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Project Management and the Professional

Due Date : Due Thursday 6pm 12/4/2012. Submit at the Assignment boxes near
the Student Centre, ui!ding 10, "e#e! 2.
Marks $ 20%
Method : &ndi#idua!
"e#eraging o'' some Austra!ian resear(h, a sma!! (ompany has de#e!oped hard)are to
per'orm geneti( tests. &t is a sma!! de#i(e )hi(h atta(hes #ia *S to a (omputer or
mobi!e phone +as !ong as it (an run the appropriate so't)are,. The so't)are to (ontro!
the de#i(e up!oads and se!' insta!!s enab!ing anyone to interpret the resu!ts.
&n essen(e it means anyone )ith one o' these de#i(es (an read, ana!yse and store any
other human-s D.A. A!! that-s needed is a sing!e human hair not !ess than 0.1 (m in
!ength, some sa!i#a, s/in (e!!s, or other human (e!!s.. The ana!yti(a! so't)are that
(omes )ith the de#i(e )i!! a!!o) the user to !oo/ 'or any de'e(ts, ana!yse the genes,
et(., The so't)are a!!o)s you to store a (omp!ete D.A (ode and (ompare it to others
stored using externa! storage.
The so't)are is yet to be )ritten, you ha#e been o''ered a 0ob as 1uman Computer
&ntera(tion Spe(ia!ist 'or a ma0or part o' the *ser &nter'a(e. 2ou ha#e been (hosen 'or
your pre#ious history o' pro#iding high 3ua!ity, simp!e, intuiti#e, user inter'a(es. The
0ob meets a!! your expe(tations.
The manager then ad#ises you this de#i(e is going to generate a !ot o' pub!i( interest
and re!ease o' the produ(t may be de!ayed. 1e said he thin/s the (ompany has a
strategy to dea! )ith this.
4 C.S. 5ohnson 2012 1
Task :
Part 1 (15%) Report to !e gi"en to the manager#
To ensure that you understand the issues in#o!#ed, be'ore being emp!oyed, the
manager has as/ed you to $rite a report on the ethics of such a de"ice +the
hard)are and the easy to use so't)are, in terms o' its use.. 2ou must /eep in mind
that )ithout a simp!i'ied user inter'a(e to the (omp!ex so't)are o' the de#i(e, it (ou!d
onl% !e used !% trained medical staff.
1e has as/ed you 'or this report to (!ari'y )hat ethi(a! issues )i!! be re!e#ant to you,
an &T pro'essiona!, as you )i!! be emp!oyed by him. 2ou are not to (on(ern yourse!'
)ith other ethi(a! issues o' the de#i(e, as that is outside your expertise and,
understanding the other issues, is the manager-s responsibi!ity.
2ou shou!d report 'rom the #ie)point o' potentia! sta/eho!ders +e.g. members o' the
ACS, businesses, genera! pub!i(, #arious go#ernment departments et(, in terms o' at
!east 6 o' the ethi(a! theories dis(ussed by Dr 7rant 8ooney in his !e(tures +s!ides
2492:, ;8; !e(ture 6,. <hy might these sta/eho!ders agree or ob0e(t to this proposa!=
The report shou!d a!so dis(uss the ethi(a! &T issues in re!ation to the ACS (ode o'
ethi(s and (ode o' (ondu(t.
A!though the (ompany is (urrent!y thin/ing o' imp!ementing this ser#i(e in Austra!ia,
it may )ant to use the so't)are in other (ountries > you shou!d a!so !oo/ at at !east
one other ethi(a! (ode o' (ondu(t, 'or examp!e that o' the Chartered &nstitute 'or &T
+CS,, the *S Asso(iation o' Computing 8a(hinery +AC8, or the .e) ?ea!and
Computer So(iety +.?CS, . Di''eren(es bet)een these ethi(a! guide!ines shou!d be
dis(ussed in re!ation to the report.
&#'# (ll %our points $ill need to !e argued $ith appropriate reasons and
references# Merel% making statements $ill !e insufficient# )ailure to make a
decision and support it can incur the loss of up to *% of %our marks#
Part +(5%) Personal ,pinion &,T to !e gi"en to the manager#
<ou!d you a((ept the 0ob= Are there any (onditions )here you )ou!d a((ept the 0ob
or not a((ept the 0ob=
1int $
The mo#ie 7atta(a may be use'u! ba(/ground to he!p understand some o' the issues,
a!though there are many other sour(es.
4 C.S. 5ohnson 2012 2
-and .n
A 8A.A7@8@.T A@;BAT that in(!udes the 'o!!o)ing se(tions$
1. @xe(uti#e Summary +'or tas/ 1 on!y,
2. Tab!e o' Contents
6. Tas/ 1 +this shou!d in(!ude an introdu(tion, re(ommendations
and a (on(!usion,
4. Tas/ 2 +this shou!d in(!ude an introdu(tion and a (on(!usion,
C. ib!iography
6. Appendi(es +i' app!i(ab!e,.
2our management report must be in a business report 'ormat and in(!ude (ross
re'eren(es to support in'ormation.
Ae'eren(ing and the ib!iography must be in an a((eptab!e 'ormat. See Referencing
/tandards be!o)#
(ssessment : The 8ar/ing S(heme is as 'o!!o)s$
;resentation up to 5% of marks can !e lost i' the 'o!!o)ing are not present..
Co#er sheet
+student D, name, Tutor .ame, Tutoria! .umber, report tit!e
.BT 0ust the E@&T (o#er sheet,
@xe(uti#e summary
Fuotes, Diagrams +)here app!i(ab!e,
Corre(t 1ar#ard re'eren(ing
Corre(t @ng!ish expression, G spe!!ing
&ntrodu(tion, body o' essay, G re(ommendations
"ogi(a! di#ision o' (hapters or se(tions
Assertions ba(/ed up by 3uoted sour(es
8ore than 10 re'eren(es 'or part 1 and 2 or more re'eren(es 'or part 2.
Content 1C% Tas/ 1 > C% Tas/ 2
Corre(t !ength o' ans)er )ithout #erbosity
Dea!s (orre(t!y G 'u!!y )ith the topi(
Arguments 'or +and against )here appropriate,
C!arity in the o#era!! aim o' the ans)er
C!arity and su''i(ient amount o' ana!ysis
.o !arge amount o' materia! 3uoted
Appropriate re'eren(ing i' needed
4 C.S. 5ohnson 2012 6
Referencing /tandards:
A!! materia! deri#ed 'rom other )or/s must be a(/no)!edged and re'eren(ed
a((ording!y using the 1ar#ard Ae'eren(ing Sty!e,
+see http$//))).!!p/re'eren(ing/har#ard9uts9re'eren(ing9
0ate penalt%:
"ate submission o' assignment 1 )i!! attra(t a one mar/ per day !ate pena!ty,
more than se#en days !ate the assignment )i!! re(ei#e Hero un!ess spe(ia!
(onsideration has been sought and granted. Spe(ia! (onsideration, 'or !ate
submission, must be arranged be'orehand )ith the sub0e(t (o9ordinator.
Students are reminded o' the prin(ip!es !aid do)n in the IStatement o' 7ood
;ra(ti(e and @thi(s in &n'orma! AssessmentI +pages C G 6 o' the Ea(u!ty
1andboo/,. *n!ess other)ise stated in a spe(i'i( handout, a!! assessment tas/s
in this sub0e(t shou!d be your o)n origina! )or/. Any (o!!aboration )ith
another student +or group, shou!d be !imited to those matters des(ribed in
IA((eptab!e eha#iourI se(tion o' the 1andboo/. Eor essay 3uestions,
students shou!d pay parti(u!ar attention to the re(ognition o' I;!agiarismI as
des(ribed in that se(tion o' the 1andboo/ +page 6,. Any in'ringement by a
student )i!! be (onsidered a brea(h o' dis(ip!ine and )i!! be dea!t )ith in
a((ordan(e )ith Au!es and y9"a)s o' the *ni#ersity. ;ena!ties su(h as Hero
mar/s 'or assignments or sub0e(ts may be imposed.
12pected standard of the $ork
2ou are expe(ted to (on(eptua!iHe the prob!em or issue, 'ind re!e#ant
re'eren(es 'or (ontext, 'a(ts, theory and examp!es, (ome up )ith a point o'
#ie) +not ne(essari!y one sided, and support that point o' #ie) )ith argument
and re'eren(es. &n some (ases, the Jpoint o' #ie)KK )i!! be a design proposa!.
2our presentations shou!d be )ritten as i' they are addressing an audien(e, not
attempting to satis'y (ourse re3uirements.
.mpro"e %our academic and 1nglish language skills$ 1@";S +1igher @du(ation
"anguage and ;resentation Support, Ser#i(e pro#ides assistan(e )ith 1nglish
language proficienc% and academic language. Students )ho need to de#e!op
their )ritten and/or spo/en @ng!ish shou!d ma/e use o' the free ser"ices o''ered
by 1@";S, in(!uding a(ademi( !anguage )or/shops, #a(ation intensi#e
(ourses, drop9in (onsu!tations, indi#idua! appointments and
Con#ersationsL*TS +)))!ps,. 1@";S is !o(ated in Student
Ser#i(es, on !e#e! 6 bui!ding 1 at City (ampus and #ia the Student Ser#i(es
area at Muring9gai (ampus. ;hone NC149262O or NC1492661.
The Ea(u!ty o' @ngineering and &T intranet +8yE@&T$
http$//my.''eit, and the Ea(u!ty Student 7uide
4 C.S. 5ohnson 2012 4
+ http$//my.'!es/my'eit/do)n!oads/Student7uidePBn!ine.pd',
pro#ide extensi#e in'ormation about the ser#i(es and support a#ai!ab!e to
students )ithin the Ea(u!tyQ
2ou shou!d re'eren(e the re!e#ant ACS site$
1. 2ou are en(ouraged to use the 3T/ 0i!rar% on4line 5ournal Data!ase
a((essib!e 'rom http$//))).!
2ou need to obtain *TS e9mai! user id and pass)ord by a(ti#ating your
*TS e9mai! a((ount at
http$//)ebmai! in order a((ess the resour(e through out9o'9
(ampus 'a(i!ities.
2. 8ost organisations ha#e temp!ates 'or management reports, su(h as the
!ist o' se(tions gi#en in the assignment. &t ser#es 2 purposes$
a. a (he(/!ist 'or the )riter to ma/e sure a!! topi(s are (o#ered that the
(ompany thin/s are re!e#ant.
b. 8a/es it easier 'or management to 'ind in'ormation in the report.
&ndi#idua! managers )i!! o'ten not read the )ho!e report.

&n other )ords, i' you are gi#en a temp!ate, *S@ &T.
6. The 12ecuti"e /ummar% summarises the reportKs 'indings G
re(ommendations. &t (an stand by itse!' as an o#er#ie) o' your ideas. 2ou
)rite it !ast. An &ntrodu(tion te!!s you )hat the report is going to (o#er.
+see *TS9Bn!ine as )e!! as goog!e thisS,
1i Dear
This is to in'orm you that )e are one o' the top edu(ationa! (ompany
he!ping students in getting good grades in their a(ademi( !i'e. <e
understand that you are interested in getting he!p in your A(ademi(
Assignments at a''ordab!e rates to get great resu!ts. A!! our tutors ha#e
8asterKs and ;hD degree in di''erent sub0e(ts and they are pro'essors
in most popu!ar *ni#ersities o' *SA, *M, Austra!ia and Canada.
Samp!e Assignment pro#ide assignment he!p, home)or/ he!p, on!ine
exam he!p and on!ine (ourse)or/ he!p in di''erent sub0e(ts and their
sub9di#isions !i/e A((ounting, Einan(e, 8anagement, @ngineering,
4 C.S. 5ohnson 2012 C
Statisti(s, @(onomi(s and many more sub0e(ts. The )ay to use our
ser#i(es is #ery simp!e. 2ou 0ust need to mai! your 3uestions at
in'oLsamp!eassignment.(om and )e )i!! get ba(/ to you )ith a
(ustomiHed and a''ordab!e pri(e 3uote 'or ea(h and e#ery assignment.
Than/s and Aegards, Samp!e Assignment Team
in'oLsamp!eassignment.(om 99 Samp!e Assignment Team
4 C.S. 5ohnson 2012 6

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