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Inclusive Leadership

Survey Results

Bernice A. Ray School

Hanover, NH, November 2009
Leaders are more powerful role models when
they learn than when they teach.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

  Other
  sexual orientation
  acceptance
“Affirmative Action”
  Other
  sometimes over-emphasized
  controversial
Agency: The School’s
  Comments
  We've been taught some with models over the years and I assume some
  Although clear of the school's expectations, I'm still learning how to actually do
all of these things which makes the issue of diversity difficult for me.
  Expectations for students seem very clear. I have unfortunately experienced
disrespectful language and actions from colleagues which are seldom
addressed on a school-wide basis.
Agency: Policies/Laws
  Comments
  I wonder if we have a policy re: when a teacher/staff member feels
harassment from a parent and /or community member.
  I've read our school policy but I don't always have an immediate confident
response to incidents.
  I'm fully aware of the policies, but would need to refer to them should I ever
have to formally address a complaint to be certain that I was responding fully
as called for per the policies.
  I wouldn't be able to articulate them.
Agency: Comfort Responding
  Comments
  I want to learn how to respond with greater comfort.
  I'd appreciate more models for my words and tone. Incidents are a
sudden surprise, and it takes a bit to control my surprise and anger to
come up with an appropriate response.
  With student interaction, I am fairly comfortable. With colleagues and
adults, I am much less comfortable.
Workplace Culture: Collegial
  Comments
  Culture has improved over last two decades.
  I have not participated in a crisis situation.
  I'm often stricken with the hypocrisy I see between our spoken
commitment and appreciation of diversity in our school at a personal
level. Try sitting in the staff room during an election year. I think our
staff would have more compassion for criminals than they would for
republicans! . . . I just think we have a long way to go in terms of
"walking the walk" and "talking the talk".
Workplace Culture: New Ideas
  Comments
  Varies with energy level.
  I haven't had first hand experience with most of these.
Workplace Culture: Day-to-Day
  Comments
  Our school size is large I think and that I believe impacts the reality. I
think the intent is to assist, inform, include . . . seek, but . . .
  I don't have experience with last two.
  I'm sorry - I don't know how to answer the last two questions,
because I really don't have any experience with this.
Workplace Culture: Different
from the Majority
  Comments
  I haven't had experience with most of these.
  I'm imagining that this is how staff, students and parents feel.
  Highly exclusive of obese children.
Responding: Students
  Comments
  The more subtle, ambiguous or hidden a slight is, the harder it is for
me to address it.
Responding: Parents
  Comments
  I just experienced a parent-teacher conference in which the parent's
behavior was disrespectful of me and students in my class. I only
listened, outwardly remained composed but inwardly felt fragile and
distraught. I felt very vulnerable.

So it must be simultaneous – how far we have come and

how far we have to go.
Maya Angelou
Giavanna Munafo

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