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TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 2
ISSUES.................................................................................................................................. 3
ISSUE 1: INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES.................................................................................. 3
RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................................ 3
Feasibility Study............................................................................................................. 3
Cst!Be"e#it A"alysis...................................................................................................... $
ISSUE 2: TIME CONSTRAINT............................................................................................... %
RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................................ %
ISSUES 3: RESISTANCE TO C&AN'E.................................................................................1(
RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................... 11
1. Edu)ati" a"d C**u"i)ati"................................................................................. 11
2. +a,ti)i-ati" a"d I".l.e*e"t.................................................................................. 12
3. Fa)ilitati" a"d Su--,t............................................................................................ 12
/. Ma"i-ulati" a"d C!-ti"...................................................................................... 12
0. E1-li)it a"d I*-li)it Ce,)i"................................................................................... 12
ISSUE /: TERMINATION.................................................................................................... 13
RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................... 13
T&OMAS!2ILMANN CONFLICT MODE INSTRUMENT 3T2I4...............................................1/
CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 1$
Akademi Teknikal Laut Malaysia (ATLAM) was established on 15 August 1981 which subsequently
pi!ati"ed on 1 #anuay 199$% &n 'ecembe ())1* the management o+ ATLAM* a wholly owned
ogani"ation o+ M&,T -ehad* had been asked to upgade its accounting system with the ./T0A
goup1wide 2A. system% The poposed 2A. system was scheduled to be phased in by 1 Apil ())( as
the stat o+ the new +inancial yea%
2A. system was the system that included compehensi!e +unctions o+ 3inancial Accounting*
,ontolling* Asset Management* 2ales and 'istibution* Mateials Management* 4uman 0esouces*
.lant Maintenance* .o5ect 2ystem* -A2&2 system and so +oth% -e+oe the yea ()))* ATLAM was in a
poo stated o+ technology% 4owe!e* the pi!ati"ation o+ ATLAM esulted in the intoduction o+ new
shaeholdes and bought the academy into the +old o+ the ./T0A 6oup o+ ,ompanies* and it was
po!ided with bette &T +acilities% At the same time* all ./T0A7s se!es had to be consolidated to
le!eage its goup1wide ./T0A8/T netwok system%
&n accounting system* ATLAM was pe!iously elied on a customi"ed single1use system that solely
used to ente the accounting enties* but not +unctioned to poduce +inancial epots% At this point*
ATLAM was looking +o bette altenati!es to upgade the accounting system% They wee consideing
the a!ailable altenati!es9 thee wee A,,.A, o 2A. system%
:ulki+li ;sman* the 3inance Manage was citically assessing the isk associated with the decision and
he was going to ha!e discussion with some o+ his membes +o this po5ect% 'uing the meeting
discussion* Lim and 6opal who wee <se epesentati!e and <se .o5ect Manage* wee not so
consent to the implementation o+ 2A. onto the +acto o+ time constaint* insu++icient o+ esouces (+und*
e=petise* +acilities)* subsequent poblems in 2A. system compaed to the A,,.A,% 4owe!e* 2ani
and >amal who as .o5ect Manage and 3unctional Analyst* wee quite ageed to the 2A. system with
:ulki+li ;sman% They wee tying to analy"e in !aious aspects to gi!e solutions +o the issues that ose
up* +o instance* +easibility study* cost1bene+it analysis* scheduling and so on% :ulki+li ;sman also had
thought to kick Lim out +om the goup as he always citici"ed in the discussion% -ut is it a good deal to
do that?
At last* e!en though thee ae some con+licts o+ opinions within a po5ect goup* but indeed* they ha!e
the intention to se!e +o the company own well% A,,.A, o 2A.* it is 5ust a system* the most
impotant thing the collaboation o+ the whole ogani"ation ae well bonded to di!e the ATLAM to a
bette +utue%
;ne o+ the ultimate and o!eiding issues that may +ace by ATLAM is insu++icient esouces in tems o+
+und* +acilities and e=petise% :ulki+li belie!ed that thei e++ots to implement 2A. will in!ol!e unique
isks and challenges% &n thei +ist meeting Lim ha!e mentioned the implementation pocess o+ 2A. will
costly them a lot e!en though .eta goup will po!ide le!eage to them% Moeo!e* Lim claim that thee
ae shotage o+ .,s and space to install them in the depatment% Lastly* the pesonnel o+ ATLAM that
in!ol!ed in implementation pocess did not ha!e an e=tensi!e e=peience with the 2A.% &t is impotant
as knowledgeable team membe can help to anticipate potential issue that occu onsite duing
implementation% Those thee poblems should be conside by po5ect team be+oe poceed with the
&n ode to e!aluate the su++iciency o+ implementation o+ 2A. system po5ect* we ae ad!ised that
ATLAM could thoughout +easibility study and cost1bene+it analysis to e!aluate and analysis the
!aluable and +easibility o+ 2A. system po5ect in ogani"ation%
Feasibility Study
@e suggest that ATLAM can thoughout the 3easibility 2tudy to assess and consideed in a numbe o+
aeas +o the 2A. po5ect* +o e=ample economic* opeational* scheduling* technical and political%
a. Technical Feasibility
Assessing technical +easibility o+ ATLAM in implementation 2A. 2ystem po5ect would equied
to identi+y and e!aluate that whethe 2A. 2ystem will pe+om e++ecti!ely* eliable and the
capability o+ esouces to utili"e 2A. 2ystem% &t will po!ide a discussion o+ ele!ant technical
isk +actos and o!eall isk ating o+ the po5ect% (4o++e* 6eoge* and Aalaich* ()11)
This analysis should include an assessment o+ the technical isk on 2A. 2ystem that is
depending on +ou pimay +actosB po5ect si"e* po5ect stuctue* ATLAM de!elopment goup7s
e=peience with simila system* and use goup7s e=peience with 2A. 2ystem de!elopment
po5ects and the application aea% (>isch* ())))
-y using those po5ect isk assessment +actos to access the technical isk le!el o+ 2A. 2ystem*
the esult dawn that 2A. 2ystem po5ect has a medium isk% The conclusion is based on the
+ollowing +indingsB1
1. Project Size
This po5ect is easonably lage po5ect +o ATLAM* to be said* the lage the si"e o+ the
po5ects* the iskie the po5ect is% (,4A;2 0epot* 1999) This is because the po5ect will
impacted on entie ATLAM ogani"ations% Almost () depatments in ATLAM will in!ol!ed* it
will gi!e high stess to po5ect team membes which consists o+ +i!e pesons (2ani as .o5ect
Manage* 6opal as <se .o5ect Manage* Lim as <se 0epesentati!e* >amal as
3unctional Analysts and :ulki+li as 3inance Manage) to +inish the po5ect in shote duation
time (second weeks o+ 3ebuay until +outh weeks o+ Mach)%
2. Project Structure
The equiements +o 2A. 2ystem po5ect is highly stuctued and well de+ine ha!e a lowe
isk% &n +act* unde the 2A. system* it will po!ide an applicable system to ATLAM and to all
companies within the ./T0A goup% /!en though thee ae use epesentati!e (Lim) whose
e+use to cay on the implementation o+ 2A. system* it is still unde contol as the ATLAM
management ha!e highly commitment though the system%
3. Development group and User group
The po5ects ha!e a high isk as the de!elopment goup and use goup has low +amiliaity
with the application aea o+ 2A. 2ystem% 4owe!e* conducting some taining will educe the
Medium isk o+ technical assessment o+ 2A. po5ect should be consideed as acceptable to
ATLAM as e+using to take any isk will cause ATLAM couldn7t make the ma5o
beakthoughs in inno!ati!e uses o+ systems% (4o++e* 6eoge* and Aalaich* ()11)
b. Operational feasibility
Assessing opeational +easibility o+ ATLAM in implementation 2A. 2ystem po5ect is to gain an
undestanding o+ the degee to which 2A. system will likely to sol!e the business poblems* o
take ad!antage o+ the oppotunities o not (4o++e* 6eoge* and Aalaich* ()11)% Also* we need
to assess whethe the cuent wok pactices and pocedues suppot a new system and how
the ogani"ational changes will a++ect the woking li!es o+ those a++ected by the system (#a++e
Lim agued that implementing the 2A. 2ystem po5ect may cause some obstucts and may
incease di++iculty to the sta++s in thei day1to1day opeation because the 2A. 2ystem ae likely
to change in wok pocess* cultue and habits% This shows that 2A. 2ystem ha!e high isk
po5ect to undetake in tems o+ opeational isk as it ha!e a signi+icant and widespead impact
on ATLAM7s opeation% Thee+oe* +uthe analysis on the esistance to change should be
conducted to undestand moe in this aea% Moeo!e* the e=isting opeations and suppot
in+astuctue o+ ATLAM cannot handle the 2A. 2ystem* howe!e with the suppot +om ./T0A
and appopiate taining o+ the a++ected sta++ in ATLAM* then this po5ect will opeationally
c. Schedule feasibility
Assessing schedule +easibility o+ ATLAM in implementation 2A. 2ystem is concens with the
duation o+ the 2A. 2ystem po5ect be+oe it +ully implement% The pupose is to gain
undestanding o+ the likelihood that all potential time+ames and the completion date schedules
can be met and that meeting these date will su++icient +o dealing with the needs o+ the
ogani"ation% (4o++e* 6eoge* and Aalaich* ()11)
This po5ect is estimated to complete within $ weeks% 6antt chat will be used to detail out the
po5ect acti!ities and the duations% &n line with the scheduled acti!ities* the esouces such as
use* suppot in+astuctue and etc should be a!ailable +o +easible the po5ect scheduling%
Thee+oe* po5ect teams should +istly deal with the esistance o+ sta++ to change as claims by
M% Lim%
The time +ames needed to implement the 2A. 2ystem in!ol!ed a numbe o+ months9 howe!e
the po5ects lack o+ time to met the completion date schedules% They ha!e to e!aluate the
scheduling isk such as the possibility on deli!eing impope +unctioning 2A. 2ystem in ode
implement the po5ect on time% &t is ad!isable +o ATLAM to e=tend the implementation due date
o+ 2A. 2ystem* since the cost is signi+icant and the ATLAM7s sta++ shod be eady and pepae
well to embace 2A. 2ystem% An inadequate systems implementation will wosen the ATLAM7s
d. Political feasibility
Assessing political +easibility is the pocess o+ e!aluating how key stakeholdes within the
ogani"ation !iew the poposed system%
The key stakeholde +o ATLAM is it !ey own sta++s* thee+oe the po5ect teams cannot
e=cluded the use epesentati!es and most impotant is to o!ecome the esistance o+
ATLAM7s sta++s to change% (4o++e* 6eoge* and Aalaich* ()11)
Cost-Beneit Analysis
Accoding to 6itman* L%#% (())9)%* coss all capital budgeting analysis* the ideal e!aluation method
should include all cash +lows that occu duing the li+e o+ the po5ect*conside the time !alue o+ money*
andincopoate the equied ate o+ etun on the po5ect% Thee+oe in ou analysis* thee is some pat
o+ this consideation not able to be included as we ha!e lack o+ in+omation on thei +inancial situation%
a. Initial Outlay
&nitial outlay is the cost incued to ente a po5ect% To undestand how much it cost to stat and
un a po5ect is impeati!e to detemine the +easibility ange% -y including this in the initial cost
into po5ect +inancial plan* it allows us to ha!e bette undestanding on how po+itable the po5ect
will be% -ased on data po!ided* below is the initial outlay that would incu by ATLAM in this
As to guide the po5ect implementation assessment this cost1bene+it analysis has been eleased
as supplementay guidance mateial a!ailable to assue the po5ect +amewok* and po!ides
pactical guidance egading the ange o+ issues to conside when conducting a +inancial and
e++iciency analysis o+ 2A. po5ect in ATLAM%
Sot!a"e Li#enses 1*)))*)))
$a"d!a"e #ost (*)))*)))
T"ainin% #ost 1*($1*55)
Custo&i'ation !o"( $(*8D)
TOTAL RM )*+))*+,-
COST .RM/: 0EAR 1 0EAR 1 0EAR + 0EAR ) 0EAR 2 0EAR 3
A4e"a%e SA5
li#ense #ost
1 15)*))) ())*))) ((5*))) (5)*))) (5)*)))
Data #on4e"sion
1))*))) 1C)*))) 18)*))) 5C)*))) C))*))) CD)*)))
O4e"6ead #ost E))*))) D()*))) D9)*))) 5C)*))) C))*))) CD)*)))
&aintenan#e and
C)*))) 1()*))) 1E)*))) 1D)*))) 15)*))) 1C)*)))
1 (C)*))) E))*))) ED)*))) E8)*))) D))*)))
T"ainin% 5))*))) 8))*))) 9))*))) 1*)))*))) 1*1))*))) 1*E))*)))
TOTAL COST ,3-*--- 1*,1-*--- 1*1--*--- 1*912*--- +*-9-*--- +*+,-*---
Sa4in%s.RM/ :
A##ountant:s ti&e
and ei#ien#y
1 D))*))) 8))*))) 1*())*))) 1*C))*))) (*)))*)))
e78e"tise #ost
C))*))) 1*())*))) 1*D))*))) 1*C))*))) 1*8))*))) (*)))*))))
5"o#ess and
8"o#edu"es #ost
1 5))*))) 9))*))) 1*())*))) 1*5))*))) 1*8))*)))
;o"(in% #a8ital
9))*))) 1*())*))) 1*5))*))) 1*5))*))) 1*5))*))) 1*5))*)))
TOTAL SA<IN=S 1*2--*--- +*+--*--- )*3--*--- 2*2--*--- 3*)--*--- >*+--*---
Net sa4in%s 8e"
2)-*--- 1*+,-*--- 1*)--*--- 1*3>2*--- +*+1-*--- +*,1-*---
)-2*--- 1*-)1*2-- 1*9--*--- 1*--3*12- 1*),-*--- 1*,+1*2--
-ased on in+omation po!ided and this cost bene+it analysis* it is clealy shows the new system
upgade is 5usti+ied% The system will sa!e ATLAM o!e hal+1o+1a1million to 0ME* )))*))) +om
the +ist yea to si=th yea% Thus it will be no +inancial catastophe esult +om 2A.
implementation egadless o+ ATLAM who7s showing cash de+icit in thei 'ecembe ())1 cash
+low statement%
Apat +om this* we would ecommend that 3inance and Accounts 'epatment in ATLAM to
e!aluate moe possible bene+its and cost to assue the success o+ this analysis% 2ome o+ the
o!elooked costs include +loo space* insuance and utilities powe consumption% 'espite the
numbes that being discussed hee* we also acknowledge that capital e=penditue incued by
ATLAM would be +inance by ./T0A goup as thei aim to consolidate ./T0A7s entie se!e to
le!eage its goup1wide ./T0A8/T netwok system% This means* decision on implementing
2A. into ATLAM also bings +inancial bene+its to the institution%
b. Payback Period
,&MA de+ines payback as Fthe time it takes the cash in+lows +om a capital in!estment
po5ect to equal the cash out+lows* usually e=pessed in yeasF% <sually a company might
ha!e a taget payback* and so it would e5ect a capital po5ect unless it7s payback peiod
wee less than a cetain numbe o+ yeas% -ased on the cost1bene+it and initial outlay
computed ealie* we would like to poceed on e!aluating the time taken +o this po5ect to co!e
its enty cost% To co!e the weakness o+ payback peiod analysis* we will conside the timing o+
cash +lows within the payback peiod* the cash +lows a+te the end o+ payback peiod and
thee+oe the total po5ect etun%
i% .esent Aalue o+ 8et 2a!ings
(Assumed &nteest ate as 1)G)
'iscount ate* H
RM " 5<
0ea" 1 5D)*))) )%9)91 D9)*91D D9)*91D
0ea" 1 1*E9)*))) )%8(CD 1*1D8*C9C 1*CE9*C1)
0ea" + (*D))*))) )%$51E 1*8)E*1() E*DD(*$E)
0ea" ) (*C$5*))) )%C8E) 1*8($*)(5 5*C(9*$55
0ea" 2 E*E()*))) )%C()9 (*)C1*E88 $*EE1*1DE
0ea" 3 E*91)*))) )%5CD5 (*()$*195 9*5E8*EE8
i% 'iscounted payback peiod
This is simply calculated by adding up the discounted net sa!ings until they ae equal to the
initial outlay% 'espite ignoing the sa!ing occus a+te the payback peiod* it uses the sa!ings
computed and consides time !alue o+ money% As in time !alue o+ money* the eceipt o+
money is pe+eed soone athe than late% Money can be used to ean moe money%
The ealie the money is ecei!ed* the geate the potential +o inceasing wealth% Thus*
to +oego the use o+ money* you must get some compensation%
0ecall the initial outlay is 0M D*EDD*E9)% <p to yea E* the accumulated sa!ing is 0M
E*DD(*$E)% &t equies anothe 0M 9)1*CC) to co!e the initial outlay%
To detemine the emaining peiodB
H E I 9)1*CC)
H E%D9 yeas
JJJ So the discounted payback period or this project is 3.!" years.
@hat is constaint? Accoding to ;=+od 'ictionay means something that limits you +eedom to so
what do you want% Thus* time constaint issue elated to ATLAM is about limited time that is ATLAM be
eady o+ implement 2A. system to eplace the old system%
3om the case study* the ATLAM ha!e 5ust two month to go to complete total 2A. system to thei
company* 1st Apil ())(% As we know* the last meeting that held by ATLAM is (Ed #anuay ())( and
the ne=t meeting will be held on +otnight* +ist week o+ 3ebuay ())(% Thee+oe* ATLAM will stat thei
po5ect by second week o+ 3ebuay% The upgading system o+ accounting is not as easy as :ulki+li
(3inance Manage) and 2ani (.o5ect Manage) ha!e thought9 due to ATLAM also +ace o+ scacity o+
intelligence souce on implementing the po5ect% 3uthemoe* the ATLAM need to po!ide taining to
uses% The +ull time taining will takes about thee weeks and moe time will deli!e to the uses does
not ha!e any basic in compute system%
Thee+oe* ATLAM essential to plan* ogani"e* implement and contol the po5ect well by ha!ing the
guideline to ensue the po5ect is succeed and it aids the goup po5ect illustate how the po5ect will
caied out%
@e ecommend ATLAM to use 6antt chat will assist ATLAM illustate the whole po5ect% @hat is 6antt
chat? A 6antt chat is !isual aid in the management o+ a po5ect then* will lead to the e++ecti!e
communication% 6antt chat is a kind o+ ba chat* de!eloped by 4eny 6antt* which illustate the stat
and +inish dates o+ the teminal elements and summay elements o+ a po5ect% Teminal elements and
summay elements compise the wok beakdown stuctue o+ the po5ect% (.eason)
A 6antt chat is constucted with a hoi"ontal a=is epesenting the total time span o+ the po5ect*
boken down into incements (+o e=ample* days* weeks* o months) and a !etical a=is epesenting the
tasks that make up the po5ect (+o e=ample* i+ the po5ect is out+itting you compute with new so+twae*
the ma5o tasks in!ol!ed might beB conduct eseach* choose so+twae* install so+twae)% (0ouse* ())$)
The common method to ceate 6antt is using po5ect management applications such as Micoso+t
.o5ect* and Micoso+t /=cel% 3o economic cost* ATLAM also can use Micoso+t /=cel then it will not
bea any cost% ;n the othe hand* ATLAM also can 5ust design the 6antt chat by online and pint it out%
An ad!antage by using 6antt chat is it gi!es clea illustati!e o+ cuent status o+ po5ect un by ATLAM%
;ne o+ the main issues in this case ae ATLAM +acing esistance to change in de!elop a new
accounting system with the ./T0A goup1wide 2A. system% :ulki+li ;sman* 3inance Mange concen
that whethe ATLAM7s sta++ would be eady to embace the new system%
@e +ound that thee ae se!eal easons the ATLAM is esistance to change at that time% They ae lack
o+ the good in+omation about the 2A. system% 'ue to no po!ided any bie+ing and in+omation about
the 2A. system* they do not e!en know how the 2A. to un and implement in thei wokplace% They
ae lack o+ the knowledge about the 2A. system and its also cause the misundestanding by the use
epesentati!e* Lim that 2A.7s only suitable +o manu+actuing industy not in education industy%
TAS2 7EE2 2 7EE2 3 7EE2 / 7EE2 1 7EE2 2 7EE2 3 7EE2 /
O,8a"isati" -,9e)t
I".esti8ate )u,,e"t syste*
Dete,*i"e -,ble* a"d #easibity study # SA+
+ilt testi"8 a"d t,ai"i"8
De.el- sluti"s
+,e-a,e a"alysis ,e-,t
F,iday; 1Feb,ua,y; 2((2 F,iday; 1 Ma,)<; 2((2
SA+ syst e* i *-l e*e"t aTi "
-esides that* Lim +ound no eason why ATLAM must change the cuent system to 2A. system% -e+oe
that* ATLAM was o!ehauled its in+omation technology (&T) +acilities in ())) due to pi!ati"ation with
./T0A 6oup% 4e was thinks that thee ae no eason why ATLAM must choose to implement the 2A.
system instead o+ A,,.A, which 2A. system cause a high cost to implement%
&n othe hands* they ae also +ea o+ loss o+ secuity and powe when change the system in opeation%
ATLAM is a ./T0A subsidiay and has to link its system to ./T0A7s to match with the goup epoting
stuctue% 'ue to this eason* ATLAM7s sta++s ae +ea o+ loss o+ the powe to contol the system
opeating and thei authoity will be sepaately di!ided to each othes% They ae woied that the
tans+omation may change thei ole and esponsibilities% The 2A. database is petty much centali"ed
acoss all ./T0A subsidiaies% This might be aises the poblem o+ Kta++ic 5am7 with the thousands o+
uses using the system at the same times% And it might be loss o+ secuity in dealing with centali"ed
data in that massi!e !olume o+ data%
'ue to the habit inside ATLAM and +ea o+ the unknown* they ae not willing to change to anything that
is not to be +amilia with% A human being is not likely change in an unknown situation that might be
causes the bad in+luences and they ae ha!ing a habit in thei wokplace that know well%
3uthemoe* ATLAM is esistance to change because they ae +acing the lack o+ esouce to implement
2A. system which ae need a lots o+ +unds* equipments* spaces* intelligence esouces and etc to
suppot% The po5ect team membes wee complaint they ae not enough .,s in the depatments to
make this pactical* do not e!en ha!e the space a!ailable to house the system* some o+ the sta++ in
ATLAM ha!e ne!e used a ., be+oe and lack o+ the knowledge about in+omation technology% They
also concens in the cost to implement the 2A. system that need a lots o+ +unds%
&+ ATLAM decided to implement 2A. system +o thei opeation* the po5ect team membes should
ensue that thee ae se!eal ways to dealing esistance change in the ogani"ation%
4ee we ae suggested se!eal ways +o ATLAM to dealing esistance changeB
1@ Edu#ation and Co&&uni#ation
ATLAM7s sta++ lack o+ good in+omation o inaccuate in+omation and analysis about the 2A.
system% @hen sta++s ae not eally bought into the ationale +o any change* top management
could po!ide new skills and knowledge to them !ia a +ocused couse o+ education% They might
be accepting once they eali"e why the change o+ system is needed in ATLAM and what
actually is needed o+ them% The po5ect team membes should ha!e a well and pope
communication with the uses o+ 2A. system% &t could help them eali"e what the poblem is
+acing by the uses that cause them esistance to change in cuently%
1@ 5a"ti#i8ation and In4ol4e&ent
@hen people ae not in!ol!ed physically o intellectually* they ae unlikely to be in!ol!ed
emotionally eithe% The top management o+ ATLAM can getting thei sta++ to in!ol!ed and
paticipate in this po5ect which is implement the 2A. system immediately% 2ubodinates might
not know what the conditions o situation they ae in i+ they ae not getting into the
implementation% At the same time* the top management also gets +esh pespecti!es o idea
+om subodinates which allow them to !oice out thei !iews about the 2A. system% Most o+ the
uses o+ 2A. system ae those subodinates to un%
+@ Fa#ilitation and Su88o"t
ATLAM7s sta++ esistance to change because thee lack o+ +acilities o esouces suppot% They
ae +ea to do ad5ustment o+ poblems% 3o e=ample ATLAM is not enough space +o allocate
.,s to all sta++* so i+ de!elop 2A. system* they might be shae .,s o go to anothe depatment
to settle down thei woks% &n ode to sol!e this poblem* ATLAM should pope allocate the
spaces* +acilities and su++icient esouces po!ided to sta++% This actions show to ATLAM7s sta++
the e++ot o+ top management that help to achie!e and implement the goals togethe%
)@ Mani8ulation and Co-o8tion
This method will be use i+ whee othe tactics will not wok* o ae too e=pensi!e% Manipulation
means contolling sta++7s en!ionment such that they ae shaped by what is aound them%
4owe!e* it could lead to +utue poblems o dangeous backlash i+ ATLAM7s sta++ +eels
manipulated by the top management team in ode to change that implement 2A. system% This
tactics is necessay in the shot them and all othe a!enues ha!e been e=ploed by the po5ect
2@ E78li#it and I&8li#it Coe"#ion
,oecion is a method that e!en moe e=teme than subtle manipulation is o!et coecion%
ALTAM7s po5ect team should +oced thei sta++ down and make o!et theats to them% 3o
e=ample waning that i+ they do not comply o +ollow to implement the 2A. system that they will
lose thei 5obs* pehaps in a humiliating and public sacking% ,oecion is speedy the essence and
o!ecome any kind o+ esistance% &n this case* the uses epesentati!e* Lim was teminate +om
the po5ect team9 he might be spead out the bad news about the 2A. system% Top
management could use this method to o!ecome the esist to change%
&n the case o+ 2A. +o ATLAM* Lim was ha!ing con+lict on opinion with :ulki+li ;sman when discussing
the matte o+ 2A. system in ATLAM% Lim was disageed to implement the 2A. system in ATLAM as he
citici"e thee wee temendous +actos such as time constaint* insu++icient o+ esouces (+und*
e=petise* +acilities)* subsequent poblems in 2A. system compaed to the A,,.A,% &n the othe hand*
:ulki+li ;sman was !ey unsatis+ied with Lim7s beha!io and intended to kick him out o+ the po5ect
team% Luckily* he +ustated idea had been hold by >amal as >amal ad!ise him that the citical ideas o+
Lim is good +o ogani"ation since he was !ey e=peienced in such elated industy% :ulki+li ;sman was
ad!ised to econside on the temination o+ Lim%
&nsubodination is anked at Dth in the top 1) easons o+ employees get +ied% ('oyle)% 4owe!e* why
employees will insubodinate within the team? &t must ha!e any easons o con+licts e=isted% As same
to the case o+ 2A. +o ATLAM* Lim was ha!ing con+lict with :ulki+li ;sman in the 2A. implementation
matte% Thus* how we could settle this kind o+ ne!ous matte?
@hen a team o!esteps the mak o+ healthy di++eence o+ opinion* esol!ing con+lict equies espect
and patience% (0esol!ing team con+lict) @e ecommend that :ulki+li ;sman must eplace the negati!e
e=peiences with positi!e ones% The thee1stage pocess below is a +om o+ mediation pocess* which
helps him to esol!e the con+lict%
&n stage one* it is suggested to pepae +o the solution by acknowledge the con+lict* discuss the impact*
agee to a coopeati!e pocess* and agee to communicate% &n stage two* undestanding the situation
by clai+y positions* list +acts* assumptions and belie+s undelying each position* analy"e in smalle
goups and con!ene back as a team% &n stage thee* ageement is eached though the steps abo!e% &n
pe!enting con+lict* the teams can be used such skill and beha!io that !ey wok on* such as dealing
with con+lict immediately* being open* pacticing clea communication* pacticing acti!e listening*
pacticing identi+ying assumptions* not letting con+lict get pesonal* +ocusing on actionable solutions*
encouaging di++eent points o+ !iew* not looking +o blame* demonstating espect* as well as keeping
team issues within the team% (0esol!ing team con+lict)
&n T>&* thee ae two dimension that one peson will along to* thee ae asseti!eness and
coopeati!eness% Asseti!eness is the e=tent to which the indi!idual attempts to satis+y his o he own
concens% @heeas* the coopeati!eness is the e=tent to which the indi!idual attempts to satis+y the
othes peson concens% These two basic dimensions o+ beha!io can be used to de+ine +i!e speci+ic
methods o+ dealing with con+licts as shown below%
a) Competing
is asseti!e and uncoopeati!e* a powe1oiented mode% @hen competing* an indi!idual pusues
his o he own concens at the othe peson7s e=pense* using whate!e powe seems
appopiate to win his o he position%
b) Accommodating
is unasseti!e and coopeati!e 1 the opposite o+ competing% @hen accommodating* an indi!idual
neglects his o he own concens to satis+y the concens o+ the othe peson9 thee is an
element o+ sel+1saci+ice in this mode
c) Aoiding
is unasseti!e and uncoopeati!e% @hen a!oiding* an indi!idual does not immediately pusue
eithe his o he own concens o those o+ the othe peson% 4e o she does not addess the
d) Collaborating
is both asseti!e and coopeati!e 1 the opposite o+ a!oiding% @hen collaboating* an indi!idual
attempts to wok with the othe peson to +ind a solution that +ully satis+ies the concens o+ both%
&t in!ol!es digging into an issue to identi+y the undelying concens o+ the two indi!iduals and to
+ind an altenati!e that meets both sets o+ concens%
e) Compromising
is intemediate in both asseti!eness and coopeati!eness% @hen compomising* the ob5ecti!e is
to +ind an e=pedient* mutually acceptable solution that patially satis+ies both paties%
,ompomising +alls on a middle gound between competing and accommodating* gi!ing up
moe than competing but less than accommodating%
Thus* in this case* Lim and :ulki+li ;sman ae moe to the mode o+ competing% 4owe!e* i+ they lean
and know about these modes* they may switch it to the collaboating and compomising mode% Thus*
this will bene+it to the ATLAM in opeation especially in 2A.%
&n the nutshell* con+lict is ine!itable in an ogani"ation* it is seem how we look on the con+licts* is it a
positi!e o negati!e con+lict? 2ome tips gi!en to the team +o con+lict sol!ing* thee ae de+ining the
actual causes o+ the con+lict* !alidating di++eences in peception and point o+ !iew* setting up and
getting ageement +o a pocess you both will wok though* listening acti!ely and at last documenting
the esolution and the plan o+ action%(0esol!ing Team ,on+lict)% Lim is e=petise and as a good asset to
ATLAM* we ae not suggesting :ulki+li to kick ou Lim +om the po5ect team%
A+te we do +o the analysis and e!aluate the use+ulness o+ 2A. system po5ect* we ecommend that
ATLAM should implement the system as soon as possible% The implementation o+ 2A. system would
be bings a lot o+ bene+it and con!enience +o ATLAM in the long tem !iew%
/!en though thee ha!e a quite high isk to implement the system +om the +easibility study* howe!e an
ogani"ation should willing to take isk in ode to gain moe bene+it in the +utue% -esides that +om the
calculation o+ cost1bene+it analysis* we +ound that the in!estment in 2A. system sa!e ATLAM o!e hal+1
o+1a1million to 0ME* )))*))) +om the +ist yea to si=th yea% Also* the discounted payback peiod which
+o this po5ect only E%D9 yeas? &t is one o+ the main easons ATLAM should in!est in 2A. system%
To o!ecome the time constaint mention by Lim* ATLAM could use 6antt chat as a tool to guide the
pocedues in implementation o+ 2A.% 6antt chat also gi!es clea illustati!e o+ cuent status o+ po5ect
un by ATLAM% The esistance to change by ATLAM should +aced it by using the 5 suggested ways
which ae education and communication* paticipation and in!ol!ement* +acilitation and suppot*
manipulation and co1option and the last but not least e=plicit and implicit coecion* these could help
ATLAM to change thei cuent system to a ad!anced 2A. system%
The last* we ae disageed that the action o+ :ulki+li ;sman to teminated Lim +om the po5ect team due
to the con+licts that incued duing the meeting% 4e should esol!e the con+licts but not simply teminate
Lim to a!oid the con+licts% 4e can go though the E steps that we suggested abo!e and by using
Thimas1>ilmann ,on+lict Mode &nstument (T>&) to o!ecome the con+licts% Lim should not be
teminated because he ha!e a geat e=peience in the industy and he enable to pointed out some
citical issues in the way to implement 2A. system in ATLAM%
A good in+omation system could help ATLAM di!e bette in the +utue% 2A. system po5ect should be
implementing by ATLAM in ode to enhance the competiti!e ad!antages in the industy and also
gowth smooth and ad!anced in the business +utue%
6itman* L%#%* (())9)%.inciples o+ Manageial 3inance (1(thed%)% -oston B .entice 4all* &nc%
4o++e* #%A%* 6eoge* #%3%* and Aalacich* #%2%()11% L Moden 2ystems Analysis and 'esign%L Cth edition%
.eason .entice 4all%
>isch* L% #% ()))% M 2o+twae .o5ect ManagementB An &ntegated .especti!e +o an /meging
.aadigm%L &n 0% @% :mud (ed%)* 3amingthe 'omains o+ &T ManagementB .o5ecting the 3utue +om
the .ast* (851E)D%,incinnati* ;4B.inna+le= /ducational 0esouces%
.eason% (n%d%)% Myomlab% 0etie!ed ;ctobe 19* ()1(* +om ,hapte 1)B .lanning and ,ontolB
0ouse* M% (())$* May)% 2each 2o+twae Nuality% 0etie!ed ;ctobe 19* ()1(* +om 6antt ,hatB
T4/ ,4A;2 0epot (1999)* The 2tandish 6oup &ntenational &nc%

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