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Master Kuthumi

Clearing Contracts
All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 1 June !""#
$his transcript has been published free of charge by %ntellectual &roperty o'ner Michelle
Manders and &alace of &eace in support of people see(ing clarity, healing and peace)
$herefore, 'e appreciate the *a' of %ntegrity being honoured and as( that no person,
group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance alter any part of this
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Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked
with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not
concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the live channelling. You
will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, iming ! Purpose. his
transcript was revised and updated by "ichelle "anders in "ay #$%#
& am 'uthumi and & come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this
time, and to bring to you blessings of freedom, peace, grace and laughter. (reetings,
beloved ones.
)nd it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this
day as we hold to firmly within heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of (od.
*e welcome you into the Presence and Divinity of "other+,ather (od, and hold you within
the core of heir Divine -ssence as we open your energy to release the imprints of karma
related to contracts that no longer serve the journey of your soul into the future. oday.s
process is a uni/ue one, simply because &, 'uthumi, will assist you in performing an
advanced and accelerated contract clearing process which will dissolve, within the etheric
web of the cellular structure of your body, the negative imprints relating to events and
people involved in the contract, or contracts, you have chosen to clear upon this day.
&n the year of %001 "other+,ather (od forgave humanity all their negative karma. his
means all karmic contracts where ended, dissolved, made null and void. he only problem
was that the majority of humanity had not as yet attained critical mass consciousness of a
positive vibration. Because of this, there was insufficient energy to ensure the consciousness
awakening of humanity to receive this divine and blessed gift. You see, humanity still
believed karma of a negative nature e2isted, resulting in the reactivation of many of the
contracts that were being made null and void by "other+,ather (od. 3ow, at this time, we
are taking you back to %0014 holding you within the presence of the energy emitted at that
time by "other+,ather (od. You will inhale this powerful vibration into your body once more,
but, this time you are e/uipped with the conscious awareness of the fact that your contracts
are clear. 5et us begin with this process, and & shall speak you through the remainder of it.
ake a deep breath in through your nose, e2haling through your mouth. ake another deep
breath in, and as you e2hale through your mouth, calm your mind and rela2 your body.
&magine the serenity you would e2perience knowing all your negative karmic contracts are "ichelle "anders 6
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complete. &magine you life e2perience without any inner fear of having to settle a negative
karmic contract. &magine every person you meet being a part of the pathway of good karma4
therefore each person is a blessing, sharing all the good karma you have created.
8pen your heart to the Presence of "other+,ather (od. Call upon your personal (uides,
)ngels, and "aster (uides. &nvoke all the Divine Beings of the 5ight whom you work with
and whom you feel safe with. 8pen your energy and imagine your consciousness being
taken back in time to the year %001 9 the year when "other+,ather (od opened the
floodgates of new energy and eradicated all contracts of negative karma.
)llow your imagination to create the image of this magnificent wave of energy washing all
the contracts of your past away. ry and remember where you were in the year %001, and
what you were e2periencing in that period of your life. )s this energy floods into the etheric
web of your body, all the veils of illusion that have prevented you from accepting the fact
that your contracts are clear, come to settle in your being4 to guide you in the direction of
this new way 9manifesting all the pathways of your soul that have taken the direction of
acknowledging all the good karma you have created.
3otice how this energy manifests in a specific colour for you. :isualise this colour, moving
from the outer realms, penetrating your skin, moving into your physical body and
penetrating every cell of your physical body4 every cell within every organ being consumed
by this colour. he colour holds the vibrations "other+,ather (od emitted to forgive you all
the negativity accumulated from parallel and alternative realities. )llow your memories to
feed you4 reminding you, perhaps, of events, people and times. Don.t become attached to it,
let it play out like a movie before your eyes. &f you are able to, imagine this colour filtering
into every image you remember from your past.
Begin following the passage of your memories to your current timeline and to events that
have unfolded in the very recent past, right up until today4 all of which is being touched by
the colour "other+,ather (od emitted to you upon the day in %001 when humanity was
forgiven their negative karma. his colour vibration activates the advanced accelerated
release of clearing the contracts of your past, clearing the contracts of every parallel and
alternate reality in e2istence. &t is this colour you can utilise at any given time to clear the
vibrations of negativity that present themselves to you in the form of a memory of a past
his e2perience may create feelings inside of you, feelings resulting in the rearing up of the
old energy that you are truly done with. his colour is the one that transforms the negative
aspect of your personality. hese are all the aspects you perceive about yourself that you
consider are bad, weak, and ignorant. :isualise this colour penetrating all the aspects of
yourself that you consider bad, weak, or ignorant. Project this colour into all the areas of
your body you perceive as unlovable.
3ow allow this colour to filter out into your present moment, and into all the e2periences you
have on a daily basis that you consider unacceptable, unloving, unsupportive, disrespectful,
ignorant, weak, all the people whom you feel irritate you, the habits that push your buttons,
showing you what it is, in fact, about yourself, you haven.t totally released4 and all the
aspects of yourself that you do not tolerate are, in fact, the things about you that others
rejected in your younger years, which led to you believing they were unacceptable,
intolerable, weak, bad or unlovable. "ichelle "anders 6
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)ll the 5ords of 'arma now gather around you, and 5ady 'wan Yin steps forward and takes
your hands. ;he asks you to look into her eyes, open your heart, and accept the truth that
you are free of all contracts you believe you are still bound to. ;he says to you< =You are
free of all contracts you believe you are still bound to, or bound by, in any way=. ;he
repeats this to you one more time, holding your hands tightly and looking intensely into your
eyes, she tells you, =you are free from all the contracts you believe you are bound by. 3one
of them have any power over you any longer. he only way they can ever have power over
you again is if you believe they do. You are free of the contracts. )ll your good karma will
continue to manifest its energy in your reality, but all your perceived negative contracts are
complete. You have learned everything you need to. You now have the opportunity to move
forward from this day and create a new e2perience for yourself. -ach time you e2perience
yourself behaving in the old way, take a deep breath and imagine the colour ray
"other+,ather (od projected to you=.
:isualise 5ady 'wan Yin.s eyes and her firm grip and remember< it is over, complete, and of
the past> he reason why today is a uni/ue process is because Prince Damien and 5ady
;uatra, the two new )scended "asters of the )scension Pathway are closing the doors to
those past karmic contracts, sealing the doors of time. his means the end of the parallel
and alternate realities that have held the vibration of the contracts you have perceived have
any power over you, and over the ne2t ## weeks you will reclaim the power held with any of
the parallel or alternative aspects of self that have been playing out the dynamics of those
his is a profound process because it means the aspects of you living in a parallel or
alternate reality will leave their bodies, and the energy will be reabsorbed by you. hese are
only the parallel and alternative realities linked to the negative karmic contracts you have
chosen to end. )ll other parallel and alternative selves will continue as normal. he
difference is, the energy you emanate will accelerate their e2periencing4 accelerating their
journey along the Pathway to )scension. &t is at this time difficult to comprehend what we
have completed today, but it was your soul who re/uested this, and your conscious
willingness to end the old ways that resulted in the presentation of this very uni/ue and
advanced karma cleansing process. 8ne needs to be centred within the self to attract such a
cleansing, clearing and release. Be willing to respond to the new adventure upon your
ake a deep breath in now, and as you e2hale, visualise waves of the colour vibration
moving through dimensions as Prince Damien and 5ady ;uatra clear the energies4 begin the
process of sealing the doorways to the timelines which have reflected your negative
contracts, your attachments and beliefs regarding those contracts. 8bserve as Prince Damien
and 5ady ;uatra create an energy grid, which shall maintain the process of sealing the doors
to the past karma. )llow your imagination to create a vision, one you can recall when
needed, to remind you of what has taken place today.
he clearing taking place, with the colour "other+,ather (od emitted to you, will continue
clearing the cellular imprints of your physical body, as well as recalibrating the energy bodies
around your physical body, e2tending into the higher realms as far as is necessary. Your
sleep time will entail a very deep soul release linked to these karmic contracts of the past.
Your "aster (uides will step into your energy field and facilitate the integration of the
energy templates that shall assure your connection to the divine plan of your monad, your
fully complete & )m at 8ne with (od+(oddess self, resulting in the activation of the most
important pathways of your current lifetime. his energy will be held in place for the "ichelle "anders 6
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duration of the time re/uired to integrate the energy of your parallel and alternative selves
that shall now leave their physical bodies and return to ;ource and merge with your energy
field. his is not a process to fear> &t is part of your parallel and alternate self?s opportunity
to achieve ascension by ending the road of pain and suffering, and being reborn, so to
speak, energetically, in a space where their conscious self, you, is e/uipped with the
knowledge, power and illuminated state of being, to carry them back to .at9onement. with
"other+,ather (od.
ake a moment to breathe in fully and e2hale completely as these words filter into your
mind and come to settle within your heart.
:isualise your personal colour vibration creating spiral energy around you, bringing all the
aspects of self into divine and harmonious alignment, gracefully preparing the way for the
future, for the new tomorrow. )nd so you step into the initiation of the Phoeni2, the Phoeni2
who rises from the ashes of all of that which has been destroyed from the past, and it is the
fire that motivates the Phoeni2 to rise above this past. his fire is your passion for life, and
the ,lame of 5ife4 your inner guiding light that warms your heart and keeps your energy in
an illuminated state. &t is this ,lame of 5ife that feeds your Divine *ill and keeps you aligned
with your Divine Power to create on earth as your @igher ;elf creates in heaven.
ake another deep breath in, and as you e2hale, give thanks to Prince Damien and 5ady
;uatra for what they are creating in and around you, at this time. (ive thanks to your
personal )ngels, (uides and "aster (uides for witnessing this powerful and advanced
karmic contract clearing process. (ive thanks to "other+,ather (od for the opportunity to
reconnect with their original forgiveness of all of that you perceived as negative. (ive thanks
to yourself for reclaiming your power and choosing to stand within the power of now, so as
to create a new tomorrow.
&n order to complete what has taken place today, we ask that you take some time within the
ne2t #1 hours to write down all the good things, positive, strong and loving things about
yourself you can see, feel and you know are true. ake time to be with yourself.
)cknowledge everything you have achieved, all the good, and amaAing, things you have
done in your lifetime. Connect with your generosity, your kind9heartedness, your humour,
intelligence, and every other strength you embody. his will help to set in place the
morphogenetic fields of positive information that will be anchored for you within the ne2t #1
hours. his becomes the information that you will draw from, and will build upon.
&f you have the energy, take it a little further and visualise your future. :isualise being
happy, joyful, fulfilled and living your life purpose, even if you don.t know what it is. Don.t
focus on what you are doing, focus on the feelings you will e2perience when living your life
purposefully> 7emember times when you were happy, fulfilled and in love with life and place
this in the future. Place this in your tomorrow, for it is these memories and feelings that will
replace the old. he universe dislikes a void and will always fill it up with something, which is
why it is important you choose what the void will be filled with.
ake a deep breath in again and start drawing your consciousness back into your physical
body. -ach time you e2hale4 draw your energy into your physical body, down your legs, out
your feet, and into the core of the earth. ,eel your physical body, with the sensations within
it. ;tretch your legs and rotate your ankles. ;tretch your arms and rotate your wrists. 7otate
your shoulders and your neck. *elcome back to earth. @ow are you all feeling sistersB )re
any of you feeling uncertain or any fear or discomfort in your body at allB "ichelle "anders 6
)ll 7ights 7eserved
S) % am feeling a slight headache, *ord Kuthumi)
'uthumi< )llow the colour you visualised to absorb the sensation of discomfort in your head.
Be aware that this discomfort in your head at this time is also referred to as .e2pansion.
headaches4 the e2pansion of energy and consciousness within the physical brain.
Physiologically, the brain undergoes change as a result of more energy firing through its
systems. he more life there is within the brain, the more consciousness e2ists. "ost
5ightworkers are activating the capacity of their brain beyond what the original capacity of
C.DE usage of the brain was. he 5ightworkers are fast e2ceeding this. &nhale the colour4 if
it becomes too uncomfortable simply envision a trap door opening in your crown chakra and
all the energy floating out of it, releasing itself, and relieving you of the pressure.
S) % am feeling something in my eyes and a tightness in my spine)
5.'. 7otate your neck gently in a clockwise and anti9clockwise direction. he spine is the part
of the body that holds the information of one?s most recent %C past lives. Fuantumly
speaking, past lives do not e2ist, because in fact, all past lives, in truth, are parallel or
alternative lifetimes being currently e2perienced. his means your spine is the energy system
transmitting and receiving information from %C parallel and alternative lifetimes impacting on
your current lifetimes the most, and when an advance clearing such as this one is
performed, the spine is having to be Grebooted,H for the information that you are feeling and
transmitting is being completely upgraded.
he energy systems you are accustomed to tapping into based on those specific %C parallel
and alternative realities, are changing, which will align you with different realities4 realities of
a more positive uplifting vibration, in other words, the realities that harmonise with your so
called, good karma. hus, the cervicals in your neck store the information for the first %#
years of one?s life. &t is that the first seven years of your life are, in fact the most intense,
and it is in this area that the major shift takes place, because the first seven years of your
life determine the stage for the rest of your life4 in other words, theH performing stage,H the
one upon which you will stand and e2perience the rest of your lifetime.
7otate your neck gently, and this will help the energy move /uicker, and imagine your colour
ray moving in your head and your neck area to release it more rapidly.
-) % feel a pain in the bottom of my spine) %t.s /uite uncomfortable)
5'. he coccy2 holds the power of one?s will, to empower this sense, and take action. *hat
happens in the crown chakra impacts upon the base chakra. herefore what happens in
cervical one will impact on the coccy2. *hat will happen in cervical #, C, 1, I, J and D,
impacts on the entire sacrum area. his means that what determines the first seven to %#
years of your life, more so the first D years of your life, severely impacts on your base chakra
and your ability to will yourself 9 to empower yourself. &n other words, your will to utilise
your power was impeded. You were overpowered by the will of others.
he coccy2 and sacrum area are releasing the information stored within the spine,
remembering it has been a storage unit of information, as well as energy. Prince Damien and
5ady ;uatra will create a space of divine harmony for you to re9embrace the divine will and
power you came into earth with. &n the second year of your life, specifically, there was a
very intense battle of wills between you and what we accept to be, your mother. &t was a
female nurturing presence. &t was during that time that most of your will was overpowered.
his simply continued for the rest of your formative years. herefore, having chosen to "ichelle "anders 6
)ll 7ights 7eserved
e2perience today.s advanced karmic clearing process will take you on an accelerated journey
into reclaiming the lost power of your (oddess self. &nitially, it may feel strange and unusual.
You may not /uite know what to do with it initially. & do, however, assure you that
reclaiming your power is what will guarantee the new tomorrow you so desperately pine for.
Peace and blessings be with you.
5et me add at this point, in order to maintain what has taken place today4 it is vital that you
work with your belief systems that attached to negativity. By this & mean all your beliefs
around you Knot being good enough., or that you attract negative situations4 anything of
a negative nature that could sabotage you in any way, you are to address and clear.
&f need be, we will guide you to therapists or modalities that will best facilitate this healing
and release re/uired. & assure you, it is not something you need to struggle through, at all,
on your own. &t is vital that you ask for help when needed. ;peak to those whom you
respect and whose knowledge you admire, for they will be able to give you the information
you need to gain the clarity you re/uire at any given time. his is not to say this is what you
will need. @owever, it is important you know the support is available to you, and under no
circumstances do you need to isolate yourself and go it alone. 3o human is an island unto
them self, and it is within numbers that strength lies. rust the ;isterhood and Brotherhood
of 5ight to support you.
his is something all women will realise is vital< the development of a trustworthy sisterhood.
he more the goddesses gather together, forming supportive, constructive, loving systems in
which each (oddess can grow and thrive, the (oddess is a collective energy that becomes
unstoppable. his will begin to eradicate the cattiness and bitchiness that so many women
e2perience in a state of fear and insecurity.
&t will take time to assimilate what has occurred today, which is why it is important that one
completes what we have suggested you do within the ne2t #1 hours.
he other important factor is the ability, or rather the utilisation, of one.s ability to respond
to what ;pirit brings by following one.s heart, and trusting that one.s truth will lead one in
the direction of one.s authentic destiny. ;et the intention every day that your soul plan of
light manifest in great and perfectly harmonious and miraculous ways. )nd that everything
you e2perience in your day be in accordance with that divine soul plan of life. his creates
an ambience of trust4 for you will develop a knowing everything you are e2periencing every
day is in perfect harmonious alignment with your soul plan of life, because you intended it to
be that way. his is part of reclaiming your power4 your ability to work with your soul and
manifest the life you deserve.
-) *ord Kuthumi, please clarify if the cleared contracts also cleared all the
vo's attached)
5'. Yes it does, because we took you back to %001 to where "other+,ather (od forgave
humanity all the negative karmic contracts4 it included the vows.
S) % need a little more clarity on the morphogenetic field and ho' to actively 'or(
'ith this on a daily basis)
5'. he morphogenetic fields are the blueprints around you that you e2tract information
from. hese fields become one with the subconscious and unconscious. 8ne does not have "ichelle "anders 6
)ll 7ights 7eserved
to physically, consciously, focus on a morphogenetic field to draw information from it. &t
becomes an active part of one.s reality.
*hen one is consciously feeding morphogenetic fields embodying positive, constructive
empowering information, it automatically becomes a part of the fields around you of the
many diverse natures, which determine the magnetic poles you draw towards yourself. -ven
though the morphogenetic field does not hold energy as such, only information, it still affects
the magnetics of the electromagnetic fields, and in fact, greatly influences what you attract
to yourself and what you repel from yourself.
&t is a bank of information that can either support or destroy you, which is why we have
spoken at length about the morphogenetic fields in the past that were consciously created by
physical systems choosing to disempower the community by programming morphogenetic
fields with the negative, disempowering, destructive information. hese were created to fit
into the collective grids of consciousness. &n fact, it is the theory that morphogenetic fields
are what lead to mass consciousness e2periencing e2periences simultaneously, or the
wave of change that happens4 such as they are now, of this level.
)s we bid you farewell now, we bless you with all the strength, courage, insight and
foresight re/uired to embrace your life as the gift it is. rust in your soul to guide you in the
direction of true soul liberation. 'now that you are heading in the direction of becoming one
with your complete, positive authentic self. rust in the many invisible arms that hold you,
carry and comfort you, and remember, not ever are you alone, for we are all one and with
you always and in all ways. "ay the light of "other+,ather (od shine brightly upon the
pathways before you, revealing to you the pathway home, and may all always be well in
your world.
& am 'uthumi, Chohan of the (olden 7ay of 5ove and *isdom, and & greet them bless you in
love, )donai>
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Copyright 3otice 9 *e ask that you honour the 5aws of rust and &ntegrity and acknowledge that
none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced, digitally
recorded or deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. he Palace of Peace has
assigned translators for the channellings and may not be translated by anyone other than these
people. Please contact us if you would like this channelling in another
language, or if you would like to translate this material into your language. his information remains
the sole intellectual property of "ichelle "anders at all times. "ichelle "anders 6
)ll 7ights 7eserved

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