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JUNE / JULY 2014
Shavuot Mishmar
Shavuot begins Tuesday night, June 3. Please join us at
Mishmar, which begins at Midnight, and will feature
shiurim by Rabbi Louis Lazovsky, Rabbi Eli and Rabbi
Benzie . The Women's Mishmar will start at 11:30 pm.
Dr. Steve Steinberg will speak on "Kiddushah; What a
Concept!" and Rebbetzin Saretta Lazovsky will present
Rosh Chodesh. On Wednesday the first minyan will
begin at 4:40 am. There will also be a Shacharit minyan
at the regular 8:45 am time.
Shavuot Yizkor
On Thursday, June 5, the second day of Shavuot, we will
recite Yizkor at about 10:30 am.
For information about ordering Yahrzeit plaques, please
call the office at (847) 679-9800.
Early Shabbat
Starting June 6th, we will begin "Early Shabbat." We
will daven mincha every Friday at 7:00 pm throughout
the summer. If you will be starting Shabbat early with
us, you should light candles at about 7:20 pm, and repeat
Kriat Sh'ma after nightfall.
Gemara Brachos Shiur
Wednesdays before Mincha - Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky's
Gemara Brachos Shiur (open to all) is covering ground,
and is halfway through the first chapter! We will soon
discuss the laws of morning Shema. During June we will
meet at about 7:15 pm (before Mincha).
Misheberach List
If you have names for a misheberach, please send them
to the shul office or e-mail to
Weekday Minyanim
Please join us for daily minyanim. Shacharit is at 6:00
am Monday through Friday, and 8:00 am on Sunday.
Mincha-Maariv on Sunday through Thursday is 10
minutes before sunset.
E-mail List
If you would like to be added to our email list, please
send an email to
Rent the Shul for Your Simcha
For information regarding renting the Social Hall for
your event, please call Ben Zion Lazovsky at the Shul
office at (847) 679-9800. Also, book you childs Bar/Bat
Mitzvah in the Shul calendar! Please call Judy Whisler
at (847) 677-2281.
Annual Banquet & Ad Journal
We are proud to announce that our Annual Banquet and
Ad Journal will take place on Sunday, August 10 at the
Shul. We will honor Rabbi Neil and Deborah Brill, and
celebrate 30 years of leadership of the Lazovsky family.
Tisha BAv
Tisha BAv, the day when we mourn the destruction of
the first and second Temples in Jerusalem, is on Monday
night August 4, when we will read Eicha, and Tuesday
August 5. On Tuesday afternoon we will have at least
one video presentation. Details wil be announced closer
to Tisha BAv.
All-Occasion Cards are available for purchase from the
office for $1.50 each or 13 cards for $18. If you would
like us to send a card for you for $2, or to join the
Standings, please contact Wendy Hartz at (708) 205-
Parsha Podcasts
Rabbi Louis Lazovsky's morning Vorts on the Parsha are
now avai l abl e as podcast s onl i ne at (a link is on our homepage, On the Podomatic page you
can subscribe via iTunes.
Rabbi Juzint Books
Rabbi Meyer Juzints The Chain of Miracles is
available from our office & website, Rosenblums and
Kesher Stam.
Past Events
Pesach - we were excited to have so many of our Kesser
Maariv family members in Skokie from out of town for
Pesach. Before Pesach we were again privileged to host
Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik's Hagaddah Shiur.
Many of these shiurim along with other hundreds of
shiurim are available from our Tape Library some on
audio tape, and some digitally
Graduation and Yom Yerushalayim Kiddush
Luncheon - Mazal tov to our graduates: Talia Harris
D.Sc., Kyle Newfeld MSW, Shira Makowsky, Cara
Frazin MA, Breana Brill, Ezra Pomper, Tova Gates
Dvorin MA, Natalie Bloom, Noam Lowenstern, Yakir
Lowenstern MEE, Noa Goldrich. And thanks to
additional sponsors: Susan and Steven Goldrich, Saretta
and Rabbi Louis Lazovsky, Gilda Allswang, Tehiya and
Michael Benezra and Natalie and Oleg Meerovich.
Adele Goldblum Women's Council
Upcoming Events
The next Women's shalashudos will be on
June 15. Speaker to be announced.
There will be a women's luncheon, following
Kiddush on Shabbat June 21st with the women of the
Leebeynu home, thanks to the generosity of an
anonymous sponsor. Please let Saretta know by June
15 if you plan on attending.
The next Womens Council program will take
place on Monday, June 23 at 7:00 pm at the Shul.
Hannah Hartz, licensed esthetician will present Facial
Fun a demonstration of proper skin care to be
followed by a facial demonstration. Q&A to follow.
The annual Womens Bonfire at Emily Oaks
Nature Center (4650 Brummel St, Skokie) is
tentatively scheduled for a night during the week of
July 7 . Details will follow....
Serve Dinner at Caf ARK Wednesday July
16 and Wednesday September 10 . Call Cookie
th th
Goldrich at (847) 673-8149 to volunteer and for more
Attention all women: Please send your email
addresses to Saretta at
Sometimes we have last minute exciting programs.
With your email address, we can notify you quickly.
If you don't have an email address, please call Saretta
to let her know you would like a phone call instead.
Past Events
Women's Seudat Shlisheet - In May, Tehiya BenEzra
and Ronit Flesch recalled their Reflections and
Memories of 1967 and 1973.
Thank you to everyone who sponsored plants
for the Shavuot Plant Sale, which are delivered to
residents of the Robineau or Lieberman Geriatric
Center to brighten up their Shavuot. Thank you to
Evelyne Sternfeld and Brenda Kahn for all their hard
work, and to Natalie Meerovich and Cookie Goldrich
who joined in to deliver the plants.
Sarah Kramer completed a series of Shiurim
on Megillat Ruth.
Mazal Tov to: Dr. Joel Feder on the birth of a
grandson, Jackson Thomas Feder, born to Nathan &
Rebecca Feder...Kyle & Daria Newfeld on the birth of
a daughter, Orliana...Shalom & Dafna Menora on the
birth of a granddaughter...Cookie & Art Goldrich on
the birth of twin great-granddaughters, Tzipora and
Mindel, in Israel...Dr. David & Guila Zuckerman on
the birth of a daughter...Ellen & Arkady Kats on the
birth of a granddaughter, Aviva Raizel
Gordon...Samuel & Sophia Gabay on the marriage of
their son Sason to Aliza...Evelyne Sternfeld on the
birth of a great-grandson.
Celebrate your simcha on the Etty Rubinow Tree of
Life! Leaves are $100, Acorns are $500 and
Foundation Stones are $1,000. Call Ben Zion at (847)
679-9800 to order, or print the order form off of our
Welcome to the Neighborhood: Mary, Holden and
Sam Hirsch...Ed Landesman & Laura Dopkin...Jeff &
Lydia Karp.
Do you have a new neighbor who might enjoy
davening at Kesser Maariv? Please call the office so
we can welcome them.
Refua Shleima to: Abigail Berman (granddaughter of
Drs. Steve & Teri Steinberg), Avigayil Rachel Zelda
bat Zahava Sara.
Condolences to Sally Aaron on the loss of her sister,
Lila Grossman...Dan Harris on the loss of his father,
Irving Harris...Shalom Menora on the loss of his
mother, Sima Menora...Levi Asher Sidel on the loss of
his brother-in-law.
Thanks to our Recent Kiddush Sponsors: Sue and
Steve Goldrich; Sandy & Marty Miretzky; the
Lazovsky Family; Noam & Tehilla Ben-Ari; Avi
Lowenstein; Debbie & Eric Schames; Robert & Eileen
Wishner; Jeff & Mila Zaretsky; Ellen & Arkady Kats;
Joe & Iris Fagan; Sanford & Shelley Schwartz;
Barbara & Howard Pomper; and anonymous sponsors.
Thanks to our Recent Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors:
Sandy & Marty Miretzky; Herb & Rita Lowenstein;
Lazovsky family; and anonymous sponsors.
Shavuot is a unique holiday on the Jewish calendar: it
has no symbol such as the Lulav, Shofar or Matza, nor
does it have a set day on the calendar it begins 50
days after Pesach begins. It commemorates the Jewish
people's coming face-to-face with G-d's Divine
Presence at Mt. Sinai and receiving the Torah,
including both the Written Law and Oral Law.
On Shavuot we read the book of Ruth. There
are several reasons given for this custom. One is that
it tells of Ruth converting to Judaism, and the Jewish
people as a whole had some sort of a conversion at Mt.
Sinai. The second reason is that Shavuot is the
birthday of King David, who was the great-grandson of
Ruth. Another reason is because the events of Ruth
happened in the "time of the wheat harvest" which in
Israel begins around Shavuot time.
There are two other well-known customs
related to Shavuot. The first is the custom to eat dairy
foods. The reason is that when the Jewish people
received the Torah, the laws included the laws of
slaughtering animals, soaking and salting. Because the
Jewish people did not want to inadvertently eat
something which was not prepared properly - because
of their lack of experience with these new laws - they
ate dairy products until they fully understood the
details of slaughtering and kashering meat. (This is
only a custom; it is permissible to eat meat on
The second custom is to stay awake the first
night of Shavuot studying Torah subjects. The
Midrash teaches that G-d made the weather at Mt.
Sinai perfect, but that resulted in the Jewish people
oversleeping and being late to accept the Torah. To
show that in our generation we are excited to receive
the Torah, we stay up all night with eager anticipation.

Bain Hametzariim - Between the Narrows, is how
our sages refer to the three week period between the
fast of Shiva Asar BTamuz - The seventeenth of
Tammuz, and between the fast of Tisha Bav - The
ninth day of Av. This year the fast of the seventeenth
day of Tammuz is on Tuesday, July 15. The period is
one of profound sadness and bad luck when the Jewish
people commemorate the breaching of the walls of
Jerusalem which eventually led to the destruction of
the second Temple. In fact, both Temples were
destroyed on Tisha Bav.
As this is a period of bad luck and mourning,
we avoid going to civil court or entering into business
deals that are other than routine. We also refrain from
pleasurable activities such as live performances, plays,
operas, musicals, movies or listening to music. We
also do not cut our hair or nails. While some do not
eat meat, drink wine, swim or bathe in hot water for
the entire three week period, most Ashkenazic Jews
are lenient until the nine days between Rosh Chodesh
Av and Tisha Bav. This year, Rosh Chodesh Av is on
Monday, July 28. As we do not have public displays
of mourning on Shabbat, we eat meat and drink wine
on Shabbat even during the nine days. Tisha Bav is
Monday night August 4 and Tuesday August 5.
Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L.
4341 W. Golf
Skokie, IL 60076
(847) 679-9800
fax (847) 679-5041
Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky
Steven D. Goldrich, President
Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky,
Associate Rabbi & Executive Director
Sandy Miretzky, Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta
Lazovsky, Co-Presidents,
Adele Goldblum Womens Council
Committee Contact Information:
Bricks Saretta Lazovsky
(847) 676-0556 or
Chesed Fund Anne Elovic (847) 673-2904
Donate Books & Siddurim Office
(847) 679-9800 or
Endowment Michael Hartz (708) 366-7662
Happy Day Cards Wendy Hartz (708) 205-5109
Kiddush & Seudat Shlisheet Judy Whisler
(847) 677-2281 or
Membership Bob Greenstein (847) 967-7408
Judy Whisler (847) 677-2281
Please Note: Beginning June 6, we will be welcoming Shabbat early and will begin davening Mincha on Friday nights at
7:00 pm. Therefore, for the next few months, it is important that you remember to: 1) light Shabbat candles early, at
about 7:20 pm, and 2) repeat Kriat Sh'ma of Maariv after nightfall.
Date Candle Lighting Erev Mincha Shacharit Pirkei Avot Shiur Mincha
1 Day Shavuot 6/3-6/4 8:02 pm 8:05pm 4:40 am &
8:45 am
no shiur 8:05 pm
2 Day Shavuot 6/4-6/5 9:05 pm 8:05 pm 8:45 am
Yizkor 10:30
no shiur 8:05 pm
Behaalotcha 6/6-6/7 8:04 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:55 pm 7:55 pm
Shelach 6/13-6/14 8:08 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm
Korach 6/20-6/21 8:10 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm
Chukat 6/27-6/28 8:11 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm
Balak 7/4-7/5 8:10 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm
Pinchas 7/11-7/12 8:07 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm
Matot 7/18-7/19 8:03 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:55 pm 7:55 pm
Masei 7/25-7/26 7:57 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:45 pm 7:45 pm
Devarim - Chazon 8/1-8/2 7:50 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:40 pm 7:40 pm
Vaetchanan -
8/8-8/9 7:41 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:30 pm 7:30 pm
Eikev 8/15-8/16 7:31 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:20 pm 7:20 pm
If you have a chiyuv (to daven or for an aliya), please inform Rabbis Benzie or Eli Lazovsky in person or at (847) 676-
0556 before Shabbat.
To sponsor a kiddush or shalashudos, please call Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281.
Minyan Times
Minyanim meet in the Kaufman Bais Midrash
Sunday: 8:00 am
Monday-Friday: 6:00 am
Sunday-Thursday: 10 minutes before sundown
Sunday Morning at 9:45 am: Parsha Class
Given by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik
Wednesday evenings before Mincha - Gemara Brachos
Given by Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky
Shabbat Afternoon 1 hour before Mincha: Pirkei Avot
Given by Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
Malamud Reference Library
Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library, located in the Kaufman Bais Midrash.
Lending Library
Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall. For hours of
operation, more details or to donate books, please call the office.
Tape Lending Library
We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.

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