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Meeting Minutes


1. Call to order @ 8:06

2. Roll Call:
a. Senator Abbott – Present
b. Senator Atkinson – Present
c. Senator Boles – Present
d. Senator Chu – Present
e. Senator Guzman – Present
f. Senator Ho – Present
g. Senator Jurgensen – Present
h. Senator Kleinschmidt – Absent (Unexcused)
i. Senator Shaw – Present
j. Senator Ward – Present
k. Senator Won – Present
3. No additions or corrections to the agenda
4. Agenda approved 10-0-0
5. Minutes approved 10-0-0
6. Executive Reports
a. President Nick Ferderer:
i. Michael advertising events with fliers and on
ii. Megan – bowling tonight – cosmic!
iii. Janine – cougars & cowboys (most successful Friday
event WSUV ever had), approved other two activities
board members, national dessert night coming up,
coffee culture successful
iv. Tiffany – secured keynote for Unleash Your Potential
(Greg Bell), finished RSO Orientations, pushing the
Leadership conference
v. Ben – new macs all set up, links are up on the
vi. Peter – Mayoral Debate yesterday, good attendance
and debate, two legislators coming to campus soon
vii. President – signed memorandum of understanding,
set up cougar pride days at SGC, sitting on vice-
chancellor search committee
viii. Vice-president – everyone is scheduled for one-on-
one meetings, tabling is probably scheduled next
week between 11 & 2 next wed and thurs, Vice
President Mousleh now on diversity council
7. Senate Reports
a. Chair Pro-tempore Robert Chu
i. External Affairs Committee – survey is up and
running, met with president of walk & knock, looking
for students to fold bags and deliver food
ii. Programming – new strategies to get WRC chair,
contacting faculty from different areas, magazine
subscription bill
iii. Finance – pamphlet almost done and will be
distributed, dealing with funding requests
iv. Rules and Administration Committee – moved to
weekly meetings, passed 5 by-law amendments,
goals from retreat revisited, contact your chair for
more information
8. Public Comment (8:30)
a. Audrey Miller – mock Constitutional Convention of ASWSUV
Constitution, severe deficiencies in our constitution, will
you guys be calling a convention? The wording is
inappropriate, was copied directly for Pullman’s
constitution, many conflictions between by-laws and
i. Chu commended on willing to come forward, gather
some of the notes, come to the RAC meeting and
work on amendments and or full blown revision
9. Bill 19.005
a. $48, 775 in SEP – per meeting would be about $3,000
b. All clubs requesting funding are active except ASME but
the deadline is tomorrow
c. Senator Won read in to the minutes
d. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moves for a second reading,
Senator Shaw seconds
i. Passed 10-0-0
e. Dave Harriman at the meeting to speak
i. Jared Diamond is a big author in Anthropology
ii. Great for the campus because he’s a big speaker and
it will be really great to have someone huge on our
iii. Personal favor for Barry Hewlett, which is why he is
so cheap
f. Senator Atkinson commented that the lecture would cover
more than just anthropology because of the topic
i. Harriman plans on advertising to more than just
g. Senator Guzman asked – How will you be advertising?
i. Will be advertising to other campuses in the area, as
well as the Columbian
ii. Flyers to Anthropology departments, post flyers on
campus, a-frames, emails, VanCougar
h. Senator Shaw moved to call to question, Senator Won
i. Passed 10-0-0
i. Bill 19.005 passed 8-0-2
10. Bill 19.006
a. Senator Ward read in to the minutes
b. Senator Won moved for a second reading, Senator Guzman
i. Passed 8-2-0
c. Senators in the soccer club have to abstain from the vote
d. Andrew Montehermoso was not present, but Mason
O’Lennick was at the meeting
e. Senator Ho removed self from table to speak on behalf of
the bill
i. Officially active as of 10/7/09
f. Senator Atkinson – had extensive conversations with Neil,
team that Recreation provides for the students, even
though there aren’t enough spaces on the team, no
staffing, liability issue, when clubs become a club sport it is
a different issue than if they are just a club, programming
committee prepared to write and prepare Club Sports
Council, would create a hardship on Neil and his staff if we
paid for this
g. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – vote isn’t about soccer club per
se, but do we want to set a precedent for funding club
i. Typically funded through OSI
h. Senator Jurgensen – removed from table, not going through
Neil, may not actually conflict with staffing because of this
i. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – would love for that to be true, but
the university sees the soccer club not as separate
j. Vice President Mousleh – club teams in Pullman,
registration fees and travel associated with this, seen as a
different entity than regular clubs who happen to
participate in intramural sports
k. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – campus just not ready for club
sports, even though Neil and Michelle recognize the desire
l. Senator Ho – first step to gauge how a sports club would
even function at WSUV, is the interest even high enough
for a club sports council? More like an event, like the
cycling club did last year
m. Senator Won – gain trust from Michelle or Neil so that
people can see that this is working and the club is really
active, first step, club is trying to go further ahead
n. Senator Atkinson – proving yourself, sizable amount for
something that has never been done before, liability
paperwork, transportation (university vehicles),
programming committee work with the sports clubs to start
to set club sports up
o. Senator Ho – active 24 hours only because of the
paperwork, have been practicing for over a month now,
played a game in the community, the soccer club is not the
same kind of sports club that you are thinking of
p. Vice President Mousleh – in the eyes of the university, this
will be seen as the same kind of sports club that Pullman
q. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – voice opinion to Neil, move to call
to question (no second), withdraws motion
r. Mason O’Lennick – more competitive team wanting to get
involved in campus, would be inappropriate to suggest try-
outs for the current Recreation team as it is co-ed and may
decrease willingness of female participants
s. Vice President Mousleh – initial hesitation came from
request for uniform funding, then discussion continued and
it became another issue
t. Ramandeep Brar (Guest)– there are registrations that
include t-shirts, could that be an option
u. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – uniforms would fall under
operational because they are required for the team to
participate in the league
v. Chair Pro-tempore Chu move to call to question, Senator
Atkinson second
i. Failed 1-7-2
w. Senator Ho – uniforms are not required, would like to be
considered an entity on the field
x. Senator Won – why not just request funding for t-shirts?
y. Senator Ho – should not purchase t-shirts now because we
might buy them in the future and it wouldn’t be good to
buy t-shirts now and then have to buy jerseys later, cotton
t-shirts not good for
z. Move to call to question by Chair Pro-tempore Chu, second
by Senator Won
i. Passed 10-0-0
aa. Bill 19.006 Failed 0-5-5
11. Bill 19.007
a. Guzman read in to the minutes
b. Atkinson moved for a second reading, Shaw seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
c. David Flores
i. Have been doing this for 7 years now
ii. Last year’s team didn’t pass the bill to get the same
funding as last year, so they are asking for funding to
get started
iii. Best competition for engineering students
iv. Operational budget not renewed and rollover funds
removed from accounts
v. Senate funded travel last year
vi. This does include materials, but will not be
requesting travel funds
vii. Will be doing fundraising
d. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – when is registration due?
i. Competition is April
e. Senator Atkinson – completely in awe of this group,
freshman get to look forward to doing this, is awesome
f. Planning to go back to S&A Fee Allocation Committee to
request the funding for next year
g. Chair Pro-tempore Chu - sections 1 through 6 could be
considered operational, but now that we know that S&A
usually funds this that could be considered null & void, put
a Cougar head on the vehicle
h. Senator Ho – is ASME active?
i. Will be active 10/9/09
i. Make sure that paperwork is submitted
j. Senator Won call to question, Chair Pro-tempore Chu
1. Passed 10-0-0
k. Bill 19.007 Passed 9-0-1
12. Bill 19.009
a. Senator Guzman read in to the minutes
b. Senator Atkinson excused
c. Senator Abbott moved for a second, Senator Won
i. Passed 10-0-0
d. Ramandeep Brar
i. Works in student diversity
ii. Senate funded last year
iii. Increased to 30 people
iv. Delegation meeting – what will students be learning,
awareness regarding diversity issues will be
important, workshop next Thursday about what
people learned last year
e. Vice President Mousleh – how will 30 people be chosen?
i. First come, first served
ii. Don’t foresee a problem filling all 30 spots
f. Senator Guzman moves to call to question, Senator Won
i. Passes 10-0-0
g. Bill 19.009 passed 7-0-3
13. Bill 19.010
a. Senator Ward read in to minutes
b. Secretary Boles moved for a second reading, Chair Pro-
tempore Chu seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
c. Purchasing order paperwork needs to be processed 3 days
before the event
d. Chair Pro-tempore Chu excused for 1 minute
e. Senator Guzman – excused from the table and speaking on
behalf of the bill
i. 30 people showed up in total, 15 people stayed for
the whole event
ii. Faculty and staff showed up as well
iii. Fun and social event
f. Senator Shaw – at what point does expected food become
i. $200 spent on the first event
ii. Would not be expecting to do food at each event
g. Night students are not actually available during these
h. Event is every Monday night
i. Food will not be provided at every event
i. 10 more games, possibly have bill for every other game
j. Senator Ho - membership fee possibly?
i. Will discuss this at the next meeting, on Monday
k. Senator Shaw – not a responsible use of funding to ask for
money for every other event
l. Senator Atkinson – Cougar Pride does a similar event, but
doesn’t provide food and people still show up
m. Senator Shaw moved to call to question, Senator Atkinson
i. Passed 10-0-0
n. Bill 19.010 passed 2-1-7
o. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to reconsider bill, Senator
Atkinson seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
p. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to amend the Bill from 19
September to 19 October
i. Senator Atkinson seconded
ii. Passed 10-0-0
q. Call to question by Senator Shaw, second by Senator
i. Passed 10-0-0
r. Bill 19.010 Passed as amended 2-1-7
14. Bill 19.011
a. Senator Abbott read in to the minutes
b. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to commit bill to the finance
committee, Atkinson seconded
i. Approved 10-0-0
15. By-Law Amendment 19.003
a. Senator Guzman read in to the minutes
b. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved for a second reading,
Secretary Boles seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
c. Senator Ho – work expected by who?
d. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – work expected by the Senate as a
whole, implied that there is an increased expected level of
e. Senator Won moved to call to question, Senator Guzman
i. Passed 10-0-0
f. By-Law Amendment 19.003 Passed 9-1-0
16. By-law Amendment 19.004
a. Senator Guzman read in to the minutes
b. Senator Shaw moved for a second, Chair Pro-tempore Chu
i. Passed 10-0-0
c. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to engross, Secretary Boles
i. Passed 10-0-0
d. Senator Ho – Chair Pro-tempore and Chairs are getting paid
the same as all of the other senators, they should not be
expected to increase their hours when others aren’t
e. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – duties are not optional, promised
to expand pro-tempore position, responsibilities need to be
increased first, then the pay
f. Senator Atkinson – good opportunity to figure out exactly
how much people actually do, senate responsibilities
increased for two years before there was a pay raise,
something that was a given
g. Senator Ho – raise responsibilities; should be reflected in
the amount of work and not in the hours
h. Senator Atkinson moved to call to question, Chair Pro-
tempore Chu seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
i. By-Law Amendment 19.004 Passed 9-0-1
17. By-law Amendment 19.016
a. Read in to the minutes by Senator Shaw
b. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved for a second reading,
Secretary Boles seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
c. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to engross, Secretary Boles
i. Passed 10-0-0
d. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – this came out of meeting with
Chief Justice Vaughn, constitution does give this authority
to the Judicial board, although this is against the traditional
separation of powers
e. Secretary Boles – reflects what Audrey said this morning
f. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to call to question, Senator
Shaw seconds
i. Passed 10-0-0
g. By-Law Amendment 19.016 Passed 9-0-1
18. By-Law Amendment 19.019
a. Senator Shaw read in to minutes
b. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved for a second reading,
Senator Shaw seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
c. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to engross, Secretary Boles
i. Passed 10-0-0
d. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to call to question, Senator
Won seconded
i. Passed 9-1-0
e. Senator Ho asked why this happened
i. Was most likely just a mistake
f. There were no constitutional changes until last year
g. By-Law Amendment 19.019 Passed 10-0-0
19. By-Law Amendment 19.020
a. Senator Shaw read in to minutes
b. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved for a second reading,
Senator Atkinson seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
c. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to engross, Secretary Boles
i. Passed 10-0-0
d. Chair Pro-tempore Chu – doesn’t know how this got in to
the presidential duties
e. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to call to question, Senator
Atkinson seconded
i. Passed 10-0-0
f. By-Law Amendment 19.020 Passed 10-0-0
20. Recognition
a. Senator Shaw excused
b. Chair Pro-tempore Chu recognized DLA Sterr for last nights
event as putting on events dealing with local politics was
no in the advertised job description.
c. Senator Atkinson recognized IT Assistant Hook for being so
expedient on the new computers
21. ASWSUV Announcements
a. Fall Leadership Conference – promote in classes and pass
around, Senators leading a session
b. Computers on working wireless, set up a training time for
Macs, come to Ben if there are any questions
c. PALS Meeting was held – third way this year, PALS has
been moved up to January or February, will need help
d. Tabling next week – definitely Wednesday and Thursday,
possibly Tuesday
22. Office of Student Involvement
a. Skipped, as Michelle McIlvoy is out
23. For The Good Of The Order
a. Senator Atkinson – Please answer the phone properly
b. Senator Ho – is there a new door code?  a non-student
government member somehow accessed codes; ask Nick,
Nicole or Michelle for the new one
24. Adjourned @ 9:45

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