Sie sind auf Seite 1von 16

1)Displacement of Apex to Lt.

And downward LVH

2)Sinus Bradycardia less tan !"
#)Blood culture is dia$nostic in %nfecti&e endocarditis
')()) of infecti&e endocarditis Strepto Viridans
*)Aterosclerosis asso. %nfection )lymadia pneumonae
!)+sler,s nodes SAB-
.))/A/ asso c A0- %ncresed )ardiac output
1)Systolic murmur asso c -2ection clic3
4)/ysiolo$ocal murmur asso c A0- Distolic murmur
1"))onn,s syndrome Hyperaldosteronism c Hypo3alemia
11)/ure red cell aplasia is asso c 5 6ymoma
12)-xo$enous insulin is differentiated from endo$enous 7y /resence
of ,), peptide
1#)(eta7olic syndrome is asso c A0- %ncre HDL
1'))ynes Sto3es 7reatin$ (eta7olic al3olosis
1*)8ranulomatous condition wit ypercalcemia Sarcoidosis
1!)Apoplexy Sudden attac3 of /aralysis
1.)Viral (enin$itis not asso c 9ormal Su$ar09ormal
cloride0Lympocytes0Decreased proteins
11)):; anaemia due to -rytropoietin deficiency
14)Autosomal Dominant A0- Beta tallasemia
2")() cause of Secondary H69 :eno&ascular disease
21):efractory H69 commonest cause /t non compliance0Dru$
induced0 /eocromocytoma
22)Hypo3alemia produces -)8 can$es A0- 6all ,6, wa&es
2#)An$ina duration 15*mins0*51"mins01*mins0#"mins
2')<nsta7le an$ina )rescendo wit normal -)8
2*)Sino atrial disease Atrial ectopic0Ventricular ectopic0Sinus
arrest0Sinus Arrytmia
2!):epeat as a7o&e
2.)Adenoma Se7aceum in 6u7erous Sclerosis is An$iofi7roma
21)Dru$ induced lupus5 anti istone anti7odies
24)/ortwine urine seen in porpyria0 nepritis0melanoma0 All of te
#")9epritis syndrome A0- Hypertension0
#1)Hepatic carcino$en is Aflatoxin
#2)Li&er cirrosis is d0t 8alactosemia
##)/arentral fat nutrition c0i Hyperlipidemia0 D( 0trom7otic
#')/ropylaxis of pneumocystis carinii ad&ised A%DS0Symtomatic
H%V0asymptomatic H%V0acute H%V
#*)/neumocystis carinii pneumonia 5 =inter5al&eolar septum
#!)9ormal urinary protein excretion 5 >1*"m$01*"52""02""52*"02*"5#""
#.)Loud /2 is wit 5 /ulmonary H69
#1)Hydropic de$eneration of Basal )ell seen in Licen planus0Licen
sclerosis atrpicus0==0==0
1. pro$rammed cell deat is called =
answer ? apoptosis . @ easiest Auestion amon$ all te #!" Auestions
in two papers . i tin3 )
2. sta7le cells are =
a. li&er cells 7.$ut epitelium c. d.
answer ? a . @ if u remem7er oter options post in comments )
#.cristmas tree stain is used for =
answer? identification of semen in a forensic sample.
'. telomerase is =
a. D9A dependent D9A polymerase
7. D9A dependent :9A polymerase
). :9A dependent :9A polymerase
d. :9A dependent D9A polymerase
answer ? :9A dependent D9A polymerase is te answer . it is a
re&erse transcriptase .
*. H8/:6 is used for te sal&a$e of wic of tese =
a. ypoxantine and xantine
7. ypoxantine and $uanine
c.xantine and adenine
d. xantine and $uanine
answer ? 7 .
1)Stress B of5 2nd metatarsal
2)B 9ec3 of femur5 -xt rotation and adduction
#)6u7erculous spine mc site5 6120L1
')6u7erculous artritis first si$n5 reduced 2t space
*)/%D in&esti$ation of coice5 (:%
!))lutton 2t () cause5 Dia7etes (ellitus
.)9europatic 2t not seen in D(0amyloidosis0leprosy0sarcoidosis
1)Dactylitis not seen in5 sarcoidosis0psoriatic
artritis0tu7erculosis0reacti&e artritis
4)Standin$ on toes not possi7le in paralysis of5 8astrocnemius
1"))ard test5 <lnar 9er&e
11)+nion peel appearance -wi$,s sarcoma
12):eumatoid affect axial s3eleton cer&ical &erte7rae
1#)AV9 commonly in intra capsular B 9+;
1')6reatment of coice for postmenopausal osteoporosis5 :aloxefine
1*)9er&e re$eneration 1 mm0day
1)Hydatid cyst scolicidal a$ent not used /o&idone
2)Barret,s +sopa$us is (etaplasia
#)9ot used Breast )a Bleomycin
'):)) not true is )ommon in women0 :adiosensiti&e
*)Acute papillary tip necrosis Dia7etes (ellitus
!):is3 of tromoem7olism is i$est wit ;emoral &ein trom7us
.)Hyoid 7one is related to 6yro$lossal cyst
1)Coun$ woman wo recei&ed mantle radiation in cildood is li3ely to
de&elop )a tyroid0 )a Breast
4);9A) in testies is indicated in ADoospermia to identify
cause09ecrospermia0Differentiate 7etween torsion and inflammation0 all
of a7o&e55====
1")Va$inal ydrocele is open upto <pper pole of testies
11)-xcessi&e cata7olism seen in Se&ere sepsis0/ancreatitis0==0All
12)(esotelioma5 Decreasin$ incidence reflects 7an on use as7estos
1#))lot of siDe of fist accounts for 7lood loss of *""ml
1');amily istory is not asso wit Lun$ cancer
1*):enal %ma$in$ in pt wit aller$y <S8
1!)() site of Actinomycetes 2aw
1.)Eatermelon Stomac5 systemic sclerosis 5
11)B:)A $ene positi&e Breast )a 8ood pro$nosis to
radioterapy07ad pro$nosis to radioterapy07ad pro$nosis to
14)%n a cild wit $astric outlet o7struction fluid used 9ormal
saline0:in$er lactate0dextrose
2")9arrowest part of male uretra (eatus -xt.
21)(iddle a$ed man wit renal failure wit B0L a7dominal mass
22)Lun$ in2ury wit $ood pro$nosis +pen pneumotorax
2#)All causes of painless aematuria except Acute )ystitis
2')Spindle cell tumour is :etroperitoneal fi7rosis in infants0==
2*)Eat is true a7t prostate )a #"G of all mali$nancies in male01"G
incidence in $eneral population0==
2!)6rue a7t /SA Lipoprotein0(easured 7y immunoassay0Sensiti&e
and specific to differentiate 7etween )a H B/H
2.))urlin$ ulcer is asso wit Burns
21)Hasimoto,s tyroiditis Auto %$ present 0 Always presents wit
24):aynaud,s penomenon seAuence /allor I )yanosis I :u7or
#"))a not spreadin$ 7y lympatics Basal )ell )arcinoma
#1)%ncrease in ris3 of colorectal cancer Low fi7er diet
#2)(ost radio sensiti&e Bone marrow
##)Breast cancer related wit -arly menarce
#')9ot used for emostasis in sur$ery $el foam0micronised
cellulose0micronised colla$en0
#*)i$est pro$nostic &alue in 7reast cancer H0+ ca in contralateral
#!))omplication of epidural anaestesia A0- spinal cord
compression0low &olume eadace07ac3ace0menin$itis
#.)6otal spinal anaestesia seen A0-
ypotension0tacycardia0respiratory depression0unconsciousness
1)At term amniotic fluid &olume is
a. 1""ml
7. *"" ml
c. '"" ml
d. !"" ml
answer ? a . 1"" ml
2)wat is te principal car7oydrate present in Amniotic fluid =
a. 8lucose
7. ;ructose
c. (annose
d. 8alactose
answer ? a . $lucose 2" m$ G. dutta sixt edition pa$e #1@if u contradict
please comment wit necessary reference lin3)
#)+li$oydramnios is related wic of te followin$ condition =
a. :enal A$enesis
7. esopa$eal atresia
c. anencepaly
d. down,s syndrome
answer ? a . renal a$enesis .
')-arly amniocentesis is done in wic period of pre$nancy
a. 1251' w3s
7. 1'51! w3s
c. 1!511 w3s
d. 4511 w3s
answer ? 7 . it is done to dia$nose any $enetic a7normalities .pa$e !'2
dutta sixt edition.
*)%mmune re2ection of fetus pre&ented 7y
a. H)8
7. H/L
c. oestro$en
d. pro$esterone
answer ? a . H)8 .
!)wat appens to 8;: in a case of /re5eclampsia =
a. 8;: Decreases
7. 8;: increases
c. remains same
d. none of te a7o&e
answer ? a . it decreases . pa$e 22# dutta sixt edition . @ from te
7ottom fourt line )
.);etal adrenals secrete predominantly wic ormone
a. )ortisol
7. DH-A
c. aldosterone
d. noe epineprine
answer ? i a&e no idea I 7ut if u 3now please post te answer wit
necessary reference in comments.
1)Sortest diameter of pel&ic )a&ity
a. %nterspinous
7. trans&erse
c. antero5posterior
d. o7liAue
answer ? a . 1".* cms .
4)Lar$e )orioan$ioma associated wit
a. polyydroamnios
7. oli$oydramnios
c. 7ot
d. none
answer? a .
1"))ommonest presentation of )oriocarcinoma
a. &a$inal 7leedin$
7. a7dominal pain
c. 7reatlessness
d. perforation of te uterus
answer ? a . &a$inal 7leedin$ . 1" G of te cases .
11);ro$ eye appearance is seen in
a. Anencepaly
7. acardia
c. down,s syndrome
d. patau,s syndrome
answer ? a . for reference cec3 out tis lin3 .
12)wat of te followin$ is seen in /artial mole
a. 6riploidy
7. aploidy
c. polyploidy
d. diploidy
answer ? a . dutta sixt edition pa$e 2"" .
1#))er&ical can$es in pre$nancy are all except =
a. increased colla$en
7. increased Hyaluronic acid
c. %ncreased $lands
d. increased &ascularity
answer ? 7 . see tis information from a site
Ee in&esti$ated te &ariations in te distri7ution of $lycosamino$lycans
@8A8) in te cer&icalI istmic and corporeal stroma of te pre$nant
and non5pre$nant uman uterus. 6e 8A8 were measured in non5
pre$nant @n J 4) and pre$nant @n J 1') cer&icesI in non5pre$nant @n J 1)
and pre$nant @n J !) uterine istmusI and in non5pre$nant @n J 12) and
pre$nant @n J *) uterine corpus. Heparan sulfate is a7undant in te
istmic and corporeal stroma. 6is as to 7e related to a lar$er content
in 7lood &essels and muscular cells at tis le&el tan in te cer&ix. 6e
distri7ution of yaluronic acid and dermatan sulfate is te same in te
cer&ix as in te corpusI 7ut te amount of tese 8A8s is lower in te
formerI wic could 7e due to a lower connecti&e tissue content. 6wo of
te main features of cer&ical maturationI increased ydrationI and
decreased dermatan sulfate concentrationI were found also in te
pre$nant corporeal stroma. 6ese results su$$est tat connecti&e tissue
maturation is not only a cer&ical penomenon and could play a role in
acti&e and0or passi&e mecanical properties of te myometrium durin$
late pre$nancy and la7or.
1')1"< of +xytcin 7olus $i&e in te immediate post partum period will
cause wic complication
a. Hypotension
7. ypertension
c. seiDures
d. 7leedin$
answer ? a . ypotension .pa$e '44 dutta sixt edition .
1*)+xytocin le&els not reduced 7y
answer ? Suc3lin$ . i don,t remem7er te options .
1!)LatD3o operation is done for =
a. VV;
7. V<;
c. 7ot
d. none
answer? a . VV; only .
1.)Dru$ a7solutely contraindicated in pre$nancy
a. enalpril
7. 9SA%D s
c. calcium cannel 7loc3ers
d. 7eta 7loc3ers
answer ? a .
11)9ot a tocolytic
a. (isopristol
7. ma$nesium sulfate
c. 7eta 7loc3ers
d. indometacin
answer ? a . misoprostol .
14)wic of te followin$ is not a steroid syntesis ini7itor
a. (ifepristone
7. 3etoconaDole
c. statins
d. all te a7o&e
answer ? a .
2")%<D ;ailure rate
a. 1 to #
7. * to .
c. less tan 1
d. # to *
answer ? a. ".* 5 2 actually and so te closest answer . pa$e *2' dutta
sixt edition
21)+&arian tumour spreads primarily to wic lymp nodes
a. /ara aortic node
7. superficial in$uinal lymp nodes
c. deep in$uinal lymp nodes
d. node of cloAuet
answer ? a .
22);olic acid supplementation is reAuired in pre$nancy in wic of te
followin$ cases
a.Anti con&ulsant terapy
7. Sic3le cell anemia
c. (ultiple $estation
d. All of te a7o&e
answer ? all te a7o&e
2#)#" yr old female wit endometrial yperplasia treatment of coice
a. medroxypro$esterone
7. oestro$ens
c. danaDol
d. $nr analo$ues
answer ? a .
2')wat is te recurrence rate of H-LL/ syndrome recurrence rate
a. 1" G
7. 1! G
c. 2" G
d. 2' G
answer ? d . # to 1" G . pa$e 22' dutta sixt edition . some7ody told me
it was can$ed in te later editions if so 3indly post in te comments
wit te 7oo3 and edition num7er . tis is for 7a&ana wo reAuested
for all te options .
1)%ntermittent proptosis or7ital &arices
2)(ost dan$erous in2ury for &ision 5 B +ptic ner&e canal
#))orneal ectasia wit inflammation Ant Stapyloma
')Feratoconus is not asso wit Hypermetropia
*)+steosclerosis of or7it (enin$ioma0retino7lastoma0=
!):ees5-lswort classification :etino7lastoma
.)Lar$e coroidoma is asso wit 5 ==
1)/ars planitis &isual loss due to )(-
4);acial paralysis epipora due to 5 ==
1"))orneal <lcer )0% in :x 5 )orticosteroids
11)/otoreceptor on stimulated release 8lutamate
12)() cause of 7lindness in %ndia )ataract
1#)6yroid optalmopaty (:% findin$ swellin$ of
+ri$in0%nsertion0Eole 7elly
1')-ndo$enous fun$al panoptalmitis 5 =Asper$illous
1*)Apa3ic eye findin$ A0- 1G (a$nification
1)Fissel7ac,s plexus /lexus of arteris in ant septum@littele,s area)
2)Kuadrilteral cartila$e Ant part of septum
#)Coun$,s syndrome 9asal polypI 7ronciectasisI aDoospermia
')6rue a7out A0) polyp Sin$le seen in coana
*)Spenoid sinus drains into Spenoetmoidal recess
!)Draina$e of nasal mucous )illiary action of (ucosa
.)%nferior tur7inate is a separate 7one
1)%n ;-SS ).6. Scan is ad&ised5==
4))aldwell5Luc,s operation ;or (axillary sinus
1")9asal 7one B corrected 7y5 Ealsam,s forceps
11)Aspirin use is asso. Eit 5 9asal polyps
12)All sinuses are 7est &iewed in )aldwel,s &iew0Eater,s &iew06rans
or7ital &iew
1#)9er&e comin$ out of Stylomastoid foramen ;acial
1')-pulis is swelin$ from Law
1*)() cause of fun$al +esopa$itis candida
1)9eonatal tetanus eliminated wen incidence is Less tan ".10 1"""
2))ontri7ution of employer in -S%S '..*G
#))lorination of water criteria )lear water
'):at flea -ndemic typus
*)9ot transmitted 7y mosAuito Fala aDar
!)-pidemiolo$ical in&esti$ation of coce for 3ala aDar 5 -L%SA
0(ontene$ro test0 Aldeyde test0==
.)9atural mosAuito control a$ent /yretrum
1)readin$ of a7raded s3in 7y do$ )lass 2 So Vaccine only
4)Sulli&an,s index5life free of disa7ility
1")-ntry of pato$en H maximum infecti&ity58eneration time
11)Definiti&e dia$nosis of leprosy s3in smear
12)Anti$enic sift is in influenDa
1#)6rue of carrier in typoid urinary carrier wit anomaly
1')Sortest incu7ation period in food poisionin$ Stap aureus
1*))andler,s index an3ylostoma duodenle
1!)Dra3unculosis transmitted 7y Drin3in$ )ontaminated water
1.)(ulti7acillary Leprosy is followed upto * Cears
11)6e concept of ;emale Healt $uide was $i&en 7y Fartar Sin$
14)Socrate,s metod of ealt education is 7y =Didactic
metod08roup discussion
2")Best $uide of iron defiency Serum ferritin
21)Different communities 7est compared 7y A$e specific deat rate
22)Burden of disease formula @/ositi&es06ested)M/opulation
2#))omforta7le temp ran$e ..51";
2')(oter to 7e la7elled i$ ris3 Ht less tan 1'"cm
2*)-fficiency of (alaria elimination pro$ram is e&aluated usin$
2!)/ropylaxis to maniac person not on medication comin$ to 7iar =
ans ? mefloAuine.
2.)/ercenta$e of para para in DD655 ."51"G
21))orpulence index used in +7esity
24))orrect statement ans5/opulation density #2'0sA 3m 0 6;:5 !0
$rowt ratio 2.20==
1)Acrodynia H$
2)Dru$ and )osmetic Act5importImanufactureIdisti7utionINno ads
pleaseO of all dru$s.. controls AualityIpurity
H stren$t.
#))ontri7utory ne$li$ence5 ==a&oida7le circumstance rule
')Boiled lo7ster appearance seen in5 7oric acid0oxalic acid0==
*))ommon toxin trou$ &e$eta7les ===oxalic0car7olic0etc
!)Lu&enile court 51st class ma$istate @must 7e) ;emale
.)%nstead of penicillamine can 7e used in cu poisionon$ -dta
1)Some law related wit cada&eric spasm
4))ilotic line seen on ip 7one for sex determination
1")6est wit in&erted fer tree appearance =sperm in &a$ina
11))olenesterae seen in elapide mainly i. e. co7ra crates I &iperade
crotalide some amount
1)6rue a7out Hepatitis A &irus is A0- )arrier rate 2G
2)Cellow fe&er &irus is ;la&i &irus
#)Acute H%V infection is dia$nosed p2' A$ capture assay
')SA:S is )orona &irus
*)9ot a :9A &irus Hepatitis B
!)(ad )ow disease protein5prion
.)6SS caused 7y Stap. Aureus
1)%nfant 7otulinism true A0- preformed toxin
4)Superanti$ens A0- Stap. -ndotoxin
1") Lyso$enic con&ersion Dipteria
11)() streptococcus in neonatal menin$itis Lancefield 8roup B
12)Lipopilic fun$us 5 ==cryptococcus
1#))ryptococcus dia$nostic test %ndia in3
1')Ceast form in tissue A0- Asper$iilus
1*) Dia$nostic in 1st wee3 of typoid 7lood culture
1!)6ypoid incu7ation period # 521 days
1.)/erforation in typoid commonly 5#rd wee3
11)/etroff metod for sputum microscopy )oncentration metod tat
don,t 3ill 7acteriaI %ncu7ation c 'G 9a+H at #." ) 55P )entrifu$ation
at #""" rpm for 2" min55P9eutralisation c 901" H)LI <seful for culture
H animal inoculation.
14)Vi7rio colerae is caracteristic for $rowt in al3aline medium
2")6rue a7out /seaudomonas aeuru$inosa A0-55 relati&ely sensiti&e to
many antimicro7ials
21))on$enital toxoplasmosis occurs if infection acAuired in later alf
of pre$nancy in non immune moter
1)Deltoid li$ament doesn,t 2oin med cuneiform.
2)Scalenus anterior 5wron$ statement5su7cla&ian art.lies anteriorly
#)/ain alon$ medial aspect of arm trou$ in )a Breast5
intercosto7racial ner&e
')Laminae in su7stantia $elatinosa5 2Q#
*)(uscle in deep perinial pouc5spincter uretrae
!)/ersistent primiti&e strea35Sacrococcy$eal teratoma
.))arpal tunnel syn5 median ner&e
1)/udendal ner&e5 S25'
4)/el&ic diapra$m consist of le&ator ani
1")Lateral displacement of 3nee pre&ented 7y5
11)A7duction of toes is 7y 5 Dorsal interossi
12)Base of *t metatarsal fracture pull of /eronius 7re&ius
1#)-xt rotation in semi flexed 3nee all except 5 ;i7ular )ollateral
1')Does not pass under extensor retinalculum 5 Ant interoseus artery
1*)Section of fi7ular ner&e 5 ;oot drop
1!)9ot a part of epitalamus is 5 @parts are 1.pinealI 2.a7encular
nucleiItri$one Hcommissure #.stria medullaris)
1.)Striae of 8ennari seen in 5 also called te R7andR or RlineR of
8ennari is a 7and of myelinated axons pro2ectin$ into layer ') of te
primary &isual cortex from te lateral $eniculate nucleus
11)/orto systemic sunt is present at A0- Lower anal canal
14)Structure not passin$ trou$ inf cere7ellar peduncle
2")+ptalmic artery is Branc of %ntra cranial %nt.carotid
21)9ucleus am7i$us true is 5 4t and 1"t ner&e arise from it.
22)9ot a part of %nternal )apsule +ptic radiation
2#)-ndin$er Eestpal nucleus 8eneral &isceral efferent
2')<terine epitelium de&elops from 5 ;usion of paramesonepric ducts
2*)Boundries of pudendal canal Between o7turator mem7rane and
;acia lunata
1))ircadian rytm controlled 7y Supracismatic nucleus
2)/re$an$lionic sympatetic and parasympatetic secrete
#)Diffusion of a molecule is directly proportional to (ol wt0
6emperature0 Eater solu7ility0 6ic3ness of mem7rane
')/arasympatetic stimulation %ncrease airway resistance
*)(ost important Buffer in 7lood H7
!)%n&erse stretc reflex Len$tenin$ of (uscle
.)(yo$lo7in is present in Slow ;i7ers
1)%ni7in causes
4)Hyperparatyroidism asso c %ncreases Al3 pospatase
1")9eurosecretory peptide is Somatostatin
11)+xytocin 9europysin
12)6rue a7t )apillaries Lar$e cumulati&e surface area0Small
indi&idual diameter0tin wall0incresed &elocity
1#)-stro$en secreted 7y 6eca cells
1')%ntracellular cation most osmotically acti&e 9a
1*)%nterstitial fluid as most imp 9a
1!)Splancnic circulation 2*5#"G
1.)pH sensin$ receptors present in A0- Lu$ular 7ul7
11)pH of 7lood is ..#* to ..'*
14)Arterial /+2 decreases in )+ poisonin$0 cyanide poisonin$0
anemia0 none
1)H8/:6 Hypoxantene H $uanine
2)Allosteric type 7ind site oter tan tat of su7strate
#)6elomerase 5 :9A dependant D9A polymerase
')De$eneracy of 8enetic )ode for 1 a.a. tere may 7e more tan 1
*)Hormone responsi&e element D9A seAuence were ormone
57indin$ protein complex 7inds
!)9ot a w# fatty acid Linolic acid
.)B12 is a7sor7ed in %leum
1)/rotein in cell mem7rane can function as Acti&e
transport0)arrier0==0 All
4)%ron present in all except )eruloplasmin
1");astest pea3 on electroporesis Adult 70fetal 70Bart,s 70==
11)Vit D 1I2*I +H no role of %ntestine
1);atty food increases a7sorption of 8riseoful&in
2)/artial a$onist )an 7ind all receptors 7ut produces su7maximal
#)Eic is most resistant amino$lycoside to enDyme 5 Ami3acin
'):eAuirement of iron in anaemia calculated 7y '.'MBody wt M H7
*)6rue a7out ;olic acid 5 :eAuired for tymidine syntesis
!)/ralidoxime )0% in )ar7aryl poisonin$
.)Eat will not 7e found in urine of person consumin$ multi&itamin
ta7lets5 )olecalciferol
1)D+) for systemic asper$illosis =%atraconaDole0=Ampotericin
4)Ampotercin B toxicity is monitored 7y 55 =/otassium (easurement
1")Dru$ tat increases 7lood le&el of car7amaDapine =FetoconaDole
11)6rue a7out Valproate is )auses Hepatic 9ecrosis
12)Kuinidine is asso c A0- SL-06acycardia on treatin$
A;0Bradycardia06orsades de pointes
1#)Anti5%$- used in astma is +maliDuma7
1')Local Anaestetic used in %.V.Local Bloc3@Bier,s) Bupi&acaine
1*)Local Anaestetic in patient wit Hepatic disease /rocaine
1!)6e dru$ wit a$onist receptor A0- /entaDocine0
1.)BSDs in ypnotic doses consistently produce Decrease B/0:educes
nocturnal acid secretion0respi depression0==
11)6rue a7out )efuroxime excreted rapidly 7y 3idneys
14)8ranisetron *H6# anta$onist
2")Antipar3insonian dru$ c antiapoptotic acti&ity Sele$eline

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