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Justin Rock

English 15
Dr. May
December 11
, 2013

Methane and other gases effect on atmospheric temperature and climate change

People who have not studied up on climate change and rising atmospheric
temperatures usually assume that when people speak of rising temperatures, it is
a very small difference and nothing noteworthy. There are other people who deny
that this problem does not need dealt with now, or even say that climate change
doesnt happen at all. However, there is indeed a large effect on the atmosphere
and the temperature changes are certainly a big concern. Most scientists,
climatologists, and meteorologists agree that methane and other gases (carbon
dioxide, nitrous oxide) are a big cause of the temperature fluctuations, trapping
the heat and preventing it from escaping the atmosphere. Human beings heavy
use of methane and other gases are directly proportional to the atmospheric
temperature and gas levels. If methane and other gases are not used more
carefully and prohibitively, catastrophic damages will be caused to the
environment and life on earth, which could have immense consequences.
Greenhouse gases are at a record high, and that is a fact. For all these
major greenhouse gases the concentrations are reaching once again record
levels, says WMO (World Meteorologist Organization) Secretary-General Michel
Jarraud. He continues to say This year is worse than last year, 2011. 2011 was
worse than 2010. Every passing year makes the situation somewhat more
difficult to handle, it makes it more challenging to stay under this symbolic 2
degree global average." The two degree global average he is speaking of is the
level of deviation from the norm allowed, according to the agreement made at
Copenhagen summit in 2009. Not only is the level of gases rising each year, but it
rose the most in 2012. the volume of carbon dioxide, or CO2, the primary
greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, grew faster in 2012 than in the
previous decade, reaching 393.1 parts per million (ppm), 41 percent above the
pre-industrial level, according to the WMO bulletin. So we know that these gases
are in fact rising, and in turn causing a rise in the temperature. Even worse, even
if we stopped adding to the level of gases in the atmosphere today, the damage is
already done. Because CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is so stable, it will stay in the
atmosphere for a very long time. Even in the hypothetical situation that we did
stop today, the current effects on the atmosphere would be sustained for
hundreds of years. (The Independent)
Another factor that we must consider is the growing population on the
earth today. There are around 7.2 billion people living on the earth today.
However, that number could increase to 11 billion in the next 100 years. (Chow)
That is an increase of over 50% of todays population. The consumption created
by all these new people will surely have an effect on the levels of Methane, CO2,
and other gases released into the atmosphere. There are opinions that we're
already past a sustainable population now, in terms of being able to provide a
high quality of life for every citizen on the planet, says David Griggs, a
climatologist and director of the Monash Sustainability Institute at Monash
University in Melbourne, Australia. (Chow) This means that it wouldnt be a bad
idea to lower consumption in high population areas, and lower population growth
in developing areas. While it is hard to predict exactly what a growth such as this
would do, it certainly wouldnt help the climate change and atmospheric
temperature problems.
Methane gas has been said to not be a major contributor to climate change
and global warming, as Co2 usually takes the rap. Because of this many people
disregard But if you look behind the science of it, methane is found to take a
major role in the whole ordeal. Methane makes up about 17% of the
atmosphere. (Mekik) However, it is one of the thicker and more damaging gases
that are there, in terms of climate change and temperature. Co2 makes up 72% of
gases in the atmosphere, clearly the most prevalent of all the gases. It is very
stable, which means few other elements or gases react with it, so it stays present
for a long time. However, it is a very thin and free-moving gas, or, in laments
terms, it isnt as restricting as other gases when it comes to global temperature.
Methane, on the other hand, while very reactive and easily broken down, will
only stay in the atmosphere for about a decade, whereas Co2 stays for over a
century. However, methane is about 20 times more potent than Co2. (Mekik)
Because of this, methane causes more damage than Co2 per molecule. Cutting
back on both Co2 and methane would be a tremendous step in the right direction
to cleaning up our atmosphere and reducing the damages already being caused
by climate change.
One could argue that focusing on these issues instead of other important,
non-environmental issues would stifle the nation and worlds progress to a better
future and more advanced technologies. By cutting back and putting tighter
restrictions on gas emissions and use, developing countries will not be able to
have an industrial revolution that many of the biggest countries today had in the
and 20
century. However, we as a species cannot afford to risk damaging
the planet any further. It would be less productive and more disastrous to cause a
temperature and climate crisis than to hold off for a few years, and start to fix the
problems we have created. Developing countries can continue to develop even
while producing minimal greenhouse gases. The major concern today is the
countries that are already industrialized, producing too many of these gases.
In conclusion, methane and other gases have a negative effect on the
atmosphere temperature and cause climate change. If these issues are not acted
upon and dealt with, and no attempts to change the amount of these greenhouse
gases are made, the earth will face major consequences and more difficult issues
in the future. By confronting these issues, future damages will be prevented from
occurring to the earths atmosphere and we may be able to fully recover from the
current effects in place. It is not too late to reverse the effects and stop the
worsening of this issue, but action ought to be taken soon if we are planning for a
balanced, stable environment for the future.

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