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Cosmic Sun Chakra Alignment Cosmic Sun Chakra Alignment

All Rights Reser"e# $ Co%&right Michelle Man#ers
Channelle# in 'ohannes(urg) South A*rica) +, Ma& -../
Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you, as the information in timeless.
You will energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you,
which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given in the live
channelling, if any. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan,
iming ! Purpose.
This transcript has been published free of charge by Intellectual Property owner Michelle Manders
and Palace of Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate
the Law of Integrity being honoured and ask that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any
sort under any circumstance alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for
personal financial gain. You are welcome topublish an excerpt with the link to the downloadable full
transcript on our website.
This channelling was revised and updated by Michelle under the auspices of Kuthumi-Agrippa in This channelling was revised and updated by Michelle under the auspices of Kuthumi-Agrippa in
August 2012. ome !uestions from participants have been included in the transcript as we have August 2012. ome !uestions from participants have been included in the transcript as we have
found them to be of benefit to our readers. found them to be of benefit to our readers.
" am #uthumi and " come forward upon the $ays of, %ove and &isdom, to greet you at
this time and bring unto you blessings of understanding, forgiveness, humility and
pleasure. 'reetings beloved ones. (nd it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that
we may gather with you upon this day.
oday you have chosen an energy integration that shall result in a process of continuous
creative change. ")m sure all of you present and those who will come to hear and read
these words in the future will resonate with the fact that change is inevitable and that it
is a constant process manifesting a way forward. &ithout change everything becomes
stagnant, thus you are stepping into the *un of *elf today.
%ight and power is the gift you receive today, facilitating the activation of the final leg of
your integration of the *un Chakra and the mergence between your base, your sun and
sacral chakras. his is also integrating many levels of the solar ple+us energies,
therefore, in time to come you will physically, tangibly e+perience the manifested power
brought into your space by the complete mergence of the lower chakras with your *un
he *un Chakra is the aspect of you embodying every fibre of potential creative power
in e+istence and is situated between your base and sacral chakras. You could call this
your *olar *elf. here was a time in (tlantis, the very beginning of (tlantis, where a
group of initiates had integrated this %ight and their *un Chakra,s became the vorte+ of
energy symbolising what you know as your lower chakras. he creative forces they
tapped into and utilised for manifestation is what eventually became an abused energy,
and the rest, as they say, is history. -ow you stand before the Councils of %ight and are
receiving your divine right to reactivate that energetic force again. (ll of you here today,
and those who come to find my words in the future, were a part of the group in (tlantis
we referred to.
he activation of the *un Chakra at this level, meaning the mergence of your base,
sacral and solar ple+us chakras, which is .birthed/ in the form of the *un Chakra, will in
a manner of speaking force you to move beyond the constructs of illusion embodying
any kind of constrictive web, or disempowering creation. #now that your attention will
be guided to focus on your creative power and how it is meant to be utilised. " speak not
of playful creativity in the sense of painting a picture for rela+ation, or decorating a
bowl. " speak of creative manifestation power. his takes the definition of creativity into
a completely new dimension for you, and all of you will be asked to master the 000
levels of *un Chakra energy therefore, and yes hold onto your boots, 000 initiations, but
you have completed much more than this in your lifetime already. hese initiations are
not purely of a physical nature. You will undergo appro+imately 10 of your 000
initiations in a so called physical nature. he rest will unfold through your emotional,
mental, spiritual, crystalline and 2uantum bodies. hese bodies naturally impact on your
material reality.
Your initiation, as such, for now is walking the path of the 3aster 3anifestor. -o soul
can ascend beyond the current realms of limitation ! illusion unless they have mastered
the positive art of manifestation. his is why understanding fear based reactions is so
important. Your fear deprives you of your title as master over the material world. You
are master manifestors, the time has simply come to remember how to do this
manifesting more of the positive 2ualities than repeating the manifestation of the
negative 2ualities which your fear based motivations create as negative or destructive
patterns, which has been the theme of manifestation you ave become accustomed to
e+periencing in life. hus applying the %aws of Positive 3anifestation in a conscious
manner is crucial.
Before we give you any more information it is time now for us to take you through the
energetic connection and activation of the union of your 4 lower chakras and introduce
you to the energy of this e+tremely powerful creative force. (ll of you have been
e+periencing limitation in some or other area of your life. -ow is your time to take what
it is that eludes you and focus upon it while you activate the energy we shall guide you
through today. ake a few moments to consider what aspect of lack or limitation you
wish to focus upon so as to change it and bring it into its powerful positive creative
$ela+ your body and inhale deeply, e+hale fully and continue rela+ing your body and
your mind. "magine your body becoming warm as an imagined sun shines brightly upon
your skin. 5pen your energy to call forth the power of the sun. &elcome %ord $a,
welcome %ord *oltec, and welcome into your presence the *un Children. he *un
Children represent the innocent creative power present within all life. heir presence is
there to rekindle the same power within you, liberating your inner child to reconnect
with its freedom to e+press itself positively, constructively, creatively and in an
empowered fashion. Continue breathing as you connect with each of the *un Children
who grace you with their presence.
%ord $a moves closer toward you and places a golden chain around your neck with a
large sun disk. -otice where the sun disk rests upon your body, in other words which
chakra is it aligned with6 his indicates to you which chakra in your body re2uires solar
energy the most. he sun melts the aspect of self trapped in isolation, therefore the
healing the sun disk brings you results in the melting of the isolated aspects of self
connected within the chakra it rests upon.
Breathe and rela+. %ord *oltec, one of the great %ords of %ove, and whose responsibility
it is at this time to merge the *cience of %ove with the *cience of *pirit, stands before
you and offers you another golden disk etched with symbols and patterns. his is the
Code of Divine %ove that you resonate with personally. ake this disk from him and do
whatever you feel intuitively motivated to do with it.
%ord $a moves to stand behind you and places a hand on your lower back filling you
with added warmth. Become aware of the sound of his breathe behind you and begin to
breathe in the same rhythm as he is. -ow, focus upon what it was you decided to bring
into the *un Chakra activation, in other words, the lack or limitation you wish to
transmute. 7old this in your mind and begin moving this vision down your spine and
into your sacral chakra. 8eel the warmth of %ord $a enfolding this vision of yours and
feel his energy enfolding every chakra within your body.
-ow take your breath to your sacral chakra and imagine yourself breathing through
your sacral chakra. %ord $a, the %ord of the *un brings you the gift of a divine aspect of
yourself, an aspect that embodies mastery. (t this particular time it does not matter
whether you know what this aspect embodies or not. &hat is important is that this
vibration be encoded in your sacral chakra. 7e begins emitting a vibration through his
palm chakra into your sacral chakra, activating the ability to receive this code that shall
allow this divine aspect of yourself to merge with you. his divine aspect will play a role
of supporting you in your positive creative endeavours and facilitate a time line in which
you shall grow immensely and rapidly in the sense of understanding what your positive
creative purpose is, in other words, how your creativity and life purpose are connected.
his becomes your creative purpose. his divine aspect is a part of your future self, and
once you have completed the initiation this aspect takes you through, it will become a
permanent aspect of your physical conscious self.
Continue to breathe as all the codes are placed within your sacral chakra, which will also
penetrate any dense dimensions within the creation of your sacral chakra. hese dense
dimensions came into being because of the dense programs you took on from your
mother specifically. 7ow she denied her creativity or how she utilised it, her definition
of it, her negative belief systems around positive manifestation in the material world
will also be dissolved. herefore do not concern yourself that you will have to process
her belief systems so to speak. 9ust know that this is what you will release so as to
facilitate your complete stepping into the positive power of your sacral chakra.
(s you take another deep breath in see a magnificent red light switching on in your base
chakra, and a yellow light in your solar ple+us chakra. -ow visualise these two balls of
light gravitating towards the orange light in your sacral chakra. :ery gently see if these 4
balls will merge, if they don)t it is not serious, just take them, either as one ball of light
or still as 4 balls of light, and move them down slightly beneath your sacral chakra,
which is where your *un Chakra vorte+ point is located. "magine seeing the balls of your
lower chakras spinning together, increasing the light they embody, and as they spin your
*un Chakra ignites, and the power of its 'olden ;nergy begins to absorb the 4 balls of
light representing your 4 lower chakras. Breathe as this takes place, for every pulsation
of 'olden %ight from the *un Chakra is activating some of your (scended 3aster cellular
imprinting. Don)t worry about how it is done just let it be done.
Continue breathing and take that vision of what you wanted to have healed and move it
into the *un Chakra. he 'olden %ight begins to transform the situation, transmuting all
density into li2uid light. "magine the 'olden %ight of the *un Chakra shining into and
through the situation, clearing all avenues for the positive creative manifestation you
will perform. his process continues to intensify until %ord $a releases his hand from
your lower back and steps away. 7e has now fully activated the process of your 4 lower
chakras becoming one with the *un Chakra. his will continue to unfold for the ne+t <<
days and nights. During this time it will be revealed to you how to utilise your positive
creative power to manifest your needs as met. " assure you, it will not be a time of
manifesting more limitation so as to help you recognise how you sabotage yourself. You
will now see just how powerful your positive creative abilities are, and how to project
them in constructive ways.
Continue breathing, if you feel any discomfort in the womb area if you are a female
breathe into it. :ery often the physical activation of a vorte+ of an energy such as this
can cause physical discomfort, so simply breathe into it. 'entlemen, you have an etheric
womb, therefore if you feel discomfort in the area breathe into your imagined etheric
womb. (s this light intensifies and the power of positive creativity anchors itself more
firmly in your 4 lower chakras, take any other areas of your life, over and above what
you have chosen, that you wish the power of positive creativity to be a part of and place
it in the light now.
5n your ne+t in breath draw this powerful 'olden ;nergy of the *un Chakra up your
spine, move it into your 4rd eye and your crown chakra. (llow it now to move up into
your =th chakra and imagine it e+ploding into a shower of light which filters into all your
>> *irian Body Chakras and activates all the minor chakras in your physical and energetic
bodies, resulting in you standing as a radiant golden being emanating powerful creative
sun light. he warmth of this energy strengthens your magnetic ability to positively
attract to you that which serves you, that which supports you and facilitates your
growth and movement forward. he warmth and power of this *olar ;nergy as light as it
is, is able to fully anchor and ground you in the present moment? your most powerful
point of presence. You are never more powerful in any place other than in the present
moment. hat is you most powerful point of being.
Draw your consciousness into the present moment of what you e+perience now and use
your creative power to absorb the 'olden %ight and emanate this light out to touch
every fear you have in your mind, in your heart and command this energy to penetrate
your subconscious and unconscious, bringing the warmth of your positive creative
power to overcome every fear that has ever paralysed you, and breathe, let go, feel
your body surrender, and visualise yourself releasing your grip on whatever you are
holding onto with all your might. 9ust drop it. ( liberated spirit does not hold onto
anything, for when you hold onto something you inhibit your movement forward, you
weigh yourself down, you limit your freedom to move, to e+press and e+plore. Being in
the moment means no one re2uires the need to hold onto anything, for in every
moment everything is as it must be, and every moment that follows that moment
provides everything that makes the moment perfect. " repeat, a liberated spirit never
needs to hold onto anything because every moment provides what is needed, because
the moment is perfect.
3ake it a practise of visualising yourself loosening your grip on whatever it is you feel
you are holding onto out of fear or the need to control. "f it is a thought form, remove
the thought form with your hand from your mind, hold it over a volcano, a fire or a river
and open your hand and drop it. %et it go, let the water take it, let the fire burn it, let the
lava consume it. he Cosmic 8ire you are activating at this time will reveal to you the
power of transmutation and how with veils removed how empowered you feel, because
you have integrated confidence in your ability to trust every moment as being perfect
and divine. Your confidence will emerge as the result of the sense of power you will feel
because you will be standing in your most powerful point of presence @ the present.
hat beloved ones " cannot reiterate enough. Your power is its most powerful in the
present moment.
Your *un :ibration will prove this to you over and over again. %ord $a will show you the
Cosmic 8ire inside of you being a force to reckon with, one your lower ego will learn to
respect, and this my beloved initiates takes you into the last part of this activation,
which aligns you with the Cosmic 8ire :ibration of hrive Consciousness. 8ire is passion,
when one is in the power of the present moment the fire is balanced, it does not rage
out of control, neither does it come in danger of being e+tinguished. "t is a constant
presence, creating sufficient heat to ensure the water element within your body@ your
sacral chakra, is always flowing, always clear and confident. he flow of your water
element will ensure that your earth element? what you have come to know as you base
chakra, is sufficiently irrigated so as to facilitate the growth and nurturance of that
which grows in the fertile soil of your earth element, and it is your breath, the breath of
life that shall o+ygenate your fire element @ your solar ple+us chakra.
Beloved ones, you now merge the power of your fire element, your water element and
your earth element which becomes your most powerful tool of combined creation, and
that is how you move out of survival consciousness, poverty consciousness and victim
consciousness and come to stand within the heart of hrive Consciousness, Prosperity
and :ictory consciousness, and the greatest gift of all is the confidence you will have in
knowing who you are and every day that you breathe life is for a purpose. 8rom day to
day your purpose may differ, " assure you however that your daily purpose makes up for
your greater purpose on ;arth. Do not waste time searching for the grand purpose of
your life. Be present and embrace the purpose of the moment. ;very moment has a
purpose, which is why you are in it.
ake another deep breathe in, allow all the information we have given you to filter into
your mind, your heart, your body and your spirit. 'ive thanks for all of that which you
have drawn to yourself today. 'ive thanks to %ord $a, give thanks to %ord *oltec, and
give thanks to the *un for the gifts it has brought you. 'ive thanks to yourself and the
aspect of self you have integrated today, and know that you can comfortably be at
peace because you are on the right path. You are living your purpose, you are active.
#now that the energy of your *un Chakra will continue to create the positive changes
we have spoken of. ake advantage of the ne+t << days to consciously embrace the
creative direction you have called forth, and " assure you, with this focus and with the
attention you pay to your life, all solutions you seek to your current dilemmas will
manifest under grace in perfect, harmonious, divine and miraculous ways, and it will be
ake a deep breathe in, and as you e+hale draw your consciousness back into your
physical body. 8eel your *un Chakra anchoring your energy on ;arth. 8eel how the
warmth of your *un Chakra touches your heart, throat, 4rd eye and crown chakras. "if
there is anything important you wish to make a note of, please go ahead and do this
Before " take 2uestions " wish to speak a little about the effects of fear based reactions. "
trust you are aware of the fact that fears are in fact illusions based on predefined
systems created by your predecessors. 3any of these systems manifested as a result of
ignorance. "gnorance is a very volatile and dangerous energy. "t is also e+tremely
vulnerable. his is one of the many reasons why we emphasiAe the importance of
becoming self aware, gaining knowledge and learning about life. &ith this knowledge
and power you are not victim to such programming. You are not victim to the fears of
others who in an ignorant state of consciousness. (ll of you are teachers in your own
right, and by understanding the foundations upon which fear grew, you have the power
to eliminate the foundation permanently and set in place the foundation for truth and
love to e+ist. he more empowered and self aware you are the less you have to fear. "
say this because you become more aware of your ability to manifest positively, to
understand, create, develop and move on. 8ear is the number one paralysing and self
sabotaging force on ;arth. "t is this vibration that causes you to feel down, heavy,
inade2uate, useless, and worthless.
8ear is the number 1 destructive force in e+istence in human consciousness. " speak not
of natural fear in the form of survival where one is alerted to something being
dangerous, that is natural fear. " speak of the fear created by the ignorance and greed of
humanity. he abuse of power came into being as a result of the fear of lack and
limitation. 3any people sabotage their personal efforts daily simply because they fear
success. hey fear their ability or lack thereof to maintain what they create. ( master of
the material world has the power to continuously create in every moment of e+istence,
and that creative ability feeds upon itself and grows. herefore, the fear of failure is
simply the lack of trust in ones ability to utilise the positive creative force resident
within, very often as a result of e+ternal forces embodying the same fear and projecting
it onto others. his is why judgement, criticism and ridicule are so dangerous. Bear in
mind " speak not of discernment, guardianship of those endangered by the negative
reactions and projections of others. " speak of what inhibits you as a fully creative being
from seeing your own light? seeing the sun of self weaving its magic in your life.
"magine yourself as a fearless person. 7ow would your life be6 "f fear was out of the way
what would you be doing6 7ow would you do it6 &hat would be your motivating force6
what would be the results of what you are doing6 hese are all very important 2uestions
and " urge you to ask yourself these 2uestions and focus on different aspects of your life
at the same time, and you will realise how much power your fear has had over you, how
much power you have given to your fears, and how much you have deprived yourself of
the creative power because of a simple fear. "s the fear realistic6 "s it true6 if you believe
it, it is true, what led you to believe that it is true6 Buestion your history so as to find
the truth in the present. By knowing the truth in the present moment you have the
power to create a different future. Do not take everything at face value, do not believe
everything you hear or read, honour your heart, listen to that voice, feel, get back into
your body and feel yourself, feel the direction your soul is guiding you in. You cannot go
wrong if you do this.
;very (scended 3aster you are familiar with has had to master what you are now being
presented with. -one of us got to pass by this initiation without mastering it, therefore,
" assure you it is possible, it is probable and it is inevitable. herefore, the power is
yours. Cse it. You stand with the magic wand now. Your soul has given you the power to
say the magic word. Your soul and you are no longer worlds apart. *pirit is tangibly
weaving its magic in your life. *imply step out of your way and see it. *top paying so
much attention to your fears and look at what is right, what is flowing and what is
supporting you. You will be amaAed by how present spirit is.
Beloved ones " shall take some 2uestions, if there are any, before we end the
transmission. Please proceed.
Q. Lord Kuthumi I have been dealing with fear this week with regards to
vaccination. I went to speak to my daughters head mistress about not vaccinating the
entire class and leaving the decision up to parents with the aim of actually preventing it
from going ahead this year and it worked to some extent. I manifested my results, but
they only will stop vaccinating next year. I want to know is Kerry going to be safe if she is
going to be around a whole lot of children, without her vaccinations. he thing thats
giving me the most fear is I dont want her to contract anything because Ive decided not
to vaccinate.
%#D *ister, if it is in her contract to contract the disease it she will. $egardless of what
you do or do not do. Do you get the message6
Laughing ! I know its a "uestion of trust, but as a mother it is a very difficult
%#D "t is completely understandable, but when one focuses on the fear one amplifies
its energy. " suggest you e+plain to your daughter what is happening and why, and that
it is in her best interest to visualise herself in a protective shield of energy, and you can
do the same with her. (sk her 7ealing (ngels to protect her and that all manifests
according to the will of her plan and be at peace. rust her soul and trust that what
must be will be. :accination ingredients do far more damage than you realise. You are
doing her body a great justice by not vaccinating.
hank you
Q. Lord Kuthumi, could you please explain to me what was happening with all the
negative energies this morning and also Lady #adas role with me at present. hank you.
%#D %ady -ada, is the (scended 3aster of Cnconditional %ove. 7er role at this time
on a planetary scale is to anchor all the Divine emplates of Cnconditional %ove within
every human being as an individual on the planet, as well as collective templates for
3other ;arth. 7er role at this time is to assist you in anchoring the understanding of
unconditional love. he negative energies you e+perienced are ones that came into
being as a result of the absence of unconditional love. here are many cycles where
such times are e+perienced, where negativity is moved out of its space to make place
for that which is of a new, more loving vibration. During this time, the ne+t << days
specifically, it is important that you look into yourself and see how what is occurring
around you is in fact a mirror of what is in fact occurring within you. *he is in you
presence for the purpose of performing important healing on yourself. *he brings you
the 3agenta $ay which is the $ay that holds the vibration of the number <<, which
manifests perfect balance and harmony in all areas, which is primarily what
unconditional love does.
Q. Lord Kuthumi can you please explain what is currently happening with our sun
and how it is affecting our earth, the shape of the earth and the polars shifting.
%#D Certainly, because the *un Chakra is being revived, the *un as an e+ternal form,
like every other form within the Cosmos, transforms. %ady 'aia is undergoing the same
activation of the *un Chakra and she will have in total << *un Chakra points active upon
her body, as well as within her body by the year >E1>. he polar shifts taking place are a
natural phenomena as a result of the shifts taking place within her consciousness. his is
as a result of the need for balance to manifest. here has been imbalance on billions of
levels of consciousness, levels humanity does not have the capacity to tap into or
understand. he polar shifts taking place result in ;arth changes which are needed for
the purpose of creating the transformations re2uired so that energies can be
transmuted. he transformational energy is an energy that moves along a horiAontal
timeline. ;nergy that is of a transmutation or transcendent 2uality moves along a
vertical line. herefore, transform through the timelines and everything is transmuted
and transcends. Do you understand6
$es I do
(nd as above so below, bear that in mind too. he fact that so much is changing around
the polar caps is as a result of people bringing more warmth into their lives. (ccept
change is inevitable and the fact that 3other ;arth is a living breathing organism and
that her body is a replica of yours and vice versa. "t then becomes easier to understand
that the changes upon you and her are a necessary part of her evolution and ascension
and just like within the human realm, action is being taken to prevent abuse, or to end
it, the same is being done with her. *o where abuse has led to things like global warming
and her body being poisoned so that agricultural products are fast becoming unsafe,
those measures must continue to be taken. 9ust like every light worker continues to take
action to eradicate from the body, the mind, the spirit, the souls and the material world
that which is abusive and destructive. Does that answer your 2uestion6
$es it does, thank you.
You are welcome, and so it is then beloved ones that we embrace you in the 'olden
%ight? the *un %ight and %ight of %ove bringing to you absolutely everything you need in
order to manifest your needs as met in this time and place. 7onour the power of the
moment, for it shall reveal to you the power of you. #now it is a gift and honour where
you are now, facing your initiation to master the material world. Being a master of the
material world frees you to do whatever you feel inspired to do, and to go wherever
your soul wishes to take you. rust in the many invisible arms that hold you and know
that not ever do you walk alone for we are all one, and we are with you always in all
ways. %ove and %ight be with you eternally, " am #uthumi, Chohan of the 'olden $ay of
%ove and &isdom and " greet and bless you in love. (donai.
"n order to properly integrate this teaching please take the time to answer all the
2uestions posed in the channelling itself.
"f you have access to 8ace Book, you can join our Palace of Peace 'roup for guidance
and support from the community, or visit our website for more
teachings and messages such as this one to help you along. &e also have many free
channelings available in our 8ree Channellings section of the website.
Copyright -otice @ &e ask that you honour the %aws of rust and "ntegrity and acknowledge that
none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced,
digitally recorded or deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. he Palace of
Peace has assigned translators for the channellings and may not be translated by anyone other
than these people. Please contact us michelle.palaceofpeace"gmail.comif you would like
this channelling in another language, or if you would like to translate this material into your
language. his information remains the sole intellectual property of 3ichelle 3anders at all

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