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Heart, Circulatory System & Blood

Using the Health eBook or the internet, answer the following questions regarding the Heart, Circulatory System
& Blood.
PART A (14 points)
1. 1. The circulatory system is composed of: the heart and blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and
. . Ho! big is the average adult human heart" #t$s roughly the si%e of your fist.
&. &. Ho! many times does the average heart beat per day" 'bout 1((,((( times.
). ). *escribe pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation.
Systemic: The part of blood circulation that carries o+ygenated blood a!ay from the heart to the body, and returns
deo+ygenated blood bac, to the heart.
-ulmonary: The part of blood circulation !hich carries o+ygen.depleted blood a!ay from the heart, to the lungs,
and returns o+ygenated blood bac, to the heart.
1. /. Blood vessels carrying blood a!ay from the heart are called: arteries
. 0. Blood vessels that carry blood bac, to the heart are called: veins
&. 1. 2hat are arterioles" The small branches of arteries leading into capillaries.
1. 3. 2hat are the main functions of the Heart and Circulatory System"
To send blood through our bodies and carry nutrients and o+ygen to our cells.
1. 4. 2hat is a cardiac cycle" 5+plain !hat systole and diastole means"
Cardiac cycle: a complete heartbeat from its generation to the beginning of the ne+t beat.
Systole: the phase of the heartbeat !hen the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries
*iastole: the phase of the heartbeat !hen the heart muscle rela+es and allo!s the chambers to fill !ith blood.
1. 1(. 6ist and describe the functions of the three types of blood cells.
&. .platelets: help blood to clot, a,a thrombocytes
). .red blood cells: carry o+ygen, a,a erythrocytes
/. .!hite blood cells: !ard off infection and are vital to the immune system, a,a leu,ocytes
1. 11. 2hat is plasma"
&. the colorless fluid part of blood, lymph, or mil,, in !hich corpuscles or fat globules are suspended
1. 1. *escribe the 0 steps of the path that blood ta,es through the heart.
a. a. Step 1:
b. deo+ygenated blood enters superior vena cava, bringing blood to right atrium
c. b. Step :
blood drains to right ventricle and goes out of pulmonary valve and into pulmonary branch to get more 7 from
a. c. Step &:
gas is e+changed in alveoli and blood returns to heart from right and left pulmonary veins entering left atrium
a. d. Step ):
blood is forced through bicuspid valve and goes into left ventricle, then it$s pushed out of aorta valve into
ascending aorta
a. e. Step /:
coronary arteries come off aorta first, then three branches. brachial cephalic carries blood to head and do!n arm.
left common carotid is ne+t, then left subclavian goes under clavicle and arm.
a. f. Step 0:
b. blood moves on to the rest of body to capillary level and then returns to heart
c. 1&. 2hat is 6eu,emia"
a disease in !hich the bone marro! and other blood.forming organs produce increased numbers of
immature8abnormal leu,ocytes. these suppress production of normal blood cells, causing anemia and other
a. 1). 2hat is Hemophilia"
c. condition in !hich ability of blood to clot is reduced, causing sufferer to bleed severely from even the
smallest in9uries. caused by hereditary lac, of a coagulation factor.
e. 15. rite the function of each structure in the ta!le.
PART B (13 points)
Heart Structure Function
1. 1. Superior :ena Cava
brings deo+ygenated blood from body to
heart, to right atrium
1. . #nferior :ena Cava
carries deo+ygenated blood from lo!er half of
body to right atrium
1. &. ;ight 'trium receives deo+ygenated blood
1. ). Tricuspid :alve
prevents bac, flo! of blood as it$s pumped
from right atrium to right ventricle
1. /. ;ight :entricle
receives blood from right atrium and pumps it
to main pulmonary artery
1. 0. -ulmonary :alve
prevents bac, flo! of blood as it$s pumped
from r. ventricle to pulmonary artery
1. 1. -ulmonary 'rteries
carry deo+ygenated blood from right ventricle
of heart to lungs
1. 3. -ulmonary :eins
drain o+ygenated blood from lungs and return
it to heart
1. 4. 6eft 'trium
receives o+ygenated blood from pulmonary
veins, and pumps it into left ventricle
1. 1(. <itral :alve
prevents bac, flo! of blood as it goes from
left atrium to left ventricle
1. 11. 6eft :entricle
pumps o+ygenated blood to tissues all over
1. 1. 'ortic :alve
prevents bac, flo! of blood from left
ventricle to aorta
1. 1&. 'orta
distributes o+ygenated blood to all parts of

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