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Programme Module

Topic Balancing National Security and Human Rights

Number of Participants 20 30
Participant Level Superior Court Judges or other relevant judicial officers
Teaching Level A high level so that the judges are
Sensitized to the complex issues of national security and
human rights principles at stae
given the tools to allo! them to "alance those issues in
their decision#maing$
Leader/Panel A high profile presenter% a Superior Court Judge% an expert on
&nternational 'a!
b!ectives" At the end of this session( participants !ill "e a"le to)
*$ +efine !hat is encompassed "y ,ational Security
2$ 'ist and explore !ays in !hich ne! ,ational security legislation nd government
policy affect existing constitutional- statutory- common la! .uman /ights
3$ &dentify the principles of &nternational 'a! and list the !ays in !hich national
security measures may infringe "asic human rights
0$ &dentify and apply the principles of &nternational 'a! !hich are relevant in
domestic cases involving ,ational Security
1$ &dentify the role of the judge and the factors relevant to "alancing ,ational
Security and .uman /ights generally !ith particular reference to)# 2a3
separation of po!ers 2"3 judicial activism 2c3 scope of remedies$
4easura"le Self 5valuation 6orm)
7lease use a num"er "et!een * and 1 to rate the extent to !hich this o"jective !as met
1 5xcellent% 0 8ery 9ood% 3 9ood% 2 Average% * 7oor
:eaching 7lan :iming for one day
Time Session #ontent
;$00# ;$*1 &ntroduction to the session &ce"reaer and &ntroduction
;$*1 ;$01 :he /ole of a Supreme Court
in a +emocracy and the 6ight
against :errorism
6eature interactive lecture "y a
presenter such as <ara J to cover
not only the role of a judge "ut
also the "alancing of national
security and human rights issues$
;$01 *0$*1 7lenary +iscussion 9eneral discussion including
=uestion and ans!er !ith
*0$*1 *0$30 <rea
*0$30 *0$01 >hat is meant "y national
A short film illustrating the
situations giving rise to ,ational
security concerns#
7olitical insurgency
9ang-@rganised crime
Anion activism-'a"our
*0$01 #**$01 >hat is the domestic la! on
national security?
+omestic la! to "e su"stantially
elicited from the group "y
superior court judge$
Content to cover
ne! legislation%
current la! 2Constitution(
existing legislation(
common la! human
rights3 and
government policy on
,ational Security$
&n particular to)
&dentify the national
security issues covered "y
the ne! legislation
list of the effects of the
ne! legislation on
identify !hether there is
any conflict( uncertainty(
am"iguity arising from the
ne! legislation
6acilitator to use flip charts
**$01 *2$01 >hat are the international
instruments and norms relevant
to national security?
7resentation "y 6acilitator-5xpert
in &nternational 'a! for *1
minutes( using po!erpoint
Content to cover the 6undamental
6reedoms such as)
6reedom of Speech
6reedom of Association
/ight to 'ife and Security
/ight to 7rivacy
/ight to a 6air and
5xpeditious :rial
4inimum Standards of
7risoner /ights
+ue 7rocess of 'a!
6ollo!ed "y a half an hour group
discussion !ith t!o hypothetical
cases !hich raises the application
of <angalore 7rinciples eg
lacuna or gap(
uncertainty or am"iguity
*1 minutes report "ac in plenary
*2$01 *$01 'unch
*$01 2$00 7rocedural concerns !hich
may arise in circumstances
involving ,ational Security$
A film a"out a hypothetical man
!ho is exposed to procedures
!hich include for example
extended custody !ithout
charge 2Bpreventative
no la!yer
no communication !ith
su"se=uently charged "ut
2 years later still no trial
2$00 2$30 9roup discussion +iscussion a"out the content of
the film in order to
identify the human rights
issues involved
and list them !ith
reference to the
international instruments
2$30 # 2$01 7lenary discussion :he 9roups reports "ac !ith
facilitation of the judge
2$01 3$30 7lenary Session Additional discussion on the
hypothetical film !ith facilitation
"y the judge to elicit responses on
the follo!ing
to !hat extent should the
judiciary "e involved in
the issues raised 2judicial
ho! can the judge
"alance the rights of
!hat is the scope of the
Ase of flip charts
3$30 3$01 <rea
3$01 0$30 >rap#Ap .as the program covered
the named o"jectives?
.as the program covered
your individual
5valuation sheets
Teaching Tools
&ce"reaer 6lip Chart
9roup discussions 6ilm of hypothetical procedure
'ecture .ypotheticals for group discussion
Short lecturette Short film
6acilitated general discussion
Bac$ground Material
,ational 'egislation 2eg3
,e! 'egislation on ,ational Security
5xisting 'egislation related to ,ational Security
&nternational &nstruments
:he +eclaration on 6undamental .uman /ights
:he &nternational Covenant on Civil and 7olitical /ights
:he &nternational Covenant on 5conomic( Social( and Cultural /ights
:he Convention on the 5limination of all forms of racial +iscrimination
:he 8ienna Convention on the 'a!s of :reaties2Articles 2D and 2E3
<angalore 7rinciples
&nternational 'a"our @rganization Convention FE 6reedom of Association and
7rotection of the /ights to @rganize$
The Role of a Supreme Court in a Democracy, and the Fight Against Terrorism
Aharon <arrac Aniversity of 4iami 'a! /evie!
@cto"er( 2003
Human Rights in a Global Village Challenges of !ri"acy and #ational Security
A$ >ayne 4acGay ,ational Journal of Constitutional 'a!
June 200D$
$alancing State Security and !rotection of Constitutional and Human Rights
.on$ Justice J$,$ 4ulenga /emars from CJ5& <iennial 4eeting
4arch( 20*0
$alancing Human Rights and #ational Security Concerns A Reality Chec%
.on$ Justice Simon ,oel Speech
January( 200D
Canada&s Supreme Court Rules on Human Rights "' Security
Samuel 9$ 4c:yre &mmigration ,e!s
January( 2002
Security An (n"entory of Agency Considerations ) *+ecuti"e Summary
Canadian .uman /ights Commission
June( 200F
,Terrorists, Human Rights and the -nited #ations. "y Arundhati 9hose
,Can a terrorist get a fair trial?. B@ndeletteC Sunday August 2( 200; 1)1; pm
,Human Rights, Terrorism and Counter/terrorism. "y @ffice of the Anited ,ations(
.igh Commissioner for .uman /ights mainly
,The Right to Fair Trial and A0mal 1asab. "y ,andita .asar$
,(s it really necessary to sacrifice fair trial standards to prosecute terrorism2. "y
+avid >eiss"rodt 7rofessor of 'a!( Aniversity of 4innesota
,A 3egal Frame4or% for Detaining Terrorists *nact a 3a4 to *nd the Clash o"er
Rights. "y <enjamin >ittes and 4ar 9itenstein$
,Terrorism !re/Charge Detention Comparati"e 3a4 Study. "y Jago /ussell
<i"liography of Cases Attached
B'BL'(R%PH) * #%S&S
National Security #ases
!eople&s -nion of Ci"il 3iberties 5!-C36 "s' -nion of (ndia 5-7(6 and Anr'
A&/*;;ESC1DF( +ecem"er *F( 200D
Canada5!rime 8inister6 "s' 1hadr
20*0 SCC 3( January 2;( 20*0
!ermanent Secretary 8inistry of Fine Affairs, !atric% 8anning, !rime 8inister
of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago "s' Fero9a Ram0ohn
Civil Appeal ,o$ E* of 200E /epu"lic of :rinidad and :o"ago Court of Appeal
July F( 200;
1artar Singh "' State of !un0ab *;;0 233 SCC 1D;
State of 8aharashtra "' $harat Shanti 3al Saha : ors' 200F A&/ SC> D03*
Atif #asir 8ullah "' State of 8aharashtra 2200D3 *0F <@4'/ ;F
State of 8aharashtra " 8ohd' A0mal Amir 1asab Session case no$ *E1-200;
!eoples -nion for Ci"il 3iberties and Anr' " -nion of (ndia A&/ 2000 SC 01D
8odi Ram : 3ala " State of 8'! A&/ *;E2 SC 203F
State " 8ohd' Af9al 2003 8&& A+ 2+elhi3 &
State " 8ohd' Arif Criminal Appeal ,o$ 2E3 H 100
D'1' $asu Vs' State of ;est $engal A&/ *;;E SC D*0
8achhi Singh Vs' State of !un0ab *;F3 A&/ ;1E
$achaan Singh "s State of !un0ab *;E* A&/ 2*D0
Totani and Another " State of South Australia 2200;3 SAS/ 201
1/Generation !ty 3td' 3i<uor 3icensing Court and Another 23E C'/ 10*
%pplication of 'nternational La+ in ,omestic La+
8inister for (mmigration and *thnic Affairs "' Teoh 2*;;03 *2F A'/ 313
Ta"ita " 8inister of (mmigration I*;;0J 2 ,K'/ 21E
$a%er " The 8inister of Citi9enship and (mmigration I*;;;J 2 SC/ F*E
S=>? " Common4ealth of Australia 220033 2** C'/ 0ED
Van Gor%man " Attorney General and Another I*;EEJ * ,K'/ 313
Australia @antas Air4ays 3imited " Christie I*;;FJ .CA*F 2am"iguity3
Sarah Diau " $ots4ana $uilding Society *; +ecem"er 2003 ,o$&C 10-2003 2gap3
Visha%a : 7thers " The State of Ra0asthan : 7thers *3 August *;;E 2gap3
Common4ealth of Australia "' Human Rights and *<ual 7pportunity
Commission I2000J 6CA *F10 2am"iguity3

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