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... through Bertha Dudde

Judging the souls at the end ....
The hour of re!oning "ill o#e$ the hour "hen e%er& 'erson "ill
ha%e to (ustif& hi#self )efore his Judge .... For order "ill ha%e to
)e restored again sooner or later and e%er&one "ho has
transgressed this eternal order "ill ha%e to )e ans"era)le ....
The sentene "ill )e 'assed in aordane "ith (ustie .... *%er&
soul "ill e+'eriene the fate it has 're'ared for itself, the
s'iritual essene$ "hih has ta!en the 'ath through the
reations$ "ill )e #o%ed to "here it )elongs in relation to its
degree of #aturit& ....
the old reation "ill )e dissol%ed$ i.e. all for#s "ill )e resha'ed
into different !inds of "or!s of reation$ and the unredee#ed
s'iritual su)stane "ill )e 'laed into these for#s either to re-
start or to ontinue the 'ath of sal%ation$ de'ending on its
degree of #aturit&.
.t 'resent &ou hu#ans still do as &ou "ant and 'lease$ and &ou
are not 're%ented fro# doing so$ irres'eti%e of ho" God-
o''osing &our ations are ....
But the end "ill o#e soon$ and &ou "ill no longer )e a)le to do
as &ou "ant$ )eause the ti#e "ill ha%e 'assed "hen &ou "ere
a)le to "or! for &our souls sal%ation. For &ou "ill not ha%e used
the ti#e in aordane "ith Gods "ill )ut strengthened &our
souls o%er e%en #ore and there)& "ill ha%e 're'ared &our o"n
fate )& )eo#ing inreasingl& ensla%ed )& #atter$ and thus &ou
"ill )eo#e #atter again &oursel%es$ "hih &ou had alread& long
/et the la" of eternal order "ill ha%e to )e fulfilled again one da&.
*%er& s'iritual essene$ "hih li%ed on earth as a hu#an )eing$
"ill ha%e to reei%e ne" for#s$ sine higher de%elo'#ent has to
ontinue "here it "as interru'ted .... .nd the s'iritual essene
"hih had failed in its e#)odi#ent as a hu#an )eing has to )e
gi%en a ne" o''ortunit& to integrate itself in the 'roess of
return ....
This ould indeed )e alled an e+tre#el& harsh (udge#ent )ut it
onl& e%er orres'onds to the hu#an )eings o"n free "ill$ "hih
he had #isused on earth .... "ith the result that his soul "ill gain
)anish#ent into #atter$ it "ill )e dissol%ed again and "ill ha%e to
ta!e the infinitel& long 'ath through the reations until it one
again enters the stage of a hu#an )eing ....
One da& it "ill ahie%e the final goal and lea%e e%er& e+ternal
sha'e )ehind$ )ut it e+tends or shortens its o"n ti#e until it an
finall& enter the !ingdo# of light in a redee#ed state.
.nd although God is inonei%a)l& #eriful and 'atient and in 0is
lo%e onstantl& tries to enourage 'eo'le to #a!e the right
deision of "ill .... one da& the ti#e "ill o#e to an end and then
0is righteousness "ill o#e to the fore$ and 0e "ill re-esta)lish
the old order "hih$ ho"e%er$ "ill also signif& a (udge#ent of the
soul .... a transfer into the e+ternal for# "hih orres'onds to
its state of #aturit& ....
.nd$ at the sa#e ti#e$ this (udg#ent is the end of an earth- or
sal%ation-'eriod ....
1t "ill neessitate a destrution of all "or!s of reation on earth
"hih shelter unredee#ed s'iritual su)stane that tra%els along
its 'roess of de%elo'#ent in a state of o#'ulsion$ as "ell as
'eo'le "ho did not use their earthl& e+istene to 'rogress in
their de%elo'#ent. The&$ too$ "ill )e (udged .... that is$
aording to their s'iritual #aturit& the& "ill )e 'laed into hard
#atter again ....
/ou hu#ans are no" faing the end of this old earth$ "hether
this see#s redi)le to &ou or not .... Ti#e and again &our
attention "ill )e dra"n to this fat in order to i#'ro%e &oursel%es
)efore the e%ent and to enter the la" of eternal order$ "hih onl&
re2uires a life of lo%e$ for lo%e is a di%ine 'rini'le "hih &ou$
too$ as 0is li%ing reations$ "ill ha%e to a2uire if di%ine order is
to )e o)ser%ed.
/ou are onstantl& ad#onished )& seers and 'ro'hets$ "ho
'rolai# this near end to &ou$ to onsider &our real 'ur'ose of
earthl& life$ so that the end "ill not ath &ou una"ares and &ou
"ill ha%e to ste' )efore Gods (udg#ent seat laden "ith sin if &ou
ha%e done nothing to full& #ature in the final for# .... as a
hu#an )eing$ e%en if &ou are not &et released fro# &our original
sin )& ha%ing ta!en this guilt under the ross and 'ra&ed to Jesus
3hrist for rede#'tion fro# it ....
Onl& he an ta!e all guilt fro# &ou$ and then &ou an ste' )efore
Gods (udg#ent seat free of guilt$ and &ou "ill not ha%e to fear
the 4ast Judg#ent$ then &ou "ill )e a)le to e+hange &our sta&
on earth "ith the s'iritual !ingdo#$ "hih is &our true ho#e ....
/ou "ill )e a)le to enter the !ingdo# of the )lissful s'irits and
neither ha%e to fear the end of the old earth nor ne"
)anish#ent$ for the eternal God is not a strit )ut a righteous
Judge$ Who "ill gi%e to &ou all in aordane "ith &our o"n
"ill ....
5u)lished )& friends of ne" re%elations of God 61nfor#ation$
do"nload of all translated re%elations$ the#e-)oo!lets at7


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