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Rudolf Steiner: Into the Future

Article by Martha Keltz

Opening Quotations, From Rudolf Steiner
Love was the fundamental force of the ancient Oriental culture In those ancient times
there was in the Orient little of what was afterwards required of man when that word
resounded which found its most radical
exression in the !ree" sayin# $Know
thyself%& In Asia all this could not have
been observed and studied at all' (he
inward)turnin# #lance would have been
aralyzed* so to sea"' +ut by means of all
that the men of the ,ast brou#ht to the
-estern Mystery centers* their #aze havin#
lon# been directed outwards .$(hat thou
art&/ they were now enabled to ierce
throu#h into man&s inner bein# .(he/
,#o must be temered and hardened in that
realm which lies within man as a center of
destruction' And with this ,#o one cannot
live on the far side of the outer sense
world'0 1 Evil and the Power of Thought.
In relation to our moral life* our
understandin# of the world* and in relation
to all the activities of our consciousness
soul* we must first become selfless' (his is
a duty of our resent culture to the future' Man"ind must become more and more selfless2
therein lies the future of ri#ht livin#* and of all the deeds of love ossible to earthly
humanity'0 1 The Four Sacrifices of Christ.
In the sixth cultural eoch all materialistic beliefs* includin# science* too* will be
re#arded as antiquated suerstition' Men as a matter of course will accet as science only
such forms of "nowled#e as are based uon the siritual* uon neumatolo#y'0 1
Preparing for the Sixth Epoch.
(he human bein#* when he has achieved the hi#hest sirituality* ta"es on the form of
Michael fetterin# the evil in the world* symbolized by the dra#on'0 1 Occult Signs and
3ou "now that the moon will one day be reunited with the earth' +y the astronomers
and #eolo#ists* who live in a world of abstractions* this reunion of the moon with the
earth is laced thousands and thousands of years ahead' +ut this is mere illusion' In
reality it is by no means so very far distant'0 1 Picture of Earth Evolution in the
Out of the Past
(here is a wealth of information available today about 4udolf 5teiner 67897)7:;<= and
his life achievements* in thousands of individual and #rou initiatives all over the world*
in hundreds of ublications* and in the ublications of his own lectures and boo"s* many
made freely available on the internet* in whole or in art* both in their ori#inal !erman
lan#ua#e and in countless translations' (o a vastly far #reater de#ree than with the well)
"nown lives of Aristotle and 5aint (homas Aquinas* then* it is beyond the scoe of a
concise article to adequately encomass the ma#nitude of the life of 4udolf 5teiner and
his achievements* achievements that could only have been made ossible by an actively
cooeratin# siritual world* by innumerable helers both human and >ivine' 5uosin# it
was ossible to briefly summarize this lifetime 1 what mi#ht be written? (he fact that*
@ust rior to the most sta##erin# and incomrehensibly horrific world events of the early
and mid)twentieth century* 4udolf 5teiner and his co)wor"ers were exemlars for how
human bein#s could live their lives on earth* at the hi#hest and most roductive and
fulfillin# levels desite difficult or ain)filled individual destinies' 4enewals for nearly
all asects of outer and inner life were #iven and demonstrated' Outwardly* in siritually
uliftin# architecture* in eurythmy* drama* art* wood sculture* music* education and
curative education* social life* olitical awareness* economics* science* reli#ion* medicine
and a#riculture' Inwardly* throu#h the most thorou#h #uidance ever #iven toward direct
exerience of the livin# siritual world* a world consistin# of multitudes of siritual
+ein#s that are not hysically visible* but can be erceived with awa"ened consciousness'
(he time to see divinity in a #lass dimly0 has assed2 face to face meetin#s become
more and more ossible'
Aertainly such advancements as the above will not be easy of attainment' Bainful
sacrifices are necessary2 Cature teaches this unassailable fact' Only the evil ath romises
to be easy* but evil can only simulate truth and #oodness initially* can only deceive* as
occurred in the ;D
century* and this in absolute oosition to what had been offered
throu#h the new rei#nin# (ime 5irit* the Archan#el Michael 6c' 78E:);;FD='
If socialism* in the crude materialistic form in which it aears today .7:78/ attemts to
force itself uon man"ind* it will brin# the #reatest unhainess uon humanity' It is
symbolized for us throu#h the Ahriman at the foot of our !rou* in all his forms'0 1
ncient !yths.
-hat ercetions of the future could have borne* in deeer measure* what actually
occurred as a result of wron# or outdated forms of #overnment in the ;D
centuryG an
estimated 79D million deaths 6from Crimes gainst "umanity='
In order to move in consciousness into the future it is necessary to somehow byass the
century* still loomin# in the ast li"e some dar" mammoth beast* still alive* still
threatenin#' -ho can doubt that the ;D
century saw a time of #reat decisions* the #reat
crisis to which the sacred boo"s of all time have referred'0 1 #armic $elationships'
Millions of ,uroeans in articular who made decisions to act morally and for the #ood
suffered torture* imrisonment or death* and these decisions became absolutely required
in a #iven moment of sudden awareness* to move without hesitation in one direction or
the other* away from or toward !od'
(he time eriod of the rei#n of evil on ,arth* from aroximately 7:FF to 7:H<* sou#ht to
overshadow what 4udolf 5teiner ublicly revealed as early as 7:7D* the 5econd
Aomin#0 of Ahrist that would be#in between the years 7:FD 1 HD 1 H<02 not a hysical
return of Ahrist* but a siritual return in the Etheric World* the world of formative forces
that sustains all hysical life' Iowever* (he Ahrist event is not confined to one oint
of time only' In the case of Baul it came very early in order that throu#h him Ahristianity
mi#ht ursue its course'0 (he new ercetion of Ahrist in the siritual world* similar to
what Baul exerienced on the road to >amascus* will occur amon# the first forerunners
of human bein#s ossessed of these faculties0 (he new faculties of fully conscious
clairvoyant ercetion* both natural and cultivated* are referred to' 1 The True %ature of
the Second Coming.

I need only briefly mention that in the times directly after the Atlantean catastrohe*
souls were endowed with a certain elementary clairvoyance in the bodies they then
inhabited' (his clairvoyance* once a natural faculty in man* was #radually lost* mainly as
a result of the conditions revailin# durin# the !reco)4oman eoch of culture' 5ince
then* man has develoed in such a way that #reat ro#ress has been achieved on the
hysical lane and durin# the course of the resent ost)Atlantean a#e clairvoyance will
#radually be reacquired'0 1 &uddha and Christ' The Sphere of the &odhisattvas.
(he ath #iven for both natural and cultivated exressions of clairvoyance is that of the
(hree I)s0 1 Ima#ination* Insiration* and Intuition' A resolve to wor" in these areas
with disciline* atience and endurance will brin# a meetin# with the ,theric Ahrist* but
the decision as to when or how such a meetin# will occur can only come from the
siritual world* from Ahrist'
Jrom the same lecture as cited aboveG In our own fifth a#e which will last until the
fourth millennium* souls will #radually become able* from the ;D
century onwards* to
exerience the Ahrist +ein# in an etheric form on the astral lane* @ust as in the fourth a#e
Ahrist was visible on the hysical lane in a hysical form'0 -hat is meant by an etheric
form on the astral lane0? (he astral body is the body of desires* wishes* assions*
fantasies* ori#inality* creativity* etc'* and to the extent that the ,#o and the intellectual
soul effectively wor" on this sur#in#* colorful* and dynamic body so as to brin# it under
control* its forces are transformed into 5irit 5elf 6Iindu !anas=* which means elevated*
moral thin"in#2 ure or untainted thou#hts' (his "ind of thin"in# will enable a face to
face0 meetin# with Ahrist and with other hi#her +ein#s* which can mean a vision full of
truth* a vision that is almost hysical* but that is not hysical' ,lements of unmista"able
life and sweetness identify the vision as ori#inatin# from the etheric world* but ure
thou#hts 6correct thin"in#= within the intellectual soul must facilitate this meetin# so lon#
as humanity is deendent uon the hysical body and hysical life' (his deendency will
continue for a lon# time into the future* but must ultimately be overcome'
It haens frequently in our time that #reat crises in the lives of individuals* such as a
near death exerience* brin# natural meetin#s with Ahrist* and this becomes a call to
develo the dormant faculties while there is still time* for this develoment will brin#
fruition in the life after death and in future lives' -e live at a turnin# oint in time in the
sense that a failure to develo the new faculties will brin# a loss that will be very difficult
to comensate for in the future' 5uch develoment brin#s with it increased resonsibility
for the needs of others* for social life and for an endan#ered natural environment* at first
out of a sense of duty that requires disciline* but then out of a hi#her form of love* out of
selflessness* and this in face of the intensification of the ower of Individuality* of the
(he Ahrist)Individuality was on the ,arth in the body of Kesus of Cazareth for three
years only and does not come a#ain in a hysical body2 in the fifth ost)Atlantean a#e*
Ie comes in an etheric body* in the sixth a#e in an astral body* and in the seventh in a
mi#hty Cosmic Ego that is li"e a #reat !rou)5oul of humanity'0 1 $eference ().
-hat truly was 4udolf 5teiner&s mission from the be#innin# of the ;D
century until his
death in March* 7:;<? Aertainly art of this mission was the union of the ,astern
understandin# of "arma and reincarnation with the -estern ath of Ahristianity' If this
leads to a study of 4udolf 5teiner&s own ast lives* however* somethin# vastly more
encomassin# emer#es* somethin# that connects events from the third cultural a#e to our
own time' ,ndeavors that were then of a universal nature have reaeared* transformed*
in our own fifth ost)Atlantean cultural a#e' -hat 4udolf 5teiner was callin# for and
wor"in# towards in his lifetime was a unification* a fusion* of two streams within
-estern culture that had heretofore run searately or arallel to one anotherG the hidden
or esoteric stream of "nowled#e and the exoteric stream that was tau#ht to the eole
and entered into daily life and reli#ious observance' Iere is recalled !il#amesh&s failure
to comlete his initiation in the third cultural a#e' (he result of this failure revented the
hidden mysteries from enterin# into the external culture of +abylon* unli"e the
achievements of Iermes' Iermes #azed into the very deths of the holiest secrets and
became the #reat inau#urator of ancient ,#yt* but because of !il#amesh&s failure to #o
throu#h the Initiation successfully* +abylon had the external culture and the esoteric
culture runnin# arallel to one another ,nshrined within this culture were the sacred*
most hidden mysteries of the Ahaldeans* but these were only able to flow throu#h the
external culture as a tiny stream'0 1 Occult "istory 6see The Epic of *ilgamesh='
5chionatulander and (homas Aquinas lived in time eriods in which esoteric or occult
Ahristianity did indeed remain hidden* carried in subsequent centuries by 4osicrucianism'
(homas called for Faith in ac"nowled#ement of what the intellect could not then #ive by
way of answers to questions concernin# the deeest mysteries of life' (he endin# of #ali
+uga and the emer#ence of the new a#e of Michael has brou#ht forth* throu#h the
be#innin#s of an attainment of a hi#her form of clairvoyance* the hidden -isdom 6Isis
Lnveiled0=* and* throu#h the anthroosohical or siritual science movements* has united
this -isdom with the outer culture and with all exoteric Ahristianity'
Initiates at the level of Ahristian 4osen"reutz 6see ,ives of Schionatulander and Saint
Thomas -uinas. Part Two=* who had been Kohn the ,van#elist durin# the life of Ahrist
on ,arth* and who was the author of $evelation* can see the future' Ahristian 4osen"reutz
) who was also called Jather A40 ) and 4udolf 5teiner are brothers in sirit* while
Ahristian 4osen"reutz most often wor"s behind outer events* whereas 4udolf 5teiner* as
with Aristotle and (homas Aquinas* becomes a well)"nown ublic fi#ure and teacher'
(he formal or traditional title of Jather is exlained thusG If we now #o bac" once a#ain
to the be#innin# of the Jifth 4oot 4ace .the Jifth ost)Atlantean !reat ,och/ we find
the suerhuman Manu* by whom the #reat imulse was #iven' +ut in the course of the
Jifth 4oot 4ace* somethin# very si#nificant comes to ass* namely that men themselves
ro#ress so far that a few of them will be able to ta"e into their hands the siritual
#uidance of the human race' (hose whom we call $Jathers& or $,lders& will then be able
to #uide and lead men as formerly they were led by suerhuman +ein#s' (hus the
#uidance and leadershi of man"ind asses over from the Manus to those who are
$Iuman +rothers*& $+rothers of Men'&
(he Ioly 5irits* the 5ons of !od* the Jathers* became the leaders of the human race in
the successive a#es of time' (he Jathers are also called Pitris' .(hey/ are those who as
human bein#s were still children* but were nevertheless the most advanced amon# those
early men'0 1 /On0 pocalyptic 1ritings.
As for the future Bitris and 5ons of !odG
+ut to all who received Iim* who believed in Iis name* Ie #ave ower to become
children of !od2 who were born* not of blood* nor of the will of the flesh* nor of the will
of man* but of !od'0 1 2ohn ('(3.
(he +odhisattvas are of the Ioly 5irit2 they will advance to +uddha'
Cow it is of the #reatest imortance for us to "now that whenever the 4osicrucian
insiration is #iven* in each century* the bearer of the insiration is never outwardly
named' Iis identity has been "nown only to the very hi#hest initiates' (oday* for
examle* it is only ermissible to sea" of haenin#s of a hundred years a#o2 for this is
the eriod of time which must elase before they may be so"en of oenly' (he
temtation to ay fanatical veneration to authority vested in some ersonality 1 of which
there is no #reater evil 1 would be too #reat' (he dan#er is too near at hand' 5ilence is a
necessary recaution not only a#ainst the wiles of ambition and ride 1 which it mi#ht be
ossible to resist 1 but aramountly because of the occult* astral attac"s which would be
directed all the time a#ainst such an individual' Ience the rule that these thin#s may not
be so"en of until a hundred years have elased' 5uch studies may hel us to realize that
the fulcrum of historical develoment is contained in 4osicrucianism'0 Jor it can be
substantiated from the A"ashic 4ecord that the day which reresents the ivotal oint in
the evolution of man"ind is the F
of Aril in the year FF A>' Knowled#e of the fact that
the ivot of evolution lies at this oint is an essential art of 4osicrucianism'0 1 The
!ission of Christian $osen4reut5 /(6(30.
In a very similar lecture to the above* but #iven earlier* in 7:77* 4udolf 5teiner statedG
Ahristian 4osen"reutz is an individual who is active both when he is in incarnation and
when he is not incarnated in a hysical body2 he wor"s not only as a hysical bein# and
throu#h hysical forces* but above all siritually throu#h hi#her forces'0 Ahristian
4osen"reutz is incarnated a#ain today'0
5trictly sea"in# the 4osicrucian movement be#an in the thirteenth century' At that time
those forces wor"ed extraordinarily stron#ly* and a Ahristian 4osen"reutz stream has
been active in siritual life ever since' (here is a law that this siritual stream of force has
to become esecially owerful every hundred years or so' (his is to be seen now in the
theosohical movement' Ahristian 4osen"reutz #ave an indication of this in his last
exoteric statements'0 Jrom a %ote 37 included in the ublication of this lectureG the
Aount de 5aint !ermain stated* in Mienna in 7E:DG I shall disaear from ,uroe
towards the end of the century and roceed to the re#ions of the Iimalayas' I shall rest2 I
must rest' In 8< years time I shall be seen daily'0 1 8sabella Cooper9Oa4ley. 1 see Note 1.
4eferrin# to the boo" 8sis :nveiled* written by Ielena Betrovna +lavats"y 678F7)78:7=
in 78E<* 4udolf 5teiner stated that the first art of the boo"* written in symbols* was
esecially insired by Ahristian 4osen"reutz' Iowever* In the second art +lavats"y
deviates a little from the 4osicrucian stream' In her later wor"s she dearts entirely from
it* and we must be able to distin#uish between her early and her later ublications* even
thou#h somethin# of I'B' +lavats"y&s uncritical sirit already aears in the early ones'
(hat this is said can only be the wish of I'B' +lavats"y* who is not in incarnation now'0
Jrom aroximately 7:D; to 7:7; 4udolf 5teiner and his #reat friend Marie von 5ivers
6789E)7:H8= had been active in the (heosohical 5ociety in !ermany* althou#h he made
it very clear that from the be#innin# he was teachin# out of the 4osicrucian or esoteric
Ahristian stream' In The Course of !y ,ife he writes of how he and others were forced to
deart from the (heosohical 5ocietyG +ut after 7:D9 there be#an in the 5ociety uon
whose #eneral direction I had not the least influence* ractices reminiscent of the #rowth
of siritualism* which made it necessary for me to warn members a#ain and a#ain that the
art of the 5ociety which was under my direction should have absolutely nothin# to do
with these thin#s' (he climax to these ractices was reached when it was asserted of a
Iindu boy that he was the erson in whom Ahrist would aear in a new earthly life' Jor
the roa#ation of this absurdity there was formed in the (heosohical 5ociety a secial
society* that of $(he 5tar of the ,ast'& It was utterly imossible for my friend and me to
include the membershi of this $5tar of the ,ast& as a branch of the !erman section* as
they desired and as Annie +esant* resident of the (heosohical 5ociety* esecially
intended' -e were forced to found the Anthroosohical 5ociety indeendently'0
In later years* in maturity* the Iindu boy* Kiddu Krishnamurti 678:<)7:89=* became a
hilosoher and re@ected and denied Annie +esant&s claim'
4udolf 5teiner never met I'B' +lavats"y* as he was only FD years old when she died and
he had not yet become involved with the (heosohical 5ociety'
Abraham, Moses, and Solomon
It is imossible to "now anythin# of the resent and future of human and cosmic
evolution in the sense of siritual science without a "nowled#e of this evolution in the
ast' Jor what resents itself to the ercetion of the siritual researcher when he
observes the hidden facts of the ast contains simultaneously all he can "now of the
resent and future'0 1 n Outline of Occult Science.
In the lecture The True %ature of the Second Coming* the individuals of Abraham*
Moses* and 5olomon are connected with the three millennia rior to the foundin# of
Ahristianity* millennia that be#an in the year F7D7 +A' (he year F7D7 +A is an
approximate date for the be#innin# of the #reat dar" a#e* #ali +uga 6F7D7 +A)78:: A>=*
Jor in the rocess of develoment* qualities of one "ind ass over #radually into
others2 but before that time the last vesti#es of ancient clairvoyance were still resent
-e can say that the develoment then be#ins of those faculties of soul which on the one
hand confine .man&s/ ower of @ud#ment to the sense)ercetible world* while* on the
other* they romote his self)consciousness2 all these owers be#in to oerate in Kali
!raham* in the third millennium +A* was an individual with a secial or#anization of
the hysical brain that enabled him to have consciousness of the siritual world without
the old faculties' -hile direct vision of the siritual world became lost* the >ivine
entered more deely into the ,#o* and the >eity* Kahve* is then revealed as the 1orld9
In the second millennium +A* the >eity was revealed to "oses in the burnin# bush as the
!od of the ,lements* and such emanations as li#htnin# and thunder that were seen with
hysical eyes were understood to be emanations of one -orld),#o .$I Am the I Am&/'
>urin# earlier eriods man beheld a multilicity of +ein#s that he could not comrehend
as a unity* but now the -orld),#o 1 #rased for the first time with the hysical
instrument of the brain* a faculty that had develoed in a secially mar"ed way in
Abraham 1 confronted him* and he conceived the -orld),#o as manifestin# in the
different "in#doms of Cature* in the ,lements'0
In the Solomon eoch* in the first millennium before Ahrist* the understandin# of the One
!od intensified* and the same >ivine +ein# beheld by Abraham and Moses in Kahve
ta"es on human form'
Kahve is the reflection which recedes Ahrist in time. Kust as the moonli#ht reflects the
sunli#ht* so was the Ahrist +ein# reflected for Abraham* Moses* and 5olomon'0
A reetition of these three re)Ahristian a#es ta"es lace in the Ahristian era* but now in
reverse order'0
In the first Ahristian millennium it was the wisdom of 5olomon throu#h which men
endeavored to #ras the nature and essence of the Ahrist ,vent' In the second millennium
after Ahrist the exerience of Moses comes to life a#ain as a mi#hty revelation from
within man' (he Abraham eoch* that will inevitably brin# momentous consequences in
its train*0 be#an in the year ;DDD* and in this third millennium after Ahrist* in this new
Abraham eoch the first si#ns of a natural faculty of clairvoyance will become evident'0
(he advent of the Abraham eoch is one of the rofoundest reasons as to why 4udolf
5teiner stated that the thin"in# of the heart0 should be#in in the year ;DDD' -hat
Abraham brou#ht down for men into the hysical consciousness he will bear uwards
a#ain for them into the siritual world'0
Re#iew: $he %reat Epochs and $heir &ultural ges
Iere* a review of some content from the revious articles in this series will be helful* as
well as new material' (he lists of the !reat ,ochs and Aultural A#es 6from The
tlantean Cataclysms= can be referred to quic"ly'
(he !reat ,ochs are as followsG
5ixth !reat ,och
5eventh !reat ,och
(he seven ost)Atlantean Aultural A#esG
Indian A#e 1 Arab* Aancer
E;;E 1 <D9E +A
Bersian A#e 1 (wins* !emini
<D9E 1 ;:DE +A
,#yto)Ahaldean)+abylonian A#e 1 +ull* (aurus
;:DE 1 EHE +A
!reco)Latin A#e 1 4am* Aries
EHE +A 1 7H7F A>
An#lo)5axon and !ermanic A#e 1 Jish* Bisces
7H7F 1 F<EF A>
4ussian* 5lavic A#e 1 -ater* Aquarius
F<EF 1 <EFF A>
American A#e 1 5ea)!oat* Aaricorn
<EFF 1 E8:F A>
(here were three rior lanetary embodiments of ,arth* called Saturn* Sun and "oon*
and after ,arth 6Love and the ,#o=* in the future* there will be three further embodiments*
called 'upiter, (enus* and (ulcan) (he three future embodiments will serve to comlete
the develoment of the three hi#her bodies of humanityG 5irit 5elf 6!anas0. Kuiter2 Life
5irit 6&uddhi=* Menus2 5irit Man 6tma=* Mulcan' (he transformation of the astral body
into Manas* the etheric body into +uddhi* and the hysical body into Atmas is the hi#her
wor" of the ,#o* and occurs continuously' Jor examle* overcomin# a bad habit develos
5aturn develoed the hysical body* 5un the etheric body* and old Moon the astral body'
Jrom the early to the middle eriod of the Lemurian eoch the Moon was #radually
extruded from ,arth* from the area that is "nown today as the world&s lar#est body of
water* the Bacific Ocean' 1 Cosmic !emory.
In the evolution of humanity* the Indian a#e is related to the American a#e* the Bersian to
the 4ussian)5lavic a#e* and the ,#yto)Ahaldean)+abylonian a#e to the An#lo)5axon
and !ermanic a#e 6our time=* while the !reco)Latin a#e* durin# which occurred the
Mystery of !ol#otha* is unique and incomarable'
Summar*: $he Polarities of +ucifer and hriman
(he resent world* lanetary and heavenly movements* the -orld)Aoncet* are in cosmic
lace for the sa"e of siritual and human evolution' (he universe of siritual +ein#s
mi#ht be said* if metahorically* to be almost breathless in anticiation of the next freely)
elected moves of human bein#s* those creatures at bottom of everythin#* esecially those
numbers who are morally and siritually awa"e* but also those innumerable well)
intentioned if still indecisive individuals' All too often it requires an act of coura#e to
mana#e a truly selfless deed a#ainst the usual onslau#ht of smu#* self)see"in#*
conventional materialists 6bour#eois definedG conventional* smu#* materialistic* etc'=' 3et
many are be#innin# to stem the awful tide' In a thousand and more unsun# little
community centers* Jaith* Ioe* and Aharity* and (ruth* +eauty* and !oodness are still
very much alive'
(he connection of man with the world is roclaimed to us by the tears uon his face* and
his liberation from all lower thin#s which see" to hold him down* in the smile uon his
countenance'0 1 Paths of Experience.
(he lar#e wood carvin# of the !rou* ;ie *ruppe* that survived the arson&s fire on Cew
3ear&s ,ve of 7:;;N7:;F is still to be seen at the 5econd !oetheanum0 in >ornach*
5witzerland' In this carvin#* created by 4udolf 5teiner and ,dith Maryon* can be seen a
triad of cosmic forces' (he 4eresentative of Man0 at the center controls the owers of
the two oles at the extremes* and hence this is li"ewise a deiction of Ahrist between the
two extremes of Lucifer and Ahriman' (he first and hi#hest association that can be
brou#ht to this sculture is the ima#e of the crucified 5avior on the middle of the three
crosses on !ol#otha' (here they crucified Iim* and with Iim two others* one on either
side* and Kesus between them'0 1 2ohn (6'(<. (he two others are ordinary men who fell
into imbalance and error throu#h the dar" asects of the ole forces'
(he two oosite olarities of the triad are actually the resent dwellin# laces of the
+ein#s of Lucifer 6on the dar" side* the >evil= and Ahriman 6on the dar" side* 5atan='
Lucifer once inhabited Menus* and 5atan is still familiarly associated with the dar" side of
5aturn' Ahrist* in the three years of Iis life in the sheaths of Kesus* and in Iis >eath*
overcame the ower of Lucifer' Iowever* Ie did not overcome the ower of Ahriman*
for Ie "new that man"ind would still have need of 5atan for a lon# time into the future'
(his indicates that Lucifer and Ahriman* in their ri#htful laces 1 where they do not wish
to remain 1 are essential to human and cosmic evolution'
Lucifer* who has brou#ht freedom and freedom of choice to humanity* and many other
#ifts and #reatnesses* incarnated in Ahina in the third millennium before Ahrist2 Ahriman
will incarnate early in our third millennium A>' Ie will not #o throu#h childhood but
will inhabit a reared human body that has reached the a#e of FD' Ahrist incarnated at
the center oint of time between the incarnations of Lucifer and Ahriman' As reviously
quoted* (he ivotal oint in the evolution of man"ind is the F
of Aril in the year FF
A>'0 Ahrist wal"ed on ,arth in the flesh for only three years'
Ahriman* who is an a#ent of ngra !ainyu 6hostile 5irit* evil 5irit= in
,oroastrianism* is a sirit of destruction and is the #od of our modern technolo#y and
materialism' Lucifer revels in the entertainment industry0 that technolo#y has made
ossible throu#h film* radio* television* the comuter* etc' A list of the examles and
variations in cultural life stemmin# from these two would require volumes'
Althou#h 4udolf 5teiner could not* as an Initiate* reveal certain details of Ahriman&s
incarnation* he did say it would behoove Ahriman to remain un"nown* thus Ahriman will
have an ordinary aearance and a common An#lo)American name* such as -illiam
5mith' Ahriman will incarnate in a #eo#rahical area where forces streamin# u from
below have the most influence on the double'0 (he most "inshi with the double occurs
where the mountain ran#es run from north to south* where one is in the vicinity of the
ma#netic Corth BoleG (his is where "inshi is develoed with the Mehistohelian)
Ahrimanic nature throu#h their outer conditions'0 1 from *eographic !edicine. 5uch
conditions su##est that Alas"a and -estern Aanada would serve Ahriman very well in
his incarnation' (hese areas also have extensive ice)loc"ed environments' -hen exactly
in the early third millennium will Ahriman incarnate? Ie will not want to lose too much
time as Michael and siritual science continue to ma"e advances in the world culture2
indeed he will offer access to an extraordinary school of occultism* and those #ains in
"nowled#e and faculties that normally require lon# and difficult develoment* as well as
sacrifices* will be available for the ta"in#2 it will all be easy' 1 see The 8nfluences of
,ucifer and hriman. (he drawbac" will hardly be reco#nized as the ta"er inexorably
becomes traed in a dar" Luciferic "in#dom 6Par5ival=s Aastle of Marvels0= that will
seem wonderful* however* not as otentially combined with hidden activities similar to
what was witnessed as only one of the outcomes of ;D
century Cazism' 1 see Note 2.
(hose individuals who remain awa"e and alert in these circumstances* however* can
accet what Ahriman offers and use it for advancement on the middle ath of Ahrist* an
advancement that also serves human* earthly and cosmic evolution'
East and West
(he followin# quotations from the lectures n Esoteric Cosmology* and Evil and the
Power of Thought will serve to deeen understandin# of the +ein#s of Lucifer and An#ra
MainyuNAhriman and certain of their resective lawful roles in human evolution'
(he fact that his senses #ive man an ob@ective consciousness of the world around him is
due to the Luciferian sirits' Iuman thou#ht is the #ift of the !ods2 human
consciousness is the #ift of Lucifer' Lucifer lives in the astral body of man* and Lucifer&s
activity comes to exression at the oint where the nerves #ive rise to feelin# and
ercetion' (hat is why the 5erent in *enesis saysG $3our eyes shall be oened'& (hese
words must be ta"en literally* for it was by the Luciferian 5irits that the senses of man
were oened All science* all "nowled#e of the outer world by means of the senses
owes its existence to the Luciferian 5irits' In man* the Luciferian rincile and >ivine
Intelli#ence are combined' It is this fusion of oosin# rinciles which ma"es evil
ossible for man* but it also #ives him the ower of self)consciousness* choice and
If when he descended into matter* man had only received the form #iven by Kehovah* he
would have remained an impersonal bein#' And so it was due to Lucifer that man was
able to become truly man* a bein# indeendent of the !ods' Ahrist* or the Lo#os made
manifest in man is the rincile which enables him to ascend once a#ain to !od
(hus three rinciles are insearable from and essential to man&s evolution 1 Kehovah*
Lucifer* Ahrist'0 1 n Esoteric Cosmology.
Jrom Evil and the Power of Thought'
In the ancient ,ast* man&s inner #lance was catured by all that he exerienced in the
surroundin# world* and he had a secial motive for #ivin# over his entire bein# to it' It
was cosmic "nowled#e that wove in the ancient Oriental wisdom0 +ut the teachers and
uils of the Mysteries comin# from Asia were faced* by virtue of the #eo#rahical
features of the -est and its entirely different elemental confi#uration* with the necessity
of cultivatin# self)"nowled#e and a true inner vision (hey were enabled to ierce
throu#h into man&s inner bein#' And it was only the stron#est souls who could endure
what they erceived'0
+rea"in# the inner mirror memory*0 the thou#ht)forces enetrate first throu#h the
etheric body and wor" there in such a manner as to cause a comlete transformation of
that material existence which is within the hysical body of man' In the outer world*
matter is nowhere comletely destroyed' (hat is why modern hilosohy and science
sea" of the conservation of matter as valid only for the outer world' -ithin the human
bein# matter is comletely dissolved into nothin#ness' (he very bein# of matter is
destroyed' It is recisely uon this fact that our human nature is basedG uon bein# able to
throw bac" matter into chaos* to destroy matter utterly within that shere which lies
deeer than memory
It is only after one has so"en to man"ind for many years of the interests connected with
siritual scientific investi#ation that one can draw attention to what actually exists within
man' +ut today we must do so* for otherwise man would consider himself to be
somethin# different than what he is within -estern civilization' ,nclosed within him he
has a fiery center of destruction* and in truth the forces of decline can be transformed into
forces of ascent only if he becomes conscious of this fact0
-hat if humanity should not become aware of this center of destruction? 1 (his center
which is isolated in man and should wor" only within him* at the one sin#le sot within
where matter is thrown bac" into chaos* now brea"s out and enetrates into human
instincts' (hat is what will haen to -estern civilization2 yes* and to the civilization of
the whole ,arth' (his is evidenced by all the destructive forces aearin# today0 3et
this center must be there for the sa"e of the develoment of human thou#ht In truth
the forces of decline can be transformed into forces of ascent only if .man/ becomes
conscious of this fact'0
$he Fifth and Sixth &ultural ges
(he Iindu 3u#as are a measure of develoment eras in the evolution of consciousness
that differ from the cultural a#es* the latter based on ancient Ahaldean astronomy* yet the
two systems have many arallels' In a list of the 3u#as it is ossible to see how
develoment quic"ens after the attainment of self)consciousnessG
!olden A#e 1 Krita 3u#a 1 about ;D*DDD years
5ilver A#e 1 (reta 3u#a 1 about 7<*DDD years
+ronze A#e 1 >vaara 3u#a 1 about 7D*DDD years
>ar" A#e 1 Kali 3u#a 1 about <*DDD years
Our a#e encomasses a future ;*<DD years 1 $eference 6
!old si#nifies the develoment of Manas* silver the develoment of +uddhi* and bronze
the develoment of Atma' 5ome Iindu beliefs name the new a#e as an ascendin#
>vaara* a Aoer A#e'
As 4udolf 5teiner describes the re)attainment of etheric ercetion* it is #radually
exerienced as an awareness of bein# outside of the hysical body* and of erceivin# the
hysical body siritually' (his may be accomlished throu#h concentration in meditation'
!uidance and exlicit directions throu#h the sta#es of these rocesses are #iven in the
boo" #nowledge of the "igher 1orlds and 8ts ttainment. (he boo" stresses the
necessity for a corresondin# moral develoment in both inner and outer life as re)
requisite for ro#ress in siritual ercetion' Iumility and reverence should become
natural comonents of the temerament'
Jor the develoment of this siritual ercetion or new clairvoyance* humanity has ;*<DD
years from the date of 78::' (hese years extend to HHDD A>* well into the sixth cultural
a#e' As reviously emhasized* the Individuality of Abraham returns in our time and will
enable owerful imetuses for returnin# consciousness to siritual ercetion'
(he hei#ht of ost)Atlantean culture is reached in the fifth a#e' -hat will follow in the
sixth and seventh a#es will be a descendin# line of evolution' Cevertheless* this
descendin# evolution will be insired* ermeated by the 5irit 5elf .Manas/
(he whole urose of siritual science is to reare in this sense for the sixth a#e of
culture (he mission of -estern and Aentral ,uroe is to introduce into men qualities
that can be attained by the consciousness soul' (his is not the mission of ,astern ,uroe'
,astern ,uroe will have to wait until the 5irit 5elf comes down to the earth and can
ermeate the souls of men0 1 $eference >.
(he 4ussian* on account of his love of the soil 1 not what streams u from below earth 1
has a certain ability to conquer the double nature' (his is why 4ussia will be imortant in
the sixth cultural a#e'0 In America* forces streamin# u from below have the most
influence on the double'0 Beole must not be searated accordin# to territory* but must
receive from one another what is #ood and #reat in each territory and what can be
roduced only there Beole must advance in the mutual exchan#e of their siritual
treasures2 this is the imortant oint'0 1 $eference 3(.
(he "nowled#e and wisdom acquired in our time will become selfless love in the sixth
a#e2 this will brin# about a true community of human bein#s* a community that is not
united by blood but by the sirit' (he sixth a#e is called the church or a#e of
Philadelphia in $evelation >'?. And to the an#el of the church in Bhiladelhia write*
$(he words of the holy one* the true one* who has the "ey of >avid* who oens and no
one shall shut* who shuts and no one oens'& 0 (his assa#e is a reference to a hi#her
sta#e of the develoment of the ,#o or Ii#her 5elf throu#h selflessness* which within a
community of others receives the "nowled#e and ower of the -ord so as to further
evolution for all humanity' -ho is the holy one* the true one0? Accordin# to this
interretation of the assa#e* this would be &hrist-"aitre*a'
(he return of Ahrist in the sixth a#e in the astral body would brin# the ower of the
urification of this body 1 of #ama 1 by way of rearation to receive the -ord' In the
words of 4udolf 5teiner in Occult Science. Love will reveal itself in all henomena as
a new nature force*0 and he is certainly referrin# to a hi#her love* to a selfless love'
Individuals will exerience the sufferin# of another human bein# as their own sufferin#'
If they see a hun#ry man they will feel the hun#er ri#ht down into the hysical body* so
acutely indeed that the hun#er of the other man will be unendurable to them'0
In addition* in this a#e human bein#s will only be considered to have real "nowled#e
when they reco#nize the siritual* when they "now that the siritual ervades the world
and that human souls must unite with the siritual'0 1 $eference >.
(he main characteristic of the sixth a#e will be that very definite feelin#s re#ardin# what
is moral and what is immoral will arise in the souls of men' >elicate feelin#s of symathy
will be aroused by comassionate* "indly deeds* and feelin#s of antiathy by malicious
actions' Cobody livin# at the resent time can have the faintest concetion of the
intensity of these feelin#s'0 1 $eference ().
Ie who was incororated in Keschu +en Bandira 1 the +odhisattva who has reeatedly
reincarnated* and who succeeded !autama +uddha 1 has reared himself for his
+odhisattva incarnation so that he can reaear and rise to the +uddha di#nity exactly
<*DDD years after the illumination of !autama +uddha under the bodhi)tree' Iere a#ain
occult investi#ation fully a#rees with Oriental tradition' 5o* F*DDD years from now* this
+odhisattva* loo"in# bac" on all that has haened in the new a#e .the ;*<DD year eriod/
and loo"in# bac" on the Ahrist)Imulse and all that is connected with it* will sea" in
such a way that his seech will ma"e into a reality what has been characterizedG
intellectuality will become directly moral' (he future +odhisattva* who will lace all that
he has at the service of the Ahrist)Imulse* will be a $+rin#er of the !ood& throu#h the
-ord* throu#h the Lo#os'0 1 From 2esus to Christ. In Ahrist the -ord became flesh2
throu#h Maitreya the flesh will a#ain become the -ord'
Keschu +en Bandira* who has been mali#ned in history* was a Kewish teacher and a noble
,ssene fi#ure who wor"ed in rearation for the Ahrist ,vent in the century before
Ahrist' One of his uils became the teacher of Matthew* author of the !osel of
Matthew' Keschu +en Bandira suffered a martyr&s death'
A +odhisattva never fully incarnates until his last life on earth* durin# which he ascends
to the level of +uddha' It is ermissible to sea" of ever)recurrin# incarnations of the
+odhisattva* but we must understand that behind all the men in whom the incarnations
too" lace* the +odhisattva stood as art of that +ein# who is the ersonified All)
-isdom of our world'0 1 The East in ,ight of the 1est.
A careful study of the ast lives of 4udolf 5teiner reveals him to be very closely
connected to the Maitreya +odhisattva* esecially in the transition from Aratylus to
Aristotle* and in the life of (homas Aquinas* the mendicant friar'0 In li#ht of the fact
that throu#hout his life 4udolf 5teiner was en#a#ed in the seech arts* for which he had
occult "nowled#e as well as the ower to utilize seech and sound for healin# and moral
effects 6from The First Esoteric School=* it seems certain that he was at times deely
insired by Maitreya* and that Maitreya was to him an intuitive Bresence'
In the &uddha and Christ lecture* robably in resonse to a question osed earlier* he
statedG Much that I have said today can be substantiated only by means of occult
investi#ation' 3et I be# you not to #ive credence to these thin#s because I say them* but
to test them by everythin# "nown to you from history 1 above all by what you can learn
from your own exerience 1 and I am absolutely certain that the more closely you
examine them* the more confirmation you will find' In this a#e of intellectualism* I do not
aeal to your belief in authority but to your caacity for intelli#ent examination' (he
+odhisattva of the ;D
century will not rely on any herald to announce him as the
Maitreya +uddha* but uon the ower of his own words2 he will stand on his own feet in
the world'0 (he incarnation0 referred to would not have been a hysical birth* but a
descent or an incororation into a ersonality who had reached the a#e of FD or F7' (his
would have been a redestination of the ersonality and would have been established in
the existence before life' Others who will ta"e ossession of the ersonality of some
human bein# in this way and will not incarnate as children are* for examle*
Individualities such as Moses* Abraham* ,ze"iel'0 1 $eference (). (he a#e of FD often
brin#s remar"able chan#es and new levels of attainment in normal life' 4udolf 5teiner&s
Individuality and ersonality are reco#nizable as a continuation of his ast lives' -hen he
wrote The Philosophy of Freedom between the a#es of FD and FF it was without doubt a
new level of achievement* but he was then already an established hilosoher of hi#h
It is imortant to reco#nize Maitreya +uddha as an archetye* and an archetye can
manifest in many different ersonalities' Maitreya may have both an ,ast and a -est
ersona' It is difficult* for examle* to dismiss the ossibility of Ca#ar@una 67
A>= as havin# incororated the Maitreya' (he ,astern beliefs re#ard Maitreya as havin#
the qualities of a dual fi#ure2 he is comared with Kanus* who sees both the ast and the
future* and also with Mount Meru in the Iimalayas* which is said to have its roots in hell
and its summit in heaven'
A study of the lectures from The Principle of Spiritual Economy. 8n Connection with
@uestions of $eincarnation will cast li#ht uon the mysteries referred to here and will
deeen understandin# of comlex siritual rocesses in re#ard to incarnations of hi#hly
advanced Individualities'
The Duality of Good and Evil
(he time of the Ascent of Maitreya +odhisattva to +uddha* in the year <DDD A>* mar"s
the advance of chan#es in the hysical and etheric constitution of humanity* as well as
environmental and climatic chan#es on earth that will very #radually lead to the ice a#e
of the 5ixth !reat ,och' (he concetual words of water*0 Aquarius0 and ice0 oint
to the necessity for flexibility within the etheric body* a body of life)sustainin# currents
that somewhat resemble the movin# and rilin# flow)forms of water' (he materialistic
world)view causes increasin# inflexibility and hardenin# of this etheric body* which
means that human bein#s of the sixth a#e may suffer the fate of havin# their moral
qualities exressed in their countenance* in their whole bodily aearance' 1 Jrom The
Tragic 1restling with #nowledge. (his is the mar" of materialism or the mar" of the
beast0 that is referred to in the tlantean Cataclysms article' +ut this world)view must
not* shall not* #ain the day 1 this must be our unsha"able conviction' -e must "nowG if
our etheric bodies are to be so stron# that they are able to correct the mista"es of our
hysical body* this stren#th must come from the fact that men learn to ta"e in an earnest
and true way what will come to them from the etheric world' (his will then wor" more
and more as a factor of healin# as we move towards the future' +ut above all we must
receive siritual science into our hearts in order to reare ourselves to see the Ahrist in
Iis etheric form* and to ta"e this event with true earnestness'0
Ahriman* the &east from the Earth causes all* both small and #reat* both rich and
oor* both free and slave* to be mar"ed on the ri#ht hand or the forehead* so that no one
can buy or sell unless he has the mar"* that is* the name of the beast or the number of its
name' (his calls for wisdomG let him who has understandin# rec"on the number of the
beast* for it is a human number* its number is six hundred and sixty)six'0 1 $evelation
(>'(A9(<. (he number 999 can be interreted as a number indicatin# the eriod of time
that has @ust assed two)thirds of the duration of the sixth a#e* to around the year <D7F'
,mil +oc"* in his boo" The pocalypse of Saint 2ohn* interreted the number 999 to
si#nify critical nearness to the end of a certain time eriod* a time eriod that offers
oortunity to advance ones soul life' +eyond this oint of time it will be very difficult*
in the future* to ma"e u for the oortunity that has been lost' 1 see Note .
In our time there has been a stron# increase in ublic awareness of the existence or reality
of evil* and the deeds of certain human bein#s are so heinous that they can hardly be said
to be human at all* but somethin# other than human' A ma@or contributin# factor to this
awareness is the literature of the Iolocaust* the Shoah. in both historic accounts and in
the memoirs of the time eriod' Beriodic erutions of evil occur in our time* but a
retrosective view of the years from 7:FF to 7:H< reveal* in the clear li#ht of day* an
historic time eriod when evil controlled nearly the entire world'
(he sixth cultural a#e is related to the second cultural a#e* the Bersian a#e* durin# which
the sun was risin# at the srin# equinox in the constellation of !emini* the (wins' (his
indicates that the siritual imetuses and events of the second a#e will return at hi#her
levels of evolutionary develoment in the sixth a#e' Aonflicts caused by the duality of
#ood and evil will then be #reatly enhanced* as will the need for moral choices*
articularly the choice to move in the direction of #oodness* on the middle ath* while
there is still time'
Ooroastrianism tau#ht the duality of #ood and evil as erceived in the +ein#s of hura
!a5da 6the aura of the 5un +ein#* the benevolent !od of -isdom= and Spenta !ainyu
6holy 5irit* #ood 5irit=* and their oosite* ngra !ainyu 6evil* destructive 5irit=* or in
the Bersian lan#ua#e* Ahriman'
A 7::F ublication* The Boroastrian Faith* brin#s to li#ht sources from antiquity* such as
Panthus* Perxes* Iermodorus* Blutarch* Bliny the ,lder* and >io#enes Laertius* who
lace the life of Ooroaster or Oarathustra in the transition eriod from the first to the
second cultural a#es* around 9FDD)9;DD +A' Accordin# to 4udolf 5teiner* Oarathustra
was one of the incarnations of the Master Kesus 6into whose reared sheaths the Ahrist
entered at the +atism at the Kordan 4iver=' Jrom the antheon of Indian and Iranian
deities Oarathustra uheld the suremacy of Ahura Mazda* the Lord of Life and -isdom*
the first and last for all eternity'
In the vesta* the survivin# Ooroastrian scriture written in the Avestan lan#ua#e* the
name of the ori#inator of the faith is Barathushtra Spitama' (he name Ooroaster is
derived from !ree" and Latin* and this name contains reference to the starry world'
-hat is #enerally a#reed is that the Avestan form of the name Oarathushtra consists of
two comounds* namely 5arath and ushtra* the latter meanin# $camel& while the recise
derivation and meanin# of the former remains uncertain'0 5itama means brilliant
white'0 ,ven without "nowin# the meanin# of Oarath* "nowin# only the descrition
brilliant white camel*0 the mysterious fi#ure called Jaithful and (rue0 from $evelation
(6'(( comes to mindG he who sits uon a white horse* which si#nifies the urification and
transformation of the hysical body' (his fi#ure* whose name is "nown only to himself*
is associated with anticiated events of #reat siritual ma#nitude that will occur in the
transition from the sixth to the seventh cultural a#e' Iorse Kal"i is a mystery that has
been celebrated ever since the time of the ancient Indian 4ishis'0 1 $eference (3.
It was throu#h the ener#y of fire that Ahura Mazda assi#ned @ud#ment to truth)followers
and to evil)followers'0 Oarathustra tau#ht that there are two fundamental sirits*
twins* which are renowned to be in conflict* the #ood and the bad' +etween these two the
beneficent have chosen correctly* not so the maleficent'0 1 The Boroastrian Faith. 1 see
Note !.
(he Manichean transformation of evil will not involve unishment* but #entleness* as the
li#ht enters into the dar"ness' Ima#ine the stren#th of soul and sirit that this will require'
Ci"ola (esla 678<9)7:HF= understood well the mission of evil in the sense that without
resistance* without friction* the soul has nothin# to stru##le a#ainst* and hence will not
develo' A mass that resists the forward movement of man* once set in motion* #reatly
aids his ro#ress'0 1 The mbient !edium.
$he Se#enth &ultural ge
In the seventh cultural a#e* throu#h the leadershi and #uidance of Maitreya +uddha* and
throu#h many individuals who will be wor"in# efficaciously with the wisdom and ower
that his #reat 5irit bestows* the connection of the soul with the hysical body will
#radually loosen' In the first a#e* the Indian a#e* the soul descended and wor"ed uon
and united with the hysical body'
Iumanity was aided in this rocess by the drin"in# of the Soma @uice that was facilitated
by the Ii#h Briests' (he ritual consumtion of the 5oma @uice continued into the Bersian
a#e' Civahvant 6Indian Mivasvant=* ori#inally a sun #od* established a rite in which the
@uice of the #od)lant hoama 6Indian 5oma* a secies of ehedra= was extracted and
ritually consumed' In return Mivahvant was #ranted a son whose name was 3ima 6Indian
3ama=* who was resonsible for the destiny of the human race'0 1 $eference >(. In
Iinduism* 3ama is a #od of death and a @ud#e of deeds who sometimes assumes the form
of a do#' In ancient Ooroastrianism the do# was considered sacred'
In the seventh a#e 1 and in fact be#innin# in our time 1 oosite rocesses will occur*
and the soul will be#in to exerience the fulfillment of its essential existence only
throu#h detachment from the mineral body'
As with !autama +uddha* Maitreya +uddha* after his Ascent* will function urely from
the siritual shere of existence' In ,astern beliefs this shere* called Tusita* is
considered to be Maitreya&s own unique shere'
In the advanced lecture* Picture of Earth Evolution in the Future. it is described how
the owers of the hysical body will decline* a descrition that at first seems stran#e* a
feelin# or an effect that occurs* even at the ersonal level* with any true #limse of the
futureG Iumanity is becomin# youn#er and youn#er' Iuman bein#s are comin# to a
oint when their develoment of body and soul will roceed only u to a certain a#e in
life' At the time of the death of Ahrist* of the ,vent of !ol#otha* human bein#s in #eneral
were caable of develoment in body and in soul until the FF
year of life' (oday this
develoment is ossible until the ;E
year' In the fourth millennium a time will come
when men will be caable of develoment only until the ;7
year' In the seventh
millennium the bodily nature will be caable of develoment only until the 7H
year of
life' -omen will then become barren' An entirely different form of earthly life will
ensue' (his is the a#e when the moon will a#ain aroach the earth and become art of it'
It is hi#h time for man to turn his attention to such mi#hty events of the realm of
existence beyond the earth' Ie must not #o on dreamin#* va#uely and in the abstract* of
some form of divinity* but he must be#in to be alive to the #reat haenin#s that are
connected with his evolution' Ie must "now what it means to say that the moon once left
the earth and will enter the earth a#ain'
Kust as the searation of the moon is a decisive event* so too will be its re)entry' It is true
that as human bein#s we shall still be inhabitin# the earth* althou#h birth will no lon#er
ta"e lace in the ordinary way' -e shall be connected with the earth by other means than
throu#h birth' -e shall* however* have evolved in a certain resect by that time'0
4udolf 5teiner refers here to the transformation of the larynx and the re)emer#ence of the
creative owers of the -ord' Ie has described how certain #rous in America* in the
seventh cultural a#e* will try to hold bac" the normal evolutionary rocesses by enablin#
the artificial continuance of hysical birth' (hese are the #reat dan#ers of a materialistic
science in which ractitioners refuse to admit of siritual science* for examle* the
modern sciences of #enetics* eu#enics* and fertility'
(he seventh cultural a#e in $evelation >'(7 is named ,aodicea. And to the an#el of the
church in Laodicea writeG the words of the Amen2 the faithful and true witness the
be#innin# of !od&s creation'0 (his assa#e refers to an endin# and to a new be#innin#'
(he symbol of Aaricorn* the 5ea)!oat* deicts a saturnine hardenin#* a#in# and finality
in the creature&s head and forefront* while the bodily comonents that were once the bac"
limbs si#nify a future within the watery or flowin# element' (he new comonents are
embryonic in aearance* curled* as thou#h awaitin# their unfoldment' (he masculine
#oat* with its head and horns in a osition of battle* will stubbornly resist chan#e* will
continue to clin# to material existence* and this in the midst of an icy* hardened
environment' Jrom ,mil +oc"G In the country near the cities of Iieraolis* Laodicea
and Aolossae* the surface of the ,arth is li"e an inverted stalactite cave In our day
somethin# of the Blutonian rincile has sread over the whole of modern civilization'
-e have had to learn on a lar#e scale how to wor" with subterranean forces such as
#ases* electricity* or latterly* atomic ener#y' A "ind of #lazed crust covers every
landscae in which Cature has been thrust bac" by industry' In Laodicea* a rohetic
anticiation of modern conditions may have been at wor"'0 1 $eference 36.
(he rincial text of Iinduism* the "aha!harata 6Maha means #reat* and +harata was
an ancient "in# after whom India was named=* contains :D*DDD verses* and the section on
the ;rona Parva describes a ma@or war with a ma#nitude of destruction that has been
comared with the results "nown today from the detonation of nuclear weaons'
;ronacharya is described as a #reat warrior* however* he utilized the siritual "nowled#e
and ower at his disosal as a weaon' (hese events may have occurred in the rehistoric
time eriod of the first cultural a#e* but they also contain echoes of the Atlantean
cataclysms and their causes'
>irected towards the future* the Mahabharata clearly si#nals dire warnin#s to the
American a#e'
4e#ardin# the quotations below* it is a#ain helful to refer bac" to the first
article in this series* The tlantean Cataclysms* where it is stressed* from siritual
science* that the lanetary and cosmic bodies and or#anizations are the dwellin#s and
reflections of the activities of siritual +ein#s' Ima#ine bein# able to erceive and hear
them 1 that moment will come'
Cow an event of #reat si#nificance came to ass at the end of the last century other
+ein#s 1 not of a human order 1 have been descendin# to the earth for the uroses of
their further develoment' Jrom cosmic realms beyond the earth they come down to the
earth and enter into a definite relationshi with human bein#s' 5ince the ei#hties of the
nineteenth century* suer)earthly +ein#s have been see"in# to enter the shere of earth
existence' Kust as the Mulcan men were the last to come down to the earth* so now Mulcan
+ein#s are actually comin# into the realm of earthly existence' 5uer)earthly +ein#s are
already here* and the fact that we are able to have a connected body of siritual science at
all today is due to the circumstance that +ein#s from beyond the earth are brin#in# the
messa#es from the siritual world down into earth existence'0 1 $eference D.
(he home of the Mulcan +ein#s is the shere between the Moon and Mercury' Other
+ein#s that are descendin# are from the sheres of Menus* Mercury and the 5un' Moon*
Mercury and Menus are referred to as the inferior or inner lanets2 they form a
lemniscate)loo)curve at the center of which is the ,arth and 5un' (he suerior lanets*
Mars* Kuiter and 5aturn* follow their own lemniscate ath that is outside of 1 or
surrounds and embraces 1 the ath of 5un* ,arth and the inferior lanets' Menus and
Mercury are far more a"in to what is livin# as a cosmical reality in ourselves2 the others
are more a"in to the fixed stars'0 1 stronomy in $elation to Other Sciences. Moon*
Mercury and Menus are related to the lower hysical body and 6resectively= to the H)
etalled* 9)etalled and 8)etalled lotus flowers0 or Cha4ras of the astral and etheric
bodies' Mulcan is concerned with hysical* mineral ,arth' (he descendin# +ein#s desire
nothin# else than to be the advance)#uards of what will haen to ,arth existence when
the Moon is once a#ain united with the ,arth'0 1 $eference D.
It is si#nificant that Ci"ola (esla* in the course of his exeriments* believed that he was
in contact with intelli#ent +ein#s* articularly from Menus' Aoer* the metal of Menus
within the ,arth and human bein#s* is the metal related to the conduction of electricity'
5ilver is the metal of the Moon* Quic"silver is the metal of Mercury* and !old is the
metal of the 5un'
(his is a destiny that is very emhatically art of human evolution uon the earth* and
it is quite well "nown today by many of those who try to hold humanity bac" from the
"nowled#e of siritual science' Jor there are men who are actually conscious allies of this
rocess of the entan#lement of earth existence' -e must no lon#er allow ourselves to be
shoc"ed by descritions of this "ind' 5uch facts are the bac"#round of what is often said
today by eole who out of old traditions still have some consciousness of these thin#s
and who then see fit to surround them with a veil of mystery Iowever #reat the
resistance* these thin#s must be said* for as I constantly reeat* the accetance or
re@ection of siritual scientific "nowled#e is a #rave matter for all man"ind'
(o thin" that the form and structure of an animal can be understood by the means
emloyed by anatomists and hysiolo#ists is nonsense' And so lon# as we fail to realize
that it is nonsense* the shadowy intellect cannot be transformed into a livin#* siritual
comrehension of the world'
(here are men in existence who ima#ine that they will #ain their ends by romotin#
their own siritual develoment and leavin# the rest of their fellow)bein#s in a state of
(he body of "nowled#e that is re#arded today as science is essentially a roduct of
Ahriman* leadin# man on towards earthly destruction and reventin# him from enterin#
the shere which the +ein#s from beyond the earth have been tryin# to lace within his
reach since the last third of the nineteenth century'0 1 $eference D.
"rom An #utline of #$$ult S$ien$e
The Present and Future Cosmic and "uman Evolution
After the seventh cultural a#e has run its course* the earth will be visited by a
catastrohe that may be li"ened to what occurred between the Atlantean and ost)
Atlantean a#es* and the transformed earth conditions after this catastrohe will a#ain
evolve in seven time eriods .the 5ixth !reat ,och/'0
-hat is referred to as (he -ar of All A#ainst All0 will brin# about the cataclysmic end
of the Jifth !reat ,och' (his will be a massive destruction of fire storms' 4udolf 5teiner
has described the articiants of this -ar as groups of one involved in fri#htful*
devastatin#* moral entan#lements* those who are still usin# the ,#o for e#otistical
uroses' (hese #rous of one may become art of the evil race'
Only those human bein#s* however* in whom are incarnated souls that have develoed
in a manner ossible throu#h the influences of the !reco)Latin a#e* and the subsequent
fifth* sixth* and seventh cultural a#es of the ost)Atlantean evolution* will be able to coe
with the newly)formed earth conditions' (he inner bein# of such souls will corresond to
what the earth has then become' Other souls will then have to remain behind 5ouls
who will have created the ossibility for themselves* in the transition from the fifth to the
sixth ost)Atlantean eriod* of enetratin# suersensible "nowled#e with the forces of
intellect and feelin#* will have the maturity for the corresondin# conditions followin#
the next #reat catastrohe'0
,xtendin# from the time of the seventh cultural a#e into the 5ixth !reat ,och* the
shere of the moon will reunite with the earth' (he #ood humanity will throu#h its
develoment acquire the use of the moon forces and thereby so transform the evil art
also that* as a secial realm of the earth* it may articiate in further evolution' (hrou#h
this wor" of the #ood humanity* the earth* united with the moon* will be able after a
certain eriod of evolution to reunite also with the sun and with the other lanets .in the
5eventh !reat ,och/' (hen* after an intermediate sta#e* which resents itself as a
so@ourn in a hi#her world* the earth will transform itself into Kuiter'0
>urin# the Menus evolution that follows Kuiter there will be an ascendin# scale of three
human "in#doms of different de#rees of erfection' Late in the Menus evolution a
secial cosmic body slits off that contains all the bein#s who have resisted evolution* a
so to sea" $irredeemable moon& (he evolved man"ind advances in a comletely
siritualized existence to the Mulcan evolution* the descrition of which does not lie
within the scoe of this boo"'0
Jreedom will not deend uon what has been redestined by antecedent conditions* but
uon what the soul has made of itself'0
>urin# the 5ixth !reat ,och Ahristianity will be able to emer#e fully into its true forms
and uroses' -e see that the hi#hest ima#inable ideal of human evolution results from
the $"nowled#e of the !rail*& the siritualization that man acquires throu#h his own
efforts'0 1 see the section Aontra Jaustum and the Manicheans0 in Part Two' Friar
Thomas from ,ives of Schionatulander and Saint Thomas -uinas.
$he Se#en Seals
In the lectures The pocalypse of Saint 2ohn. 4udolf 5teiner describes the content of
$evelation as a Ahristian initiation on the ath of Ima#ination* Insiration and Intuition'
On this ath the Initiate Kohn ascends throu#h the three worlds* for he is enabled to have
a certain hi#her de#ree of vision within his ,#o and astral body while outside of the
hysical and etheric bodies'0 (he Jirst 5eal of the 5on of Man 6who is a rototye=
reveals him to be ointin# with his ri#ht hand to the seven lanets and this is an initiation
si#n of a hi#her de#ree of vision' I was in the sirit on the Lord&s day*0 writes Kohn in
$evelation ('()9((* and I heard behind me a loud voice li"e a trumet sayin#* $-rite
what you see in a boo" and send it to the seven churches& 0
>urin# the life of Ahrist on earth* Kohn* as Lazarus* had been initiated by Ahrist* not
secretly in the temles* as had always been done by the Iierohants or Ii#h Briests* but
oenly* for the eole to see' (his is described as (he >eath of Lazarus0 in 2ohn (('(9
77. It is for this reason that 4udolf 5teiner refers to Kohn 6Ahristian 4osen"reutz= as the
world&s hi#hest Initiate'
(he descrition of the Se#en Seals mar"s the sta#e of the Ima#inative world* the Se#en
$rumpets that of the world of
Insiration* and the Se#en (ials of
Wrath the world of Intuition' ,mil
+oc" 6$eference 36= addressed the
question as to why the An#els our
-rath from the Mials* and concluded
that the Mials actually contain the
healin# liquid of !od&s lovin#
beneficence* but when oured on those
unreared to receive it* the liquid has
the oosite effect and is felt as a
terrible* scorchin# unishment' Iere*
one is reminded of the Archan#el
Orihiel 6associated with 5aturn=*
called the An#el of -rath* who will
rei#n as (ime 5irit after Michael*
around the year ;;FD'
It is movin# to realize that a erson of
the simlest Ahristian faith who studies
$evelation. or a erson who is not a
Ahristian at all* can still soar in thou#ht
and vision to the loftiest hei#hts of
sirit* erhas also wonderin# or dreamin# about the meanin# of Ie who has an ear* let
him hear0
(he 5even 5eals will be oened durin# the seven a#es of the 5ixth !reat ,och'
Iowever* siritual asects of the 5eals* (rumets and Mials ray forth from the future*
from eternity* and ierce down into the history of the world' $evelation 6'(>93(. the
soundin# of the sixth (rumet* describes the horrific events of the ;D
century* and
$evelation (). the soundin# of the (rumet of the seventh An#el* occurs at the end of the
century' Michael then comes down from heaven with his little boo"* that the
Mystery of !od* as Ie announced to Iis servants the rohets* should be fulfilled'0
(he comin# of the 5ixth 4oot 4ace .the 5ixth !reat ,och/ is announced by the
soundin# of (rumets' Jrom $evelation <'(3. $(he fourth An#el blew his (rumet* and a
third of the sun was struc"* and a third of the moon* and a third of the stars* so that a third
of their li#ht was dar"ened2 a third of the day was "et from shinin#* and li"ewise a third
of the ni#ht'&
At the end of the Jifth 4oot 4ace .the Jifth !reat ,och/ only one third of those who
be#an evolution will have reached the necessary sta#e of develoment'0
In addition* 5eventy)two ,lders were called uon to enter into evolution and to develo
to further sta#es' (he admonition to the Aommunities which it devolved uon the ,lders
to lead* indicates that only a third reach the #oal' If we ta"e a third of E; ,lders* we have
;H ,lders who will still be there when the seven seals of the boo" are oened'0 1
$eference (3.
5elections from Occult Signs and Symbols E The Seven Seals'
(he Jirst 5ealG (hat +ein# who so"e forth all that is in the world today is the #reat
rototye of men' Ie so"e forth 5aturn into the universe* the 5un* Moon* ,arth*
Mercury* Menus and Kuiter' (he seven lanets in the seal oint to this' (hey are the si#n
that indicates the hei#ht to which a man will be able to develo himself' Iis lanet will
then consist of fiery matter* and he will be able to sea" creatively into this fiery matter'
(he fiery sword that ro@ects from the mouth of the fi#ure reresents this' All will be
fiery* hence the feet of flowin# metal'0
(he 5econd 5ealG In the second icture* in the aocalytic animals* lion* ea#le* cow
and man* we are shown an evolutionary sta#e of man"ind' (here is* and always will be as
lon# as the earth shall exist* a #rou soul for the hi#her manifestation of men* which is
reresented by the lamb in the center of the seal* the mystical lamb* the si#n of the
(he (hird 5ealG -ere we to #o bac" millions of years in human evolution* another
icture will come toward us >urin# those times men went throu#h not only hysical
transformations* but siritual and astral transformations as well' (o follow these requires
that we rise to siritual worlds' (here the music of the sheres can be heard* tones that
swell and flood throu#h sace in this world the harmony of the sheres* called by the
occultist $the trumet tones of the An#els*& will sound forth'0
(he Jourth 5eal is the icture of Michael with the boo"G .Man/ will ultimately unite his
head with the sun and receive hi#her forces' (his is to be seen in the fourth seal in the
sun&s face that rests on the body of clouds* on the roc" and columns' In that future time*
the human bein# will have become self)creative' As symbol of the erfect creation* the
many colored rainbow surrounds him'0
(he Jifth 5ealG -hen men will have attracted the sun ower* the sun will once a#ain be
united with the earth' Men will become sun bein#s* and throu#h the ower of the sun they
will be able to brin# forth suns' Ience* the woman that bears the sun in the fifth seal'0
(he 5ixth 5eal is the icture of the human bein# who has ta"en on the form of Michael
fetterin# evil in the world* symbolized by the dra#on'
(he 5eventh 5ealG -hat the human bein# will have develoed as urified sna"e body
will no lon#er wor" uwards* but from above downwards' (he transformed larynx will
become the chalice "nown as the Ioly !rail It will be an essence of the world force
and of #reat cosmic essence'0

7' (he law0 that 4udolf 5teiner sea"s of* whereby the historic ersonality who
was the incarnation of Ahristian 4osen"reutz cannot be "nown for one hundred
years after that incarnation 6A4 was incarnate in 7:77= indicates that the time is
aroachin# in which his early ;D
century incarnation can be "nown* but this
could robably only be revealed by the very hi#hest Initiates'0 On the basis of
this law* the rior incarnation date of 7:77* and "nowled#e of his insiration for
8sis :nveiled in 78E<* a return in our time may be occurrin#* with activity
be#innin# in the years ;DD; to ;D7;* and extendin# well beyond that time' Kames
!illen has offered the followin# notes on the statement of the Aount de 5aint
!ermain from the Aooer)Oa"ley boo"G (his interval su##ests a Lranus eriod
68H years= which 4udolf 5teiner refers to as the cycle related to new imulses' In
the summer of 78E< 6IB+ trance recetion of 8sis :nveiled= there is an interestin#
constellation on Au#ust 7D
* where the sun is con@unct Lranus 6this is a ma@or
4osicrucian si#nature also in the horoscoe of 4udolf 5teiner=* Mercury is
con@unct Menus 6new content received into soul= and Mars stands in oosition to
Bluto 6disrutive initiative=' Mars* Menus and Mercury can be associated with
Master Morya who self)identifies with the insiration of 8sis :nveiled 1 the
rentin# of the veil to enable intuition to wor" throu#h the historical narrative' (he
Lranus 1 5un con@unction definitely sea"s Ahristian 4osen"reutz to me* so I
thin" that we can see that at least two Masters were involved* if not more as has
been historically su##ested by the theosohists' 4udolf 5teiner says 6!A ;9;= that
the insiration for 8sis :nveiled came from -estern Initiates 1 the same who
insired the 4osicrucians 1 into IB+&s soul which had been reared by the
,astern Initiates in a way that IB+ could receive the wisdom and secrets which
were flowin# in' Cevertheless* throu#h this rocess the actual content was
distorted by IB+&s constitution and manner of recetion'0 1 2ames *illen. It may
be that the interval eriod was considerably lessened durin# our time of #reat
decisions* the #reat crisis to which the sacred boo"s of all time have referred'0 In
this #armic $elationships lecture* 4udolf 5teiner states that leadin#
anthroosohists would return at the end of the ;D
century2 that this was written
in siritual letters above' Iave #ladness in your sirits because of this'0
;' Jrom the boo" fter ;aybrea4' The ,iberation of &ergen9&elsen. (67D. by +en
5hehard* 5choc"en +oo"s* 4andom Iouse* Cew 3or"* ;DD<G It is only now*
after sixty years* that we are able to #et a clear sense of what went on in the cam
day by day* because over the last decade a mass of new material has become
available* diaries and letters written at the time by +ritish nurses* doctors* soldiers
and relief wor"ers so overwhelmed by what they saw that they felt comelled to
record it Only after their deaths in the 7::Ds have these available accounts
surfaced'0 Ma@or +en +arnett had writtenG $(here are no words in the ,n#lish
lan#ua#e which can #ive a true imression of the #hastly horror of this cam'&
(he bul" of the women were Kewish* however* in the lar#e men&s section in Aam
7G (here were 7<* ;8E in all' (he lar#est #rou was the 4ussians* followed by the
Boles' (o#ether they made u 9DR of the inmates' (here were some <DD !ree"s
and about the same number of Jrench and +el#ians and Azechs* and 7;D >utch*
lus a #ood number of 3u#oslavs' (he !ermans to#ether numbered 79DD and
78DD* and there were several hundred !ysies'0 ED R of the inhabitants of Aam
7 .that contained H7*DDD eole/ required hositalization and of these at least
7D*DDD would die before they could be ut in hosital' ,very form of disease was
revalent* but the ones mainly resonsible for the fri#htful conditions were
tyhus* starvation and tuberculosis'0 Many risoners died from bein# #iven the
wron# food in the be#innin#' An estimated ;DDD erished from the wron# food'
F' In Lecture PPMI of Foundations of Esotericism* 7:D<* 4udolf 5teiner describes
the evolutionary ,ochs and A#es usin# theosohical terms and teachin#s of the
4ounds* Kin#doms* and !lobes or Jorms' Jrom this descrition the sixth cultural
a#e may only foreshadow the ultimate events of the 5ixth !reat ,och in re#ard
to the number 999G In this 5ixth 4ound on the 5ixth !lobe* in its 5ixth 5ta#e of
develoment* corresondin# to the 5ixth 4ace .the 5ixth !reat ,och/* an
imortant decision will be ta"en' ,verythin# will have reached the >evachanic
condition that has been able to develo out of all the Kin#doms' If anyone has not
ro#ressed to the oint that he can be raised to the sta#e of >evachan* he will
remain in the animal state' (his will ta"e lace accordin# to the number 999* the
number of the +east'0
H' In a 7:77 lecture* Barathustra* 4udolf 5teiner does not view #ood and evil as a
duality as suchG (he doctrine of Oarathustra is not mere dualism* a teachin# of
the two worlds of Ormuzd and of Ahriman' Ie tau#ht that underlyin# these two
currents in the universe there is one ower whence both the realm of li#ht
6Ormuzd= and the realm of dar"ness 6Ahriman= roceed' Old !ree" writers tell us
that the unity behind Ormuzd and Ahriman was worshied by the ancient
Bersians as a living unity* but it is difficult to re)create this idea nowadays'0
(a"in# the concet of (ime* we loo" into the future on the one side and into the
ast on the other' (ime* however* is welded into a circle2 the comletion ta"es
lace in infinity' (his is symbolically reresented as the serent bitin# its own
7' ,vil and the Bower of (hou#ht* At the Aenter of Man&s +ein#* Lecture by 4udolf
5teiner* 7:;7'
;' (he Jour 5acrifices of Ahrist* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7H'
F' Brearin# for the 5ixth ,och* Lecture by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7<'
H' Occult 5i#ns and 5ymbols* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:DE'
<' A Bicture of ,arth ,volution in the Juture* Lecture by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:;7'
9' Ancient MythsG (heir Meanin# and Aonnection with ,volution* Lectures by
4udolf 5teiner* 7:78'
E' Arimes A#ainst Iumanity* by !eoffrey 4obertson* Cew Bress* Cew 3or"* ;DDD'
8' Karmic 4elationshis* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:;H'
:' (he (rue Cature of the 5econd Aomin#* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7D'
7D' +uddha and AhristG (he 5here of the +odhisattvas* Lecture by 4udolf 5teiner*
77' Occult Iistory* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7D'
7;' 6On= Aocalytic -ritin#s* Lecture by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:DH'
7F' ,soteric Ahristianity and (he Mission of Ahristian 4osen"reutz* (he >awn of
Occultism in the Modern A#e* Lecture by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7;'
7H' ,soteric Ahristianity and (he Mission of Ahristian 4osen"reutz* 4osicrucian
Ahristianity* Lecture by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:77'
7<' (he Aount of 5t' !ermainG Mystic and Bhilosoher* by Isabella Aooer)Oa"ley*
Kessin#er Bublishin#* ;DD<'
79' Isis Lnveiled* Molume I* by I'B' +lavats"y* (he (heosohical Bublishin# Iouse*
-heaton* Illinois* 7:E; ,dition' Ori#inally ublished in 78EE'
7E' (he Aourse of My Life* 7897)7:DE' Online as (he 5tory of My Life*
Autobio#rahy of 4udolf 5teiner* rs'archive'or#' Bublished by Lantern +oo"s*
78' An Outline of Occult 5cience* +oo" by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7D'
7:' Aosmic Memory* Brehistory of ,arth and Man* +oo" by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:DH'
;D' Baths of ,xerience* from Metamorhoses of the 5oul* Lectures by 4udolf
5teiner* 7:D:'
;7' !eo#rahic Medicine* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7E'
;;' (he Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7:'
;F' An ,soteric Aosmolo#y* Lecture PMII* 4edemtion and Liberation* by 4udolf
5teiner* 7:D9'
;H' Knowled#e of the Ii#her -orlds and Its Attainment* +oo" by 4udolf 5teiner*
;<' Jrom Kesus to Ahrist* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:77'
;9' (he ,ast in Li#ht of the -est* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:D:'
;E' (he Jirst ,soteric 5chool* 7:DH)7:7H* includin# (he !olden Le#end* Bublished
by ,theric >imensions Bress* ;DD<'
;8' (he Brincile of 5iritual ,conomy* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:D:' Bublished
by 5teiner+oo"s* 7:89'
;:' (he Aocalyse of 5aint Kohn* by ,mil +oc"* Jloris +oo"s* ;DD9'
FD' (he (ra#ic -restlin# with Knowled#e* (he 5ecrets of the Juture 5ixth Aultural
Beriod* Lecture by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:7<'
F7' (he Ooroastrian Jaith* (radition and Modern 4esearch* by 5'A' Ci#osian*
Mc!ill)Queen&s Lniversity Bress* Aanada* 7::F'
F;' (he Ambient Medium* A Blay About Ci"ola (esla* by Martha Keltz* 5tudio
,ditions* 7::<'
FF' Astronomy in 4elation to Other 5ciences* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:;7'
FH' (he Aocalyse of 5aint Kohn* Lectures by 4udolf 5teiner* 7:D8' Bublished by
5teiner+oo"s* 7::F'
Most of the boo"s and lectures cited are available online on the 4udolf 5teiner
Archive* at rsarchive'or#'
Illustrations by Martha Keltz
4udolf 5teinerG Into the Juture 1 A +runnen von Ahristus Article S ;D77

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