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1 NASA TM X- 26
X- 26
By Kenneth P. Spreemann
Langley Research Center
Langley Field, Va.
Declassified July 11, 1961
WASHINGTON August 1959
By Kenneth P. Spreemann
A design guide i s suggested as a basi s f or i ndi cati ng combinations
of ai rpl ane design vari abl es f or which the possi bi l i ti es of pitch-up
are minimized f or tail-behind-wing and tai l l ess ai rpl ane confi gurati ons.
The guide speci fi es wing plan forms that would be expected to show
increased tai l -off stabi l i ty with i ncreasi ng lift and plan forms that
show decreased tai l -off stabi l i ty with i ncreasi ng l i f t. Boundaries
i ndi cati ng tail-behind-wing posi ti ons that should be considered along
with given tai l -off characteri sti cs al so are suggested.
An i nvesti gati on of one possi bl e l i mi tati on of the guide with
respect to the effects of wing-aspect-ratio vari ati ons on the contri bu-
ti on to stabi l i ty of a high tai l has been made i n the Langley high-speed
7- by 10-foot tunnel through a Mach number range from 0.60 to 0.92. The
measured pitching-moment characteri sti cs were found to be consi stent
with those of the design guide through the l i f t range f or aspect rati os
from 3.0 to 2.0. However, a confi gurati on with an aspect rati o of 1.55
f ai l ed t o provide the predi cted pitch-up warning characteri zed by sharply
i ncreasi ng stabi l i ty at the high l i f ts following the i ni ti al stal l before
pi tchi ng up. Thus, it appears that the design guide presented herei n
might not be appl i cabl e when the wing aspect rati o i s lower than about
The phenomenon of l ongi tudi nal i nstabi l i ty at high l i f t and the
associ ated probabi l i ty of an xndesirable divergence, commonly referred
t o as pi t ch- up, have present ed a compl ex probl emt o desi gners of hi gh-
speed ai rpl anes f or many years. General l y, t he desi gner i s f aced wi t h
t he f ol l owi ng consi derat i ons:
out f or whi ch pi t ch- up i s unl i kel y or, at l east , not severe, (2) eval uat e
t he possi bl e severi t y of t he mot i on by means of a dynami c anal ysi s of t he
t ype out l i ned i n ref erence 1, and (3) i f undesi rabl e behavi or i s associ -
ated wi t h t he part i cul ar desi gn t hat appears t o be t he best compromi se
of al l requi rement s, provi de suf f i ci ent art i f i ci al st abi l i zat i on t o mi ni -
mi ze pi t ch- up as a probl em.
(1) t ry t o arri ve at an aerodynami c l ay-
The present paper deal s pri mari l y wi t h t he f i r st of t hese consi der- L
at i ons. The obj ect i ves are t wof ol d: f i rst , t o present a desi gn gui de 4
(based on a consi derabl e background of experi ence) t o i ndi cat e combi na-
t i ons of desi gn vari abl es f or whi ch t he possi bi l i t i es of pi t ch- up are
mi ni mi zed; and second, t o i nvest i gat e one possi bl e l i mi t at i on of t he
gui de wi t h respect t o t he ef f ect of wi ng- aspect - rat i o vari at i ons on t he
t ai l cont ri but i on. The desi gn gui de present ed i s l i mi t ed i n applicability
because t he background i nf ormat i on consi dered i s predomi nat el y f r omi nves-
t i gat i ons concerned wi t h f i ght er ai rpl anes havi ng wi ngs wi t h rat her l ow
aspect rat i os and bei ng of t he t ai l l ess or t ai l - behi nd- wi ng types. The
resul t s, t heref ore, have t hei r most di rect appl i cat i on t o such conf i gu-
rat i ons havi ng aspect rat i os f romabout 2 t o 5.
Fi gure 1 shows t he st abi l i t y syst emof axes empl oyed f or dat a pres-
ent at i on wi t h arrows i ndi cat i ng posi t i ve di rect i ons of f orces, moment s,
and angl es. The coef f i ci ent s and symbol s used are def i ned as f ol l ows:
l i f t coef f i ci ent , Li f t / qS
drag coef f i ci ent , Drag/ qS
c?rl pi t chi ng- moment coef f i ci ent , Pi t chi ng moment / qSE
maxi muml i f t coef f i ci ent
dynaqi c pressure, pV2/2, l b/ sq f t
rnass densi t y of ai r , sl ugs/ cu f t
f ree -s t reamvel oci t y , f t / sec
I.I Mach number
S surface area, s q f t
b span, f t
C l ocal chord paral l el to plane of symmetry, ft
mean aerodynamic chord, 2 S /Ob/2 c2dy, f t
mean aerodynamic chord of verti cal tai l , f t
tai l l ength (distance between quarter-chord poi nts of wing and
hori zontal -tai l mean aerodynamic chords), f t
afterbody di stance along body axis, ft
spanwise di stance from plane of symmetry on wing, ft
tai l posi ti on (height of tai l above wing chord pl ane), f t
diameter, i n.
radi us, i n.
aspect rati o, b2/S
angle of sweep, deg
angle of sweep of l i fti ng-surface quarter chord, deg
A taper rati o, Tip chord/Root chord
R Reynolds number
a angle of attack, deg
i angle of incidence of fi xed surface, deg
E downwash angle induced by wing-fuselage combination, deg
- a,
- -
E% ac,
Subscripts :
max maximum
t hori zontal tai l
b model base
Abbreviations :
c.g. center-of-gravity l ocati on
W wing
F fusel age
V verti cal tai l
H hori zontal tai l
Wing and Wing-Fuselage Combinations
The problem of pitching-moment nonl i neari ty at high l i f t coeffi -
ci ents f or wings and wing-fuselage combinations has been studi ed by
numerous i nvesti gators. For the most part, correl ati ons have been made
i n terms of the wing sweep angle and aspect rati o, wi th varying degrees
of consi derati on given to the taper rati o. Wing-thickness effects nor-
mally have been neglected, although the studi es usual l y have been l i mi ted
to wings that are thi n enough to avoid any si gni fi cant moment breaks due
to thi ckness wi thi n the Mach number range i nvesti gated. Effects of cam-
ber, t wi st , cranked pl an forms, or any of the l ocal i zed wing modifica-
ti ons, such as fences, leading-edge extensions, or notches, have not been
treated i n any generalized sense. Such devices, though frequentl y very
effecti ve i n improving pitching-moment l i neari ty, normally must be
tai l ored to the speci fi c wing i n question.
such studi es have been reported.
resul ts on wings alone or on wing-fuselage combinations may be used i nter-
changeably, i nsofar as pitching-moment l i neari ty i s concerned. This
appears to be j usti f i ed f or configurations having the proportions of
manned ai rcraf t i n the subsonic and transoni c speed ranges.
A considerable number of
It al so has been comonly assumed that
An i nvesti gati on (ref. 2) i n which some rather extreme changes i n
forebody geometry were made showed l i ttl e ef f ect on the nature of the
I .
moment breaks or on the angle of attack at which they occurred, but it
i ndi cated si gni fi cant effects at angles of attack wel l beyond the i ni ti al
moment breaks. For mi ssi l e configurations, having l arge bodies i n com-
pari son wi th the si ze of the wings, the fusel age characteri sti cs may be
predominant and, consequently, cannot be ignored. Some evidence exi sts
which i ndi cates that a tendency toward a si mi l ar si tuati on may apply t o
supersonic-airplane configurations. (See ref . 3 . )
Several of the correl ati on boundaries that have been presented i n
the l i terature are summarized i n fi gure 2. A l l are given i n terms of
coordinates of aspect rati o and sweep angle and i n each i nstance the
area above and to the right of the curve is characteri zed by decreased
stabi l i ty at the higher l i f t coeffi ci ents; whereas, the area below and
to the l ef t of the curve is characterized by increased stabi l i ty at high
l i f t. The range of data considered and the speci fi c i nterpretati on of
each of the boundaries di ffer, however, as wi l l be explained i n the
following paragraphs.
The ol dest and most widely known of the boundaries i s that l abel ed
@ " i n fi gure 2 and given by Shortal and Maggin (ref. 4). Though based
on only a l i mi ted amount of law-speed test data, it has served as a use-
f ul design cri teri on f or many years.
changes i n the vi ci ni ty of maximum lift, without regard t o slope changes
i n the intermediate l i f t range. I nformation obtained at a l ater date
on more highly tapered wings showed that when attenti on was sti l l con-
fi ned to nonl i neari ti es near maximuml i f t, a rather l arge effect of
taper was i ndi cated.
an empi ri cal expression f or low-speed boundasies i n which the taper rati o
entered as a vari abl e. The boundary evolved f or A =0 i s i ndi cated
i n f i gur e 2 as the curve l abel ed
Shortal-Maggin boundary was i ndi cated for untapered wi ngs.
This boundary considers moment
Consequently, Furlong and McHugh (ref. 5 ) proposed
@ .I1 No si gni fi cant change from the
A s wind-tunnel experience increased i n the high subsonic and tran-
sonic speed range, the phenomenon of shock stal l and the associ ated
center-of-pressure changes were seen to impose l i mi tati ons on the appl i -
cabi l i ty of the boundaries derived from low-speed data. Studies made by
Weil and Gray of the l i mi ted amount of high-speed data avai l abl e i n 1953
l ed to the proposal of a tentati ve boundary appl i cabl e to transoni c
speeds (ref. 6). This boundary, l abel ed "@" i n fi gure 2, showed that
i n order to avoid stabi l i ty reductions at the higher speeds, values of
aspect rati o and sweep angle considerably lower than those i ndi cated by
the low-speed boundaries were required. The resul ts avai l abl e were
i nsuffi ci ent t o establ i sh an ef f ect of taper rati o, and the true si gni f-
icance of the boundary as to the l i f t coeffi ci ents at which the moment
changes occurred was not cl earl y defined.
out the rel ati on of thei r boundary to tai l posi ti on. That i s, wings
represented by combinations of aspect rati o and sweep angle i n the area
above and to the ri ght of the boundary probably could be used with a
very l owtai l ; whereas a very high tai l may be feasi bl e i f wings repre-
sented by the area below and to the l ef t of the boundary are used.
Weil and Gray (ref. 6) pointed
This viewpoint i nspi red a systematic program aimed at defi ni ng the
tai l -off boundary more preci sel y and i ndi cati ng f ai rl y speci fi c areas
where the tai l might be located. The resul ti ng tai l -off boundary as
proposed by Few and Fournier i n reference 7 i s the curve labeled " @ I '
i n fi gure 2.
and the boundary was establ i shed to separate plan forms showing at any
posi ti ve l i f t coeffi ci ent below CL,- a value of aCm/aCL l ess neg-
showing a value of
CL = 0.
useful rel ati on to the requirements f or tai l posi ti on than a boundary
determined by moment changes only near CL,max. The boundary obtained
i s almost i denti cal to that proposed i n reference 6 by Weil and Gray;
however, the addi ti onal restri cti on that appl i cati on should be l i mi ted
to highly tapered wings (A from 0 to 0.4) has been imposed.
higher values of A were found to exhi bi t rather errati c nonl i neari ti es
at high l i f t and, therefore, were not well adapted to correl ati on on a
si mpl i fi ed basi s.
I n thi s case, extensive transoni c data were considered,
I ati ve than that at CL = 0 (area abpve boundary) from pl an forms
aCdbC, more negative at posi ti ve l i f t than at
A boundary defined i n thi s manner was considered t o bear a more
Wings having
T ai l Position
The curve labeled ' I @ " i n figure 2 provides the basi s f or wing
sel ecti on i n the design chart given i n fi gure 3(a).
proposed by Few and Fournier i n reference 7, which has been adopted f or
the present correl ati on si nce the configuration l i mi tati ons imposed i n
reference 7 are adaptable to the bulk of data avai l abl e on the ef f ects
of wing-aspect-ratio vari ati ons on the tai l contri buti on to stabi l i ty,
with which the present i nvesti gati on i s partl y concerned. This boundary
has been extended to lower aspect rati os than those presented i n refer-
ence 7, with the extension based on data of other i nvesti gati ons such
as references 8 and 9.
pitching-moment contri buti on associ ated with any given design i s governed
by a l arge nwnber of factors, any attempt to simplify the problem of tai l -
posi ti on sel ecti on to a simple chart procedure may seem unj usti fi ed.
i s al so true, however, that suffi ci ent knowledge of al l contri buti ng
factors i n combination, which would be necessary i n a rigorous approach
to the problern, i s not l i kel y to be attai ned. The provi si on of a simple
This i s the boundary
Since the l i neari ty of the hori zontal -tai l
design guide, with a reasonable appreci ati on of i ts meaning and limita-
ti ons, therefore, should serve a useful purpose. I n the various attempts
that have been made to establ i sh boundaries f or tai l posindi3n, l i ttl e
consi derati on has been given to fusel age geometry. A s has been noted
with regard to tai l -of f characteri sti cs, the ori gi n of nonl i neari ti es
i n the tai l contri buti on appears to be determined pri mari l y by the wing
geometry and tai l posi ti on, although at higher angl es of attack fusel age
forebody geometry seemingly pl ays an important part i n the magnitude of
the devi ati ons from pitching-moment l i neari ty (ref . 2). It should be
noted that f or some unusual cases (ref . 10) the ef f ect of the fusel age
afterbody may be of primary importance even at moderate angles of attack.
Several of the si gni fi cant boundaries rel ati ve to tai l posi ti ons
and some notes on the si gni fi cance of the areas between the boundaries
are given i n fi gure 3(b).
ti on rel ati ve to the wing quarter-chord l ocati on. A boundary approxFmately
i n the l ocati on i ndi cated by the curve l abel ed "@" was fi rst given by
J aquet i n reference 9 to separate regions where the increment i n
through the lift range of a tai l behind a 60' del ta wing vari ed by more
then 0.05E (above boundary) from regions where the increment vari ed by
l ess than O.O5E (below boundary).
and tai l l ength was l i mi ted to about two mean-aerodynamic-chord l engths
behind the center of gravi ty. Later, Mi tchel l (ref. 11) showed that
essenti al l y the same boundary (a l i ne i ncl i ned l oo above the chord pl ane)
could be i nterpreted as separati ng tai l posi ti ons f or which the downwash
slope dc/ h becomes more posi ti ve with i ncreasi ng l i f t (above boundary)
from regi ons where dE/du becomes l ess posi ti ve with i ncreasi ng l i f t
(below boundary).
pl an forms, some resul ts through transoni c speeds, and extended back
about four mean-aerodynamic-chord lengths behind the center of gravi ty.
Subsequent transoni c data (ref s. 12, 13, and 14) revealed, however, that
it was safest to apply thi s boundary only wi thi n the subcri ti cal speed
range, si nce downwash changes associ ated with shock stal l are at times
si gni fi cant wi thi n the region immediately below the 100 l i ne (curve
l abel ed "@" i n fi gure 3(b)). For ai rpl anes intended to traverse the
transoni c speed range it i s considered that tai l posi ti ons below a
boundary that i s sl i ghtl y below the wing chord plane (curve 0) are
necessary i n order to avoid si gni fi cant destabi l i zi ng downwash changes.
The coordinates are tai l l ength and tai l posi -
Only low-speed resul ts were considered,
Mi tchel l 's data i n reference 11included several wing
I n reference 9, J aquet i ndi cated that a high boundary might be
desi rabl e so that tai l posi ti ons above the boundary would not encounter
a destabi l i zi ng downwash vari ati on wi thi n the normal operati onal range
of f l i ght l i f t coeffi ci ents (below the stal l ). The curve l abel ed " ~ "
i n fi gure 3(b) i s a boundary representi ng thi s general viewpoint, which
was arri ved at after consi derati on of a very l arge mount of wind-tunnel
data, both published and unpublished. The i nterpretati on of thi s.bound-
ary i n t er ms of design appl i cati ons warrants especi al l y careful consid-
erati on and w i l l be deal t with i n more detai l i n the next secti on.
Use of Design-Guide Chart f or Complete
Airplane Configurations
Although the tai l -of f stabi l i ty boundary given i n figure 3( a) al ready
has been discussed, a somewhat more speci fi c i nterpretati on i s warranted.
Wings having combinations of aspect rati o and sweepback defined by the
regi on above the boundary (region 0) would be expected to exhi6it l ocal
noment slopes aCm/aCL l ess stabl e somewhere below CL,- than the
slope through CL =0; whereas, wi thi n regi on @ the l ocal sl opes wi thi n
the posi ti ve l i f t range w i l l general l y be more stable than at
Therefore, when a tai l l ess ai rpl ane i s considered, wi ngs on or sl i ghtl y
below the boundary would seem appropri ate i f l osses i n stabi l i ty are to
be avoided. Wings i n region @ normally should be considered only i n
combination with a tai l posi ti on that provides increased stabi l i ty with
i ncreasi ng l i ft, that is, region @ i n fi gure 3(b) i f the ai rpl ane i s
intended to operate through transoni c speeds, or ei ther regi on @ or @
i f operati on i s l i mi ted below the cri ti cal Mach number. Based on past
experience it should be recognized that when it i s desi red to use a wing
represented by a poi nt considerably above the wing-fuselage stabi l i ty
boundary, a correspondingly l arge stabi l i zi ng ef f ect of the tai l should
be provided at high angles of attack. Thus, it may be desi rabl e to l ocate
the tai l a substanti al di stance below the appropri ate boundary given i n
figure 3 , and perhaps some addi ti onal means of reducing or avoiding
pitching-moment nonl i neari ty may have to be provided. No attempt has
been made herei n to establ i sh a means f or matching the wing and tai l non-
l i neari ti es properly i n order to obtai n a speci fi c desi red resul t f or
combinations employing wings displaced appreciably from the boundary.
CL =0.
The tai l -posi ti on boundary l abel ed "@ I t i n fi gure 3(b) i s intended
to defi ne the minimum tai l posi ti on requi red i n order to delay the occur-
rence of severe i ncreases i n downwash (and the associ ated l oss i n tai l
contri buti on to stabi l i ty) unti l the effecti ve wing CL,- or f i rst
major break i n the l i f t curve has been passed. The use of wings defined
by region @ i n fi gure 3(a), i n combination with the high tai l posi ti on,
normally w i l l resul t i n avoiding si gni fi cant l osses i n stabi l i ty of the
configuration unti l the l i f t break has been passed. When thi s condition
i s f ul f i l l ed, a f ai rl y def i ni te stal l warning i n the form of buffet or
a momentary i ncrease i n stabi l i ty can be expected to precede!pitch-up.
The eventual occurrence of pitch-up i s almost a certai nty unl ess some
addi ti onal unique stabi l i zi ng feature i s employed.
el i mi nati on of the i nstabi l i ty beyond the stal l have been accomplished
by use of auxi l i ary hori zontal surfaces low on the fusel age afterbody
(refs. 13 and 16) or as a consequence of the extended afterbody of a
fl yi ng-boat hul l (ref . 17).
Al l evi ati on and even
The remarks that have been made rel ati ve to designs with tai l s i n
region (A) should perhaps be l i mi ted to the Mach number range wi thi n
which no strong shock-wave i nterference between the wing and the tai l
exi sts. I nterference from the wing trai l i ng-edge shock wave has not
seemed troublesome; however, reference 18 has shown that some undesirably
l arge stabi l i ty changes can resul t from i nterference of a strong leading-
edge compression wave wi t h a high hori zontal tai l .
For ai rpl anes requi red to operate through a transoni c speed range,
the use of tai l s at intermediate posi ti ons (region @ of fi gure 3(b))
w i l l normally be associ ated with some degree of pitch-up, wi t h l i ttl e or
no warning, regardl ess of the wing pl an form. Experience has i ndi cated,
however, that the severi ty of the i nstabi l i ty vari es considerably f or
di fferent confi gurati ons and cannot be readi l y anti ci pated.
ref s. 19 and 20.)
The preceding di scussi on has covered the use and i nterpretati on of
the design guide. Many l i mi tati ons are recognized, and the following
secti ons of thi s paper present the resul ts of a wind-tunnel i nvesti ga-
ti on of one geometric vari abl e i n which the background information i s
considered to be weak. The problem concerns the range of wing aspect
rati os f or which the upper tai l -posi ti on boundary (curve @) of f i g. J (b$
retai ns the si gni fi cance that has been described.
I n addi ti on to the f act that the degree of wing-fuselage pi tchi ng-
moment nonl i neari ty i s dependent upon aspect rati o, there are several
reasons why aspect-rati o l i mi tati ons might be expected. For example,
si nce aspect rati o has a l arge ef f ect on the vari ati on of the wing l i f t
with angle of attack, the tai l posi ti on rel ati ve to the wing wake f or a
given l i f t coeffi ci ent w i l l be dependent upon aspect rati o. This might
be especi al l y important f or tai l s l ocated i n the high posi ti on which are
apt to be enteri ng the wake near the stal l . Also, configurations uti -
l i zi ng low-aspect-ratio wings very often have high values of the rati o
of tai l span to wing span which could appreciably al ter the downwash
characteri sti cs. I n order to determine the degree to which these vari -
ous effects might al ter the si gni fi cance of the upper tai l -posi ti on
boundary, wind-tunnel tests were made on a hi gh-tai l configuration with
the wing progressi vel y cl i pped to provide lower aspect rati os and lower
rati os of wing span to tai l span. Although only the stabi l i ty character-
i sti cs w i l l be discussed i n detai l , the l i f t and drag data w i l l be pre-
sented f or the sake of completeness.
A three-view drawing of the complete model showing the general
arrangement and some of the pertinent dimensions of the aspect-ratio-3.0
confi gurati on i s presented i n fi gure &(a). Shown i n figure 4(b) are the
pl an forms and dimensions of the wings having an aspect rati o of 1.55,
2.0, and 2. 5 employed i n thi s i nvesti gati on. Details of the fusel age
are presented i n fi gure 5 .
i s contained i n reference 21. The model was tested on the sting-type
support system shown i n figure 6, and a strain-gage balance mounted
i nsi de the fusel age was used to measure the forces and moments on the
A detai l ed descri pti on of the complete model
The i nvesti gati on was made i n the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot
tunnel . L i f t, drag, and pi tchi ng moment were measured through a Mach
number range from 0.60 to 0.92 and an angle-of-attack range from about
-2' to 24'.
based on the mean aerodynamic chord of each wing i s shown i n fi gure 7.
The vari ati on of mean test Reynolds number wi th Mach number
Blockage correcti ons were determined by the method of reference 22
and were appl i ed to the Mach numbers and dynamic pressures.
correcti ons, appl i ed to the angle of attack and drag, were cal cul ated by
the method of reference 23. The jet-boundary correcti ons to pi tchi ng
moment were considered negl i gi bl e and were not appl i ed to the data.
Corrections to the drag coeffi ci ents f or buoyancy due to l ongi tudi nal
pressure gradi ents were about 0.0016 to 0.0017.
not appl i ed t o the data.
would be small and, therefore, no tare correcti ons were appl i ed to the
J et-boundary
These correcti ons were
Past experience had i ndi cated that tare values
The angle of attack has been corrected f or defl ecti on of the sti ng
support system under load. No attempt has been made to correct the data
for aeroel asti c di storti on of the model. The drag resul ts have not been
corrected to the condi ti on of free-stream stati c pressure at the fusel age
base. Thi s drag correcti on
presented i n fi gure 8. The
by adding the base pressure
(base pressure drag coeffi ci ent CD,b) i s
corrected model drag data may be obtained
drag coeffi ci ent to the drag determined from
the strain-gage-balance measurements.
The basi c aerodynamic data of the various confi gurati ons are pre-
sented i n fi gures 9 to 12 without hori zontal tai l and wi t h a hori zontal
tai l at two defl ecti ons ( Oo and - 3") .
the fuselage-alone pi tchi ng moments are al so presented.
ure 13 i s a di rect comparison of the l ongi tudi nal aerodynamic character-
i sti cs of al l four confi gurati ons with
I n part (b) of figures 9 to 12
Shown i n f i g-
it =Oo.
The stabi l i ty parameters ~C L / & and aCm/aCL of the configura-
ti ons presented i n figure 14 were taken from fi gure 13.
sented i n thi s figure were measured between l i f t coeffi ci ents from 0 to
about 0. 3. Figure 13 shows the rel ati on of the test confi gurati ons to
the design guide boundaries of fi gure 3.
The sl opes pre-
Stabi l i ty i n Low-Lift Range
Before di scussi ng the resul ts i n rel ati on to the design guide, a
few remrks wi th regard to the ef f ects of the aspect-rati o changes on
the l ow-l i ft stati c stabi l i ty might be of i nterest. I n figure 14 the
vari ati on of the stati c- stabi l i ty parameter
slope aC~/ aa
aspect rati os.
off configuration, and fi gure 14(b) presents those f or the hori zontal -
tai l -on confi gurati on (it = 0' ).
although reducing the aspect rati o from 3. 0 to 1. 55 resul ted i n a l arge
destabi l i zi ng shi ft i n the aerodynamic center f or the tai l - of f configu-
rati on, it had l i ttl e ef f ect on the tai l -on confi gurati on. This, of
course, i ndi cates a l arge i ncrease i n the tai l contri buti on to stabi l i ty
wi th decreasing aspect rati o. A n anal ysi s of the data showed that thi s
could be accounted f or by the wing l i ft-curve-sl ope decrease (which f or
a given l i f t coeffi ci ent pl aces the tai l at a higher geometric angle of
attack) and by the f act that
aspect rati o. The reason that ecL di d not i ncrease wi th decreasing
aspect rati o i s probably associ ated wi th the f act that wi th the tai l i n
the high posi ti on the i ncrease i n the resul tant induced vel oci ty due to
the inboard movement of the wingtip vortex rel ati ve to the tai l i s mostly
aCm/aCL and the l i ft-curve
are presented as a functi on of Mach number for the vari ous
Figure 14( a) presents the resul ts f or the hori zontal -tai l -
Of parti cul ar i nterest i s the f act that,
di d not i ncrease with decreasing
a sidewash component with respect to the hori zontal tai l and, thus, less
of the resul tant i s converted to downwash on the tai l .
Aspect-Ratio Limitations to Design Guide
As previously pointed out the rel ati on of the test configurations
to the design guide of fi gure 3 i s given i n figure 15. As shown i n
figure l 5(a) the aspect-rati o-3.0 wing that was swept 37' i s above and
to the ri ght of the boundary i ndi cati ng reductions i n stabi l i ty i n the
high l i f t range. From the basi c moment data of the aspect-rati o-3.0
configuration (f i g. 9(a)), reduced stabi l i ty at the higher l i f ts were
i ndi cated with the tai l off. Following the i ni ti al stal l there was a
l arge increase i n stabi l i ty before the occurrence of a sharp reduction
i n stabi l i ty.
from the stabi l i ty i n the low l i f t range of the tai l -off condition; how-
ever, a sharp pitch-up occurs following the i ni ti al stal l and subsequent
i ncrease i n the negative pi tchi ng moment.
Addition of the tai l does not greatl y al ter the departures
I n figure l5(a) it i s seen that the aspect rati os of 2.5 to 1.55
are below and to the l ef t of the boundary i ndi cati ng i ncreasi ng stabi l i ty
at the high l i f ts.
pitching-moment curves became i ncreasi ngl y stabl e up to the usual l arge
i ncrease i n stabi l i ty i n the stal l region before encountering a pronounced
unstabl e trend. (See f i gs. l O( a) and l l (a). ) The progressive i ncreases
i n stabi l i ty i n the medium and high l i f t range with the tai l -of f config-
urati on were reduced to such an extent with the addi ti on of the tai l that
very desi rabl e l i near vari ati ons i n the pitching-moment curves were pro-
vided up to the stal l and i n the greatl y increased stabi l i ty region before
pi tchi ng up.
With aspect rati os of 2.5 and 2.0 the tai l -of f
The aspect-ratio-1.55 configuration furni shed pi tch characteri sti cs
i n the medium l i f t range that were similar to those of configurations
having aspect rati os of 2.5 and 2.0. However, with the tai l on, i n the
high l i f t range the usual pitch-up warning i n the form of a sharp i ncrease
i n stabi l i ty before pi tchi ng up di d not appear. (See f i g. 12(a).) Since
the tai l -of f configuration di d not evidence a pitch-up trend as pronounced
at the hi ghest l i fts as that of the higher aspect-rati o configurations,
it appears that the usual wing stal l was delayed beyond the pitch-up
caused by the tai l enteri ng the wing wake. Thus, it would seem that
appl i cati on of the boundaries establ i shed i n fi gure 3(b) wi l l not be sat-
i sfactory below an aspect rati o of about 2.0, even though the aspect-
rati o-1.55 configuration i s below and to the l ef t of the boundary of fi g-
ure 3(a) and near the boundary of fi gure 3(b); thi s resul t si gni fi es
i ncreasi ng stabi l i ty at high l i f ts and a tai l posi ti on compatible with
the wing-fuselage combination.
It may al so be seen that, i n general, there were si gni fi cant reduc-
ti ons i n pitch-up warning when the tai l was added to the wing-body con-
fi gurati on si nce the l arge i ncreases i n stabi l i ty before pi tchi ng up
with the tai l off were markedly reduced with addi ti on of the tai l regard-
l ess of the aspect rati o.
A design guide has been suggested as a basi s f or i ndi cati ng combi-
nati ons of design vari abl es f or which the possi bi l ti es of pitch-up are
minimized f or tail-behind-wing and tai l l ess ai rpl ane confi gurati ons.
The guide speci fi es wing pl an forms that would be expected to show
increased tai l -of f stabi l i ty with increasing l i f t and plan forms that
show decreased tai l - cf f stabi l i ty with increasing l i f t. Boundaries
i ndi cati ng tail-behind-wing posi ti ons that should be considered along
with given tai l -of f characteri sti cs al so are suggested.
An i nvesti gati on of one possi bl e l i mi tati on of the guide with
respect to the ef f ects of wing-aspect-ratio vari ati ons on a hi gh-tai l
contri buti on to the stabi l i ty has been made i n the Langley high-speed
7- by 10-foot tunnel .
found to be consi stent with those of the design guide through the l i f t
range f or aspect rati os from3.0 to 2.0. However, an aspect-ratio-1.55
confi gurati on di d not provide the predi cted pitch-up warning character-
i zed by sharpl y i ncreasi ng stabi l i ty at the high l i f ts following the
guide presented herei n might not be appl i cabl e when the wing aspect
ratio i s l ower than about 2.0.
The measured pitching-moment characteri sti cs were
b i ni ti al stal l before pi tchi ng up. Thus, it appears that the design
Langley Research Center,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Langley Fi el d, Va., March 26, 1959.
1. Campbel l , George S. , and Wei l , J oseph: The I nt erpret at i on of Non-
l i near Pi t chi ng Moment s i n Rel at i on t o t he Pi t ch- Up Probl em.
34 L53102, 1953.
2. Goodson, Kennet h W. : Ef f ect of Nose Lengt h, Fusel age Lengt h, and
Nose Fi neness Rat i o on t he Longi t udi nal Aerodynami c Charact eri st i cs
of Two Compl et e Model s at Hi gh Subsoni c Speeds. NASA MEMO 10- 10- 58~,
3. Ni el sen, J ack N.: The Ef f ect s of Body Vort i ces and t he Wi ng Shock-
Expansi on Fi el d on t he Pi t ch- Up Charact eri st i cs of Supersoni c
Ai rpl anes. NACA RMA57L23, 1958.
4. Short al , J oseph A. , and Maggi n, Bernard:
Aspect Rat i o on Longi t udi nal St abi l i t y Charact eri st i cs of Wi ngs at
Low Speeds. NACA TN 1093, 1946.
Ef f ect of Sweepback and
5. Fur l ong, G. Chest er, and McHugh, J ames G. : A Summary and Anal ysi s of
t he Low- Speed hngi t udi nal Charact eri st i cs of Swept Wi ngs at Hi gh
Reynol ds Nuui ber. NACA Rep. 1339, 1957. ( Supersedes NACA RM ~52~16. )
6. Wei l , J oseph, and Gray, W. H. : Recent Desi gn St udi es Di rect ed Toward
El i mi nat i on of Pi t ch- Up. NACA RML53123c, 1953.
7. Few, Al bert G. , J r. , and Fourni er, Paul G. : Wi nd- Tunnel I nvest i gat i on
of t he Aerodynami c Charact eri st i cs of a Seri es of Swept , Hi ghl y
Tapered, Thi n Wi ngs at Transoni c Speeds - Tr ansoni c- Bump Met hod.
NACA Fill L36124, 1936.
8. Spreemann, Kennet h P. : Low- Speed I nvest i gat i on of t he Ef f ect s of
Wi ng Di hedr al Angl e and Fi n Lengt h on t he St at i c St abi l i t y Char ac-
t eri st i cs of a Model Havi ng an 82O Del t a Wi ng.
NACA RM L55L30a,
9. J aquet , Byron M. : Ef f ect s of Hor i zont al - Tai l Posi t i on, Area, and
Aspect Rat i o on Low- Speed St at i c Longi t udi nal St abi l i t y and Cont rol
Charact eri st i cs of a 60' Tri angul ar- Wi ng Model Havi ng Vari ous
Tri angul ar- Al l - Movabl e Hori zont al Tai l s. NACA RM ~51106, 1951.
10. McKee, J ohn W. , and Ri ebe, J ohn M. : An I nvest i gat i on of a 0. 16- Scal e
Flodel of t he Dougl as X-3 Ai rpl ane To Det ermi ne Means of I mprovi ng
t he Low- Speed Longi t udi nal St abi l i t y and Cont r ol Charact eri st i cs.
NACA RM L52HO1, 1952.
11. Mi t chel l , J esse L. : The St at i c and Dynami c Longi t udi nal St abi l i t y
Charact eri st i cs of Some Supersoni c Ai rcraf t Conf i gurat i ons.
RM L52Al Oa, 1952.
12. Morri son, Wi l l i amD. , J r. , and Al f ord, Wi l l i amJ . , J r. : Ef f ect s of
Hor i zont al - Tai l Posi t i on and a Wi ng Leadi ng- Edge Modi f i cat i on
Consi st i ng of a Ful l - Span Fl ap and a Par t i al - Span Chord- Ext ensi on
on t he Aerodynami c Charact eri st i cs i n Pi t ch at Hi gh Subsoni c
Speeds of a Model Wi t h a 45' Swept back Wi ng. NACA TN 3952, 1957.
( Super sedes NACA RML53E06. )
13. Bi el at , Ral ph I?., and Campbel l , George S. : A Transoni c Wi nd- Tunnel
I nvest i gat i on of t he Longi t udi nal St abi l i t y and Cont rol Charact er-
i st i cs of a 0. 09- Scal e Model of t he Bel l X- 5 Research Ai rpl ane and
Compari son Wi t h Fl i ght . NACA RML53H18, 1953.
14. Runckel , J ack F. , and Schmeer, J ames W. : The Aerodynami c Charact er-
i st i cs at Transoni c Speeds of a Model Wi t h a 45OSwept back Wi ng,
I ncl udi ng t he Ef f ect of Leadi ng- Edge Sl at s and a LowHor i zont al
Tai l . NACA RML53J 08, 1954.
15. Sl eeman, Wi l l i amC., J r. : I nvest i gat i on at Hi gh Subsoni c Speeds of
t he Use of LowAuxi l i ary Tai l Surf aces Havi ng Di hedr al To I mprove
t he Longi t udi nal and Di rect i onal St abi l i t y of a T- Tai l Model at
Hi gh Li f t . NACA RML57124, 1957.
16. Goodson, Kennet h W. : St at i c Longi t udi nal Charact eri st i cs at Hi gh
Subsoni c Speeds of a Compl et e Ai rpl ane Model Wi t h a Hi ghl y Tapered
Wi ng Havi ng t he 0. 80 Chord Li ne Unswept and Wi t h Sever al Tai l
Conf i gurat i ons. NACA RML56JO3, 1957.
17. Pet yni a, Wi l l i amW. , Croom, Del wi n R. , and Davenport , Edwi n E. :
Low- Speed Aerodynami c and Hydrodynami c Charact eri st i cs of a Pr o-
posed Supersoni c Mul t i j et Wat er- Based Hydr o- ski Ai rcraf t Wi t h
Upwar d- Rot at i ng Engi nes. NASA MEMO 10- 13- 58~, 1958.
18. J aquet , Byr on M. , and Fourni er, Roger H. : Ef f ect s of Wi ng Sweep,
Hor i zont al - Tai l Conf i gurat i on, and a Vent ral Fi n on St at i c St a-
bi l i t y Charact eri st i cs of a Model Wi t h a Wi ng of Aspect Rat i o 3
at Mach Numbers Fr om2. 29 t o 4. 65. NACA RM~58~06, 1958.
19. Godson, Kennet h W. , and Becht , Robert E. : Wi nd- Tunnel I nvest i gat i on
at Hi gh Subsoni c Speeds of t he St at i c Longi t udi nal St abi l i t y Char-
t eri st i cs of a Compl et e Model Havi ng Cropped- Del t a, Swept , and
Unswept Wi ngs and Several Hori zont al - Tai l Hei ght s. NACA RM L54H12,
1954 *
20. Hi eser, Geral d, Henderson, J ames H. , and Swi hart , J ohn M. : Transoni c
Aerodynami c and Loads Charact eri st i cs of a 4- Per cent - Thi ck Unswept -
Wi ng- - Fusel age Combi nat i on. NACA FU L54B24, 1954.
21. Pol hamus, Edward C. , and Spreemann, Kennet h P. :
Ef f ect at Hi gh Sub-
sonic Speeds of Fusel age Forebody St r akes on t he St at i c St abi l i t y
and Vert i cal - Tai l - Load Charact eri st i cs of a Compl et e Model Havi ng
a Del t a Wi ng. NACA RJ l L57Kl 5a, 1958.
22. Herri ot , J ohn G. :
Bl ockage Correct i ons f or Thr ee- Di nensi onal - Fl ow
Cl osed- Throat Wi nd Tunnel s, Wi t h Consi derat i on of t he Ef f ect of
Compressi bi l i t y. NACA Rep. 995, 1950. ( Supersedes NACA RM ~71328.)
23. Gi l l i s, Cl arence L. , Pol hamus, Edward C. , and Gray, J oseph L. , J r. :
Chart s f or Det ermi ni ng J et - Boundary Correct i ons f or Compl et e
blodels i n 7- by 10- Foot Closed Rect angul ar Wi nd Tunnel s. NACA
WR L-123, 1945. ( Formerl y NACA ARR L5G31. )
Short. 1- wggl n: (Ref. 4). Refers t o - nt - Bmk Nerr c . Appllomblc a t l a Bubsonio #peed. .
Tmper r a t i o not oonsidered.
@ ?urlong-YoHugh: ( Re f . 5) . Considered t aper r at i o, o w e 'horn l a for X =0.
0 Well - 0-J:
6) l o - Fournier:
( Re f . 6 ) . Refers t o Yornt Br a k N a r
CL,max .
Ap p l l o ~ b l e through Tn n s mi o Speeds.
Taper ratio not oonsidered.
(Ref. 7). Refer. t o Yaent Br-k a t an). Angle of Attaok Through Tranmonio Speeds.
Applloablc t o HighlJ Tapered Wing8 Only ( A = 0 t o 0.4).
A 5
n 1 ! I
lo 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
"v4 # deg
Figure 2.- Summary of boundaries that separate wings that are character-
ized by increased stability i n the high lift range (area below and
to left of curves) and wings with decreased stability in the high
lift range (area above and to right of curves).
@ / n c r eased s t ab i / i t y
at hi gh l i f t i
0 /O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(a) Boundary related to wing plan form.
- - .~ ___. _ _ _ - ~
@ Pi t ch-up of high l i f t
generally preceded by
s t o / / warning Type @
wings recommended ).
@ Pi t ch-up without warning
at subcri t i col speeds
f Types w ings recommended).
1 0 @ Genero//y no pi t ch-up
E f Type 0 wi ngs
/ @ Genera//y no pi t c h- up
- /
0 / 2 3 4 5
(b) Boundary related to horizontal-tail position.
Figure 3.- Approximate design guide for selection of wing plan forms
and horizontal-tail position for achieving minimum pitching-moment
nonlinearity. A =0 to 0.4.
- 2003
t - ~ - I
\ '\
- c
Aspect-ratio 4.55 wi ng
P --TZ4O 1
Aspect - r at i o- 20 wi ng
---- - 277-
Aspect - r at i O- 25 wi ng
(b) Pl an- f ormcharacteristics of three of the wings investigated.
Figure 4. - Concluded.
\ I
A f t er body Coordi nat es
0 .0456
.0320 ,0445
,0639 ,0427
.I187 ,0390
S t r ai ght - l i ne
Tap er
,2460 .0301
Figure 5.- Detai l s of fusel age. Al l dimensions are i n inches.
4.8 x IO6
r at i o
.7 .8
.9 LO
Figure 7.- Variation of mean test Reynolds number with Mach number for
four wings investigated.
.- .
- 4 0 4 8 /2 16 20
Angl e o f o t t o c k , a,deg
Fi gure 8. - Vari at i on of base pressure drag coef f i ci ent wi t h angl e of
at t ack and t est Mach number. Based on aspect - rat i o- 3. 0 wi ng.
V k
0 0
I I I 0
8 '9
. .
c. 0
o k
0 0
o! ?
l i
a J h
s o
L oC
0 0
0 /O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
A s ,de9
(a) Boundary related to wing plan form.
Boundury @
A spec t r ut 10
of t est wi ng
I3 2.5 Vu / i d
0 2.0
A /.55 } Not v o/ i d
0 / 2 3 4
(b) Boundary related to horizontal-tail position.
Figure 17.- Comparison of geometric variables of test wings of this
investigation with the approximate design guide of figure 3.
NASA - L Va. L-427

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