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... through Bertha Dudde

Spiritual knowledge proves awakening
and ond with God ....
On!e "ou# as a hu$an eing# know aout "our origin# aout "our
starting point %ro$ &e and aout "our voluntar" apostas" %ro$
&e with the suse'uent %all into the a"ss# "our spirit will have
!o$e alive# %or "ou !an onl" re!eive and understand this
knowledge i% &" eternal Father(Spirit !onve"s this knowledge to
the spiritual spark in "ou ....
thus the spirit in "ou $ust have een rought to li%e# and that
presupposes a li%e o% love a!!ording to &" will .... )t presupposes
that "ou have !o$plied with the inner urging " &" spiritual
spark# whi!h is part o% &e# and thus entered into &" will# whi!h
re'uires "ou to live a li%e o% love.
*he previous state o% ignoran!e# whi!h ever" hu$an eing %inds
hi$sel% in at the start o% his earthl" li%e# is eviden!e that a
!onne!tion etween this spiritual spark with &e# the Father(
Spirit# has not "et taken pla!e# that he is still !o$pletel"
deta!hed %ro$ &e# that he is still in the isolation he pla!ed
hi$sel% in through his past apostas" %ro$ &e .... For the
separation %ro$ &e also signi%ies !o$plete la!k o% light# sin!e &"
strength o% love was no longer ale to per$eate the eings whi!h
grants the$ light and realisation.
+ot a gli$$er o% understanding re$ained in "ou when "ou
deserted &e o% "our own a!!ord# and in this utter darkness "ou
enter this world as a hu$an eing# ut "ou !an gain realisation
again# "ou !an draw this knowledge# whi!h is o%%ered to "ou in
ever" wa" " &e# "our God and Father# %ro$ within "ourselves
when "ou live on earth .... &erel" the ond o% the spiritual spark
with the eternal Father(Spirit $ust have een estalished# whi!h
then will also assure "ou the in%lu, o% light# that is# an unli$ited
$easure o% knowledge whi!h will e i$parted to "ou " the
never(ending love as long as "ou %ul%il the !ondition whi!h )
asso!iated with it ....
-nd a person who e!o$es enlightened# who in!reases his
knowledge o% the kingdo$ whi!h is not o% this world# !an
!onsider hi$sel% %ortunate. For he has alread" started his as!ent#
e!ause he will onl" ever re!eive light as a result o% a li%e o% love#
whi!h is the purpose and goal o% earthl" li%e e!ause it leads the
hu$an soul to per%e!tion. - s$all a$ount o% knowledge whi!h
!orresponds to the truth is alwa"s a sign o% divine union# e!ause
love unites the hu$an eing with &e and love# in turn#
guarantees truth%ul knowledge ....
*his is wh" the hu$an eing should# %ro$ the start o% his li%e#
look %or the asso!iation with &e through a li%e o% love# then his
will shall e dire!ted !orre!tl" .... sin!e he on!e dire!ted it
wrongl" and there%ore des!ended into darkness .... -nd a will
that is dire!ted !orre!tl" will alwa"s strive towards &e# ut it
$ust pa" attention to the deli!ate voi!e# the e,pression o% the
spiritual spark in hi$# whi!h tries to persuade hi$ to live a wa"
o% li%e that is righteous e%ore &e ....
.e will not e !o$pelled to %ollow this spark/s inner urging# %or in
the e$odi$ent as a hu$an eing the soul re!eives its %ree will
again whi!h# however# would never be able to !hoose &e had )
not provided hi$ with the spiritual spark as a little helper# whi!h
tries to in%luen!e hi$ %ro$ within to steer his will into the right
dire!tion and there" advan!e in his higher develop$ent until he
has rea!hed his goal# the uni%i!ation with &e .... whi!h this ver"
spiritual spark .... e!ause it is a part o% &e .... will !onstantl"
strive %or.
-nd as soon as the hu$an eing is granted 0ust a little light# as
soon as the truth%ul knowledge aout his origin and his goal is
presented to hi$# he will use his knowledge !orre!tl"1 he will live
his li%e a!!ordingl"# %or he re!ognises the will o% his eternal God
and 2reator Who wants to unite .i$sel% as Father with .is !hild
again# Who wants to grant the original state to .is living !reation
again# in whi!h it was in%initel" happ".
But as long as the hu$an eing still lives in spiritual darkness his
li%e on earth is at a standstill# %or he neither re!ognises his
eginning nor his end# he neither re!ognises the purpose and
goal nor the reason %or his earthl" e,isten!e# and thus he does
not dire!t his will !orre!tl" either# that is# a!!ording to &" will.
.is ailit" to do so is si$pl" ailing# e!ause he la!ks all
knowledge and his will# kept down " &" adversar"# is e,tre$el"
weak as well and onl" strength o% love would e ale to
strengthen it# ut this !an onl" e gained " a person i% he
listens to &" spirit in hi$ whi!h pro!lai$s &" will to hi$# whi!h
onl" ever e,pe!ts loving a!tivit" %ro$ "ou so that "ou will as!end
-nd thus# "ou should onl" tr" to attain knowledge aout &" will
and live up to it# and trul"# "ou will e!o$e enlightened# "our
strength will grow and "ou will also e ale to resist &"
adversar". For then "our spiritual spark will !onstantl" strive
towards the Father(Spirit o% eternit"# and it will also estalish the
union with .i$ and never want to let go again# e!ause light and
strength $akes it i$$ensel" happ" and the soul will inseparal"
unite itsel% with &e on!e $ore as it was in the eginning ....
3ulished " %riends o% new revelations o% God 4)n%or$ation#
download o% all translated revelations# the$e(ooklets at5


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