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Create the Life

You Would Rather Be Living
By Tobin and Russell

Five Simple Techniques to Change your Life

In Less than One Minute a Day

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

The LAO Advantage:
The infinite possibilities life offers
when you have the skills and courage to....

Larry Tobin and Randall Russell

The LAO Advantage

PO Box 809
Ruidoso, NM 88355
(505) 937-3675
Version 1.1

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin


Preface: To Succeed In Life You Need An Advantage

The “5-Second Focusing “ Techniques in Personal Growth

Anchor Your Advantage 5

Affirm Your Intentions 13
Design Personally Powerful Goals 20
Celebrate Success 27
Release Failure 32

30-day “I Create My Day™” Journal

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

To Succeed In Life You Need An

Some people are born to their advantage. They come into this world
with unique talent, beauty, wealth or connections. Success is theirs for
the taking—or theirs to lose.

For the rest of us, success comes only with great effort. Rather than
family connections to rely on, we have family history to overcome.
Lacking obvious gifts, we search for hidden talents.

Yet we each, in our own time, come to realize that there is one
advantage available to everyone equally. Not an advantage given, but an
advantage to be seized.

What is your advantage? The ability to imagine a better life, and focus
your mind to create it!

That’s what 5-Second Focusing techniques will teach you —how to gain
an advantage in life by wiring your mind to succeed.

Let’s get started!

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Can You Imagine A Better Life?

How you view yourself, and how you react to the people and events of
your life, exist in your mind as neural patterns that have developed over
time. This is the neural “wiring” that makes you who you are.

This hasn’t been done to you—it’s been done by you. Your own
thoughts, actions and experiences—the significant emotional events of
your life—have created the wiring of your current view of life. In other
words, you view life according to your own experience of life.

Regardless of whether you consider this fortunate (life has been good to
you) or unfortunate (life’s been rough), it’s simply the way the mind

The important thing to understand is that this wiring is not permanent.

(Phew…) It can change! You can re-wire your mind at any time. The 5-
Second Focusing techniques you will learn in this book will teach you

Wire Your Mind To Succeed

Some people’s life experiences wire their minds to limitations. They

dwell on failure, live on dreams, and walk and talk as if already defeated.

If this describes your life now, it doesn’t need to any longer. You can
change the neurological wiring that directs you toward negative
thoughts and actions.

Through the daily use of 5-second Focusing techniques, you will direct
your mind to see life differently than you did as a child. You will build
new neural pathways and become the person you now know you are
capable of being. This is not only possible but far easier than you

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
You just need to imagine a better life, and take the time—even less than
one minute a day—to create it.

Here’s how.

5-second Focusing—The Keys to Peak Performance and

Quantum Personal Growth

The five 5-second Focusing techniques in this book will teach you to:

One—Live Your Advantage.

Dedicate yourself each day to an emotionally healthy view of your
present, past and future. Create success from your personal advantage.

Two—Affirm Your Intentions.

Affirm specific changes you intend for your life. Actively design the
person you want to become each day.

Three—Design Personally Meaningful Goals.

Communicate daily goals directly to your subconscious mind. Envision
your true creative potential and find that you amaze even yourself.

Four—Celebrate Success.
Build a neural network of success experiences. Enjoy the undeniable
feeling of success each and every day.
Five—Release Failure
Let go of failed goals and thinking. Direct your thoughts toward only
what is important to your life now.

Neurological-based peak performance techniques like 5-second Focusing

are usually taught only in expensive week-long training. They are the
elite skills in personal performance training. Yet, in this book alone, you
will learn how your body and mind can work together to create the
change you seek in your life. And, amazingly, how easily it can be done

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
in less than one minute each day! (We guarantee it. But, more on that

You will learn to present yourself differently to the world, so the world
will respond differently to you. And success, you’ll discover, is truly “at
your fingertips!”

(The LAO Advantage is condensed from the ebook, Wired To Succeed.

This expanded ebook includes instruction on how to teach 5-Second
Focusing techniques and other quantum personal growth™ skills to your
children in the home or classroom.)

Ready then? Let’s begin with the first 5-second Focusing technique,
Anchoring Your Advantage.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Anchor Your Advantage

Successful businesses operate from a mission statement. Religions

operate from a creed. Both describe in only a few words the basic
principles that guide thoughts and actions. They outline the beliefs that
make them different—that give them their unique advantage.

You, too, have a unique “advantage” over others. And your advantage can
guide you toward your success. In this first skill, you will discover your
advantage and put it to daily use.

First, however, a brief neurology lesson. We think you’ll find it


Neurology, briefly.

Imagine your brain as an enormous, dense forest (think Amazon Rain

Forest) crisscrossed by innumerable trails—some barely visible, others
wide and well-worn. Hikers crossing this forest either cut their own
trail (lots of work) or follow an existing trail headed in their general
direction (much easier.)

In a similar way, your every thought travels across your mind on neuro-
trails or pathways. And, just like the lazy hiker, each is drawn toward
existing similar patterns of neural firing. This helps the mind to process
efficiently. For instance, the mind rapidly recognizes that “four legs and
tail” is probably a dog, and, if snarling, one to be avoided.

Of course, the animal may turn out to neither a dog nor a danger. But,
safety being a priority to you, “dog, snarling, danger” was still the
dominant neural pathway at that moment.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
A child, on the other hand, not having built this neural pathway, would
simply approach a pet dog as readily as a guard dog and begin his own
lessons on safety. (Good thing we learn quickly.)

In this same efficient manner, an optimist’s thoughts are drawn toward

seeing the positive outcomes he has most often experienced, while a
pessimist’s thought snap toward what will “most likely” go wrong. Each
person’s thoughts simply hop onto the most practiced “trails” they find.

In this way our thoughts tend to be consistent (that’s good) but also
resistant to change (hmm, not so good.)

It’s simply how the brain works most efficiently. And here’s how you
can use that to your advantage.

Living Your Unique Advantage

People who spend their days rehearsing only negative opinions of

themselves and their life find that new thoughts tend to confirm these
same defeatist attitudes.

Going to a job interview expecting to “blow it like last time, “ their

thoughts will be drawn toward the mistakes they expect to make. The
interviewer, sensing their anxiety will probably not see all the positive
qualities they might have intended to show. This is what we call “living
your disadvantage,” that is, trapped in your past.

Now imagine if you spent only a moment or two each day rehearsing a
healthier, more confident view of yourself and your life. Imagine telling
yourself every day (even if you sometimes have doubts) that you do love
the person you are, warts and all. That you do accept the things you’ve
done, even the things you would have changed. And that your mind is
open each day to a better way, even when you’re not sure what that
might be.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
If you were operating from these beliefs, consider how you might
approach life differently. You’d probably become less critical of yourself,
recognizing that you’re usually doing the best you can. You’d spend less
time dwelling on the past mistakes and more time focusing on how to
make the best of today. You’d probably find more joy in just being who
you are.

We don’t all have great natural gifts. But those who are “comfortable in
their skin”—who like themselves, accept their past and are excited
about their future—stand out in any crowd. They glow with an
advantage that even the very successful can only envy.

If this described you, wouldn’t others notice these changes? Not only
would their impression of you change, but their reactions toward you as
well. And this change would become positively contagious.

Imagine each day, your new thoughts and experiences continuing to

confirm your new perspective. As this thought-pathway grows “wider”
with increased neural firing, it rapidly becomes the easiest “trail” for any
new thoughts to follow. In time, you’ll simply find that you are living
this healthy perspective just as consistently as you did your earlier
defeatist one.

A world of possibilities you never knew existed can open before you.
You need only the courage each day to actively seek a better way.

There’s nothing magical here. It’s just neurology. Just how the mind
works—at peak performance.

So here’s how to put this into practice.

The Power of Your UniqueAdvantage

You have a special advantage in life—a unique combination of personal

history, experiences and perspective. You are the only person who has

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
lived exactly the life you have lived, and views life exactly the way you

This unique advantage can give you an edge in life—a blessing—that

can bring you great success. Or, it can be ignored and bring you nothing.

The power of a unique advantage is only available to those who recognize

and use it. (This is what successful people have learned to do—and you
can, too.)

You recognize your advantage when you fully embrace your unique
family and personal history, accept responsibility for all you’ve done and
learned, and stay open to all you are capable of being. Only from this
healthy perspective can you avoid the traumas and limitations that
define so many others’ lives.

You use your advantage when you remind yourself of these things daily.

Living Your Advantage

Later in this chapter, we’ll help you design your own brief advantage
statement. In it, you’ll describe a healthy perspective on all that your life
has been.

For now, however, you can use the words of the LAO Affirmation below
as your daily advantage statement. We call it your LAO Advantage.™

“I Love who I am,

Accept the things I’ve done, and
am Open each day to a better way.”

The Lao Advantage™ (Love, Acceptance, Openness) defines an

emotionally healthy view of one’s present, past and future. It’s a view of
life you will soon be enjoying.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
To “love who you are” states your acceptance of the conditions,
circumstances, and possibilities of your life. You recognize that “you”
are your greatest tool to achieve success, and your only means to enjoy
it. Embracing your absolute uniqueness, you honor those who have
loved you and invested time in you just as you are.

In the second phrase (“accept the things I’ve done”), you accept
responsibility for all your past decisions, and the circumstances they
created. You focus on what you have learned—not what you would
change. You accept consequences, forgive others and yourself, and move
on, embracing even the things you had to learn the hard way.

To have a mind that is “open each day to a better way” affirms your
constant receptiveness to change and growth—growth in your beliefs,
habits, and lifestyle. You proclaim your willingness to change anything
about your life the moment you become aware of a better, more positive

The LAO affirmation addresses three primary origins of emotional

difficulty and limitation in life: self-loathing, the paralysis of regret, and
fear of change. Each repetition counters the thoughts and experiences
that would create these feelings in your life.

Seize Your Daily Advantage

Over the next weeks, recite the LAO Advantage™ (“I love who I am, accept
the things I’ve done, and am open each day to a better way”) aloud or to
yourself at least once a day, and particularly when you are feeling very
positive about something in your life at that moment.

Each time you recite your advantage, “anchor” these thoughts by pressing
your left thumb to the tip of your left little finger. This gesture anchors
sensation to thought (you’ll learn more about this later) and, stimulates
the heart meridian as well.

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Anchor and recite your Advantage when you first awaken to start your
day on a positive note. Take these few seconds to anchor an enjoyable
moment with your spouse, children, or at work. Anchor the beauty of
the sunset as you’re driving home.

Each time you recite the LAO Advantage,™ or glance at the LAO Logo, you
are building neural links to the warm feelings of that moment. With
each repetition, you build mental patterns that are more fully accepting
of who you are, who you’ve been, and who you hope to become.

In the days and weeks ahead, you will begin to feel this positive
perspective taking firm hold on your life. That’s a good thing.

Let these few words “anchor” you to the wonder that you’ve found and
the courage you’ve shown in life—and the unique advantage that your
experience has given you.

Designing Your Personal Advantage

On the following two Note Pages, you can list your own specific
thoughts and images to recall each time you anchor your LAO
Advantage™. Each specific memory makes the LAO Advantage™ more
powerful to you. You can also design your own unique advantage
statement to anchor throughout your day.

Anchoring Your Advantage is the first 5-second Focusing technique. Next,

you will learn how you can make even more specific daily changes in
your life by wiring your mind to “become as you state yourself to be.”

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Giving More Power To Your LAO Advantage™
Each time you anchor the LAO Advantage,™ specific thoughts will come
to your mind that confirm this healthier view of your life.

Stating that you love “who you are” will bring to mind specific details of
your family life, heritage, culture, and the personal skills and
experiences that make you absolutely unique in the world. Similarly,
you will recall specific past experiences you’ve learned from and
“accept”, and dreams of the person you are “open” to become.

In time, your every repetition of the LAO Advantage™ will anchor you
into an ever-expanding neural collage of positive personal memories and

As an example, a person might soon find that their simple, one-line LAO
Advantage™ statement actually links to “l love. . . (being multi-ethnic,
raised in the city, daughter of Sara, proud of my heritage, pleased with
my art, caring of children, a Taoist at heart, proud of my grades, learning
chess, lover of mornings, mysteries, movies and proud of what I’ve made
of my life).”

And continue on to “Accept. . . (last year’s mistakes, my parent’s

shortcomings, the shape of my body, my features just as they are, the
neighborhood madness I endured, the apologies I’ve made, the debts I’ve
repaid, the time I wasted, opportunities missed, and everything I had
learned the hard way).”

And finally, “And I’m open. . . (to a fresh start each morning, any
thoughts that give me more patience, not putting things off, finding a
way to Europe, eating better, any ideas to improve my work, a different
style of clothing, letting go of anger, a new thought each day, and any
ideas that will help me enjoy my life more fully).”

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
When you realize you have built and are tapping into a neural network
of thoughts and ideas far more extensive than you could even begin to
describe in words, you will appreciate the beauty of anchoring!

On the following two pages, you can jot down just some of the main
thoughts and ideas that build the power of your LAO Advantage™.

As you state the following sentence to yourself, you further increase the
power of your LAO Advantage™ by directing your subconscious to treat
or “re-route” anything that has kept you from fully embracing these
things about yourself in the past.

“Whenever I anchor the LAO Advantage I direct my subconscious

mind to treat any thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, or emotions that have
limited, or would ever limit my appreciation and celebration of
myself as…”
(State your family connections: e.g., son/daughter of, ancestor of, proud
to be…)

“who enjoys…” (List your talents, interests, accomplishments, and


“love and cares for…” (List the people, places, beliefs, and ideas that are
important to you.)

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
“accepts myself to be (or accept that I have)…” (State the
unchangeable circumstances of your life—physical characteristics, early
childhood experiences, family or cultural upbringing, etc.—and past
events or decisions that cannot be changed.)

“and have the potential to (or am open to)…” (List your hopes,
dreams, future plans, and any aspect of your life that you are open to
changing or improving.)

Design Your Own Advantage Statement

You may be inspired to combine the most important of the above
thoughts to create your own brief, unique advantage (personal mission)
statement that you would like to anchor each day.
Write it below and then commit it to memory.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Affirm Your Intentions

If you think of your advantage to be like the “operating system” of your

computer, then the next two skills (Affirming Intentions and Designing
Goals) are the “software” to help you make specific daily improvements
in your life.

A business grows by meeting or exceeding its objectives. In the same

way, spiritual growth comes through the power of prayer.

In peak performance, you use affirmative statements to direct your

subconscious mind to help you achieve all that you desire, and become
all you are capable of being.

First, however, a few words on “anchoring” and the “subconscious


Anchoring—The Body and Mind Remembering Together

“Success is at your fingertips.” Haven’t you often wished that were true?
You’ll soon discover it to be far more true than you ever imagined!

As we mentioned earlier, every thought cuts a unique pattern of neural

firing across the brain. These neural patterns contain sensory
information collected from locations throughout the entire body.

That is, the sensory information being sent by the body to the brain is
also locked into the neural memory of every thought and experience. In
other words, your mind registers both your thought and what you were
sensing when you thought it.

For example, you’ve probably noticed that when you recall your first
kiss, or a championship ball game, you can almost taste, smell, and feel
Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
the moment. You’ve also noticed how that certain perfume or the smell
of your baseball glove can throw your thoughts back to each wonderful
evening just as easily.

These connections show how both your thoughts and your feelings are
linked together in memory.

In this same way, when you anchor an affirmation with a specific

physical action, such as the thumb-to-little finger gesture, it focuses the
subconscious mind to build an even stronger neural link to this moment.
That’s what you want—the body and mind working together to
incorporate this thought into your daily life.

And A Few Words On The Subconscious Mind

Your conscious mind guides your thoughts while your subconscious

mind guides your automatic actions.

Ever wonder how you can drive safely (for the most part) for hours
while your mind is “miles away?” As your conscious mind is planning
out your day, your subconscious mind makes sure you turn the wheel,
check the mirrors, breathe, pump your heart, and a few other rather
important things your conscious mind is paying little or no attention to
at the moment.

If a car suddenly swerves in front of you, the conscious mind will

immediately re-engage to “think” about how to avoid an accident.
However, until that instant, your subconscious reactions are in charge.

It is the job of the subconscious mind to conduct your automatic bodily

functions, such as pumping the heart, and also your minute-by-minute
“automatic” reactions to people and events. It does this according to

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
how your previous life experiences have “pre-programmed” it to respond
to keep you alive and safe.

Many of your everyday reactions are guided by the subconscious in this

way. Sure, if you “really thought about it,” you might not reach for that
next cigarette or finish that too-rich dessert, but the conscious mind
often doesn’t engage early enough to intervene.

The point: if you really want to change your behavior, it will help to
have your subconscious working with you. How do you do that?

Well, you trick it! (Hey, good idea.) You tell the subconscious what you
want to be true about yourself, regardless of whether it is or not yet. In
other words you affirm that you are “making healthier eating choices
each day,” and with that statement, you initiate your intention to do
exactly that. Then your subconscious will act on these best intentions
whenever it’s in charge. And that’s exactly what you want. That’s the
beauty of it.

How To “Become As You State Yourself To Be”

Think about your daily life as you would like it to be. Not in the general
terms of the LAO Advantage™, but in specific daily actions. How would
you most like to act and react to the people and events of your day?

Here are some examples:

…I can listen to my boss without losing my temper.
…I’m feeling healthy and exercising daily.
…Each day I attract and seize new opportunities to make money.
…I deal quickly with small matters and am greatly productive.
…I’m losing weight and I’m feeling great.
…I live the life of a non-smoker.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
To come up with some ideas, complete the following opening sentence:
“My life will be better when…

When you think of a completion statement you would most like to be

true (even though you know it isn’t) write it down.





Congratulations. You’ve just written your first affirmation!

It won’t sound like a “true” statement because, well, it’s not, yet. It’s an
image of what you want to be true, and a directive to your subconscious
to help you make it come true.

Again, you will anchor this statement on your left hand. However, this
time touch your left thumb to your left ring finger (a point associated
with emotional balance). As you do this, state only your completion
sentence (“I am…”) aloud or to yourself. Finish with a very deep belly

Anchor and recite this same intention every day for a few weeks. Repeat
it in the morning after you anchor the LAO Advantage™ on your little
finger. Recite it during the day whenever you most wish it were true. Do
it as often as you’d like. You may include, at any time, other affirmations
as well.

Each time, finish with a deep breath and visualize your life as if this
statement were actually true. Imagine how you would feel, what you
might do differently, and how the world would come to view you. This
mental preparation is critical in creating the change you want to occur.
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(Remember, you are trying to convince your subconscious that it is true,
so the more detailed your visualization, the more convincing you will
be.) Then continue on with your day.

Remember, your subconscious mind is in charge while you’re watching

TV later, driving, or engrossed in your job. And during these “automatic
times” it will direct your mind away from food cravings if you’ve
convincingly stated that you are “eating healthier everyday.”

Wouldn’t it be great to have your subconscious helping you out? That’s

the power of affirming your intentions. It’s another way you wire your
mind to succeed.

Affirming your intentions directly to the subconscious mind as if they

were true, is a powerful peak-performance technique. Like objectives or
prayers, you’ll find it works best with focused attention and daily
repetition. It’s easy, takes only seconds, and you’ll be amazed at how
soon your view of yourself begins to change. Yes, it may even be
immediately. Try it out.

On the following Note Pages, you’ll find a list of affirmations you might
want to consider for your life. On the second note page you can write
specific intentions you’d like to affirm in your life over the next weeks
and months.

You’ve now learned two important techniques. You’ve practiced

anchoring your LAO Advantage™ to your little finger and affirmations
to your ring finger. Practicing both will take less than 10 seconds (yes,
that’s seconds) each day. That still leaves you 50 more seconds in your peak
performance minute for other techniques.

Let’s move on to the third 5-second Focusing technique.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Sample Affirmations
I attract loving, supportive people into my life.
Every day and in every way I grow more capable.
I take pride in my work.
I am a warm and caring person.
I am supportive of others.
I am honest with myself and with others.
I meet people easily and speak with confidence.
My confidence grows with each day.
I accept my past without regrets.
I make small decisions quickly and am highly productive.
I can focus my attention better and succeed.
I easily find creative solutions to daily problems.
I am caring and loving toward those who depend upon me.
Each day I attract, recognize and seize healthy opportunities.

List below other affirmations that you enjoy.

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Write down specific intentions that you wish for your life. You can use
the following “affirmative” preface statement if you are stating several
intentions at once:

“My life is better (marvelous, successful, etc.) now that:

Describe the person you intend to become—physically, emotionally,

socially, professionally, spiritually.

State any ways in which you would like to react differently than you do

Describe exactly how you would like the circumstances of your life to
change. How would you hope your life to be?

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Design Personally Powerful Goals

We all daydream. It can be very entertaining.

But when important things we want for our lives remain only
daydreams, it’s not fun. It’s just frustrating.

Dreaming alone won’t get done all that you want to accomplish in a day.
But designing meaningful personal goals will.

The goals you set define who you are. They give meaning and purpose to
your life. Through your goals you define what success means to you.

You can direct your subconscious mind to help you turn dreams into
achievable goals. It’s easy to do. In no time you’ll find that designing and
meeting goals is every bit as enjoyable as daydreaming—and far more

How Your Visions Become Reality

Have you ever wondered how your mind sets your body into action?

When you look out at a street scene, your mind fires neural patterns it
recognizes to match those of buildings, people, animals, etc. Through
these visual images, your mind makes sense of your world.

Similarly, when you want your body to do something, (pick up a cup,

for example) the mind works from images also—not visual images but
mental images.

Before it directs your arm muscles to fire, the mind first envisions your
arm reaching out and picking up the cup. The muscles of the arm and

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hand then extend to grasp the cup to recreate this mental image as a
visual reality out in the world.

Every action you take first begins as a mental image in your mind. You
imagine what you want, create an image of having it, and then mind
directs the muscles to get it.

When you create a mental goal image, it is the job of the subconscious
mind to help you fulfill this image in the real world. To do this, your
subconscious becomes hyper-aware of anything that might help you. It
sorts through everything and everyone you’ve ever known that might
link to the mental goal image you have envisioned.

Suddenly, you notice just the tool you need, figure out a new approach,
and remember the friend who might be able to help you. This is your
subconscious mind at work. It is the unseen player behind every
successful goal.

Communicating a clear goal directly to your subconscious mind is the

secret to effective goal setting. This is how you wire your mind to make
your dreams come true.

It’s a simple process you are about to learn.

Designing Personal Goals

Designing personal goals is easily done with these four steps:

1) Select a worthy personal goal,

2) Anchor your vision of the goal-result,
3) Write down or take one physical action to communicate your
commitment and
4) Evaluate how you’ve done.

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To get started, first clear your thoughts by either taking a deep breath or
by saying to yourself, “Stop. Clear.” to set aside distractions. (This is
good technique any time you need to focus your thoughts.)

Then you can begin what is, at once, both the easiest, and the most
difficult, task in goal setting: knowing what you want.

This is where most people fail before they even get started.

You’ve heard people say that they want “to be rich” or “be a star” or “be
happy.” Expressing vague dreams such as these is not the same as
stating an achievable goal. The subconscious mind needs a little more
than this to go on!

On the other hand, to decide that you will “make improvements and
clear $30,000 on the sale of this house next month” is to state an
achievable goal. It is clear and specific. It gives some idea of the steps
necessary, and includes a time frame for completion. You can begin to
achieve this goal immediately with a hammer, nails, and paint, while
your subconscious mind is helping you come up with some great
marketing ideas.

Imagining The Steps To A Better Life

Time to give it a try.

Take a minute to imagine a goal you want to achieve. Make sure it is

reasonably specific, achievable—even if you aren’t sure exactly how you
might begin to achieve it—and includes a time frame.

Be certain that the goal you set is of personal value to you. If you set
goals only to please others, your mind will only work half-heartedly to
achieve it. Once you begin setting personally meaningful goals, you’ll
notice the difference.

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When you have something in mind, envision the completion of the goal.
To do this, complete the following statement:

“I’ll know I’ve accomplished this goal when….”

In the earlier example this may be, “I’ve made the improvements,
marketed the house well, and I’m signing the closing.” The completion
of a goal this evening may be, “The kids are in bed before 8:00, and I’ve
closed their bedroom door.”

State only your completion of this sentence (“I’ve made improvements…”

or “The kids are…”) In this way, you communicate only the result of your
goal to your subconscious mind—the very image of your goal being
successful. This is important.

With an image of the successful result of the goal—including any

specific sights, sounds, smells, and feelings—the subconscious
approaches this goal as if it has already been achieved. With this mental
image to work from, the subconscious sets about to (re-)gather
resources and (re-)focus your attention on completing this goal with the
belief and confidence that it has already been completed. (Tricked again!)

Working from this image, your subconscious mind will come up with
amazing ways to make the goal possible that you never would have
imagined—though, of course, you did! (The mind and body are working
together to make you great! That’s a good thing.)

Now, to communicate even more clearly that you are serious about
achieving this goal, take one physical step toward achieving it.

The easiest, quickest way is to anchor your left thumb to, now, your
middle finger while stating your goal result either aloud or to yourself.
Finish with a deep belly breath while you enjoy your image of
successfully completing this goal. (In traditional studies, the middle
finger is associated with authority and decisiveness, both important to
goal setting.)
Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Next, if you have the opportunity, (for instance, you’re not driving, or in
the shower) take a moment to write down this goal result. These two
actions together, anchoring and writing down the goal result, clearly
move your goal from thought into action.

(Writing down tomorrow’s goals each evening is the single most

important time management tool you will ever learn! We consider it so
important, that we have included 30 days of goal Journal pages in back
of this book. Once you begin, and find yourself completing things you’ve
been setting aside for months or years, we’re certain you’ll want to
continue. Just give it a month and then you can decide.)

If possible, continue with one more concrete step toward achieving this
goal. This may be to write down any resources needed, steps to be
taken, or to actually get started. If your goal is to start an exercise
program, call the gym, buy new shoes, or invite a friend to join you. The
sooner you act on it, the better.

Anchoring your goal result, writing it down, and taking additional steps
toward achieving it, clearly communicates to the subconscious that this
is not just a wish or a daydream—it’s an achievable goal you have
already begun to fulfill.

The fourth and final step is to evaluate whether you’ve succeeded or

failed to meet this goal in the time frame you set forth. Doing this will
help you recognize success, release failure, or refocus your efforts to
retry. (Skills Four and Five will teach you more about the importance of
this step.)

Putting It All Together

Let’s briefly review the four steps you just followed to design your
personal goals:
1) You selected a worthy personal goal,
2) You anchored your vision of the goal-result,
Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
3) You wrote it down or took one physical action to communicate your
commitment and
4) You evaluated how you did.

There is, of course, far more to actually achieving a goal (only Dorothy
got to Kansas by just clicking her heels) but this is the essential
underlying neurological process.

In no time at all, setting tomorrow’s goals at the end of each day will
become as automatic as flipping off the lights and locking the front
door. In no time, you’ll be creating the life you only imagined possible.

Designing powerful personal goals is your third skill in creating a life of

peak performance.

(Additional details on how to design worthy goals, prioritize goals,

teach goal setting to children and other goals setting tips can be found
in Wired To Succeed.)

You’ve now learned three 5-second Focusing techniques you can practice
daily. You can anchor your advantage to your little finger and an
affirmation or two to your ring finger. Then, continuing on up the hand,
anchor your main daily personal goal to the middle finger, write it
down, and you’ve still taken less than 40 seconds of your day. (Not

That leaves you 20 seconds yet in your peak performance minute. So

let’s move on to the fourth 5-second Focusing technique—Celebrating

Teaching goal-setting with the phrase, “I’ll know I’ve accomplished this when. . .” is
terminology copyrighted by R. Russell, 2004.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Sample Page Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Celebrate Success

You succeed at many things every day. But do you ever stop to celebrate
them? Do you even remember them?

Successful people do! They remember and celebrate their every

success—big, little and barely noticeable. It’s a trick they learned early
in life. You can use it, too.

This fourth technique teaches you to anchor each daily success into your
neural memory with a special gesture—your success anchor. This builds a
pool of “success memories” to help you recognize all that you do well
each and every day.

It’s time for you to become good at celebrating success, because there is
a lot more coming your way!

Success. Would You Know It If You Felt It?

Do you know what success feels like? There are many people who don’t.
Ironically, many of them are highly successful individuals.

For some, the joy of success is instantly overwhelmed by a compulsion

to do something bigger, something better.

Others feel unworthy even when they do succeed. They remember each
success as only an isolated event and never feel that they themselves
could ever be truly “successful.”

Others recognize success in their minds, but don’t celebrate it in their

bodies. They “know” they’ve done well, but they feel no physical release
and satisfaction. As frustration builds, these people sometimes turn to

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
high-risk activities, or drugs to supply the body with the “rush” their
career successes no longer deliver.

There are also many who seek success with little idea of what exactly
success means to them! They spend their lives seeking to achieve
something they never stopped to define. In a word, they wouldn’t know
success if it smacked them in the face (as it has probably been doing for

What does success feel like?

Success is the sense of personal triumph, thrill, and satisfaction that

comes when you accomplish something you set out to do. Success comes
when you define a goal and meet it. This is why goal setting is so
important. If you never state what you want, how can you ever be
satisfied with what you get?

Success is something you recognize in your mind and celebrate in the

body. And you can do that all day long! After all, that’s what successful
people do.

And this is how.

Anchoring Success

For the next few weeks, every time you successfully complete a goal, or
feel successful for any reason, you’re going to anchor this feeling into
both your mind and body.

You may have a celebration gesture you already use (fist in the air, for
example.) If not, we’ll suggest the more subtle action of snapping your
thumb upward from both your middle and index finger on your left
hand as a success anchor. (This action is different than the normal “snap
your finger,” as it uses both fingers and snaps upward to a “thumbs up.”
Again, not a gesture you generally use otherwise.)

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
You can also include any celebration word you choose (“Yes” “Great”or
“All right!”) either aloud or to yourself. For even better results, add a
brief description of your success (“Yes, I’m getting this!”)

Follow up with deep, full breath, and your celebration is complete.

Together, these three actions (anchor, celebration word, and breath)

release the hormones of satisfaction and pleasure to both mind and
body. Each new success you anchor into this “pool” of success
experiences builds this neural network stronger and makes it more
satisfying to you.

How often can you use this? As much as you’d like. (This is a good thing
to become addicted to!) Each time you celebrate, the neural network
of that action or thought increases its influence upon your mood and
actions. In this way, you actively wire your mind to become the
person you hope to be.

When you hop out of bed early, snap your success anchor and say,
“Alright, I’m on top of this day!” and take a deep breath. That’s a success.
You grabbed an apple for dessert instead of the calorie-rich chocolate
cake? Once again, anchor it (“OK, eating better today”) and add that
victory into your pool of successes.

The mind doesn’t distinguish between big successes (a million dollar

contract) and little successes (remembering to fill up the gas tank on
time). It registers each success equally into your neural network of
success experiences. So anchor any thing and every thing you catch
yourself doing well today. On the following Note Page you can write
down past successes to wire them into this network as well.

You’ll find you’ll enjoy it immediately. It’s fun to reward yourself, and
recognize all you do well. Within weeks it will become a new, positive
habit in your life.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Success will never again be something you fail to recognize, or just
register in your mind. Success will be what you feel throughout your
body, throughout your day, and throughout your life!

You’ve now learned four 5-second Focusing techniques. If you celebrate,

say, ten successes each day, that adds on 10 seconds. That makes a total
of 50 seconds each day to practice the four skills you’ve learned. Let’s
see. That leaves you enough seconds in your daily minute for one more
technique—learning to release failure.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Celebration Notes

Throughout this next month, jot down previous successes that come to
mind as you anchor each new success. You can incorporate these past
success memories into the neural-network of successes that you are
building at this time.

“Each time I anchor a success, I direct my subconscious mind to

recall the memory and feeling of success that I experienced when…”

In childhood

Academic achievement

Relationship joys

Work success


Small and incidental successes each day

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Release Failure

Not everything you do will meet with success. There are goals that fail,
mistakes that are made, and things to forgive.

This fifth technique teaches you to overcome failure and move beyond
negative thoughts by interrupting a negative neural-pathway and
creating alternate pathways dedicated exclusively to letting go.

The Importance of Releasing Failed Goals

As you’ve learned, when you design a goal, you create a mental picture of
what you desire. Then your subconscious mind organizes your thoughts
and directs your attention to fulfilling that mental image out in the

However, when you fail to meet that goal, your subconscious mind does
not automatically stop pursuing it. It keeps on trying. Though this
sounds good, it’s really not.

Pursuing unmet goals diverts focus and mental attention from other
truly attainable goals. In fact, continuing to fixate on unmet goals and
negative thoughts can become a major stumbling block to your success.

But they don’t need to be.

When you release a thought or action, you interrupt the neural network
it has created in your mind. This immediately reduces the influence that
negative neural pathways have upon your thoughts and actions. In this
way, you wire your mind toward the more positive views of life you have
celebrated and affirmed earlier.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
You can learn to consciously release unmet intentions and free your
thoughts to be truly successful. You can learn to live for only what is
meaningful to you today.

The Importance of Distinguishing Failure From Success

You’ve learned to create an image of the successful completion of each

goal you design. This image is your measure of success, and you are the
only person who can evaluate it.

If what you create in the world is a close enough match, that’s success.
Celebrate. If not, the goal failed. No problem, just release, redesign if you
like, and move on.

Failing to meet a goal doesn’t mean you are a failure—it just means you
didn’t create exactly what you expected. Only with this clear
distinction between success and failure can you improve your goal-
setting ability to bring greater satisfaction. (Are your goal images often
not what you really want? Are you too willing to settle for less? Are you
satisfied with failing and feeling sorry for yourself? Why do you fail to
create what you thought you wanted?)

It is not “failing” that causes people to “feel like a failure.” That feeling
comes when you direct endless attention to unachievable goals. The
moment you accept having failed to meet a goal, you can feel the
excitement of a new goal forming. And your mind is, once again, wired
to succeed!

The Action of Letting Go

To release failed goals and unwanted thoughts, again decide on a

physical cue that you will use for this purpose alone. Maybe you pretend
to wad up a piece of paper and toss it over your shoulder. If so, that will
work fine.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
If not, we suggest folding your middle and ring fingers downward and
covering them with your thumb and then “flicking” them outward from
the thumb as if they had been glued together. This can be done on either
hand. This release (a gesture traditionally associated with removing
obstacles from one’s life) directs the subconscious mind to re-route the
neural pattern of this thought and all that you associate with it.

Now, while stating or thinking of the goal, thought, or intention that

you wish to release, flick your failure release. You can also say, aloud or to
yourself, “Away” or “I’m busy with today” or “Let it go. Move on” or
something similar. Then take a deep breath and enjoy the moment of

Finish with your LAO Advantage™ to return you to the warm feelings
you’ve anchored to these words.

This action can also be used to “reject” or release remarks made to you or
about you that you don’t want to become part of your neural memory.
Immediately release insults, name-calling, or discouraging statements
using your release and a dismissing word, such as “I don’t need that” or
“I’m not going there.” Again, finish with the LAO Advantage™ and a deep

Each time you flick your failure release, you practice the release of
subconscious attention to failed goals or negative thinking. Each time
you practice this, you get better at letting go.

To release the emotional buzz of stubborn negative thoughts and

emotions (and find creative solutions) you can combine this release
gesture with your LAO Advantage™ in the following manner. Say, “Even
though…” and state the emotion you’re struggling to move beyond while
flicking your release. Then tie it to the statement, “…I still love who I am…,
etc.” while anchoring your LAO Advantage.™ For example, “Even
though I’m still angry at how I was treated at work last year (flick) I
still (anchor) love who I am, accept the things I’ve done, and am open

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
each day to a better way.” (See the bibliography for more on similar
emotional freedom techniques.)

Sometimes this action may be all you need to move on. Other times it
may make you aware of needing to correct a mistake, repair damage or
ask forgiveness, often of yourself, before you can move on.

Try this for a few weeks and enjoy the feeling of focusing only on what
is important to your life today. On the Note Page that follows you can
record thoughts you intend to release over the next weeks.

O.K. Let’s add five more seconds for five thoughts you need to release. In
fact, we’ll even add four more seconds for a really bad day. And your
total comes to 59 seconds—just short of a minute as we promised.
(Ahhh. . . )

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Thoughts To Release

List below any past failures, negative thoughts, memories, and words
spoken to you that you want to release over the next weeks.

What unmet goals do you still give attention to, though you know they
proved impossible to achieve?

What memories do you wish to direct less attention toward?

Are there unhappy or unpleasant experiences you have learned all you
can from, and are now able to release?

List any negative words that have been spoken to you that you reject
and dismiss.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
A Day Of Peak Performance

You’ve now learned the five 5-Second Focusing techniques that you can use
daily to achieve peak performance. They have been simple to learn and
easy to remember. If you practice them daily, they will change your life.

Even though practicing all five of these techniques only involves 60

seconds of your day, you may wish to establish a routine for those
especially busy days.

Many people anchor their LAO Advantage while still lying in bed. Others,
recite it into their dresser or bathroom mirror.

You may do all five at once over a morning coffee or tea. In less than one
minute you can state your advantage, affirm a positive intention or two,
anchor and write one achievable goal, celebrate a few daily successes
and release a couple of old failed thoughts. Or you may prefer simply
anchoring on your way to work. Either is a great way to start the day.

Wouldn’t these be worth one minute of your day?

Today is a day of peak performance personal growth.

Today you begin to more fully love who you are, accept the things you’ve
done, and remain open at any time to a better way.

Today you seize your advantage!

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
Finally, here’s our NO RISK guarantee as we promised.

If, after 30 days of journaling, you don’t feel you are creating a more
successful day mail the completed book, and a description of how you
felt it failed to meet your expectations to: The LAO Advantage, PO Box
809, Ruidoso, NM. 88355. We’ll be happy to send you a full refund
without question.

We welcome any an all comments to TheLAO@gmailcom or by phone

to Larry Tobin at 505-937-3675.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
I Create My Day™ Journal

Begin today using your I Create My Day™ Journal to record your daily
advantage, affirm one intention, state one personal goal and list any
additional To Do items.

At the end of each day, evaluate your personal goal, and set a new goal
(and list any To Do items) for the next day. This gives your
subconscious mind all night to work on finding solutions and defining
the resources needed.

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin
30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 1 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 2 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 3 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 4 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 5 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 6 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 7 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 8 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 9 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 10 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 11 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 12 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 13 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 14 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 15 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 16 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 17 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 18 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 19 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 20 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

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____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 21 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 22 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 23 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 24 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 25 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 26 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 27 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 28 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 29 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

30-Day ‘I Create My Day™ Journal’
Day 30 Date ____________
(My initials _______)

My Advantage Today:

My Best Intention:
(“My day will go well now that…)

My Personally Powerful Goal:

(“I will know I’ve met this goal when…)

First action or resources needed? __________________________________________________________

Evaluation: ___ Successful ___ Failed ___ To Retry

Additional To Do Items:
(“Today, I also envision that I’ve…”)

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

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____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Copyright 2005 L.Tobin

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