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1. Any correspondence from the Canberra office must be dealt with before other matters.
2. I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers about me. (RELIANCE)
3. I don!t mind where the money "oes as lon" as the people are the real beneficiaries#.
$. Critics are hopin" the new director can brin" some positive chan"es into the %rench film
industry. (BREATH)
&. 'he terrorists attac( on the Capital 'rade Center was very much li(e the 11)* attac( on the
+', buildin". (CARBON)
-. It is very difficult to "ive the e.act value of a table li(e this/ but it!s probably worth about
0&111. (FIGURE)
2. %ive boys on a motorbi(e at the speed of -1mph is very li(ely to end up in hospital.
3. 4etectives had stopped wor(in" on the 5ornsey murders case three years previously.
*. 5e is very "ood at coo(in" spa"hetti. (DAB)
11. +e all want to ma(e him reali6e that he is not as important as he thin(s. (SIZE)
11. 5e really disappointed me when brea(in" the promise to help me out. (TEETH)
12. 5e died/ havin" nothin" of his own. (NAME)
13. 5ave a loo( at this picture. It may help you to remember somethin". (JOG)
1$. 7otorists are 8ammin" the streets as they slow down to see the wall paintin"s.
1&. 5e is becomin" 9uite famous as an interviewer. (NAME)
1-. :ocial scientists find it hard to accept that the fall in the birth rate is responsible for the old
a"e of our society. (RESISTANCE)
12. ;very possible effort was made by the orphana"e to find the boy!s parents. (STONE)
13. 'he minister "ave no precise fi"ures about the casualties. (GO INTO)
1*. 'he new musical has deli"hted theatre audiences throu"hout the country. (STORM)
21. 'hey!ve been ar"uin" about the motorway e.tension for years. (BONE)
21. 7y father doesn!t approve of my borrowin" so much money from a person li(e <ohn.
22. I li(e her a lot. (AFFECTION)
23. =ou loo( as if somethin" unpleasant has happened to you. (WARS)
2$. It!s brilliant film. > I lau"hed uncontrollably all throu"h the way. (HEAD)
2&. :he finds "rammar e.ercises e.tremely borin". (STIFF)
2-. I!ll have to wait before I (now whether he!ll (eep his promise or not. (REMAINS)
22. 5e was so worried that his mind couldn!t function normally. (STRAIGHT)
23. 'hey!ll cause a lot of trouble. (CAT)
2*. :ome people say that there!s hardly any difference between love and hate. (LINE)
31. :he can buy anythin" she wants > :he!s very rich. (ROLLING)
31. A rise in temperature in the ne.t century seems li(ely. (CHANCE)
32. =ou must accept the fact that she has left you. (RESIGN)
33. I 8ust didn!t (now what to say. (LOST)
3$. 'hey arrived at the station with only a minute to spare. (NICK)
3&. 'hey sent him to prison for three years. (SENTENCED)
3-. I don!t intend to tell you my plans. (INTENTION)
32. 'im loo(s nothin" li(e his father. (TAKE)
33. 5e watched videos all day. (ENTIRE)
3*. I don!t thin( she li(es doin" other people!s wor( for them. (OBJECTS)
$1. I didn!t a"ree with the idea. (FAVOR)
$1. 'eachin" doesn!t suit her. (CUT)
$2. I never thou"ht of "oin" by train. (OCCUR)
$3. 5e is very li(ely to come. (PROBABILITY)
$$. 'he cause of the e.plosion is still un(nown. (CAUSED)
$&. 'he train is & minutes late in leavin". (DUE)
$-. 'he rain was comin" down in torrent. (DOGS)
$2. ,r"anic ve"etables are said to be health. (WONDERS)
$3. 5e is determined to become a doctor. (HEART)
$*. 7ary "ot married without her parents! (nowled"e. (UNAWARE)
&1. <ohn spent all his time wor(in". (DEVOTED)
1. Any correspondence from the Canberra office must be dealt with before other matters.
Any correspondence from the Canberra office must take priority (be given priority) over other
2. I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers about me. (RELIANCE)
I advise you not to place any reliance on what you read in the papers about me.
3. I don!t mind where the money "oes as lon" as the people are the real beneficiaries#.
It doesn!t matter where the money "oes as lon" as the people are real beneficiaries#.
. Critics are hopin" the new director can brin" some positive chan"es into the %rench film
industry. (BREATH)
Critics are hopin" the new director can breathe (new) life into the %rench film industry.
!"#$%&# ('#() )*+# *'%, -%& . %, */0",1# -%& !2 *'%",345*'6 '#( *3#$- $'3 /$7*'6 0#,0)# /,"#
*'%#"#-%#3 *' *%
The results of their research have breathed new life into the debate.
8. 'he terrorists attac( on the Capital 'rade Center was very much li(e the 11)* attac( on the
+', buildin". (CARBON)
'he terrorist attac( on the Capital trade Centre was carbon copy of the 11)* attac( on the +',
9. It is very difficult to "ive the e.act value of a table li(e this/ but it!s probably worth about
0&111. (FIGURE)
It is very difficult to put a fi"ure? "ive an e.act fi"ure on a table li(e this/ but it!s probably worth
about 0&111. = say the exact price or number of sth
:. %ive boys on a motorbi(e at the speed of -1mph is very li(ely to end up in hospital.
%ive boys on a motorbi(e at the speed of -1mph is a recipe for disaster.
= a method / an idea that seems likely to have a particular result
;. 4etectives had stopped wor(in" on the 5ornsey murders case three years previously.
4etectives had closed the boo( on the 5ornsey murder case three years previously.
= stop trying to solve
<. 5e is very "ood at coo(in" spa"hetti. (DAB)
5e is a dab hand at coo(in". = a person who s !oo" a# "on! or $sn! s#h
1=. +e all want to ma(e him reali6e that he is not as important as he thin(s. (SIZE)
+e all want to cut him down to si6e. = show s% #ha# #he& are no# as 'por#an# as #he&
#hn( #he& are
11. 5e really disappointed me when brea(in" the promise to help me out. (TEETH)
5e really (ic(ed me in the teeth when brea(in" the promise to help me out.
= #o #rea# s% %a")& * +a) #o !,e s% he)p when #he& nee" #
12. 5e died/ havin" nothin" of his own. (NAME)
5e died havin" nothin" to his name? without anythin" to his name ? with nothin" to his name?.
(ha,e s#h) #o one-s na'e = ha,e * own s#h
13. 5ave a loo( at this picture. It may help you to remember somethin". (JOG)
5ave a loo( at this picture. It may help to 8o" your memory.
1. 7otorists are 8ammin" the streets as they slow down to see the wall paintin"s.
7otorists are causin" hold ups as they slow down to see the wall paintin".
18. 5e is becomin" 9uite famous as an interviewer. (NAME)
5e is ma(in" (9uite) a name for himself as an interviewer.
19. :ocial scientists find it hard to accept that the fall in the birth rate is responsible for the old
a"e of our society. (RESISTANCE)
'here is resistance amon" social scientists to the idea that the fall in the birth rate is
responsible for the old a"e of our society.
1:. ;very possible effort was made by the orphana"e to find the boy!s parents. (STONE)
'he orphana"e left no stone unturned in their attempt to find the boy!s parents.
1;. 'he minister "ave no precise fi"ures about the casualties. (GO INTO)
'he 7inister didn!t "o into details about the casualties.
1<. 'he new musical has deli"hted theatre audiences throu"hout the country. (STORM)
'he new musical has ta(en theatre audiences by storm.
2=. 'hey!ve been ar"uin" about the motorway e.tension for years. (BONE)
'he proposed motorway e.tension has been a bone of contention for years.
21. 7y father doesn!t approve of my borrowin" so much money from a person li(e <ohn.
7y father ta(es a dim view of borrowin" so much money from a person li(e <ohn.
22. I li(e her a lot. (AFFECTION)
I have a lot of affection for her.
23. =ou loo( as if somethin" unpleasant has happened to you. (WARS)
=ou loo( as if you have been in the wars.
2. It!s brilliant film. > I lau"hed uncontrollably all throu"h the way. (HEAD)
It!s a brilliant film > I lau"hed my head off all the way throu"h.
28. :he finds "rammar e.ercises e.tremely borin". (STIFF)
@rammar e.ercises bore me stiff.
29. I!ll have to wait before I (now whether he!ll (eep his promise or not. (REMAINS)
It remains to be seen whether he!ll (eep his promise or not.
2:. 5e was so worried that his mind couldn!t function normally. (STRAIGHT)
5e was so worried that he couldn!t thin( strai"ht.
2;. 'hey!ll cause a lot of trouble. (CAT)
'hey will put the cat amon" the pi"eons.
2<. :ome people say that there!s hardly any difference between love and hate. (LINE)
:ome people say that there!s a thin line between love and hate.
3=. :he can buy anythin" she wants > :he!s very rich. (ROLLING)
:he can buy anythin" she wants > she is rollin" in money.
31. A rise in temperature in the ne.t century seems li(ely. (CHANCE)
'here is a (reasonable) chance that there will be a rise in temperature in the ne.t century.
32. =ou must accept the fact that she has left you. (RESIGN)
=ou must resi"n yourself to the fact that she has left you.
33. I 8ust didn!t (now what to say. (LOST)
I was lost for words.
3. 'hey arrived at the station with only a minute to spare. (NICK)
'hey arrived at the station in the nic( of time.
38. 'hey sent him to prison for three years. (SENTENCED)
5e was sentenced to three years in prison? three years imprisonment.
39. I don!t intend to tell you my plans. (INTENTION)
I have no intention of tellin" you my plans.
3:. 'im loo(s nothin" li(e his father. (TAKE)
'im doesn!t ta(e after his father at all.
3;. 5e watched videos all day. (ENTIRE)
5e spent the entire day watchin" videos.
3<. I don!t thin( she li(es doin" other people!s wor( for them. (OBJECTS)
I thin( she ob8ects to doin" other people!s wor( for them.
=. I didn!t a"ree with the idea. (FAVOR)
I wasn!t favor of the idea.
1. 'eachin" doesn!t suit her. (CUT)
:he isn!t really cut out for teachin".
2. I never thou"ht of "oin" by train. (OCCUR)
It never occurred to me to "o by train (that I could "o by train). ?
'he thou"ht of "oin" by train never occurred to me.
3. 5e is very li(ely to come. (PROBABILITY)
In all probability he will come (is comin"). ?
'here is a hi"h? distinct? stron" probability that he will come (is comin").
. 'he cause of the e.plosion is still un(nown. (CAUSED)
+hat caused the e.plosion is still un(nown. ? It is un(nown (nobody (nows) what caused the
8. 'he train is & minutes late in leavin". (DUE)
'he train was due to leave & minutes a"o.
9. 'he rain was comin" down in torrent. (DOGS)
It was rainin" cats and do"s.
:. ,r"anic ve"etables are said to be health. (WONDERS)
,r"anic ve"etables are said to do wonders for one!s health.
;. 5e is determined to become a doctor. (HEART)
5is heart is set on becomin" a doctor? 5e has set his heart on becomin" a doctor.
<. 7ary "ot married without her parents! (nowled"e. (UNAWARE)
7ary!s parents were unaware of her marria"e.
8=. <ohn spent all his time wor(in". (DEVOTED)
<ohn is devoted to his wor(.
A;= @,C
1. Any correspondence from the Canberra office must ta(e priority (be "iven priority) over
other matters.
2. I advise you not to place any reliance on what you read in the papers about me.
3. It doesn!t matter where the money "oes as lon" as the people are real beneficiaries#.
$. Critics are hopin" the new director can breathe life into the %rench film industry.
&. 'he terrorist attac( on the Capital trade Centre was carbon copy of the 11)* attac( on the
+', buildin".
-. It is very difficult to put a fi"ure? "ive an e.act fi"ure on a table li(e this/ but it!s probably
worth about 0&111.
2. %ive boys on a motorbi(e at the spead of -1mph is a receipe for disaster.
3. 4etectives had closed the boo( on the 5ornsey murder case three years previously.
*. 5e is a dab hand at coo(in".
11. +e all want to cut him down to si6e.
11. 5e really (ic(ed me in the teeth when brea(in" the promise to help me out.
12. 5e died with nothin" to his name? havin" nothin" to his name? without anythin" to his
13. 5ave a loo( at this picture. It may help to 8o" your memory.
1$. 7otorists are causin"? cause hold ups as they slow down to see the wall paintin".
1&. 5e is ma(in" (9uite) a name for himself as an interviewer.
1-. 'here is resistance amon" social scientists to the idea that the fall in the birth rate is
responsible for the old a"e of our society.
12. 'he orphana"e left no stone unturned in their attempt to find the boy!s parents.
13. 'he 7inister didn!t "o into details about the casualties.
1*. 'he new musical has ta(en theatre audiences by storm.
21. 'he proposed motorway e.tension has been a bone of contention for years.
21. 7y father ta(es a dim view of borrowin" so much money from a person li(e <ohn.
22. I have a lot of affection for her.
23. =ou loo( as if you have been in the wars.
2$. It!s a brilliant film > I lau"hed my head off all the waythrou"h.
2&. @rammar e.ercises bore me stiff.
2-. It remains to be seen whether he!ll (eep his promise or not.
22. 5e was so worried that he couldn!t thin( strai"ht.
23. 'hey will put the cat amon" the pi"eons.
2*. :ome people say that there!s a thin line between love and hate.
31. :he can buy anythin" she wants > she is rollin" in money.
31. 'here is a (reasonable) chance that there will be a rise in temperature in the ne.t century.
32. =ou must resi"n yourself to the fact that she has left you.
33. I was lost for words.
3$. 'hey arrived at the station in the nic( of time.
3&. 5e was sentenced to three years in prison? three years imprisonment.
3-. I have no intention of tellin" you my plans.
32. 'im doesn!t ta(e after his father at all.
33. 5e spent the entire day watchin" videos.
3*. I thin( she ob8ects to doin" other people!s wor( for them.
$1. I wasn!t favor of the idea.
$1. :he isn!t really cut out for teachin".
$2. It never occurred to me to "o by train (that I could "o by train).? 'he thou"ht of "oin" by
train never occurred to me.
$3. In all probability he will come (is comin").? 'here is a hi"h? distinct? stron" probability that
he will come (is comin").
$$. +hat caused the e.plosion is still un(nown. ? It is un(nown (nobody (nows) what caused
the e.plosion.
$&. 'he train was due to leave & minutes a"o.
$-. It was rainin" cats and do"s.
$2. ,r"anic ve"etables are said to do wonders for one!s health.
$3. 5is heart is set on becomin" a doctor? 5e has set his heart on becomin" a doctor.
$*. 7ary!s parents were unaware of her marria"e.
&1. <ohn is devoted to his wor(.

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