Sie sind auf Seite 1von 23


In this model we show the working of the opti!l fi"er with the help of two#
!mplifier ir$it% In this model we tr!nsmit the d!t! in !n!log$e form% Firstl&
we on'ert the so$nd sign!l into light sign!l% This light sign!l is o$pled to
the opti!l fi"er !nd end of the opti!l fi"er is onneted to photodiode%
Photodiode on'ert the light sign!l into eletri!l sign!l !nd this eletri!l
sign!l is now reprod$ed in to so$nd sign!l with the help of !mplifier !nd
In this pro(et we $se IC )*+ !s ! !mplifier omponent% Pin no ) of
the IC is onneted to the positi'e s$ppl&% Pin no * of the IC is onneted to
the neg!ti'e s$ppl&% Pin no , is o$tp$t pin% Pin no - !nd . is inp$t pin%
Positi'e !nd neg!ti'e 'olt!ge is s$ppl& to the IC thro$gh "!tter&% In this
pro(et we $se /#'olt d 'olt!ge !s ! s$ppl& 'olt!ge% Pin no . is !t !s !
referene 'olt!ge pin0 for this p$rpose we onnet two resist!ne to pin no .
'i! positi'e termin!l !nd neg!ti'e termin!l%%Inp$t sign!l is !pplied to the pin
no- 'i! !p!itor !nd inp$t resist!ne% Inp$t sign!l is !pplied to the pin no-
thro$gh ondenser mike% Condenser mike on'erts the so$nd sign!l into
sm!ll eletri!l sign!l% This eletri!l sign!l is o$pled to the pin no - 'i!
!p!itor !nd resist!ne% 1ere !p!itor work !s ! 2C "loking !p!itor
!nd p!ss onl& AC sign!l from the mike% This inp$t sign!l !fter o$pling to
the pin no- is !mplified "& the IC )*+ !nd !'!il!"le on the pin no ,% 1ere
we onnet ! one feed"!k resist!ne "etween pin no , !nd pin-% This
resist!ne is work !s ! feed"!k resist!ne% Feed"!k resist!ne !ts !s !
'er& import!nt p!rt in this !mplifier0 After inre!sing the '!l$e of this
resist!ne we h!nge the le'el of the so$nd% Now o$tp$t from the pin no , is
o$pled to the two tr!nsistor ir$it% 1ere "oth tr!nsistor works !s p$sh p$ll
!mplifier network ir$it% O$tp$t of the tr!nsistor is onneted to the L%E%2
thro$gh one resist!ne% Now so$nd is on'erted into light with the help of
this L%E%2 3!ri!tions in the intensit& of the light is !s per the intensit& of the
4e o$pled this light of the L%E%2 to the opti!l fi"er in proper w!&% 4e
onnet it in opti!l fi"er0 so th!t !ll the light is p!ss thro$gh the opti!l fi"er
in other end%
Now opti!l fi"er is onneted to the photodiode in proper w!&0 so th!t !ll
the light is from opti!l fi"er is onneted to the photodiode is not w!sted %
Photodiode is light sensiti'e omponent% Photodiode on'ert this light into
the sm!ll 'olt!ge% This sm!ll eletri!l sign!l is o$pled to the pin no - of
the IC% 1ere !g!in we $se one oper!tion!l !mplifier !s ! !mplifier ir$it%
Pin no ) of this IC is onneted to the positi'e% Pin no * is onneted to the
neg!ti'e 'olt!ge% Pin no , is the o$tp$t pin% Eletri!l sign!l !mplif& "& the
IC is !'!il!"le on the pin no ,% O$tp$t from the IC is !g!in !mplif& "& the
p$shp$ll !mplifier ir$it% O$tp$t from the p$sh p$ll !mplifier is now
onneted to the spe!ker 'i! !p!itor% 4e $se !p!itor for "lok the d
'olt!ge from the IC !nd p!ss onl& AC sign!l to the spe!ker%
2igit!l tr!nsmission%
In this digit!l tr!nsmission we tr!nsmit the sign!l in digit!l
form% 4e tr!nsmit this d!t! on the l!ser or sm!ll L%E2%% 4hen we point the
l!ser "e!m on the reei'er point then l!ser light de'elop ! sm!ll
'olt!ge in the photodiode !nd d$e to this l!ser light photodiode
on'ert this light into sm!ll 'olt!ge !nd f$rther on'erted into
n$meri displ!&%% In the !se of opti!l fi"re we onnet the light from
tr!nsmitter to one end of opti!l fi"re !nd other end of the opti!l fi"re is
onneted to the photodiode%
In tr!nsmitter setion we $se / swithes for the nine deim!l
n$m"er5s !nd the o$tp$t ir$it we $se one se'en segment displ!&
for the n$meri displ!&%
In tr!nsmitter setion we $se one 2TMF sign!l gener!tor for
gener!ting ! sign!l in the form of P4M p$lse width mod$l!tion%
for this p$rpose we $se i UM /+6+. !s ! tr!nsmitter% This UM
/+6+. is ! ommonl& dtmf sign!l gener!tor IC% All the nine
swithes !re onneted to the inp$t of this IC % All the
swithes !re onneted together !s ! m!tri7 network% All the
swithes !re di'ided in fo$r row !nd three ol$mn% 4e indi!te the
row !s ! R#+0R#-0 R#.0 R#* !nd ol$mn !s ! C#+0 C#-0 C#. % 4hen
we press the swith no + then Pin no +6 !nd pin no +- is !ti'!te
"e!$se pin no +6 is onneted to the R#+ !nd pin no +- is
onneted to the C#+% Pin no , of this i is onneted to the
positi'e s$ppl&% This i is 'er& sensiti'e to 'olt!ge !nd re8$ire
onl& .%. 'olt!ge% for this p$rpose we $se one 9ener diode
reg$l!ted power s$ppl& with this pro(et% Resist!ne +6: ohm
limit the $rrent !nd .%. 'olt 9ener reg$l!te the inp$t s$ppl&
'olt!ge% One r&st!l is onneted to pin no .%6)/6*6 M19 is
onneted to the pin no . !nd *% this fre8$en& is ! !rrier
fre8$en& of this inp$t pins% O$tp$t sign!l is !'!il!"le on the
pin no ) of this i% This o$tp$t sign!l is diretl& onneted to
the oper!tion!l !mplifier ir$it% In this oper!tion!l !mplifier
we $se i )*+ !s ! !mplifier ir$it% Inp$t sign!l from the pin
no ) of this i is onneted to the pin no - of the i )*+% Pin
no . !t !s ! omp!r!tor% Pin no , is o$tp$t pin% Pin no ) is
onneted to the positi'e s$ppl& !nd pin no * is onneted to the
neg!ti'e s$ppl&% One resistor is onneted "etween pin no , !nd
pin no - to gi'e ! positi'e feed"!k% O$tp$t from the oper!tion!l
!mplifier is f$rther !mplified "& the two tr!nsistor% 4e $se two
tr!nsistor5s !re here one is NPN !nd seond is PNP% olletor of
the npn is onneted to the positi'e s$ppl& !nd olletor of the
pnp is onneted to the neg!ti'e s$ppl&% O$tp$t is !'!il!"le from
the emitter of the "oth tr!nsistor% O$tp$t from the tr!nsistor is
f$rther onneted to the l!ser "e!m% 1ere we $se ;!#!s l!ser% In this l!ser
"e!m there is one semiond$tor l!ser diode% 4orking 'olt!ge of this diode
is !ppro7% .%, 'olt% This diode is 'er& sensiti'e !nd on high 'olt!ge it is
immedi!tel& "$rnt o$t% O$tp$t from the !mplifier is f$rther !g!in on'erted
into reg$l!ted .%, 'olt!ge with the help of one .%, 'olt 9ener diode% Now
when we press !n& swith from the ke&"o!rd then i gener!te ! fre8$en&
!nd this fre8$en& is !mplified "& the oper!tion!l !mplifier !nd this sign!l is
f$rther tr!nsmit "& the l!ser "e!m in the form of the light%
In reei'er ir$it 4e $se one photodiode% Photodiode is 'er& sensti'e to
light % 4hen light fo$s on the photodiode then photodiode sense the light
!nd on'ert it into ! 'er& sm!ll 'olt!ge% This sm!ll sign!l is !mplified "& the
oper!tion!l !mplifier !nd f$rther onneted to the 2TMF deoder ir$it%
2TMF deoder ir$it reei'e sign!l from the oper!tion!l !mplifier !nd
on'ert this sign!l into ! BC2 sign!l%
For the 2TMF deoder ir$it we $se I3 <<):=/+):% This ! +, pin IC% Pin
no +: !nd +< is onneted to the positi'e s$ppl&% One r&st!l is onneted to
the pin no ) !nd < to demod$l!te the fre8$en&% >ign!l from the oper!tion!l
!mplifier is !pplied to the pin no - !nd . of this i% This i Reei'e the sign!l
!nd demod$l!te the fre8$en& !nd this fre8$en& is !'!il!"le on the pin no
++0+-0+.0+* in the form of BC2 sign!l% If we $se this BC2 sign!l in f$rther
then we !n ontrol m!n& eletri!l !ppli!nes thro$gh this ir$it% B$t here
we displ!& the n$meri n$m"er onl& with the help of se'en segment deoder
ir$it% 1ere we $se i )**) !s ! se'en segment deoder ir$it% IC )**)
reei'e the BC2 sign!l from the <<): !nd on'ert this sign!l in the n$meri
Now when we press the n$meri ode from the tr!nsmitter end then
tr!nsmitter tr!nsmit the sign!l in the form of light% This light is reei'e !t the
other end in the form of the l!ser light% This l!ser light is deode into sign!l
!nd this sign!l is !mplified !nd on'erted in to n$meri form with the the
help of deoder ir$it% the light
A mirophone is ! de'ie0 whih on'erts the !ir press$re '!ri!tion
prod$ed "& ! 'oie or m$si!l instr$ments in to !n eletri!l '!ri!tion of
the s!me fre8$en& !nd orresponding !mplit$de% Its prim!r& p$rpose is to
on'ert so$nd energ& into eletri!l energ&% It is "!sed on ! "!si priniple
to work in the se8$ene !ir#'i"r!tion0 meh!ni!l 'i"r!tion !nd eletri!l
The on'ers!tion of !ir 'i"r!tion in to meh!ni!l 'i"r!tion is effeted
mostl& "& me!ns of ! di!phr!gm0 whih work in m$h s!me w!& !s the
e!rdr$m in the h$m!n e!r% In ondenser mirophone the di!phr!gm from one
pl!te of !n !ir !p!itor% B!tter& h!rges the !p!itor to ! ert!in '!l$e% The
resist!ne R is r!ther l!rge when di!phr!gm 'i"r!tes !s ! res$lt of so$nd
w!'e !ting on it% The dist!ne "etween the pl!tes of the !p!itor h!nge
therefore the !p!itor '!l$e !lso h!nge !nd it !$ses ! sm!ll AC to flow in
the ir$it% The AC 'olt!ge !n !ltern!ting 'olt!ge de'elops%
The spe!ker simpl& h!nges eletri energ& into so$nd% The spe!ker is !
tr!nsd$er% One in ! f!mil& of de'ies whih on'erts energ& from one form
into !nother%
The spe!ker in gre!test $se tod!& is the perm!nent m!gnet ?pm@ d&n!mi
spe!ker% The eletrost!ti0 spe!ker m!& "e fo$nd !s p!rt of ! spe!ker s&stem
in hi#fi inst!ll!tions% Eletrom!gneti d&n!mi spe!kers !re no longer $sed0
!ltho$gh the& were 'er& pop$l!r e!rl& in the de'elopment of !$dio s&stems%
2&n!mi spe!kers !re simil!r in oper!tion% The& differ in method $sed to
o"t!in the st!tion!r& or st!ti m!gnet field% The meh!ni!l onstr$tion of !
pm spe!ker%
A perm!nent m!gnet onentr!tes ! m!gneti field !t the pole piees of
highl& perme!"le ho$sing% The pole piees !re 'er& lose together to o"t!in
!n intense m!gneti field% A 'oie oil emented to the spe!ker one is
freel& s$spended "etween the m!gneti poles% A fle7i"le mem"r!ne !lled
the spider is !tt!hed to the 'oie#oil form !nd emented to the spe!ker
fr!me% The spider enters the 'oie oil forms "etween the spe!ker poles !nd
keeps it from r$""ing !g!inst them% The fl!red end of the one is fle7i"l&
!tt!hed to the spe!ker fr!me%
The perm!nent m!gnet of ! pm spe!ker is m!de of ! mi7t$re of !l$min$m0
nikel !nd o"!lt !nd is !lled !n !lnio m!gnet%
IC )*+% A IC BA>E
+: B ?6@0 +:: B O1M 3ARIABLE RE>I>TOR? PRE>ET@
CAPACITOR +:::MF2 ?+@ 0 %:* MF2 ?+@
IC )*+
+: B O1M ?6@
+ B O1M
+:: MF20 +:::MF20 %:* MF2
C!p!it!ne is the propert& of opposition to ! h!nge in 'olt!ge%
C!p!it!ne h!s the s!me re!tion to 'olt!ge !s the ind$t!ne h!s to the
$rrent% Th!t is the 'olt!ge !ross ir$it inre!ses% C!p!itor will resist the
h!nge !nd if the 'olt!ge !pplied to ! ir$it is dere!sed !nd tr& to m!int!in
the origin!l 'olt!ge%
The propert& of the !p!itor is to store h!rge !nd rele!se% The
storing !p!it& of !p!itor depends $pon the '!l$e of !p!itor !s defined
in miro f!r!d%
A "!si !p!itor onsist of two ond$ting met!lpl!tes sep!r!ted "& !
l!&er of !ir or other ins$l!ting m!teri!l% The ins$l!ting l!&er is !lled
dieletri l!&er% In pr!tie the dieletri l!&er !re often st!ked !nd e'en
rotted into omp!t form% The !p!itor !re !s l!ssified "& the n!me of
dieletri $sed in p!rti$l!r%
+% P!per !p!itor%
-% Mi! !p!itor
.% Cer!mi !p!itor%
*% Eletrol&ti !p!itor%
All eletrol&ti !p!itors h!'e the '!l$es !re !"o'e + miro f!r!d% All
eletrol&ti !p!itor h!'ing two legs 0 One is positi'e !nd seond is
neg!ti'e0 The "igger leg is positi'e !nd sm!ller leg is neg!ti'e%
It is diode whih emits 'isi"le light when it is energi9ed% In !ll
semiond$tor PN ($ntion diodes some of the energ& is gi'en off !s he!t
!nd some in the form of photon% In silion !nd germ!ni$m t&pes the gre!ter
the perent!ge is gi'en $p in the form of emitted light0 the he!t gener!ted
"eomes insignifi!nt% In other words0 m!teri!ls s$h !s g!lli$m !rseni
phosphide ? ;!AsP@ or g!lli$m phosphide ? ;!p@ 0 the n$m"ers of photon of
light energ& emitted is s$ffiient to re!te 'isi"le light so$re% The proess
of gi'ing off light "& !ppl&ing !n eletri so$re of energ& is !lled
eletrol$minese %Th$s L%E%2% is ! PN ($ntion h!'ing ! forw!rd "i!s !nd
h!r!teristis simil!r to diodes% L%E%2% oper!te !t 'olt!ge le'el of +%) 'olt to
. 'olt "& epo7& lens% The two eletrodes !re met!l fr!me !nd the le!ds
oming o$t of the enlos$re from the o$tlet !nd inlet !re for the 'olt!ge% All
the L%E%2% !re highl& monohrom!ti% Three olo$r5s !re ommonl&
!'!il!"le D Red0 ;reen0 !nd &ellow% Bl$e LE25> !lso e7ists0 "$t !re
e7pensi'e% LE25> !re widel& $sed in displ!&5s !nd !s indi!tors% the sh!pe
of LE2 '!ries onsider!"l&0 "$t the most ommon t&pe is &lindri!l0 with !
hemispheri!l end% The longer of the two le!ds is the !node0 whih m$st "e
onneted to the positi'e 'olt!ge
2igit!l tr!nsmission%
In this digit!l tr!nsmission we tr!nsmit the sign!l in digit!l
form% 4e tr!nsmit this d!t! on the l!ser or sm!ll L%E2%% 4hen we point the
l!ser "e!m on the reei'er point then l!ser light de'elop ! sm!ll
'olt!ge in the photodiode !nd d$e to this l!ser light photodiode
on'ert this light into sm!ll 'olt!ge !nd f$rther on'erted into
n$meri displ!&%% In the !se of opti!l fi"re we onnet the light from
tr!nsmitter to one end of opti!l fi"re !nd other end of the opti!l fi"re is
onneted to the photodiode%
In tr!nsmitter setion we $se / swithes for the nine deim!l
n$m"er5s !nd the o$tp$t ir$it we $se one se'en segment displ!&
for the n$meri displ!&%
In tr!nsmitter setion we $se one 2TMF sign!l gener!tor for
gener!ting ! sign!l in the form of P4M p$lse width mod$l!tion%
for this p$rpose we $se i UM /+6+. !s ! tr!nsmitter% This UM
/+6+. is ! ommonl& dtmf sign!l gener!tor IC% All the nine
swithes !re onneted to the inp$t of this IC % All the
swithes !re onneted together !s ! m!tri7 network% All the
swithes !re di'ided in fo$r row !nd three ol$mn% 4e indi!te the
row !s ! R#+0R#-0 R#.0 R#* !nd ol$mn !s ! C#+0 C#-0 C#. % 4hen
we press the swith no + then Pin no +6 !nd pin no +- is !ti'!te
"e!$se pin no +6 is onneted to the R#+ !nd pin no +- is
onneted to the C#+% Pin no , of this i is onneted to the
positi'e s$ppl&% This i is 'er& sensiti'e to 'olt!ge !nd re8$ire
onl& .%. 'olt!ge% for this p$rpose we $se one 9ener diode
reg$l!ted power s$ppl& with this pro(et% Resist!ne +6: ohm
limit the $rrent !nd .%. 'olt 9ener reg$l!te the inp$t s$ppl&
'olt!ge% One r&st!l is onneted to pin no .%6)/6*6 M19 is
onneted to the pin no . !nd *% this fre8$en& is ! !rrier
fre8$en& of this inp$t pins% O$tp$t sign!l is !'!il!"le on the
pin no ) of this i% This o$tp$t sign!l is diretl& onneted to
the oper!tion!l !mplifier ir$it% In this oper!tion!l !mplifier
we $se i )*+ !s ! !mplifier ir$it% Inp$t sign!l from the pin
no ) of this i is onneted to the pin no - of the i )*+% Pin
no . !t !s ! omp!r!tor% Pin no , is o$tp$t pin% Pin no ) is
onneted to the positi'e s$ppl& !nd pin no * is onneted to the
neg!ti'e s$ppl&% One resistor is onneted "etween pin no , !nd
pin no - to gi'e ! positi'e feed"!k% O$tp$t from the oper!tion!l
!mplifier is f$rther !mplified "& the two tr!nsistor% 4e $se two
tr!nsistor5s !re here one is NPN !nd seond is PNP% olletor of
the npn is onneted to the positi'e s$ppl& !nd olletor of the
pnp is onneted to the neg!ti'e s$ppl&% O$tp$t is !'!il!"le from
the emitter of the "oth tr!nsistor% O$tp$t from the tr!nsistor is
f$rther onneted to the l!ser "e!m% 1ere we $se ;!#!s l!ser% In this l!ser
"e!m there is one semiond$tor l!ser diode% 4orking 'olt!ge of this diode
is !ppro7% .%, 'olt% This diode is 'er& sensiti'e !nd on high 'olt!ge it is
immedi!tel& "$rnt o$t% O$tp$t from the !mplifier is f$rther !g!in on'erted
into reg$l!ted .%, 'olt!ge with the help of one .%, 'olt 9ener diode% Now
when we press !n& swith from the ke&"o!rd then i gener!te ! fre8$en&
!nd this fre8$en& is !mplified "& the oper!tion!l !mplifier !nd this sign!l is
f$rther tr!nsmit "& the l!ser "e!m in the form of the light%
In reei'er ir$it 4e $se one photodiode% Photodiode is 'er& sensti'e to
light % 4hen light fo$s on the photodiode then photodiode sense the light
!nd on'ert it into ! 'er& sm!ll 'olt!ge% This sm!ll sign!l is !mplified "& the
oper!tion!l !mplifier !nd f$rther onneted to the 2TMF deoder ir$it%
2TMF deoder ir$it reei'e sign!l from the oper!tion!l !mplifier !nd
on'ert this sign!l into ! BC2 sign!l%
For the 2TMF deoder ir$it we $se I3 <<):=/+):% This ! +, pin IC% Pin
no +: !nd +< is onneted to the positi'e s$ppl&% One r&st!l is onneted to
the pin no ) !nd < to demod$l!te the fre8$en&% >ign!l from the oper!tion!l
!mplifier is !pplied to the pin no - !nd . of this i% This i Reei'e the sign!l
!nd demod$l!te the fre8$en& !nd this fre8$en& is !'!il!"le on the pin no
++0+-0+.0+* in the form of BC2 sign!l% If we $se this BC2 sign!l in f$rther
then we !n ontrol m!n& eletri!l !ppli!nes thro$gh this ir$it% B$t here
we displ!& the n$meri n$m"er onl& with the help of se'en segment deoder
ir$it% 1ere we $se i )**) !s ! se'en segment deoder ir$it% IC )**)
reei'e the BC2 sign!l from the <<): !nd on'ert this sign!l in the n$meri
Now when we press the n$meri ode from the tr!nsmitter end then
tr!nsmitter tr!nsmit the sign!l in the form of light% This light is reei'e !t the
other end in the form of the l!ser light% This l!ser light is deode into sign!l
!nd this sign!l is !mplified !nd on'erted in to n$meri form with the the
help of deoder ir$it% the light
+% Soldering Iron : As soldering is ! proess of (oining together two
met!lli p!rts0 the instr$ment whih is $sed for doing this (o" is known
!s soldering Iron% Th$s it is me!t for melting the solder !nd to set#$p the
met!l p!rts "eing (oined% >oldering Iron !re r!ted !ording to their
w!tt!ge whih '!ries from +: E -:: w!tts%
-% Solder : The r!w m!teri!l $sed for soldering is
solder% It is omposition of le!d A in the good 8$!lit& solder ?! t&pe of
fle7i"le n!ked wire is ,:F Tin Led whih will melt "etween +<:
degree to -:: degree C temper!t$re%
.% Flux or Soldering P!"#e D 4hen the points to soldered is he!ted0 !s
o7ide film forms% This m$st "e remo'ed !t one so th!t solder m!& get
to the s$rf!e of the met!l p!rts% This is ! done "& !ppl&ing hemi!l
s$"st!nes !lled Fl$70 whih "oils $nder the he!t of the iron remo'e
the o7ide form!tion0 !nd en!"le the met!l to reei'e the solder%
*% $l!de or Knie : To le!n the s$rf!e AG le!ds of omponents to "e
soldered is done "& this ommon instr$ment%
6% S!nd P!%er : The o7ide form!tion m!& !tt!k !t the tip of &o$
soldering iron A re!te the pro"lem% To pre'ent this0 le!n to tip with
the help of s!nd p!per time or &o$ m!& $se "l!de for doing this (o"%
Ap!rt from !ll these tolls dis$ssed !"o'e0 the working "enh for soldering
!lso inl$des disordering p$mp% 4ith wire ?$sed for disordering p$rpose@0
file et%

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