EOS"<OSH<O).
[30 October 2003]
Section $+. Mar5in. of 6aterways on Site and !ndicatin. in a %hart
(/) Haterways shall be mar$ed on site and indicated in a chart in conformity with the results
of hydrographic# hydrologic and other waterway research.
(,) 9ids to navigation shall be used for waterway mar$ing in conformity with the system for
region =9@ specified by the "nternational 9ssociation of <arine 9ids to 0avigation and
ighthouse 9uthorities ("99). Hithin the meaning of this aw the aids to navigation are
lighthouses# buoys# spar buoys# leading line mar$s# means of radio navigation# e4uipment of
the Iessel Traffic 6ervice (IT6) or other e4uipment to be utilised for navigation# which has
been installed in order to ensure safe navigation.
(*) A/+ 0ovember ,++1B
[10 November 2005]
Section ',. Maintenance of System of Aids to avi.ation
(/) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia shall organise the establishment and general
supervision of a system of aids to navigation in atvian waters. The system of aids to
navigation shall consist of the aids to navigation referred to in 6ection 1G# 5aragraph two of
this aw.
(,) "t is prohibited to install# suspend the operation or change any aids to navigation if the
written consent of the <aritime 9dministration of atvia has not been previously received.
(*) The Cabinet shall determine the technical re4uirements for the aids to navigation ta$ing
into account the re4uirements of international regulatory enactments# as well as the
procedures for ensuring the operation of the aids to navigation.
(.) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia is entitled to have access to the aids to navigation
at any time in order to perform control thereof.
[30 October 2003; 10 November 2005]
Section '1. Sources !nterferin. with avi.ation
The <aritime 9dministration of atvia is entitled to re4uest in writing natural or legal
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,.
persons to eliminate light sources not related to navigation# which interfere with the utilisation
of aids to navigation or may be wrongly perceived as an aid to navigation. The natural or legal
person shall eliminate the referred to light sources at his or her own expense.
[30 October 2003]
Section '2. Movement of 24stacles to avi.ation
(/) The <aritime 9dministration of atvia has the right to issue an order to move any ob'ect#
which has become or may become an obstacle to navigational or interference.
(,) "f an ob'ect referred to in 5aragraph one of this 6ection is located in a port area# the duties
of the <aritime 9dministration of atvia referred to in this 6ection shall be carried out by the
relevant port authority.
[30 October 2003]
&ransitional Provisions
/. Fp to the issuance of Cabinet 7egulations provided for in 6ection *1# 5aragraph two and
6ection .3# 5aragraph two# but not longer than until / 2anuary ,++.# the following Cabinet
7egulations are applicable insofar as they are not in contradiction with this aw:
/) Cabinet 7egulation 0o. /+/ of ,. <arch /GG-# 7egulations On 6egregated Dallast
,) Cabinet 7egulation 0o. 1- of /1 :ebruary ,+++# 7egulations On 6earch and
7escue in Case of 9eronautic and <aritime 9ccidents;
*) Cabinet 7egulation 0o. /.3 of /- 9pril ,+++# 5rocedures for 7egistration of 6hip
5assengers; and
.) Cabinet 7egulation 0o. /13 of ,1 9pril ,+++# 7egulations On 7eporting
Dangerous and 5olluting Cargoes of Iessels.
,. Dy / 2anuary ,++. the Cabinet shall approve the national contingency plan for cases of oil
pollution in the sea referred to in 6ection 1*# 5aragraph one of this aw.
*. A*+ October ,++*B
.. The Cabinet shall# by / 2une ,++.# issue the regulations referred to in 6ection ;# 5aragraph
two of this aw.
1. The Cabinet shall# by / 2uly ,++;# issue the regulations referred to in 6ection .1# 5aragraph
three of this aw.
[30 October 2003; 10 November 2005; 15 June 2006]
3. The new text of 6ection ,3 of this aw shall come into force on / 2uly ,++1.
[28 October 2004]
;. 9mendments to 6ection ,; of this aw (regarding the deletion of the second sentence of
5aragraph three and the new text of 5aragraph four) shall come into force on / 2anuary ,++3.
[28 October 2004]
-. The Cabinet shall issue by / 2anuary ,++1 the regulations referred to in 6ection /;#
5aragraph four and 6ection ,.# 5aragraphs five and six of this aw.
[28 October 2004]
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,1
G. The Cabinet shall issue by / 2uly ,++3 the regulations referred to in 6ection ,3# 5aragraphs
one and two of this aw.
[28 October 2004; 10 November 2005]
/+. The Cabinet shall issue by / 2anuary ,++3 the regulations referred to in 6ection ;#
5aragraph three; 6ection /3# 5aragraph two; 6ection /G# 5aragraph five and 6ection ,;#
5aragraph four of this aw.
[28 October 2004]
//. The Cabinet shall by / 2anuary ,++; issue the regulations referred to in 6ection /-#
5aragraph four; 6ection 1+# paragraph four and 6ection 3+# 5aragraph three of this aw.
[10 November 2005]
/,. Fp to the issuing the Cabinet regulations referred to in 6ection /-# 5aragraph four;
6ection 1+# 5aragraph four and 6ection 3+# 5aragraph three of this aw# the following
<inistry of Transport regulatory acts shall be applied:
/) <inistry of Transport 7egulation 0o. ,, of * 6eptember ,++*# 7egulations
regarding the Technical 7e4uirements for the 9ids to 0avigation;
,) <inistry of Transport 7egulation 0o. ,3 of /G 6eptember ,++*# 5rocedures for the
6upervision of Classification 6ocieties (7ecognised Organisations);
*) <inistry of Transport 7egulation 0o. *+ of /G 6eptember ,++*# 7egulations
regarding the ensuring of the Operation of the 9ids to 0avigation and the <ar$ing of
Haterways on!site; and
.) <inistry of Transport 7egulation 0o. - of ,/ 9pril ,++.# 5rocedures for the
"nvestigation of <aritime 9ccidents.
[10 November 2005]
!nformative -eference to *uropean ;nion Directives
This aw contains legal norms arising from:
/) Directive ,++/S/+1SEC of the European 5arliament and of the Council of /G December
,++/ amending Council Directive G.S1;SEC on common rules and standards for ship
inspection and survey organisations and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations
(Text with EE9 relevance); and
,) Directive ,++,S1GSEC of the European 5arliament and of the Council of ,; 2une ,++,
establishing a Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system and repealing
Council Directive G*S;1SEEC.
[15 June 2006]
The aw has been adopted by the !aeima on */ October ,++,.
5resident I. IPTe!:reiberga
7Pga# /G 0ovember ,++,
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,3
Translation ,++; Tul$o%anas un terminolo&i'as centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) ,;

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