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Manoj Terse

Email: , Phone:+ 91 -982009732

!o sec"re a #e$elo%ers %osition in a #&namic organi'ation that o((ers challenges an# re)ar#s an# hel%s
le$erage technolog& s*ills in #e$elo%ment o( %rojects )ith signi(icant strategic $al"e to the organi'ation.
Personal Profile
+el(-starter an# an e((ecti$e team %la&er.
E,cellent comm"nication, anal&tical an# inter%ersonal s*ills.
Pro-lem sol$ing ca%a-ilities an# a-ilit& to res%on# %ositi$el& to $arie# sit"ations.
.-ilit& to )or* in a team as )ell as an in#i$i#"al.
/"alit& conscio"s an# %roacti$e in nat"re.
Job Responsibilities:-
Current employer (from July 202!:-
0"rrentl& )or*ing as "OC #n$ineer (Optimi%ation & 'uality (ept)! (or *O(+,O"#
-"(-+ .T()(O" Roll- / Telecom! (1et)or* o%erations, 2"m-ai3 an# han#ling a team o( 7
mem-ers in 'one-2 (or maintaining the 1/4 more than gi$en threshol# %ercentage 5 also
+larm monitorin$ & fault mana$ement o( 26 5 36 7!+ 5 coor#inate to sol$e# the
Profile:-+larm monitorin$ & fault mana$ement of 20 & 10 2T/)
Pro(ile:- 1/4 statistics anal&sis. 8i.e. !09, +09, !.+9, +.+9, :+9, ;</ etc. (or
.chie$e# -enchmar* (or $ario"s 1et)or* health stats -& e((icient "se o(
a$aila-le reso"rces an# tools li*e "+T3M4COMM3#"-'35-",-O. C-TR-6)
Ph&sical =%timi'ation 80hanging antenna height, a'im"th, 6i$e mechanical
or electrical tilt3 as per coverage requirement.
+t"#&ing o( $ario"s re%orts generate# (or the sites as )ell as logs (or an& alarms
in the site.
Checking Hardware & VSWR of feeder cable to improve
performance of cell sites.
0a%a-le o( #etermining an# (i,ing statistical %ro-lems s"ch as 0all ;ro%,
:an#o$er an# missing 1eigh-ors.
2onitoring !9>?!+?E1 relate# alarm. 6i$e that alarm to (iel# team an# co-or#inate )ith
them (or alarm sol$ing.
.nal&'ing site %er(ormance a(ter integration thro"gh #ri$e test meas"rements an#?or
=++ meas"rements, #etecting e$ent"al %ro-lems an# recommen#ing changes to (i,ing
those %ro-lems.
.nal&sis o( #ri$e test (iles (or ta*ing care o( E,ternal an# 4nternal 4nter(erence in
the 1et)or*. !his in$ol$es anal&sis o( 9, <e$el, 9, /"alit& an# o%timi'ation o(
9@ %arameters in %ro-lematic areas. 0o-channel 80?43 an# .#jacent channel
80?.3 4nter(erence anal&sis.
9esol$e call #ro% -& (reA"enc& ret"ning, neigh-or list "%#ating, antenna tilts an#
orientation a#j"stments.
0hec*ing 26 consistenc& e,%ort (or all 7+0 5 correct inconsistent #ata.
!9> 0a%acit& a##ition, #eletion 5 recon(ig"ration acti$it& as %er reA"irement to
increase net)or* ca%acit& 5 %er(ormance.
=-ser$ing ;ata 1/4 s"ch as .$g E#ge thro"gh%"t, .$g 6P9+ thro"gh%"t, !7@
s"ccess rate, ;<-2"ltislot 5 ta*e action on #egra#e# cells. 8i.e. E#ge timeslot
a##ition, !9> a##ition, %arameter a#j"stment3
6enerating 36 statistics re%ort :o"rl&, ;ail&, 7"s& :o"r re%ort "sing E14/ Be-
Portal 5 anal&'e re%ort.
6enerating 36 alarm #ail& 5 (or)ar# to =52 team to resol$e.8i.e. Phase #ri(t, 1!P
ser$er reacha-ilit&, .ntenna -ranch ..
0hec*ing 36 #e(inition -& generating the #"m%, chec*ing 26 %arameter #e(ine in 36 its
same or not 8700:, <.0, 7+403.
0hec*ing stat"s 5 -asic %arameter o( 36 sites "sing =++ 0ommon E,%lorer.
0hec*ing alarm o( 36 sites "sing .larm <ist Cie)er or "sing login i.e. Bin(iol, P"tt& an#
0omman# Prom%t..
@oc"se# on main li(eline o( the net)or*, also too* the %rom%t action to sho)
goo# res"lt -& coor#inating )ith intra 5 inter #e%artment.
Previous employer (from Marc7 20 to ,eb 202!:-
#mployer: #R-C//O" -"(-+ P*T .T(. 8=1 9=<<-!40+ 0=1+D<!.10E PC! <!;3
(esi$nation:-+ssistant #n$ineer
a) Integration of 3G (NODE B-MACRO-6202, 6601 & 6601E
(RBS3418)) Indoor & Outdoor BTS Syt!" of
Er#$on (Under project of %od&'on! 3G)(
b) Commissioning, AD33 softare !pgradation, A"# s$nc
defined of )O*E B(
c) %ind o!t & c'ear a'' t$pes of A+&r" of )O*E B(
d) S,&--#n. of NODE B (DU(()*-+*)&(+*-)*)),&--*+E to
Previous employer (from July 200 to Marc7 20!:-
#mployer: P4RO 28P T#.#COM P*T .T(.
;esignation:-Project #n$ineer?2// en$ineer92T/ en$ineer
a3 4nstallation, 0ommissioning 5 integration of 2G BTS o( R2/ 2:;<3
2:=< +"( 2 outdoor BTS (*&*2! #R-C//O" 7!+.8 Under
project of %od&'on! &nd #d!& n!t,or/)(
b) Insta''ation, commissioning and integration of 3G (NODE B-
MACRO-6202, 6601 & 6601E (RBS3418)) Indoor & Outdoor
BTS Syt!" of Er#$on (Under project of %od&'on!)(
c3 +ite #>pansion o( o"t#oor #ricsson 2T/ R2/ 2(8(or the ser$ice
%ro$i#er i?ea cell"lar %$t lt#., 2"m-ai3.
#3 4nstallation an# commissioning o( in#oor "nit o( micro)a$e antenna.
e3 R, survey92T/ survey an# ma*ing re%ort.
f) 6 -ort 3G Ant!nn& ,&--#n. & antenna addition for %od&'on!,
g) (or.ed on 'i/e n!t,or/ (0y t&/#n. out&.!)(
0) 1oer tapping,
i) 2ite e3pansion and comp'ete site sapping,
j) Identif$ing errors and config!ring ne b!i'd as instr!cted b$
senior engineers,
.) #eas!ring t0e 42(5, finding & so'/ing t0e fa!'t for t0e 36 & )6 &
a'so as a 7!a'it$ engineer,

M#$ro,&1! Int&++&t#on & Co""##on#n.-
a) Tr&''#$ )od! (2*3) Insta''ation & Commissioning,
b) 1o'ari8ation C0ange,
c) %re7!enc$ 20ifting,
#3 4nstallation o( micro@ave antennas 80.3, 0., 1.23.
e) antenna a'ignment,
Previous employer :( from Oct 200A to June 200!
( as a BTS E)GI)EER4-ro5!$t E)GI)EER in A1#on
Syt!" 2r#1&t! 6#"#t!d, a te'ecom compan$ on BTS, BSC,
MSC #nt&++&t#on &nd $o""##on#n.(
Rout!r E7-!r#!n$!8
a) (or.ed for A+$&t!+-6u$!nt9 project ca''ed R!+#&n$! Int!rn!t
)!t,or/ (RI)), a ne I19#1:2 netor. based on +*6 Et0ernet 'in.s
specia''$ designed for carr$ing Internet traffic,
b) Commissioning t0e A'cate'-:!cent ::;0 SR-12 ro!ters on t0e R!+#&n$!
MC) sites,
c) Insta''ation of ne 5ac. and ro!ters on t0e remote sites,
d) 1reparing and imp'ementing remedia' programs for c'ients re7!iring e3tra
e) 1erforming different 0ardare and softare tests on t0e ne'$ insta''ed
f) (or.ed for insta''ation and commissioning of A+$&t!+-6u$!nt9 ::10 SR
C-12 ro!ter !nder project of %od&'on!,
BTS E7-!r#!n$!8

g) Insta''ation, commissioning and integration of 3G ()O*E-B-<326 &nd
<341-RR3) BTS Syt!" o' A+$&t!+- 6u$!nt (Under project of
0) Insta''ation, commissioning and integration of 3G (MACRO-<311 & <312)
Indoor & outdoor BTS Syt!" o' A+$&t!+-6u$!nt (Under project of MT)6)(
i) Insta''ation of ;:5 (A+$&t!+- 6u$!nt) #n t&t& t!+!!r1#$!(
5) E1 t=rou.=, +#n/ t=rou.=, +oo- 0r!&/, +oo- $=!$/ #n MT)6 -$" ,BTS
roo" & BSC
84n chronological or#er starting (rom the most recent3
(e$ree -nstitute Major an? /pecialisation
7achelor in Engineering +.+.P.2 0ollege o( Engineering,
8 2"m-ai Dni$ersit& 3
Electronics an#

8;etaile# #istri-"tion o( 2ar*s3
#>amination an? Major -nstitute MarBs
7E8Electronic 5 telecomm"nication3
++P2 college o( engg.
82"m-ai Dni$ersit&3
;istinction 871.8F3
:.+.0. 8 +cience 3 Shivaji English School & Junior College
(Kolhapur Board)
@irst class 871.17F3
+.+.0. N.V.Kulkarni Vidya Mandir Pangrad
8Kolhapur Board3
;istinction 882.00F3

2& +*ill Pro(ile incl"#es the (ollo)ing
,iel?s Particulars
/oft@are .an$ua$es 0, 0++
Operatin$ /ystem Bin#o)s 98, 2000, 2003, ,%.
8Po)er Point, 2icroso(t Bor#, 2icroso(t E,cel 3G001.
Personal (etails
0?= ;harmaji C.Pala$,saishra#ha 0:+,room
no.11,cha)l no.9,sainagar,*atemani$ali,*al&an8east3-
;ate o( 7irth 12-0-198H
1ationalit& 4n#ian
<ang"ages Ino)n English, :in#i, 2arathi
@atherJs 1ame 2r. P.9.!erse
#>tra Curricular +ctivities
2em-er o( 4+!E.

Cector 7ase# Pong 6ame on an =scillosco%e

<o$e to $isit ne) %laces.
listening to m"sic.
9ea#ing -oo*s.
Pla&ing chess.
*no)ing a-o"t ne) technologies an# gi'mos.

I 0ereb$ dec'are t0at a'' t0e detai's f!rnis0ed abo/e are tr!e to t0e best
of m$ .no'edge,
1'ace< #!mbai #anoj
*!$+&r&t#on 8

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