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For God so loved the world that He gave

His one and only Son, that whoever believes
in Him shall not perish but have eternal life

Page a Index
Page 1 Introduction - Biblical Basis of Evangelism and Missions
Page 6 Evangelism Overview - Strategies and Methods
Page 18 Evangelism One - What is the Good News We Share?
Page 22 Evangelism One - What is Evangelism?
Page 25 Evangelism Two - Prayer, Presence & Persuasion.
Page 28 Guiding Your Friends to Christ.
Page 37 Why Evangelism?
Page 44 Tips for Preparing your Testimony.
Page47 Useful Things to Know about Evangelism.
Page 50 Strongholds - Definitions & Sources.
Page 52 Gods Highest Purpose.
Page 54 Worship before Warfare.
Page 56 Spiritual Authority - Peace in the midst of your enemies.
Page 58 Stronghold Explained.
Page 68 Demolition of Strongholds.
Page 74 A Warfare Prayer.
Page 76 A Prayer For Deliverance.
Page 77 Evangelism & Social Action
Page 78 The Biblical Christian World View - Gospel Presentations.
Page 89 Questions to ask people.
Page 90 Immediate Follow-Up.
Page 91 History of the Gospel.
Page 93 The Gospel Message in the scriptures of other faiths.
Page 94 Barriers to Sharing My Faith.
Page 95 Ten Specific way to Pray for the Lost.
Page 96 A Personal Strategy.
Page 98 Evangelism Questionnaire.
Page 100 Affirmation Scriptures.
Page 101 Spiritual Gifts Test.
Page 106 Overcoming Fears.
Page 108 Establishing a Church Team.


"Mission": the overall plan and purpose of God

"Missions": cross-cultural activity within that plan

What role does MISSION play in the Bible? It is the whole story itself! It flows from Gene-
sis to Revelation!

Mission flows from the character and nature of God

GENESIS 1: The beauty of creation attests to God's love for us.

GENESIS 1:27-28: Why God created Man: 1. Fellowship with God
2. Responsibility over the earth

GENESIS 3: Rebellion of Man... Satan took a match and lit God's property on fire! A small
"match" of disobedience leads to a great fire!! - Genesis 4 (Murder) - Genesis 6:5
(Wickedness throughout the whole earth!)

GENESIS 6-9: The 1st answer of God - put out the fire of wickedness with water (flood) -
Noah - but afterwards God said "I'll never do this again." Gen. 9:16 - rainbow covenant

GENESIS 11: Tower of Babel - people are seeking significance and security apart from
God! God confuses their plans, confuses their languages, slows the fire's spread by breaking
it up.

GENESIS 12: This begins the first "stage" of God's ultimate strategy - God chooses Abra-
ham to be His "fireman." He was the reliable one whom God could trust with a very impor-
tant job! Abraham sought significance and security in GOD!

The overall stages of God's strategic master plan can be seen as follows:
1. Abraham - A Man for All Peoples
2. Israel - A Nation for All Peoples
3. Jesus Christ - A Saviour for All Peoples
4. The Book of Acts - A Church for All Peoples
God creates the earth
in one piece
Evil begins/spreads God breaks up earth
to slow evil
And Blesses one
(Abraham-Jews) to
Bless all the others!

Stage 1: Abraham A Man for All Peoples

GENESIS 12:1-3 The Abrahamic Covenant - The first "great commission!"

God's responsibilities (top line) I will bless you!!
Abraham's responsibilities (bottom line) You will be a blessing! To ALL the
"mishpachah" (families, tribes, peoples) of the earth.

God is setting up Abraham to be His heir -- the biggest blessing is sonship, becoming part of
the family of God. This is the primary blessing that God is giving to Abraham and expecting
him to pass on to the whole earth.

God connects HIS NAME with Abraham's. Gives Abraham 100 % inheritance of bless-
ings... BUT also 100 % of responsibilities!!

This covenant is so important that it is repeated several times - to Abraham and his descen-

GENESIS. 18:18, GENESIS. 22:16-18 (sworn with an oath!)
GENESIS. 26:4 - Inheritance passed on to Isaac
GENESIS. 28:14 - Inheritance passed on to Jacob

GALATIANS 3:29 - The covenant (promise) is passed to us!!!

Who was Abraham?! From a pagan land, family of idol makers.
What did he have to do? Abandon himself to God!
He had to leave behind: (1) His family, (2) His country, (3) His people (culture), (4) His se-
curity, (5) His gods!

What about us?! Do we have gods of pleasure, materialism, family or cultural ties that would
keep us from abandoning ourselves to God?
Stage 2: Israel - A Nation for All Peoples

Israel is given tremendous obligation and opportunity!

The Obligation:
1. Blessed to be a blessing
2. Israel as priests to the nations (mediating between God and the world. The only people
who know God and can make Him known.)


The Opportunity:
1. God revealed His character to Moses (Ex. 34:5-7), and also to Israel through the 10 com-
mandments (Ex.20)
2. He exalted His name through mighty deeds. (Egypt, Ex.9:16)
3. God separated Israel from the nations to sanctify God's name- But He placed Israel in the
midst of the nations to proclaim His name! The Temple was to be a focal point.
(1 Kings 8:41-43, 1 Kings 10:1-9).

Did Israel obey God and fulfil its call? Yes and no - but mostly no!
Israel's Disobedience (as found in the church often today!):

1. Israel mixed with the nations and so profaned God's name (eg. 2 Kings 17:33, etc)
religiously - making God into same level as tribal "gods," worshipping nature;
through sin - misrepresenting God's character (eg. David & Bathsheba, Solomon, etc.)
2. Israel isolated herself and withheld God's name (eg. Jonah) - "its our national God"

Israel's Successes - often were through individuals, used as blessings to the nations, or to
bring forth a revelation of the universality of Israel's God as the true God over all the earth!

Understanding the overall theme and plan of God in the Bible shines a new light on many of
our favourite Old Testament Stories!

Moses and the encounter with Pharaoh (purpose: Exodus 9:14-16)
Joshua crossing the Jordan River (result: Joshua 4:24)
David and Goliath (result: 1 Samuel 17:45-46)
Daniel interprets King Nebachadnezzar's dream and its fulfilment (result: Daniel 4:34-37)
Daniel and the Lions den - (result: Darius' response in Daniel 6:26-27)

And so many more! Read your Old Testament with the idea of seeing how often God is
interested to glorify Himself (AND/OR His Name) among all peoples! Some examples:

Joshua 2:10-11 (with Rahab the Harlot); Joshua 9:9 (God's fame among the nations)
Ruth 1:16 Ruth the Moabite ("Your people will be my people, your God my God")
Ezra 1:1-4 (God moves the heart of King Cyrus); Esther 8:8-17
Psalm 67 *** - Key psalm!, also Psalm 96; Psalm 98 Isaiah 49:6 ("It is too small a
thing...!!!!!) also Isaiah 56:6-7; Isaiah 60:1-4; Isaiah 61:1-11 Ezekiel 36:22,23 (Warning!
Israel's judgment will glorify God!) Jeremiah. 33:6,9 (Israel's restoration will glorify God
too!) Habakkuk. 2:14 (The knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth) Malachi
1:11 (My name will be great among the nations)

Stage 3: Jesus Christ - A Saviour for All Peoples.

The missionary Messiah, the Saviour of the earth is born. His primary purpose: To die and
resurrect and make a way for all peoples to be saved.

Saviour to the Jews - first, fulfilling Messianic role (Matt. 10:5-6), going to the house of Is-
rael. He focused on a few - the twelve....why? To train them, according to His master
(strategic) plan.

But also the Saviour to the Gentiles -
a. Roman Centurion (Matt. 8:5-13) "not found anyone in Israel with such great faith."
b. Canaanite Woman (Matt 15:22-28) "tongue in cheek" answer, to teach His disciples?
c. Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4) "despised Samaritans" - but hour is coming!!!
d. Gaderene demoniacs (Matt. 8:28-34)
e. 10 lepers (Luke 17:12-19) one came back to thank Him- the Samaritan!


Jesus has all authority! Therefore we:

GO - (cross boundaries)
MAKE DISCIPLES - (main verb around which everything else hinges)
OF ALL NATIONS - main object (ethne - peoples!!)
BAPTISE - INTO THE NAME (how to make disciples, new family members)
TEACH TO OBEY - (how to make disciples, productive family members)


Other Great Commissions:
Mark 16:15-20, Luke 24:44-48, Acts 1:8, John 20:21, John 14:12-14
Stage 4: The Book of Acts - A Church for All Peoples

After Jesus, did the apostles take up the task? Yes and no! But God is still interested in
ALL peoples!

A. At Pentecost (Acts 2) - the gospel is proclaimed in other peoples languages!
B. Stephen's death, Persecution comes (Acts 7, 8) - it gets the gospel out of Jerusalem!
C. Peter sent to Cornelius (Acts 10) - to the Gentiles! (Peter's conversion)
D. Paul becomes ambassador to the Gentiles!
E. Key conflict settled - Acts 15 - Gentiles do not have to become Jews to be saved -
Grace, not culture. Blessing is for ALL peoples!!


Here is a timeline as a visual aid to help sum up the Lords overall plan and purpose in the

God wins!! He will fulfil His eternal plan! Will we join with Him in making His dreams
come true?! The desire of God should be the heartbeat of every Christian!

Judges 21:25 - "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit."
Deuteronomy 12:8,9 - "You are not to do as we do here today, everyone as he sees fit, since
you have not yet reached the resting place and the inheritance the LORD your God is giving
Psalm 2:8 - "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth
your possession."


1. What structure are you building your life plans around? (pleasure, security, etc.)
2. Does something rise up within you & bear witness with God's plan for ALL peoples?
3. If not, why are your dreams different from God's?!
4. Are you willing to give up your own plans and career in order to join with God in making
HIS dreams come true?

Genesis 12:1-3

Acts 1:8
Power Promised

Israel as Priests

To the Nations

Genesis 22:15-18
Hebrews 6:17-18

Matthew 28:18-20
Mark 16:15
Matthew 24:14 -
Gospel to be
preached and then
the end will come
Genesis 1
The Beginning
Jesus is born.
Saviour of the

Oath Command
Great Commission

Revelation 5:9
Revelation 7:9


*Remember that at that time you were separated from Christ, excluded from citizenship in
Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the
world Eph 2:12

* Evangelism is a process: Mark 4:26-29 CC+HP+CP=MI
Gods Fellow workers 1 Corinthians 3: 6-9
Your work counts 1 Corinthians 15: 58
Don't give up Galatians 6:9

* The Purpose of your church in the community: FAMILY ARMY
Eph 3:10 Gods wisdom Fellowship Outreach
Eph 4:12 A P E P T Discipleship Evangelism

* The Great Commission: Go ! Matthew 28:18-20 Mark 16:15 Luke 24:45-47
John 20:21 Acts 1:8.
* The strategy given to us by Jesus: J J S E's. Acts 1:8

* The means by which we can do the work. Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8

* Our Message: What is the Good news that we share?1Cor:15:1-8 Visuals and Bible.
The blood and the cross.

* Taking hold of the conversation. Presenting a clear gospel message. Leading
a Person to Christ. Zacchaeus, Woman at well John 4:28,Lydia Acts 16:13-15.
* Two sides to the gospel. The benefits and cost. Acts 10:43. Mark 10:28-31

* Barriers that prevent us from sharing our faith. Fear of rejection etc Phil 2:5-8

* Immediate follow up. 2 Pet 2:20

* Methods and Styles: Confrontational, Intellectual, Testimonial, Interpersonal,
Invitational, Serving, Literature, Door to door, House to house, Divine appointments
Sketch-board, building relationships, developing relationships, acts of kindness,
lifestyle, mercy. John 1:41, 1:45,John 20:30-31,Acts 5:42,20-20,9;10-19.

* Sharing your story. Psalm 66:16

* Discovering your spiritual gifts. Romans 12:6-8

* Praying for the lost. 2 Pet 3-9

* Establishing a church team. Unity Romans 15:5-6.

Evangelism is an exciting work to be involved in.
It is something I enjoy doing immensely. Evangelism is work but it can also be fun .
Sometimes there is opposition, sometimes there is persecution, sometimes there seems to
be no response. It can seem as if we are not making any progress or we've hit brick wall,
but don't let it put you off. We must know that all this is part of the calling that is ours in
Evangelism. I enjoy the work I enjoy presenting the Gospel and I try to make it as
attractive as possible, because it is the best message in the whole world.

Lay down a basis.
So what I want to do today is lay down a basis for the things we are going to talk about
this week. I want to share one or two evangelistic strategies that may help us in our
evangelism and in the future.

Evangelistic experiences.
Share briefly some of your evangelistic experiences you have had, good and not so good.
Small and large crowds, good responses, threats, hecklers etc. Stephen, Mahesh, Espe-
cially, blind man, Ignatius.

Just a few enthusiasts in the church.
In many churches you will find a small group of merry men making their way out, and at
the front there is the evangelist. He is there with his little light, he knows where he is
going, and he has his message in his heart ready to preach. Following behind with varying
degrees of revelation is the pastor, teacher, youth leader and maybe one or two others who
know what it is all about, but thats about it. And this is typical of many churches today.

Little awareness.
Youve got one or two who know what its about, one or two who know why they are
there, what theyre setting out to achieve, what its really means to be a Christian. They've
got hold of the fact that we are not on a cruise liner but a battleship, and they are leading
the way. But as you move further down church life there is less and less awareness of
what this thing is really all about. And this very sad because many churches dont

The church is the only divinely appointed means of spreading the
gospel. Evangelism makes little sense divorced from the Christian
community, and we are part of that community, and that Christian
community is the agent for evangelism. We are the ones who are called
to go out and evangelise, and to those whom we have evangelised some
of those will become part of that same Christian community.

We have a commission from God that carries with it both a strategy and a means. God
never ever asks us to do anything that He has not equipped us to do. Wherever God calls
you to do a job He always gives you with the means to do that job. God would never ask
you to do anything that is not within your capabilities. And so when God calls us He
equips us, and when He calls us to reach out with the Gospel, He gives us all the equip-
ment, all the resources and all that we need to do the job.

We read about it in the Gospels. There are five Great Commissions in the New Testament.
They can be found in the following Bible passages;
Matthew 28:18-20,
Mark 16:15,
Luke 24:45-47,
John 20:21,
Acts 1:8.
It is a commission to go into all the world and to preach the Good News to all creation.
Lets now break that down into its component parts:
A. Go means move yourself. Get outside, stop becoming so meeting orientated in
church life and start getting out there to the people who need to hear about Jesus
Christ and bring them the good news.
B. Go where? Everywhere! into the whole world. Not just where we feel like going,
not just to those groups of people we think might be interested, not just to places that
in the past we have been successful, but go everywhere and preach.
C. Communicate; not just words. There is a difference between communicating and
just saying words. We can say things to each other, but do we always communicate?
People might understand our words but do they understand our hearts, do they
appreciate our motivations, are they aware of our love, our concern and our desire for
their best ? Communication, we need to learn many things about that.
D. We communicate good news. And the good news is Jesus. Some preaching I hear is
often bad news its telling people that they are all sinners and they are all going to hell.
Where as what I understand by the good news is that God loves them and desires that
they might become changed and go to heaven. Yes we are all sinners, and caught up
in our message is the information that people are sinners and if they dont repent and
get themselves put right with God, yes they will go to hell, but essentially we preach
good news. Thats why its so exciting because people are desperate to hear good news
in the world in which we live. That's why we are to go into the entire world to preach
and to communicate good news.
E. To whom? To all creation, that's is every man, every woman, every boy, and every
girl, to every child, to all creation. Much time and energy goes into communicating to
adults, many people start with the boys and girls and graduate to the grown-ups. What
I see when I read the New Testament is that Jesus puts everybody on the same level,
in fact if there is anyone he puts more importance on its the children. Jesus had time

for everyone especially the children. So we are to go and preach to all creation, in
every land, in every place, to reach as many people as possible with the good news
of Jesus.
Paul writing to Timothy: 2 Timothy 4:2 He encourages him (Timothy) to preach
the word in season and out of season in other words when it feels right and when
it doesn't feel right, when you are in the mood and when you are not in the mood,
when people are responsive and when people are not responsive, in other words it
is always right to preach the gospel, there is never a wrong time to be preaching,
there is never a wrong time to be reaching out.
Excuses: Some people some times say that we are not ready, we need to be taught
and equipped, we need to be trained, we need to go on to this or that course, we
need to build up our people up first. Evangelism must always go hand in hand
with everything else that we do in the church. Because unless we are moving in
evangelism everything else does not make sense. Then the lessons we teach will
find a context. And the lessons we want to teach people will only find a context as
we reach out with the good news of the Gospel. It is always right, it's never ever
wrong to be reaching out and communicating Christ.
F. When? Today, lets face it, we dont know if we will ever have a tomorrow so unless
we preach and communicate today, unless we share Christ with somebody today, the
opportunity might be lost for ever.

ACTS 1:8
With that commission Jesus also gives us a strategy, and the strategy is quite simple. We
find it in Acts.1:8 where the apostles were told to wait in Jerusalem and then to go into
Judea, Samaria and then to the ends of earth. In other words to every tribe, every nation
and every situation. But we begin at home base, we begin where we are.

Again people are always wanting to be missionaries in America, Australia, New Zealand,
Europe, Africa, India etc. Where as the Biblical principle is do it at home first, and
when you have done it at home then you can begin to move out when you have proved
your worth at home then you may be worth something overseas, but if you are not doing
it where you are, you will never do it anywhere else.

You dont become a different person by being abroad. There is a strategy and that divine
strategy is Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. So we start at home and
then move out.

That strategy was important for guys like Peter to hear because Peter was the kind of
character that once he had been filled with the Holy Spirit, as he was on the day of
Pentecost, he would have taken on the whole world by storm the next day, that was the
kind of person he was. So Jesus had to say to Peter, start in Jerusalem, do the job there
first and then move out.

Then there were characters like John who was the opposite. He would have spent the rest
of his life in Jerusalem and Jesus would say to people like him, begin there but you have
got to move out and you have got progress, the world needs to be reached.

Some of us are like that; some of us want to reach the world tomorrow. Some of us want
the others to do all the work while we stay comfortably at home. We have our own little
church, our own little patch and we just want to stay there. There may be times when
God wants to encourage us to move out because there is a whole world out there that
needs to hear of the love of Christ and all that he has done for them.

It is the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit that I need to emphasize. The power
and the anointing of the Holy Spirit is needed because as this week goes on I will be
showing you many methods, many ideas, many novel techniques for sharing the Gospel
that you could get the idea that I am just talking about techniques and the methodology.

It doesnt matter how we present the Gospel, if God isnt in it then nothing will happen
that will be of lasting effect. But if God is in our lives, if He is the one who equips us, if
He is the one who anoints us, if He is the one who motivates us and drives us and
empowers us, then everything else that we do will serve to enhance the spreading of the
Gospel around the world.
That power and anointing is demonstrated through supernaturally changed lives and I
trust that you have experienced the supernatural life changing power of the Holy Spirit as
a born again Christian who knows what it is to have Jesus Christ living, reigning and
ruling in our hearts and in our lives.

As we come to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit God gives gifts into our lives, these are
not toys or play things to boast about but they are weapons of warfare. When we are out
on the street and find ourselves involved in a difficult situation and we don't know what
to do and that arrow payer goes out Lord what do I do? And God gives us that little
word, a little revelation, or word of knowledge whatever you want to call it. It is a
weapon of warfare that the Lord has just given to be used for that moment, to enhance
the spreading of the Gospel, in that situation.
God fills us and equips us with the Holy Spirit and sends us out to use us powerfully in
the world in which we live! It is so exciting! He gives us all kinds of methods, having
firstly given us the Holy Spirit to live and to reign and rule inside us, to present the
Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:22 gives us a little bit of an idea of his methodology. He simply
"I become all things to all men so that by every means possible I might reach
What Paul is saying is I will do anything, I will go anywhere, I will become whatever I
need to become to save just one soul.
This should be our motivation. But I will do anything, I will turn over every single stone
possible in order to reach just one or two with the Good News of Jesus. That should be
our motivation for using any method we can to reach some for Christ. Paul was not into
gimmicks but he would use anything that was at his disposal to reach people for Jesus.
ACTS 1:8

Paul used evangelistic teaching and preaching in the synagogue and in the open air. They
went out and they preached Jesus. There was no clear distinction between the evangelist
and the teacher, they just went out and taught Jesus. They evangelised and preached

Personal Testimony:
The single most powerful and convincing demonstration of the good news in the
New Testament were peoples testimonies. Dont be afraid of this word of evangel-
ism. We are not suggesting that everyone should be a preacher. We are not suggest-
ing that everyone has to stand on a street corner, but we all have got a testimony.
And in the New Testament their testimony was the single and most powerful and
convincing demonstration of the good news that there was. And we all have a
testimony. Not all are teachers or preachers but we all have a testimony, we all have
something to say. We need to learn how to speak.

Personal evangelism:
Couple of references John 1:41 Andrew going to find Peter. John.1: 45 Philip
brought Nathaniel. Acts 8:26 Philip and the Ethiopian. In Ephesus in the synagogue
Paul argued and debated for three months.

Door to door, and visitation evangelism:
Acts. 9:10-19 Ananias was told to go and knock on the door of Judas I still find it
hard to get into door knocking. Its the form of evangelism I avoid most. And yet it
is a biblical form of evangelism. I dont know who is going to be behind the door,
Ananias knew, it was Paul, this man who had imprisoned Christians, this man who
was against the Christians. And he was given a word to go and knock on that door.
This happens frequently in door to door evangelism. A surprise awaits us on the
other side of the door, and all of a sudden our fears vanish and the faces are not quite
angry as we thought they might be. We find there is many opportunities to lead
many to Christ or to pray for people and God may touch them or heal them. All this
can be scary, but we have many opportunities and many fears go with them.

House to House:
They used to meet in houses Acts. 5:42, Acts 20:20.

Literature Evangelism:
Tract distribution on buses and trains. John.20: 30-31.These things were written that
you might believe. The early gospels were tracts. They were written that people
might believe. They were simply written that people who ever they were might just
come to know Jesus Christ. There was no thought that one day they might be
compiled into a Holy book. They just wrote things down as they understood them so
that ordinary people may come to know Jesus Christ.


Special Events:
Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Picnics, Bar-b-Cues. Bring a friend along
to a guest service.
Do anything to invite unbelievers along to hear the Gospel.

Sketch-board Evangelism:
Deuteronomy 31:12, Habakkuk 2:2 In the open air, Church services, Sunday school,
House to house and gospel meetings. All of this conducted under the powerful
anointing of the Holy Spirit resulting in much fruitfulness and the result was that the
Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Divine Appointments:
The Woman at the well John 4:4 Many opportunities are there we must take them and
give them our time.

Collect visiting cards and send them attract through the post.

Lets do a Quick Contrast
Then: A Spirit Filled Christian community.
Now: Institutionalised Christianity, dead banged up in its buildings, repetitive,
boring, the life squeezed out of it,. no vibrancy, no enthusiasm, the excitement some
how squeezed out of it. Tradition and dead religion that we find so common today.

Then: Every man and women a witness gossiping the gospel. Full of anointed
spontaneity just wanting to get out and about among the people and share the gospel.
Now: Superman, platform evangelists, big crusades, so called big shots. I am not
saying there is no place for crusades, but what I am saying is that sadly these have
replaced everybody getting out and gossiping the Gospel, getting out and about with
evangelism. We need to understand that 85% of people who became Christians do so
through personal evangelism and through personal relationships.

How many more people could become Christians if more people got involved in building
personal relationships and got involved in gossiping Christ. Gone is that sense of
consistency of life and the lip. Today we have that bandwagon mentality. There is always
some new gimmick, fad, or style and we jump from one to another. Where, as I am sure,
God longs for us to have consistent life styles in the things that we do and say. Sadly the
one thing that seems to be lacking amongst so many of us is a daily consistency of
walking with God and of sharing Christ naturally, beautifully, in our ordinary everyday

Then: An explosion in the growth of the church; thousands upon thousands being
added and multiplied.
Now: We are not even holding our own in the Christian church, we are in a state
continual and steady decline and that is so sad.

That is depressing isnt it? Lets move on. What are we going to do about it? What is our

What I mean by that is that those of us who have learnt anything need to be passing it on
to other people. Ephesians 4:11-13 talks about the enabling gift, it talks about the gifts
God has given to His Church.

They are not there to do the job for us, they are there to equip the church for works of
ministry and so the evangelist is not there to do all the evangelism, he is there to equip
the church to do evangelism. They are all there to serve, equip and to build up the church
to do the work. They are not there to lord it over or boss the people as we sadly some-
times see these days.

The Apostles: Are there to be Church planting men, pioneering men, breaking into
new areas.

The prophets: They are there to hear the heart beat of God that longs for a needy
world to be saved. Acts.10:43

The Evangelists: Is there to equip every individual how to be a witness for Jesus
Christ in their daily lives. He is not there to do the job, he is there to teach the
Church how to do the job, how to share the gospel..

The Pastors: Are there to pass on the shepherd heart of God. Not just looking after
the peoples daily needs of patching up Christians wounds, but as Jesus in Matthew
9:35-38 looked out to a needy world and saw them as sheep without a shepherd
pleaded and said send out labourers into the harvest field. We need pastors who will
see the need out there in the world and encourage people to get out and to reach that
world for Christ. Men with Gods heart for the lost.

The Teachers: To pass it on, not just giving us things that will titillate and excite us
in our minds and feed our intellect. What is the point of just becoming a walking
concordance of information if we are not using that information to reach the world.
So the teachers need to be teaching and passing on the ability to pass on, so those
things that we learn they also teach us how we can pass on to other people, so that
they can learn. The gospel that they teach to us they also teach us how to pass it on
to other people so we begin to be active in the work of ministry reaching out like
fingers to a needy world bringing that lost world to Christ.

There needs to be an envisioning an equipping process, we need ambassadors.
2 Corinthians 5:20 we are therefore Christs Ambassadors as though God were making
His appeal through us. We need those ambassadors; men and women who display the
likeness of Christ; men and women who are willing to be used by God.

Warfare Prayer:
I find so many people longing for the world be reached for Christ, but are not willing that
God should use them. . Too few people are praying the prayer ''Lord here I am send me.''
We need men and women empowered and filled by the Holy Spirit,. men and women who
have learned to wage war in heavenly places, that is so crucial isnt it? Because we cant
move forward in evangelism until first we have learned how to pray, because evangelism
is a battle. In evangelism we are moving on to Satans territory. Evangelism is about
breaking down those spiritual strongholds that bind those people who are in darkness. If
we havent leaned how to pray, how to win battles on our knees, then all our effort out
there will be of no use. Part and parcel of our evangelism is our warfare prayer.
Give Testimonies:
Men and women with the abilities to share their testimonies, most people cant do that, not
naturally, not effectively or briefly. We need men and women who can explain the Good
News to people in a clear way. Churches are full of people who cannot do this. We want
men and women who can lead people to Christ. How many of us here today can do these
three things effectively?
2 Timothy 2:15 ''Do your best to present yourselves to God as one approved, a
workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word
of truth.''

We need farmers:
Another Biblical concept; In Luke.8:14-15 we are told the parable of the sower. Men and
women who have learned about going as a responsibility. Sowing not just where we think
the seed will grow, but appreciating that some things take time, that we must not reap
what has not grown.

People have been put off:
Too many people have been put off because someone went in too heavy for a decision
when the fruit wasnt ripe and the person wasn't ready. Too many people go out expecting
to reap a harvest where there has been no building of relationships or not sowing of the
seed, or preparing of the ground, so we need farmers.

We need many Barnabas:
Not just areas of training, equipping, and envisioning, but there is also the area of
encouraging, of actually getting out there among the people.

1. INVESTIGATION: Doing some research and finding out where the opportunities are.
Where we are suppose to be reaching out, where are the groups of people we are not
yet touching with the gospel.
2. INFILTRATION: Thats making social contact, getting involved in our community,
getting involved in governing boards of schools, getting involved in secular youth
clubs, local politics, getting involved in things that are already happening, and
influencing them, infiltrating them for the gospel. Social action, supporting existing
organizations, special target groups, matters of public interest, bringing the qualities
of the kingdom of God into those situations creating opportunities for the gospel.
3. INITIATION: The more aggressive face of evangelism. Getting on those door steps,
reaching out in the open air, arranging those special evangelistic crusades that will
bring a focal point to the day today grass roots work that our Christian people would
be involved in.

Evangelism must not be just an after thought!
Evangelism is a thrilling and exciting work, but its not just something we just do as an
after thought. When we say we havent had a mission for a while so lets have one this
week, lets nip out in the open air and see if anyone is interested.

Evangelism is something that needs to be included in our whole church life and
It should be something that involves every single member of our churches. There is no
excuse for any of us not to be involved in some way in touching a lost world with the
heart of a God who loves them so much that he sent His Son to die for them. But praise
God He rose again and he is ascended and what is he doing? He is praying, he is
interceding, he is still moving by His Holy Spirit, still longing to touch people with that
shepherds heart. A God crying out to those who are like sheep without a shepherd who
might yet be brought back into his fold.

Are we ready?
Are you willing to be a part of that mighty evangelistic arm of God that longs to reach out
and touch those who still need to find Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour?

Let us Pray:
Lord thank you for saving us. You touched our lives when we were born again.
Give us the courage to go and tell others the good news that Jesus loves

Ecclesiastes 10:10
What is the Good News that we Share?
God doesn't want me to work harder, God wants me to be sharper, God doesn't want
me to work harder, He wants me to be smarter.
God wants us to sharpen up our gifts, so we use less time, less energy, less resources,
but become more effective in what we do.

Christianity a misunderstanding:
Many peoples understanding of Christianity is a misunderstanding, you mention God to
them and they have no idea what you are talking about. So it is important for us who are
already Christians to be clear on what we believe and why we believe it.

You say you believe in God, how do you know he exists? You see we want to tell others
but first we need to be clear.

2 Peter 3:2
Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you, I have written both of them as
reminders to stimulate you into wholesome thinking. Yes we are excited and we want to
tell others about Jesus, but sometimes we are a little confused as to what to say or how to
say it. We are sometimes a little obscure and there is little content in what we say.
The starting point is for us to be clear.

Get people in two's a & b and in turn get each person to explain what it means for them
to be a Christian. This is not your testimony. After the exercise. Sometimes these
exercises can be a little irritating. Read evangelistic books to help you with your
communication, see how they explain sin, the cross, the resurrection. Read different

In conversation with friends, neighbours, etc:
It is good to act the following Do you mind John if I explain to you what I believe and
why I believe it? So you've asked their permission, they've said yes, how would you do
it? Visuals are good, two or three different ones for different people. Now John do you
mind if I explain to you what I believe and why I believe it? John says yes, off you go
how would you do it

In the beginning there was God:
Now the Bible says that God is everywhere but you can't see Him. Now thats a problem.
God is everywhere but you can't see Him blows your mind, of course sit blows your
mind because God is bigger than my mind, God is bigger than all our minds put together.
If I could work God out and understand everything about God He would be the same as
my little mind therefore he wouldn't be worth believing in.

God is mysterious:
I have been a Christian for many years now and I must admit God is a mystery to me.
But this awesome perfect powerful God is very personal. So you've answered peoples
questions before they have asked them. You're one-step ahead.

So in the beginning God:
God is everywhere but God is personal. The Bible gives us pictures of what God is like.
Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion on his child, so the Lord has compassion on
those who fear Him. So he is like a father. In the beginning God. Then you've got the
world. Then down here you have someone called "Satan" I would say to my friend have
you heard of him? ''Satan''. Many believers who don't believe in God seem to be very
interested in the supernatural, they are intrigued by evil. They read evil books, watch evil
movies, so it's a good thing to talk about. You can say to your friend, who do you think
he is? And their answer will tell you how much they've been involved in or how much
they know about that kind of thing. When they've explained you can say to them, can I
tell you what the Bible says about him.

Free will:
God created him ''Satan'' as an angel, he was good, everything God creates he gives a gift
and that gift is free will. The Bible says that this angel with the free will that God had
given him, saw the power that God had and wanted to take that power and use it for
himself against God. And the Bible says he was thrown out of heaven. Jesus said '' I saw
it happen, ''I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven'' Luke 10:18
The Bible gives us pictures of what Satan is like:
It says he ''Satan'' is like a roaring lion, he puts fear into people, and many people live in
fear. The Bible says he is like a snake, very subtle the way he creeps up on you. Quote
C.S. Lewis : Now we must not have an unhealthy interest about it says C.S. Lewis, but
we really must be quite aware that there is quite a lot of evil around.

Two trees:
Now on the earth God made a beautiful garden and in that garden were two trees, one
was the tree of life and the other was the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Man and woman come into the picture, and God says to them, I love you and I want
you to have life, go this way ''the tree of life'' and you will live, If you go that way and
eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and of good and evil ''the tree of death'' you will die.
Satan disguises himself as a serpent, and comes to the woman and tries to make death
more attractive than life. The man and woman both fell for his deception and ate fruit
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Big Bang:
When they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it was as if an explosion
took place in the cosmos and the whole world becomes distorted, they were cut off from

God and cut off from life. And as a result of them eating from the tree of death many bad
things entered into the world. Sin, suffering, sickness, pain, death, curse and Satan now
has power over the earth. The power that used to belong to Adam and Eve, man has now
lost his relationship with God and is now encircled in a trap.

In the beginning they were offered life or death.
Three verses to consider are;
The Apostle John wrote, The world is in control of the evil one.
Paul said, The god of this world is the devil
Jesus said, The ruler of this world is the devil.

Now I wouldn't say all these thing to my friend, but because I know these things it
makes a difference how I approach people, what I say to them, how I say things to them,
how I pray. How we break through, "The world is in control of the evil one." "The god of
this world is the devil" The god of this world roams around like a roaring lion looking to
devour my friend John. So I am thinking this is spiritual warfare, this is evangelism, its
about breaking all this down.

The story continues:
We try to get to God but we cant because we are trapped in a circle, so what is the
solution? The only solution is, if God does something. Then we begin to explain. The
invisible God becomes visible, the intangible God becomes tangible and the unknowable
God becomes knowable. When there is a breakdown in communication what do you
need? You need a mediator. Now man can represent man but he can't represent God. God
can represent God but he can't represent man, so who have got? You have got Jesus
Christ perfect man and perfect God, the perfect mediator. 1 Timothy 2:5.

Now what does all this mean to me as a Christian?
It means that I believe all that has been explained to me and am willing to do the
A) Admit I am a sinner.
B) Believe Jesus died for my sins.
C) Confess my sins
D) Decide to follow Jesus.
Then God will give you his Holy Spirit

Why do I believe it?
Because it has changed my life, Its given me love, joy, peace, family, friends, security
now and for eternity. I have hope, purpose and meaning in life, abundant life now and
eternal life when I die. I've stopped searching and started living. And it is all free. Offer
to lead the person through a prayer and welcome them into Gods family. Then God will
give you his Holy Spirit.


Where are you in this diagram?
When they see they are separate from God offer to lead the person through a prayer now,
and if they agree do so, then after the prayer welcome them into the family of God family.
If they say no tell them you can take them to listen to someone else give a similar
explanation of the gospel or they can say a prayer on their own in their room. Leave them
with your contact number.

Useful Gospel Scriptures.
John 3:16, Gods love
Romans.3:23 Mans sin,
Romans 6:23, Sins punishment,
Romans 5:8. Jesus took our punishment,
John 1:12, Gods family.

Other useful scriptures.
John 3:3,
Acts 4:12,
Acts 17:30,
Romans 9:5,
John 17:3,
Matthew 16:24.

What is Evangelism? Some Definitions
Just like a cup overflowing with water. It is the good news of Jesus Christ in you just
overflowing. It is no big deal that people see it and that they are attracted by it. It has that
quality that is missing in much of evangelism, it is natural.

Knowing Jesus Christ loves you and telling other He loves them. Its no big deal.

To present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit so people will come to know
God through Him, to put their trust in Him, to accept Him as their Saviour and serve Him
as their King in the fellowship of His church. "William Temple" former Archbishop of

Evangelism consists of three parts:
Prayer - No Prayer No Souls,
Proclamation - Preaching,
Preservation - Keeping.
Basically evangelism means looking to Jesus Christ as the source of life, because in Him
you will find life, and His life in your life will make a difference in this world of ours, and
thats what it is all about.

Fear is the biggest hindrance to evangelism.
We are so afraid of people that it cripples us. I'm sure that all of us could admit that at
some time this fear has hindered us from witnessing for Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 29:25 - The fear of man proves to be a snare.
1 John 4: 18 - Perfect love casts out fear.

The key to overcoming fear:
What you think is going to happen to you is not going to happen to you it is a lie from the
pit of hell. Instead think of what is going to happen to those you are going to witness to.
They are going to be set free from Satan's grip and come to know Jesus Christ as Lord
and Saviour.

1. Rejection: That is the big one and the most common. Now people in evangelism are
sometimes neither very loving or very accepting, we must face this fact. Every
ambassador for Christ is essentially a rejected person. Isaiah 53:6 Jesus was despised
and rejected by men. John 1:11 He come to that which was his own, but His own did
not receive him. Many people did receive Jesus but many also rejected Him. If we
want to be like Jesus we have got to learn how to handle rejection. How do we handle
rejection? The key to handling rejection is to look to the Father for acceptance.

By its very nature evangelism means we are uninvited people taking an
uncomfortable message to a Christ rejecting world. Evangelism by its very nature
means we are uninvited people. Now when we understand these things we can say
well its no big deal, it will happen from time to time.
2. The loss of reputation: When Jesus was shamefully nailed on the cross He was a
man of no reputation. Philippians 2:7 But made Himself nothing, taking the very
nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. How do you deal with your
reputation? Easy, give it up. Our identity must be based on Jesus Christ and not on
our reputation in the world.
Someone once said I may be a fool for Christ, but who's fool are you? Now
we shouldn't be foolish but the message we preach sounds foolish to those who
are perishing, those who are not Christians. 1 Corinthians 4:10
3. Feeling inadequate: The fear of being inadequate, I would like to but I can't.
Unfortunately there is such a feeling of inadequacy in so many churches that it is
crippling them so they do not evangelise.
4. Meeting difficult people: Some people are just looking for arguments. Don't let's
waste your time on them. Go to someone who is looking for honest answers, those
who are looking for truth, those who are spiritually hungry. So we need to be
sensible and not get involved with people who are wasting our time.
5. Answering difficult questions: I don't know enough, they will make me look
foolish. I need to be more equipped. Then get equipped, learn your trade, then you
will be confident.
6. Thats a good question? No I don't have the answer but give me a few days and I
will try to get back to you with an answer, and if you have any more good questions
like that save them and when we meet again ask me, because I am learning too. So
what you have done is built a bridge rather than a barrier.
The way to deal with all these feelings is to take them all to God in prayer.

Many people are searching for truth.
There is much we can do for people who are interested and also to get people's interest.
For example. Make a list of people you know who are not Christians. Start a group or an
inquirers course. You can give it a name: The day after Sunday group, Just Looking
or Agnostics Anonymous, for instance. Call people together you already know.
Week One: Does God exist?
Week Two: Why suffering?
Week Three: What happens when you die?
Don't take them to church till the end of the course, and don't take them where the
services are too long or boring or where they are always making appeals for money.

We need to contact people around us and get them into something, call people together
who you already know. We need to look to God to see how we can be relevant and

accessible to all these people around us. Make a list and invite them to something.
Take advantage of Christmas and Easter: If you miss out on these two occasions to
evangelise the rest of the year is much harder.
Food orientated evangelism is the best: When people come to your home be relaxed.
Offer tea or coffee, play soft music to help them to relax also. Divide into two groups,
those who believe and those who don't. Have a discussion.

God is working like by His spirit in order to try to bring people to Himself.
God wants us to work with Him, that is why we are called co-workers, and fellow
workers. 1 Corinthians 3:6-9.
People who are not Christians or believers are at different stages in their understanding.
In other words they don't have God frame work. You mention God to them and they have
no idea what you are talking about.
Other people do have knowledge about Christianity and some do not. We with God are
helping people move on in their understanding and experience so that they can become
believers, when they become believers, God works by His spirit. We have got to follow
them up and disciple them. They also have a personal responsibility. So thats a birds eye

It's important that we, the church and individuals, are open to God working in different
ways with different people.
God can use proclamation: preaching to reach people.
Worship: and praise to reach people and to bring them to Christ.
Persuasion: Paul spent two years in Tiranus debating with people.
The Supernatural: power evangelism, healing.
Prayer: effects us so much that it effects them..
Presence evangelism: not so much what I say but how I live my life. Who am I?
Its not so much what I say, but how I live my life, that will get through to many
So the key to evangelism is not to say this or that way but to say look God has a number
different ways to enable people to come to Him and we have got to use all means
possible so that some will be saved and come into God's family.
The most important is prayer:
What kind of people pray? People who believe prayer works. So we need to mobilize
prayer in order to evangelise.



Prayer is the number one priority. We must go to God about men
before we go to men about God.

There are two types of fishing.
With a net and with a rod As an evangelist I sometimes fish with a net, but all of us need
to be fishing with a rod. So what we need to do is get in touch with the people around us.

Christmas drinks and snacks.
Christmas is a good time. Invite the twelve houses closest to you. Four on the right four
on the left four opposite, and four around the corner, be normal and not religious. When
guests leave give them an invitation to come to your Christmas service.

All Christians need to be giving out a little seed.
And get fishing with our fishing rods then we wouldn't need to have all these big
crusades. What we need to do is pray for those people around us, we don't need more
evangelists, the church needs to be more evangelistic and get in touch with those people
that are around us, so it is prayer Evangelism.

The problem with us Christians is the longer we are Christians the fewer friends we
have as unbelievers. If we go swimming we go with Christians, cinema, picnic, holidays,
we go with Christians. When there is a guest service we dont have anyone to invite and
the service is full with Christians. We will be spending eternity with Christians so lets
spend time with unbelievers here and now. We need to get in touch with those around us.
Quote from Gandhi.
To some missionaries in India Gandhi said the following: ''You work so hard at it, just
remember the rose does not invite anyone to smell it. If it is fragrant, people will walk
across the garden and endure the thorns to smell it.

Our prayer should be:
Lord work through us and when there is a little tragedy, people will turn to us as
someone with a little bit of light. So it is presence evangelism.

Another form of presence evangelism:
Is getting involved in the structures of society. Caring for the aged, feeding the hungry,
caring for widows, caring for orphans, helping the oppressed. Isaiah 58. Look for the
caring agencies. Go to the slums, God likes this type of Presence Evangelism.

Another form of presence of evangelism:
Is deliberately becoming part of the life in your community, area, or town, get on school
committees, boards, parents need to get on these. You may have to get voted on but if you
do you are there as a Christian, then you know the kind of things you need to pray for in

the school and community. You don't have to take a big Bible or even give out tracts
you're just there as a Christian and that in itself is important. You are being salt and light
in your community.
So we may need to do a little community research to see what kind of things are going in
our community, area, or town. What schools are there, are there any help lines in the area,
and are there any Christians involved. Is there rape crisis centre, an AIDS help centre, are
there any Christians involved?
Then it begins to show and people begin to say hay these people are not just religious,
there is some kind of caring connection. Sometimes non-Christians seem more caring than
Christians. So it is presence evangelism.

Too much religious activity.
We can be involved in too much religious activity in our church. We go to Church on
Sunday, have a Bible study in the week, one more activity and thats enough. We don't
need to be involved in the book stall, in the worship team, on the evangelism team,
hospitality or be the doorman. All this is too much, Pastors and Christians need to be freed
up, sometimes there are just too many programs.

Local M.P speaking:
We get pamphlets come through our door informing us about the Local M.P. speaking and
what do we do with them? We throw them away. We should go along and meet him and
say hi I am Dave what's your policy on this and that. You didn't do too well last year did
you? We have these opportunities and we don't take them.

Christmas again is a good opportunity:
Invite the local MP to do the reading, he will come he needs the votes. The police
commissioner, fire chief, hospital governor, the local music society, orchestra. Just pack
the church with unbelievers. Do the same at Easter.

Some people won't come to church so we have to think of other ways and ideas to tell
them the good news of Jesus Christ.
These people you have been praying for all the year at work, college, school and
neighbours, you invite them along for a meal. You say your church is inviting you for a
meal, would you like to come? After the meal there will be an after dinner speaker
speaking about food for thought, or what is the point of Christmas, or what is the point of
At the restaurant:
During the meal have some songs, a testimony, give the talk after the meal followed with
a sinners prayer. After the talk give them another cup of coffee and send round an

envelope with a card and pen in it. On the card there are four boxes, ask them to tick one
of them:
Box.1. Did you say the prayer?
Box.2. Would you like to join a beginners group?
Box.3. Would you like us to send you some literature?
Box.4. Would you come to another evening like this one?
I guarantee you everybody will tick at least one box.

So we need to see them birthed. They are there because of you, not because the speaker
was any good or just for the meal but because of you, they like you, they have watched
you, you are nice. Our job is to be a kind of spiritual midwife, we need to help them be
birthed into the kingdom.

Reason: Acts 18:4; we must reason with people. We must be ready to think carefully
and make our hearers think.

Explain: Acts 28:27; We must explain to them what they do not understand.

Prove: Acts.17:4, 2 Corinthians 5:11, Acts 28:23. The Apostle Paul spent a lot of
time persuading people.
Paul actually spent two years in Tiranus. So we need to be ready to reason, explain and
prove to people the truth about Jesus Christ. There are many ways and many things we
can do to bring people to Christ.

Five of you get together and invite some of your friends that are unbelievers and say we
are going to start a group.

Week 1. What is God like?
Week 2. Three reasons why God exists?
Week 3. What happens when you die?
Week 4. Why suffering?
Week 5. Does God exists?
Week 6. Take them to church. You will be amazed what will happen.

Be normal:
Have some soft music playing, some snacks, and a meal, coffee, be normal. Don't wait for
others to start something you start something at your home.


Party with a purpose:
Take advantage of your birthday to invite friends and share your testimony and get
someone to share a short Gospel message if you are not able to.

More ideas:
Give drinks out at a bus stand or a train station.
Prayer station near a bus stop or in market place.
Go house to house. Ask if there is if anything we can pray for?
One month Evangelistic outreach in your neighbourhood.
Week 1. - Go and introduce yourselves, tell them you are from the local church,
and you will come around next week with a good news pack.
Week 2. - Take the good news pack. You have kept your promise and you're
building trust.
Week 3. - Go and ask them if they had time to read the literature and what did
they think about it. .
Week 4. - Invite them to a celebration and or healing meeting at your church.


Why did Christianity spread so fast in New Testament times?
I think it was because of two reasons.
1. Because every Christian took the Great Commission seriously.
2. The persecution of the Church: Acts 8:1-4, The Church was being persecuted,
and as a result of a church being persecuted (verse 4) Those who had been
scattered preached the word wherever they went. God allowed all those believers,
who had gathered in Jerusalem, to be persecuted and driven out so that the Gospel
would be spread to other parts of the world.

Acts.8:1: Read It: And Saul was there giving approval to his [Stephens] death. On that
day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem and all except the
Apostles were scattered.
The professionals remained in Jerusalem but everybody else was scattered throughout
Judea and Samaria.

So firstly they took the Great Commission seriously, and secondly they shared the Good
News (Gospel) wherever they went. The Good News of Jesus was spread through
existing relationships, from friend to friend.

Andrew brought Peter. John 1:40-41.
Andrew came to know Jesus and he shared it with Peter.

Philip found Nathaniel. John.1:45.
Now Andrew, Peter, Philip and Nathaniel were all buddies, they all came from the same
place Bethsaida. Isn't that interesting? One finds Jesus and goes and tells another.

The Philippian Jailer. Acts.16:25-34.
What happened when he became a believer in Jesus? He went and told his whole family.
The Philippian jailer won his whole family to the Lord immediately. He got the good
news and who did he take it to first? He took it to his family.

The women at the well. John.4:27-30.
She went and brought all her neighbours, whether they liked her or not, still she told

Levi Matthew the tax collector. Luke 5:27.
Held a dinner for all his friends and for the after dinner speaker he had Jesus. He
becomes a follower of Jesus but he's had a very seedy questionable kind of past. He gets
all his seedy friends round for dinner, he says I have got a good after dinner speaker.

Many examples:
In the New Testament there are many examples of the Good News of Jesus being spread
through existing relationships, with people who already knew other people. They didn't
start with complete strangers. This is very important to realise and understand.

Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and so on. So often we use a lot of time and energy going
beyond where we live, jumping over these other areas. Out here is a follow ground it is
very difficult ground. What we have got to do is concentrate on this area and go to the
people we already know, those we already have contact with.

Jesus' instruction to a new believer: Mark.5:18-19.
Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He
has had mercy on you.
It is very interesting what Jesus says to a new believer in this passage.

House to house evangelism is the Acts Principle Acts 5:42 Read It.
This is not door to door evangelism. Their saying from house to house where they
already had access to particular houses the message of the gospel was gossiped, thats
why the church grew so fast. Throughout Acts the good news travels from house to house
and thats the Acts principle. Also in Acts 20:20 it says from house to house, family
shared with family, friends shared with friends and colleagues shared with colleagues.
Iokos - Household.
The word for house in Greek is actually Iokos for which the literal translation is
household. Its the network of people I come into contact with naturally. Who is
included in my iokos? There are three types of people. Now these are the people God
wants me to focus on first.
I am convinced that if we take this to heart and put it into practice and teach it to our
members in the church, then two things will happen:
1) It will give everyone the confidence that they can do it.
2) The work will get done much more effectively than it is at the moment.

There are three types of people in my Iokos:
1) Those we share a common kinship with. - My family and relatives. God wants you
and me to tell our relatives about Jesus. That is the starting point.
2) Those we share a common community with. - Someone you see on a regular basis.
i.e. People at work, your boss, college or school teacher, tutor, lab technician,
milkman, dhobiwala, sabjiwala, neighbour, secretary, your local shopkeeper. Any
people you see on a regular basis.
3) Those you share a common interest with. - In other words do you belong to a
society, such as a Tennis club, or do you play badminton? Swimming club,
Needlework society, Embroidery society things like that.
These three areas;
Those are the people God wants you and me to focus on first.

Let me give you some statistics on why people come to church. These are averages so
they may go up or down a percentage or two.
6% Come to church because of publicity.
2% Because a church program attracts them i.e. singles or over fifties night.
8% Because the Pastor attracted them. Wedding, baptisms or visit.
3% Come out of a special need, especially bereavement.
1% Come because someone knocked on their door.
3% Come because of Sunday school.
77% Come because their family, relative or friend invited them.
There is the answer 77% of people are in the church today because a friend or relative
invited them. That's an incredible statistic. Dont devalue other methods, but remember
that all evangelism ends in personal evangelism. This is a strategy given to us by Jesus.

Acts.1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of earth.
So you are going to be my witnesses where? First in Jerusalem, thats the city. Then in
Judea the country or district. Then in Samaria the next country or district. Then to the
ends of the earth.

When you share the Good News you start with the people closest to you:
Then you move out in ever growing circles. First in Jerusalem, now Jerusalem was their
home, now think about this, what does Jerusalem mean? The Apostle Peter denied Jesus
three times, all the disciples all fled away, only one of them was at the cross, that was
John. It was a hopeless place for them they felt demoralized.
So Jesus says to them, first of all I want you to share the message in the place of your
greatest weakness. I want you to share the good news in the place of your greatest failure.
Thats what Jerusalem means. I want you to be a witness in the place of your greatest
failure. Where you are least effective as a witness.

And do you know where that is for most of us?
Right at home. Well you may say you don't know my family. For many of us it is
difficult for us to share about Jesus to those who are closest to us, and some of us have
been Christians for some time now and there are still some members of our household
''iokos'' we have not shared the good news with. So what is the answer? What is the key
to reaching people?

The key is to apologize:
The key to witnessing in places where you think you have failed is to apologize, just
apologize. You go back to that person and you say something like this
You know Peter I have known you for sometime "Years" now and it just
hit me the other day that I have never told you about the most important
thing in my life. I just want to ask you forgive me, I am really sorry. You

know I have always considered you to be such a good friend and I want to
ask you to forgive me for not sharing with you the most important thing in
my life! Would you do that Peter?
Do you think that Peter's interest will have been peeked? Do you think Peter's curiosity
might be aroused? So thats how you do it, thats where you start. This in itself is a
powerful testimony, because it is so rare in our society. Or write a letter to someone and
say would you forgive me? They know that something must have happened in your life
just by you saying it.

Or to another friend:
Ann you know we have been friends for many years now and I have always wanted to
say something to you about my faith. But I was always afraid to say it, I was afraid you
will reject me or put me down. I realize now I should never have thought that you are a
better friend than that, you were not going to reject me just because of my faith would
you please forgive me? Do you think Ann's interest is up? And what does Ann say. Well
yes of course I forgive you.

What you have done is put value into the relationship.
You are saying I value you, I have been afraid to share this with you, but I realize I really
care about you. How can I care about you and not share with you the most important
thing in my life. Thats what you are saying. Thats what it means to start in your
Jerusalem. Start in the area of your greatest weakness and failure. Once you have done it
there everywhere else gets easier I guarantee.

Honouring parents:
How often do you visit your parents? Once a year, where do they live America? I know
there are some difficult situations, but there are Christians who just seem to forget one of
the Ten Commandments. Honour your mother and father. Sometimes we are so cold and
I know it is so hard, and I know there are awful situations with some parents and no way
would I want to force anyone to visit them. All I would say is look. The least we can do
is pray, we can all do that. But some of us here can do a lot. So I think that is an
important thing to work out. Start in the of area of your greatest failure, once you have
done that move out

Then go to Judea and Samaria:
Now what does Samaria represent to the Jewish people? Their enemies! So Jesus says
first go to your family and friends then go to your enemies before you go to the strangers.
Why go to your enemies? Because you have already got a relationship with them. Even
though it is a bad one you have still got one.
So Jesus says don't go to your strangers go to your enemies after you go to your friends
and family. Thats an incredible principle isn't it to go to your enemies. Who are your
enemies who are the people you don't get on well with. Go to them. So start in the area of
your greatest failure, Jerusalem. Once you have done that you move out to Judea and

Take the three columns below and identify people for each of the three categories. Put
their names in the appropriate column. But follow these three conditions:
1. You have to know them on a first name basis! Therefore if you neighbour comes
round, but you dont know his/her first name, you dont know them.
2. There is no evidence that they are a Christian!
3. You cannot put the same name in two columns!
Family & Relatives Friends & Neighbours Colleagues & Acquaintances


How many names have you put down in the columns?
Six, Nine, or Twelve? Who has put down more than twelve names. Any more than that?
How long have you been a believer? The longer we are believers the less unbelievers we
know. Jesus Christ was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard because he was always
going to unbelievers' parties. Now we have got to open our eye's to this.
So we have got to look around and say hey, who are the people in these three areas', who
are these particular people? We can travel the whole world preaching about Jesus, but
what is the point if I am not going to do anything in my own community?

Christmas drinks and snacks at home. Invite twelve houses for Christmas snacks. Invite
people from the four houses from the left, four houses from the right, four houses
opposite and four around the corner. Take an invitation, put it through the door if there is
no answer. If they are people who drink get some beer in, not just juice. Be wise
depending on your culture. Be in touch with people, be relaxed don't get religious on
people be normal. When they leave give them an invitation to your Christmas meeting. If
you don't capitalize on Christmas and Easter it makes the rest of the year much harder.

Be normal:
Don't hide you are a Christian, but at the same time don't be too pushy, dont wait for the
right moment and then push Christianity down their throats. Sometimes I feel we can be
a bit too pushy. I was very pushy when I first became a Christian. Sometimes we push
things too quickly, we have got learn to feed an on as need basis. You wouldn't feed a
one-year baby with a leg of chicken would you?

Christian events are interesting:
We come back from a Christian meeting or event and our neighbour ask us where have
you been? And we tell them and they say that is interesting, and we think they are
interested. So what do we do we shove Christianity down their throats. They have open
their mouths and we shove it down them, then they get stomach pains, feel sick and spew
up. Then the next time we see them they avoid us like the anything. Feed on an as need
basis. Or we give a tract to a neighbour and the next time we see them we say well did
you read it? So we need to relax and feed on an as need basis.

Be normal and creative:
A friend of mine invited a neighbour to hear him preach and the neighbour refused. My
friend said to him I am never going to ask you again. He came back in the evening and to
apologize and said please invite me again. Sometimes we back off when we invite people
to church and they say no because we get embarrassed and we are afraid to ask them
again. A good thing to say is do you mind if I ask you again so I know for the future?
And they will say oh no please do, that means you have an open door. But so often what
happens is we ask them they say no, and we don't know how to bring up the topic again
because we feel embarrassed. So there are all these opportunities around that we have got
to work on. Hitchhiker tell me.

People with problems:
Those people around us and we have been witnessing to sometimes have problems, like
bereavement, or problems in the family, or they might just need a baby sitter or use the
telephone. So as we make contact with people we say yes we will help, we will do our
best. But we must take the initiative and make contact, then God begins to work. We are
doing our bit and God is doing his bit. We are working together with God we are his
fellow workers. 1 Corinthians 3:6-9. so we are gently trying to make contact.

Once a month meal:
Have a meal at your home once a month with only unbelievers. May be some of those
who came to your Christmas party. Pray Lord who do you want us to focus on? A family
member, a relative, someone from the neighbourhood, work, someone you've met
somewhere recently, from the next town, village, someone you met at a club you belong
to, sports club etc. See this is your family, our community, our society contacts.

The further we go out in these circles, the more costly it is:
And the less effective we are, it costs more to reach people. It is less costly and more
effective for me to reach my neighbour than it is for me to fly to another culture. And
there are students from all over the world living here. God holds me most responsible for
those I already have a relationship.

Why relational evangelism is the most effective way to share Jesus?
It provides a natural network for sharing Christ. It's natural you already know
people you don't have to build a bridge.
It provides a support system. If you are a friend and they become a Christian they are
still a friend. The support system is already there.
It often reaches entire families at once.
It approaches those who are most receptive. Now we may think that most people
around us are not very receptive, but I tell you that most people become Christians,
not because they are intellectually argued into the kingdom. Most people become
Christians because they saw something missing in themselves that they saw in the
life of a friend. So thats where it's at, it's as basic as that.
If you were to say to me what is the key for reaching people in our day I would say this.
The same as it was 2000 years ago. Just imagine if all of us did it. Look at all those
names we wrote down who are unbelievers, and that is just us. You duplicate that in your
own church. Can you see it? This does not take a lot of money, energy or effort to do it.
Just do it. Give up more of your time.

The network is constantly enlarging:
You meet people, and the people you know, know other people, and those people know
other people. So you don't have to always be jumping over the areas that are close to us
to that fallow ground we saw earlier. If we are concentrating in our Jerusalem they know
these people. Thats what it means to grow out with the church. It allows me to reach my
part of the world. The Bible says go into every nation, but not every Christian can do

that, but I can start in my part of the nation my little world. This is the most effective
form of evangelism. Relational evangelism. I just wish we could get this across people.
Most churches don't stress relational evangelism. Why? Because we get involved in so
many other activities and programs and we loose so much time and energy.

Evangelistic services:
We think if we have an evangelistic service many will get saved, get the evangelists in,
he will do the job. But people will only get saved if they come. And the Christians are
not very good at bringing them. It happens so often, you have an evangelistic meeting
and most of the people there are Christians and it is very disappointing. Invite seven
people and I guarantee at least one will come. And if people say no then keep asking till
one says yes. Our problem is we give up so easily, we get rejected once and we don't ask
anyone again. As Christians we need to toughen up.

Many people won't go to church:
So we have to think of other ways of doing it. So what we do is meet them half way.
What is half way? Restaurants that is half way, and the best kind of evangelism is always
food orientated. So you book a restaurant in your area, town or village. You go to the
restaurant speak to the manager ask him what is his quietest night, how many tables he
has? Do a deal, say we will book the whole restaurant. Say it is for 120 people, so 60
Christians bring 60 unbelievers. Tell your friends your church is having a meal and there
will be an after dinner speaker. Speaking on Food for thought or Christmas unwrapped.
When the speaker has finished he will lead them in a prayer. Then you pass round and
envelop with a card in it with four boxes and ask them to tick one box.
Did you say the prayer?
Would you like to join an inquires or beginners group?
Would you like us to send you some literature?
Would you come to another evening like this one?

Start your own group:
Five or six Christians get together, write a list of your friends who are not Christians and
invite them to an inquirers group. You can call it a Just looking group or agnostics
anonymous or the day after Sunday group. Have different topics. Does God exist? What
happens at death? Why suffering? Do animals go to heaven? Invite them to your home be
low key have coffee maybe some soft music playing, be normal and relax. Divide into
groups, those who believe in God and those who don't, give them fifteen minutes and
then have a discussion. We don't have to be doing great things for God, but lets do


We should now look at the question; Why should we evangelise? Why should we
commit ourselves to Church growth and to mission? Does God want the church to grow
numerically? Does He want that.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed. Matthew 13:31
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, though it is the smallest of all your seeds,
when it grows it is the largest of garden plants.
This obviously implies growth. There are three kinds of church growth.
Biological: That is when children of parents who are already Christians become part
of the church.
Transfer Growth: That means a church will grow because other Christians have left
other Churches to join that particular church.
Conversion Growth: Where unbelievers, people who are not Christians become
Christians and join a particular church. Mission, evangelism & Church growth is
We are not talking about transfer growth and we are not talking about biological growth.
Six reasons why a church should never stop growing.
1). God's word the Bible commands it.
2). Because of the needs of the people around us.
3). Because Jesus believes in evangelism
4). Because of the nature of the church itself implies growth.
5). Because the New Testament implies numerical growth.
6). Because of the fulfilment of prophecies demands evangelism Matthew 24:14.
1). First reason.
Because God's word, the Bible, commands it. Throughout the Bible we have clear
instructions from Jesus to spread the Gospel - Good News. Jesus has given us a
mission, a mandate to go and make disciples!
There are five Great Commissions in the New Testament:
1. Matthew 28:18-20,
2. Mark 16:15,
3. Luke 24:45-49,
4. John 20:21,
5. Acts 1:8.
Matthew 28:18-20 Read It. Jesus said go into all the world.
In this passage we see three things:
Make Disciples, Mark Disciples and Mature Disciples.
Make Disciples: In other words win them to Jesus.
Mark Disciples: Baptize them and make sure they become members of a
church. i.e. identify them as believers.
Mature them: Teach them to obey all I have commanded you.
Thats what the great commission is all about. Make disciples, Mark Disciples,
Mature disciples. That is the Great Commission but unfortunately it has become the

great omission, everything except make disciples, mark disciples, mature disciples.
And again in Acts 1:8, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come on
you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and
to the ends of the earth.
The gospel is to be explained in ever increasing circles.
First in Jerusalem, that's where they lived, then in all Judea thats the district, then in
Samaria thats the next district, and finally to the ends of the earth.
Thats the declaration:
Jesus intended the message of the gospel to grow and the disciples were to begin at
home base, and then into other areas and eventually to the whole world. A church
that refuses to reach out to unbelievers is a disobedient church, It is sinning, It is the
sin of omission. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. John 14:15.
Now even in situations that might limit or prohibit churches growth, an obedient
church will always have the desire to grow.
2). Second reason:
Because of the needs of the people. The needs of the people around us demand
mission and evangelism. Jesus Christ spoke on many occasions on the seriousness of
his message that it has eternal consequences, that is a reality we cannot ignore.
Everyday 1,86,000 people die in the world. There is an urgency about doing this
because it an eternal issue. The needs of the people.

Matthew 9:36 Jesus when he saw crowds He had compassion on them because they
were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. Thats how He
described people who were without God. They are like sheep without a shepherd
they don't know whether they are coming or whether they are going. On the outside
they look fine but on the inside they are very distressed, they are very empty, and
some are even suicidal. We grow not for our benefit, we grow because people need

When William Temple was the Archbishop of Canterbury he said ''The church is the
only society that exists for the benefit of its non-members''. That is some statement.
A church that focuses only on itself rather than the needs of those outside has lost its
purpose and has simply become a social club, that is very important to be clear on
the needs of the people.

Quote from John Haggai:
To evangelise the world with Gods Good News is not an option for the follower of
Christ, nor is it the sole territory of a few idealists who choose to be different, so
make this priority No.1. The eternal destiny of millions of souls is at stake.
3). Third reason:
Because Jesus believes in evangelism. Jesus was committed to the growth of His
church and Jesus clearly expresses it in Matthew 16:18: Jesus said "I will build my
church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Building is a term that implies
development, expansion, and growth. It is Jesus' church and Jesus wants it to grow.

Jesus makes statements regarding the expansion of His teaching throughout the
world. Jesus not only intended that there will be disciples throughout the world, but
He also expected that expansion to happen, so as followers of Jesus we must be
committed to the same goals that Jesus had.
Now when we look at the many parables of Jesus, we find that He uses growth
terminology, He used growth imagery. I've never heard of a farmer who isn't
interested in growth have you? The farmer's survival depends on growth, his entire
life and work is tried up with how well things grow.
The Parable of the Sower Matt.13 Good soil: The farmer sows the word of God
and he gains various results, and the interesting thing about that parable is that in the
fourth type of the soil it yields a crop Jesus said of a 100 fold return. To very, very
poor farmers in Palestine at that time a 100 fold return was unheard of, that would be
a miracle, and yet Jesus says that's the kind of return we can expect from the Word
of God when the good word is planted in good soil.
The Fig Tree: The fig tree is designed to bear fruit and if it doesn't it is taking up
space, and it has missed the purpose of its existence, Jesus said, " cut it down!"
There's a bit of a paradox and a bit of a contradiction with us isn't there, because
many of us would say we believe God's word, but we don't believe that parable. It
just so happens to be included in the New Testament. Jesus said if it is not being
productive, cut it down because it is just taking up space. There are some real
challenging words from Jesus and there are many others.
The great banquet of course: Luke 10:10. Jesus came to seek and to save that
which was lost, and He compelled them to come. Matthew 22:8
4). Fourth reason:
The nature of the church itself implies growth: The most used term in the New
Testament for the church is the Body of Christ. You can read it in Romans 12,
1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 1, Colossians 1.The church is a body not a business.
That means the church is alive. The Church is not an Organization it is a living
organism. Healthy churches grow, since it is a body it is alive, all living things grow,
therefore it is unnatural for a Church not to grow, so if your church is not growing it
is because of three things. Its either dead, Its either sick or It has growth restriction
barriers. It's because of one of those three things.
If a church is not growing it's in trouble: and when a Church is not growing we
need to ask the right questions. The wrong question to ask is what will make our
church grow? Thats the wrong question, the right question to ask is what is
preventing our Church from growing? There's slight difference of emphasis there but
a very important one. What is preventing our Church from growing? Because it is
natural for a Church to grow. So we need to find out what the barriers are, remove
the barriers and growth will be automatic. And thats what we are going to try and
tackle in these sessions. As we go along we will try to apply them.
Church Leadership: One of the key tasks of Church leadership is to anticipate the
barriers, and do their best to remove those barriers to allow the natural spontaneous
expansion of the Church.

5). Fifth reason:
Because the New Testament demonstrates numerical growth.
What I would like to do is for different people to read out a verse so that we get
through this very quickly. Acts 1:15, 2:41, 2:47, 4:4, 5:14, 5:28, 6:1, 6:7, 21:20. If
those people can get ready we can get through these as it would be good to see it for
At the beginning of the book of Acts, we see phenomenal growth. Acts 1:15 - 120
believers, Acts 2:41 - 3000 believers, Acts 2:47 - an unspecified number added
daily (365 per year minimum), Acts 4:4 - 5000 men, sorry ladies that's how they
counted in those days. Acts 5:14 - More men and women believed in the Lord and
were added to their number. Acts 5:28 - They filled Jerusalem with their teaching.
Acts 6:1 - The number of disciples was increasing. Acts 6:7 - The disciples
increased rapidly and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith, so some
very key people they got converted even though Jerusalem was filled it goes on to
say more people became disciples. Acts 21:20 - Thousands of Jews became
In AD 59 the church in Jerusalem had grown so much it was estimated to be in
the tens of thousands.
How big was the city of Jerusalem? It had about 250,000 people living there at that
time and about half the people in the city were Christians. That made the high priests
claim that the disciples had filled the city with their teaching. That was the under-
statement of the century. Tremendous growth was normal for the New Testament
6). Sixth reason:
Because the fulfilment of prophecies demands evangelism. Matthew 24:24. The
Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all
nations and then the end will come. Jesus is saying that one of the prerequisites of
His return is the spread of the Gospel to the whole world.
These are the six reasons why we believe in evangelism and why we believe in mission.
1). The Bible commands it
2). The needs of people
3). Jesus believes in evangelism
4). Because of the nature of the Church itself
5). Because the New Testament Itself demonstrates numerical growth
6). Prophecy demands it.
This session has been rather theoretical, but I do feel it is important for our understanding
and practice.

Sometimes people object to mission and evangelism.
You may know some such people, who make all sorts of excuses about not doing
evangelism or mission. Various excuses are often made, there are many of them, but I've
chosen just four of the most popular ones to look at.
These are the four most popular excuses that people use when they say we don't need to
evangelise, or we don't need to do mission.
I want to answer these excuses.
People say God isn't interested in numbers. If you belong to a church with large numbers
you may occasional get criticized because it may look as though you are counting people.
So people say oh God's not interested in numbers. In the Bible this argument has no basis
at all. My friend has 2 sons, he can't be unconcerned about one of his sons, why should
God be .
In the first place several times in the Old Testament God gives specific instructions
for the Israelites to be counted. During the Exodus a census was taken at the beginning
and at the end, they counted everybody. Why? God wanted them to know how much they
had grown. He obviously knew, He didn't need to know. He wanted them to know who
had been lost in the wilderness. God was so interested in numbers, He even named one of
the books of the Bible with it.
In the New Testament many of the stories and illustrations Jesus used are about
counting. Fishermen count their fish, Shepherds count their sheep, businessmen count
their investment, the king counted his soldiers.
In the parable of the lost sheep, Matthew 18:12: how did the shepherd know one of his
sheep were missing? He only knew there was one missing because he counted them, then
he found that one was missing. And if we counted the people in our Church we might say
hey! where's Tom? where's Dick? where's Mary? here's Sunita? where are these people?
They don't come anymore, they're lost. Counting people is an act of love. There is
nothing un-spiritual about numbers.
Youth Groups, or any Group outing. Those of you who know about youth groups and
youth weekends away. You get them all into a minibus you always count them, you stop
for toilet, coffee break you count them. We count because people count, because you're
concerned, every number represents a person. Do you count the offering? Of course you
do, you want to see what you've got and what you are going to do with it.
People sometimes say we want quality not quantity, this argument sets up a false conflict
between the size and the character of a church implying that you can't have both at the
same time. Its true that bigger is not necessarily better, neither is it true that smaller is
necessarily better. Quantity and quality do not have to be enemies. I want both. Jesus'
first words to His disciples were "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men'' He
didn't say follow me and I will make you keepers of the aquarium. When a fisherman
goes fishing does he want quality or quantity? any fishermen here? You want both. You
want to catch the biggest and as many as you can, and I don't believe any fisherman

forgets to count how many he has caught. You come back from a fishing trip and people
ask how many you've caught, you don't say I don't know do you. Sometimes quality
produces quantity and sometimes quantity produces quality.
The First born in your family. Put your hand up if you are not the first-born child in
your family. How would you feel if your parents said let's stop with one quality first born
lets not have any more, we've got one its a quality one lets stop there. You wouldn't be
here would you. Lets not have any more of this we've got one thats enough. Thats the
attitude with a lot of churches. They say God's church is big enough, let's focus on what
we have got. If you go out for the day with two of your children and during the day you
lose one of your sons, and you say Oh we've lost our sons and you go hunting and find
one of them, and you say darling at least we've found one it doesn't matter about the
other one but one out of two is not bad, we're happy with that we've got 50%. But you
see that is the attitude of so many of the churches today.
Large Churches are impersonal. The answer to that is that they don't have to be. The
average church member knows only 60 people. If you belong to a Church with only 100
members, the average person will still know only 60 people. If you belong to a Church
with 500 members, the average person will still know only 60 people. The same with
1000 members. You don't have to know everybody in the Church to feel it is your
Church but you do have to know somebody.
And thats why a Church must grow larger and smaller at the same time. The
simple solution to impersonal large Churches is to maintain close fellowships through
small groups. Thats the key. So as you are growing larger on Sundays you've got to be
growing smaller. We don't want none of this clique sort of stuff like we've got 16 people
in our group and we like each other, start liking a few other people.
There is a very large Church in America with 5000 people. The guy who is in charge
of small groups was asked the question. What number do you get to before you split
them. He said we don't use that word. "Split" we give birth to another group. We get to
15 people then we give birth. You see split is negative language, the people say we don't
want to be split, but give birth well thats nice.
In Korea there is a Church of 1000,000 members. If you are sick in this Church you
get visited every day that you're sick. Simply because they are well organized. Some-
times there are many people sick in my church, and who visits them? No one, we only
see them when they're better.
2 Thessalonians 1:7: Everyone is going to Heaven.
I personally can't argue myself out of passages like that and there are many more
passages like this. It is very clear to me that Jesus spoke about two foundations two
roads, two doors, two masters and two destinies. But we are not comfortable with that
kind of talk, tolerance is our kind of modern day idol. So its easier to believe in univers-
alism (everybody is saved and going to heaven). Universalism began in the Garden of
Eden when the serpent told Adam and Eve you shall not surely die, and it has often

The old universalism stated, that either people were too good to go to hell or God is too
good to send them there.The new universalism is more subtle, it says that people are
sinners and need to be saved and Jesus Christ has saved them. So it comes out you're
already saved all you've got to do is believe it.
If the world is to be saved, there are of course many barriers that we have to recognize
and overcome. These four excuses are just some of the most common ones around today.

To evangelise the world with Gods Good News is not an option for
the follower of Christ. Nor is it the sole territory of a few idealists who
choose to be different.
Jesus Christ made worldwide witness the business of every believer.
Multiplied millions of lives are at stake, so make this

Ask God to give you wisdom and guidance. Lord what do you want me to say is the
best way of saying it.
Get to the point quickly.
Don't preach or tell others what they should do.
Don't or preach the Gospel.
Write your testimony out the first time it will be quite long it can always be edited.
Preparation is important.
Keep it short and to the point, don't give too many detail, don't brag about past sins.
Be honest, don't exaggerate and don't lie.
Avoid negative remarks about other religions. You don't have to put other religions
down to lift Jesus up.
Give specific times, places, dates, months and details. Use a scripture verse if it
helps John 14:6.
Mention your sins have been forgiven.
Mention you are going to heaven when you die.
Mention you have eternal life now.
Stress Gods love.
Mention heaven is a free gift.
Exalt God and not self.
Use common experiences we all have.
Dont use too many religious words, salvation, born again, blood of Jesus, sanctified,
washed in the blood, redeemed etc.
Make eye contact and relate to those who are listening.

I have missed many opportunities to witness for Jesus Christ when I didn't act when God
Psalm 66:16 What the Psalmist is talking about is sharing your testimony. A definition
of a testimony is sharing a word about Jesus. ''Tell you what he has done for me''
Acts 4:18-20 The background to this verse is the Sanhedrin. The Jewish Supreme court.
They called the Apostles in and told them not to talk about Jesus, the apostles replied we
can't help it, being a witness. A witness is someone who says, this is what has happened,
this is what I know, this is what I've seen and heard.
Now a lawyer is someone who takes all the facts, presents them to a jury and presses for
a decision, YES or NO. God has not called everyone to be a Lawyer. He happens to have
called me to be a lawyer, so I often preach for a decision. But he has called everyone to
be a witness. This is what has happened to you, and you are an authority on you. No
one is a better authority than you on yourself in explaining what has happened to you,
and that is sharing your testimony.

1 Peter 3:15 Every Christian should be ready to share the reason why they are a
Christian, with gentleness and respect. We don't want any of this Bible thumping turn
and burn kind of stuff. If you share with gentleness and respect very few people will be
offended at that.
The Bible command. Always be prepared involves preparation, so this session will be

Because they feel a need. Now we all have needs and we have to find out what those
needs are and show what Christ can do. What are some of the most common felt needs or
problems people have? Most people don't have major problems but they say something is
missing. What would you say were some of the most common felt needs people have
Which column are most people in?
Which column would most people like to be in? They may not say so, but deep down
everybody wants top be loved and accepted, they want security, people don't want to live
in fear. Thats why Jesus is Good News, we are not going around trying to give people
cancer, but good news, we know the solution to everybody's problems, we have the


You have more than one testimony:
It is important to see that we have more than one testimony. How many people here can
say God had healed you from something? Worry guilt, fear, sickness, unforgiveness,
bitterness, resentment, drugs and alcohol. We all have lots of testimonies not just one. All
these testimonies are keys to evangelism.
Open nerve:
So we need to know what our testimonies are and when we meet someone we can find
out what their open nerve is, where they are hurting, and when we can identify then we
can testify.
1. What was your life like before you became a Christian?
2. How I committed my life to Christ.
3. What my life is like now?
The purpose is to find common ground. I was just like anybody else I was
searching. You may say you became a Christian when I was four years old so I don't
have a testimony, now I want to break that thought because you do. Just because you
dont have a bad past you may think you don't have a testimony, but you do.
How I committed my life to Christ, where were you? On a bus, in church, at a
meeting, with a friend, crusade, in your room, park, tract, did someone pray with
you, guest service. Date, month, year, location.
What does it mean to me now? Its Changed my life, given me purpose, hope,
peace, joy and security, abundant life now and eternal life when i die, I've stopped
searching and started living. I still have problems, is till get colds, and still have to
pay the bills, but my life has a different focus now I have a new security.
When it comes to witnessing you are more effective than I am, because people say you
are a minister it's your job, but when you give your testimony you are the satisfied
customer. Yes I still have problems, but now I have strength and a peace to cope with
those problems, colds, bills, but now I have a new security. God's added a new dimension
to my life. These are the kind of things we want to get across to people. Dont paint a
rosy picture. But its a whole lot better than it used to be.
We need two testimonies, the three-minute version and the thirty-minute version.
1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared. So you have done it in three minutes and you've not
been boring, you give people enough and they want more.
Now if you think about all this and prepare well you will be amazed at the amount of
doors that will open up to you. Sometimes people wonder why God is not using them and
often it is because they are not prepared. God will bring people into your life and it will
be natural for you to spend most of your time on what it means to me now. Part three is
the key to effective witnessing, sharing my testimony. The key to it all is preparation.


Useful Things to Know about Evangelism
1. It builds our faith. (gives us spiritual muscles).
2. Takes you beyond yourself to minister to someone else. (Lord its hard to see when
my eyes are on me).
3. It breaks shyness and gives you boldness. (yes you).
4. It renews your confidence in Christ.
5. It is an opportunity to know whom you believe and see Him. (seeing the unseen).
6. You are a soldier of Christ and desire to see the enemy kicked out from where he
does not belong.
7. It makes you grow in God heaps and heights.
8. If Jesus be Gods Son and He can change lives. How will others know if we don't tell
them so.
9. There is a release of joy inexpressible and full of glory when we reach out for God.
10. If not you Who? If not now when?
11. If its the truth what is stopping us?
12. We overcome many fears.
GOD is a great paymaster! Give HIM your time and HE will reward you, for HE is a
debtor of no man.

1. We can become negative and critical of others and inclined to gossip.
2. We can get depressed and inward looking.
3. Become critical of other churches.
4. We can become dry and our faith is weakened.

Luke 9:27
1. It is a sacrifice.
2. We may have to give up certain friends.
3. It may mean giving up some television and other pleasurable activities i.e. watching
or playing cricket.
4. Visit the sick in their homes or in hospital.
5. Allowing people to stay in your home when it is inconvenient.
6. Staying up all night with someone. Listening to people.
7. Giving someone your coat or shirt.

Useful Things to Know about Evangelism
1. Be a man or woman who prays for people not just Christians.
2. Extend a friendly greeting, shake hands with people. Don't give plastic Christian
smiles, be genuine. There's no impact without contact. We all want impact but few
want contact.
3. Take the initiative in establishing communication. Offer a hand of friendship.
4. Take a genuine interest in other peoples lives. Ask them questions about family,
work, occupation, hobbies, movies.
5. Learn people names, this is very powerful.
6. Look for ways to serve people. Take opportunities and make opportunities. Do acts
of kindness.
7. Invite people into your homes for a meal. This can be costly but it is all about
making contact. It can be costly on our time and privacy.
8. Allow people to help you.
9. Give out relevant books and tapes etc, but only after you have made contact first i.e.
In a relational context.
10. Relax, let the Holy Spirit lead.

Acts 10:18 Paul on the road to Damascus. A disciple called Ananias laid his hands
on him and he got his sight back, then he was baptized. This was personal contact
with a new convert.

In Acts 9:23-27 Paul began to proclaim Christ. He escaped from Damascus and
went to Jerusalem where the Christians rejected him. But Barnabas was willing to
stand with him and took him before the apostles.

Acts 16:1-5 Paul took Timothy.
Acts 18: 24-28 Priscilla and Aquilla took Apollos.
Paul visited new converts personally, he wrote letters to them. When he couldn't go
he sent Timothy.


Useful Things to Know about Evangelism

Mark 4:26-29 A process.
1 Corinthians 3:6-9 Fellow workers.
1 Corinthians 15:58 Our work is not in vain.
Galatians 6:6-9 Don't give up.

Ephesians 3:10

If we are going to share the Gospel, then first we need to be clear on what we
believe ourselves.

To be so outstanding in character that people notice something different about
you. Be salt and light to those around you.

In other words we need to get up close and personal with people, i.e. have a cup
of tea with them. You can't be a witness at a distance.

We must do the above three things if we are going to have an impact into peoples

In the Old Testament, a stronghold was a "fortified dwelling" used as a means of
protection from the enemy. David hid from Saul in the stronghold of Horesh
(1 Samuel 23:14 & 19). These were physical structures, usually caves high on a mountain-
side, and were very difficult to attack. The N.T uses this imagery to define stronghold as
powerful, vigorously protected spiritual realities.

Strongholds are an information systema house of thoughts that dictates where you
live. The walls are thoughts that dictate your life and prevents you from going any
A stronghold can be a source of protection for us from the devil, as in the case when
the LORD is our stronghold (Psalm 18:2).
Or conversely, a stronghold can be a source of defence for the devil, where demonic
or sinful activity is actually defended within us by our own sympathy towards evil
attitudes and practices by us. These wrong attitudes and practices defend the old
self-life, which becomes the fortified dwellings of demonic oppression in a
person's life causing a stronghold.
Since a stronghold is a house made up of thoughtsit has certain props e.g.
furniture and appliances that makes you comfortable in the way of your thinking
and makes you reluctant to changethus keeping you within that stronghold.
There is also a strongman, who will deliberately arrange scenarios to keep you
in responses that will strengthen your thought patternsmaking your strong-
holds even stronger.

For deliverance and freedom, it is not important to know the source of any stronghold but
it helps us to analyse the process of freedom. There are 3 sources of strongholds:
i) The world around usthat is the prevailing ideas in the world but that which
opposes the Word of GOD. Unless GODs Word is working inside you by the HOLY
SPIRIT, producing moral and spiritual strength to counter act the world pressure, you
will fall. E.g.
in the USA and in India, many people think that it the democratic and sensible
thing to give women the right to abort the babies in their womb
in Goa there is a laid-back attitude to life that can lead to laziness and apathy.
But in Mangalore there is a prosperity-work-culture that borders on greed and
There are places where lust abounds and other places where violence abounds.
ii) The experience behind usE.g. disturbed family life, sexual abuse in early
childhood. All this results in massive strongholds.

iii) The wrong beliefs inside us - E.g. in the crucial issue of spiritual gifts. Some
churches teach a bias against it with the result whole congregations disuse the gifts.
Normally we get very influenced by people who are in authority over us or people
whom we esteem. E.g. our first teachers after we are born again. If they go wrong, we
go wrong.
Now, we can see that all strongholds are because of some information that we have relied
upon. The demolition of strongholds becomes a battle of information systems - GODs info
vs. the devils info. Therefore to topple these strongholds we must rely on GOD's word.
Romans 3:4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every man a liar. As it is written: "So
that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge."
John 8:31 & 32 You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free - knowing
is important for freedom.

We need to develop the ability to accept & believe, rehearse & apply, act upon &
exercise the truth of GODs info system in our lives in order to be set free from our
evil strongholds.

Most Christians only engage in Spiritual Warfare with the hope of either relieving present
distresses or attaining a normal existence. However, the purpose of all warfare and
spirituality is to bring us in to the image of CHRIST. Neither worship nor warfare, neither
love nor deliverance, is truly attainable if we miss the objective of our faith: Christ

Let us recall that GOD delivered the Hebrews out of Egypt so that HE could bring them in
to the promise land. Likewise, we are delivered out of sin and bondage, not that we might
live for ourselves, but that we might come in to Christ likeness. Our goals must align with
GOD's, for if our nature does not change, we will invariably find ourselves entangled in the
same problems that caused our difficulties in the first place.

While we may not want to hear this, many of our spiritual conflicts simply are not going
to cease until the character of the LORD JESUS is formed in our hearts. The FATHER's goal
in deliverance is much more than simply seeing our burdens or the devil taken off our
backs. Indeed, the specific purpose towards which GOD steers the working of all things in
our lives, is our conformity to the image of HIS SON. The FATHER's purpose in our
salvation was that JESUS would become the first born among many brothers (Romans
8:28 & 29). In other words, the way to realize GOD's ultimate victory is to reach towards
HIS ultimate goal, that is complete transformation in to the likeness of CHRIST.

There is a penetration of spirit between GOD and ourselves, where our spirits are fully
saturated with the living presence of the LORD JESUS. Where HIS glory so floods our lives
that there is no dark part left within us (Luke 11:36). The LORD's presence inside us
produces an indestructible defense, a fortress, a stronghold, within which we are hidden
from evil. Through HIM, we enter the excellence of HIS ways in our relationship with the
FATHER and one and other. We walk in immunity from countless satanic attacks. As HE is,
so also are we in the world, and HE who is born of GOD helps us, and the evil one does
not touch us (1 John 4:17 & 5:18).

We must realize that it is not Satan who defeats us, it our openness to him. To
perfectly subdue the devil, we must walk in the shelter of the MOST HIGH (Psalm 91:1).
Satan is tolerated for one purpose: the warfare between the devil and GOD's children
thrusts us in to CHRIST likeness, where the nature of CHRIST becomes our only place of
rest and security. GOD allows warfare to facilitate HIS eternal plan, which is to make man
in HIS image.

Once we realize that the FATHER's goal is to transform our lives with the life of CHRIST,
we will continually find that GOD has only one answer to all our spiritual problems:
appropriate the nature of HIS SON. Are you troubled by demons of fear or doubt? Submit
those areas to GOD, repenting of your unbelief, and then yielding yourself to CHRIST's
faith within you. Are you troubled with spirits of lust and shame? Present those very areas
of sins to GOD, repenting of your old nature, and drawing upon the forgiveness of CHRIST
and HIS purity if heart.

The FATHER is more concerned with the coming forth HIS SON JESUS in our lives, than HE
is in defeating Satan. Who is the devil that he can defy the Living GOD? Indeed, it is of the

greatest truth, that once the devil recognizes that his attack on your life has not pulled you
away from GOD, but towards GOD, he will withdraw.

Jesus defeated Satan, not by confronting him, but in Gethsemane and on the cross. By
fulfilling the destiny to which HE had been called at Calvary. The greatest battle that was
ever won was accomplished by CHRIST without even a word of rebuke to HIS enemy.

The true gift of discernment is a balanced gift which enable you to recognize at least as
many angels, as you do demons. An example is seen in 2 Kings. The Syrian army had
surrounded Elisha and his servant. To calm the servant's fright, Elisha prayed that his
servant's eyes would be open. He said, 'do not fear, for those who are with us are more
than those who are with them' (2 Kings 6:16 & 17).

In Spiritual Warfare, the battle is never limited to us against them. It always includes
"those with us", against "those with them". True discernment is fully aware of the vast
multitude of angels loyal to GOD, as it is aware of the demonic realm.

We must learn that, on a personal level, it is better to develop godly virtues than to spend
our day praying against the devil. Indeed, it is the joy if the LORD that casts out spirits of
depression. It is our living faith, which destroys spirits of unbelief. It is aggressive love,
which casts out all fear.

As we continually yield ourselves to CHRIST, surrendering ourselves by faith to HIS nature
and HIS words, we build an impenetrable stronghold of HIS presence around us. Victory
begins with the NAME OF JESUS on our lips. It is finished by the nature of JESUS in
our hearts.

The word host in the Bible means army (Luke 2:13). Let us understand that the hosts of
heaven are worshipping armies. Indeed no one can do warfare who is not first of all a
worshipper of GOD. In the book of revelations time and time again, the line is drawn
between those who worship the beast and his image, and those who worship GOD
(Revelation 7:11, 13:4, 14:7 & 14:11). In the last great battle before JESUS returns, the
outcome of every man's life will be weighed upon the scale of worship: in the midst of
warfare and battles, to whom will we bow down, GOD or Satan?

The essence of this battle is the central issue of our warfare today. Will we faithfully
worship GOD during satanic attack and temptation? True worship must now emerge in
context of our daily lives, for no man will worship when we face the great battles of
tomorrow that complains in the mere small fights of today.

You will remember the LORD's call to the Hebrews was a call to worship and service
before HIM in the wilderness (Exodus 5:3, 7:16). Indeed when Moses first spoke of GOD's
loving concern, the Hebrews bowed low and worshipped (Exodus 4:31). But when the
trials and pressures came they quickly fell in to murmuring, complaining and blatant
rebellion. Their worship was superficial, it had a form, but without a heart.

This same condition of shallow worship prevails in much of church life today. If a
message is given that the LORD is our Shepherd, we eagerly bow low and worship. But as
soon as the pressures of daily living arise or temptations, how quickly we rebel against
GOD and resist HIS dealings. The enemy has easy access to the soul that is not protected
by true worship of GOD. GOD's purpose on the wilderness was to perfect true worship that
is based upon the reality of GOD and not upon circumstances. The LORD knows that the
heart will worship HIM the wilderness of affliction, will continue to worship HIM in the
promise land of plenty.

Without true worship of GOD, there can be no victory in warfare. You see, what comes
out of heart during times of pressure was already in us, but hidden, during times of ease.
If youre a true worshipper, youre spirit will be full of worship to GOD no matter what
battle youre fighting. In warfare, worship is a wall around our soul.

The soul is made up of our mind, will and emotions, and when the enemy comes against
us, he targets these three areas. We must therefore protect them in our war against Satan.
Now here is an insight, which we must add to the definition of our soul. The soul has the
ability to take in deep impressions, which are our reactions to extra-ordinary events in our
lives. These events may be good (encouragement and praise), or bad (abuses and
afflictions). The deep impressions, which these events cause, affect our character. What
we call memory is actually our spirit gazing at these deep impressions on our soul. With a
few exceptions, those events, which we remember the most, have shaped us the most.
Indeed the reason why our natural minds cannot forget certain events is because those
experiences have literally become a part of our nature.

We are what the past has made us. Yet we are commanded to "not look back" and "to
forget those things which are behind" (Philippians 3:13, Luke 9:62, Hebrews 11:15).

Although these events of our lives are irreversible, GOD can still change our reactions to
these events as we worship. Therefore we are commanded to "not look back". As our
reactions change, we change. In other words, although we cannot alter the past, we can put
our past upon the altar of GOD as an act of worship. A worshipping heart truly allows GOD
to restore the soul.

All of us receive a portion of both good and evil in this world. But for life to be good,
GOD, who is the essence of life, must reach in to our experiences and redeem us from our
negative reactions. As we become lovers of GOD in our spirits during worship, all that we
have passed through in life is washed in that love. It is redeemed and it becomes good
within us (Romans 8:28). Therefore it is essential, for our growth and for our protection in
warfare, that we become worshippers.
Psalm 84:4-7 Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As
they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains
also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in

If you're ever praising GOD, your worship of GOD will transform the negative attack of the
enemy in to a spring of sweet waters that will refresh you. No matter befalls a worshipper;
their Valley of weeping (Baca) always becomes a spring covered with blessings. You
cannot successfully engage in warfare, nor pass safely through the wilderness of this life,
without first becoming a worshipper of GOD.

We were created for GOD's pleasure. We were not created to life for ourselves, but for
HIM. And while the LORD desires that we enjoy HIS gifts and people, HE would have us
know that we created first for HIS pleasure. In these closing moments of this age, the
LORD will have a people whose purpose for living is to please GOD with their lives. In
them, GOD finds HIS own reward for creating man. They are HIS worshippers, they are on
earth only to please GOD, and when HE is pleased, they are also pleased. The LORD takes
them farther and through more pain and conflicts than other men. Outwardly, they are
often seen smitten of GOD and afflicted (Isaiah 53:4). Yet to GOD they are HIS beloved.
When they are crushed, like petals of a flower, they give out a fragrance so beautiful and
so rare that angels weep at their surrender. They are the LORD's purpose for creation.

One would think that GOD would protect them, guarding them in such a way that they
would not be hurt. Instead they are hurt more than other men are. Indeed, the LORD seems
pleased to crush them, putting them to grief. For in the midst of their physical and
emotional pain, their loyalty to CHRIST grows pure and perfect. And in the face of
persecution, their love and worship towards GOD becoming all consuming. In the last
days, these special worshippers will come forth with the power and glory of the LORD
JESUS CHRIST. With the high praises of GOD in their mouth they will execute judgment on
the enemies of the LORD (Psalm 149:11). They will lead as generals in the LORD's army of

Romans 16:20 The GOD of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
When we maintain peace during warfare it is a crushing deathblow to satanic oppression
and fear. Our victory never comes from our emotions or our intellect or our indifference
(that we become so spiritual that we fail to ignore a problem). But our victory comes by
refusing to judge by what our eyes see or our ears hear, but by trusting that what GOD has
promised will surely come to pass. It is being so confident in GOD's love that you know
that regardless of the battle and the difficulties in your circumstances, that "greater is HE
who is in you, than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

We will never know CHRIST's victory in its fullness until we stop reacting humanly to our
circumstance. When you truly have authority over something then you can look at the
thing in the face without worry or fear or anxiety. In Matthew 8:23-27, JESUS did not fear
the storm. HE faced its fury and subdued it with authority, in perfect peace. In Pilate's
court, a peace surrounded JESUS that was borne out of HIS resolve to do GOD's will no
matter what the cost. HE had a peace that represented the sea of glass at GOD's throne
(Revelation 4:6). In a matter of minutes it was no longer JESUS who was on trial but Satan,
Pilate and the nation of Israel.

Satan's weapons consist of fear, worry, doubt, self-pity, etc.
Every one of those weapons robs us of peace and leaves us troubled inside. Do you want
to know where the devil is coming against you? In the network of your relationships,
wherever you do not have peace, you have war. Conversely, wherever you have peace,
you have victory. When Satan throws his darts at you, the more peace you have during
adversity, the more truly you are walking in the victory of CHRIST.
Philippians 1:28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This
is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved - and that by
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he
trusts in you.

Your peace, your immovable stand on GOD's Word is a sign that you are positioned
correctly in perfect submission to GOD's will. The very fact that you are not frightened by
your enemy, is a sign of your authority over him. Spiritual authority is not enforcing your
will on another person. When you have true spiritual authority, you have established
GOD's peace in an area that was once full of conflict and oppression.

Peace is then a spiritual power. A peacemaker is not someone who protests against war,
but one is inwardly so yielded to CHRIST that in spirit and purpose he can be called a son
of GOD. Where he goes GOD goes and where GOD goes, he goes. He is fearless calm and
bold. Peace radiates from him the way light and heat radiate from fire.

In the battles of life your peace is actually a weapon. Indeed your confidence declares that
you are not falling for the lies of the enemy. You see that the first step towards spiritual
authority is having peace in spite of our circumstance. When JESUS confronted the devil,
HE did not confront him with HIS emotions in fear. Knowing that the devil was a liar, HE
simply refused to be influenced by any other voice than GOD's. HIS peace overwhelmed
Satan; HIS authority then shattered Satan's lie and sent him fleeing.

'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for YOU are
with me' (Psalm 23:4). There is a place of walking with GOD, where you simply fear no
evil. David faced a lion, a bear and a giant. In this Psalm, he stood in the shadow of death
itself, yet he feared no evil. David trust was in the LORD. He said, 'for YOU are with me'.
Because GOD is with you, every enemy you face will result in victory as you maintain
your faith in GOD. Psalm 23 continues, YOU prepare a table before me, in the presence of
my enemies'. The battle you are in will soon become a meal to you, an experience that
will nourish and build you up spiritually.

Only GOD's peace will quieten your flesh in battle. The source of GOD's peace is God
Himself. 'Before the throne there was, as it were, a sea of a glass like crystal' (Revelation
4:6). The 'Glass Sea' is a symbol, that there are no ripples, no waves, and no worries
troubling GOD. HE is not in a hurry, and never without an answer. The sea around HIM is
perfectly still and totally calm. All our victories flow out from being seated here with

GOD is our FATHER. Heavenly Jerusalem is our mother the birthplace of our new nature
(Galatians 4:26). And you are a beloved child of GOD, part of the FATHER's family, and a
member of HIS household (Ephesians 2:19). You must know by revelation that you are
not struggling to get up in to heaven, rather, you were born there in spiritual rebirth. You
must be settled and positioned correctly in your relationship with GOD.

To those who have been born again from above, HE says, 'sit at my right hand, while I
make your enemies a footstool for your feet' (Psalm 11:1 & 2). Before you go in to
warfare, recognize that it is not you that the devil is afraid of, but it is CHRIST in you. We
have been raised up and seated with CHRIST in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6).

Worship of GOD is our first response in battle. Position yourself in the presence of
GOD. Sit at rest, in the knowledge that CHRIST has already made your enemies a footstool
for your feet. From the position of rest, Psalm 110:2 continues, 'the Lord will stretch forth
YOUR strong scepter from Zion, saying, "rule in the midst of YOUR enemies"'

Rest comes before rule. Peace comes before power. Do not seek to rule over the devil
until you are submitting to GOD's rule over you. The focal point of all victory comes
from seeking GOD until you find HIM, and having found HIM, allowing HIS presence to
fill your spirit with HIS peace. From full assurance at HIS right hand, as we rest in HIS
victory, we will rule in the midst of our enemies.

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
In other words the essence of who we are is in our thought life. Thus there is a lot of
identity in our thoughts and in opinions. We may not be willing to admit that our thought-
life and our opinions are sinful and not in alignment with GOD's WORD.
Therefore before any deliverance can be accomplished we must honestly recognize and
confess our need. We must stop pretending that everything is all right. We me must
humble ourselves and seek help. Indeed the first stronghold is pride. For until one is
willing to admit that he needs deliverance he will never be free from strongholds.
In order to recognize what is wrong in us we must know what is GOD's standard of what is
right. JESUS CHRIST is the standard of what GOD considers as typical for the new creation
man. Consider:
Romans 8:28 & 29 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who
love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also
predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn
among many brothers.
Only JESUS can be like JESUS. But as we yield to HIM in increasing degrees of surrender,
as we abide in HIM and HIS Word abides in us, then HE brings forth life that is not simply
"like HIS own" but actually HIS very own life. HIS Presence dwells in us and empowers
our warfare against our strongholds.
Therefore, we must learn to look objectively at any thought and attitude that fail to
conform to the likeness and teachings of JESUS. Those thoughts must be captured and the
attitudes crucified. We must make way in us for the coming of the LORD. We must allow
the "increase of HIS government" to expand in us until we are so absorbed into HIS SPIRIT
that we not only believe in HIM but we believe like HIM. That is, HIS thoughts, HIS
desires, HIS love flow out from inside us.
Now if we think that such CHRISTLIKENESS is impossible then this type of thinking will
hold all further spiritual growth impossible. This lie and the chains it places in our hearts
are called the stronghold of unbelief and must be stripped away.
LORD JESUS, I submit to YOU. I declare, according to the Word of GOD, that because of
YOUR power to subject all things unto YOURSELF, the weapons of our warfare are mighty
in pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3 & 4).
I repent for using the lie, "I will never be like JESUS" as an excuse to sin and compromise
my convictions.
In JESUS NAME, I renounce my flawed, sinful old nature and, by the Grace of GOD and
the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, I pull down the stronghold of unbelief that exists in my
Because of the perfect sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST, I am a new creation. And I believe that I
will go from glory to glory being continually transformed into the CHRIST's image as I
walk with GOD.

If you want to identify the hidden strongholds in your life, you only need to survey the
attitudes in your heart. Every area in your thinking that shines with hope in GOD is an area
that is being liberated by CHRIST. But any system of thinking that does not have hope,
which feels hopeless, is a stronghold that must be pulled down.
In our pilgrimage to find self-fulfillment or ourselves, we must surrender what we were
and are to JESUS. For unless we lose ourselves to HIM we cannot find ourselves. When we
came to CHRIST all that we are in nature and character is bound to change. Consider,
the Bible says we have a new heart, a new mind and we are a new creation!
Hebrews 8:10: This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,
declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will
be their God, and they will be my people.
1 Corinthians 2:16 But we have the mind of Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has
gone, the new has come!
Furthermore, when you were born again, you received the very SPIRIT OF GOD, and
through the SPIRIT you were birthed into another realm: the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!
Though your feet are still on the earth, through the vehicle of the HOLY SPIRIT, you are
united to the actual PERSON of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who is seated at the throne of
GOD. Even as your limbs are attached to your body, so your heart is attached to the power
of GOD. You are never alone! CHRIST is always with you. What you were as a person
before you were born again, that you would never ever be again. The promise of GOD is
yours in 2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has
Everything, even your intelligence and physical appearance is now subject to change for
the better. Old failure, old attitudes are destined to go away; new faith and hope should be
growing within you daily. How can this be practical in our lives? We receive the SPIRIT of
CHRIST into our hearts to empower us and we study the words of CHRIST to direct us and
whatever we find in us that is not like HIM, we renounce!

Matthew 24:10-13 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and
hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because
of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm till
the end will be saved.

This is a major area of spiritual warfare. Because Satan knows that a church divided
against itself cannot stand. Hence a sign of a victorious church will be its commitment to
love. Yet because of increasing sin in this age, true Christian love will be severely
attacked. There is no real victory without love. Love is a passion for oneness. Bitterness
is seen in the lack of love. Cold love is a demonic stronghold. In our generation cold love
is becoming increasingly common. It shuts out the power of prayer and disables the flow
of healing and outreach. In fact where there is persistent hardness in a person and/or
church then the demons have well succeeded.

Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows
up to cause trouble and defile many.
Bitterness and resentment is unfulfilled revenge. Someone's thoughtlessness or cruelty
could have wounded us deeply. But if you fail to react with love and forgiveness, if you
retain in your spirit the debt the offender owes you, that offense will rob you of your
capacity to love. And you will enter the stronghold of cold love.

If you still have unforgiveness towards someone who hurt you then you have failed the
test. Fortunately it is still a test, and not the final exam. You need to thank GOD for the
opportunity to grow in divine love. Thank HIM that your life is not being swallowed up in
bitterness and resentment. As you embrace God's love and begin to walk in forgiveness
you are pulling down the stronghold of cold love. Thank GOD for that!

There is no such thing. The measure of your love is found in the depth of your commit-
ment. People withdraw from commitment. They say, "I was committed but they used me
without appreciation". To withdraw from commitment is another type of cold love.
These people sing and dance and tithe and preach but inside they withdraw and are aloof
and distant from other people. This is a symptom of cold love.

Matthew 18:7 For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come;
As long as you are living on the earth you will never have a time when there are no
stumbling blocks in your path. Even good people have bad days. People do not stumble
over boulders but over little stones. To stumble is to trip, stop walking and fall. Have you
recently stumbled over somebody's weakness or sin lately?
Then, have you withdrawn walking after love? To preserve the quality of love in your
heart, you must forgive those who have caused you to stumble. Every time you refuse to
over look the weakness of another, your heart not only hardens towards them, it hardens
towards GOD. You cannot form a negative opinion over someone and allow that opinion to

crystallize in your heart, for this will result in cold love. You may think that you are open
to GOD but it isn't so:
I John 4:20 If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone
who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not
You may not like what someone has done but you cannot stop loving him. Love is your
only option.

What do we mean by love? First, we do not mean tough love; but gentle, open, sensitive,
persistent love. GOD will be tough when HE wants to be for our good. We too can be firm
in love as directed by GOD. But the love that we want is a compassion that is empowered
by faith and prayer to see GOD's best come forth in the one I love. When I have such love
for someone then I predetermine that I will stand with regardless of what they are going

We each need people who are committed to us as individuals, people who know we are
not perfect, but love us anyway. The manifestation of God's kingdom will not come
without people being committed to each other to reach GOD's fullness. We are not talking
about salvation; we are talking about growing up in that Salvation, until we loved and are
committed to each other with divine love. Many people may stumble over little faults and
human weaknesses in others. These minor things are quickly pumped up by the enemy in
to great big problems. The excuses of people to justify withdrawing from others are not
acceptable in reality; these problems are a smoke screen, which masks the person's lack of
love or cold love. We need to overcome our hang-ups about commitment, for no one will
ever attain the fullness of GOD's purpose on earth without being committed to imperfect
people along the way.

Mark 12:29-31 The most important one answered Jesus is this: Hear O Israel, the
Lord our God is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your
neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

JESUS said the second commandment is like the first. When you love GOD your love for
others will be like your love for GOD: the second is like the first. The more you uncondi-
tionally love GOD the more you will unconditionally love others.

Some people say, 'just JESUS and me'. It is wonderful you found JESUS, you cannot truly
have JESUS and simultaneously not do what HE says. And HE says, 'love one another as I
have loved you'.


You see the Kingdom of GOD is not in you or in me, it is in us as a Body. We are being
perfected in to a unit (John 17). To have the Kingdom, we must be committed to one
another as individuals and as churches. If CHRIST accepts us while we are still imperfect,
we must also accept one another. People who possess the Kingdom of GOD in its reality
are people who overcome the obstacles of each other's faults. They help each other to
become what GOD has called them to be the living body of JESUS CHRIST.

Remember that the goal of pulling down the stronghold of cold love is to see the oneness
of CHRIST's body being revealed. You will be challenged in this, but if you persist, you
will discover the heights and depths, the length and breadth of CHRIST's love. You will
become a body filled with GOD Himself.

The beginning of true discernment will not come until we crucify our instincts to judge.
This crucifixion takes months of uprooting all thought systems that were not planted in
our hearts with love and faith for people. To discern like the "mind of CHRIST" we must
first find the heart of CHRIST. The heart and the love of CHRIST is summed up in HIS
own words: " I did not come to judge the world but to save the world" (John 12:47).

Spiritual discernment is the grace to see into the unseen. It is the gift of the SPIRIT to see
what is in the spirit. Its purpose is to see that which is veiled. But the first veil that must be
removed is in the veil over our hearts. We must see ourselves, and the measure of our
need. For the capacity to see what is outside comes from CHRIST revealing what is
inside, i.e. "insight".
JESUS demands that we see the need of HIS mercy so that out of the grace which we have
received we can compassionately minister to others. Only then we will know that the gift
of discernment is not the faculty of our mind. We must ever be conscious that CHRIST's
goal is to save and not judge. If we truly must help men then we must know that we
are following a LAMB.

To perceive you must make yourself blind to what seems apparent.
People may react to you, but you cannot react to them.
You must always be forgiving in nature, for the demons you would cast out will be
masquerading as the man himself. JESUS said in Matthew12:32: "Anyone who speaks a
word against the Son of Man will be forgiven"
JESUS was prepared in HIS heart to forgive people even before they could sin against
HIM. HE knew that HIS mission was to die for men, not condemn them. We too are called
to the same mission.
John 17:18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.
We too are called to die that others may live.
Therefore we must realize that before our discernment develops our love must develop
until our normal attitude is one of forgiveness. If we do not move in divine forgiveness we
will walk in much deception. Our discernment is really a critical spirit from the evil one.
Indeed if we do not move in love and forgiveness we will actually be a menace to the
Body of CHRIST.

Matthew 7:1-5 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge
others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why
do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank
in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,'
when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out
of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's

JESUS commanded us to judge not. This command is just as valid as the 10 Command-
ments. GOD is still speaking. JESUS refers to the person who judges as a hypocrite. The
LORD is not saying that we should totally stop thinking about people. HE does want us to
help one another. But the way of help is not by judging but by seeing clearly. And we
do not see clearly until we remove the plank out of our own eye. This plank removing is
deep repentance and the knowledge of HIS mercy and grace.

How do you take out a speck from another person's eye? Very carefully! You must win
their trust, because the eye is one the ms sensitive parts of the human body. This means
consistently demonstrating an attitude that does not judge and does not instinctively
condemn. To help people we must see clearly. We must be able to see where a person's
vision is obstructed. Then develop a trust between us and then only remove the speck but
without judging or condemning them. If you seek to have a heart that does not instinc-
tively condemn; if you truly crucify your instinct to judge; then you would have laid a true
foundation for the gift of discernment. You would have now prepared your heart to
receive the dreams, visions and insights from GOD.

To walk in true discernment, our hearts must be quiet before GOD, we must learn how to
listen. So GOD does not speak until we slow down, tune out our striving and our worries,
and give HIM our attention.
"Be still and know that I am GOD". (Psalm 46:10)
We cannot engage in spiritual warfare without first being conscious of GOD and through
HIM discerning the devil. All true discernment comes from a heart that has ceased to
strive, a heart that knows, even in the fiery trial of personal struggle, that the LORD is
GOD. There is a jamming station (which are our thoughts and reactions) that block our
ability to listen and discern. We must die to personal judgments, ideas of retaliation and
self-motivation. JESUS said: "I can do nothing on MY own initiative; as I hear, I judge".
(John 5:30)

Philippians 1:9 And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in
knowledge and all discernment.
Abounding love comes from long term commitment and anointed by sacrifice.
There is a false discernment that is based on mistrust, suspicion and fear. It is recognized
by the coldness around I, and it comes out of criticism. True discernment is rooted deeply
in love.

John 7:24 "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment."
A right judgment is a direct result of love. If you cannot pray for a person you will most
probably not have right discernment. Without love and peace in your heart your judgment
will be overly harsh.

James 3:17 & 18 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then
peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and
sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

Life is based on the condition of our heart. The gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT must pass
through our heart before they can be presented to the church. If our hearts are not right
then the gifts will not come out right either. When our hearts are not right we cannot hear
from GOD. Therefore we must mistrust our judgement when we are bitter, angry, or
simply ambitious. To hear clearly from GOD we must have peace and ability to patiently
and humbly and wait on GOD with a decision that you will obey HIM.

Matthew 7:6 "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you
do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.
It is not every one that is fit to be reproved. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs. This
may be considered, either,

i) As a rule to the disciples in preaching the gospel. Though CHRIST HIMSELF
preached to sinners, yet this reference cautions us that after we preach to some people
who remain obstinate we may not further preach to them lest we are attacked and our
labour lost. Instead we may preach to others. (Acts 13:41).

ii) As a rule to all in giving reproof. Our zeal against sin must be guided by discretion,
and we must not go about to give instructions, counsels, and rebukes, much less
comforts, to hardened scorners, to whom it will certainly do no good, but who will be
exasperated and enraged at us. Throw a pearl to a swine, and he will resent it, as if
you threw a stone at him; reproofs will be called reproaches, therefore give not to
dogs and swine (unclean creatures) holy things. Note,
Jeremiah 6:10 To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me?
Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the LORD is offensive to
them; they find no pleasure in it.
2 Chronicles 25:16 While he was still speaking, the king said to him, "Have we
appointed you an adviser to the king? Stop! Why be struck down?" So the
prophet stopped but said, "I know that God has determined to destroy you,
because you have done this and have not listened to my counsel."
Proverbs 5:11-14 At the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and
body are spent. You will say, "How I hated discipline! How my heart spurned
correction! I would not obey my teachers or listen to my instructors. I have
come to the brink of utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly."

Proverbs 1:24-33 But since you rejected me when I called and no one gave
heed when I stretched out my hand, since you ignored all my advice and would
not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh at your disaster; I will mock when
calamity overtakes you--when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when
disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm
"Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will
not find me. Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the LORD,
since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, they will eat the
fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes. For the way-
wardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy
them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of
Isaiah 5:24 Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks
down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like
dust; for they have rejected the law of the LORD Almighty and spurned the
word of the Holy One of Israel.
Hebrews 10:30 & 31 For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will
repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." It is a dreadful thing to fall
into the hands of the living God.

iii) Our LORD JESUS is very tender of the safety of HIS people and would not have
them needlessly to expose themselves to the fury of those that will turn again and rend
them. Let them not be righteous over much, so as to destroy themselves. CHRIST
makes the law of self-preservation one of HIS own laws, and precious is the blood of
HIS subjects to HIM.

Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: Now have come the salvation
and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the
accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled

The above will actually take place one day on earth. But we can still have this anytime we
are determined to walk free of criticism and fault finding and turn towards purity and love
and prayers for each other.

To bring correction in the church we must strictly observe:
Matthew 18 for any member whether general or elder.
1 Timothy 5:19 for the elders.
Galatians 6:1 for our motives which must be restoration with gentleness.

When this biblical procedure is ignored then the accuser of the brethren is attacking the
church. Remember that like JESUS we are called to pray for each other but not criticize:
Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died-more than that, who
was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Hebrews 7:25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God
through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

Therefore: If we see weakness our call is to supply strength.
If we see sin our call is to supply virtue.
If we see fear our call is to supply courage.
If we see worldliness our call is to supply holiness.

Our call is to stand in the gap in prayer till we see that gap is closed i.e. Until the church
is built up in that area.

Please read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (which is given below on the next page). A demonic
stronghold is any type of thinking that exalts itself against the knowledge of GOD; thereby
giving the devil a secure place of influence in an individual's thought life. Any area of our
heart or mind that is not submitted to JESUS is an area open to the attack of the devil. It is
here, in the un-crucified thought life of the believer's mind, that the pulling down of
strongholds is of vital importance. We must have "humility of mind" before real deliver-
ance is possible. Remember that humility comes before honour (Prov.18/12). When we
discover rebellion towards GOD within us we must not defend or excuse ourselves. Rather
we must humble ourselves and repent, exercising our faith in GOD to change us. Satan
feeds upon sin. Wherever there is a habit of sin in a believer's life then expect to find
demonic activity in that area. The sin habit often becomes a dwelling place for the evil
spirit that is robbing a believer of power and joy and that habitation (or habit) is a
Mark 6:12 & 13 They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove
out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.
Concerning deliverance of spirits that oppress the mind, repentance comes
before deliverance and deliverance often leads to healing in other areas.
Without some measure of repentance, deliverance is almost always impossible;
for though a spirit may be commanded to leave, the structure of the person's
thoughts has not changed and his wrong attitude towards sin will welcome the
spirit back.
John 14:30 the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me,
There were no strongholds, no wrong attitudes, and no faulty thinking process
in JESUS. Satan had nothing in JESUS. We also want to say the same. We do
not want Satan to have a secret temptation buzzer inside us that he can push and
have access to our souls.
Luke 2:35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.
If you truly walk with JESUS then many areas of our thoughts will be exposed.
There will be grace for you to repent and believe GOD to change you. You will
see strongholds fall and victories come.
But, I must warn you, that there will also be pressure from your flesh as
well as from the devil to minimize and ignore what GOD is requiring of
You may be tempted to surrender just a token sin or a minor fault, while
allowing your main problems to remain entrenched and well hidden. It is this
energy that we spend on keeping our sins secret or well defended by us that are
the materials that make up the strongholds. The demon that you are fighting is
actually using your own thoughts to protect his work and access in your life.

Very often our strongholds (particularly rejection) are because those who had responsibil-
ity over us made a mistake or sinned against us when we had little or no say in the matter.
Yet we take responsibility because it is NEVER what has happened to us that causes us

to act and do wrong BUT how we respond to what has happened. We must take personal
responsibility for our responses. Remember that the way to GOD is always opened when
we were wronged but we may have chosen our own response.
Hebrews 11:6 HE is a rewarder of those who come to HIM. It is GODs will that as
you come to HIM:
i. Every stronghold in your life be pulled down.
ii. Every imagination that supported and strengthened it be cast down.
iii. Every high thing that obscures GODs best for you be pulled down.
iv. Every thought be brought captive to CHRIST.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world
does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they
have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every preten-
sion that sets itself up against the knowledge of GOD, and we take captive every thought
to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience,
once your obedience is complete.
There are 5 basic steps outlined in the above scripture:
1. Pulling down of strongholds.
2. Destroying speculations (imaginationsor a rehearsing or a mental tape-recorder).
3. Putting down every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of GOD.
4. Taking every thought captive to the obedience of CHRIST.
5. Be ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is complete.

This is to dismantle a thought pattern or tear down a house of thoughts. E.g. The
rejection syndrome makes totally unreasonable actions appear reasonable. It makes
hate, self doubt, breaking of relationships inevitable and reasonable.

You may use three words to help the situation: (i) expose it (ii) oppose it
(iii) depose it.
(i) Expose it: be honest and open. Dont defend and justify yourself. Allow GOD to
expose it in you. E.g. resentment, rejection, anger, lusts. Say to yourself: I think
this way now. GODs Word says it is not HIS will to think this way. Yet I do.
Now I want deliverance.
(ii) Oppose it: I will not tolerate it. This binds me, limits me and breeds misery in
me. The only way to deal with a lie is to deal it with the truth of GODs Word.
Remember that strongholds are in the realm of imagination only and not reality.
(iii) Depose it: Make it a sin so that you can repent of it and oppose it again and
again. You are forgiven. But dont make it stupid i.e. believing in a lie, so you go
on and on and get bound in a stronghold that limits you. There are many of
GODs wonderful children that think stupid for themselves. They think they are

in a mess. They say that I am in a hopeless situation or that I am worthless,
GODs problem child, I will never succeed, I am in a mess. Now if they check
out what GOD says about them then all that they said is stupid. Therefore they
must oppose it. We all must have a regular diet of GODs Word and we must
accept & believe, rehearse & apply, act upon & exercise the truth of GODs
info system in our lives in order to be set free from our evil strongholds.

Every stronghold has an accompanying set of very fertile imaginations. Within your
mind there is a small area or room (unseen by human eyes) where no one else can
enter called your Imagination. You can enter this secret room of your mind any
time and can focus your thoughts upon a particular object, person or desire and can
thus form a mental picture. This mental picture is known as your imagination also
known as our minds eye. Our imagination translates our thoughts into a mental
picture in our minds. Our imagination is very important to GOD:
1 Chronicles 28:9 As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father,
and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches
all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts.
Psalm 104:34 May my meditation be sweet to Him;
Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be
acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.
Matthew 5:27 & 28 You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall
not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for
her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

If we allow these wicked and distorted imaginations to remain in us or if we continue
to meditate upon it then we become involved in a battle and our wills get weakened.
James 1:14 & 15 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own
desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and
sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
These imaginations can be of various types: expecting misfortune, abandonment,
rejection, lust, bitterness, revenge, fear, hate, jealousy We must flood our minds
and wills with GODs Word targeting our areas of unbelief. We must believe in the
credibility of GODs Word in our life instead of believing in our failure system,
otherwise on one can help you.

We have studied about the three sources of strongholds: (i) World around us (ii)
Wrong beliefs inside us (iii) Experience behind us. When these raise themselves
against the knowledge of GOD then they become dangerous and must be put down.
Examples are:
i. World around us: prevailing ideas in our society, customs and traditions and
religious systems that are against GODs Word. Mark 7:8 & 9 You have let go of

the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men." And he said
to them: "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to
observe your own traditions!
ii. Wrong beliefs inside us: maybe a high opinion of ourselves. E.g. Once my
husband is set free then I can really follow GOD wholeheartedly. If someone else
is your problem then you have two problems (a) a high opinion of yourself (b)
you have to wait to get right. But understand that GOD expects your godly
response and that you work at your obedience to GOD, Then when you get free,
so does your husband. See Step 5 below.

Honeywell had a system to pulverize dust in an electromagnetic field no sooner the
dust particle entered their research field area. Similarly our minds must be so charged
with GODs Word that no sooner a wrong thought enters our minds it is pulverized.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are
noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything
praiseworthy--meditate on these things.

Bondage is contagious in the world but so is liberty. When you get free, you set others
free. You not only become a model of freedom but you also become an instrument of
freedom. You get much spiritual authority over the devil.

There are 6 basic weapons:
i. Word of GOD: We must have the same view of GODs Word as HE has.
(Psalm 138:2d, Psalm 149:6, Ephesians 6:17)
ii. NAME of JESUS: We must put on the character of CHRIST and present HIM into
that situation. This is generally living in the opposite spirit. Where there is hate
present forgiveness, where there is anger present love, where there is greed present
giving, etc. JESUS rides on behalf of truth humility and justice. (Psalm 45:4)
iii. Blood of JESUS: Forever removes every accusation against us. (Revelation 12:11a).
iv. Word of our testimony: Confess GODs Word as it relates to our life.
(Revelation 12:11b)
v. Love not your life unto death: The devil (like dogs) smell fear. Fearlessness is to say
so what to every of the devils threats. (Revelation 12:11c).
vi. Praise: is the purest form of quoting and attesting truth. It releases GOD to work in
that situation (Psalm 149:6).

Expose the stronghold in step 1, oppose it in step 2 and depose it in step 3 below.
1. Identify the source:
(i) World around us
(ii) Wrong beliefs inside us
(iii) Experience behind us.
2. Confess the sin: holding yourself responsible for every wrong response.
3. Come against the stronghold by faith: Target the area the area by the 6 weapons of
warfare. Remember that it is GODs will that you should be stronghold free. Thank
and praise GOD. Lift up the warheads with the HIGH PRAISES. Praise HIM when
you are OK and when you are not OK. Do not look on the circumstance but on the
bigness of our GOD and the love of JESUS CHRIST for you.

Matthew 12:43-45 When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places
seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it
arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and
takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And
the final condition of that man is worse than the first.

Although the nature of an evil spirit is spiritual and not physical, it still seeks a "house "
where it may "rest". Now, a demon cannot dwell in a true Christian's spirit because it is
the dwelling place of the HOLY SPIRIT. The aspect of human nature that is most similar
to the ways and nature of an evil spirit is the carnal thought-life that belongs to the soul or
personality of man. It is in this place that an evil spirit may find rest and mask itself as our
attitudes and our opinions.

Now, if we are not going to bring CHRIST into the soul and yet try deliverance then the
danger is that the final condition of the man may become worse than the first. Therefore,
except in the case of physical afflictions, deliverance must not be attempted unless the
person is willing to submit his thought life to CHRIST. CHRIST must be allowed to build
HIS house of righteousness in the very area that Satan once lived.

Luke 11:21 & 22 When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his posses-
sions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the
armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils.

The "armour" which demons rely upon is the thoughts, opinions and attitudes that are in
agreement with evil. The armour of this passage is the same as the "strongholds"
mentioned in 2 Corinthians 10:1-4. Remember that the strongholds were pertaining to
Christians. Furthermore, these may be so hidden that we do not recognize them as evil.

Remember that the evil one was seeking "rest", that means that they were in harmony with
their environment. In other words when our thought life is in agreement with pride,
unbelief, fear or habitual sin, then the evil one is at rest.
It is significant that the process of deliverance quite often involves a season of turmoil and
inner conflict. This is a time when you are breaking your agreement with an enemy who
will fight to remain in your life. This is a good sign, but it does involve a period of

Heavenly FATHER, there are areas in my life (name the habitual sins) that I
have not fully surrendered to my LORD JESUS CHRIST. FATHER, forgive me of
compromise. I also ask YOU for courage to approach the pulling down of
strongholds without reluctance or willful deception in my heart.
By the power of the HOLY SPIRIT and in the NAME of JESUS, I bind the
satanic influences that were reinforcing compromise and sin in me.
I submit to the light of the SPIRIT of TRUTH to expose the strongholds of sin
in me.
By the mighty weapons of the SPIRIT and the WORD, I proclaim that each
stronghold in my life is coming down!
I thank YOU, LORD, for forgiving and cleansing me from all my sins by the
Blood of JESUS. And by the grace of GOD I commit myself to follow through in
these areas until even the ruins of these strongholds are removed in my mind.
I purpose, by the grace of GOD, to have only one stronghold within me: the
stronghold of the presence of JESUS CHRIST.

Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before you. I cover myself with the blood of
the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection.
I surrender myself completely and unreservedly in every area of my life to you. I take a
stand against all the workings of Satan that would hinder me in my prayer life. I address
myself only to the True and Living God and refuse any involvement of Satan in my prayer.
Satan, I command you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to leave my presence with all of
your demons.
I bring the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ between us.
Heavenly Father, I worship and give you praise. I recognize that you are worthy to receive all
glory and honour and praise. I renew my allegiance to you and pray that the blessed Holy
Spirit would enable me in this prayer. I am thankful, Heavenly Father, that you have loved
me from past eternity and that you sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to die as my
I am thankful that the Lord Jesus Christ came as my representative and that through Him you
have completely forgiven me. You have adopted me into your family. You have assumed all
responsibility for me. You have given me eternal life, you have given me the perfect
righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ so I am justified.
I am thankful that in Him you have made me complete, and you have offered yourself to me
to be my daily help and strength.
Heavenly Father, open my eyes that I might see how great you are and how complete your
provision is for this day. I am thankful the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ won for me on
the cross and in His resurrection has been given to me and that I am seated with Him in the
heavenly and recognize by faith that all wicked spirits and Satan himself are under my feet. I
declare, therefore, that Satan and his wicked spirits are subject to me in the name of Jesus
I am thankful for the Armour you have provided. I put on the Girdle of Truth, the Breastplate
of righteousness, the Sandals of Peace and the Helmet of Salvation. I lift up the Shield of
faith against all the fiery darts of the enemy, and I take in my hand the Sword of the Spirit, the
Word of God. I choose to use your Word against all the forces of evil in my life I put on this
Armour and live and pray in complete dependence upon you, blessed Holy Spirit.
I am grateful, Heavenly Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ spoiled all principalities and powers
and made a show of them openly and triumphed over them in Himself. I claim all that victory
for my life today. I reject all the insinuations and accusations and the temptations of Satan. I
affirm that the Word of God is true and I choose to live today in the light of Gods Word. I
choose Heavenly Father to live in obedience to you and in fellowship with you. Open my
eyes and show me the areas of my life that do not please you. Work in me to cleanse me from
all ground that would give Satan a foothold against me. I do in every way stand into all that it
means to be your adopted child and I welcome all the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
By faith and in dependence upon you I put of the fleshly works of the old man and stand into
all the victory of the crucifixion where Jesus Christ provided cleansing from the old nature. I
put on the new man and stand into all the victory of the resurrection and provision He has
made for me to live above sin.
Therefore, today I put off all forms of selfishness and put on the new nature with its love. I
put of all forms fear and put on the new nature with its courage. I put of all forms of

weakness and put on the new nature with its strength. I put of all forms of lust and put on the
new nature with its righteousness, purity and honesty. I am trusting you to show me how to
make this practical in my daily life.
In every way I stand in the victory of the ascension and glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ,
where by all the principalities and powers were made subject to Him. I claim my place in
Christ as victorious with Him over all the enemies of my soul. Blessed Holy Spirit, I pray
that you would fill me. Come into my life, breakdown every idol and cast out every foe.
I am thankful, Heavenly Father, for the expression of your will for my daily life as you have
shown me in your Word. I, therefore claim all the will of God for today. I am thankful that
you have blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am
thankful that you have begotten me unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from
the dead. I am thankful that you have made a provision so that today I can live filled with the
Spirit of love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faithfulness and self-control in my
life. I recognize that this is your will for me and I therefore reject and resist all the endeav-
ours of Satan and his wicked spirits to rob me of the will of God. I refuse in this day to
believe in my feelings and I hold up the shield of faith against all accusations and distortion
and insinuations that Satan would put into my mind. I claim the fullness of the will of God
for my life today.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I completely surrender myself to you Heavenly Father
as a living sacrifice. I choose not to be conformed to this world. I choose to be transformed
by the renewing of my mind, and I pray that you would show me your will and enable me to
walk in all the fullness of your will today. I am thankful, Heavenly Father that the weapons
of our warfare are not carnal but might through God pulling down of strongholds to the
casting down of imaginations and every high thing that exalt itself against the knowledge of
God, and to bring every thought into obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore in my
own life today I tear down the strongholds of Satan and I surrender my mind to you, blessed
Holy spirit. I affirm Heavenly Father that you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power
and of love and a sound mind. I break and smash the strongholds of Satan against my
emotions today and I give my emotions to you.
I smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my will today, I give my will to you, and
choose to make the right decisions of faith. I smash the stronghold of Satan formed against
my body today, I give my body to you recognizing that I am your temple. I rejoice in your
mercy and goodness.
Heavenly Father, I pray that now and through this day you would strengthen and enlighten
me, show me the way Satan is hindering and tempting and lying and distorting the truth in my
life. Enable me to be the kind of person that would please you. Enable me to be aggressive
mentally, to think about and practice your word, and to give you your rightful place in my
Again I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that you, blessed Holy
Spirit would bring all the work of the crucifixion, all the work of the resurrection, all the work
of the glorification and all the work of Pentecost into manifestation in my life today. I
surrender myself to you. I refused to be discouraged. You are the God of all hope. You have
proven your power by resurrecting Jesus Christ form the dead, and I claim in every way this
victory over all satanic forces in my life. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with

1. James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from
you. This is what we are going to do.
2. James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so
that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
3. Humble yourselves before God and confess your sins. (Especially pride, unforgive-
ness, habitual sins and for allowing evil spirits to deceive and influence you.)
4. I publicly confess Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God as my personal Lord and
5. I am now going to use the authority given me in the name of Jesus, as a child of God,
to remove all evil spirits and evil powers from affecting me in any way whatsoever.

As a child of God purchased by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ I renounce and cast out
all the sins of my ancestors. I cancel out all demonic working that has been passed on to
me from my ancestors whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. I cancel every curse that
may have been put on me. I renounce any and every way in which Satan may claim
ownership over me. All this I do in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Satan, I rebuke you in the authority of Jesus Christ. I declare your works in my life
destroyed. Jesus triumphed over you in the wilderness, on the cross, and in the grave.
His resurrection has sealed your fate Satan. I triumph over you now in the power and
authority of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All evil spirits I resist and rebuke your
efforts to oppress, afflict or deceive me. I remove from you the right to rob me of the joy
and fruit of my salvation I Jesus Christ. Through the power of the shed blood at Calvary
and the name of Jesus, I bind all and every evil spirit affecting me in any way whatsoever
and I command all these powers of darkness assigned to me to go out and away from me
now, and to leave and go where Jesus Christ orders you to go, never to return to bother
me or my family again. In Jesus name I am free. Lord Jesus, I now confess my
deliverance by faith and not by feelings, as directed in your Word.

Galatians 2:10

All they asked was
that we should con-
tinue to remember
the poor, the very
thing I was eager to

God God Made the World Evil Enters the World
The Tree of Life The Tree of Knowledge
of Good & Evil
Man and Woman
Satans Influence The Cross of Jesus -
Gods Rescue Act
Accepting Christ
In the beginning, before there was
anything else, there was God.
In the beginning, God created the
heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1,2
Satan was created by God, and originally
he was good. But with his free will he
chose to rebel, and Genesis 3 gives the
story of Satans influence over the world.
Jesus referred to Satan as the prince of
this world and the apostle John wrote :
The world is under the control of the evil
Colossians 1:16
John 14:30
1 John 5:19
In the garden of Eden, God planted
two trees, the first of which was the
tree of life. This represents all the
good things of God.
Genesis 2:9
The other tree in the garden was the
tree of knowledge of good and evil.
This represents the choice we have to
make : either good or evil. To choose
evil means death.
Genesis 2:16,17
Man and woman are created to enjoy
the gift of life, but with the ability to
choose either good or evil; death or
Genesis 1:26-28
Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat of
the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil. He tempted them to disobey
God, and like Satan, they rebelled. As
a result, they were cut off from God
and the tree of life.
Genesis 3:1-7
Genesis 3:21-24
The word the Bible uses for rescue is
redeem. The cross is God reaching
out to rescue us and unite separated
parties. Paul wrote: In Christ we
have redemption through His blood.
Ephesians 1:7
We therefore can come to God through
We A admit that we have been
deceived by Satan and have sinned
We B believe that Jesus died for our
We C confess / repent our sins
We D decide to follow Jesus
We E evangelise / tell others


1. Creator - He
desires our

2. He is holy, Just,
Merciful, Love. We
are not God.

3. He has personality.

4. Personal - opposed
to impersonal
energy force. If
God is like that we
are in trouble.

1. All have sinned.
Romans 3:23

2. Sin separates us
from God.
Ephesians 2:12

3. There is judgement
to come.
Hebrews 9:27

1. God came in
human flesh.
John 1:14

2. Jesus died to pay
the price for our
John 3:16

3. Jesus rose from the
1 Corinthians 15:3,4

4. We have forgive-
ness of sin.
1 John 1:9

5. Eternal life.
John 3:16

6. Relationship with
God restored.
John 1:1-12

1. If we confess our
1 John 1:9

2. Believe in Jesus.
John 3:16

3. Follow Jesus.
Repent, obey and
make Him Lord.

4. Deny self, take up
cross and follow
Matthew 10:38

5. Dont sugar the
Gospel; it is costly
to follow Jesus!

The Gospel in a nutshell, embellish it and explain about Jesus.



1. There is an all knowing God.
2. God is a Creator of all things, including us.
3. God gave us a book to live by THE BIBLE.
4. Man was created to have and enjoy a relationship with God.
5. God has a purpose and a design for our life.
6. Man was created with a free will.
7. Every man has chosen to break Gods Law, His design (to sin).
8. The penalty of sin is spiritual death and eternal separation from God and eternal
punishment in hell.
9. We need to be saved from going to hell and restored to a relationship with God.
10. We cannot earn our way out of going to hell.
11. God loves us and does not want us to go to hell.
12. God has extended an opportunity to us to be restored through Jesus.
13. Jesus is Gods one and only Son.
14. Jesus was born from a woman and lived as a man.
15. Jesus lived a perfect life.
16. Jesus was willing to pay the penalty of sin for us.
17. He allowed Himself to be crucified and buried.
18. Three days later God raised Jesus from the dead.
19. Jesus is now alive, now living in heaven with God.
20. We can be restored to relationship with God by asking Gods forgiveness for
sinning and inviting Jesus to come and live in our inner person by His Holy Spirit.
21. We must quit breaking Gods law and live Gods way from the Bible.
22. God will give us strength, by His Spirit, to live the way we should.
23. Someday Jesus will return again; to take us to His wonderful home; HEAVEN!


The Benefits The Cost
Forgiveness Acts 10:43
Washed in the blood Revelation 7:14

Healing. Isaiah 53:5
Eternal Life. John 6:47, Philippians
Ask, seek, knock. Matthew 7:7-8
Join Gods family. John 1:12
Give up all. Matthew 8:18-22
Persecutions. Mark 10:28-31
Self Surrender
Temple. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Price Paid for. 1 Corinthians 7:23
Died for all. 2 Corinthians 5:15
I no longer live. Galatians 2:20
Do not present a Gospel that only
talks about the benefits!
For this reason many people fall away
when trials or tests come their way.
Divine ownership
Temple of God. 2 Corinthians 6:16
All souls belong to God. Ezekiel 18:4

Explain sin : Selfishness - Self centeredness - Self rule. Look at history. When we look
at history with man ruling what are the results?
Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin, Caesar, Alexander, Mussolini and
Three questions to ask people

Where would you go if you were to die tonight?
What are the qualifications for getting into Heaven?
Why should I let you into my Heaven?

If you are going to follow Christ you must be prepared to do
three things.

Give up everything you know to be wrong.
Be willing to be known for who you are.
Hand over the driving seat of your life to Jesus Christ.


Isaiah. 53:6-10 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and
afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a
sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and
judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off
from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken. He was
assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no
violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the Lords will to crush him and
cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his
offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.

Isaiah 55:6 & 7 Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord,
and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

Galatians 1:3-5 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus
Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to
the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Acts 2:21-23 And everyone who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Men of
Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles,
wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.
This man was handed over to you by Gods set purpose and foreknowledge; and you,
with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.

Acts 3:18 & 19 But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the
prophets, saying that his Christ would suffer. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your
sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven
given to men by which we must be saved.

Acts 5:31 & 32 God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he
might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. We are witnesses of these things,
and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.

Acts 13:38 & 39 Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the
forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is justified
from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses.

Galatians 2:16 Know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in
Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by
faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be


Ephesians 2:1-10 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in
which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the
kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us
also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and
following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath.
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with
Christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved.
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ
Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his
grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been
saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works,
so that no one can boast. For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do
good works, which god prepared in advance for us to do.

John 8:23 & 24 But he continued, You are from below; I am from above. You are
of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do
not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.

1 John 1:8-10 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is
not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to
be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.

1 John 3:4-6 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. Bur you
know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No
one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him
or known him.

1 John 4:9 & 10 This is how God showed his love among us; He sent his one and
only son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved
God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

1 John 5:10-13 Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his
heart. Anyone who does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because he has
not believed the testimony God has given about his Son. And this is the testimony: God
has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who
does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe
in the name of the son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

Revelation 3:20 Here I am ! I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice
and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of god is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still
sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 10:9 & 10 & 13 That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with
your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess
and are saved. For, veryone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave
the right to become children of God.

John 3:16-21 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his
Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever
believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned
already because he has not believed in the name of Gods one and only Son. This is the
verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because
their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the
light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into
the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they
may have life, and have it to the full.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to


Theres a God in Heaven and He made everything, you, me, the whole world, and
everything in it. He created us to know Him, love Him, and have a relationship with Him.
We are the most important aspect of His creation. He made us to know Him and Serve
Him. But human beings have turned away from Him. Theyve rejected Him, turned their
backs on Him. We dont want to serve God we want to do our own thing. Thats called
SIN. SIN is that attitude within us that rejects the will of God. Lots of people have all
kinds of individual sins like swearing, lying, cheating, blaspheming, sexual sin etc. But
the root problem is weve all turned our backs on God and we are separated from Him.
Its like the day sometimes the sun is out there somewhere, but you cant see it because it
is covered by a cloud. SIN is like that it hides God from us so that we cant see Him. So
whatever we try to do we cant get back to God because SIN separates us from God. But
you know Im a Christian so what does that mean? It means God has done something
about our SIN, Hes broken into our lives. God became a man and that is who Jesus was,
He was fully man and fully God. He was a human being just like you and me. He broke
into our world and became a man. What do we do about that? Do we say well done God,
thank you for coming to us? No we rejected Him just as weve always rejected Him and
we killed Him by putting Him to death on a cross. So when He died on a cross He was
actually taking our SIN upon Himself and was actually being punished for our SIN. And
the cross is Gods way of bridging the gap between us and Him. And the opportunity now
exists for you and me to be restored to God, to come back to Him. And the only way to do
that is by putting our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive our SIN and put us right with
God. Is that something you would like to do John?
Nine aspects of the exchange that took place on the cross

1. Jesus was punished that we might be forgiven.
2. Jesus was wounded that we might be healed.
3.Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness that we may be righteous with His
4.Jesus died our death that we may share His life.
5.Jesus endured our curse that we might receive His blessing.
6.Jesus endured our poverty that we may share his abundance.
7.Jesus bore our shame that we might share his glory.
8.Jesus endured our rejection that we might have his acceptance.
9.Our old man died in him that the new man may come alive in us.


1. Have you ever given much thought to spiritual things?

2. What would you say is mans greatest spiritual need?

3. Have you ever thought about your own need for salvation?

4. What would you say a person needs to do, to be saved?

5. How do you go about receiving salvation?

6. Can I show you three or four verses in the Bible that tell what a person must do to
receive salvation?
Aim for a decision
1. Mans need. Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

2. Sins penalty. Romans 6:23a for the wages of sin is death.

3. Christs remedy. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

4. Gods gift to man. Romans 6:23b but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus
our Lord.

5. How to receive. Romans 10:9 & 10 & 13 If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is
Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your
mouth that you confess and are saved. For, Everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved.
1 Corinthians 2:1-3 When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or
superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know
nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in
weakness and fear, and with much trembling.

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an
answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do
this with gentleness and respect.

Always follow up new Christians personally with:
Bible: Make sure they get a Bible or give them one.
Prayer: Pray for them and teach them to pray.
Witness: Encourage them to tell someone what Christ has done for them.
Warn: How Satan can attack and discourage and how to overcome him through
spiritual warfare.
Teach: Introduce them to a foundational teaching course.
Meet: Contact them within 24 hours.
Explain: It can be costly to follow Jesus.
Baptism: Urge them to seek baptism as soon as possible.

Visit them as often as possible
Follow up does not mean just one visit. The new convert is a spiritual baby and they need
constant care, love, protection and feeding just like a human baby. This means time and
commitment and sacrifice.

A New Creation
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has
gone, the new has come!
1 Peter 2:2 Like new born babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow
up in your salvation.

Have Assurance of Salvation
1 John 5:11-13 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in
his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not
have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that
you may know that you have eternal life.
John 6:47 I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.

Ask God for your needs
John 16:24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will
receive, and your joy will be complete.

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door
will be opened to you.

A person has become a disciple when they are discipling another.

1 Corinthians 6:19 & 20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were
brought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body.

God exists
Genesis 1:1 John 1:1 & 2 Hebrews 11:6 Psalm 19:1
Romans 1:20

God created us
Genesis 1:26 & 27 John 1:3 Revelation 4:11 Jeremiah 1:4 & 5 (a)

God loves us
Psalm 36:10 Romans 5:28 1 John 4:9 & 10 John 3:16
Ephesians 2:4-7

God has a purpose for your life
Joshua 1:8 Romans 8:29 Ephesians 1:4 Jeremiah 29:11
Philippians 1:6 Ephesians 1:11 & 12 Micah 6:8 1 Timothy 1:6
Ephesians 2:10

We have a free will
Deut. 30:19 & 20 Proverbs 1:29-31 John 7:17 Joshua 24:15
Mark 14:36 Romans 1:18-23

Everyone has broken Gods law
Genesis 6:5 Isaiah 64:6 Romans 3:23 Isaiah 53:6
Romans 3:10 Romans 5:12

There is eternal punishment for breaking Gods law
Matthew 18:8 John 3:36 Jude 1:7 Matthew 25:31-46
Romans 6:23 Revelation 20:11-15

We cannot save ourselves
Psalm 49:7-9 Romans 5:6 Titus 3:3-7 Acts 4:12
Romans 7:18-25

God wants to save man
Luke 19:10 Romans 5:8 & 9 John 3:16 2 Peter 3:9

Jesus Christ is the Son of God
Matthew 16:6 Luke 9:20 John 8:58 Matthew 27:54
Luke 22:70 & 71 Hebrews 1:4 Mark 1:10 & 11 John 1:14
I John 4:9-15 Luke 3:21 & 22 John 3:16

Jesus was born of human flesh
Isaiah 7:14 Luke 2:7 Philippians 2:5-8 Matthew 1:23
Romans 1:1-3 Hebrews 2:14 Luke 1:31 & 32

Jesus lived a sinless, perfect life
2 Corinthians 5:21 Hebrews 5:9 1 Peter 1:19 Hebrews 4:15
Hebrews 7:26 2 Peter 2:22

Jesus died as a substitute for us
John 3:16 Romans 6:8-12 2 Timothy 1:15 John 11:25
2 Corinthians 15:3-8 1 John 2:20 Romans 5:8 2 Corinthians 5:15
I Peter 3:8 Romans 3:25 Colossians 1: 17-24

God raised Jesus from the dead and Jesus is alive
Matthew 28:2-7 Luke 24:33-39 Romans 10:13 Mark 16:3-7
Acts 2:22-24 Romans 10:9

We must put our faith in Christ as the only salvation available
John 8:23 & 24 John 14:6 Romans 10:13 John 10:7-11
Acts 4:10-12 2 Corinthians 5:17

God grants forgiveness when we repent and receive Christ
Luke 24:46 & 47 Acts 2:37 & 38 Romans 10:9-11 John 1:12
Romans 8:1,2 1 John 1:9

We must turn from our way of life to Gods way (Bible)
Jeremiah 29:11 Romans 4:7 Galatians 5:22 & 23 Proverbs 3:24
Romans 6:14 Philippians 4:6 & 7 John 10:10 Romans 8:1
Colossians 3:15 John 14:27

Trusting Christ gives us eternal life in Heaven
Matthew 25:46 John 3:36 John 14:1-6 John 3:14-16
John 6:40

The Bible is a reliable source of truth and authority
Romans 15:4 2 Timothy 3:16 Hebrews 4:12 2 Peter 1:21

HINDUISM The four Vedas
The Vedas were written by Veda Vyasa, a Dravidian, in order to propagate Christianity.

There are four Vedas - Rig Veda, Yagur Veda, Sama Veda and Adhavana Veda.

In the tenth Mandala of the Rig Veda it specifically talks about the sacrifice of Christ for
the sins of the world.

ISLAM - The Koran
The Koran contains 114 books called Suras. These are not divided into chapters as in the
Bible. The first number in each reference corresponds with the name of the Sura. The
following numbers are verses. For example, Al-Nur 24+35 is Sura Al-Nur, verse 35. The
number 24 is the number of the Sura making it easier to locate in the Koran.

Allah, through his words, gives three good tidings to his son. Named the Messiah, Jesus,
son of Mary, is honoured in this world and the next. (Al-Imran 3:45:51)

Born of a Virgin
The angel said to Mary, I am but a messenger from thy Lord, that I may give thee tidings
of a righteous son who will grow up to maturity. She marvelled, How shall it be that I
shall have a grown son, seeing that no man has touched me and I have not been un-
chaste. The angel said, So it is, but the Lord saith, Its easy for me. (Maryam
Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary (Al Imran 3:45,51)
Jesus' ascension (Al-Nisa 4:58) He is alive
Jesus is the Word of God (Al-Nisa 4:17)
Jesus death and resurrection (Maryam 5:17)
Jesus as Creator (Al-Imran 3:49)
Jesus as Advocate (Al-Zumer 39:44)
Jesus followers exalted (Al-Imran 3:49)
Jesus is Intercessor (Al-Imran 3:45)
Jesus honoured in this world and the world to come (Al-Imran 3:49)
Jesus the Miracle Worker (Al-Imran 3:49)
Christs death before Ascension (al-Maidah 5:11)
Some people say that the Bible has been changed. The Koran says that the Koran itself
acts as a guardian for the Bible. (Al-Maidah 5:46-48)
Mohammed recommends the Bible as truth (Yunos 10:94)
Mohammed heard from God, if in doubt, read the Bible (Yunis 10:94)
The Koran should correct the Bible (Al-Maidah 5:46)
The Bible is guide and light (Al-Maidah 5:46)
All are to believe in the Bible

Matthew 7:37-38
Some reasons I sometimes dont take the opportunity to talk about Christ are:
___ 1. I am afraid others wont accept what I say and I dont want to be rejected.
___ 2. I dont have significant friendships with non-Christians.
___ 3. I dont really know what to say if I tried to begin a conversation about Christ with
___ 4. If I did get into a discussion, I am afraid I would be unable to answer questions
that they would ask.
___ 5. I just dont like to impose my views on others.
___ 6. I am not very good at conversations, especially those that are serious.
___ 7. If I did talk with someone, I am unsure about what to tell them about Jesus.
___ 8. I dont know enough Scripture to help me explain he message of Christ.
___ 9. I can tell the message of Christ all right, but I dont know how to invite a
response to the message.
___ 10. I lack experience in actually sharing the Gospel.
___ 11. I am afraid I will offend others if I witness.
___ 12. I know that if I try I wont do a good job, so why try?
___ 13. Who am I to talk? My life is not so great, and I dont want to be a hypocrite.
___ 14. I just do not feel motivated to witness.
___ 15. I do not have the gift of evangelism.
___ 16. I dont have the time to get involved with others in this way.
___ 17. I have seen Christians witnessing to others, and I would feel embarrassed to do
that sort of thing.
___ 18. I am afraid of people.
___ 19. My friends seem not to be interested.
___ 20. I get so focused on my responsibilities, I lose the sense of my world as a mission
___ 21. I am afraid it will jeopardize my job, or career, or promotion.
___ 22. Other reasons: _________________________________________________

1. Pray for yourself: for guidance for whom to pray, for vision.
John 16:13 & Acts 4:29
Put your reputation in the hands of God.

2. Pray that God begins to draw those around you to Himself.
John 6:44
Let the aroma of Christ out of your life.

3. Pray they begin a spiritual journey to know God.
Acts 17:27a
Our lifestyle should make them homesick to know their God.

4. Pray for the removal of specific defences in their lives against the knowledge of
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Pray that Satan is prevented from blinding them to the truth.

5. Pray the Holy Spirit works in them.
John 16:8-13
Pray the Holy Spirit creates discomfort in them.

6. Pray they believe the Scriptures.
Romans 10:17 & 1 Thessalonians 2:13
Pray they see truth in our lives; then we can give due credit.

7. Pray the Lord sends someone to lead them to Christ.
Matthew 9:37 & 38
It may be you! The Harvest is greater than the available workers.

8. Pray for the Lordship of Christ in their lives.
Philippians 2:9-11
Save them eternal grief by having it happen now.

9. Pray they will yield everything to Christ to follow Him.
2 Corinthians 5:15 & Philippians 3:7 & 8
Pray they will count the loss and see the value of Christ.

10. Pray they will take root and grow in Christ.
Colossians 2:6 & 7
Sometimes cleaning them seems harder than catching them!

Ask the Lord to show those He wants you to personally invest yourself in. List the names
of those you feel directed to by the Lord.

_____________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ____________________________

What is the spiritual condition of each of them? What, if any, is their spiritual back-
ground? What are their attitudes toward God? Do you see any indications of conviction
in their life?

What are some of their needs? How does their life show the absence of Christ? What
dead-end streets are they travelling?

What are the difficulties, or barriers, you feel to being able to share Christ with each of
them? (e.g.: Unsure how to approach them, schedule, afraid of their response, personality
characteristics, feel inadequate, they have seen you to be inconsistent, you need to ask
forgiveness, you have been rejecting them).

What steps can you take to walk into their world? What are their areas of interest? What
are their hobbies? How can you initiate contact with them? How and where could you
begin in conversation with them? How could you meet some of their needs? What kind
of ministry could you perform in their life?


How can you bring Christ into the conversation? How is Christ Lord of your life in the
area of conversation? What questions can you ask to help you direct the conversation?

Are you familiar and comfortable with Gods plan of salvation? Do you know: Romans
3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9 & 10 & 13; John 3:16-21; 1 John 5:12; Ephesians 2:8 & 9;
John 1:12; Acts 4:12 ? Is there Scripture on a specific subject or problem you need to
know? Have you learned how to lead them in a prayer of commitment?

How can you be specifically praying for them, especially according to Ephesians 6:12
and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5? What are some of the barriers and fortresses in their life?
What are some of their needs? Have you asked them how you can pray for them? Are
there areas in which you need to pray for yourself in relation to them?

What are some specific growth goals you can give yourself? How do you need to grow
spiritually? What initiative do you need to take? What disciplines do you need to

You can do this! God believes in you!
2 Corinthians 5:18 & 19

DATE: INTERVIEWER: ________________________
(Circle appropriate answers)


DO YOU HAVE A RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND? ________________________




THAT? __________________________________________________________
WHAT DO YOU WANT MOST OUT OF LIFE?__________________________


WHAT IS SIN?______________________________________________________












John 1 :12 I am Gods child.
John 15:15 I am Christs friend.
Romans 5:1 I have been justified
1 Corinthians 6:17 I am united with the Lord, and I am one spirit with Him.
1 Corinthians 6:19 & 20 I have been bought with a price. I belong to God.
1 Corinthians 12:27 I am a member of Christs body.
Ephesians 1:1 I am a saint.
Ephesians 1:5 I have been adopted as Gods child.
Ephesians 2:18 I have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit.
Colossians 1:14 I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.
Colossians 2:10 I am complete in Christ.


Romans 8:1,2 I am free forever from condemnation.
Romans 8:28 I am assured that all things work together for good.
Romans 8:31-34 I am free from any condemning charges against me.
Romans 8:35-39 I cannot be separated from the love of God.
2 Corinthians 1:21 & 22 I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.
Colossians 3:3 I am hidden with Christ in God.
Philippians 1:6 I am confident that the good work that God has begun in me
will be perfected.
Philippians 3:20 I am a citizen of heaven.
2 Timothy 1:7 I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a
sound mind.
Hebrews 4:16 I can find grace and mercy in time of need.
1 John 5:18 I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.


Matthew 5:13 & 14 I am the salt and light of the earth.
John 15:1 & 5 I am a branch of the true vine, a channel of His life.
John 15:16 I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
Acts 1:8 I am a personal witness of Christs.
1 Corinthians 3:16 I am Gods temple.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
2 Corinthians 6:1 I am Gods co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9).
Ephesians 2:6 I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realm.
Ephesians 2:10 I am Gods workmanship.
Ephesians 3:12 I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The best way of finding out what your spiritual gifts are is through the honest com-
ments of your brothers and sisters in the Lord. No test is more effective than feedback
from those whom you serve, but the questionnaire below will help you explore twelve
potential areas of gifting. The results of the test should be looked at with others in your
church to allow a realistic assessment, which will help you to serve others.

Respond to each statement below using the following scale:
0 = Never (very unlike me)
1 = Rarely (unlike me)
2 = Not often (somewhat unlike me)
3 = Sometimes (neither like or unlike me)
4 = Quite often (somewhat like me)
5 = Most of the time (like me)
6 = Always (very like me)
Answer according to who you are, not what you would like to be, or think you ought to be!
1. I am able to give directions to others so that they accomplish a task effectively.
2. I strengthen those who are feeling low.
3. I have led others to become genuine Christians.
4. Even when I have no money, I trust God to provide.
5. I enjoy giving to those in need.
6. One of my contributions to the church is to pray for the sick.
7. When I speak, people seem to listen & respond positively.
8. I notice people with physical or mental problems & try to reduce their

9. People tell me how much they appreciate my support & concern for them.
10. I have a strong sense of what God has to say to people in response to a
particular situation.

11. I look for things that need to be done & do them, even without being asked.
12. I devote considerable time to studying the Bible in order to communicate truth
to others.

13. When I talk with others, I feel comfortable responding to difficult situations.
14. Others have mentioned that I seem to enjoy routine tasks & that I do them

15. I challenge believers to confront & turn from their sin, even in the face of
rejection or accusation against me.

16. I like to help others grow in their walk with the Lord & remain patient when
they slip.


17. I enjoy ministering to sick people.

18. Other Christians follow me because they trust me.

19. I am praying for the sick because I know that many of them are healed as a

20. I give considerably more than 10% of my income to the Lords work.

21. Others tell me that I have faith to accomplish what seems totally impossible to

22. I keep looking for different ways to talk about Jesus & what Hes done for me.

23. I reassure those who are about to take difficult steps of obedience to God.

24. Once I know a goal, I like to develop a plan or strategy to meet it.

25. I see people as gifted & valuable resources who need to be co-ordinated to be
really effective.

26. I like to spend time with hurt or bruised people & see them resorted.

27. I invite people to receive Christ as Lord & Saviour.

28. I have believed God for the impossible & seen it happen.

29. I am fulfilled in sharing my money & possessions without expecting anything
in return.

30. Others have told me that God healed them of an emotional problem when I
prayed with them.

31. Im able to manage people & resources to get a job done.

32. I feel such compassion for hurting people that I actively do what I can to reduce
their discomfort.

33. I can grasp what a person is really wanting to communicate whether they
actually say it or not.

34. I find myself in situations where I intuitively know something that helps
minister to someone.

35. I respond cheerfully when asked to do a joy, even if it seems dull or boring.

36. People say they learn a lot when I talk about the Bible & they seem to be
motivated to study it more on their own.

37. I am able to see how different Bible truths relate to one another.

38. I like to use my home to bless people.

39. I enjoy sharing what God says to me.

40. I have given practical guidance to others, which led to relationships being

41. People call on me to help those who are lonely or in need.

42. It seems that many Christians look to me for my thoughts & actions before
deciding what to do.


43. Through my prayers, I have been able to see emotionally confused people
experience peace, understanding & healing.

44. I am so confident that God will meet my needs, that I give to Him sacrificially
& consistently.

45. I visualise great things for the cause of Christ and take action, even without
seeing how I can accomplish them.

46. I like those around me to know that I am a Christian & hope they will ask me
about my relationship to Christ.

47. I am at my best when I listen to & encourage confused and troubled people.

48. I am able to handle a lot of detail at the same time even when they include
many different activities.

49. When I think about an event, I can clearly see the potential problems.

50. People come to me when they feel low or depressed & seem to be cheered up.

51. I share joyfully of how Christ has brought me to Himself in a way that is
meaningful to non-believers.

52. I am confident that even in difficult times I can achieve great things for God.

53. I am willing to maintain a lower standard of living in order to give to Gods

54. God has used me personally to perform supernatural signs & wonders.

55. I can motivate a variety of people in the church to work together in order to
accomplish the task in hand.

56. I help those who are helpless & whom others think are undeserving.

57. When a person has a problem, I can gently guide them to the best Biblical

58. I receive supernatural information from God (beyond my natural knowledge)
about a person or situation.

59. I feel there is spiritual significance in the jobs I do for the church.

60. I enjoy relating Gods truth to everyday life so that Christians develop healthy
attitudes & values.

Please see the following pages for the Test Score Sheet and Explanation of the results.

Write the score for each question, from your questionnaire, in the appropriate,
numbered box. Then total up the scores on each row.
Your total score does not really matter, but your highest row scores indicate the gifts
you could be moving in.
1. 24. 25. 48. 49.
2. 23. 26. 47. 50.
3. 22. 27. 46. 51.
4. 21. 28. 45. 52.
5. 20. 29. 44. 53.
6. 19. 30. 43. 54.
7. 18. 31. 42. 55.
8. 17. 32. 41. 56.
9. 16. 33. 40. 57.
10. 15. 34. 39. 58.
11. 14. 35. 38. 59.
12 13. 36. 37. 60.

ADMINISTRATION - The ability to understand, plan and execute activities that increase
the churchs organisational effectiveness. 1 Corinthians 12:28

ENCOURAGEMENT - The ability to reassure, strengthen and affirm those who are
discouraged or doubtful. Romans 12:8

EVANGELISM - The ability to effectively communicate the message of the Gospel to
unbelievers that they respond in faith and discipleship. Ephesians 4:11

FAITH - The ability to believe God for the impossible or in the face of colossal difficul-
ties or extra ordinary circumstances. 1 Corinthians 12:9

GIVING - The ability and willingness to make money and give it generously and
cheerfully for the advancing of the Kingdom of God. Romans 12:8

HEALING / MIRACLES - The ability to minister physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual healing to those in need, to accomplish supernatural acts that defy physical laws
of nature. 1 Corinthians 2:9 & 10

LEADERSHIP - The ability to motivate, manage and move people to fulfil Gods purpose
in their lives and in the Church. Romans 12:8

MERCY - The ability to identify with and to minister cheerfully and appropriately to
people who are suffering of experiencing pain. Romans 12:8

PASTORAL - The ability to care for and listen to individuals or church groups in the
body as they grow in their faith. Ephesians 4:11

PROPHECY - (Word of knowledge, interpretation)
The ability to exhort, instruct or comfort by the power of the Holy Spirit, making known
Gods Word and His purposes. Romans 12:6 & 1 Corinthians 12:8 & 10

SERVING / HELPS - The ability to meet the needs of others and to attach spiritual value
to physical tasks within the body of Christ. Romans 12:7 & 1 Corinthians 12:28

TEACHING - The ability to understand and present facts by engaging in research and
detailed study in order to find truth. Romans 12:11

Fear is the biggest hindrance to evangelism. Churches are so crippled with fear they
dont evangelise.

Change your focus. Dont think what is going to happen to me, think what is going
to happen to them. They are going to come to know Jesus Christ and be set free
from powers of darkness.
What is it you think is going to happen to you? Well it is not going to happen.

1 Rejection. Isaiah 53:6, John 1:11. We are uninvited people taking an uncom-
fortable message to a Christ rejecting world where at times we will be rejected.
2 Loss of reputation. Philippians 2:7 . Jesus made himself nothing when he hung
on the cross.
3 Fear of man. Someone you know may see you. Proverbs 29:25, 1 John 4:18.
Perfect love.
4 Feeling inadequate - Paul. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5.
5 Meeting difficult people. Excuse yourself.
6 Answering difficult questions. Thats a good question. Psalm 81:10. Open wide
your mouth and I will fill it.

Take them all to God.
1 Corinthians 4:10 I am a fool for Christ, whos fool are you?
2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a
workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the
word of truth.

1 Overflow: Just like a cup overflowing with water. Its the good news of Jesus
Christ in you just over flowing. Its no big deal people see it and they are attracted
to it. It has that quality that is missing in much evangelism, its natural.
2 Knowing: JESUS CHRIST loves you and telling others he loves them.
3 Prayer: Proclamation - Preservation.
4 Information: Invitation - Instruction.
5 Basically: Evangelism means looking to Jesus Christ as the source of life, and his
life in your life will make a difference in this world of ours and that what its all

Romans 10:14 & 15 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they
hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?
As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
How will they know if we dont tell them so ? If not you, who? If not now, when?

To evangelise the world with Gods good news is not an option for the follower of
Christ nor is it the sole territory of a few idealists who choose to be different. Jesus Christ
made worldwide witness the business of every believer. Multiplied millions of lives are at
stake make this priority number one.


1. Share with your Pastor that you would like to form an evangelism team.
2. Tell him you attend a School of Evangelism and you learned many things about
3. Tell him you would like to do some open-air meetings or door-to-door evangelism.
4. Tell him how this can help the church:
a. Bless the team members.
b. Reach people in the neighbourhood.
c. Bring souls into the Kingdom of God and the Church.
1. Dont get angry at your Pastor if he doesnt jump about with enthusiasm over your
2. Remember that your Pastor may have never seen an effective open-air meeting. He
may associate the ministry with crackpots that he has seen on the streets.
If it is difficult to build a team, go out with a friend. God will honour your faithfulness
and provide a team.
1. Tell six Christians that you would like them to come with you to a neighbour-
hood meeting. They dont have to do anything just watch you.
2. Do this for a month (one of two meetings a week) gradually working the team
into participation.
3. After the meetings are established, invite the Pastor and other Church leaders
to come and see what is being accomplished. DO NOT ASK them to speak or
take part.
4. Suggest that the Church could start a follow-up class for new Christians.
5. Another way of forming a team is to mention it to the Youth Group. Mention
this as a one-time opportunity. Try to have these meetings once a month.
Trust the Lord for them to catch the vision and provide you with a regular
1. Be faithful, having meetings at least once a week.
2. Ask the Pastor if your open-air meetings can be shared and mentioned for prayer
during the Church prayer service.
3. Try to have some older Christians on the team for maturity and balance.
4. Encourage the Church to do an in-depth follow-up program through:
a. Personal visits
b. Establishing Bible Classes
c. Direct Bible correspondence through the mail.
5. Join periodically with other Churches who are doing evangelism (Steel sharpens
a. It provides good fellowship.
b. It provides further training.
c. Get others in your Church to do some evangelism training.

Produced and Published by Professional Quality Support & Assistance Network.
(P) 2004.
All material copyright David L.
All Scripture is quoted from:
1973, 1978 & 1984 International Bible Society

For training the Saints to be more effective Evangelists

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