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!"# %&'()&*'+,&*- +. /-(*.(0 ', ,11() 2 13-- 4*.'(). 567,-*).7+/. ', %&0+*& 5'30(&'. .'308+&9 9)*03*'( '*397'
4*.'(). +& !"# 1,) 2:;<

Open to: All successful applicants to the eligible Masters programmes who are Indian citizens and
Award: 2 scholarships covering full tuition fees
Deadline: 30 April 2013

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1) AppllcanLs should be lndlan clLlzens and currenLly resldenL ln lndla,
2) AppllcanLs musL be self-fundlng and classlfled as non-Lu for LulLlon fee purposes,
3) AL Lhe deadllne appllcanLs musL hold an flrm offer or accepLance Lo an ellglble full Llme uCu 1aughL MasLers,
4) =7( 567,-*).7+/. *)( *A*+-*@-( 1,) >,.' B)*03*'( =*397' 4*.'(). ,11()(0 @8 !"# C+'7 (D6(/'+,& ,1 B)*03*'(
=*397' 4*.'(). +& '7( *)(*. ,1 4(0+6+&( *&0 4(0+6*- 56+(&6(E F('()+&*)8 4(0+6+&(E ,) +& '7( 5>3)1+' 567,,- ,1
G3.+&(..E ,) 1,) H,+&' 4*.'().I lease conLacL kaLe.ohanlon[ucd.le for advlce of wheLher your programme of
sLudy ls ellglble.
3) Successful candldaLes wlll be selecLed on merlL,
6) 1hls scholarshlp ls noL ellglble Lo be comblned wlLh any oLher LulLlon scholarshlp,

7) 1he Scholarshlp rogramme alms Lo aLLracL excellenL candldaLes and encourages early appllcaLlon,
8) Scholarshlp awards cover 100 of LulLlon fees per candldaLe,
9) Successful candldaLes wlll be selecLed on merlL,
10) ueclslons wlll be made by Lhe Scholarshlp CommlLLee on or before Lhe 1 !une 2013. All declslons are flnal.

11) 1o be consldered for Lhe uCu Clobal Lxcellence CraduaLe Scholarshlp (lndla) appllcanLs musL compleLe a
supplemenLal appllcaLlon form ln addlLlon Lo applylng for Lhelr chosen programme,
12) SLudenLs should also apply Lo Lhelr chosen course as normal aL www.ucd.le/apply,
13) All ellglble appllcaLlons recelved by 30
Aprll 2013 wlll be consldered,

lease conLacL kaLe.ohanlon[ucd.le for furLher lnformaLlon.
!"#$%&'( *+, -./" " &0 "


!"# %&'()&*'+,&*- +. /-(*.(0 ', ,11() KK 4*.'(). 567,-*).7+/. ', %&0+*& 5'30(&'. .'308+&9 9)*03*'( '*397' 4*.'().
+& !"# 1,) 2:;<

Open to: All successful applicants to eligible full time, one year Graduate Taught Masters
Programmes who are Indian citizens and residents
Award: 5 scholarships covering 50% of the tuition fee; 50 scholarships covering !2,000
Deadline: 30 April 2013

=()>. *&0 ",&0+'+,&.


1. AppllcanLs should be lndlan clLlzens and currenLly resldenL ln lndla,
2. AppllcanLs musL be self-fundlng and classlfled as non-Lu for LulLlon fee purposes,
3. AL Lhe deadllne appllcanLs musL hold an flrm offer or accepLance Lo and ellglble full Llme uCu 1aughL
4. 1hese scholarshlps are noL avallable ln Lhe areas of Medlclne and Medlcal Sclence, veLerlnary Medlclne, or ln
Lhe SmurflL School of 8uslness, or for [olnL masLers. lease conLacL kaLe.ohanlon[ucd.le for advlce of
wheLher your programme of sLudy ls ellglble.
3. Successful candldaLes wlll be selecLed on merlL,
6. 1hls scholarshlp ls noL ellglble Lo be comblned wlLh any oLher LulLlon scholarshlp,



1he Scholarshlp rogramme alms Lo aLLracL excellenL candldaLes encourage early appllcaLlon,
B)*03*'( Scholarshlp awards cover t2,000 Lo 30 of LulLlon fees per candldaLe,
Scholarshlp awards (as above) are appllcable Lo LulLlon fees only,
Successful candldaLes wlll be selecLed on merlL,
ueclslons wlll be made by Lhe Scholarshlp CommlLLee on or before Lhe 1 !une 2013. All declslons are flnal,
SLudenLs should apply Lo Lhelr chosen course as normal aL www.ucd.le/apply,
All ellglble appllcaLlons recelved by 30
Aprll 2013 wlll be consldered,
no separaLe appllcaLlon form ls requlred.

lease conLacL kaLe.ohanlon[ucd.le for furLher lnformaLlon on all uCu Scholarshlps ellglble for lndlan sLudenLs.

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