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Professional Development Plan


May 2
, 2014: NBTF Council Day
I participated in the provincial Council Day in Moncton, NB attending various workshops. One session, presented by Marcia
Tate, offered 20 different strategies to better involve the brain so that students are more likely to remember. This session was
hands-on and interactive as Marcia had us dancing around and introducing ourselves to our neighbours through activities.
Another session, presented by Dylan William, offered many formative assessment strategies for receiving instant feedback on
student understanding. Council Day was a fruitful experience in building up my teaching repertoire and I enjoyed collaborating
with fellow teachers of NB.

April 17
, 2014: School-wide UDL workshop: Planning for ALL Learners: Positive Behaviour
Interventions & Supports (PBIS). Small and large group discussions concerning the four areas of PBIS (Classroom
organization & Management, Relationships, Positive Learning Environments, and Non-Instructional Time) to gain a deeper
understanding of how these components work together to create an overall positive learning environment. This workshop was an
interesting way to discover the intervention systems and supports at Barnhill Middle School, where I had my second teaching
internship. I had the opportunity to work in a small group to discuss the many resources teachers and students have with
respect to developing a positive learning environment.

February 28
, 2014: Professional Learning Communities (PLCs):
Led a workshop with 24 colleagues to introduce PLCs to the remaining 49 prospective teachers in our Education programme
at St. Thomas University. Our presentation was composed of five breakout sessions, which focused on the main components of
implementing a PLC and how it may be successfully sustained. The session my team presented was called Team and Trust
Building which focused on the importance of building trust among staff members so that a school community may progress
together. This experience was humbling as my classmates and I quickly became the instructors for concepts that were new to us,
but we certainly lived the philosophy of learning by doing through the presentation of this workshop.

PD Sessions:

March 28
, 2014: Special Education Plan (SEP): Presentation about the steps to creating an SEP for a student
and the variety of options that are available: Modifications and Accommodations.

January 31
, 2014: Secondary Science & Math session: Experienced teacher and co-leader of the largest Science
club in New Brunswick at Leo Hayes High School, Mrs. Holyoke-Walsh shared the work she has done at LHHS with the
Science club as well as her effective teaching techniques with respect to secondary Science.

January 24
, 2014: Exceptional Learners, Autism: An experienced educator specializing in Autism Spectrum
Disorders, Christine Martell, offered her insights and advice for working with and reaching students who are on the Autism

January 10
, 2014: Portfolios & Rsums: STU professor, retired Principal and educator, Jim Clowater presented
how to create a successful teaching portfolio and Rsum.

October 29
, 2013: Perspective from a Middle School Teacher (Rob Doucet) & a High School
Teacher (Derek Taggart): Two teachers from Anglophone School District West shared some of their teaching
experience and advice for prospective teachers.
Professional Development Plan

October 4
, 2013: Writing Across the Disciplines: Creative Writing with professor, Dr. Heather Richmond

September 27
, 2013: Threat Assessment & Protocols: Safe Schools Information session

September 20
, 2013: Professional Guidelines for B.Ed Teacher Interns

September 13
, 2013: Integrating Technology into the Classroom: Mentors from the Anglophone School
District West (ASD-W) offered their expertise in how to effectively integrate Technology into our everyday lessons.

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