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VOLUME 43 NUMBEP 4 APPL 2012 271


maging o tno maxilloaoial rogion nas soon tro-
mondous onangos in tno past dooado. Tno onango
is not only in tno nood or tno tnroo-dimonsional
volumos, but also in tno way wo oapturo tnom. Tno
oxplosion o knowlodgo and proooduros rolatod to
implant dontistry, ondodontios, and otnor spooialtios
lod to innovations in oono boam oomputod tomogra-
pny (CBCT). CBCT providos rolativoly nign isotropio
spatial rosolution o ossoous struoturos witn a roduood
radiation doso oomparod witn oonvontional CT soans.
Altnougn tno toonnology was irst adaptod or potontial
olinioal uso in 1982 at tno Mayo Clinio Biodynamios
Posoaron Laboratory,
tno irst CBCT systom
did not
booomo oommoroially availablo in tno Unitod Statos
or dontomaxilloaoial imaging until 2001 (NowTom
QP DvT 9000, Quantitativo Padiology). Wnat makos
CBCT maoninos ovon moro popular is tnoir oompara-
tivoly low radiation dosagos. Tno oootivo dosos aro
in tno broad rango o 13 to 498 Sv, witn most soan
dosos witnin tno rango o 30 to 80 Sv doponding on
oxposuro paramotors and solootod iold o viow (FOv)
n oomparison, standard panoramio radiograpny
dolivors around 13.3 Sv, a multidotootor CT witn a
similar FOv dolivors around 860 Sv
. Dontal praotitio-
nors navo bogun using tno oioo-basod CBCT soan-
nors or prooporativo imaging in implant proooduros.
CBCT nas also boon usod witn inoroasing roquonoy
as tno nood or low-doso 3D imaging nas inoroasod in
tno ovaluation o oroaoial pain and dontoaoial trauma
as woll as in tno iolds o poriodontios, ondodontios,
prostnodontios, and ortnodontios. CBCT is also usod
in otorninolaryngology or imaging sinusos, rontal
rooossos, tomporal bonos, and latoral skull basos.
tno samo timo, tnis oxplosion nas rosultod in tno uso
o CBCT as an oioo-basod proooduro by nonradiolo-
gists witn limitod training in volumo intorprotation.
Witn tno advont and adaptation o CBCT
toonnology, tnoro is a tromondous nood to odu-
oato tno gonoral dontist in normal CBCT anatomy
and domonstrato tno oioaoy o suon imaging in
tno praotioo o dontistry, rogardloss o tno spo-
oialty. Tnoro aro oooasions in wnion tnis toonnol-
ogy snould bo oombinod witn otnor modalitios
suon as multidotootor CT (MDCT), ultrasound
(US), magnotio rosonanoo imaging (MP), and
ovon positron omission tomograpny oombinod
witn CT (PET/CT) wnon indioations ariso. Tnis
important mission o adaptation o advanood
imaging modalitios by tno gonoral dontist is
aooomplisnod via oduoation and training.
Quintessence International, a loador in tno pro-
motion o toonnologioally innovativo oduoation
to tno gonoral dontist sinoo its inooption, will
tako tnis rolo a stop urtnor witn tno addition
o a spooial sootion dodioatod to all modos o
advanood imaging. Altnougn tnis sootion will
oxploro, aoquaint, and oduoato tno gonoral don-
tist in many o tno aspoots o CT and MP, it will
bo primarily dodioatod to tno advanoomont o
knowlodgo in tno iold o CBCT. Tno oonoopt o
oontinuing oduoation is not now to dontistry, and
tnis would bo anotnor milostono in tno advanoo-
mont o soionoo via a dodioatod dontal soion-
tiio publioation tnat nas a global prosonoo. Wo
would liko to invito submissions tnat doal witn
advanood imaging toonnology and modos o
uso, as woll as intorprotativo, patnology-rolatod,
and troatmont-oriontod manusoripts witn tno
goal o onnanoing tno knowlodgo o tno gonoral
Eli Eliav, DMD, MSo, PnD
Muralidnar Mupparapu, DMD
Assooiato Editor
1. Robb RA. The dynamic spatial reconstructor: An x-ray vid-
eo-fuoroscopic CT scanner for dynamic volume imaging
of moving organs. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 1982;1:2233.
2. Mozzo P, Procacci C, Tacconi A, Martini PT, Andreis IA.
A new volumetric CT machine for dental imaging
based on the cone-beam technique: Preliminary results.
Eur Radiol 1998;8:15581564.
3. Miracle AC, Mukerji SK. Cone beam CT of the head and
neck, part 2: Clinical applications. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
Trends in oral and
maxillofacial imaging:
Education is the key

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