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# Script: RUNJOB.ini
# $Author:: Christophe KERVOAZOU $
# $Date:: Jan 2014 $
# $Revision:: 11.0 $
# Usage : . $RJBIN/RUNJOB.ini
# RunJob Initialization Parameters (case-sensitive)
# This ini file is executed at the start of RUNJOB processing
# -----------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------
# RJBANNER Banner Text
# RJDEBUG Debug options
# RJERRORCONTROL Error Trap Control
# RJEMAIL Email options
# RJKEEP File retention periods ('disp' and 'link')
# RJREPSERV Name of Oracle Reports Server process
# RJPRQMETHOD Print Method
# RJADOBE Adobe Acrobat Configuration
# RJWROOT Root directory for RunJob work areas
# Date By Comments
# Jan02 DL First Version
# Apr06 SA Second Version (Dot Matrix Printing)
# Jan14 CKE Update for migration Forms 11g
# RJBANNER Banner Text
# Default: NONE
# This variable provides the ability to specify a text string that
# will be displayed in the header of the RunJob log file.
# If not defined, RunJob will form a banner based on the PVCS
# version of the script RUNJOB.ksh
## RJBANNER="<BannerString>"
# RJDEBUG Debug options
# Default: OFF
# If this variable is set, RunJob will generate a detailed trace of
# the steps taken during processing. Normally it is indefined (OFF)
# but if problems are experienced produced reports (etc.) enable it
# to assist in debugging the process.
# OFF No debug messages will be generated
# LOG Debug messages will be written to the standard log file.
# MAIL:<addr> Debug messages will be mailed to <addr>
## RJDEBUG=MAIL:<EmailAddress>
# RJERRORCONTROL Error Trap Control
# A comma-separated list containing Error Trap options...
# NOTIFY=<emailAddress>
# The full email address of the person to be notified in
# the event of an error.
# Default: OFF (no notifications will be sent)
# KEEPWORK=<numHours>
# The number of hours that RunJob's work directory is to be retained
# Default: 0 (work directories will be deleted immediately)
# RJEMAIL EMail Options
# A comma-separated list containing EMail options...
# This option controls the looping mechanism that RunJob will use
# when sending email messages to more than one recipient.
# MULTI Mail will be sent 'en masse' to the list.
# SINGLE Individual mail messages will be sent to each recipient
# Default: MULTI
# 2. [UUCP|MIME]
# This option defines the encoding method to be used when attaching
# files to email messages. UUCP (uuencode) is the standard Unix method,
# but RunJob also supports MIME encoding using MetaMail (which of course
# must be installed on the server).
# UUCP 'uuencode' will be used
# MIME 'mmencode' will be used (MetaMail must be installed)
# Default: UUCP
# 3. [PLAIN|ZIP]
# This option indicates whether any attached files are to be compressed
# prior to being attached. The Unix 'compress' utility will be used,
# which is supported by later versions of WinZip. Only zip files if
# it is certain that the recipient will be able to unzip them.
# Note that users can specify that attachments are to be zipped in
# the RunJob Control parameter screen (RUNJOB.fmx), which will override
# the setting made here.
# PLAIN Attachments will be sent 'plain' (ie. uncompressed)
# ZIP Attachments will be compressed (using Unix 'compress' utility)
# Default: PLAIN
# RJKEEP Retention period of report files.
# A comma-separated list containing file retention periods...
# 1. 'Display' files (MINUTES)
# 2. 'Hyperlink' reports (HOURS)
# Default: "0,0" (do not remove files)
## RJKEEP="<DispMinutes>,<LinkHours>"
RJKEEP="20,24" ## 20 minutes , 24 hours
# RJREPSERV Name of Oracle Reports Server process
# This variable defines the name of the Oracle Reports server process
# that RunJob will invoke to produce reports. Normally, there is no
# need to set it, except in the case of a non-standard installation.
## RJREPSERV=<ReportsServerProcess>
# RJPRQMETHOD Print Method
# Default: DIRECT
# The method employed to print direct to Unix printers.
# DIRECT Reports will be sent directly to the printer from
# the Oracle Reports program. No post-processing will
# be performed.
# ADOBE Reports will be written to disc, and be subsequently
# passed through Adobe Acrobat prior to printing.
# 1. Adobe Acrobat for Unix must be installed.
# 2. The variable RJADOBE must be configured correctly.
# RJADOBE Adobe Acrobat Configuration
# Default: NULL
# If RJPRQMETHOD=ADOBE, this variable must be used to configure Acrobat
# for Unix. It is a comma-separated list containing...
# 1. The location of Acrobat
# 2. Whether the 'Fit To Page' option is to be used
# NOTE: Both items must be specified.
## RJADOBE="/usr/lpp/Acrobat4,N"
## CF RJADOBE="/usr/local,Y"
# RJSHARE Method of storing 'shared' files
# Default: NFS
# This variable controls how RunJob creates files in a shared directory
# It is in two parts...
# 1. Method
# 2. Location (not required for NFS as SCE_DOCUMENTS is used)
##Modif BS 7 April 2005
## End Modif
# RJWROOT Root (top level) directory for RunJob work directories
# This variable should contain the prefix for RunJob working directories.
# The work directories are created & deleted by RunJob as needed.
# Directory names will be appended to this string, so if you require
# all other directories to be below the root, end it with a trailing
# slash (/).
# For example,
# "/tmp/RunJob_" will create a directory called "/tmp/RunJob_Online"
# "/tmp/RunJob/" will create a directory called "/tmp/RunJob/Online"
# Default: "/tmp/RunJob_"
## RJWROOT=<String>
#For executiong report on 6I OR 10G ( use by RUNJOB.ksh)
# 6I > all report 6i by default execpt report filled into $PHL/$TOBE_REPORT10
# 10G > all report 10G by default execpt report filled into $PHL/$TOBE_REPORT6
# other value > all report6i
##### REPORT SERVER 10G ##############
# Command lp for printing on dot Matrix or Other
# Dot Matrix managed by EPS Print Pro
#RJCMD_LP_EP Full command for printing on printer define into EPS default: lp
#RJCMD_LP_AIX Full command for printing on printer define on AIX queue default:
#Add to keep postscript in the GPFS(available only for OMROUTERPLR).PS will be d
eleted by nightly purge
#Add common variables
#available for session
export LRA_ROOT

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