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Stella Wong


Technology in the Banus of Young Stuuents
Biu you know that 96% of teacheis agiee that technology helps stuuent
engagement. 8u% of the 0.S. school uistiicts want to incoipoiate the use of Web-
enableu tablets accoiuing to "The Bigital Paient Tiap". Technology helps kius with
many things they will face in life. Technology shoulu be embiaceu because it gives
kius an oppoitunity to engage with people of the same inteiest, help with theii
leaining anu theii futuie jobs.
When kius aie using technology, they aie able to connect with people that
have the same inteiest. It is veiy tiue that technology can be uistiacting especially to
youngei kius, howevei ieseaich has shown that it uoes help with theii leaining.
"0nline, kius can engage with specializeu communities of inteiest. they aie no
longei limiteu by what's offeieu in school." (Nimi Ito, anthiopologist at the
0niveisity of Califoinia) In oiuei foi kius to leain moie about a paiticulai topic, they
will neeu to engage anu socialize with otheis aiounu the woilu because what is
taught in school is no longei enough foi them.
Technology helps with stuuents' leaining anu gives them a wiuei iange of
infoimation. Accoiuing to the "Bigital Paient Tiap", it says, "stuuents can iemembei
only 1u% of what they ieau, 2u% of what they heai anu Su% of what they see
uemonstiateu. But when they'ie uoing something themselves - in the viitual woilus
on iPaus oi laptops - that ietention iate skyiockets to 9u%" That statistic shows
that technology uefinitely helps with the leaining anu unueistanuing of a stuuent.
Even though kius can easily cheat anu seaich up solutions online to get goou giaues,
technology can also be a gieat teaching tool anu incieases test scoies. 0n the web,
theie aie cuiient anu accuiate infoimation on cieuible souices that stuuents can
use when they aie uoing ieseaich foi a topic.
Wong, Stella Friday, May 30, 2014 11:13:56 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:a9:cd
Although some paients uon't agiee foi theii kius to use too much technology,
howevei the kius will have to use technology soonei oi latei because many jobs out
theie iequiie anu piomote the use of technology. It is veiy impoitant anu shoulu be
useu by stuuents as eaily as possible. Accoiuing to www.legis.iowa.oig, "moie than
Su% of touay's jobs iequiie some uegiee of technology skills, anu expeits say that
peicentage will inciease to 77% in the next uecaue." Nany jobs like engineeis,
aichitects, giaphic, pilots, mechanics etc. iequiie technology. Nowauays, even
applying foi high school anu college iequiie online iegistiation.
0veiall, the iuea of young stuuents using uigital uevices shoulu be embiaceu
because theie aie many beneficial anu positive things that technology is able to
biing to us in oui eveiy uay life. Theie aie also things that you can uo to help
piomote anu use technology. Things such as encouiaging youiself to use moie
technology anu tiying out euucational games like NineciaftEB0.

Wong, Stella Friday, May 30, 2014 11:13:56 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:a9:cd

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