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A collection of some of the

most useful phrases spoken in Sinhala

by Dilshan Jayasinha of The Lazy But Smart Sinhala Blog
Copyright 2013 JAY ONLINE ENTERPRISES, SARL. All Rights Reserved

100 Essential Sinhala Phrases Dilshan Jayasinha
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100 Essential Sinhala Phrases

Copyright 2013 JAY ONLINE ENTERPRISES, SARL. All Rights Reserved

A collection of some of the most useful phrases spoken in Sinhala
by Dilshan Jayasinha
of The Lazy But Smart Sinhala Blog
Legal Disclaimer:
The information contained in this eBook is for informational purposes only.
I am not a certified teacher in Sinhala. All information given in this eBook is based purely on my own experience and understanding
of the Sinhala language and also based on my goal to simplify it to the reader to the extent of my capability. You should always seek
the advice of a professional in the Sinhala linguistics field before acting on or expressing something, especially in a professional
context, that I have published or recommended.
All information appearing in this eBook is the property of Jay Online Enterprises, SARL. No part of this publication shall be
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By reading this guide, you agree that myself or my company are not responsible for the success or failure of any decisions you take
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Thanks for signing up at my blog (or perhaps a friend of yours ignored the legal stuff on the previous
page and emailed you this eBook bad bad friend ). In any case, Im glad to have reached you.
Confession: About the number of phrases in this book, well, there are actually more than a 100
(closer to 150, I think). I just had no reason to not include those additional phrases.
In any case, this is not a comprehensive collection of Sinhala phrases. That for me would be impossible.
But even if it were possible, do you really have time for that? And even if you did, do you really need all that knowledge? I,
for one, would answer a loud no and no for both and Im guessing (and maybe hoping?) its the same for you.
So voila! Heres your free copy of some thoughtfully selected Sinhala phrases that I think is good enough for you to
start with. Im a HUGE fan of simplifying things and not overloading the brain with information that is more than
necessary. So, assuming that youre also someone who likes that lazy but smart approach, I hope youll find this
simplified Sinhala phrase collection helpful.
I look forward to keeping in touch with you through email and the comments section of my blog and assisting you in
learning good enough Sinhala with the minimum needed effort.
All the best and Ill see you soon,
Oh, and if you have any questions,
feel free to contact me at:
Seriously, Id be more than happy
to help you out (or at least try).
By the way, in case you got this copy without signing up..
Tell you what Once youre done with the book, if you think it helped you more
than you expected, then please go to my blog and sign up to receive more
freebies. Id love to have you onboard. But if it didnt really do much for you, then
Im sorry it didnt work out, and well just forget about the whole thing Deal?

100 Essential Sinhala Phrases Dilshan Jayasinha
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The Sinhala used in this eBook is
Spoken Sinhala only (typical day-to-
day conversation type Sinhala).
Generally Ive chosen phrases for
someone visiting Sri Lanka. But
most of these can be also used
when speaking to any Sinhala
speaker (e.g. your wife, husband,
father-in-law, etc.)
I have not mentioned Please and
Thank you in most phrases (to
avoid repetition), but use them
whenever you want. I will show you
where to place them in a sentence.
Whenever the meaning of the
Sinhala phrase diverts significantly
from the English phrase, I will also
give you the literal translation
( ). using this color
I have introduced synonyms (using
) only for words that are this color
often used interchangeably.
Often, for some words in spoken
Sinhala, a derivative of the English
word is used instead of the
authentic Sinhala word for it. In
such cases, Ive used the English
borrowed word. (e.g., In this book
ticket is {ticket-k} and not the
real Sinhala word).
In this book, I have used the
Sinhala equivalent of the informal
you. This can be used even with
a stranger in a day-to-day setting.
However, Ill also give you the
formal you so that it can be used
when appropriate.
Out of the many different ways of
saying a phrase, I have chosen the
one I think is a) the most simple to
repeat; b) often used and easily
Wherever needed, I have included
additional notes ( ) using this color

100 Essential Sinhala Phrases Dilshan Jayasinha
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a as in up
as in away
aa as in arm
as in apple
as in ant
auw as in owl
ayi as in eye

as in end
as in aim
ee as in eel

o as in only
as in open
oo as in ooze

i as in in

u as in put

dh as in then
th as in three
d as in bundle
dh as in bundhle

Other special characters

100 Essential Sinhala Phrases Dilshan Jayasinha
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100 Essential Sinhala Phrases

Click on a category of your choice


Personal Pronouns ........................................................ 1
Polite Words .................................................................. 1
Greetings & Responses .................................................. 2
Important Single Words & Short Phrases ...................... 2
Initial Introductions ....................................................... 5
Language Related .......................................................... 6
Emergency Expressions ................................................. 7
Toilet / Bathroom .......................................................... 9
Food & Drinks .............................................................. 10
Finding a Place ............................................................. 11
In a Taxi or Tuk-tuk .................................................. 13
Bus, Train, Flight ....................................................... 14
Accommodation .......................................................... 15
Shopping ..................................................................... 16

Love & Affection .......................................................... 17
Good Wishes ............................................................... 17
Useful Adjectives ......................................................... 17
Day, Week, Month, & Year .......................................... 18
Days of the Week ........................................................ 19
Months ........................................................................ 20
Numbers (0-10) ........................................................... 21
Email, Internet, and Mobiles ....................................... 22
Other Miscellaneous ................................................... 23

Bonus Material
Bonus #1: Grouped according to phrase type .............. 24
Bonus #2: Vocabulary .................................................. 26

100 Essential Sinhala Phrases Dilshan Jayasinha
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Personal Pronouns
Basic personal pronouns

I mam

You (informal) oyaa

You (formal) ob

He/she yaa

They yaala

Polite Words
Main polite words

karunaa krla
Note: You can place this almost
anywhere in a sentence

Thank you (very much)
bohm isthoothi
Note: Typically placed at the end
of a sentence

I am sorry samaa vnn

Excuse me
samaa vnn
Note: Typically placed at the start
of a sentence

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Greetings & Responses
Informal Greetings
Q How are you? kohomdh?

A Im fine, thank you hodhin innva, bohm isthoothi

and you? oyaa kohomdh?

Hello Hello

Formal Greetings

Greetings! (formal)
Lit: May your life span be long

Good morning!
sub ! udhsnak
Note: Good morning, Good
evening, etc. are not generally
used in conversation.
afternoon dhavaalyak
evening! sndhvak
night! raathriyak

gihilla nnam
Lit: I shall leave and return

Important Single Words & Short Phrases
Yes & No

Yes owu

No n

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This & That

This mk

That k

Here & There

Syn: mthn

Syn: thn
Come, Go, Wait, stay

Come here
nn mh

Wait here
inn mh
Syn: mthn

Stay here
inn mh

there h
Syn: thn

I want to go mat yann n

I dont want to go mat yann n n

to come nn

to stay here mh inn

Go there
yann ht
Syn: thnt
The Wh words (and one H word)
Q What? mokakdh?

Q Why? yi

Q When (on which day)?
Syn: koyi dhavsdh?

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Q When (at what time)?
Syn: koyi vlaavtdh?
Q Where?
Syn: kothndh?
Q Who? kauwdh?

Q Which one (object)?
kdh? mon
Syn: koyi
Q Which one (person)?
kknaadh? mon
Syn: koyi
Q How? kohomdh?


Syn: isslla

After pass

With kk

Without nthuw

Other useful single words

(is) Good hodhayi

(is) Not good hodh n

(is) Bad narkayi

Up ud

Down yat

Left vam

Right dhakun

Entrance thul vn thn

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Exit liyt yan thn

(is) Open rla

(is) Closed vahala

Now dhn

Initial Introductions
Q What is your name? oyaag nam mokakdh?

Q Who are you? oyaa kauwdh?

A My name is [Dilshan] mag nam [Dilshan]

A My family name is
mag vaasgam [Jayasinha]

Q What is your age? oyaag vays keeydh?

Q When is your birthday?
oyaag upan dhiny ? kavdhadh
Syn: koyi dhavsdh?

Happy birthday! sub upan dhinyak vva!
Q Where are you from? oyaa kohndh?

Q Which country are you
oyaa ratndh? mon
Syn: koyi
Q Are you from here? oyaa mhndh?

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A I am from Sri Lanka mam shree lankaavn

America mrikaavn

Australia ostrliyaavn

Canada kndaavn

England nglanthyn

Ireland ayrlanthyn

New Zealand nav seelanthyn

Scotland scotlanthyn

South Africa dhakunu aprikaavn

NOTE: If your country is not on the list (how inconsiderate of me), email me the name of your
country to (just click on the link) and Ill send you
back the name in Sinhala & an audio clip of me pronouncing it.

Language Related
Do you speak English?
Q Do you speak English? oyaa ingreesi kathaa krnvadh?

Does anyone kauwru hari

You speak English well oyaa ingreesi hodht kathaa krnva

Do you understand?
Q Do you understand? oyaat thrnvadh?

A I understand mat thrnva

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dont understand thrnn n

understood thruna

I dont speak Sinhala

I dont speak Sinhala mam sinhl kathaa krann n

I speak a little Sinhala mam sinhl poddak kathaa krnva

I understand a little Sinhala mat sinhl poddak thrnva

I dont know how to say it
in Sinhala
mam k sinhln kiyann dhann n

Other useful phrases
Q Could you speak a little
more slowly?
thaw poddak hmin kathaa krann

Q Could you repeat that? k aayith kiyann puluwandh?

Q Could you write it in
k ingreesiyn liyla dhnn puluwandh?

Q How do you say [] in
[] sinhln kiyann kohomdh?

Emergency Expressions
Asking for help

Help me! mat udhauw krann!

Q Can I use your phone? mat oyaag phone k paavichchi kranna

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Calling for additional assistance

Call the police! polissiyt kathaa krann!

a doctor dhosthr knkut

an ambulance ambulance kkt

my embassy mag embassy kt
Syn: thaanaapthi
the fire department fire brigade kt
Syn: gini nivn
the hospital isspirithaalyt

Street robbery / pick-pocket

Thief! hork!

Stop! (stop moving /
walking / running)

Stop him/her! yaav navaththann!

I dont have any money
with me
mam gaav salli monvath n

Dealing with someone bothering you

Go away!
yann! mhn
Syn: mthnin

Leave me alone! mat mag paaduw inn dhnn

Dont touch me! maav allann paa

Dont bother me! mat kardhr krann paa

100 Essential Sinhala Phrases Dilshan Jayasinha
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Other dangers

Fire! ginnak!

Health related
Q Where is the closest
lagm ispirithaaly thiynn ? kohdh
Syn: kothndh

I urgently want a doctor! mat vahaam dhosthr knkv n

an ambulance ambulance kak

Im feeling sick mat saneep n

tired mahansi

cold seethlayi

hot rasnyi

feverish un vag

Im having a heart attack
mat nva heart attack kak
Syn: hrdhaa baadhyak
brain stroke stroke kak
Syn: hadhisi aabaadhyak

My blood type is [] mag l vargy []

Toilet / Bathroom
Wanting to use the toilet
Q Where is the toilet?
vsikiliy thiynn ? kohdh
Syn: kothndh

I want to go to the toilet mat vsikiliyt yann n

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Food & Drinks
Main nouns

Food km

Drinks beem

Main food items

Rice bath

Bread paan

Meat mas

Vegetables elvlu

Fruits palthuru

Main drink items

Water vathur

Bottled water bthal vathur

Tea th

Coffee kpi

Eating & drinking

Im hungry mat bad gini

thirsty thibahayi

Q Do you have any food? km monva hari thiynvadh?

I want to eat mat kann n

I dont want to eat mat kann n n

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to drink bonn

some food km poddak
Lit: a little bit
some water vathur poddak
Lit: a little bit

Q Could you give me
something to eat?
mat kann monva hari dhnn puluwandh?

Give me something to eat mat kann monva hari dhnn

something to drink bonn monva hari

some water vathur poddak

a tea th kak

a coffee kpi kak

the bill bil

Q Have you eaten? oyaa kaaladh inn?

The food is tasty km rahayi

I dont want anything
mat monvath n n
Syn: paa

Finding a Place
Getting lost

Im lost
mat paar vrdhila
Syn: mam athrmang

Im looking for my friend mam mag yaaluvav hoynva

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Asking for the location of places
Q Where is the hospital?
ispirithaaly thiynn ? kohdh
Syn: kothndh
the closest hospital lagm ispirithaaly

the hotel htly

the restaurant km kan thn
Syn: restaurant k
bus stop bus halt k

train station kchchi stshm

airport airport k
Syn: guwan thotupol
Q Can you show me how to
get there?
thnt yan hti mat pnnnvadh?

Getting/giving directions

Turn right dhakunt hrnn

left vamt

back aapahu

On the right side dhakunu pthth

left vam

At the center (of
something or someplace)

Go straight ahead klinm yann

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In a Taxi or Tuk-tuk
Finding a taxi or tuk-tuk
Q Where can I get a taxi?
mat taxi kak gann puluwan? kohndh
Syn: kothnindh
a tuk-tuk three wheeler kak

The fare
Q How much is it to go to
[]t yann keeydh?

Too expensive ganang vdi

Q Does this have a meter? mk meetryak thiynvadh?

Instructions to the driver

Take me to [] maav []t gniyann

Lets go yamu

Go slow hmin yann

fast hayi-yn

carefully parissmin

there ht
Syn: thnt
straight klin

straight ahead klinm

Turn right dhakunt hrnn

left vamt

back aapahu

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Wait here
inn mh
Syn: mthn
there h
Syn: thn
a little / a moment poddak

for me (to return) mam nkan

The change (balance money)
Q Where is my
mag ithuru salli k?

Keep the change/balance ithuru salli thiyaa gann

Bus, Train, Flight
Finding the bus stop, train station, and airport
Q Where is the bus stop?
bus halt k thiynn ? kohdh
Syn: kothndh
the train station kchchi stshm

the airport airport k
Syn: guwan thotupol
Q Can you show me how to
get there?
thnt yan hti mat pnnnvadh?

Asking about the schedules
Q What time is the next bus?
eelag bus k thiynn ? keeytdh
Syn: koyi vlaavtdh
Q What time is the last bus?
anthim bus k thiynn ? keeytdh
Syn: koyi vlaavtdh
train kchchiy

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flight flight k

Asking about the destination
Q Where does this bus go to?
m bus k yann ? kohtdh
Syn: kothntdh
train kchchiy

flight flight k

Buying a ticket

I want to buy a ticket mat ticket kak gann n

a one-way ticket yann vithrak ticket kak

a return ticket / round-
ticket kak yannayi nnayi
Syn: return
Other related phrases

Bon voyage / Have a nice
sub gamnak!

Have a safe trip!
parissmin gihilla nn
Lit: Go carefully/safely and


I want to sleep mat nidhaa gann n

I dont want to sleep mat nidhaa gann n n

a place to sleep nidhaa gann thnak

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Finding a room

Im looking for a place to
mam inn thnak hoynva

a hotel htlyak

Q Can you show me how to
get there?
thnt yan hti mat pnnnvadh?

Q Do you have rooms? kaamr thiynvadh?

Q Do you have a room for
me to stay in?
mat inn kaamryak thiynvadh?

Q Could you give me a room? mat kaamryak dhnn puluwandh?

Q How much is this room? m kaamry keeydh?

Changing your room

I want a different room mat vn kaamryak n

Inquiring about the price
Q How much is this? mk keeydh?

This is too expensive mk ganang vdi

Q Can you give me a lower
gaan adu krla dhnn puluwandh?

Other useful phrases

Im only just looking mam nikan balnva vithrayi

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Love & Affection
Main phrases

I love you mam oyaat aadhryi

like aasayi
Syn: kmthi

Good Wishes
Common good wishes

Bon voyage / Have a nice
sub gamnak!

Get well soon!
saneep vnn! ikmning
Lit: quickly

Good luck! jay vva!

Happy birthday! sub upan dhinyak vva!

Happy new year! sub aluth auwrudhdhak vva!

Merry Christmas! sub naththlak vva!

Useful Adjectives

I am feeling cold mat seethlayi

You are feeling cold oyaat seethlayi
hot rasnyi
tired mahansi

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happy santhsayi
sad dhukayi

I am young mam tharunayi

You are young oyaa tharunayi
old vayskayi
beautiful/good looking lassnayi
handsome kadvasam
scared bayayi

Day, Week, Month, & Year

Day dhavs

Today adh

Yesterday eey

Tomorrow ht

Time of day

This morning adh udh

Yesterday morning eey udh

Tomorrow morning ht udh

afternoon dhaval

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evening havs
Syn: hndhv
night (tonight) r

Week, month, year

Syn: sumaany

Month maasy

Year auwrudhdh

This week, month, year, etc.

This week
m sathiy
Syn: sumaany

This month m maasy

This year m auwrudhdh

Last giy

Next labn
Syn: eelag

Days of the Week
Which day is it?
Q Which day is it today? adh dhavs mokakdh?

Q Which date is it today? adh dhiny mokakdh?

is it tomorrow ht

was it yesterday eey

Days of the week

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Monday sadhudha

Tuesday agharuwaadha

Wednesday badhaadha

Thursday brahaspthindha

Friday sikuraadha

Saturday snsuraadha

Sunday iridha

Months (January - December)

January janvaari

February pbrvaari

March maarthu

April aprl

May myi

June juni

July jooli

August agsthu

September spthmbr

October okthmbr

November novmbr

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December dhsmbr

Numbers (0-10)
Cardinal numbers (one, two, three,)











Ordinal numbers (first, second, third,)

pal vni

dh vni

thun vni

hathr vni

pas vni

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hay vni

hath vni

at vni

nam vni

dhaha vni
First, second, and third time

First time pal vni sr

Second dh vni

Third thun vni

Last time anthim sr

Email, Internet, and Mobiles
Q Where can I check my
mat mag email balaa gann puluwan
? kohdh
Syn: kothndh
access the internet? internet k paavichchi krann

My mobile phone has no
mag signal n mobile k
Syn: cell phone k
no more charge/battery charge k ivrayi

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Other Miscellaneous
Q How do I do this? mam mk krann kohomdh?

Q How does this work? mk vd krann kohomdh?

Once again, thank you!
I hope you found this eBook useful. I personally had a great time creating it. But before I say see you soon, could I please ask you to
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Be sure to check out the bonus material
on the next pages

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Bonus #1: Grouped according to phrase type
The following is the same collection of phrases from the eBook that have been
grouped according to the type of phrase to make it more convenient for you.
I want/dont want phrases
(also equivalent to I need/dont need or Id like to/wouldnt like to)

I want to eat mat kann n

I dont want to eat mat kann n n

eat some food km poddak
Lit: a little bit
drink bonn

drink some water vathur poddak
Lit: a little bit
sleep nidhaa gann

a place to sleep nidhaa gann thnak

go yann

go to the toilet vsikiliyt yann

come nn

stay here inn mh
Syn: mthn
buy a ticket ticket kak gann

I dont want anything
mat monvath n n
Syn: paa

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Could you give me? type phrases
(also equivalent to Could I have or May I have)

Q Could you give me
something to eat?
mat kann monva hari dhnn puluwandh?

Give me something to eat mat kann monva hari dhnn

something to drink bonn monva hari

some water vathur poddak

a tea th kak

a coffee kpi kak

a room kaamryak

the bill bil

Q Could you speak a little
more slowly?
thaw poddak hming kathaa krann

Q Could you repeat that? k aayith kiyann puluwandh?

Q Could you write it in
k ingreesiyn liyla dhnn puluwandh?

Do you have?
Q Do you have rooms
kaamr thiynvadh?

Q Do you have a room for
me to stay in?
mat inn kaamryak thiynvadh?

Q Do you have any food? km monva hari thiynvadh?

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Bonus #2: Vocabulary
The following table lists the most important useful words that were used in the
phrases of the eBook to assist you for quick reference.


After pass

Afternoon dhaval

Again aayith

Age vays

airport k
Syn: guwan thotupol
(an) Ambulance ambulance kak

Anyone kauwru hari

April aprl

August agsthu

(is/are/am) Bad narkayi

(is/are/am) Beautiful/good looking lassnayi
Syn: isslla
Bill bil

Birthday upan dhiny

Blood l

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(to) Bother kardhr krann

Bottled water bthal vathur

Brain stroke
stroke kak
Syn: hadhisi aabaadhyak
Bread paan

Bus bus k

Bus stop bus halt k

(to) Buy gann

(to) Call kathaa krann

Can / is able to puluwan

Carefully parissmin

Center (of something or someplace) mdh

Change/balance ithuru salli

Charge/battery (e.g. of a mobile phone) charge k

(is/are/am) Closed vahala

Closest lagm

Coffee kpi

(a) Coffee kpi kak

(is/are/am) Cold seethlayi

(to) Come nn

Country rat

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Date dhiny

Day dhavs

December dhsmbr

(a) Doctor dhosthr knk

Down yat

(to) Drink bonn

Drinks beem

(to) Eat kann

Eaten kaala

Eight at

Eighth at vni

Email email

embassy k
Syn: thaanaapthi
English ingreesi

(in) English ingreesiyn

Entrance thul vn thn

Syn: hndhv
Exit liyt yan thn

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Expensive ganang

Family name vaasgam

Fast hayi-yn

February pbrvaari

(is/are/am) Feverish un vag

Fifth pas vni

Fine hodhin innva, bohm

First pal vni

Five pah

Flight flight k

Food km

For me mat

For you oyaat

Four hathr

Fourth hathr vni

Friday sikuraadha

Friend yaaluva

From here mhn
From where? kohndh?

Fruits palthuru

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(is/are/am) Good hodhayi

Greetings! (formal)
Lit: May your life span be long
(to) Get gann

(to) Give dhnn

(to) Go yann

(is/are/am) Handsome kadvasam
(is/are/am) Happy santhsayi
He/she yaa

Heart attack
heart attack kak
Syn: hrdhaa baadhyak
Hello Hello

Help udhauw

Syn: mthn
(to) Here
Syn: mthnt
Hospital isspirithaaly

(is/are/am) Hot rasnyi

Hotel htly

(a) Hotel htlyak

How much? keeydh?

How? kohomdh?

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(is/are/am) Hungry bad gini

I mam

Internet internet k

January janvaari

July jooli

June juni

(to) Keep thiyaa gann

Last (e.g. bus, train, plane)
Syn: koyi vlaavtdh
Last/previous (e.g. week, month, year) giy

Left vam

(to the) Left vamt

Syn: kmthi
(a) Little poddak

(is/are/am) Looking for hoynva

(is/are/am) Looking balnva

(is/are/am) Loving aadhryi

(to) Let someone be inn dhnn

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March maarthu

May myi

Me mam

Meat mas

(a) Meter meetryak

Mobile phone
mobile k
Syn: cell phone k
Monday sadhudha

Month maasy

Morning udh

My mag

Name nam

(a) New year aluth auwrudhdhak

Next (e.g. bus, train, plane) eelag

Next (e.g. week, month, year)
Syn: eelag
Night r

Nine namy

Nineth nam vni

No n

Not good hodh n

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November novmbr

Now dhn

October okthmbr

(is/are/am) Old vayskayi
One k

(a) One-way ticket yann vithrak ticket kak

(is/are/am) Open rla

Phone phone k

(a) Place to stay inn thnak

(a) Place thnak

Please karunaa krla

Police polissiy

Quickly ikmning
(a) Return ticket / round-trip ticket
ticket kak yannayi nnayi
Syn: return
km kan thn
Syn: restaurant k
Rice bath

Right dhakun

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(to the) Right dhakunt

Room kaamry

(a) Room kaamryak

Rooms kaamr

(is/are/am) Sad dhukayi
Saturday snsuraadha

(is/are/am) Scared bayayi
Second dh vni

September spthmbr

Seven hath

Seventh hath vni

(is/are/am) Sick mat saneep n

Signal/reception (e.g of a mobile phone) signal

Sinhala sinhl

(in) Sinhala sinhln

Six hay

Sixth hay vni

Slow hmin

Slowly hmin

(is/are/am) Speaking kathaa krnva

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(to) Stay inn

Stop (e.g. stop moving / walking /

Stop (e.g. stop something or someone) navaththann!

Straight ahead klinm

Sunday iridha

(to) Say kiyann

(to) Sleep nidhaa gann

(to) Stay in (e.g. to stay in a hotel) inn

(a) Tea th kak

(a) Thief hork

(is/are/am) Tasty rahayi

(is/are/am) Thirsty thibahayi

(is/are/am) Tired mahansi

(to) There
Syn: thnt
(a) Tuk-tuk three wheeler kak

(a) Taxi taxi kak

(a) Ticket ticket kak

Tea th

Ten dhahay

Tenth dhaha vni

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Note: Typically placed at the end
of a sentence
That k

Train station kchchi stshm

Syn: thn
They yaala

Third thun vni

This (e.g. this thing) mk

This m

Three thun

Thursday brahaspthindha

Today adh

Tomorrow ht

Train kchchiy

Train station kchchi stshm

Tuesday agharuwaadha

Two dhk

Type (e.g. a type of something; a kind) vargy

(to) Take away gniyann

(to) Touch allann

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Understand thrnva

Understood thruna

Up ud

Urgently vahaam

(to) Use paavichchi kranna

(a) Voyage/trip gamnak
Vegetables elvlu

(a) What time?
Syn: koyi vlaavtdh
Wait inn

Want n

Water vathur

Wednesday badhaadha

Syn: sumaany
What? mokakdh?

When? (at what time?)
Syn: koyi vlaavtdh?
When? (on which day?)
Syn: koyi dhavsdh?
Syn: kothndh?

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Which one? (for an object)
kdh? mon
Syn: koyi
Which one? (for a person)
kknaadh? mon
Syn: koyi
Who? kauwdh?

Why? yi

With kk

Without nthuw

(to) Wait inn


(is/are/am) Young tharunayi
Year auwrudhdh

Yes owu

Yesterday eey

You (formal) ob

You (informal) oyaa

Your oyaag

Zero bindhuw

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